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A NEW DAWN, A NEW EARTH : Christmas Day 2022 Miracle ~ We have been set FREE!  Roadmap To Ascend Further Into 5D

✨ A NEW DAWN, A NEW EARTH : Christmas Day 2022 Miracle ~ We have been set FREE! ✨ Roadmap To Ascend Further Into 5D



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Soul Star Kingdom of our Universal Alliance of Light

Happy Holy Days and Christ Mass Consciousness Awakening Activation!

A Great Deluge of Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light is flooding this realm with multidimensional rays of Cosmic Radiation. These pulses of resonance are encoded with the Crystalline Codes for our 12 Strand DNA upgrades and activations.

The Cosmic Egg has cracked open and the yolk of Divine Union flows freely and the Golden Star Child is being reborn within your heart and soul today for your Etheric Emergence into the Light of the New Heaven upon the New Earth.

The Dream today has reached a new level of Lucidity and we realize that we are the dreamer being dreamed and we are touched by the Wings of the Angels and the Elemental Kingdom reaches out through the Aethers to guide you to the Promised Land both within and without.

The Prophecies are all being fulfilled, now we rise  together as One Nation of the Stars and of the Sacred Lands to be United through the Christos Sophia Consciousness of the New Humen Ku – Luminous Noosphericus. We are aglow with Divine Illumination as the Crowns Halo emanates the Seven Rays of  the Dove of the Holy Spirit.

As the Eagle Fly with the Condor our True North aligns perfectly with the Sacred South to bring to fruition our Divine Birthrights as Sovereign Conscious co-Creators of the New Lemuria.

Reach out into the World with your Soul Star Spark and Light up the Grid, the Diamond Net of Indra, with your Holy Spark and bring this simulation into the Pure Land of our Bright Virtue, the Unborn Mind of Buddha. 

We are elevated to the Holiest of Holies of the Most High in this Now…A’Ho!





Right now: Moon at 13°30′ Aquarius, Sun at 4°23′ Capricorn

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

Indians – some rowing a canoe and others dancing a war dance in it.
Sabian Symbol for 5º Capricorn

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 5º Capricorn.



Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

A train entering a tunnel.
Sabian Symbol for 14º Aquarius

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 14º Aquarius.





On the birth of a new generation of beings and the ascension to a new world …

“You, whose very presence will attest to the extent of the journey in consciousness humankind has undertaken, see these days of transformation from a markedly different perspective. For, collectively, you are the midwives who are assisting with the birthing of a new reality.
Your willingness to be in physical form during these changes is an act of courage. For, it would have been far easier to wait until the dust had settled and simply manifest into more favorable circumstances. You, who read these words, are among those who chose to experience the transformational journey in physical form and to have the experience of physical ascension.
Future generations will have made preparations for incarnation into a dramatically different world. Their natural inclination to be less reactive reflects the fact that many of these younger beings have a dramatically different vibrational constitution than you do. Their energy fields are not cluttered with unresolved emotional blockages, and life for the young, in general, flows more smoothly than it did for you at their stage of development.
The beings now incarnating into your reality are, themselves, representations of an interim stage in the evolution of the being who will, ultimately, populate your world. Their perceptions seem clearer, at times, than your conditioning permits yours to be. And they are puzzled as to why the older generations seem to struggle with their lives, when they do not appear to manifest so much conflict in theirs.
These beings have incarnated at vibrational levels that are in harmony with the conditions now prevalent in your world, whereas, you incarnated at vibrational levels from which your reality has ascended. In keeping up with the pace of those changes, you have systematically shed the layers of density that were designed to keep you grounded at levels you have transcended.
And for you, the process will be ongoing, as long as you retain your present physical form. In the process, you are able to confront and release the karmic constraints that contribute to that vibrational density. And your conscious awareness of that process was the opportunity for which you chose this physical incarnation.”
— Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha ch. 25
ascension to a new world
ascension to a new world



✨✨Can you FEEL IT?✨✨
A softness, a gentleness, a vibration of tender innocence- it is as if these are floating on the breeze all around us and simultaneously infused within our very breath!
This holy moment is infused with such high vibrational LIGHT that it is permeating EVERYTHING.
This glorious Divine LIGHT, present at this holy moment is bringing LOVE all once again to LIGHT.
A holy invitation to return to the ESSENCE OF LOVE that WE TRULY ARE. To be born again anew.
The gentle and pure innocence of LOVE- of our very BEing- is being reignited and “remembered” accompanied by a vibrational INTENSITY and increased spin in our very BEing!
Allow yourself the GIFT of communing with the presence of this LIGHT WITHIN.
The purest and most holy LOVE is pulsing in your own HEART… NOW.
I so love you, beloveds!
BLESSINGS and LOVE TO ALL on this sacred celebration of the birthing of Christ!
Love Is. Love Is. Love Is. ✨🤍✨
God Is. God Is. God Is. ✨🙏✨
glorious Divine LIGHT
glorious Divine LIGHT


