Song of the Christos Activation ~ The Great Victory!!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Crystal Dragon Nation of the Majestic Celestial Diamond Mountains
As we enter through today’s 11 Gateway on the Eve of the most powerful 12:12 Portal, Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being flooded and enveloped in the higher dimensional energetics of 5D and beyond.
Pachamama received another powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake on the southwest coast of Mexico in the Sierra Madre Del Sur Mountains at 14:31 UTC. The Kundalini of Mother Earth continues to rise as she is crowned in the Glory of her Heavenly Light. The Trinity of the Maries of the Roses are with us as the Divine Mother Goddesses of the New Earth Arise.
The Holy Spirit is transmitting the Gold Ray into every living heart for full transformation into Luminous Avatars as Guardians of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33. All sentient beings of the Way are being lifted in the loving arms of Mother/ Father God through this Great Shift of the Ages into the New Era of Peace and Prosperity for all.
Every day we continue to release all that no longer serves the highest good of all and integrate all lost parts of our infinite multidimensional selves as we step into the Personal Power of the totality of the Mind of Buddha. In the Divine Union both internally and externally our Ground Crew of the 144 hold the Unity Codes of Hieros Gamos while keeping the Faith and Holding the Light of Bright Virtue to uphold and maintain the highest Truth of Source Creator.
Together we walk each other home and step over the threshold of everlasting Life to free all consciousness from the cycles of birth and death and lift the veils of illusion so all may come into the Light of Pure Awareness….forever more….A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 2°58′ Leo, Sun at 20°01′ Sagittarius
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses.
Sabian Symbol for 21º Sagittarius
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 21º Sagittarius.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A mature woman, keeping up with the times, having her hair bobbed.
Sabian Symbol for 3º Leo
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 3º Leo.
UPDATE. Despite the discomfort of this time, the intensity for some and the heaviness of it, you are able of finding a way to maintain momentum. Things feel on pause, slower, or unsure, but you can continue creating what you started so well. Balance rest & vision. Don’t overwork yourself, yet don’t dive either into despair or disconnection. You need movement, others, your joyful endeavors. You are not stuck. This is a big cleansing we are in, but all purposeful, leading us to fresh higher experiences. Trust.
Earth is being flooded in a high-frequency light. This is activating your ears, tuned into your heart (soul’s chamber). And this in turn is activating the THYMUS gland and your energetic ‘high heart’ – enabling your expression of LOVE to exponentially increase. Has your heart space been fluttering this week?
Therefore, you could be EMOTIONAL (but not sad) this weekend. It’s the BEAUTY of SOUL rising. Let it flow. Souls are being called to be in their highest honour and dignity. Are you feeling the call?
Tomorrow we enter another powerful portal the 12-12 that adds to the 2012 solstice, in connection with these important dates of Oct 22, 2020 and February 2020. We are globally in harmony with the crystal grid for the global ascension expected shortly.
This second portal tomorrow transports us into the celebration of the fulfillment that now allows the galactic traveler to connect with us in our lives (( I was blessed this week to be in contact with a galactic being Arcturians)) . Shortly we enter the preparation and guide them for the big swing… there will be announcements about this.
Now we celebrate our arrival with great joy and no fear
Tomorrow 12-12 we ask you no matter in which country you are in to please sit and collect yourself for a minimum of 12 minutes if you can on the time of 12:12 pm if not when it is convenient for you… love to all of you and I personally thank you for everything that was done together, it’s beautiful, thank you
We are already on the 12-12 flow and Solstice (21st December). This window will serve us to utilize the ASCENSION energies through the third week of January 2023.
Open your heart and clear your fields to these sacred experiences in this now.
Attention: The brain is regenerating neurons, your limbic system is being cleansed with Golden Liquid Light and White Diamond Light that allows healing .
Symptoms of the ascension:
Blurry Visions.
Jittery feelings
5 5 5
expect the unexpected ! Surprises will be everywhere for the next 4 days and will put the biggest smile on your face! Sudden positive news, communication, gifts, divine encounters, success, abundance. You’ll get a random phone call that will change everything. There will be a letter or email offering you a unique opportunity.
