Aurora Timeline ~ Opening the Bridge to Andara * Krystic Consciousness ~ Divine Mother Kuan Yin ~ THIRD PULSE
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Galactic Navigators of the Infinite Timelines of Source Creator
As we enter the Galactic Center, Hunab Ku, of the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, tomorrow November 14th we merge with the Still Center of Zero Point and Transcend beyond time and Space and realize our Oneness with the Great Mystery and all Life.
In the Eternal Unborn Mind of Buddha all things are perfectly resolved and in this Pure Awareness of the I Am Presence we free ourselves from the timeloops of Samsara and enter the Everlasting Life of Eternal Bliss Consciousness.
In these final days of the false 3d Matrix of Maya we release and let go all that no longer serves our self and humanity for the highest good of all involved.
Nothing can stop us in our United efforts of Peace, Joy, Love, Abundance and Prosperity for all our Good People of New Earth.
Keep shining bright as we step over the threshold of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and transform this realm in our collective conscious co-creation of the full Manifestation of the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
Stay in your Sacred Heart Center and anchored into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the new hue-man species of Homo-Luminous; 5d Conscious Avatars of Gaia Galactica , Mothership 33 of our Intergalactic Fleet of the New Jerusalem…A’Ho!
{Last day of the 11 : 11 ~ 3 day gateway}~ending in the 13th Portal day honor the sacred Divine Feminine Goddess energies and the sacred sister ship of the Rose. The 13th is a very powerful day of Divine Feminine Energy, and prior to patriarchal times it was recognized as a day for celebrating the goddess.
~Today the 13th of November marks the Roman festival of Feronia, a Sabine goddess originally associated with wildlife, fertility, health, and abundance, who was particularly revered by the poor and slaves who could seek freedom at her shrines; her worship continued under the Romans, with her being seen as a protector of the marginalized and a welcoming deity for travelers, especially at the borders between civilization and wild spaces where her shrines were often located, usually near a stream for ritual cleansing; giving to charity on this day is considered a way to honor Feronia and receive her blessings of abundance in return.
Be open to receive unexpected blessings and abundance in your life on this day!
Shekina Rose, a Blue Ray Angelic, Starseed, Spiritual empath psychic & Healer, is a Songstress Messenger of Shekinah in the 528Hz Miracle Ancient Solfagio scale Music from the other side of the veil, She is the Channel of the Blue Ray Transmissions,
11/13/24: Things that will ruin today’s fun if you think you have any control over them: 1) current events; 2) weather; 3) other people’s thoughts and actions; and 4) whatever happened in the past. These are guaranteed spoilers if you’re stuck in thinking things should be different than they are. Thankfully, today’s energy can raise your frequency and change your perspective… but it requires your participation and some of that personal power 2024 has summoned from you.
Now is not the time to give away your power to what’s out of your control. This is a new era of Free Will merging with Right Action to flow in harmony with Divine Love. You don’t just throw that kind of power away.
You are entering a greater frequency in this Universe, filled with forces and influences that you have not yet learned how to counteract. You are entering a greater panorama of life. And you must prepare for this…
There are massive cellular and DNA stimulations going on within, whether Humans are aware of it or not -Your SolFlares have re-activated the Original GodSource Codes of your Krystaline DNA – Krystic-Consciousness
Those in their early or mid-stages of their spiritual journey must stay discipline to cleanse/clear the whole Spirit, Mind and Body complex. The journey will become easier once the energetic weight is dissolved.
Those that are deep into their ascending journey, are accessing new levels of powers that have not been available to the masses, in the physical realm. With great power comes great responsibility as new challenges and tests will arise at all new levels of the journey. These missions and purpose come after One has succeeded in the manifestations for SELF where the vessel is operating at its optimal level and all that is needed has been secured.
The next level is Service for Collective. Service for Terra-Gaia. You are now in full Self-Mastery level. You are wholly embodied your Krystic Consciousness to do GodSource’s work in the physical realm. You are unlocking a new set of quantum magick,and you already know this. We are all grateful and honored to serve with you in this here and now!
