The 144,000 Teachers of Light ~ Starseed Activations ~ Unified Central Sun Is The Golden Child “TRUSTING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE”
The 144,000 Teachers of Light ~ Starseed Activations ~ Unified Central Sun Is The Golden Child “TRUSTING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE”
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Cosmic Earth Angelics of the New Era of Light
Here we Glow Angels of the New Earth!
We are being assisted by the most High and our Company of Heaven in our Ascension Process and Great Shift of the Ages.
Our local Solaris has been working overtime today sending us Wave after Wave of Higher Dimensional Adamantine Light directly from the Great Central Sun and Infinite Source Creator.
Our Multidimensional Portal Orb in the Sky has sent Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun Heavenly Packets of Light in the past 24 hours through 6 C Class Solar Flares, 4 powerful M Class Flares and a Massive Blast of Holy Light with an Intense X Class Solar Flare maxing at X 1.12 at 20:56 UTC.
All Starseed Earth Angelics are being blasted and blazed with the Holy Rays of Great Spirit as we ride these Cosmic Waves of Pure Bliss Consciousness into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Keep letting go of all that no longer serves your self or the collective, stay grounded and anchored in, be mindful, and with your Sacred Breath enter into Meditation as Perfectly Awakened Buddhas of the Pure Land of Eternal Life.
Our Ground Crew Team of the 144 are the Wayshowers and Light Keepers and act as Rainbow Bridges to merge Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Heart Centers. Together we elevate and expand Consciousness to prepare all Humanity for our Quantum Leap into the Paradise Mother Earth has always evolved to be…A’Ho!
The Unified Central Sun Is The Golden Child
Illumination of consciousness, light codes of freedom seep w/in cells opening DNA sequences in musical precision. Can you see the answer to all is in harmonics, in the golden love frequency of the One who created us? Once well hidden jewels these harmonics reveal setting us free.
Points of consciousness have been reached to return us home to the kingdom of the One for certainly you must realize heaven has always resided within your spirit. Ah how the wisdom of the ages floods throughout your cells ringing the awakening bell singing from the pineal
🛑It is especially important now to anchor light into all places of power. As the dark players are removed, their place needs to be filled w light and healing for quick smooth transition
To avoid dark energy stuck there.
You can state intentions for all governments to be cleared
Rainbow Angels are here. We ground rainbow vortex into every earth’s grid, every city, village into every being on earth 🌍✨🌈🥰
The seals are opening, the 144,000 Nadis are well activated in each of you, spreading the rainbow codes in every latitude…Rise Starseeds, The The time is now!We are born for this season!I AM / YOU ARE / WE ARE PART OF THE 144,000 WARRIORS OF LIGHT AND NOW, THE 144,000 TEACHERS ARE READY!The 144,000 teachers of light are now prepared for the roles they are here to play.They are Light Masters who are in human form but contain genetics and codes that allow them to travel to the New Earth to prepare the ground, a dream that will take place the movement of the human race towards a new level of consciousness.The geometric crystal code (around the planet) is similar to the merkabah.Each merkabah, entirely made up of the 144,000 masters of light, is part of the code to activate the crystal matrix.The activation of this crystal matrix is what many call “the event.”The Galactic Federation has the Holy Grail.Holy Grail’s position is not revealed. This chalice is made of 144,000 facets of brushed moldavite that activates the 144,000 masters of light.Each facet contains a code and when the Light touches the facet, the Master activates.The 144,000 is a complex mandala and each Master of Light will have its own role.“Let us help build this new Earth as we usher in this new Golden Age.”We have been chosen by Source to eliminate ALL manipulation that does not serve in the best interest of HUMANKIND.WE are chosen to unite the world as ONE.We are here to remember and show HUMANITY and our Star Children their true legacy and to connect with Source.To the 144,000 light workers a big call was sent to all light workers in the known universes to come here to help and guide this planet in the process of Ascension.Angel
Harmonize as we are in the eclipse gateway tonight with lunar eclipse and solar eclipse on 4/8. Eclipses are portal energy, meaning it magnetizes far an wide your own energy. Oneness within will give incredible experiences now.
Separation of self will give to disharmony which gives to depression
Harmony expands the auric field and spiritual activations. Disharmony compresses the auric field smaller, meaning a limit to your greatness. Harmonize, expand and let nothing keep you from the light that you are 🤍
Spotlight is on! As we enter a new era, the Age of light. Truth will unveil shocking truths, bring justice and pave the way for healing and more light. Celebrities have always been draco pawns with the most grey mind control and sexual programming.
They are the bottom of the cult, yet make the “culture” for humanity. They use celebs to program the masses bc the top of the chain likes to be hidden, yet controlling. Just like the greys! They taught all black magic during sumerian timelines and they are still using it through Hollywood, banking and government. The tide is changing now, they underestimated humanity’s ability to awaken and empower. Check mate dracos, the people are rising in consciousness.
The light is only getting stronger and you anchor it by trust, joy, love, peace and harmony. The opposite energies of darkness! Hence why the mind control people. You can not be controlled if you see clearly!
Asara Adams
Energy Update by Adama of Telos
To The Ascension LightWorker Collective:
More of what’s been blocking your success is being pushed to the surface as new pathways open. The veil is super thin helping you see who you’re letting get in the way of your blessings and manifestations.
Rebirth is happening very quickly, bringing opportunities, freedom, and creative energy. You’re being guided on how to use this energy on yourself rather than giving it away to others as you may have done in the past.
This is a second chance to put all this increase towards yourself. Look at the bigger picture of your life and long term dreams and goals. Stay focused and your thoughts and feelings towards this right now. You deserve to have the very best. Now is the opportunity to make it happen.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn