CAPRICORN SOLSTICE ENERGIES ~ Personal Power * Sacred Reciprocity ~ Universal Truth
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Clear Christed Ones of Pure Bliss Consciousness
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue to get enveloped in Higher Waves of Gamma Plasma to empower and elevate consciousness as our local Soularis keeps flooding this realm with Adamantine Crystalline Light Codes releasing 6 more C Class Soular Flares today and another Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.53 at 11:18 UTC.
Our Ground Crew team are being prepared for tomorrow’s Soulstice Stargate Portal as we navigate through the void in our Exodus to the Freedom of the New Earth Manifestation.
In the Stillness in the Power of Silence we find our liberation.
Through the Zero Point Still Center we Return to Source, fully Awake and fully Aware, and in the Expansion of Consciousness we come to know all things and realize our True Nature of Buddha Mind of Eternal Life.
In the Infinite Light of Source Creator we are transfigured, resurrected and ascended to the holiest of holies of the Heaven on Earth Paradigm.
Nothing now stands in the Way of our Path with Heart as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness as Sovereign Wayshowers into our Paradise Sacred Lands of Pure Bliss Awareness…A’Ho!
I see the Star of David, Christmas star, as a reminder that Humanity is in our Heart, Soul, Subconscious above-within (higher levels of consciousness we rise into from within) It doesnt matter who we are, where we are, Humanity is within each and each within Humanity.
Together they are the symbol of balance above within and below without connected through the intellect.
The illuminated intellect is a bridge yet not attached to reason or logic and can access mystical awareness/experiences without the need to prove it or try to make it make sense to the world.
The consciousness of Humanity in all points in time and history is within our subconscious, that we cleanse individually to rise to higher levels individually. Our individual inner work raises Humanity by awakened the memory of Humanity within.
Humanity can only awaken from within the Soul-subconscious, which activates the electromagnetic field, when the obstructions of separation have been cleansed and unconscious destructive imaginal acts have been redeemed. It will never come from trying to destroy an outside force or a believed enemy, a darkforce, a cabal, a devil, satan, etc… these are only the illusions of separation in lower compressed levels of consciousness- a part of the dream of opposites, the fall into the dream of good verses evil. It’s operating in the reverse order of formation instead of Divine Order. What we wish upon another or anything appearing to be outside, even if it’s justified, comes back to meet us… “like chickens, curses always come home to roost.” We only hurt ourselves by trying to destroy others. Hate, resentment, spite, disempowerment must be cleansed from our Heart and Soul. Unity comes through uniting in self, through forgiveness, compassion and awareness of Divine Order.
Humanity rises naturally through rising within ourselves by overcoming revenge with peace, overcoming hate with love, overcoming spite or blame with forgiveness. All that we have believed to separate us in any way… including the belief of evil negative aliens, satanist, etc… There are no outside enemies, only enemies of our own household. Humanity heals when we take responsibility to heal inside ourselves.
The great conjunction is a beautiful reminder that the bridge to the Kingdom is here now, for all that have the eye to see it and the Soul-heart-subconscious prepared to experience. It is always now, an eternal now. No one can miss it or get left behind. It will always be in the now no matter where the stars or planets appear to be or what year or time in history it appears to be- the bridge to the Kingdom within, Golden Age, Heaven on Earth- is always now. That will never change. It is an eternal now.
And It’s not just love and light mixed with denial 😂 it takes real work to heal the Soul, like we are pushed to…and often times takes alot of personal suffering & personal experience over lifetimes to reach a complete state of compassion, mercy and forgiveness. We are refined through our experiences, including the ones unseen and unheard.
Together the nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles in a web symbolic of the entire cosmos
or a womb symbolic of Creation.
Together they express Advaita or non-duality. This is surrounded by a
Lotus of eight petals, a Lotus of sixteen petals. The various deities residing in the nine layers of the Sri Yantra are described
in the Devi Khadgamala Mantra.
Sri Chakra a representation of
Lalita Mahatripurasundari, an aspect of Parvati Devi. The term ‘Shri’ is
used to denote the reverence to be
given to this Holy Yantra.
The prefix ‘Shri’ denotes that the Yantra is auspicious, beneficent, salutary, benign & conducive to prosperity.The Shri Chakra is often referred as the Chakra Raja which means King of all Chakra which makes it a supreme instrument in the path
of spiritual advancement.
Sixteen Petals
The saktis in this circle are
known as the Hidden Ones.
The whole mandala of 16 petals is called ‘Fulfiller of Desire’. The presiding form of the Lalita is Tripureshi. Her vidya is Aim Klim Sauh. She is described as ornamented
withall gems, carrying a Sarvasaparipurakabook & a rosary.
The 16 yoginis in this mandala are associated with the attainment of desires by the cultivation or strengthening of power over mind, ego, sound, touch, sight, taste, smell, intellect, steadiness, memory, name, growth, etheric body, revivification & physical body. They are described as the Nitya Kalas.
Each holds a noose, a goad,
pot full of nectar &
makes the sign of giving.
The gem of the mandala is Saphire.
The dhatu of physical alchemy is chyle,
the first product of the disintegration of food by the biological fires. The time is three hours (2700 breaths). The Mudra is the Wettening Mudra. The nature of the mandala
is Sun of Fire.
Eight Petals
The saktis in this mandala are called the Very Secret Yoginis. The whole circle of eight petals is called the Sarvasamkshobhana’All Exciting Cakra’. Presiding
here is Tripura Sundari.
Her vidya is Hrim Klim Sauh.
She is described as swaying because
of her love intoxicated state,
with her eyes full of bliss.
She smiles with passion.