Meanwhile upon your planet, there is potentially a lot of human drama, noise around and events that can polarize, pull out attention very easily into the turbulence and uncertainty of 3D and lower frequencies of polarity and judgement. This is a powerful test of your Self-mastery. Despite what is happening in the external world, as far as you are able, stay in peace, calm and love, welcoming in an expanded consciousness of love.
Keep going inwards to stillness. Know that humanity is entering a much more beautiful multidimensional period as the result of a dimensional shifts that took many decades. It’s obviously challenging to keep a positive focus when you are caught up in some extreme situation or weather event, which means that the rest of humanity have to come together even more in these higher frequencies to beam them to those who need them most.
Know that all this is part of the final death throes of the old order. These are very big times of endings and beginnings as many of you are aware. There is a clear collective timeline of fear and panic, and another very beautiful one borne of love, peace, joy and compassion. The latter is where you must put your consistent focus and when you do, you accelerate its arrival for all of humanity.
And remember – it begins with supporting your physical vessel first!
The Human body is a reflection of the Cosmo – a myriads of cells like constellations that behave as a collective symphony in a harmonic organic living Consciousness. When a Human vibrates higher, it shifts itself back to functioning as a healthy cell. When 7 billion cells begin to vibrate higher, then they all shift themselves back to a normal cell’s frequency, therefore the body will no longer have any dis-eased cells.
The Human collective functions in this exact way. Higher vibrating Humans will affect other Humans to vibrate higher. This is also true for lower-frequency Beings infecting other Humans to lower their state. This is why its very important to protect your DNA and your Energy.
This deliberate Higher Dimensional focus strategy is only necessary at first to entrain your being to stay focused at a higher level even while physically walking around in 3D. Afterward this habitual focus process will become automatic and sustained as your DNA code changes to lock into this process. The higher dimension is a faster vibrating version of now. All you must do is raise your internal vibration to match it. When you do this, the Kingdom of Heaven will begin to show up all around you.
Practice your spiritual inner work disciplines to be able to better achieve this amazing state of Beingness. Healthy Self Love, meditation, ingesting only natural foods, being in nature will give you the fastest results in reaching your highest dimensions and timeline
You are the Star of your own cosmos – keep shining bright
Dear friends, as we approach the Full Moon on November 15, 2024, we are invited to embark on a profound journey of transformation, stability, and sensual exploration. This last Supermoon of 2024, peaking at 22° Taurus, ignites a potent blend of energies, urging us to rebalance our relationship with the physical world. Supermoons are moons that occur at or near perigee—when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit. This particular super full moon can appear bigger and brighter in the sky, and its magnetic connection with our emotional fields can feel stronger that usual.
The Taurus energy beckons us to indulge in life’s pleasures, cultivate self-care, and appreciate nature’s beauty. Yet, this Full Moon also opposes Scorpio’s intense energy, sparking transformation, rebirth, and emotional depth. We’re called to navigate the tension between stability and change.
Astrologically speaking, this supermoon is also being influenced by several planetary players. The Venus and Jupiter connection will add a focus on amplifying relationships, creativity, and abundance. Meanwhile, a harmonious connection with Pluto supports emotional healing, intimacy, and empowerment. This celestial alignment encourages us to reevaluate our values, priorities, and connections.
As we navigate this Full Moon, let’s explore the depths of our relationship with the physical world. What brings us joy and comfort? How can we cultivate stability and security? What are our true values and priorities? By introspecting and realigning our connection with the material realm, we can unlock profound growth and soul expansion.
This Taurus Full Moon invites us to make sure that we feel confident about who we are, and that we are living and speaking our truth to the world. This is a particular prosperous time for embracing change, creating new chapters in your book of life, and letting go of those anchors that are preventing you from flying high.
To harness this Supermoon’s energy, let’s incorporate activities that promote stability and inner peace. Imagine yourself surrounded by soothing candlelight, immersed in meditation, calming your mind, and awakening all of your physical and extrasensory senses. Connect with nature’s rhythms, walking, gardening, or simply being outdoors. Engage in creative expression, allowing art, music, or writing to flow from your heart.
