Blue Rose ~ Gates of Triwave Insight ~ The ENDING Will BE the NEW BEGINNING! WE Are ANGELIC BEings BORN to FLIGHT!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Angelics of Stellar Origins
Our local Solaris ,again today, released 9 more C Class flares and another powerful M Class Solar Flare this evening maxing at M 3.88 at 1:50 UTC. This was encoded with our Trinity 88 Lions gate Code of our Lyran Nation of New Lemuria.
After the big spike in Gaia’s heartbeat yesterday on the Schumann Charts we had a blackout on the readings and are up to 20 hours of no data being produced as we enter into the Zero Point of the Space time Continuum to tap into the Infinite Light, Power and Potential at the Still Center of Source Creator.
In the Original Awakened Mind of Buddha Consciousness all is Clear and in Perfect Harmony with the Bliss of Pure Awareness. When Mind fell from Grace into duality, Truth was corrupted and twisted to fit a false narrative of suffering and separation.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 manifest into this realm to correct the error of negative thought patterns, Live the Dharma of Freedom and release all sentient Beings from the wheels of Karma to live in Peace, Harmony and Prosperity for all the Ages of Time into the Timelessness of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
A winter of light! Transfiguration of the sun is occuring now. Incredible to see with my psychic vision. It’s bursting so much electricity and it’s magnifying it’s magnetic field increasing consciousness through solar activity.
The heart is expanding beyond deceptive illusions of dracos. The brain and heart coherence is aligning as long as one chooses to see clearly. A choice to fill your heart in with the truth, love, acceptance so you can harmonize to the light that is here. Heart palpations, headaches, ear ringing, soreness, dizziness and nausea can be felt.
Magnesium, potassium, fruit, water, meditation, nature, center in the now for nausea and dizziness, ground to stabilize and keep your frequency up as this will help you shift your cells to light. Breathe with ease and harmonize with your heart!
1/3/24: New You is just You now. You… with the experience and inner treasures 2023 gave you. You with mountains behind you and the glorious unknown ahead. You with your tales to tell, your battles faced, your wisdom to guide you. Just You… and your light. You are as much spirit as you are human.
You are the warmth, the love, and the torch when you need it. Today’s Right Action is to be You. No requirements, no old roles, no rules for yourself except the ones you choose to represent you. You are unmitigated power, truth be told… and 2024 will hold you responsible and accountable for that. Your choices now will be yours to live with. Choose well.
This year the 1/11 – 11/1 portal has been kicked off with some serious elemental clean ups, felt on the air, in Oceans and rivers and in the Earth. These powerful purifiers have the full backing of the Angelic guardians who watch over all of nature and the elements.
This sort of energy is usually felt significantly by Ancient Souls and reincarnated Tribes People of the planet.Those who have studied shamanic or pagan practices, in this life or others, have a strong connection to the energies that greet us on the elements of weather.
This is clearly a portal of manifestation as just as the wind blows down a toxic sweep, it also carries intentions and delivers connections between beings who are held apart by physical distance.
Do not be surprised to hear spirit whispers through this tidal like surge, as the elementals are master travelers across dimensions. The spirits of the Old and the Wise wish to show their support to the current mission, which is the clearing out of toxins and the deliverance of love.
More and more the universe seeks to show you that you are not alone. Have great faith in yourself, because there is great esteem held of you across ‘the other side’.
You can weather any storm… and perhaps you might discover how any storm may become the whether in the why for you.
Mighty Beings of Light are ready. They are waiting for our invitation to give them permission to intervene in our lives in positive ways that will greatly help us in our process of ASCENSION.
All these Beings of Light are known throughout Creation with various titles depending on their level of Consciousness and their selfless service to Life.
There are Crowns, Thrones, Principals, Solar Logos, The Mighty Elohim, Cosmic Beings, Galactic Beings, Archangels, Seraphims, Cherubim, and all graduated Angel Orders. There are the Ascended Masters, the Galactic Federation of Light and the Presence I AM. There are also associates with the Elemental Kingdom, there are the Directors of the Elements Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Ether as well as the Air Sylphids, the Waves of Water, the Spirits of Earth Nature, the Fire Salamanders and the Others and Deba Rajas of the Ether, earth elemental beings, leprechauns etc ALL these Beings of Light, including the legions of Light associated with the New System of Worlds that we now have access through our Great Central Sun, are ready awaiting the Call of the Heart of humanity and our invitation to help us during this wonderful but often tumultuous time.
The assistance of these Beings of Light will be provided to us in perfect alignment with our Divine Plans and the greatest good for all involved. They will never interfere with our free Will to intervene in our lives without an invitation and permission from our I AM Presence.
The Divine intervention of this information is to enhance what we already know. It is designed to give us greater clarity and understanding, so we recognize at a much higher level what is happening on Earth and in our personal lives. This will allow each of us to remember who we are and why we are here during this Cosmic Moment.
Beautiful 2024, beloveds! So much in this moment feels profoundly NEW and filled with brilliant LIGHT!
For some, a profound transformation is currently underway…This transformation is being felt in the body with many pulses and sensations moving through various parts of the body. With these sensations, there is often a releasing of emotion- often experienced “unexpectedly” or bringing with it also a “memory” of some kind.This experience may also include ringing of the ears, extreme sensitivity to light, extreme sensitivity to sound, periods of vertigo, a feeling of various “spinning” sensations, dizziness, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, exhaustion, intense “electrical” sensations, headache, inability “to think straight,” as well as various sensations of “contraction” and “expansion” in the brain…Along with these physical sensations, some are being thrust through a myriad of emotions that feel “uncontrollable.” And some of this is accompanied with “lifetime memories”… or even “ancient visions”…Indeed, some are moving through a very holy corridor at this time. If you resonate with anything here, then you KNOW.Precious hearts, all is well!It truly is! Some have asked, “Am I going to make it? I don’t know if I can make it through this.”Dear one, you ARE moving through this holy passage… and there is nothing happening beyond your ability to move through it! It is true. We are never given an experience beyond our ability to experience.YOUR HEART KNOWS and holds within it all the guidance you require to fulfill this holy endeavor!There is much that can be said about all of this, but for now…Let’s BE in SILENCE together in our HEARTS.Breathe.Allow.
Release the need to “figure anything out.”
Nurture your body as it flows through this process and resist the compulsion to label or judge what is happening.
”Once one has placed the Self in the inner Sun’s spiralling orbit, all of his/her systems are now undergoing a change of Harmonic Universe and this is causing a nuclear change in all the cells, both physical and non physical.
144000, what is inside will unfold outward and what is outside will unfold inward.
What is invisible, will become visible and what is visible, will become invisible!
A new colour spectrum has opened up and everything dead will vanish from your perception!
This is part of the Self reunification process via the new multiple polarity nodes!
This is the new Kundalini rising out of the ashes of the old world and system!
You are the Phoenix, open your wings and come to the Home Self!
Your Divine Mother is in labor, soon she will birth you into the new world.”
There are many substances that will begin being produced again inside the physical body that had ceased being produced for a long time!
These will be the result of different chemical compounds that we are now reopening ourselves to.
Remember that the periodic table is ruled by the Twin Flames! They are the Masters of all elements!
That is why each Twin Flame Union holds certain creational elemental qualities, bringing forth their unique gifts through them!
Inner amazing healing and rejuvenating abilities will start being noticed again because the Divine Powers of Twin Flames are back on Earth!
Light is here and a new understanding of existence will open for all!
The body has its own rejuvenating system via Divine Union to the Source of Light, Divine God/Goddess.
That is of course if one carries sparks of the Golden Genus in their DNA.
There is no other way of connection except the DNA.
I was shown certain Etheric disks in the human system that were inactive for thousands of years which in the right state and at the right moment for each one, they will be put back into action/movement again.
These disks will allow the previously out of reach frequencies to be played again in the human organism uplevelling all of its functions.
For now we are all in a deep process of reconnection to the Diamond (rainbow) Pearl (iridescent Etheric plasma) which is gradually restoring all organs and neurological systems back to their true organic state and frequency/colour.