The eight saktis in each of the eight petals
of the mandala are described as saktis of Speech, Holding, Walking, Excreting,
Pleasure, Abandoning, Concentration a
& Detachment. They are described as sapphire blue, holding noose, goad,
dispelling fear,
& holding Blue Lotus.
The gem is cat’s eye. The dhatu is Flesh. The time is day and night (21600 breaths). The mandala’s nature is Moon of Fire.
This mandala is called ‘Purely Blissful’.
The Yogini in this mandala is the Sarvanandamaya ChakraQueen of Queens, Rajarajeshvari, her Transcendent Majesty Lalita Maheshvari Mahatripurasundari.
Her vidya (Kamaraja vidya) is ka e i la hrim ha sa ka ha la hrim sa ka la hrim, plus a secret 16th syllable. Her description is that
given in Vamakeshvara Tantra.
Surrounding her are the Fifteen Nityas.
The gem is ruby. The dhatu is hair.
The time is year. The mudra is Yoni Mudra.
The nature of this central mandala is
Moon of Moon. as the Whole Universe
Tantrik rites often include ‘nyasas’,
the placing of some principles in a certain sequence on one’s own body.
The idea is that this process
purifies & divinises.
Lalita as devi is Shakti as all language, mantra, sound, music & vibration.
She is also Shakti of Time as all planets & constellations. She is the very
essence of Sun & Moon.
Each of these realms requires
inner comment.
The supreme deity in the form of Shakti (Parashakti), Sri as the great Goddess (Mahadevi) is one of the aspects of
Lalita Tripurasundari. Lalita Tripurasundari has three manifestations: Sthula, or descriptive as image; Sukṣma, or subtle as Mantra & para, or transcendent
as Yantra or Chakra.
The bindu is a subject of great secrecy in certain Tantrik lineages, because it is much more than a point. In Sri Vidya, the bindu is the goal & aspiration of practice & is represented as the dot in the center
of the Sri Chakra. If we view the Sri Chakra from the inside radiating out, the bindu is the starting point and the origin of Creation.
If we view the Sri Chakra from the outside converging in, it is the point of dissolution, & what remains when Creation ceases. Either way, it is the mysterious point that holds the entire Sri Chakra together.
So what exactly is the bindu?
If you look at the Sri Chakra, immediately surrounding the central point is a downward-facing triangle. This triangle holds the answers to the bindu, including the concept of orgasmic energy.
There are several ways to interpret this triangle & what this means. The one that is useful for nondual insight is that of its relevance to experience, where the three sides of the triangle represent the subject, the object, and the process of the subject experiencing the object. So if we
look at just the bindu & the inner triangle,
they represent the expansion
of the one into three.
This primary triangle then expands into the rest of the Sri Chakra, which represents everything in creation, including
the five great elements,
the cosmos, the body,
mind, intellect, ego, & so on.
In the beginning, there is just the bindu, where neither subject nor object exist.
Here, Shiva & Shakti are merged & are as one. Shiva here is prakasha, which is the light of Consciousness & Shakti is vimarsha,
which is self-awareness. Although it’s tempting to think of
Shiva & Shakti as masculine & feminine entities engaged in passionate lovemaking, the bindu is more than this.
Shiva and Shakti as prakasha & vimarsha are intimately coupled in the bindu &
we know this in the everyday, mundane experience of deep sleep.
Bindu, the Stateless State
Our ordinary, day-to-day life can be viewed in terms of three states of consciousness –
waking, dreaming, & deep sleep.
In the ordinary waking state, we are in constant interaction with objects.
Here, objects refer to anything that is experienced by “me” – the world, people, weather, nature, and even our own bodies, thoughts and emotions – they are all being experienced by the subject, the “me.” In the waking state, these objects feel real & tangible, including our thoughts & emotions. In the dream state, we are still experiencing objects, but they are much more subtle.
The dramas & storylines played out in our dreams are dredged up from the subconscious mind and play out on the screen of consciousness.
21 December 2024
Tonight! Tropical Zodiac.
The dual nature of Capricorn, a sign of creative and practical brilliance while bringing forth deep wisdom from the mystical and un seen, the cosmic oceans ( waters- soul)
Its horns can describe many different elements especially in a sensual nature, the earth signs are the most sensual as all the zodiac/animals with horns are.
“ the horny goat”
We can be driven by sensual appetites/desires or we can find a conscious balance & also be inspired by the power of magic in its purest form. The choice is always ours.
There are numerous stars that reside in the Capricorn constellation which describe even more specific details about the sea goat, different parts of its body would reflect different characteristics- energy- focus etc.
This archetype is also connected to the Sumerian God ‘Enki’.
God of creation, intelligence, crafts, fertility, semen, magic, mischief.
The last new Moon of 2024 will be at 09 degrees Capricorn at the end of this month.
The ruler which is Saturn will be forming a sextile aspect ( Capricorn to pisces) in this new moon cycle, a blessing for us indeed. These two signs working together create magic in the physical, they can complement each other well. Thus Saturn in harmonious alignment with this new moon is a beautiful opportunity.
Julia Arcturian Hathor Contreras
Ayni ~ is perhaps most profound of the teachings i learned from my compadre and the teachings of the Q’ero. It is from here that everything else radiates..
ayni ~ sacred reciprocity.. when we take from the earth we give back to the earth.. today for you tomorrow for me. it is a circle …
when we release our heavy energies we not only heal ourselves but our planet.. for we live in a state of ayni with our earth.. when we elevate ourselves we elevate how we live on our earth.
this morning as i greet the Sun and the Great Apus.. i will remember that each step i take to heal myself of old wounds.. each step i take to releases my own heavy energies is a step towards healing the whole.. this is how Ayni works.
with all my love and no fear and in Ayni i greet the day!!