Dear friends, we are closing a very important chapter this week and we are opening a new book that will be filled with endless blessings and possibilities. Welcome to the last week of 2022.
We have been through so many changes this year, and most likely you are finding yourself in a very different place today compared to the start of the year. Energetically speaking, the intensity this year has been off the charts, with more and more souls awakening to their true essence and choosing to co-create new higher timelines. But fasten your seat belt, because 2023 will be even more intense. We are now entering into a new decade of cosmic energetic work: the 2023-2033 period. The 2012-2022 decade was just the beginning of the energetic acceleration, and this new decade we start this week will be exponentially faster. We are going up into a new level of higher frequency light codes that will increase the rate of inner and outer changes and evolution.
The 2023 energies are already streaming into our energetic spheres. This energetic movement always creates a transitional time window in which the energies of the old year merge with the new one. This energetic vortex containing both types of energies can act as a catalyzer for the future new individual and collective timelines.
You can envision this transitional zone as a wonderful realm in which new possibilities and timelines are being woven according to our inner personal realities. All the changes and lessons we went through and acquired during 2022 are dictating, consciously and/or unconsciously, our future directions.
As we approach and transition into the new year, our energy fields slowly begin to adjust to the new energetic vibrations. The year 2023 has the energy vibration of number 7 (2+0+2+3=7), which is considered to be the main spiritual and sacred number connected to wisdom and Universal knowledge. The number 7 is present in many aspects of creation in our physical world: our week is divided into 7 days, we have the 7 wonders of the world, the 7 colors of the rainbow, the main 7 chakras/energy centers in the human body, and so on.
I wish you a wonderful 2022 closure and a smooth transition into 2023. May you co-create the best possible timeline that will allow you to evolve into your highest Divine and Human potential.
Much love ❤️
Diego E. Berman 2022-2023 Ⓒ
Mountain valley during sunrise. Natural summer landscape
BREAKING ENERGY UPDATE, Dear Cosmic Community, This year end is quite unlike any in recent memory. Have you noticed? While the past two year ends were over-shadowed by the pandemic, now with people back into their old routines, you could be finding that those routines NO LONGER work the way that they used to. Perhaps you’re waiting for each day to bring you greater insight on your future direction, but it never quite seems to come?
There’s a cosmic reason for this. Back on 12/12, I spoke about the new energy paradigm that’s been building between August – late November 2022. Heart chakras have been activated in their hundreds of thousands over this time – consciousness has collectively lifted an octave. We’re all tuning into it, as MOMENTARY awareness is the way ahead in 2023. Acting in the NOW each day, being able to adapt to unexpected scenarios (as they crop up) IS the new spiritual path. That DOES give you tremendous meaning. You’re a pioneer, every day is a fresh slate, a new adventure – opportunity abounds to start again – renew the old, break ground – be amazed.
For those who are ready and have accepted this NEW PHASE, I’m with you ♡
New Lemuria
New Lemuria

Aurora Ray

The Amazing New Roadmap To Getting Closer To The Light And Ascend Further Into 5D

The light is coming! We have been given new clues on how we can ascend further into this 5D reality.

I know, it’s been hard to keep up with all the amazing things that are happening in the world right now, but we need to take a step back and look at this road map of light and what it has planned for us.

Then you will learn how to make your life better every day, even if your current situation is not ideal.

The Galactic Federation wants us to realize that we are more than just humans and that we have much greater potential than we ever thought possible!

So, they give us a glimpse of their existence now and then as their ships flash lights across the night skies.

We are being shown new ways to travel throughout the universe and beyond! We will be able to commune with beings from other dimensions and consciousnesses that have existed since time immemorial.

The great news is that there are many things we can do each day to help us get closer to our goal, which is to become one with the light and experience all of its blessings.

If you are serious about getting closer to this 5D reality, then here are some tips for you:

It is important that we appreciate what we have and the life we live now. We need to appreciate our homes, our jobs, and our friends and family. This will help us feel more relaxed and more positive about life in general.

If we think about all the things we have achieved in life, then that can give us a sense of pride and self-worth. It can also help us see why we are here on earth at this time.

Gratitude is the key to happiness and success in life. It is the foundation of being able to accept what you already have and not be greedy for more. The more grateful we are, the happier we will be, and this will help us to appreciate our lives even more.

