Cetaceans Hold Space for Humanity (Ancient Ancestral Origin) THE PATH OF UNITY ~ Activation of the 33 Chambers of the Higher Heart
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Rainbow Tribe of our Universal Nation of Light
As we walk barefoot upon our beloved Mother Earth with peace in every, step every moment becomes Sacred time, everywhere becomes Sacred Space. With each step we honor Mother Gaia and all our Ancestors as we walk in Grace and Humility on Holy Ground. We bring all into harmony and Peace of our Good People of New Earth as we live from our Hearts being connected to all things.
As the veils of separation lift all is being revealed and the eyes of the Spirit Open to the Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind as we usher in the New Golden Age of Enlightenment forever more.
We are shifting from a time of struggle ,poverty and suffering into our time of Divine Dispensation of Abundance, Peace and Prosperity for all Sentient beings of the Way.
All Starseed Earth Angelics are bridges of the Christos Sophia Consciousness as we anchor in the Higher Light of Source Creator and call in the Timeline of Ascension as we rise together into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
WE Are ALL Taking in the HIGHEST DENSITY INFLOW of DIVINE LIGHT. . . at this Present Moment of NOW!
IT Is a SUPERB DIVINE ENDOWMENT and WE ALL Need to Choose to ALIGN to IT. . . Through the Vibrations of Unconditional LOVE. . . JOY. . . COMPASSION. . . and GRATITUDE Within!
“To live a life of genius, we have to start believing in ourselves again. We have to get in touch with our hearts and our dreams. We may also feel we’re trapped, if we’ve been living a very compromised life. But we’re never trapped.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
11/17/23: The effort you’ve made this month to bump up your confidence, your attitude, and your personal vibration will be obvious today. It may or may not show outwardly, but you’ll know. You’ll sense either an inner empowerment, comfort, and satisfaction… or a wobble in some area of your life telling you something is off center.
The first feeling says keep going, you’re doing great. The second says adjustment is needed to get you into balance. You’re in the final stretch of a massive transformation in thinking and being. Your Right Action is to make sure your New You foundation is authentic and supportive. It has to feel like home.
Organic blueprints are rising! Freedom codes are streaming in. This brings balance for justice! Woohoo 🧡 It’s a choice to align, people in their shadow bodies instead of shifting will experience 3D instead of 5D and higher. Hanging in your shadow body instead of light will magnetize hardship instead of harmony.
Free your mind from illusions on your light, open your heart to acceptance and allow yourself to thrive. Anchor your beautiful pillar of light and call in freedom, harmony and justice. Nourish yourself in light so you keep shifting your consciousness!
Freedom codes are streaming in
Angelique M. Larson
Activation of the 33 chambers of the higher heart
Beloved Family,
Last night we gathered for our weekly Peaceful Presence Thursday Group meditation and celestial divine healing event at 7:00pm PST. I’ve been hosting these events for almost four years now. We were joined by the most high, for the highest and greatest good for all of humanity.
We connected with Mother, Father God within the heart center of Source Prime Creator. The Ascended Master came in, along with the Angelic Realm of Love and Light. My Pleiadian team came in along with the Arcturians and the Venusians. For clearing any remaining fear programming within the subconscious, conscious mind, root chakra lower, sacral and solar plexus and cellular memory. Surrounding fear of survival programming not only for one’s self. Ancestral programming on both the Mother and Father’s lineage. As well as one’s own perceptions, conclusions and judgements of what it means to function with money, have money or not have money. All of the points of view of the fiat currency and the importance of what money means or meant to them. And the energies of poverty consciousness, to clear the loops within the psyche that creates suffering for so many.
There was also a profound physical heart and spiritual high heart healing and activation and expansion of the cosmic heart. As well as a clearing, healing and balancing of thymus gland. To boost immunity and activate the Super DNA for the highest and greatest good for all of the collective for where each person is on their path in this sacred now.
As waves of pure love and light flowed in healing was done on the throat chakra, the ear chakras, pituitary, pineal gland, hypothalamus and third eye to balance all hormones. And for activation of further remembrance. Balancing of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The vagus nerve was cleared, as well as all of the meridians of the body. And illumination of the 33 levels of the cosmic heart and the 33 vertebrae of the spinal column. Expansion of the crown, and all upper chakras up through the Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Sur. Meditation went in for an hour as these energies rippled out to the collective and all-around GAIA. And as the healing came to a close, a member of the Pleadian team placed a hand on the sacred heart of all in attendance and infused all hearts of all sentient beings with the pure love within all of creation. Fully anchoring and activating peace, love and unity consciousness.