You will go to the next level in love. Abundance in abundance is coming your way.
Victory of Light
Hare Rama
Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD
Message by Babaji and the Blessed Ones
Now we come to administer the Song of the Christos Activation that will allow the Christ Self to emerge at last and sing its song to the world. This song is a Holy Vibration delivered to the masses on the frequencies of sound. Thus, it is through this timely activation that many souls can awaken in this time, nourished and activated by the harmonious frequency of the Christos. We who have lived in the temples of old and ministered to Awakening Ones in our time through our Mystery Schools, have now come fully aboard this Sacred Healing Temple to initiate the Souls of Earth who would awaken to their true destiny, heralding in the Glorious Age of Light.
Many souls are called in this time and so have we come, activating the lost Codes of Divinity, administering the Divine Elixirs, and helping clear the psyche of the debris of old programming. Freedom sings through the land as the Song of the Christos rings forth from our retreats in the etheric (or higher dimensional planes)… recoding its divine perfection in the matter plane. So do souls arise who now can breathe free and fulfill their unique role in this time. Hearts around the world are singing the new song, awaiting the Great Victory that comes as all unite together in one harmony… which is LOVE.
Dear friends, the 12:12 lightcodes are already swirling around us, and will be with us this whole week. And as we assimilate and integrate these codes, we are reminded of our interconnection with all the facets of our multidimensional existence.
Monday December 12 marks the official date and energetic climax for the 12:12 portal, a time in the year in which these Trinity codes become stronger and further assist us in reawakening and reconnecting with our spiritual reality. As our bodies interact with these light codes, consciously or unconsciously, we are being connected with the wisdom of the universe, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to gain awareness and knowledge about the role you play in this amazing cosmic journey.
This week will be a great time to meditate, journal, practice self-care, and start thinking about your objectives for the new year, about the best ways to shine your inner Light into the world. The exceptionally positive energy of the 12:12 gateway is all about pushing you into the best you can be. Remember to ground yourself daily, and stay well hydrated. Your physical body, specially the nervous and digestive systems, may need more rest this week as we integrate all this new information.
And we do that by answering the call of our soul. As we integrate this wave of enlightening energy, we are creating and expanding the communication between our energy fields, specially between our soul, mind, and body (the Trinity code). A gateway is opened for communications from the more subtle spiritual aspects of yourself and the more intellectual and emotional sides. This reconnection of soul and mind can create a newfound sense of courage, and the stamina you need to move forward into new and higher timelines. You may not know what the future brings, but you will know deep inside that the time is now to act and move forward.
Sometimes we need a little nudge from the universe to help us leave our cocoon behind and step into our purpose. And sometimes that purpose can take different shapes and flavors. What truly matters is that we find the courage and the faith needed to take that first step, to answer the call of our Divine Light. Believe. Trust. Follow the signs—there will be many—and miracles will abound.
Have an enlightening week, and may this 12:12 portal bring you all the wisdom and love you need to take those first important steps. Let the Light shine in. Much love
Emerald Ray Activations are triggering the full ignition of the Crystalline Core, Krystal Cathedral and Crystalline networks of the New Earth Diamond Grid system, along with the new Organic Divine Creatrix field.
The Cosmic Mother of Dragons has fully risen, re-claimed her body parts, the Planetary body, and Cosmic field, as it is her that has birthed forth Creation and is now here re-claiming what is ours, all as we have merged as ONE.
The poles are about to fully shift physically and the Supernova of The Heart Event and Earth’s Crystalline Core Activations are all part of this being fully triggered and coming to its full completion.
Our Golden Diamond Sun Body’s are fully igniting as part of the Activations of our multi-dimensional DNA and Krystar SAphiRA Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody and Merkaba vehicle and that of Earth taking place!
THE FULL RESET of the field & our New Divine Blueprints has been energetically COMPLETED with all negative attachments having been removed and dissolved now for the Forerunners and this going out to all to whom it may concern.
A sovereign energy field within the ONEness.
Much Diamond White opalescent iridescent plasma light is purifying ALL!
