New Earth News – Why SURRENDERING Will Be One Of The Most Important Things You Do
New Earth News – Why SURRENDERING Will Be One Of The Most Important Things You Do by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, One of the most important things you can…
New Earth News – Why SURRENDERING Will Be One Of The Most Important Things You Do by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, One of the most important things you can…
We are now entering the pre-phase of the Leo Lunar Eclipse that occurs early Wednesday morning, Jan. 31st before sunrise on the west coast. This is also a Supermoon, being closer to earth, it will appear larger and feel more amplified. Lunar eclipses affect the emotional body, stimulating deeper healing and transformation.
On October 2, 1988, in the town of Middlesex, Virginia, troubled teenager Donald "Donnie" Darko sleepwalks out his house and is woken by a figure in a monstrous rabbit costume. The figure introduces himself as "Frank" and tells Donnie the precise time the world will end: in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds
Special Edition with Articles and Resources for Meditation During the Super Blood Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse Energy Wave Jan 31! The Light Center Newsletter Sedona, Arizona January 29, 2017…
Coming up for a very powerful week. First we have the Full Moon/Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 31st. Lots of powerful Divine Feminine energy flowing and urging us to dive deep and discover the sources of our own personal power. As with any depth process, this may not be easy, and you may find yourself having to confront things that trigger you or make you uncomfortable in some way. Don't despair, keep going deeper until you hit that bedrock of raw creative power that is in each one of us.
There is a link between the code of 64 the Matrix and the I Ching (The Book of Changes)
Supermoon,Blood Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse, Blue Moon, Rapture, Shift, Higher Consciousness, January 2018, Revelation, Acension,Judgement Day
Lightworker News brings you the latest news in Earth Changes The Event and Shifting Consciousness.
TWIN RED SAILS, A SIGN INDEED, UPDATES by True Lies Q QANON 10 Days Of Darkness - Anti - School by Trump News, Truth Natasha #FISAGATE TRUMP AT THE PENTAGON | w/Jordan Sather #DestroyingTheIllusion by Anti School Investigator linked to Podesta's & Maddy MacCann FOUND DEAD #PEDOGATE by Random Rants of Ryan Kevin Halligen the Investigator who linked Podesta's to Maddy MacCann FOUND DEAD #PEDOGATE Releasing entities by yourself through self induced QHHT. I did it spontaneously.
We are waking up from a dream and entering the New Earth. We are in the Shift of the Ages.