As the process of awakening unfolds and each day we move closer to the moment of the shift, all the light, love, emotions you feel are to amplify. This also applies to those who choose the lower vibrations. The splitting of realities shifts gears. Which means every aspect of each being’s life is about to change, work, relationships, locations, and so on.
There is a Universal truth which has been withheld from the human for thousands of years. This truth is that You are a powerful being of divine light, who is *eternally and *directly connected to Source, that which you call God. What does this mean? You have all the attributes of Source. The light, love, joy, peace, magnificence, and the ability to create, are the make up of your essence. And you are worthy of love, abundance, and all the beautiful things the Universe has to offer.
The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.
TODAY’S ENERGY. The energy may feel watery and sensitive as we approach the Solstice gateway. December feels like a month of endings and beginnings, with unexpected turn-arounds. Take some time for yourself. To feel, to be present with your heart and soul. Think back to a year ago. All these changes and shifts which took place within deserve a pause. An integration. Allow your energy to feel all the layers of things.
You are fine. You are safe. If you pay attention, love abounds. You will pass this test as you passed all the others. You may not feel it just now, but your soul shines brighter than ever these days. It’s never been that healed, that mature, that golden. Believe in yourself. Your guides are with you. You will be stronger, as always, after this.
Last night I saw fleets of ships, I was working with a client and I knew we were assisting with something very important. As we travelled through the Time Belts to retrieve what was needed. We entered into a circle of some of the most powerful TIME BENDERS of Eternals I have encountered.
Each showing themselves as an Elder Woman ~ I call them the FIRST MOTHERS. They work with Creation and the points of Creation that need to be rewoven back into our Universe. Although i seen fleets, I also seen the other side of fleets. An operation to move in again and disrupt what so many thousands of us have been working on for eons.
We are entering into the most powerful 3 months. Astrology ways, I’m not sure of the significance of that. So all insights are welcome. I was shown 3 months… that is what I am sharing. Two potential timelines for humanity. I mean we are going to be working our asses off to make sure we are on the right timeline. Because what I know and sense is the reworking of a loop. We know they have this technology.
There are a very specific number of individuals who can Bend Time ~ Many of which probably don’t even realise they can do it. Because many gifts were cloaked. Until it was TIME. Now is the TIME…..
If you know, you know. I won’t disclose anything else on this post. But I know what I have written holds a Cosmic Wake Up.. a Reset. A gentle nudge to remind you just to stay very alert and aware. No fear…
Through the chaos a whole new order is being birthed
All participated in the creation of chaos by coming out of their heart space into fear, separation, survival mode, service to self…
All are being provided the opportunity to embody their divinity and to ascend this ascension cycle
All that is not aligned with pure unconditional love in service to the highest good of all is crumbling Let it crumble
Releasing judgment and the need to point fingers and assigned blame, not engaging partcipating reacting to the external chaos, taking full accountability and responsibility for one’s own energy and focusing on one’s own healing and transformation will allow for much expansion peace and joy
In just hours we celebrate the annual Solstice on Saturday, December 21st at 9:20 UTC (1:20am PT). It is the sacred day we welcome the return of Light in the northern hemisphere. Much has been unlocked since the 12:12 activations. Let’s gather in the Ascension Gates and connect with the cosmos in a mystical Solstice ritual.
The Winter Solstice occurs when Earth is tilted farthest away from the Sun. The Solstice initiates a new season at 0°Capricorn while the solar system aligns with the galactic center. It is the perfect ‘closing act’ of 2024, a universal ‘8’ year that swept through the global power system.
The Solstice is the day we recognize the infinite Circle of Life. The ouroboros, a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, symbolizes eternity, infinity, and the Cycle of Life. It represents the concept of constant renewal, where endings give rise to new beginnings, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things. The year-end Solstice is the annual day we honor “coming full circle” as we prepare for 2025’s momentous ‘9’ Year of completion, so we can start the next phase of Ascension.
Whatever we initiate now will ripple into the quantum field of all possibilities. We are in peak power potential with the galactic center! We are in the zero point stillness of universal balance in the Circle of Life.
You may be processing and integrating 2024’s transformative events, unexpected surprises and life changes. Transformation is penetrating at the molecular level. You are in the midst of a “system override”, a conscious transition from the original human incarnation into your Soul’s ascension incarnation. It is an extraordinary experience to actively transform your human energetics to match the Soul’s essence, power and presence.
Step into the Quantum Vortex and collapse the veils of 3D density, accessing quantum possibilities for living in the new timeline. The Aquarian Era inspires creative groups of people to access quantum solutions to the world’s problems. Air signs represent intellect and ideas, and Aquarius is the sign of innovation, technology, and humanitarianism.
The Aquarian galactic reset ripples into every area of life. When we come together with a united purpose and vision, we form a ‘group mind’, a unified field of powerful laser focus that electrifies quantum entanglement. When we unite in our global meditations, we can shape-shift potential future outcomes for Gaia and humanity with our singular focus and intentions. It is why we incarnated on Gaia at this time. Our combined ‘Love pulse’ ripples into the planetary field and transmutes pain and suffering. We are here to uplift the consciousness into higher levels of global compassion.
You are a ‘Light Leader’! Not only are you spreading LOVE throughout the collective, you are transforming Gaia from an enslavement planet into the Heart Chakra of the Milky Way. Heal your heart, attain inner balance and radiate LOVE everywhere. Let’s unite and set into motion world peace and compassion!
On the Solstice we will stand in the new Ascension Gates and connect with universal source force of all existence. These are potent manifesting days, let your imagination run free in the quantum field of infinite possibilities. You are awakening your Soul’s destiny in the new timeline. Connect to the stars, imagine living life as a Divine Human!
As we join together from all around the world, we will seed the planetary field with new “future outcomes”, higher consciousness and heart-felt visions as we alter the course of humanity. Super-charge your Intentions for 2025!
12/20/24: The next 9 days provide opportunities for you to magnify the personal power you gained this year… by sharing it. Your power will increase as you watch it reflected back to you. You’ll see your contributions, influence, mastery, and presence in action. You’ll see where you need reinforcing and aligning.
You’ll better understand why we’re stronger together… that sunsets are prettier, adventures more fun, special moments more poignant, gifts of the heart more precious, and love more priceless, when shared. This is an important phase of this year’s work because it emphasizes your impact in the world… and shows it to you. Not for critiquing or criticism, but for acknowledging and appreciating. Leave 2024 knowing that you had a special place in it.
Dear friends, as we approach the Capricorn Solstice, a profound moment of transformation and renewal unfolds. When the first star appears in the sky in the evening of December 20, we are officially entering the energetic climax of this sesson’s Solstice. During the days of December 20-21–22, we reach a powerful energetic point that will bring a newfound balance and energetic momentum to our timelines for 2025. This celestial event marks a significant turning point in our journey, inviting us to shed the old, to let go of what no longer serves us, and to embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment.
The energies of the Capricorn Solstice are intense and potent, amplifying our capacity for self-discipline, responsibility, and ambition. This earthy, practical sign calls upon us to ground our aspirations, to manifest our desires through diligent effort and perseverance. The Solstice energies ignite a fire of determination within us, fueling our passions, our creativity, and our unwavering commitment to our soul’s purpose.
As we navigate this transformative landscape, we’re reminded that our journey is not just about personal growth, but also about contributing to the greater good. The Solstice invites us to embody the qualities of a wise and compassionate leader, to take our place as guardians of the earth, and to work in harmony with the natural world.
But what is a solstice, exactly? A solstice is a moment of celestial alignment, marking the instant when the sun appears to stand still in the sky. This occurs twice a year, once in June (the summer solstice) and once in December (the winter solstice) for the northern hemisphere (and the opposite for the southern part of our world). The solstice represents a turning point, a moment of transition from one cycle to another.
The Capricorn Solstice also marks a moment of reckoning, as we’re called to confront our shadow selves, to acknowledge our deepest fears, and to integrate our fragmented aspects. This process of self-confrontation and integration is crucial, as it allows us to reclaim our power, to heal our wounds, and to emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient.
As we navigate this Solstice passage, it’s essential to be aware of the emotional shifts that may arise within us. You may experience a deep sense of introspection, a need to withdraw from the world and reconnect with your inner self. Emotions may surface, and it’s crucial to allow yourself to feel, to process, and to release. This is a natural part of the transformation process, and by embracing these emotional shifts, you’ll be able to integrate the lessons and wisdom that this Solstice has to offer.
The Trinity codes embedded within the Solstice energies, and around Christmas as well, will be working intensively and deeply within us during these final weeks of the year. Although these energies carry a subtler and more loving and compassionate nature, they can still trigger deep emotional releases. The Trinity codes are helping us to reconnect our soul, mind, and body fields so we can find a deeper inner resonance with our true divine essence.
As we journey through the Capricorn Solstice, we’re also approaching the threshold of a new year, 2025, and the activation of new timelines that resonate with the vibrations of number 9. The Solstice passage serves as a crucial bridge, connecting us to the incoming energies of 2025 and the higher frequencies that await us. As we release the old and rebirth ourselves, we’re simultaneously aligning with the new timelines, which hold the promise of greater achievements, abundance, and fulfillment.
We are also approaching the sacred celebration of Christmas, a time when the energies of love, compassion, and unity are amplified. The synergy between the Solstice and Christmas is profound, as both events symbolize the rebirth of light and the triumph of love over darkness. As we connect with the Christ consciousness, we’re reminded of the divine spark within us, and we’re invited to embody the qualities of compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love. May we allow the convergence of these sacred energies to awaken our hearts, to illuminate our path, and to guide us toward a brighter, more loving future.
We prepare for the Golden Solstice’s passage, which is strongly felt now. As ascending souls, our task is to always remain in the Truth of who we are and our personal SOLar Ankh Temple, our Divine Template, restoring and reclaiming our freedom and true identity as Divine Sovereign beings.
The many 3D distractions at this time are meant to govern our Consciousness, deviating our true purpose and intention. This is a blessed time to foment our personal values and family and anchor more love, wisdom, and harmony.
This Solstice is about embodying the CHRISTalline plasmatic energies that are being enhanced during this passage, as we continue choosing to act as integrated beings so that the distractions of this season do not mislead us from seeing the Truth.
This passage together with the sun in Capricorn, a new moon in this sign, and Chiron direct, will provide us with powerful healing transmissions. Capricorn energies are precisely to help us achieve illumination, through the transfiguration that we have been experiencing throughout all this year.
The Solstice will amplify Capricorn transmissions as well, helping us to continue repairing our telomeres, where our DNA resides, healing mitochondrial anomalies, the mother seed within us, so we can embrace both our SOLar consciousness and our Female one, removing false timelines, so we can step into the harmonic ones we are giving form from within.
Many of you will start feeling the intensity of density emancipation, especially in your joints, knees, hair skin, and bone structure in general, parts of our anatomy that Capricorn rules too. This is where true ascension begins, when our bone structure, the denser one, starts shifting.