This Full Moon in Taurus resonates deeply with the Root Chakra, governing stability and security. Surround yourself with earthy tones and comforting foods these days. Emotionally, this Full Moon invites us to release fear and cultivate gratitude, recognizing the interconnectedness of all living beings. We are being encouraged to honor our physical body, explore sensual pleasures, and prioritize self-love. By embracing our humanity, we can deepen our connections with others and ourselves.
Spiritually, this Supermoon beckons us to connect with nature’s cycles, cultivate patience, and trust our intuition. We’re called to embody our values, release attachment to material possessions, and align with our higher purpose. By surrendering to transformation, we can rebirth ourselves, manifest abundance, and fulfill our soul’s journey.
As we navigate this potent energy, let’s remain grounded, focused, and open to the possibilities that will soon come in 2025. May this Supermoon guide us toward greater stability, sensual awareness, and inner growth.
“Whatever may have taken place and no matter how horrific, the door back to love has opened for all Twin Flames who have been holding major collective time ramifications so a huge ripple effect of correction is here in the name of what is true to support those birthing themselves into the new reality.
This means that you will witness deep awakenings and alignments divine couple/group upgrades, divine couple/group reunions and many couple/group separations in order for these last ones to exit maya, align to their true soul path and return to their true partner or soul group!
Please note that while people are quickly being manipulated into another mass deception entering another divine test, those who have chosen the self realisation work and are dedicated to their inner growth and unification, will now find a higher level/upgraded playground of expression filled with freedom, abundance and joy in order to expand with no interferences.
The split now is more obvious than ever and only few will head towards these upgraded levels, at least for now, until the majority goes through this next test and meets the next disillusionment and necessary growth, correction and redirection!
New cycles are opening for everyone no matter what their choice of direction is.
Those aligned to truth will be stabilising and thriving while steadily walking the path of Ascension until the permanent exit.
But please know that this time for those still in need of an external parent/saviour, the new deceptive cycles that open, will be bigger ones, meaning this time around, the deceptive ride/necessary learning process of growth, will be a longer and more challenging and suppressive one for people to move through.”
Beautiful developments are here for each One according to their level of inner integration, soul maturity and discernment.
There is freedom of choice and no group can stop another.
The upcoming full moon on the 15th of November will be a true eye opener!
Bringing a sudden strike of Light, revelation and revolution opening exits to freedom but there will also be karma delivery for those who are in spiritual need of it.
This moon will initiate again another liberation from demonic possessions and necessary healing on the lack of self growth for many as it is again connected to the Medusa story and technology.
Next, Saturn will turn direct on the 17th of November beginning his ride towards completing the full cycle.
We have worked extensively on this energy since Saturn entered Pisces.
Psychotherapy, cultivation of inner truth and emotional and spiritual growth was his message.
This will be a totally magnificent ride of empowerment, establishment and manifestation for those aligned but also of disillusionment and leveling of distortion, including high spiritual lessons and many challenging processes of growth for whoever needs them.
If you ride in accordance with Saturn then everything in your life will be brought into a new clarity, correction, joy, upliftment and upgrade
He is the One giving out the most wanted green tickets to freedom!
And finally on the 19th of November Pluto is entering Aquarius for about the next 20 years!
This will signify the ‘switching on’ of the Earth’s Orgasmic mode and those ready will also go through this huge upgrade.
This is an essential part of the Divine Kundalini development and one to celebrate!
Upon this new activation, the inner physical union will be locked in again after a long long time and new POWERFUL inner circuits and pathways that were previously inactive, will return back to Life.
This means that new kinds of abilities and accessibilities will switch on, the kind of ones that require discernment and self responsibility to handle and retain.
The Twin Flames will be entering a new stage of evolution and they will be able to explore and play with new possibilities and choices gaining more wisdom and momentum!
There is so much expansion coming with this activation and the nodes and the nervous system will adjust to it fastly!