Know you are immensely loved beyond measure. And you are supported by the pure love of the divine and the most high.
Eternal Gratitude and Love for Source, Mother, Father God, The Ascended Masters, The Angelic Realm and Star Teams of Love and Light.
Thank You, All for BEING!
I Love You,
Angelique, The Cosmic Mother, The Angelic Realm and The Pleiadian High Council
Today Mars and Sun in a trine to Poseidon standing exactly opposite the Medusa star and opposite Uranus.
The Aquatic kingdom is blessing the recovery of the masculine!
Uranus is going to soon pass over Medusa!
Uranus our GREAT Grand Father has given instructions to the Masculine, he has given his electric Heavenly blessing because what is coming next will be monumental!
“The Father’s electric Logos will be heard and seen!”
This is the recovery of the Divine Masculine!
The breaking of the Medusa technology is our golden key to the physical recovery of the Masculine in us all!
This is new chapter, a different experience!
This is the collapsing of the old reality in the physical world.
We have been waiting for this, preparing the ground for many many years.
New tools are given now!
And even more love will be needed from us in order to find a whole new balance as humanity.
Message from the Sacred Galactic teams:
“Do you know the members of your true team outside of the program?
Who are these people in your physical reality?
Can you recognise them?
They are people you know.
Have you remembered your role?
Have they remembered who they are and who you are to them or
have they been taken by the AI false characters of the program?
Especially the masculine has been targeted by the program.
You all began with the same missions but got lost on the way.
Some of you have been absolutely successful in your mission and others will follow, they will remember, so more help and support will be online again soon!
There are shocks coming to the hearts of those who are still in oblivion because this is where the awakening must reach and take place.
Some members failed to align to the highest timeline and exited.
They saw the calling but drifted by the luring and magnetic traps and characters of the program and failed to detach themselves from them.
The calling of the 144000 Diamond Code is also for them!
They will re-enter and make it this time.
The more you complete the code, the more they can heal and hear the calling clearer.
Those of you still active in the field, at the moment, you are stabilising on the new ground.
Your own stabilization is important so that others can find it to.
You are the beacons.
The more of you stabilizing, the greater the impact on the collective!
The general frustration of the collective will hit new heights as they will witness the earth being moved under their feet and their old creations and false self identities being removed.
Remember the energy of the words stabilization, steadiness, balance etc.
These energies will be praying out.
This is the Twin Flame code of Unshakeable!”
“Expect great Self Revelations that no one can affect and no one can ignite but you!
The holographic reality is being seen.
Many might lose it for a while but they will come back on. This is like a collective exorcism or waking up via either a nightmare or a blissful experience!
You are the Diamond who is going to recognise who is your true character in-between the many that you have been expressing.
The Identity Circuit is on, this is when the Diamond Code can be activated and used and this is when one opens the way to their true character!”
Apart from the process of the removal of the garment which I wrote about two days ago, there is also something totally new that has been taking place in the last one month for me but also to a few other people in private sessions.
This is the releasing of people and old beings from within our own systems.
What I have witnessed is that we were facilitating an experience for other people via our own physiology.
I would not describe these beings as souls of dead.
All of them were very much alive in my energy field and the energy field of the people that I worked with.
Some of these people were like 3d guides that we took on upon our entrance in this reality, this was part of the deal but others, were just very strong characters that wanted to continue living on earth in a certain way and they did, through us!
Now, because of the splitting, the coming out of the 3d graves, the nuclear cleansing and the true Identity Circuit that have been activated, these beings can no longer continue living through us and so they are being pulled out.
BUT what is the different thing about these certain cases???!!!
For me what is absolutely crazy is that these people did not function as demons or elementals having us in possession, these characters were also good, strong, interesting and very difficult to detect because we literally believed that those characters were us!
Their thoughts, needs, ideas etc , we thought that this was us but it was them!
Could they be from outside of the game?
Are they also exiting the game?
They were in such depth attached to us and our bodies that they were one with us and via unseen layers, they were connected to our auras and absolutely connected to our chakras and all of our processes.
They were communing all of our experiences.