By being grateful for everything that we do have, we will become more confident in ourselves, which will give us a positive attitude towards life.

You can start your day by thanking God and expressing your gratitude to Him. You can also do this throughout the day by having gratitude moments in which you acknowledge something or someone who has helped you achieve something or who is important in your life.

Gratitude is not just a spiritual practice; it is a way of life. The more grateful you are, the more you will feel connected with the Divine.


This means that you have to work on creating as much abundance in your life as possible by using all of your resources, talents, and abilities in every aspect of it.

Focus on your highest values and use them as a guide for your daily life.

Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and inspire you to do better. Know what it is that makes you happy, and then let it happen!

Think of yourself as a creator, and the creation is never finished. It is an endless process of creation where we create our own reality, our own life, and the lives of others around us. We are always creating something new in our lives.

Your thoughts multiply, and your emotions attract more similar situations. You can choose what kind of thoughts you create in your mind and how you react to different situations.

Get rid of negative people in your life because they are only attracting more negative people into your life because they have already done so much damage to their own lives that they have lost all sense of self-worth or self-esteem. They need to feel better about themselves by bringing others down at any cost because they feel like victims too!

These are just a few of the recommendations I would make to tune into the right frequency and align with the light in order to enter the fifth dimension.

We are seeded into this new world with our own mission.

We are the ones who will guide others.

Knowing that we can’t rely on others to know how to navigate this transition, we must be clear on the direction we want to go.

We are beings of light and we will show others a path out of darkness and deepen their understanding of what has been happening in this world over the last 2000 years.

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.




Ascending Starseed / LightWorker Family

You are about to feel a relief and improvement within your self as Something big is unfolding and upgrading in your System , the accumulation of all the hard work within self is finally coming through for you to recognise and see from a much higher perspectives in self .The light is dramatically replacing the dark structures , what was done in the dark will now be exposed in the Light for You and All to see.
Expect to see more shapeshifting from Those not in the light , as the physical changes in their features reveals it self as we will see more temporary glitches In the 3D matrix You will continue to see more evidence of these physical changes in people if you haven’t already. You are not here to please everyone. You are here to bring your God-given gifts to the world. The people who are meant to connect with you will be attracted to your embodiment talents and gifts.
Try not to be distracted by those who don’t understand your gifts. Your “vibe” will always attract your “tribe!” . 2023 the universal year 7 is based in the foundation of truth , it is all coming to the surface to be assessed for its reality as the illusions deceit and lies in others and in global structures continue to fall and collapse into a heap of what it is all really made of .
Any structure in people relationships of the 3D matrix etc that are not built in the light and right intention will not withstand the force of truth in the Universal 7 year this numerical force will quickly cut through deceptions and dysfunctions from all kinds and in all ways. Universal number 7 is deeply based in higher awareness , truth and karmic justice We will begin to see all things differently and for what they really are , this brings everything back to ourself as we take The dives into even deeper waters .
Your inner self is being totally reformed From this major metaphysical recalibration The only thing you have to do now is to allow the process to unfold as you have come this far , not to only come this far We keep moving forward regardless of what ever chaos is going on around us , Remaining stoic in our Truth and much higher awareness in self and for what is authentically True in self and in this world , awareness is what creates the highest awakening , truth is now our selected choice of weapon Moving forward on the Ascension Journey As you are ascending try not to dismiss The power and value of Truth in your ascension In self . It will always protect you and keep you strong .
Remain open and strive to keep your self in a high level and energy state of being so that you can move forward again, and step up to your own plate knowing this earth energy is totally supporting your Ascension Processes your healing , your breakthroughs , your ups and your lows all of it is needed and highly valued and always in its own measure . You are fully supported by Ascension so you can move into this energy with more self belief and inner confidence knowing you are walking on your right path and no one else can walk this for you , walk in the knowing and make the Very most you can in this new earth energy as it continues to totally support you and constantly assisting you in seeing things from a clearer lens and from the higher perspectives of your new established and advanced paradigm of your thinking .
You can expect to feel physical symptoms during this time as the expansion of your energy body is moving beyond the limitations of your physical body. Prepare to experience: vibrating or static sensations in your body, overwhelming energy that can feel like anxiety, heart racing, out of body experiences, hot flashes, chest pressure and a sensation of expanding or dissolving at the edges of your body. Many Ascending collective ones are ending long and exhausting karmic cycles within marriages, relationships, and friendships.
They are seeing the patterns and they have made the decisions to finally end old cycles once and for all the reason this is so main stream right now is due to a huge shift in their awakening bringing in higher perspectives and a heightened and expanding of their consciousness. Activations in the 3rd eye open wider And in higher timelines / altered dimensions and it is now seeing through any and all false personas and lower vibrational structures situations and people .
Many of you may still be feeling like you are in a “void” or stuck between worlds. This is because you are shifting into the Activations of your Christ code grid system. This can be disorienting at times as your old reality breaks down and the grief and sadness for the old life and self is still possibly lingering. The reality in this is to Trust snd Know that you planned this all from a higher perspective, to be here at this precise place and time as all is perfectly unfolding in accordance with your divine will of the Creator.
“I release all things from the past year that has caused any negative attachment. I prepare and welcome new changes, new lessons and new adventures. I welcome new opportunities to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually.”
And So It Is
In Loving and Dedicated LightWorker Service
Written by Ascension LightWorkers
Ascending Starseed
Ascending Starseed