New missions and endeavours of Abundance and Nike will blossom via expression, cooperation and creativity!
We are only just starting
Blessings of Discernment!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
The seeds you are planting now are divinely protected and guided into their manifestations. The doors to healing, happiness, and abundance are wide open for you to enter. Choosing to stay focused on this trajectory of success will override the worries of deceit. Release any fears to God and expect the very best.
On Wednesday, November 13th, Venus, ruler of partnerships and resources, in practical Capricorn, is in a difficult inconjunct to Mars, ruler of action and movement, in joyful Leo. Venus and Mars are the Lovers in astrology….Venus is the feminine archetype and Mars is the masculine archetype. Venus in Capricorn wants to be focused, grounded, serious and cautious. Mars in Leo wants to be affectionate, childlike, expressive and creative.
These two differing energies seem incompatible, and this may reveal itself in our relationships, connections, financial matters and career. The question is, “Can we be productive and prudent but still enjoy ourselves and have fun?” It may take some adjustments, but it is possible. Today, let us all find a way to be goal oriented and responsible, while still being enthusiastic and playful!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of partnerships and resources, in practical Capricorn, is in a difficult inconjunct to Mars
Lunar aspects – After days fishing for answers whilst the Moon travelled through Pisces, now we’re on a mission to formulate our own understanding. The Aries Moon ignites a desire to follow your curiosity where it leads. Start a conversation, open a book, listen to a podcast that catches your attention. Sometimes we just need the right words at the right time to make the connection.
Often though, it’s more about finding the right question than the right answer.
What am I learning here? What beliefs drive me? What Is my passion, my purpose? Ask big questions that challenge your brave heart to pioneer into newly discovered inner landscapes. Don’t worry too much about how to put this knowledge into practice, that’s an issue for another day. Open your senses, listen with rapt attention, be alert to everything around you – birds and butterflies, trees and breeze. When you are still and centred, it’s far easier to figure out which way the wind is blowing. Be open to cosmic clues.
Heart veils are thinning. We will have an opportunity to LISTEN to and OPEN our HEARTS. Welcome to the THIRD PULSE of the 20 Core Day Ascension Portal from 11.13.24 to 11.16.24
The next four days, the veils are thinner, and this helps us listen to our hearts better. The only truth in our crumbling world is the impeccable truth that is in our hearts. I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of having our heart speak to us, and then we do not listen and consequently pay a huge price for not listening. How many times do we have to insult our hearts before we realize our hearts never lie?
Being vulnerable enough to share our hearts with others and the world can take great courage. Most of us have been horribly wounded in this life and in the past, so we guard our hearts. Those wounds have taught us divine discernment. We know and understand where to send our heart energy and where not to. We value our heart’s energy and understand that it is sacred. We understand not to waste this precious energy on lost causes, to those that don’t respect your heart, understand it, only want to harvest it, or want to reciprocate that energy.
The veils are thinner on these four days between your heart, the heart of the cosmos, the heart of the Earth, and the heart of others around you. Send your energy to places that will make a difference in the world. The universe will show you when and where. Listen with your heart. Pick your places wisely where you spend your unveiled heart energy. Your motivation for giving your heart energy will be directly proportional to how much effect it will have in the world. Give love authentically without ego, pretense, specialness, etc. Every time you offer your love, it makes a more significant impact than you will ever know.
Eventually, you will come to understand that love heals EVERYTHING, and love is all there is. — Gary Zukav
The THIRD PULSE will be from 11.13.24 to 11.16.24
These are the days of 12 MULUC, 13 OC, 1 CHUEN, and 2 EB.
This third phase will activate our center point, our HEART, now in balance between the cosmos and the Earth. This is the CENTER of the CENTER. These days are initiated with the energy of the cosmic moon of creation. Information is refined through spirit in a way that makes it accessible. Emotions and heightened sensitivity may trigger some deeper issues. We can either destroy or create within this vastness of creation. It will begin a starting-over process. Health will need attention.