Though I have been contacting cleansings and exorcisms for years, I have never seen anything like this, this is part of this new weird phase like the removal of the garment which reveals the holographic nature of this reality.
All of this is very fascinated to me!
I am suspecting that many more of these kind of characters will be seen as they depart, actually all of them, because the True Identity Diamond circuit has been activated and this leaves no room for anything that is not us to stay.
The nature of the holographic reality is being revealed and if this feels weird to us I cannot imagine what this feels like to people who are not aware of this change.
I am deeply happy because we have entered the phase that I have been seeing for years!!!
This is the actual dissolution of all adopted personalities and ideas coming from the quantum.
This is the physical awakening!
It has nothing to do with any other part of the awakening process!
Parts of the self that we have been building or supporting as awake for years, will be gone in the blink of an eye!!!
Goodbye to all the secret holographic companions, now let’s get undressed!
Because you are leaving the 3D world where one uses memory in order to know things, You are ascending into the 5th dimensional timelines where only KNOWING is the way you fully operate.
In the 5D timelines, the energy, emotions, and intentions behind words are paramount. Starseeds have the strong and innate ability to sense and feel these subtle energies, making it impossible to hide, lie, or manipulate. This dimension operates only on Truth in all aspects, including people , situations and places. The energetic centers associated with truth and higher consciousness are the throat chakra, third eye, and crown chakras.
Your 3D based memory is disappearing to encourage you to use your ability to respond intuitively. It is time now to simply know what you need to know in any given moment. Losing your 3D memory is a positive occurrence It will affect all ascending age groups. It applies particularly and profoundly to the old souls , Lightworkers and starseeds who have reincarnated here for a very long time.
During your sleep, waves of healing energy are flowing through you, working on restoring balance and healing unresolved emotional issues. These issues may stem from past lives and are being processed and healed in your dream state. You may not be consciously aware of these issues, but they can manifest as unexplained negative feelings, self-doubt, and irrational fear in your waking life.
The good news is that you don’t need to actively do anything. Simply be patient and allow the healing process to unfold without trying to make sense of it. Trust that soon you will be free from the negativity that has held you back in the past. You will start to see a brighter, more confident version of yourself emerging.
During these times You can Expect results of your positive thinking and manifesting .The belief in delays or the belief that it takes a long time are obstructions that you are now releasing from your mindset and false belief systems.
This is a time for all LightWorkers to release the burdens of trying to heal those who refuse to heal themselves. The timelines of trying to awaken and heal others have long Ago expired, It is time to put your energy and efforts into situations and people that are now in vibrational alignment with their conscious journey.
Ultimately this dualistic planetary energy made up of Dark and Light has been a war over your Souls energy. On the ascension path one must face all internal aspects of darkness ( within and without) while keeping the heart space open and Soul aspects in tact .
The focus is now on internal growth and your accelerated spiritual transformation. Remaining steadfast in the Light. You are in charge of your mind your thoughts and feelings. You are no longer entertaining any dark vibrations , thoughts or suggestions. You are always in control of all that is yours by Divine Right .
Channeled In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service : By Ascension LightWorkers .
The Scorpio energies are felt strongly this weekend, helping us burn away emotional attachments, addictions, and behaviours. This energy clearing is needed to end attracting karmic relationships. The New Earth timeline is entering, dissolving this past away for good.
Embrace the sensitive emotions surfacing and releasing. Retreat and recharge your energy while justice completes this genetic healing and timeline shift. There’s nothing more you need to do to heal your ancestry accept to move on.
Focus on creating the New Earth with the Most High. He is your Source of Love and protection. God is all you need to finish and begin. Let go and lean in.
On Friday, November 17th, we have the brilliant Sun, ruler of creative self-expression, connecting with fire planet Mars, planet of energy and action, as they come together in the transforming sign of Scorpio. Scorpio desires to transmute lower energies, whether they be thoughts and belief systems, or situations and circumstances. With the Sun shining its light upon these shadow energies, and Mars boldly pushing ahead to move through them, this is a day where much ground can be covered and much healing can take place!