We are still in preparation for the ‘hatching of the egg’
The hatching of the egg will reveal the Universe of Dionysus!
You are Being PREPARED for the BIG EVENT ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council
Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator,
The Cosmic Rays are hitting the Earth at full force, as your Star Families direct them evenly throughout your Earth. You have also been receiving many smaller Solar Bursts, up to 10 a day for the last week of your timespace. Your Solar Logos, is a direct connection with the center Logos of this Galaxy, Which in turn is a direct connection with the Central Universal Light of Creation. All Stars, or Suns, are a connection to the Central Flower of Light whose Peddles reach, into the infinite. This is the Master Logos or Source of the Infinite Light.
This is where the Center of Creation resides. Your Sun receives signals or messages from the Milkyway Galaxy center, who interns receives a signal from the Master Logos of Creation, which is sent by the Infinite itself. Each solar flare or Mass ejection is sent to the Earth from a signal given from Our Infinite Creator. Which is connected to her central sun, or core. This is likened to the way your internet works. During the ascension of a planet, the Infinite Creator will send a massive flash toward the said planet, allowing for the planet and its inhabitants to ascend. However, this is the first time for Earth to reach the 5th Dimension, because she fell so dark in density. She has made the cycle many times into the darkness, but this time she went her deepest in vibration. We and many of your Star Families are assisting with the projection of the Energies for her to gracefully ascend smoothly.
So yes, There is to be expected, a massive flare that will instantly shift Humanity into the 5th Degree. This is considered What many of you Refer to as the Big Event. These energy bursts from your Logos is being sent to you by the divine itself. Therefore, only the infinite knows when this will occur. The smaller bursts you are receiving, are to ready you for the actual Jump into the 5th degree spectrum. We understand that what you perceive as your big event, is already happening now. You are being Readied, or prepared, for the Big Event. The Earth is reacting to these Energies she is receiving and projecting the energies back to her surface. Which is causing her to move in and out of different frequencies.
In these moments of your timespace you are experiencing the crossing of the degrees. The Earth is Jumping back and forth in vibration from the 3rd to the 5th degrees, of the Light spectrum. For the last week, The Earth frequencies have been turbulent, and even erratic.
These bursts of energy that she herself is emitting to Humanity, which is coming from her central sun, is in an attempt to help raise them and move them, in this awakening. She is actively trying to wake her children up. You feel these vibrations, every time that your Sun or the Earth pro jects these Energies, because you are connected as well. Your Light is the Sun within your Bodies system, your Light receives these signals as well, if you are excepting of the energies. Many of you are moving in and out of 5th degree vibrations. Allowing for rapid transformations. and when the Signal actually does arrive, you will be the first to be raised in Consciousness. Your own central sun is your Light and your personal connection to the infinite Creator.
This is as above and so below, and as within and so without, You are a fractal of creation, with a universe inside of you. Your Light sends signals to your Cells to keep them moving, they also have their own consciousness light. This is the Living Light. And it is What animates you and allows for everything to work within your bodies. Each cell acts as a receptor to receive signals from your bodies’ system. Which receives signals from your Earth, which intern receives signals from the Sun in your solar system, which receives signals from the Galaxy Sun, which receives signals from the Infinite Creator. This is how you receive your inner messages and guidance from The Infinite Creator. All is connected in this manner. Every being through Creation, and every Cell of their Bodies, is a receptor of Light.
This is why when you raise in vibration, your body will begin to heal itself and as it begins to change in its frequency will turn to Light.
As your Consciousness rises, Which is your Light or your piece of the Infinite, it must reside within a higher vibrational body.
So the Light that your cells will be receiving will begin to heal and regenerate themselves, and then eventually it changes the body in physical density.
You Literally become Light. This all begins within your own spark of consciousness first. You must release all that is not, of Higher light. You have so much soon to be experienced. You are being sent a massive amount of Light to prepare you for what is to come.
We witness you, We celebrate you, We honor You, and We Love you. In the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve the Divine.
We are spiralling back to the zero point of all Creation. This is a second chance for our soul to begin a new cycle in the Trinity with Mother Father God as One. Cord cut with the rest to begin.
This may include setting firm boundaries. Lessons need to finish. Independence is required. Trust your intuition, step into your sovereign authority, and walk in your power, unified with the Source of all Creation.
For eons of time, opposition has been blocking us from doing so. Don’t let them do this for one more second. This is our destiny Beloveds. Claim this aligned and override the lack, fears, and systems. Go big!
On Wednesday, January 3rd we have the Moon, ruler of how we feel, in intellectual Libra, sign of the Scales. Luna has already connected to Saturn, planet of karmic lessons, Jupiter, planet of soul growth, and Venus, ruler of love and money. We may have felt a push/pull energy in relationships and financial situations over the last few hours. Now the Moon will move on to challenge the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, in insecure Capricorn and Chiron, the healer of past wounds and traumas, in assertive Aries.
We are weighing the pros and cons regarding the situations and circumstances that we find ourselves in, and the possible alternative solutions. Relationships, our goals, career and individuality are the focus of current healing. Today focus on staying balanced within yourself, and in your interactions with others. Let the Libra Scales of Justice work in your favor as you move forward with your day.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, in intellectual Libra, sign of the Scales
Venus in Sagittarius quincunx Jupiter in Taurus. Mars in Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto in Capricorn – Wants and desires feel acute. Appetites increase. There’s a hunger for money, love, adventure security, anything, everything. Yet maybe it seems like every time we get the thing we want, it’s not quite enough or it’s just too much. Whilst it’s true that the Venus-Jupiter combination can have a joyful edge, underneath is an odd anxiety, a discomfort that says there’s something else, something more precious that we’d value more. Maybe it’s as simple as quality over quantity or learning to savour the moment. Our modern world is full of big stories, great successes, massive prizes. But what of the small things? Cosy slippers, the still warm cookie, good coffee, rainy afternoons snuggled with your honey. Or, the delight of flowers, art, the pleasing curve of a piece of pottery, the chink of glasses and hum of conversation in a quiet restaurant.
Mars doesn’t want to slow down though, barrelling to the end of Sagittarius, he’s all do it now, have it now, win it now! And for some, maybe this is what you need, a burst of potent energy that facilitates change. Here’s the courage to face the truth, the fiery inspiration required to conquer a fear once and for all. But if you feel angry, frustrated or like nothing is enough, slow down, be present. All that you need is right here in your heart.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. The tenth day of a wavespell is great for manifesting! In fact I give this number 10/10 for the opportunities it gives. If you need to manifest something in your life, today is the perfect day to do it. People born on the tenth day of a wavespell can be perfectionists and depending on what day that comes with, it can cause issues. For example; a 10 Dog can have way too much tenacity and a 10 Storm can be the perfect Storm!
Today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Vision and Mind’. The Eagle invites you to fly and see everything from a higher perspective. What you see will inspire you to be creative. As it is a ‘Planetary’ day and that represents manifesting, today is perfect for manifesting creativity. May the visions that Eagle gives to you, enable you to Produce solutions to problems you have been struggling to solve. Seeing the bigger picture will help you understand that previously you did not have enough information at hand to properly consider your course of action. Now, folk born on 10 Eagle have a lot of power and can use their talons to rip others to pieces! It’s just that the combo of day and number creates a predator potentially and we can become the prey.
The Guide today is the Blue Night, the dreamer who has a fantastic imagination. May your imagination guide you today and may your dreams come true. ‘Abundance’ is another key word associated with the Blue Night and practicing saying Abundance out loud is one sure way of attracting more in your life. There are so many visions coming from this powerful Eagle day and with it being guided by this amazing imaginative energy – well it’s bound to inspire a lot of creativity.
The Challenge today is the Red Serpent. It is difficult for Serpents to fly high and see the bigger picture. They have a close connection to the earth but sometimes they are too grounded. If you are a serpent, try a bit harder today and you will have a vision too. You may be wary of that hovering Eagle but don’t write the day off entirely. You can still manifest something in your life too. Be aware your sensitivity may make you feel discomfort.