Sacred Oils to use in the THIRD PULSE
For the ascending Heart Chakra, use Rose Oil.
(And / or with)
For the descending Galactic / Star Gate Chakra, use Frankincense Oil.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its keywords are ‘Dedicate, Cooperate and Universalize’. This sociable energy reminds us that working in a team can yield results and more importantly; we are all in this together. Cooperate with one another today instead of continuing the struggle on your own. Today we are reminded to think of community and to be dedicated to one another.
Today is the Red Moon which represents ‘Universal Water, Purify and Flow’. Red Moon days are very powerful and therefore resistance is futile. All we can do is go with it and trust that things will turn out OK. As it is a ‘Crystal’ day, getting together with others to relax is the ideal thing to do. Purification is also a key characteristic of the Moon and this means that on Moon days it’s great to be reminded to purify your space and your mind! Light some sage and clear the energy in your home. Take a bath or go swimming and drink plenty of water. It is also a great time to visit the seaside, or watch the moon rise. When we go through a purifying process that leads to better flow in our lives.
The Guide today is Red Dragon which happens to be the Ally of the White Mirror wavespell as well. This influence is very nurturing – demonstrating that going with the flow can be very therapeutic. Whenever the Dragon leads the way, we are being encouraged to take good care of ourselves. And as it is a number 12 day and that represents community and cooperation, this suggests that nurturing each other is important too.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm and its key words are ‘Catalyze, Energy and Self-Generation’. If you attempt to make any big changes today, you’ll end up banging your head against the wall. Surrender to the Universe, it’s your only choice. Struggling on your own won’t help either and so joining a group meditation or some other relaxing social event is your best bet. If you are a Blue Storm, you are always compelled to change the world single handedly! It’s all that energy you have and if you don’t release it it can become very intense. On days when the Blue Storm is in this weakened position, you can feel frustrated. But on the other hand, having a day off and just chilling out is really good for you, as you are forced to give it up. Just relax Stormy and you’ll be fine.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human which means our intuitions will be very strong today. Getting together with other humans will prove beneficial too! The Moon influences us and the Yellow Human is a channel, a vessel – their energies are complementary. Going with the flow helps the channeling too, so listen to your gut feelings today.
The Ally is the White Dog. When not chasing his tail, he loves to relax and he is naturally sociable. Today will be good for Dogs and they also make great companions and so if you get a chance, take one for a walk. If you don’t have one handy, do what they would do and be loving today.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 129 = 12 = 3 Holy Trinity/JOy/Creativity
KIN 129 holds a DOUBLE 3 code – 3+3=6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance
RED MOON represents the GODDESS which holds the frequency of 13.. and we have a 13 day code today – giving us a 13.13 COSMIC portal code today – fully EXPANDING our consciousness.
A very HEAVENLY DIVINE feminine codex today!!
Today is a very HOLY DIVINE DAY – enabling our pristine PURIFIED NEW 5D EARTH to FLOW into our REALITY…
We are now in DAY 9 (out of 20) of the CENTRAL CORE of the Tzolkin the MYSTIC COLUMN which is the COSMIC BIRTH CANAL, accessed through KIN 121, the guardian of the COSMIC vortex of CREATION..
It is the MIRRORLESS DIMENSION of TIME – or rather NO TIME. This 7th vertical column represents the Plasmatic Radial -the ORIGIN of SPIRIT – the ZERO POINT.
What I refer to as THE TWILIGHT ZONE!
Very TRIPPY times beloveds…
Day 12 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. Our second last day in this current cycle of discovering our TRUE DIAMOND ESSENCE before we embark on the Monkey REGENESIS OF CELEBRATING our reclaimed INNOCENCE!
Today is a day for COMMON-UNITY. Where we connect with others through a shared TRUTH, using our PURE MINDS to birth a better, more compassionate World for all.
CRYSTAL Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation.The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing our CORE FEARS and emotional blocks to claiming our FREEDOM and liberating our BEAUTY. We DISSOLVED all blocks to discordant relationships so that we can now UNITE harmonically in the NEW TIME .