It can feel exhausting some days, with pain in our joints, and knees and feelings of dizziness as if we were, for we literally are, navigating between two different worlds, and dimensions, our 3D one and the 5D, and 6D timelines, the soul dimensions, where many of you are beginning to anchor yourselves, and where others are already dwelling, descending the angelic transmissions to assist our planet in its transfiguration.
You, as already advanced and brave souls who chose to incarnate on a wonderful, but very challenging at the same time, planet, have all the wisdom, power, and divine resources required to continue remembering, transforming, and reclaiming who you are, and your divine mission.
There is nothing outside of yours that can tell you who you are only confirm what you already feel.
You are Love, Wisdom, and Power, embrace it Beloveds.
You are Divine Design.
Remember that when all challenges you beyond your human understanding.
May you create a wonderful CHRISTmas season and Now Year Beloveds.
Thank you for another year of constant assistance and harmonic seeding.
The Winter Solstice is December 21, 2024. Astronomically, the Winter Solstice signifies the days changing from primarily dark, to increasingly lighter. The Winter Solstice is one the most powerful points and spiritual energy of the year. Many cultures, religions and spiritual traditions have honored the winter solstice. Often times, this time of greater darkness has encouraged humanity to come together and celebrate rebirth and the return to light. In a spiritual sense, whatever your tradition, now is the perfect time to embrace your Higherself and think about who you are and where you would like to go. This is the perfect time for reflection, introspection and setting intention.
Honor your stillness. Understanding your emotions, motivations and desires is crucial to manifesting the life you want to live. Development of a vision board and strategy for the coming year, often in the form of resolutions, can help you move. The winter solstice, the day of the “sun’s rebirth.” Most often, winter solstice celebrations honored the symbolism of fire and light, along with life, death, resurrection, the rising sun, and the moon. The winter solstice is a reminder to honor our connection to Mother Gaia and the Divine Feminine and the Celestial bodies that help us through life.
12/21/24 is a perfect day for manifestation and goal-setting work. Finally, there’s the numerological meaning. 12/21 holds great significance as it is an angel number. An angel number is a single-digit or sequential numbers that appear in our lives consistently to grab our attention. Often, they can have special meaning or messages from the universe for us. In the date 12/21/we have the numbers 1 and 2 repeating. The number one is all about motivation, optimism, unity and uniqueness. It can also remind us to focus on our own inner work, purpose and goals. The number two, on the other hand, is about balance, partnership and harmony. Combined, the two numbers ask us to figure out how we can contribute to the whole on an individual level, and what we can do within ourselves to make the collective better. Symbolically, this day also represents the triumph of light over darkness, signalling the gradual return of longer days and the promise of renewed life. With the birth of the Sun a new year begins. It’s the beginning of a new cycle of birth → growth → death in Nature; a whole new year of life, experiences & transformation. It’s a new chapter.
The 12/21 gateway opens the December Solstice portal. Energies are particularly strong from this point on. As we enter this powerful gateway of the Winter Solstice. This portal will guides us into the stillness inside of our beings to work to birth the light individually and collectively. As this sacred portal becomes accessible, there are divine opportunities and great lessons and insights that await us. This is a profound portal of Transference. We’ve navigated huge waves of high frequency light alongside deep clearings and the continuing collapse of 3D structures, systems & organisations for the birthing of The New Earth. This has a profound transformation impact that ripples throughout the Earth & Mother Gaia The veils are thinner where we are being given the opportunity Creating a powerful opportunity for multi dimensional awakening, soul expansion, elevated states of consciousness, bliss and rapid ascension. During this potent planetary Death/Rebirth point huge streams of light codes & Christ Light frequencies will enter onto the earth. These are pure crystalline frequencies of Light that we can absorb for Lightbody integration, merkaba travel & interdimensional access. We are being given access to enter into this profound awakening & activation solstice portal. A gateway into 2025 and a whole new beginning.
Yet there is a very spiritual meaning to the winter solstice that can assist you in spiritual growth, with new beginnings, and to walk your spiritual life path. Yet the significance of the winter solstice means so much more than that for many. Once the winter solstice is complete the sun begins its ascent back toward us, bringing with it life. It is a rebirth of nature, of Mother Earth, and of our own bodies and souls. It is the beginning of new life and fresh growth. And it represents hope for prosperity and abundance in the year to come. The winter solstice is a time of transformation and metamorphosis. The winter solstice marks the moment the sun will begin its return to us. Carrying the promise of light, rebirth, and positivity. Not only for nature, but the chance at transformation and rebirth within each of us. A new year full of hope, promises, and potential. Yet no matter who you are, where you are or what race, culture or religion you are, the winter solstice carries an spiritual energy that can be celebrated and honored. A Universal celebration shared between all living things on the planet. It is a wonderful time to reflect on and celebrate our connection to the Earth and all living things that share this planet with us. The light of the Sun begins a new solar cycle at Winter Solstice. The rays shine into the dark, and nurture the newborn life there to be cultivated. And this is mirrored in nature, as the seeds are buried in the darkness of the Earth, to emerge once again with the life-giving rays of the Sun.