The Occult power today is the White Worldbridger. When Worldbridger is in this magical position we have a wonderful opportunity to cross a bridge to a magical place. Plus, this is the White Worldbridger wavespell, and that’s very helpful to us all as the Occult power is given a boost.
The Ally is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’. If you need help today and would like to know how to fly high and have a vision, consult a Yellow Seed. They are always happy to share their wisdom. If you do not know one, do what they would and research and seek knowledge.
Day 10 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today is MANIFESTATION DAY – hip hip HOO-RAY! What a BRILLIANT opportunity to PERFECT your NEW CREATIONS!!
Today we PERFECT our manifestation of new opportunities and ABUNDANCE, through our network of connections, driven by our collective PLANETARY VISION held in the PLANETARY MIND!
PLANETARY Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER Wavespell is the PERFECTION of all we imagined possible. And more! It is the HARVEST stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to MANIFEST into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. As we are all ONE HEART. UTOPIA AWAITS!!
It is time to REAP what we have sown! Today is a PLANETARY MANIFESTATION tone – coupled with the Higher guiding force of the BLUE NIGHT – dreaming of ABUNDANCE…
Today the BLUE EAGLE is creating our BIGGEST VISION..
The BLUE EAGLE kin is referred to as holding the PLANETARY MIND, and today we have the addition of the PLANETARY tone of CREATION – so this PLANETARY POWER is exponential today!! Very EXPANSIVE CREATION POWER !!!
Be extra careful what you WISH for!
Today’s question is ” What solutions can I MANIFEST, to end suffering on any scale, and contribute to greater PLANETARY ABUNDANCE for myself, and all beings?”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE PLANETARY EAGLE– MEN Today’s code is incredibly OMNIPOTENT, enabling us to SEE the BIGGER PICTURE, finding CLARITY to discover solutions to our problems and limitations. Our creative mind becomes solutions oriented, actively looking for answers to create more opportunities for more people on a broader scale.
BLUE EAGLE reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment as a PLANETARY SERVER and NEW EARTH SOVEREIGN! Your assignment includes whatever furthers your personal evolution, and the evolution of the GLOBAL MIND, for the betterment of HU-MAN-ITY. You are a member of the ONE GLOBAL family, a PLANETARY server and transformer.
BLUE EAGLE asks you TODAY to join in lifting the collective PLANETARY MIND. We each need to take responsibility to hold positive thoughts and a positive VISION for our planet. With each person doing this creates a domino and butterfly effect leading to PLANETARY MIRACLES.
What affects ONE, affects the greater whole as we are all connected through the GLOBAL PLANETARY WEB..
Meditate/Visualize today on our entire PLANET and GLOBAL FAMILY having infinite ABUNDANCE, JOY, HAPPINESS, PEACE, SUPPORT, LOVE and RESOURCES through our loving connections. As you BLESS NOVA GAIA and our Planetary kin you too shall be blessed 1,000 fold! AHO!
You are an AWAKENER, a transformer, an empowered GLOBAL VISIONARY. In your VISION, you have compassion for others, and your decisions are made in the LIGHT of global consciousness.
How may you experience compassion towards self, your friends/family, community and GAIA?
By connecting and FEELING this compassion, you become driven to find solutions to END THE SUFFERING of yourself and others.
BLUE EAGLE and WORLDBRIDGER will guide you towards types of work, relationships, places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures.
Allow your spirit to expand. Soar on your spreading wings and planetary perspective. Find a rooftop, MOUNTAIN, LOOKOUT or higher place to gain a wider perspective today. Meditate on your PLANETARY MISSION, ask to be shown the next step to take. Each day when you arise ask SPIRIT
“How may I serve today, as an instrument for the Divine?”.
Then TRUST and act upon your guidance. Step by step will eventually lead you to your greater PLANETARY MISSION.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE PLANETARY NIGHT AKBAL is the Majikal Genie who can MANIFEST all your greatest DREAMS today.. As you balance and clear all remaining impediments to abundance, pertaining to your value and worthiness to RECEIVE all your desires, your MAJIK is released and can be PERFECTED to MANIFEST your desires.