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to cooperate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today through the power of cooperation with others. Thus we create telepathic links in our communication grids allowing for cooperative thoughts, ideas and inspiration to FLOW.
A day of greater CONNECT-I ON to each other and Mother Gaia!
TODAY is a brilliant day to do ritual, healing, GRID WORK and water cleansing ceremonies of any kind, honouring Pachamama. Especially if it involves our CRYSTAL ALLIES and gifting crystals to the waters or EARTH.
Blessing of the waters and assisting in purification of our oceans, lakes and waterways which are the lifeblood of Mother Gaia and Hu-man-ity is also highly desirable.
VISUALIZE Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Grid flowing FREELY with great clarity connecting all LIKE MINDED KIN, purifying and upgrading our PLANETARY MIND as we all FLOW together – merrily, merrily, merrily down the STREAM. .
Join together with all our PLANETARY KIN through our PURE MINDS to nurture this NEW 5D CONSCIOUSNESS being birthed.
Today’s question is “How can WE PURIFY our COLLECTIVE MIND in order to UNITE and FLOW together as ONE family, cocreating and B-EARTHing a PRISTINE NEW COMPASSIONATE EARTH?’
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED CRYSTAL MOON – MULUC represents the GODDESS energies. MULUC heightens our intuition and sensitivity today, enabling our MINDS to create the connections needed to bring in more FLOW.. Old anxiety, worry and FEAR energy, blocks our intuition and hence our natural FLOW. MULUC focuses on purification and gently releasing old energies.
As it is a MENTAL plane day MULUC assists in purifying our minds, by clearing away any false programming reflected by the MIRROR. Purifying our thoughts, beliefs and programs and those of our Collective, in order to attain CRYSTAL CLEAR, PURE MIND. Decluttering our Mind of troublesome thoughts, anxiety and worries, FREES our MIND to be creative and co-create with other like MINDED souls.
Open to the FLOW of Universal Waters to access PURE MIND and pure consciousness. The energies are pushing us to “GO WITH THE new 5D FLOW” becoming softer and more fluid,
Allow these powerful DIVINE feminine energies to flow through your vessel. Purify and release, allowing the GODDESS to enter your being and connect you to your feminine gifts.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED CRYSTAL DRAGON – IMIX represents Mother Goddess who births all of Creation. IMIX is a deeply feminine energy, coupled with RED MOON, we have the two sisters powerfully leading the energies today.. A beautiful day for the Divine Feminine to ARISE in our Collective Minds.
IMIX is the nurturer, Nurturing the New Consciousness that is based on more PURE realities.
Today we REFLECT on all that is revealed in our daily lives through the MIRROR,
The CRYSTAL DRAGON is the AKASHIC LIBRARIAN giving us total access to our soul’s records through the endlessness of TIME.. We can clearly see what no longer fits in our new story. Use your KEY to clear your his-story! It is time to write a new book HER-STORY!
Absolutely PERFECTO as we RESET and write a better story!!
In this new era, we are B-Earthing greater response-ability within ourselves, and choosing to co-create in a new and caring manner. We are nurturing our fluid and pure common union with ourselves and others.
Going with the FLOW of the most pure intelligence, agenda-free community, birthing more sensitive and compassionate tribes so that we can collectively B-EARTH a better world.
The CRYSTAL DRAGON also connects us to this year’s WOOD DRAGON and the EARTH DRAGONS – the rainbow serpent and Quetzacoatl –
The CRYSTAL tone CLEARS and AMPLIFIES GAIA’S GRIDS... KIN 129 are very gifted GRIDWORKERS and balancers. They are MASTERS of communicating, networking and CONNECTING with their tribe to advance the Divine Plan for GAIA and humanity.
Call on the DRAGON tribe for protection, support and MANIFESTATION today and use your CRYSTAL CLEAR INTENT to broadcast this through GAIA’S GRID.. PEACE, ABUNDANCE and HARMONY for all our kin!