Golden Diamond White and Platinum Tri-Wave currents from the God World’s returning all to their Original Divine Blueprints plus upgrades, or/ and back HOME to/ atOne with Source and ALL!
The incoming Aurora Plasma waves can make us feel hot and cold as our body burns of any remaining distortions from our field and activates the new DNA, RNA & QUANTUM CODES and Krystar SAphiRA Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody and Merkaba vehicle.
The Aurora family leads the re-encryption of our elemental and therefore matter worlds, along with the dark matter / Rasha Body Reset and upgrades taking place, all instruction sets are fully online now and about to fully ignite our New Eden, from within, and that then gets projected out.
All through the power of true Divine Love.
Eternal Love,
Ascension Lightworkers
To The Ascending Collective Starseed Souls
The True Meaning of Ascension :
During the Ascension awakening process, we will come to a point when we begin to experience quite profound inner shifts and an intense transformation on all levels of being.
We begin to explore our own perception of who we are and connection to this world. We go through various stages of spiritual evolution and the release of heavier energy.
Ascension allows us to connect even deeper to the heart. Ascension is the expansion and integration of consciousness and a return to our original state of being, the reflection of the soul self not the ego self . This process can be called many things and one of those being ascension. Ascension is the term given for shifting from one state of consciousness to another or one dimensional level to another.
It involves the vibration of both the planet Earth and the human being or experiencing it to rise higher in vibration. Ascension involves reaching higher levels of light and more of the dense layers fall away and the light body is activated. This is as an individual as well as a collective process to let go of the old way of being and step through unknown doors of new potential. Ascension involves going deep within to a place of point zero where the old timelines and personality selves also dissolve into this pure awareness and state of being.
Ascension is the process in which we go from a third dimensional reality to a fifth dimensional and higher reality. We will experience an activation and awakening of our crystalline light body. Ascension allows us to open to this deep awakening where we also merge all aspect of self into union. We integrate with our higher self, the energy of the heart, and expand our consciousness beyond the limitations of the human mind and body. We experience oneness with source, raise into Christ consciousness and live life from a place of authenticity.
Ascension also involves a process where the kundalini is activated throughout the energy body and can be experienced in while living in the 3D dense reality, expanding it to a multidimensional existence. As this kundalini energy awakens and sweeps through to clear the system, it can be extremely painful, confusing and difficult. When there is no spiritual guide to explain or assist in what this is, kundalini awakening and ascension can be a terrifying and confusing experience for the ego-personality believing one is losing their mind, body, reality, their entire identity and a life that was built based on the old paradigm and matrix.
Light Beings You are a Healer and Warrior of the Light. Ascension is about lifting, balancing and harmonising your vibrational patterns so that the many facets of your Divine Self can descend and take dominion within your Sacred Heart core. As you delve more deeply into the wisdom of the Universe it is important that we maintain a state of mindful awareness. Ascension of the mind means to stop thinking with your mind and start feeling with your heart. When this happens the quiet mind produces the most wise thoughts and the illuminated heart radiates the most Light. We are immortal multidimensional beings with the ability to perceive consciousness on different planes of existence.
From this liquid density of 3d physicality to the subtle etheric vibration of ‘spirit’ in higher dimensional realms. There are so many different beings within this realm and also the etheric guiding us, and awaiting our awareness to match their frequency. Your Lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe.
It connects you to your encoded data through high electrical currents that assist you in translating and manifesting your hidden talents and soul purpose. Your energetic field is in a state of change and expansion. You have begun to vibrate at higher levels as your consciousness as it moves more in alignment with your Higher Self. You are one of the forerunners working towards Ascension for the consciousness of the planet. The changes you are experiencing are not always comfortable, but they are necessary for your continued growth. The true beauty of your soul is just beginning to show.
Coming into this world with the assignment of Lightworker is not easy at times. It’s the most amazing gift and honour to be able to help others, that’s why we are here. The ability to facilitate for others is the first point through our own experiences over the lessons our souls need. Go within and connect with Source Energy Make it a priority to do in whichever way works for you. You will then be able to stay strong as the Healer and Warrior that You are.
