10 Ways to Boost your Immunity Naturally

In this time of the great shift, more than ever, we need to be conscious co-creators with our health and wellness. Our bodies and nervous systems are becoming more sensitive to the nerergies and vibrations of our world and environments. We must be vigilant in being responsible for how we treat and nourish our sacred temples, our physical bodies. Obviously our thoughts and actions are also very important but in this article today I will be covering our physical bodies and health.

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Mandela Effect

I know. That’s quite a claim—and a fascinating one. Actually it’s a couple of different theories from various YouTubers who are trying to make sense of the bizarre things they and others are seeing and experiencing. It’s “What if…?” time. There are a lot of videos on YouTube about the Mandela Effect, but I haven’t been able to watch more than portions of half a dozen. My iPad suddenly won’t buffer videos or audios most of the time and I can’t sit at my desk all day at the PC.

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Starseed Ascension Shift

We are addressing different spectrums of the Starseed and Light Bearers shift awakening, to let you know you are all a part of this together, each affecting the whole matrix 444 and that is all beings on the planet in unison of creation of the human web of light. Some of the old souls, ultra sensitive empaths who have been on the path for a long time, may feel fatigued and burned out from the years and decades of transforming the energies, ascending and evolving.

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Santa Claus the Magic Mushroom

So, why do people bring Pine trees into their houses at the Winter Solstice, placing brightly colored (Red and White) packages under their boughs, as gifts to show their love for each other and as representations of the love of God and the gift of his Sons life? It is because, underneath the Pine bough is the exact location where one would find this ‘Most Sacred’Substance, the Amanita muscaria, in the wild.

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