Be aware that frustrations, impatience and anger may be experienced, either from others or within ourselves. Recognize it and then ask for assistance in releasing it. We feel extra motivated to move forward now! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Sun, ruler of creative self-expression, connecting with fire planet Mars
The Sun and Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune retrograde in Pisces – The Sun and Mars are heading towards a conjunction tomorrow. Before they meet, there is a flood of feeling, a flash of understanding, a meaningful moment that flutters the heart and lifts the spirits. Soulful Neptune reaches out, cooling, calming, a satisfied sigh filled with pride. ‘Child’ he says. ‘You are the poem I dreamed, the love’s longing I installed, a heavenly stamp pressed upon your brilliant spirit. I sealed it with kisses as you took the flight to your mother’s womb, excited for the incarnation ahead. Let’s talk of all the dreams you have.’
Intuition now is powerful, and it nudges us to respond. Be brave and follow your instincts. Quick and fluid action allows you to navigate deep waters. Selfless action is energising. Creative ideas bubble up from the unconscious inviting you to set goals and challenges that are aligned to your soul’s growth and individual purpose. Make art. Make love. Embrace your inner mystic. Faith gives you strength.
The number two is called ‘Lunar’ and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. Shying away from our problems and procrastinating about resolving them only adds more stress into our lives. When we have a ‘Lunar’ day every 13 days, we can practice the art of problem solving and removing obstacles. There is always a solution but you have to strive to find it… hence the challenging aspect of this number but the process leads to stabilization. So, turn things around in your favor today because this is an opportunity to Polarize.
Yellow Star is the glyph that represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. A Yellow Star day certainly gets us looking upwards at the heavens and mesmerized by all things shiny and sparkly. But as it is a challenging day you may have to work for your bling. I wouldn’t book a hair appointment or re-decorate your space, it may not turn out the way you expect. No worries, focus on removing those obstacles that stand in your way and may you find by the end of the day you’ve had a beautiful experience. Think of removing obstacles as an elegant way to make your life better. strive for beauty but don’t expect it to be easy. Experience can be a beautiful thing and the more we face these tricky situations, the more skilled we become at the art of problem solving.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Universal fire and Enlightenment’. This is a helpful guide on a tricky day like today. Expect revelations and they will help you deal with the challenges. If you are a Yellow Sun, lead the way today and you’ll be a big help to others by shining a light on our paths.
The Challenge of the day is White Mirror, which represents truth, so look out for lies or misleading information. When Yellow Stars look in the mirror, they are blinded by their own light shining back at them, making it hard to see their reflection. This symbolizes their dislike of the truth. If it isn’t pretty or sugar coated, they don’t want to know. If you are a White Mirror your day may be more challenging than everyone else’s but hey – make it your challenge to have a beautiful day too.
The Occult power is Red Skywalker, the brave adventurer. This suggests that ‘thinking outside of the box’ could have magical consequences, so don’t be afraid to expand your mind. This is my favorite characteristic of the Yellow Star personality; they have a lot of original ideas that come from their open-mindedness which of course is great for art! They are also quite brave and daring and so, we too can feel bold today because of Skywalker’s influence. This will help you summon up some courage when tackling today’s challenging aspect.
The Ally is the cheeky Blue Monkey. If you are lucky enough to know one, they can be very helpful today in dealing with the challenges. The monkey loves shiny sparkly Yellow Star day and this means he is better behaved.
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 28 = 10 Manifestation/Leadership/Authority/New Beginnings
Through this DIVINE GATEWAY we are harmonizing the polarity, so that more BEAUTY, PROSPERITY and SOURCE energy can FLOW through and support us. HALLELUJAH!
Day 2 of BLUE HAND WAVESPELL where we are accessing more knowledge to accomplish great HEALING.
Today MANIK is living up to his promise of helping us accomplish our HEALING goals. We are able to apply Majikal solutions, erasing those old triggers and strongholds. Finally LIBERATING us from the push/pull game of duality consciousness in order to find our balance.
LUNAR Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. A day filled with questioning how WE can transcend duality using our inner Magician through the power of ILLUMINATION.
It is TIME to step out of the duality game and all its possible challenges, in order to resolve our FEARS, leading us back to wholeness. Polarity reveals our conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by our beliefs in duality. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliances. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole. Examine the opposites and polarity within yourself. Explore your divine feminine and masculine aspects.
Has your feminine aspect been repressed, from being receptive to all the MAJIK that surrounds you?
It is time others become more enchanted by your true beauty and raw vulnerability.
It is real to express your true inner being, and allow more RECEPTIVITY to flow into your life.
Do not hide parts of yourself, compartmentalizing fragments of your soul. No longer can we wear the MASKS of duality. It is time to take off our masks, that the masses have been hiding behind and be whole again.