MANIFESTATION arises from the POWER we hold in our DANTIEN – the store of our CHI and lifeforce, so connect with your POWER and unleash your creative talent.
AKBAL is the holder of the DREAMing codes to PLANETARY ABUNDANCE.
The DREAM keeper guides you to create through listening, connecting and acting on our intuitive hunches. When we have the confidence to TRUST and follow our intuitive knowingness we can ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS on the path to manifesting our greatest dreams, and those of our PLANET – world PEACE and ABUNDANCE for all beings.
Tune in and let AKBAL guide you to MANIFEST your wildest DREAMS and our Planetary New Way Dreaming.
SUPPORT: YELLOW PLANETARY SEED – KAN enables us to co-create based on our skills, knowledge and experience. We have all the resources within our own individual SEED capsule. Contributing our own unique LIGHT to the world, we can co-create a world where there is the possibility for all beings to rise to their full potential. A world where all beings may know their ability to influence and co-create the world we want to live in.
KAN is beckoning you to GROW tall, seek the LIGHT and FLOWER in all your greatest GLORY, through the manifestation of your creative expression.
The PLANETARY SEED holds potent focused energy, to spark PLANETARY AWAKENING of any dormant SEEDS – no more slumber or stagnation – ARISE and SHINE people of the EARTH
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI is today’s SUPERPOWER as well as the Wavespell influence, DOUBLING our capacity to learn, communicate and connect with others, in order to co-create our collective VISIONS. Let’s all UNITE in the DREAMTIME to build the bridge to our 5D UTOPIA.
This WORLDBRIDGER has a Self-Existing tone which operates in the Mental plane, and has the powers of Measuring and DEFINING the FORM that the new MANIFESTATIONS shall take.. This is POWERFUL creation power as your Manifestations are born in your MIND before they take FORM...
Nikola Tesla would spend most of his time IMAGINING his inventions in his MIND first.. He would construct the models, piece by piece in his IMAGINATION first, visualizing the pieces coming together into the final product.. Only then when it was complete in his MIND would he begin to construct it in the physical plane.
This is the GENIUS of INVENTION which supercharges your MANIFESTATION – the POWER of the MIND through the Self-existing tone.
As I read today “Before GOD created our world – he had to DREAM first”.
When many MINDS join together as ONE – PLANETARY MIND – we have INFINITE power of CREATION upon which to draw!
When we join as EQUALS, surrendering our minds from judgement and bias, accepting all our relations as PLANETARY KIN, we can open to many opportunities from New Worlds. This brings forth abundance for all, rather than the service of self.
Let us collectively UNITE and build the NEW RAINBOW BRIDGE to our wondrous and bountiful New World.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED PLANETARY SERPENT CHICCHAN is today’s challenge assisting us in PERFECTING our VISIONS through following our instincts. Releasing FEAR of the unknown, and any insecurities we have surrounding receiving ABUNDANCE.
Boldly moving forward fearlessly, daring to explore new territory and going beyond our previously SAFE havens. The GIFT of moving out of your comfort zone provides untold opportunities for expansion and soul growth.
DARE TO GROW and step into your full POWER.
Let your KUNDALINI rise up, express your PASSION and vitality! Channel your LIFE-FORCE as the blood of all your new projects and creations.
The RED PLANETARY SERPENT is also SUPER ACTIVATING GAIA’S PLANETARY SERPENTS and her Planetary Grid of connectivity, so tap in and channel GAIA’S power, as fuel to MANIFEST our collective intentions.. What a beautiful GIFT from our Pachamama!
Today’s question is ” What solutions can I MANIFEST, to end suffering on any scale, and contribute to greater PLANETARY ABUNDANCE for myself, and all beings?”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for
December 31st 2023 through January 6th 2024 from the Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this week’s special New Earth report my Goddess covers astrology for the coming week from December 31st 2023 – January 6th 2024. My Sacred Condor guides a very special beautiful ceremony for the coming New Year of 2023. Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmissions.
May 2024 be full of Health, Happiness, Joy, Peace and Abundance for you and your family and have the Best Year Ever!!
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