Massive Wave of Body Pains, Physical Purging and Release

Of all we have shifted through in bringing through our new earth light bodies. As the last 'place' we feel and release a 'shift' is through our physical bodies - Spirit, Soul, Mental, Emotional and then Physical release. And as we are linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions, it makes 'sense' that with the New Years and 2017 energy wave that came through, we are now releasing so much through our physical bodies with a very large wave being felt physically as well. And remember many of us are not only feeling and releasing for ourselves but for and with those close to us as well. Cleaning out the old 'junk' energy that has been residing in our cells and our light bodies from 2016and previous years...which is more than the physical releasing and symptoms of spiritual ascension...this is a whole 'other' rung of releasing.

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Neuroscientists Discover a Song That Reduces Anxiety By 65 Percent (Listen)

Anxiety — that feeling of dread, fear, worry and panic — is certainly nothing new. Hippocrates wrote about it in the fourth century BCE. As did Søren Kierkegaard in the 1860s. And Sigmund Freud addressed the disorder in 1926. However, jump to the present and we’re seeing a significant uptick — especially with youth. Pharmaceutical drugs tend to be the classic treatment for treating anxiety (as well as the biggest money maker). Cognitive therapy is a common approach as well. Those with a holistic bent often turn to meditation, yoga, massage and other relaxation techniques. Music therapy has also been used with some success. But now neuroscientists in the U.K. have zeroed in on a single song that results in a dramatic 65 percent reduction in overall anxiety…

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Everything is Sound ~ Your Life is a Symphony

In the beginning was the Word(the sound) , and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Most Spiritual Traditions and Religions talk about this Word or Sound. The Hindus use the sound Aum or Om as the Sound of the Universe. The Mongolian Shamans have the Sound of Light. Nikola Tesla taught is that everything is frequency and vibration, literally sound vibrations. Think of the time before Light and Dark, form and emptiness. In Buddhism it is said the from the void came sound and that sound became light, light photons became atoms, DNA and form.

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Nine Steps for Putting the Violet Flame into Action in Your Life

Set aside a time each day to give violet flame. You can give violet-flame decrees anywhere, anytime—in your car, while doing chores or before going to bed. In fact, simply repeating a violet-flame mantra anytime you feel tense, tired or irritated can make the difference. But you will get the greatest benefit from the violet flame if you set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to decree without interruption. It’s best to decree in a place dedicated to spiritual work, such as a chapel or a well-lit, clean and aired room. Poor lighting, dust, untidiness and stale air impede the flow of spiritual energy. On your altar you can put candles, crystals, flowers and photographs of saints, Ascended Masters and your loved ones.

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