It is TIME to show our true FACE again and SMILE!
The authentic YOU, is BEAUTIFUL and radiant in your raw essence. A spark of the divine. Step out and SHINE!
Today’s question is “What challenges have been BLOCKING the FULL expression of my LIGHT, creativity and ABUNDANCE?
How can this be HARMONIZED to enjoy more peace, wellness, beauty and prosperity in our world, so that we can experience HEAVEN ON EARTH ?”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
The YELLOW STAR is tribe number 8 which relates to ABUNDANCE and infinite FLOW from SOURCE… This PROSPERITY frequency is amplified through the 8.8. ABUNDANCE code today
LAMAT is a STARGATE or PORTAL within itself, bringing forth a greater INFLUX of new prosperity, joy and creativity If your FLOW has been lopsided the LUNAR STAR affords the opportunity to HEAL your financial situation and bring greater stability.
The YELLOW STAR ignites your creativity today, and unleashes your store house of GOLDEN energy within your solar plexus chakra. The YELLOW STAR is a brilliant vehicle for creative expression through Art and craft, singing, dancing and creating beautiful music!.
Is there any blocked or repressed CREATIVITY within your being that is needing to surface and be expressed as Art?
LAMAT holds the codes for the New Harmonic Matrix that we are anchoring as STAR BLISS SUNS being the pillars of LIGHT upon this EARTH PLANE…
This NEW TIME is expressed through CREATIVITY and ART – where our soul can sing through EXPANSION.
The old time was expressed through TIME=MONEY and therefore ENSLAVEMENT and CONTROL… Whoever CONTROLS the MONEY enslaves the people! These themes are coming to a HEAD today on a collective level… so HOLD STRONG and keep shining your LIGHT through creative expression, as HE-ART.
The BLUE HAND provides the power of accomplishment, to see your creative pursuits and enterprises through to completion. LAMAT provides perfect energies for HEALING any disharmonious relationships, particularly relating to twin flames through this 2 LUNAR TONE.
The LUNAR STAR will reveal any discord and bring it to LIGHT in order to be healed.
Many “LIGHT” workers are being challenged at the moment as darkness and shadow arises. Instead of blaming others we need to heal our own shadow aspects… When you are WHOLE you can focus on just RADIATING your LIGHT instead of playing the polarity game.
LAMAT seeks to UNLEASH this beautiful PEACE filled energy into our world and our lives, leading us to greater HARMONY within ourselves and the outer reflection in our world – assisting in facilitating great HEALING..
The star glyph of LAMAT is a portal which connects you to the sacred movement of planets, stars and galaxies. LAMAT is a gateway to the 5th Dimension, and it opens stargates to the Pleiades, Sirius and beyond.
This LAMAT PORTAL aligns with the MANIK PORTAL of BLUE HAND. Day 1 of the BLUE HAND Wavespell linked us back to the 8/8 LION’S GATE portal on August 8th, 2019. The SIRIAN’s are MASTER HEALERS – particularly using SOUND and LIGHT frequencies SO CALL in the SIRIAN HEALING TEAMS to fast track these technologies giving you additional support.
Look into the opening of the LAMAT star glyph whilst meditating in order to enter this mystery. If you wish to tune in and access the energies of LAMAT, visualize sparks of gold against the blue of twilight skies bringing forth the cascading wisdom of the stars! VISUALIZE and give DIVINE GRATITUDE for the GOLDEN star light carrying forth the infinite HEALING and ABUNDANCE codes from throughout the galaxy.
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW LUNAR SUN AHAU is illuminating any disharmony and density that may be dimming your true LIGHT. Many souls are playing small and not fully embracing their FULL LUM-IN-ESSENCE.. Other souls are wearing Dark cloaks and masks hiding from their true identity.
Whatever REFLECTIONS souls have been casting, will be fully revealed in the LIGHT of the LUNAR SUN today – which highlights the DARKEST of SHADOW and the BRIGHTEST of LIGHT…
ALL the Dark Magicians’ WILL be decloaked by the DIVINE LIGHT! There is nowhere to HIDE!!
In the 3D world we are being constantly challenged to “CHOOSE a SIDE”. Which costume will you wear as your robe? A dark cloak or a rainbow robe of many colours?