SUPPORT: WHITE CRYSTAL DOG– OC our beautiful loyal companion surrounds us with a blanket of unconditional love and devotion today. OC reminds us to see and feel everything with our HEART, and through the eyes of LOVE, purifying our thoughts to only hold LOVING thoughts for the good of all.
The CRYSTAL DOG – has a very pure and refined connection to SOURCE through holding the codes of DIVINE unconditional LOVE,.. devotion and loyalty.
WHITE DOG represents the COMPASSIONATE MIND, which is what Ascended Masters reflect to their followers. This is the spiritual devotion which forms the glue between hearts and minds. Seeing through the eyes of others, allows for pure communication from the heart, with no agenda other than the willingness and desire to connect with others in order to cocreate through Divine MIND.
Fostering a PURE, compassionate MIND enables us to love ourselves, our planet, and her Universal pure waters connecting us to the MIND of GOD through our own precious HEARTS..
How to Live as An Ascended Master with Macaya Miracle
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW LUNAR HUMAN – EB represents learning through past experience, and making WISER choices using our intelligence to choose a better world.
The LUNAR HUMAN will reveal discordant belief systems that keep us trapped in a polarity battle. Good vs Evil, Masculine vs Feminine, Ego bs Divine Will. What is revealed can then be BALANCED and harmonized to forge new collective and cooperative bonds founded on UNITY consciousness.
Today we have the SUPERPOWER to cleanse our MINDS from the ancestral bloodlines, consciously choosing to REFUSE to propagate inherited and outmoded patterns in our thoughts. Choosing to THINK differently, uniquely and progressively, with a new focus on Service to GOD, Humanity and our Planet rather than pure survival and Service to self.
Through purifying the archaic patriarchal system and its control mechanisms, we can reclaim our Collective POWER by listening to our Earth and her waters and going with the FLOW of our own PURE instinct. Overriding our own personal EGOIC mindset, and elevating our Collective MIND so that we can manifest the Collective dream of Abundance in the New time.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE CRYSTAL STORM – CAUAC is today’s GIFT, working synergistically with MULUC to cleanse, PURIFY and transform your MIND and the GLOBAL MIND. As catalysts to transform the old, and co-create the expansion of the ever-expanding Harmonic Matrix of the Divine and elegant design of consciousness.
This new RESET of our minds, cooperatively REALIGNS and RECALIBRATES our MIND and our energies in COMMON-UNITY In turn this PEOPLE POWER is set to revolutionize our world. All FLOWING together in a NEW DIRECTION creating a new unstoppable PATH for others to follow in our lead.
CAUAC is moving us further and further up the evolutionary ladder. Allow the STORM to carry you forth to the new 5D shores beyond the horizon
TODAY is a brilliant day to do ritual, healing, GRID WORK and water cleansing ceremonies of any kind, honouring Pachamama. Especially if it involves our CRYSTAL ALLIES and gifting crystals to the waters or EARTH.
Blessing of the waters and assisting in purification of our oceans, lakes and waterways which are the lifeblood of Mother Gaia and Hu-man-ity is also highly desirable.
VISUALIZE Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Grid flowing FREELY with great clarity connecting all LIKE MINDED KIN, purifying and upgrading our PLANETARY MIND as we all FLOW together – merrily, merrily, merrily down the STREAM. .
Join together with all our PLANETARY KIN through our PURE MINDS to nurture this NEW 5D CONSCIOUSNESS being birthed.
Today’s question is “How can WE PURIFY our COLLECTIVE MIND in order to UNITE and FLOW together as ONE family, cocreating and B-EARTHing a PRISTINE NEW COMPASSIONATE EARTH?’
This Dragonfly Dream Meditation is a journey to connect with the gentle yet transformative energy of the dragonfly. The dragonfly symbolizes change, adaptability, and the lightness of being. In this meditation, you will explore the qualities of the dragonfly, allowing its wisdom to guide you toward clarity, transformation, and inner peace.
Have a most beautiful and blessed meditation of the Dream of the Dragonfly with my Sacred Condor…A’Ho!
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