Eclipse Activations – We Continue Strong Integration

Every One of us are Light Keepers and anchors of our NEW Earth here. Intentional (Conscious) or unintentional (unconscious), kind of doesn't matter, except for each's individual experience here. It does matter, because the more of us that are fully conscious, the easier all is. Yet it doesn't matter, because the fully conscious don't sit around waiting for anyone or anything to occur before embracing the opportunities and possibilities available in every moment. WayShowers and forerunners didn't sign up for "easy", until "after" it's been accomplished, then it's easy (beyond easy!).

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A Unified Eclipse Message with David K. Miller

Alignments have the ability to pierce veils and go through blocks and go through falsehoods. The alignments also have the potential of opening doorways. This particular eclipse is a planetary influencer. By that I mean that this eclipse of the moon and the sun called the solar eclipse will have a dramatic and culminating effect on the systems of the planet, including the economic, political, social and environmental systems.

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The Solar Eclipse, Unity Consciousness, Perceptual Fields

For some reason, I feel as though the eclipse of August 21, 2017 has a special importance, especially for the United States. I do not live in an area where I will see the eclipse, but I do live in the United States, which has been in a lot of chaos. Perhaps I am so interested in this particular eclipse because chaos almost always precedes change, and the United States has had a lot of chaos lately. I will present some information from the Net for the reader first, then put your Arcturian response below that.

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