In Ancient Egypt the Winter Solstice was about Raising the Djed Pillar. Historically, the Djed was raised at crucial transitional times between cycles, evoking light and stability to dispel darkness and chaos. Also to bring stability for Earth’s Light Grid, Portals and Vortices. Such periods were the Annual Winter Solstice. The Djed is the Kemetic symbol of our human stability, cosmic stability, mental stability, and the stability of the Earth that we live on. The Djed is the cosmic axis, the column of light, its frequency links Earth to the Heavens. Raising the Djed is also to erect the backbone of (Osiris), who heralds the energy of resurrection. (Isis) who heralds the energy of life. The tiet was often called the “knot of Isis” or the “blood of Isis”. The Blood of Isis, represents that power within The Divine Feminine, a woman’s menstrual cycles and the birth/death/rebirth cycle. Spirituality, know is the power of the womb. The Knot of Isis, the Blood of Isis, represents that power within Women. The Djed and the Tiet used together often alluded to the binary nature of life. The Djed supports the continuity of the 4 seasons, the cycles of nature that are important to our personal and spiritual development. The Tiet is aslo a symbol of the coming together of two things in perfect wholeness, a condition that promotes a positive outcome. The Djed is the backbone or (spine) of our ascension and resurrection as we journey this realm to connect our Higher-Self & Light-Body. This is the time when it is most important for Humanity to raise the Djed inside us, individually, once again.
The winter solstice is about bringing back the light. Take the time to honor your connection with the light that is to come and the light that is within you. Just like we create resolutions for the New Year, the winter solstice is a wonderful time to prepare and plan for what you want to accomplish in the coming year. You may want to take time to honor and acknowledge the endings & new beginnings in your life in a ceremony or personal ritual that both honors your past and clears space to make room for what you wish for your coming future. Light a candle and reflect on your connection to the Earth and the Universe. Practice being grounded and in touch with the Earth and your roots. Take a walk in nature or walk barefoot on the ground or sit in meditation or in quiet reflection on the Earth and nature. The cycle of the Sun represents the cycle of our lives and reflects the natural flow of energy moving inward and outward. There are times to grow, times to pause, times to shed and times to learn. Just as we align with the Moon’s journey every month, we can align with the Sun’s journey throughout the year. The energy of winter is a sacred time of rest and reflection. The Winter Solstice is a reminder of the immense power we have within us (reflected in the power of the Sun) and being still is like a built-up of energy waiting to be released as we enter into the New Year. Remember You Are The Light.
This weekend sit back and receive all the 1221 Solstice energies downloading. Release any fears and emotions that are surfacing. These are illusions based on past experiences. The fact is your reality is progressing into success. Know that you are also surrounded by protection. Ask yourself why you are feeling or thinking with limitations, and then alchemize the density into what you want instead. Your moving through the Portal into the infinite. The past no longer defines your future.
On Friday, December 20th, on this last day before the Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) and the Sun shifting into Capricorn, we have the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, in skeptical, earth sign Virgo in a difficult square connection to Mercury, ruler of the mental body, in brusque, fire sign Sagittarius. Our heart and our head may not be aligned today.
What we feel may be challenging what we think. The Moon in Virgo can be perfectionistic. Mercury in Sagittarius can be judgmental. However, the Moon in Virgo can be alchemical and Mercury in Sagittarius can be optimistic. It may take a little effort, but let us all set the intention to move into the positive energies on this day.
Venus in Aquarius trine Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. Mars retrograde in Leo opposite Ceres in Aquarius – Two conflicting energies are in play. One tells a story of abundance and generosity, a world filled with fruits and flowers, a situation where all desires are fulfilled, and every story has a happy ending. The other is a tale of loss and anger, the fury of thwarted goals, the rage that threatens to raze it all to the ground if we don’t get what we want.
Choose. Choose flowers. Choose abundance. Choose life. Choose the beauty that is in a multitude of human interactions every moment of every day. But also acknowledge anger, hurt, pain, jealousy, sheer outrage in the most constructive ways possible. We can’t bypass problems or wish them away, but we can choose to emphasise the good. When we focus on what brings joy or awakens the heart, it magnifies positive emotions and diminishes negativity. We don’t always get what we want, but sometimes life surprises us with beautiful alternatives.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. We are on the 10th day of the Red Earth wavespell with its agenda of evolution. The tenth day is the most perfect day of a wavespell, neither challenging, enduring or intense. Whatever day it’s combined with, it enhances the energy in a pleasant way.
Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. The Worldbridger provides an opportunity to cross the threshold, journey to another realm or – to another phase of your journey and evolution. As it is a ‘Planetary’ day, this suggests it is the perfect day to cross a bridge. Some folk fear the Worldbridger because of the word death associated with it. This is symbolic however of the Shaman’s death which entails letting go of ego (or anything else weighing you down). Naturally this process elevates one to a higher vibration and that is a worthy threshold to cross indeed.
The Guide today is the White Wizard, the enchanting charmer. When the Wizard is guiding, he is inviting you to follow him to enchanted places. Be open minded today but be aware that you may find yourself under a spell. This is not a bad thing really because we don’t spend enough time exploring enchanted realms. We live in a psychologically tough environment that’s often synthetic and soulless. Visiting enchanted realms helps us take time out from the modern environment and all its stresses.
The Challenge is the Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Intelligence and Questioning’. When in a challenging position, Warrior finds it difficult to exert his willpower which can be frustrating. If you are a Warrior, today may be hard on you. Take comfort in knowing it’s just one day and that all things pass eventually. For the rest of us, going on missions today is not ideal and we may struggle with summoning up our willpower.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a higher perspective. When in this magical position, magical visions are possible. Creativity is a keyword for Eagle and often creativity is sparked by magic. May you feel creatively inspired today and make a little magic appear in your life. This is a great day for seeing as mentioned in Carlos Castenda’s books. The concepts he explores in these stories regards the art of seeing what is hidden. This magical Eagle leads us to have visions that enable the art of seeing.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker who loves to go exploring and so if you need an adventurous buddy to help you out today, your best bet is a Skywalker. If you are a Red Skywalker, expect to be asked to help out a friend. If you don’t have one handy, be like a Skywalker and be a little daring today and summon up some courage. This will make today much more friendly to you.
