Cosmic Rays

We’ll All Have COSMIC RAYS Straight-Up Please ~ April 25, 2019 No more diluted evolutionary Ascension energies, no more deflecting them from directly hitting Earth and humanity caused by solar…

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Pink Moon

Today’s Full Pink Moon reached peak power at 7:12am ET at 29° Libra. This is the second Libra Full Moon in a row. The previous Full Moon occurred a month ago at 0° Libra, activating a zero point portal that culminates in a cosmic reset this weekend. While the portal is open, we’ve been immersed in deep healing and rebirth.

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As we continue our journey through Holy Week, the Company of Heaven is asking the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to intensify the brand new frequencies of Divine Enlightenment and the Resurrection Flame that are now bathing the Earth.

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