Beneath all the masks, cloaks and games each of us has a VERY PURE SOUL essence – our GOD self, that is our TRUE NATURE and we are all on a collective journey to rediscover this TRUTH.
AHAU provides the Universal Fire which purifies any lower density, thus elevating our frequency into the GOLDEN LIGHT! AHAU reminds us that the ultimate SOURCE of abundance, creativity and BEAUTY already exists within our core, as we are ALL CREATOR BEINGS.
I AM THAT, I AM! EXPAND your crown chakra to the HEAVEN’S ABOVE and allow the golden streams of LIGHT through this MAGNIFICENT LAMAT gateway to fill up your golden chalice.
Expect more INTENSE streams of SOLAR FLARES/C.M.E’S today!!
SUPPORT: BLUE LUNAR MONKEY CHUEN is the great Magician who is a MASTER of ILLUSIONThe LUNAR MONKEY will reveal the tricks, betrayal and deception that have all been part of this GREAT Magic Show . This has created the ILLUSORY WORLD in which our soul’s have chosen to PLAY the GAME of LIFE.
TODAY we get to SEE HOW the Majik tricks are performed!! Sneak a peek behind the curtains and look inside that majik box, that severs the beautiful assistant in two parts! The GAME is revealed before your EYES.. so have a LAUGH and realize that it was all necessary for our GRAND EXPERIMENT on this EARTHLY plane..
CHUEN brings forth MAJIK, Alchemy and the playfulness of your divine child. Tap into these qualities in order to become the great DIVINE MAGICIAN of your LIFE. Laughter, joy and merriment expressed through your creative self, opens the gateways to ultimate abundance and wellness.
Step through the curtain and enter the STAGE of your new Majikal and wondrous LIFE.
Make a WISH upon a STAR – and these beautiful celestial conjunctions.
The natural inclination of a soul is to GROW through experience, and the FRICTION of polarity, challenges us to do just that.
This SKYWALKER has a CRYSTAL tone, so he is providing much CLARITY to SEE beyond the ILLUSION and polarity challenges.. He is seeking to cooperate, and trailblazing the way forward, to HARMONY with our kin and our world, through unification and teamwork.
In order to bring PEACE to EARTH we must first COOPERATE with one another as ONE EARTH family. As the division melds, conflict dissolves and we can create HARMONY. Great prosperity can FLOW once again to all continents on EARTH.
BEN is the Angelic Messenger that allows you to freely access all these OPEN portals today. Flow on the Cosmic winds wherever Spirit directs you, stepping back into this reality with a new more expanded and harmonious experience of SELF, and the infinite sources of HEALING available to all.
Allow BEN to be the bridge anchoring all the gifts of HEAVEN onto this EARTH plane.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE LUNAR MIRROR ETZNAB is a LUNAR MIRROR – The 2 sides of the coin will be CLEARLY REFLECTED today in the Hall of Mirrors..
We have portals opened through MANIK and LAMAT …. leading to many dimensions and worlds.
We get to CHOOSE – which world we seek to inhabit. The MIRROR WORLD is reflecting the disharmony of the Old Matrix, and revealing a new PATH beyond, the GATE full of HOPE and PROMISE. LAMAT and MANIK can lead us to NIRVANA, the land of milk and honey – beyond the greener pastures. You can ESCAPE the duality challenges of 3D Earth through QUANTUM jumping to a better reality……
The WHITE MIRROR provides the sword of TRUTH cutting through all ILLUSIONS, DECEPTIONS and falsities that have fooled us in the past.
This is a GREAT AWAKENING code as the MIRROR SHATTERS into 1000 shards revealing what was previously hidden. You will be CHALLENGED to SEE and ACCEPT the TRUTH of what is revealed in the shadows.
The LUNAR MIRROR is a great GIFT today, revealing any CHALLENGES that are obstructing our COSMIC ABUNDANCE!
WHITE MIRROR will REFLECT to you any blocks or limitations to RECEIVING abundance, healing or love in your life. Once the truth has been exposed you can SHINE the LIGHT provided by AHAU and the portal of LAMAT to finally clear any disharmony and discordant energies.
Do not get distracted and fall to the challenges, thank them for revealing themselves and then burn them in the Universal Fire of AHAU to clear your way to receiving Cosmic Abundance and HARMONY!
Today’s question is “What challenges have been BLOCKING the FULL expression of my LIGHT, creativity and ABUNDANCE?