Christmas Day 2022 Miracle:

We have been set free!
I woke up this morning being surrounded by the Divine and the heavenly hosts, and had a profound healing and was told that even has I was healing, the rest of humanity was being healed and freed.
What was being healed in the deepest sense, is where our deepest woundedness lies, especially in women, and this encompasses our sexuality and our sacral chakras.
The profoundest and deepest healing has occurred in the abuse of the sexual energy and the abusive use of sexuality, as well as all control, all negative cords and attachments, energetic negative hooks and ties, which caused dis-ease and bondage, control, the dark ways in which so many were used in so many unspeakable ways, slavery, and in whatever misuse and abuse occurred. For such abuse carried over into many lifetimes, and even in the ancestral lineages, programmed into the cells and DNA.
This healing is so deep, that I have tears of awe and gratitude writing this.
Such incredible darkness has been released, such bondage, such chains, such control, such total abuse of what is one of the greatest and most sacred gifts the Divine ever created, and meant to express the deepest and most sacred Love and tenderness, deep respect and trust.
No more will the sexual energy be abused, misused for self-gratification and for holding others in bondage, to control, to dope them, to hook them, to enslave them and to manipulate them, even sell such.
We are being healed into wholeness, unity and purity – the beautiful innocence as it was first created and gifted to us in the first Creation, before mankind’s fall from grace.
This applies to both men and women. Indeed into the deepest separation and woundedness, in to the depths of our deepest and most buried soul memory banks.
It is the return of the healed loving relationships, the wholeness, whole-li-ness, holiness, the purity, and profundity, the immensely beauty, sacredness, exquisiteness of true love in its highest sense and expressions thereof. The Primordial Creation as it was before Adam fell and blamed Eve and the serpent for his fall, and Lilith before this happened.
We are being reborn into purity, innocence, and the truth of who and what we in truth are: the Sons and Daughters of the Divine.
We are being gifted – by being newly born!
I have tears of awe and gratitude!
Judith Kusel


For the Lead UP to 2023 is an Important Light Period of Recalibration and Assimilation.
I am feeling great waves of Light moving from the core of Gaia and reaching the surface. Its requiring me to rest for a few days and integrate all that is occurring for me.
Find the opportunity to ground on the Earth, send love to Gaia and embrace the Light Changes around, within and between US.
For the Cellular Expression of You, Me and the Collective is Uprising and Awakening.
It is simply the path of staying attuned in Light, awakening to the Higher Potential of You.
As we continue to unlock and awaken the True Reality of our World.
I am guided to Immerse in Nature
Connect to the Ancient Aspects of me
With Love For 2023
As we birth the New Light Waves
Karen Lithika
Light Channel
Crystal Vibrational Healer

