Choose Love

That which you think about, act upon and speak is affecting the collective consciousness so those who choose peace, those who choose to follow their own authentic self - do not become swayed by those who would try to demean you because you do not have the same perspective on what is occurring upon your planet at this time.

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Are you ready for lift-off?

by Matt Kahn When the surface of life can seem to depict chaos, turmoil, and uncertainty, there is always a deeper reality that offers opportunities for profound awakening and expansion for those who are willing to answer a more heart-centered spiritual calling. Those who are ready to step across the threshold into greater frontiers of exploration are often referred to as energetically-sensitive souls, or empaths. They represent the first wave or collective consciousness of fully activated and integrated expressions of Divinity in form. Much like an initial wave sent out by the ocean to reach the shore to deliver the message of its Source, we are an active and important part of this emerging Divine collective that ensures the sovereignty of human evolution, as well as the victorious balance of power between the heavenly masculine and divine feminine energies in all.

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There is a grand shift taking place on the planet at this moment in time. People from all walks of life, all over the face of the Earth, are awakening to their true power and inner calling. The beginning seeds of this movement first began back in the 60’s and 70’s when flower children were born, spreading their message of peace and love. Afterward, the global awakening of the collective consciousness truly began to pick up speed during the supposed ‘end of the world’ prediction based off Mayan calculations.


Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

The process of clearing this land of its human vermin continues. The minions of this realm remain easy to find and arrest. They truly believe that the Light cannot obstruct their positions of power. Swiftly, they are discovering an awful truth. Their errant ways can no longer be tolerated. The rule of the dark is quickly ending and being replaced by various versions of “GESARA.” When the clearing of this unholy riff-raff is complete, those who hold the funds are to easily let this immense wealth run its course across this globe. You are to receive an abundance that is to forever end the wicked hoarding of the dark and its foolish minions.

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We are going through many fluctuations in the gridwork this month and these are challenging many as they are "moved" from one gridwork to the next... connected, disconnected, connected, disconnected... there are huge periods of template wipes where we go offline, disconnect and then come back up online... This is the strongest I've experienced this since June 2015. Huge disconnects, which need to occur so we can shift to a whole new collective timeline.


A Galactic Wave of Divine Light is Approaching Us

There is going to be a grand Cosmic Event that is going to change our reality on a quantum level. Our solar system is now crossing a zone within the galactic cycle. As Earth reaches the “event horizon”, we will experience more Multidimensional reality phenomenon that interconnects all things. Self transforming astral worlds of light will be as clear as sun light. As the veils are lifting we will perceive worlds of unimaginable beauty.

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