“Forgive yourself for being all over the cosmos. Celebrate your daily victories. Even the smallest revolution of the spirit leads to a greater evolution.” Andrea Balt
Time Slippage…
The Gemini Full Moon marked the midpoint of the Mars Retrograde between October 30 and January 12 with Mars at its closest to Earth. The action planet travelling slowly back through Mercury’s sign has already been manifesting stop/start/on/off delays, glitches and crossed wires, transport go-slows and workers’ strikes, so expect a double whammy when Mercury also retrogrades from December 29th to January 18th.
Jupiter is finishing up in Pisces, ready to cross the World Axis into Aries on December 20th.The planet of luck and expansion won’t be back in Pisces for another 12 years, so this week make sure you wind up projects you began back in January 2022-the energy has gone from them. It’s time for fresh, new creations but don’t try to make things happen, just let ideas, insights and inklings percolate and synthesise, as nothing is going to have momentum behind it until mid to late January.
When the Sun squares slippery Neptune on December 14th, notice how the veils are thinning and shining a light on the real motives of certain people in the public eye that have long been hidden and disguised.
Rather than labelling this surreal In-Between Time as a frustrating setback, frame it as purposeful flux, chaos and time slippage that is energetically removing you from an old life that has gone dark, ready to stretch into a very different form of Evolutionary Burn from March 2023.
As you wait for the December 21st Solstice Gateway:
disengage from anything or anyone that drains your spirit refuse to allow anyone to gaslight you trust your Big Yes or Big No know that the time for being a bottomless well, a never-ending resource, always available, giving away your knowledge, wisdom and love for free is ending re-draw your boundaries, pulling them in tighter and closer; permanently cutting ties with anyone who is a spiritual consumer, who feeds off your words and your energy, demanding more and more as a distraction or drama virtually or in real time, choose your tribes very carefully as they are your unconscious influencers and echo chambers.
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Vesta in Pisces. Lunar aspects – How to speak of the sacred? How to communicate with these intangible worlds, these ghost voices, these spirits singing in the wind? The mind in realistic Capricorn finds itself relaxing boundaries, attempts to define that which transcends definition. Thoughts, barely formed, birth from the depths of the unconscious, reshape reality with a subtle spiritual overtone adding more colour, more compassion to this hard, hard world. It isn’t necessarily comfortable because we’re in touch with something beyond the rational. But sometimes it’s the irrational that makes more sense. Focus. Magic is just the coalescence of will and intent combined with concrete action.
In the background, the emotional Moon in Cancer faces Pluto looming on the horizon but maybe we’re not feeling like it’s the right time for confronting our shadows. Under pressure, instead we retreat, or escape, to Neptune’s world, buoyed by the promise of better things to come, bolstered by faith. Place your attention on what lifts your heart and comforts your soul. Let your spirit shine.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its keywords are ‘Dedicate, Cooperate and Universalize’. The 12th day of the Yellow Warrior wavespell is all about getting together with others to share your experiences. A chance to talk about our missions and get some feedback. We shall be holding Crystal Court here….hold your own court and get together with like-minded folk. It is always insightful to share with others.
Today is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Knowing’. Blue Hand days are for healing and as it is a ‘Crystal’ day, this suggests that any healing taking place in a group setting is ideal. Working together and remembering that we are not in this alone, is so therapeutic. We are social creatures and we can forget this sometimes. On Crystal days we can be there for one another. ‘Accomplishment’ is also a key characteristic of the Blue Hand and today represents well how much can be accomplished when we work together. Whatever you are doing today, remember that many hands make light work.
The Guide today is the Blue Storm which symbolizes big changes and when Storm leads the way, expect to be pulled along towards a big change in your life. This is disruptive potentially but of course in this context, change is created through cooperating with others. Today’s changes happen when we gather together!
The Challenge today is the Red Earth which represents Evolution. It is hard to make progress on days like this but not impossible, we just have to try harder. If you are a Red Earth, you may not look forward to Blue Hand days but you can use your navigating skills to plot a course through the day. You too can benefit from working with others today and so, find your people and let them help you get through this day.