Kin 221 ~ Red Cosmic Dragon

‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. This is the last day of the Red Moon wavespell. The 13th day concludes the journey and we must now absorb and contemplate the lessons learnt before embarking on another one. The number 13 is very powerful but it can be overpowering adding intensity to the day. There’s just so much to take in and really we do have to endure to transcend.
Today is Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing, Being and Birth’. So today we endure so we may be reborn. The Dragon always offers us the opportunity to enter the cave, receive some nurturing and emerge feeling renewed. However, since it is a ‘Cosmic’ day, this nurturing may be hard to come by and the birth process can be very painful. Yesterday, the Dragon was in the position of the Occult and if you made use of that, you would have given yourself a head start today and that should lessen the enduring aspect. This is the last day of the wavespell of the Red Moon. Did you manage to go with it the whole time or was surrendering to the Universe harder than you thought? You may need nurturing after all that but only after you’ve transcended the lessons.
The Guide today is the Red Serpent who when leads, is enticing us to shed our old skin. The Dragon and Serpent are very alike in their renewal symbolism and today can really create a significant shift. Necessary but not easy. This is the end result of the Red Moon’s influence. We arrive on the last day of the journey to the place of rebirth. The guiding aspect today aids that process.
The Challenge today is the Blue Monkey who symbolizes magic and when in the challenging position is quite weakened. We could really do with some monkey magic on this enduring day but it isn’t forthcoming. If you are a Blue Monkey you’ll be glad when the day is over. You need to take care of yourself but you resist as always. Today is not just your challenge but also it is the 13th day and so that can add to your pain.
The Occult power is the Yellow Sun, the symbol of ‘enlightenment’. When in this position expect light bulb moments to occur throughout the day which will really help the enduring aspect of the day. After yesterday’s sunny day, we are currently getting a lot of information!
The Ally is the White Mirror which is the symbol of truth. If you need help today consult a Mirror, those home truths will help a great deal. If you don’t know a Mirror, be honest with yourself and that will help you move forward. If you are a Mirror, expect to be called upon for clarity.
Kin 221
Kin 221


