Light Codes from the Sun Intensify
Light Codes from the Sun Intensify Light Codes from the Sun Intensify... Lightworkers are being activated. your missions are being implemented. We are awakening into the light transmitting our Love…
Light Codes from the Sun Intensify Light Codes from the Sun Intensify... Lightworkers are being activated. your missions are being implemented. We are awakening into the light transmitting our Love…
Multidimensional DNA Activation ~ Hello Paul, We are entering new territory! 2018 is proving to be an exceptional year, as incoming solar winds alter the geomagnetic field and trigger subsequent…
we are using the opportunity of the New Moon on April 15th/16th to create a portal through which we will balance the energy field around the planet.
Messages from the higher realms had indicated there was a very high probability that a huge wave of loving and transformational energy would sweep across the planet by the end of March of this year. The increasingly closer possibility was pushing the collective toward high hopes of change soon in our reality. Was it just another foolish prediction, or instead is it a measure of our manifestation capability as a collective?
How To Prepare For Ascension by Claude Lauzon, Guest writer, Ascension is coming. Are you ready? Most of Humanity is vibrating at the 3rd Density. Since the year 2000 we’ve…
Graduation MASTERSHIP - Transition Time of ‘Being in the World but not of it’ in real-time, in the human as well as Spirit March 23, 2018 New ASCENSION series of ~ YOU…
We all have heard so many messages on the Ascension. A lot of fear and programming to this day still gets through in messages from the Divine and other side. One thing I’ve learned is to fully trust and let my heart guide me when it comes to these messages. Take what feels in resonation and in vibration with your heart and leave the rest. So much of this language is based on perception.
Thousands of additional Lightworkers all over the world joined with us energetically by projecting their Love and Light into our Chalice.
We should not even imagine that things will be done the same way on this planet after our transition. There will be new ways of thinking and being that will very soon become normal to us.
You can Live the Life of Your DREAMS. With the Law of Attraction, you can manifest in your life all that you desire!