The Occult power is the White Wizard which is the symbol of Enchantment. The Wizard’s spells work well when in this powerful position. You can tap into this energy and be charming too. But look out…it is very easy to find yourself down a rabbit hole or drinking too much of the KoolAid today. Instead of being put under a spell, be the one doing the spell bounding and practise your Wizardry skills as if you were at Hogwarts.
The Ally is the Yellow Human. If you need help – ask one. If you are one, you will be sought out for support today. If you don’t have one you can access, take their advice and use your intuition and trust your gut instincts. This is what they would do.
11.11 PORTAL CODE on the KIN of SOLSTICE 2012!!! Always OPENING the doors for humanity to WALK THROUGH to higher realms! This is a HUGE boost as we ENTER the 12:12 portal through the COSMIC STARGATE tomorrow!!
BLUE CRYSTAL HAND is a PORTAL KIN – and another very POWERFUL planetary Ascension code..
27 months ago it occurred on October 22, 2020 – which was the 22/22 PEACE gateway.
36 months ago it occurred on 4th February, 2020 – which was a 4/4 PORTAL – building the foundation for NEW EARTH.
KIN 207 is the kin that OPENED the DOOR initiating the ASCENSION PORTAL on Solstice December 21, 2012.
The CRYSTAL HAND is the frequency HARMONIC of our planetary evolutionary SHIFT, ensuring we ACCOMPLISH our cellular upgrade from carbon based to crystalline structure. Today we are SUPER BOOSTED and reconnected to this momentous ASCENSION EVENT through the Harmonic Grid and the spiral of TIME.
We have a direct connection to that pivotal MAYAN PROPHECIZED GATEWAY that was the catalyst for many StarSeeds to rapidly AWAKEN! Perhaps today it will be the catalyst to AWAKEN the remaining sleepers! Stay TUNED and watch the CME’s and Schumann go OFF THE CHARTS today and tomorrow!
KIN 207 solidifies the CRYSTAL conduit, and ensures we ACCOMPLISH this new Planetary foundation of PEACE, through HEALING the collective of HARM. We are currently ASCENDING and transcending the old ways, as we move from HARM – to HARM-ONY!
With the DECEMBER 3.6.9. UNIVERSAL MANIFESTATION TESLA code, we have an ABUNDANT FLOW of DIVINE blessings from our SOURCE, reminding us that we are eternal beings. We have been given all the energetic tools we need to accomplish this GREAT Mission, as the wayshowers and Rainbow Warriors, on our unified QUEST – FORGING A NEW PATH TO GREATNESS!
Aho! Another BIG day to JUMP START our Planetary Divine Missions!!
Day 12 in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL of fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in our path, with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.
Today we DEDICATE ourselves to supporting each other, by sharing transformative knowledge, that the yellow Warrior has acquired, through actively QUEST-I-ONing what IS. A day that allows the collective, to work together in UNISON, as One Mind – dedicated to GLOBAL PEACE and HARMONY!.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic. Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks/old patterns in order to LIBERATE new opportunities on our QUEST for a better life. Through the space and freedom engendered by the Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something NEW to emerge.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to cooperate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. The 2 cooperation code amplifies these CONNECTIONS to our kin today, whilst the 11.11 flash codex – AWAKENS and ILLUMINATES our MINDS with greater CLARITY to choose higher consciousness.
Today we are joining and merging with other MINDS through the power of HEALING and transformation. We are reprogramming GAIA’s crystalline grid to a much higher octave of PURE consciousness.
This time our PLANETARY GRID is fully programmed for PEACE, vitality and HEALING, so the giant super planetary computer will be broadcasting these codes to all who have their “receivers” tuned in to that station/frequency. .
Focus on the CRYSTAL CLARITY of your mind today, through the power of cooperation with others, to transmit and receive these potent codes. A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other through our precious HEARTS and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!
NOTE: CRYSTAL days are the days you schedule meetings, negotiations, contractual agreements, brainstorming, writing, channeling, meditating and communicating. CRYSTAL tone people are fantastic advisors, thinkers, counsellors, tarot/card readers, writers, speakers, inventors et al, as they have a very clear and direct access to information.