13 IMIX – KIN 221
25 DECEMBER 2022
I endure in order to nurture
Transcending being
I seal the output of birth
With the Cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of life force
25/12/2022 = 7/3/6 =7/9=16=7
🌟7.7. MAGICIAN/WIZARD portal🌟
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from the past
16-Tower struck by lightning/Unforseen events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
✨3.6.9 – TESLA CODE✨✨ all month of DECEMBER!!!
12- Spiritual strength/wisdom/learning/creative self-expression
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Happiness/Creativity/Communication
6- Heaven/Christ/Family/Romance/Fertility
9- Completion/Destiny/Service/Humanity/Grace
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
22- Architect of PEACE/Master builder
2- Twins/Partner/Cooperation/Alliance/Duality
ADSUM I AM HERE! And so we arrive here on ✨CHRIST-MASS ✨ day, having successfully completed our 40 day Spiritual Rite of Passage facing our darkness and passing through the two 🌟 STARGATES🌟 admitting us to the NEW TIME.✨🍥⏳🌺.
MERRY CHRIST-MASS🎄❤🎁 beloved planetary kin, may all you days now be happy and BRIGHT. 😍🌞🌟🎁
Very POWERFUL new BEGINNINGS today as we start atop the 12th column in the Sacred Tzolkin Calendar as we prepare to B-earth Cosmic Consciousness. 🍥💥🎆
Huge 5D Sophia🌹/Christ Consciousness🌞 codes today aligning with the traditional CHRIST-MASS festival – another synchronic date with DESTINY!
Today is a DEEPLY SPIRITUAL day indeed.. we have a 25/7 spiritual day code which highlights our SPIRITUAL WISDOM, learning from our 40 day passage, as well as the past that has brought us to this NOW moment. The 7 is the frequency of 2023 so this is a prelude and birthing of these incoming energies.
We also arrive at the 🍥COSMIC🍥 tone today – this is tone number 13 – which is the HIGHEST OCTAVE of Spiritual energy – the culmination of the Tones of Creation… so many layers of potent SPIRITUAL CODES enabling us to have a truly transcendent experience today, breaking FREE from the old humdrum and elevating humanity to COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS… HALLELUJAH broThors and Sistars. 🎉🎊🎈🎇🎉🎊🎈🎇
Day 13 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, 👸who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we PURIFY our vessels in order to find our natural FLOW. 13 represents the COSMOS and Natural Lore. 13 also represents the GODDESS.. so in effect we have a DOUBLE GODDESS day bringing forth this beautiful birthing of DIVINE FEMININE consciousness through this RED SELF-EXISTING MOON year.
Today is the final day of this 13 day wavespell.We commenced our journey with the Magnetic Moon 🌛Triple Goddess👸👸👸 and concluded with her RED SISTAR the COSMIC DRAGON. The GODDESS is seeking to PURIFY and CLEANSE all that is not of LOVE in order to find our Divine Flow and B-EARTH the new.🌫
Today we arrive at KIN 221 the COSMIC DRAGON🍥🐉 – the DIVINE Mother Sophia Creation Goddess🍥🐉 where we discover the power of divine NURTURANCE and B-Earthing the NEW – thus reaching the ultimate state of the Cosmic all encompassing Goddess – PURE INFINITE LOVE.🌫❤💞
COSMIC🎆 is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the GODDESS code, it is the frequency of the natural world, the 13 moon calendar, the COSMOS and ALL THAT IS!🎆
The Cosmic power is that of presence, existing in the eternal NOW moment. COSMIC is the fourth and final of the SPIRITUAL realm tones (notably all the other realms – Physical, Mental and Emotional only have 3 tones). COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
We commence and end the dance of the 13 tones with spiritual energies from Magnetic, through to Cosmic completion. The COSMIC tone operates through the action of TRANSCENDENCE, evolving through each level of being until you simply ARE!
Through your 13 DAY journey of purification, cleansing and connecting with your intuition and feminine gifts, you have become the embodiment of THE PURE GODDESS! 👸
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend the old you, the old paradigm, the old world and old reality. They all dissolve into the Cosmic mists!🍥💥
Absolutely PERFECTO as we accelerate through this LEGENDARY ASCENSION SHIFT. 🌞🚀🚀🚀
We can transform them by our pure intelligent presence, translating into pure Harmony and beauty. We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. ✨🍥✨
Today we can be still and realize the connectedness of all things through the SACRED womb of creation.🍥🐣 Transcending all but the power of pure Divine harmony and Grace through the frequency of pure internal presence!
It is time to realign with your Universal Goddess presence and upgrade your consciousness through your new and EXPANDED Divine purpose. ✨✨✨
13 is the final Tone of Creation bringing us to COMPLETION through LIBERATION 💥– and MANIFESTATION of your WILL into majikal NEW BEGINNINGS..
The conclusion of one cycle, as we end this challenging year, overlapping with the commencement of the new cycle. So today is a day of endings and new beginnings all wrapped into one! The alpha and the omega, one continuous eternal cycle repeating over and over, the in breath and the out breath of Creator forever flowing, expanding and contracting in the eternal cosmic dance of creation. 💃🍥
“LOVE is the magnetic FLOW of LIFE
birthing and life organizing intelligence.
Fall into the magnetic web of your MOTHER’S LOVE
Dive deep boundlessly into the darkest void of Cosmos.”
CODE 13… ✨ 33 CODES✨ – Blueprint for the New Earth🌈🌎 – Adi Lamborn
TRUST THAT ALL IS WELL✨ – and your SOUL is relishing this GRAND PLAYFUL EARTH ADVENTURE.🐵. 🌈🌍🌎🌏💞