MANTRA I perfect in order to equalize Producing opportunity I seal the store of death With the Planetary tone of manifestation I AM guided by the power of timelessness
20/12/2024 = 2/3/8=2/11=2/2=4
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth
A VERY powerful planetary day with a 2.2. and 4.4. portal code – the sign for NEW EARTH..
We are building bridges and connections to our New World.
Day 10 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today we MANIFEST through the Art of Surrendering all attachment to the physical plane. We SURRENDER to the DEATH of the old world, old ways and old life to MANIFEST a new world. As we LET GO and LET GOD, we become wholly present and receptive to the fantastic opportunities flowing our way. Powerful MANIFESTATION potentials arise today!
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA.
A VERY powerful day to get PHYSICAL – using Divine Alchemy to manifest from the aethers into matter!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO of the old world and old battles, to bridge new worlds and MANIFEST our greatest PLANETARY Destiny?”
Divine blessings for SEALING the DOOR to DEATH, and OPENING the door to BLISS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
9 moons ago – last galactic spin it was the 4.4.4. PORTAL on 4th April 2024. A potent WORLDBRIDGING day to NEW EARTH!
27 moons ago – 3 Galactic spins – KIN 166 aligned with HALLOWEEN and we had an 11/2 portal code to boot! This blasted OPEN the veil between worlds.. and DEATH was the focus of that day with the PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER – sealing the store of DEATH on this planet.
Today we are connected to that portal – so make sure you use your MAJIK to put an END to the black magic spells!! Close the DOOR where EVIL dwelt PERMANENTLY!!
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI Seals the store of Death! Absolutely PERFECTO on this majikal timeless day as we reconnect to the theme of HALLOWEEN when the doorway to the underworld is flung OPEN… Be VERY careful what you INVOKE or INVITE into your home, body or physical and energetic spaces today. Focus on the LIGHT and higher energies through this potent NEW EARTH portal..
Of course whenever we have a pivotal PORTAL day – the opposing forces try to counteract the huge INFLUX of LIGHT streaming through the portal… today is no different as the shenanigans continue in preparation for the SOLSTICE QUANTUM SHIFT portal in 2 days time!
We have DIVINE MAJIK to BREAK the EVIL dreamspell today to SET US FREE!!!
The PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER is bringing an ENDING to these dark rituals… May the realms of HALLOWEEN finally END on planet EARTH!! HALLELUJAH –
It is TIME to CELEBRATE the LIVING and the BEAUTY and GLORY… Instead of focusing on DEATH, we need to celebrate the LIFE and contributions of ALL SOUL’S ON EARTH – especially the RAINBOW WARRIORS and STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS who are very worthy of this honour.
CIMI asks you to LET GO and SURRENDER today! SURRENDER through LISTENING to the cues of RED EARTH to navigate your path to the new life you are seeking. OUT with the OLD and IN with the NEW!
Surrender and witness the DEATH of the old – the old ways, old world, old paradigm. The PLANETARY tone combined with the Worldbridger is collapsing the old world today. Every day we see more SIGNS of the demise of the old paradigm.. as it crumbles in its wake we can build a new solid foundation ESPECIALLY with the 20s AWAKENING and REBUILDING codes.. How perfecto that this is the FOCUS today through this NEW EARTH portal day… GAIA rules and her DESTINY is paramount..
WORLDBRIDGER is bringing new opportunities for rebuilding, through connection and networking with others. Opportunities to FORGIVE the past and move forwards renewed. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting.
A wonderful code for bringing CONNECTIONS between people – friends and family – coming together to celebrate our NEW WORLD and exciting new EPOCH!.
CIMI assists us in mending our bridges today, and building new, stronger and better ones with our kin…Repairing what was once broken, and moving into new territory, with a brand new foundation of UNITY and EQUALITY between planetary kin.
Build the RAINBOW BRIDGE to the NEW world you want to be in!
Don’t look back – keep moving FORWARD!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE PLANETARY WIZARD – IX is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the HEART. Such wisdom is the SHAMANIC wisdom that comes from an alignment of heart and mind, through LISTENING to the natural world. An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe.
The PLANETARY WIZARD is demanding that we RADIATE and take back our WHITE MAJIKAL POWERS!!! He is activating the MAJIKAL PROWESS of the Planetary Earth Wizards through this magnificent 4.4. portal day!!!
WHITE WIZARD asks you to OPEN to the wonderful MAJIK available today. Today we can access potent energies through being in a hyper receptive mode of anchoring with a deep receptivity to many dimensions. This requires stillness and attunement in order to conduct and flow these energies through your vessel.
Take a moment to be STILL today amidst all the hustle and bustle, expand your HEART toroidal field – spreading the MAJIK of LOVE on this day of DEATH and decay.. More LOVE is what is needed in our world. Let’s FLIP IT – LOVE is the antidote!
Use your power of enchantment, to forge the beautiful strong loving connections with your kin and remember that we are all united through our Golden Christed Hearts as ONE.
The PLANETARY WIZARD brings forth great White Majik to break FREE from the old DARK DREAM-SPELL and AWAKEN in a new, better DREAM… forgetting the NIGHTMARE and ghouls of the past.
We are all weaving a new Planetary DREAM together, as ONE PEOPLE and ONE WORLD.
The power of enchantment can be utilized in your desires and creations through shamanic, ritual, ceremony and spell casting today. Make sure you say
“This or something better, with harm to none.”
Preferably for the benefit of us ALL on a PLANETARY level.
A great day to use our UNIFIED HEARTS to MANIFEST on a PLANETARY level for a better world.