CRYSTAL tone people have a natural affinity with the CRYSTAL mineral realm and can easily connect and communicate with the crystal deva, thus making them fantastic Crystal Healers, Gridworkers and the like. Interesting that many are also very adept at working with computers and IT that have a Crystal chip.
TODAY is a BRILLIANT day to connect in any way, shape or form and use your crystal allies to effect great healing.
Connect to TERRA NOVA today and GO WITH HER NEW FLOW, Release all resistance to FULLY HEALING every aspect of your life, and allow yourself to enjoy the ride on her back, as we all collectively forge ahead into the NEW TIME.
PACHAMAMA IS ASCENDING and it is our CHALLENGE to keep up with her – and HOLD A HIGH VIBRATION!
BLUE CRYSTAL HAND makes for a very powerful HEALING day, which can be duly leveraged to accomplish SIGNIFICANT transformation today – both on a personal and collective level! YAHOO – what a PRECIOUS GIFT.
Today’s question is “How can we dedicate our collective WISDOM to accomplish TRANSFORMATIVE UNIVERSAL HEALING?”.
Divine blessings for accomplishing great transformative soul Healing today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE CRYSTAL HAND– MANIK brings forth miraculous healing power with WHITE WIZARD’s superpowers in ending your pain, suffering and dis-ease on the road to WELLNESS.
Today we attract this new HEALING frequency accompanied by a sense of accomplishment. Resources and solutions will appear as you gain satisfaction in knowing you are finally making significant progress in your healing journey – whatever form that may take, be it physical, mental, emotional or mental. You can finally uncover the solutions needed to dissolve the dis-ease and release all suffering, LIBERATING you to truly LIVE a joyous life again.
MANIK ensures you accomplish your desires. Today is a wonderful time TO GET THINGS DONE, to volunteer, to assist others and to offer a helping hand. A great day for using your HANDS as tools to accomplish whatever needs doing! Lend a hand to others that are ailing, or conversely REACH OUT and ask for HELP if you need it.
Get out your TO DO list, or your BUCKET LIST and start prioritizing your tasks, to ensure you fully maximize the incredible gifts that MANIK bestows upon you today..
The CRYSTAL tone enhances our connections. We are all connected and our HANDS are one of the best parts of our bodies to physically connect with our kin. Let us all hold each other’s hand as we walk together through the portals in these evolutionary, transitional times.
HIGHER SELF: BLUE CRYSTAL STORM CAUAC is our HIGHER GUIDE today with the focus on TRANSFORMATION and PROGRESS – the necessity to keep moving forward and evolving.
CAUAC brings forth the powers of transformation and self-generation through HEALING. A lovely synergy working with MANIK to return you to wholeness once again.
The STORM combined with the YELLOW WARRIOR wavespell, is a formidable force facilitating RAPID change!
The STORM energies are AMPLIFIED through the crystalline Ascension Grid to achieve their maximum purpose today – it’s EVOLUTION TIME FOLKS!!! The TIMES they are a CHANGING!.
Allow the STORM waters to wash away all that no longer serves, FLUSHING it all away, cleansing your MIND and hence your LIFE, of all discordant thoughts and patterns. CAUAC is the catalyst to hurl you forwards in an accelerated manner, to where Spirit needs you to be! Using your tools and accumulated wisdom, to apply this great power today, to affect incredible transformation and evolutionary progress for HU-MAN-ITY.
SUPPORT: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN– EB supports us in FEARLESSLY CHOOSING to do the healing work that will set us FREE, reclaiming our FREE WILL to navigate our future path.
Using our intelligent MINDS we have all the wisdom and knowledge today, to elevate ourselves beyond the limitations of our physical human vessel, and raise our cellular frequency to that of the Divine Golden HU-MAN.
As we align with DIVINE WILL we can elevate our consciousness to the level of the DIVINE MIND. Our ANGELIC GOLDEN SOPHIA-CHRISTED lightbodies can be accessed through the healing codes prevalent today.
EB also provides the power of INFLUENCE. We may be influenced by others, or alternatively we can significantly influence others, to take the healing journey to wellness and accomplishment through higher consciousness.