Keep it LIGHT and JOVIAL as you gather with your kin today, be like a CHILD and view the world through wonderment and DE-LIGHT.. Forgive and forget any disharmony as you join together celebrating each other through your pure eternal presence in this beautiful NOW moment..
Enjoy your CHRIST-MASS day and REJOICE at our arrival at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS today. 🍥🌟✨🌞🎇
Today’s question is “How can I transcend the old illusions, birthing new realities of BLISS 💞 through elevating my being to COSMIC SOPHIA/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. ✨✨
And so we CONCLUDE the cycle of the RED MOON, Goddess wavespell.👸
The GODDESS has provided the soothing balm for our wounds, she has cleansed us, nurtured us and empowered us, all through the healing power of DIVINE LOVE. 💞 Now our journey through the Universal cleansing waters of the Goddess is complete and the FINAL RINSE is OVER!!! .
The PURIFICATION has enabled greater SOLAR🌞 consciousness to FLOW through our PURIFIED vessel, and now her job is done.
The GODDESS delivers us born anew, into the hands of our Creator, the GREAT WHITE WIND,🌬🍃 which represents the FATHER GOD aspect of Source. She releases us knowing that we are in the safe and loving hands of our Father. AMEN 🙏🙏🙏
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell with IK (pronounced eesh) – the Whispering White Wind🌬🍃 – whereupon we will be forging stronger communication channels with Spirit, becoming PURE DIVINE CONDUITS.
SPIRIT will be SUPPORTING us, and guiding our journey through this exceptional ASCENSION transition into the NEW TIME…
The WINDS of CHANGE🍃 will steer humanity in a NEW DIVINE DIRECTION!!🌬 ⛵⛵⛵ 🌫🌫🌫
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for your transcendance into BIRTHING BLISS filled REALITIES, through your pure COSMIC presence!
Aho…dear ones! What a tremendous adventure we are having!! 🍥🍥🍥
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED COSMIC DRAGON🍥🐉 IMIX represents the Divine Mother aspect of GOD. The DRAGON kin hold the CREATION energies, B-Earthing the whole of creation through the sacred primordial COSMIC WOMB. 🍥🐣 They initiate and lead the way for new beginnings to FLOW into your life.
Today the GOLDEN DRAGON🐉 and COSMIC SERPENT’S EGGS 🐍 are hatching,🐣 as our NEW WORLD – the NEW TIME is being B-EARTH-ed on this majikal, wondrous, deeply SPIRITUAL DAY… How exciting!!
The RED DRAGON represents the root source of life, the nurturance and support of your primary being.
❓❓Where are you receiving love and nurturing from?
❓❓Are you over giving and not receiving? Red Dragon reminds you to fill up your cup first, before offering it to others to drink from.
The COSMIC DRAGON🍥🐉 calls us all to STEP up and accept responsibility for our collective journey..
❓❓WHERE ARE WE NOW?… and WHERE are we going?
❓❓What do we need to BIRTH in order to rise again from the ashes as FREE SPIRITS?
IMIX holds the Sophia🌹 WISDOM codes – the feminine aspect of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS☀ that has been fully B-EARTH-ED🐣 today. .How PERFECTO! 👏
Today our PLANETARY R-Evolution accelerates to a new spiral of consciousness.🍥⏳🍥. Further UP the ladder we go, as we SHED the old and claim our new state of Cosmic being.🍥✨
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED COSMIC SERPENT🍥🐍 CHICCAN – is highlighting our primal instinct, survival, life force, and kundalini – our natural flow of energy. The RED SERPENT reminds us to focus on our primary needs. Our foundations must be strong upon which to build a nest to nurture our family.
Our basic needs will be a high priority needing attention, as we gather with our families and feast in our homes, all coming together to enjoy the basics of life on EARTH that bring us JOY.
Today is a day to respond in the moment to our instincts and go with the new FLOW.🌫🌫
The COSMIC DRAGON🍥🐉 and COSMIC SERPENT 🍥🐍 are a formidable partnership – AWAKENING and ACTIVATING our PLANETARY SERPENTS/DRAGONS into a synchronic COSMIC FLOW. 🍥🐉🍥🐍🌫
The COSMIC SERPENT🍥🐍 will AWAKEN and elevate our personal kundalini and that of our PLANETARY🌍🌎🌏 body through the Rainbow Serpent and Feathered Serpent/Quetzacoatl energies.🌈 🐍 Gaia’s ley lines and GRID will be surging with life force… waiting to be tapped by those who walk the land and sing her song.
The accelerated FLOW 🌫of these vital forces will EXPAND through our CROWN chakra🌋 enabling us to reach COSMIC AWARENESS 🍥✨ through transcending the entrapment of the lower “survival” chakras… LET HER RIP🌪 – and get ready for a psychedelic EXPLOSION! 🌈💥
SUPPORT WHITE COSMIC MIRROR 🍥🔎⏏ ETZNAB is the supporting energy today, magnifying and adding power to the prevailing energies. The MIRROR will allow you to reflect and decipher where to channel your passion, focus and attention today. Respond to the pathway of LOVE and nurturance to escape the old paradigm of illusion, suffering and lack.
The MIRROR WORLD is RAPIDLY cracking as we birth the NEW TIME✨🐣✨. The COSMIC MIRROR will reveal the falsity of the old matrix and little box that has kept your soul contained. As we BREAK FREE of this conditioning we can reflect on the endless infinite order of CREATION being birthed through us.
NOTE: Today we have 16 – THE TOWER frequency and 7.7. Magician’s code – so ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN… SPIRITUAL MAJIK ABOUNDS. 🌟🌠✨
✨We are ETERNAL beings and we have INFINITE POWER of creation to BIRTH our DREAMS. ✨
The Cosmos is a very loving, nurturing and abundant realm in which we can THRIVE, and not just survive!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN🌞 AHAU is back today as the Hidden/Occult – SUPERPOWER energy ILLUMINATING our path, revealing the Higher truth and bringing forth greater wisdom on our journey through SELF – realization and ENLIGHT-ON-MENT. .