How can this be HARMONIZED to enjoy more peace, wellness, beauty and prosperity in our world, so that we can experience HEAVEN ON EARTH ?”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Yellow Lunar Star
The Golden Spiral Meditation
Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner harmony with our video, “The Golden Spiral Meditation.” This meditation experience guides you through the mesmerizing beauty of the golden spiral—a symbol of growth, expansion, and divine proportion.
Key Elements of the Video:
Introduction to the Golden Spiral: Begin your meditation journey with an exploration of the golden spiral, an ancient and sacred symbol that reflects the inherent beauty and balance in nature and the universe. Discover how this symbol is linked to personal growth and inner expansion.
Setting the Sacred Space: The video opens in a serene and harmonious environment, creating an ambiance of tranquility and focus. This setting is designed to enhance your meditation experience, allowing you to connect deeply with the golden spiral.
Guided Visualization: The meditation is expertly guided, leading you through a visual journey into the golden spiral. You’ll be encouraged to close your eyes and let go of the external world, immersing yourself in the meditative experience.
Mindful Breathing: Deep and conscious breathing is an essential aspect of this meditation. As you explore the golden spiral, your breath aligns with its rhythm, anchoring you in the present moment and fostering a state of inner peace.
The Power of the Spiral: As you journey deeper into the golden spiral, you’ll encounter its symbolic significance. The spiral represents not only the natural world but also your own potential for growth, expansion, and inner wisdom.
Connection with the Universe: The video emphasizes the connection between the golden spiral and the broader cosmos. The meditation allows you to tap into the universal wisdom and energy that the spiral represents.
Personal Growth and Transformation: Through guided reflection, you’ll explore the ways in which the golden spiral mirrors your own journey of personal growth and self-discovery. The meditation encourages you to embrace your inner potential and the divine proportion within you.
Affirmations for Transformation: Affirmations are interwoven throughout the meditation, reinforcing the idea of personal growth, balance, and alignment with the natural order of the universe.
Inner Harmony and Expansion: As you conclude the meditation, take a moment to reflect on the sense of inner harmony, personal growth, and expansion you’ve experienced. Recognize that the wisdom of the golden spiral is within you.
Benefits of the Video:
Stress Reduction: Find serenity and inner peace through this meditative journey.
Mindfulness: Deepen your self-awareness and presence.
Personal Growth: Discover your potential for growth and expansion.
Spiritual Connection: Explore the profound wisdom of the universe and its reflection within you.
Empowerment: Feel inspired to align with your divine proportion and inner balance.
This video is your invitation to explore the transformative power of the golden spiral. “The Golden Spiral Meditation” will guide you toward inner harmony, self-discovery, and alignment with the natural order of the universe. Begin your journey of growth and expansion today.
Cleansing Prayer ~ With Palo Sweet Grass Cedar and Sage Have Been Sent for all~ Every Single Precious Heart Whom Sits Within~ This Sacred Circle ~ May We all Be Wrapped in the sacred Four winds, Healing Medicine Wheel of old~ Through Our Creator’s ALL Knowing Healing Guiding Love and Light, May THIS Space Be of Humble Peace, Joy, Trust, Love, Harmony, and Open Heart’s To Recieve & Give The Sacred Wisdom & Knowledge Brought Forth Through all Heart’s, Soul’s, Spirts & Mind’s Who sit Within This Sacred Circle ,,,,,Wisdom & Knowledge,,,,, Giving & Recieving No One above No One Below, We DO PRAY for us As We Sit Here Together In Unity For The Betterment Of Learning & Teaching So We May Go forth in Unity~
,,,,in all Humility & Humbleness Kindness ~ Truth Honor and Respect ~ Honesty ~ Forgiveness ~ Compassion ~ Empathy ~ and ALL Our Love Genuinely Pure From Our Beating Heart’s ~~~♡ So FOR to Give To ALL HUMANITY ~ALL LIFE~ ALL FUTURE GENERATION’S & ALL PRECIOUS SACRED Heart’s OUT THERE whom TRULY are In Need!,,, We PRAY TOGETHER IN UNITY WITH each other for to WALK THIS SACRED RED ROAD,,,,with pure Hearts, may THIS~ SPACE ~BE ~ CLEANSED ~~~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Above ~Below ~North~ South East ~ West~& All Inbetween PAST~ PRESENT ~ FUTURE~
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