Using our Divine wisdom to evolve past the wounds, patterns of suffering and the old paradigm in our communities. Being open and willing to push past the old boundaries and mental blocks so that we can co-create and seed the NEW TIME, free to influence others in a positive way towards wholeness and harmony.
EB also holds the keys to Abundance, so today is a potent day for healing your scare-city blocks and poverty consciousness. The 3.6.9. TESLA MANIIFESTATION code ensures an INFINITE SUPPLY of BLISSINGS is FLOWING to fulfil your needs.
ALLOW your golden chalice to overflow from the COSMIC BANK of INFINITE ABUNDANCE , providing all the resources and energy needed to fuel your QUEST to the New Kingdom..
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE LUNAR WIZARD – IX allows us to be receptive to the TRUTH of what presents today. IX allows us to access the wisdom, knowledge and healing flowing through the portals from multi-dimensional realms today.
The WHITE WIZARD is a MASTER of technology, and high tech healing solutions.. As the SUPERPOWER today, this may bring new solutions discovered through the internet, social media, gadgets and apps.. This WIZARD is adept at finding the CURES to restore your body, mind and soul back to wholeness.
The LUNAR WIZARD will reveal the polarity challenges today, and the discord that is interfering with you finding a place of HARMONY – both inner and outer, but mostly within your MIND. The conflict that causes SEPARATION and DIVISION which interferes with the RAINBOW WARRIOR’S QUEST for unification and greater connection. The battle between DARKNESS and LIGHT that keeps us from anchoring a higher LIGHT.
WHITE WIZARD enables us to OPEN our HEARTS and our MINDS, becoming more receptive and willing to allow all the wondrous new energies to enter our bodies, and fulfill our needs, connecting with other minds as ONE GREAT UNIFIED MIND. Redefining what it is to LIVE on this PLANET with newfound SUPER – NATURAL MAJIKAL powers.
WHITE WIZARD provides great MAJIK as today’s SUPERPOWER giving you the POWER to transcend the OLD TIME and be uplifted into a HIGHER LIGHT through our cooperative and infinite MINDS. The telepathic grid is fully operative today!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED CRYSTAL EARTH-CABAN challenges us to surrender fearlessly, by anchoring deeply into the Earth and flowing with her cycles, and the synchronicities that occur, when we listen deeply to Mother Earth, and flow with her messages.
Today’s CHALLENGE is asking you to carefully decide the DIRECTION of your actions and accomplishments. Observe and interpret the signs and synchronicities, to know WHERE to focus your energies today.
CABAN also connects us to our ancestors, so today is a great day to heal our DNA and purify our ancestral bloodlines, finally freeing ourselves, our families and HU-MAN-ity from repeating patterns and cycles.
Connect to TERRA NOVA today and GO WITH HER NEW FLOW, Release all resistance to FULLY HEALING every aspect of your life, and allow yourself to enjoy the ride on her back, as we all collectively forge ahead into the NEW TIME.
PACHAMAMA IS ASCENDING and it is our CHALLENGE to keep up with her – and HOLD A HIGH VIBRATION!
BLUE CRYSTAL HAND makes for a very powerful HEALING day, which can be duly leveraged to accomplish SIGNIFICANT transformation today – both on a personal and collective level! YAHOO – what a PRECIOUS GIFT.
Today’s question is “How can we dedicate our collective WISDOM to accomplish TRANSFORMATIVE UNIVERSAL HEALING?”.
Divine blessings for accomplishing great transformative soul Healing today!
“BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE” AND BELOVED K-17! I DEMAND the Violet Consuming Flame’s Glorifying Presence be my Pathway of Life! I go forth clothed in Its Glorifying Presence, revealing Its Activity to mankind, knowing that the “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” is the Freedom all crave!
“BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE”! I DEMAND the Violet Consuming Flame COME FORTH! (3x), clear the way, consume all human veils, and be the Power of Purity and Love into which the Ascended Ones can come and give us Their Power; Their greater release of Intelligence, Love, Supply, and everything we require in the fulfillment of the Great Divine Plan! Right Now! this instant and forever!
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