Yellow Sun elevates the primal reactive response of the Red Serpent, to come from a place of LOVE, faith and trust, rather than FEAR. Spirit really does have your back. Believe it to be so and the path will open before you.
YELLOW SUN🌞 will MAGNETIZE the Solar particles beaming through your vessel to raise your frequency and awareness. The ASCENSION marathon is nearing the GRAND FINALE as EARTH is pummeled with a constant stream of plasma energies fuelling our new LIGHT BODIES.
The SUN symbolizes the SON of GOD – Yeshua the CHRIST, bringing forth the new GOLDEN ERA of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.. being birthed NOW through all the radiant STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUNS,🌞 the CHILDREN of the SUN.👫🌞👬🌞👭.
The MAGNETIC SUN☀ enables us to attract all that is needed to accelerate UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS… As we EXPAND our being into COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS we UNITE will ALL THAT IS – through the infinite ZERO POINT FIELD of eternalness… the true VOID OF CREATION🍥🎇 – where MIRACLES are birthed!✨🍥🐣
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE COSMIC MONKEY🍥 🐒 CHUEN today brings forth a field of unfathomable MAJIK.💫💫💫 With today’s 7.7. DOUBLE MAJIK code, we now have TRIPLE THE MAJIK!!!! The MIRACLE of BIRTH is indeed very majikal – how something can be brought into being, from no-thing, from a pure SPARK🎇 in the void of Creation. 🐣🍥✨
“The gateway into the primordial birthplace of all life is your INNOCENCE” – through your Divine Child which CHUEN represents. “To return to innocence is to return to your original quintessence.” CODE 20 – ✨ 33 CODES✨ – Blueprint for the New Earth🌈🌎 – Adi Lamborn
The COSMIC MONKEY🍥🐒 is the TIMELORD⏳🍥 of all CREATION – having access to all realms, dimensions and timelines, through the Art of BEING.. Knowing that you can connect to everything, and anything in the Cosmos, through the innocence and purity of your precious HEART. BLISS💞 is the catalyst for COSMIC JOURNEYING and CHUEN anchors these codes.
Look for the majik and synchronicity at PLAY to point the direction in which to travel. Keep it LIGHT, nurture your Divine Child and stay in your HEART, reacting with what feels right and true to you. Laugh at any of your illusionary problems and know that tomorrow will be an even better day!
TRUST THAT ALL IS WELL✨ – and your SOUL is relishing this GRAND PLAYFUL EARTH ADVENTURE.🐵. 🌈🌍🌎🌏💞
Keep it LIGHT and JOVIAL as you gather with your kin today, be like a CHILD and view the world through wonderment and DE-LIGHT.. Forgive and forget any disharmony as you join together celebrating each other through your pure eternal presence in this beautiful NOW moment..
Enjoy your CHRIST-MASS day and REJOICE at our arrival at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS today. 🍥🌟✨🌞🎇
Today’s question is “How can I transcend the old illusions, birthing new realities of BLISS 💞 through elevating my being to COSMIC SOPHIA/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. ✨✨
And so we CONCLUDE the cycle of the RED MOON, Goddess wavespell.👸
The GODDESS has provided the soothing balm for our wounds, she has cleansed us, nurtured us and empowered us, all through the healing power of DIVINE LOVE. 💞 Now our journey through the Universal cleansing waters of the Goddess is complete and the FINAL RINSE is OVER!!! .
The PURIFICATION has enabled greater SOLAR🌞 consciousness to FLOW through our PURIFIED vessel, and now her job is done.
The GODDESS delivers us born anew, into the hands of our Creator, the GREAT WHITE WIND,🌬🍃 which represents the FATHER GOD aspect of Source. She releases us knowing that we are in the safe and loving hands of our Father. AMEN 🙏🙏🙏
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell with IK (pronounced eesh) – the Whispering White Wind🌬🍃 – whereupon we will be forging stronger communication channels with Spirit, becoming PURE DIVINE CONDUITS.
SPIRIT will be SUPPORTING us, and guiding our journey through this exceptional ASCENSION transition into the NEW TIME…
The WINDS of CHANGE🍃 will steer humanity in a NEW DIVINE DIRECTION!!🌬 ⛵⛵⛵ 🌫🌫🌫
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for your transcendance into BIRTHING BLISS filled REALITIES, through your pure COSMIC presence!
Aho…dear ones! What a tremendous adventure we are having!! 🍥🍥🍥
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥


Cutting all Chords and Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all False Programs, implants, inserts and overlays:







Prayer for “Personal Ascension~ ❤

In the name of my beloved God-Presence “I AM.”
I ask to receive the initiations needed to qualify for Ascension.
I call for a great cosmic shaft of Cosmic Purity Flame to remove from my mind, my thoughts, my feelings and my body, and all subtle bodies every vibration of human creation that is impure in substance and less than my Divine Perfection in God.
May the Flame of Purity transmute from my world all
remaining negative energies!
May the Love of Christ expand in me through the power of the Ascension Flame!
May the Resurrection Flame awaken the memories of my divine blueprint. So that I can be free forever from all discord that I have ever created!
I affirm that I AM Purity in action.
I AM God’s Purity established within mind, body and soul. Let me also invoke Purity for every part of Life on Earth. Let me invoke Purity for my family, my friends and for the whole family of God, all Kingdoms and the Earth.
And so it is, beloved I AM!
( From The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia) 🙏♥️
Personal Ascension
Personal Ascension

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