. SUPPORT: RED PLANETARY SKYWALKER – BEN the GALACTIC EXPLORER leads us into new realms, new possibilities and new opportunities. Today we are PERFECTING this co-creation by exploring our physical responsibilities in the world, manifesting the higher potentials of the New Time.
We are surrendering to the total expansion of the Heavens within our heart, in order to build a divine sensitivity to all those worlds ‘out there’ and recognize them as a part of our own ‘consciousness’. Underworld, Upperworld and in between worlds – they are all part of CREATION, focus on the NOW and the reality unfolding before your eyes.
BEN the Angelic Messenger brings forth these signs and messages from other realms and worlds, assisting us in integrating higher frequencies during our awakening to our new selves. It is time to EXPAND our consciousness and our thinking of what is possible for us..
Use this opportunity to bridge Heaven and Earth and experience the common-unities through our immediate families… BLISS starts in our own hearts and home!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:BLUE SELF-EXISTING EAGLE– MEN gives us the power to SEE with great clarity today, in all directions of time. We have the power to SEE and recognize the UNFOLDING of the dark agenda throughout his-story. We can now recognize how we have been deceived, as our own energies have been harvested for nefarious agendas.. It is time to reclaim your POWER and channel your energy into CREATION rather than DESTRUCTION.
Trusting in the HIGHEST VISION that has always guided our Ancestors to lead their people into a New World foretold by their prophecies. Knowing that the future cycles have already been “written” in our Planetary Akashic records. VISUALIZING a future where we can celebrate with our families and cherish our connections, with the deepest reverence for each other.
The SELF-EXISTING EAGLE powerfully enables us to manifest our VISIONS into FORM in the physical realm… yahoooo…. we can CONSTRUCT this new world through this potent portal today.
If you can IMAGINE it, you can CREATE IT.
As we collectively hold this VISION today, we can manifest BLISS ON EARTH on a PLANETARY level…
Allow BLUE EAGLE to reveal the elevated VISION possible for you and our PLANET today. CLOSE the DOORWAYS to the underworld and walk through the portals leading to BLISS.
SEE THE BIG PICTURE of your NEW life and your Divine Destiny plan on this 20 AWAKENING code. Broaden your Horizons and allow Spirit to be the wind beneath your wings!
LIFE IS GOOD with BLUE EAGLE leading us home.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW PLANETARY WARRIOR– CIB – Hip hip hoo-ray!! The RAINBOW WARRIORS are the GIFT and BLESSIng OF KIN 166 on this precious Planetary manifesting day!!.
CIB gifts us, with the ability to fearlessly QUEST-I-ON all that is disharmonious, and only accept what is for our HIGHEST good.
What REALITY do you CHOOSE to focus on?????
Staying fearlessly focused on the highest potentials of co-creating the NEW TIME with our tribes. Showing up, being READY and totally committed to accomplishing the NEW. Our free will is guiding us all on our QUEST back to the elegant design of the HARMONIC MATRIX… Reject the lures, games and deception of the ARTIFICIAL CONTROL MATRIX. Do not be FOOLED!
Remember to stay in your higher vibe using your peaceful Spiritual warrior gifts today, and put away the weapons and battle armour. Surrender your sword and ensure your words and actions are benevolent and contribute to greater harmony and PEACE – within you and without.
The most powerful Warriors on this planet are the PEACEMAKERS… not the war mongers! Access the GIFT of CONNECTION that the WORLDBRIDGER brings, through SURRENDERING the battles for the sake of PEACE and HARMONY!
The higher intelligence of CIB aligns with BLUE EAGLE today to give you much wisdom to rise above the old ways and close the door to the old world, fearlessly moving forward.
So precious Planetary Creators, today we LET GO and LET GOD
SURRENDER to the synchronicities and allow our brand new lives and new paths to be revealed through this evolutionary new cycle through this SOLSTICE passage. How exciting!!
A great day for connecting with PLANETARY KIN, and communicating your grander VISIONS!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO of the old world and old battles, to bridge new worlds and MANIFEST our greatest PLANETARY Destiny?”
Divine blessings for SEALING the DOOR to DEATH, and OPENING the door to BLISS!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🌞 Solstice Guided Meditation: Align with the Light & Embrace Renewal 🌙
Celebrate the sacred energy of the Solstice with this peaceful and transformative guided meditation. Whether you’re honoring the Winter Solstice (the return of the light) or the Summer Solstice (the peak of illumination), this meditation will help you connect deeply with nature’s cycles, release the old, and embrace the new.
✨ In this meditation, you will:
🌟 Ground yourself with the Earth’s energy
🌟 Reflect on the light and shadow within you
🌟 Release what no longer serves you
🌟 Set intentions for renewal, growth, and alignment
🌟 Align with the Solstice energy of transformation and balance
This practice is perfect for all levels and can be done at sunrise, sunset, or anytime you wish to connect with the magic of the Solstice. 🕯️💫
🌿 What You’ll Need:
A quiet space free from distractions
A candle or symbol of light (optional)
An open heart ready to connect with the cycles of nature
Embrace the shifting seasons and allow this meditation to bring clarity, harmony, and renewal into your life. 🌎✨
Powerful affirmations to reprogram and enter into your 1111 new hologram
You are not bound by Earth’s 3D timeline, you have transcended it completely.
In your reality, manifestation is instantaneous.
Every desire, every wish, every thought you have is already fulfilled.
Your manifestations have already happened, so they show up in your 3D world instantly and rapidly.
You are magnetic to everything you want, everything you desire rushes to you without pause, without question.
The moment you decide, it’s done.
1111 new hologram
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