Blood Moon Eclipse 2025
Shane Shema-Sheniy Froio
Blood Moon Eclipse 2025:
:::: The Beauty, the Beast, the Holy Grail, and the White Winged Dove ::::
Long after the ultramarine swallowed the last vestiges of twilight, I stumbled out as a solitary figure adrift in the night’s vast expanse. Above, the moon, a swollen, bloodshot orb, bled a crimson mist across the sky. The farewell darkness not without sorrow, fractured. A celestial spectacle, a grand, silent procession, ripped through the veil of night. This was not a subtle shift; it was a pronouncement, a voyage into the undeniable recesses of not outer space, but inner space where the stars revel in an interstellar fanfare.
At that moment, the four great constellations throwing the parade amid the blood moon eclipse announced themselves from left to right…
From the profundity beyond, a monstrous form clawed its way upwards with seven heads and ten horns: Draco, the Dragon, scales shimmering with ancient, primal power, emerged from the story bound sea, a serpentine titan rising to claim its dominion. Its presence was raw, untamed, and wild.
Next, a serene, luminous figure stepped into the spotlight: Virgo, her form radiating a quiet, insightful strength. She held the lantern of ages with a glowing star inside the tacit mystery of the virgin birth. Her gaze, though distant, held a height unmatched, where the soul and the universe become one.
Then, a flash of vibrant, ethereal white: Corvus, the White Dove, wings outstretched, soared into view. It was more than a bird; it was a symbol of hope, a messenger of divine intervention, a reminder of survival amidst the chaos in the great epic of Noah’s Ark when it was sent out to find the virgin dry land after the great flood (childbirth). Its flight was a serene promise, carrying ricochets of a world reborn, a beacon in the vast darkness at the edge of seventeen.
Finally, the culmination, the heart of the celestial drama: Crater, the Holy Grail. It was not just a cup; it was the embodiment of the unknowable, the vessel containing the uncontainable. It pulsed with an energy that transcended comprehension, an implicit promise of something beyond the limits of human perception. It was the absolute, the ultimate, the very essence of existence, a mystery shimmering with a music of potential that I had for the first time heard.
The silence was not hollow; it was brimming with ambrosia. Above me, her majesty, the moon, reigned in all her luminous splendor, unveiling secrets long shrouded in shadow. This was no mere quiet—it was a pregnant pause, a breath held by the cosmos itself, poised on the cusp of revelation.
Then, it began.
A rumor in the void, a barely perceptible crackle, like the first shiver of a storm before it breaks. The air grew electric, charged with something ancient, something waiting. The atmosphere trembled with an unseen force as if the very fabric of the night were unraveling thread by thread. And in that moment, Virgo—celestial maiden, eternal watcher—turned her ear to the crimson depths, finally heeding the call of the red earth buried deep within the moon’s cavernous heart.
It was a communion beyond time, a forgotten dialogue resurrected from the embers of primordial memory. It stirred in the fire-walled chambers of ancient peoples, where shadows danced upon stone, and the wonders of the unseen wove themselves into the flickering glow.
There, in the early dawning caves of pre-civilization, we gathered—our spirit confessed, our voices lifted in reverence to forces older than language itself. The air was marked with the scent of burning resin, the ground cool beneath bare feet, and in the dim light, the first echoes of myth and meaning took shape.
The flame’s glow traced constellations upon rugged walls, mirroring the celestial expanse above. As smoke spiraled toward unseen heights, we listened—not just with ears, but with the marrow of our being—to the hums of the Earth, the Moon, and the spacious beyond. This was no mere ritual; it was the pulse of creation’s purr, a bridge between flesh and divinity, a tether to the truths we once knew but had long since forgotten.
I have found the Holy Grail—not in jeweled chalices or gilded relics, but in the bones of the earth itself. It breathes from the ancient stones, their weathered faces etched with the passage of aeons. It calls from the long-forgotten paintings upon cavern walls, where the hands of our ancestors traced their dreams in ochre and ash.
I have seen it reflected in the cosmic abyss, in the home of the stars where galaxies spiral like celestial cradles, holding my greatest joys in the vast, enfolding arms of eternity. It is here, in the soft communion that I have discovered the essence of all things—Being.
Human being, plant being, mineral, atom, the breath of the cosmos itself. Each lace woven of a unique brilliance, each fragment carrying the echo of the whole. It is the alchemy of existence, the sacred unity of all that was, is, and will ever be. In sum, it is the gateway to the soul—the unfathomable threshold where the seen and unseen embrace, where time dissolves, and the firstborn reveals itself in epic stanza.
I had to step forward, to surrender and enter—body and spirit entwined—through the gateway and through the eyes that gaze inward and outward. It was not merely a passage, but a sacred consummation, an ancient longing finally answered. For this threshold had been waiting, patiently, for flesh and spirit to unite, to merge and synthesize in divine alchemy within the precious womb of Virgo.
She, the eternal mother, the sacred vessel of cosmic intelligence, bore within her the thriller of transformation. In her magnificence the heavens broke, the union took form, and the elegant dance of the beauty and the beast tore creation open. And here upon the stairway to heaven, in liminal space, the Christos emerged—the luminous bridge between matter and divinity, the radiant entrance into the expecting soul awaiting in its unfilled chambers.
In the infinitesimal span of a heartbeat, a mere twinkling of an eye, the shroud lifted upon my first sip—the elixir of knowing, the draught of remembrance. It coursed through me, and I drank, and it was fire in my bones. And the fire became breath, and the breath became word, and the word was life. And this is the Grail, the great mystery: that all things are one, and the virgin birth is in the stone and the seed, in the fire and the water, in the beast and in the beauty, in the voice of a white winged dove, with the wind and with the silence of the moon. And in turn our exhale—breathing life into all that awaits.
Love to all
Have a blessed Lunar Eclipse 2025
Under comments I will post the Stellarium snapshot of the ‘Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse’ detailing the view of the 4 constellations involved from left to right.
Draco, Virgo, Corvus, Crater
I recommend viewing my artwork with a computer.
For Clarity
3/14 (PI) the formula (Gateway to the Soul)
The Moon is Mount Sinai
“Moses (Moshe) saw a bush on fire on a mountain, & this is when Moses received the first revelation from God”.
The etymological root of “Sinai” originates from the Mesopotamian moon god “Sin,” a connection that suggests that Mount Sin-ai, the Moon, is the sacred meeting place between creator and creation. Tracing ‘Sinai’ back to the moon deity ‘Sin’ reveals Mount Sinai as more than just a physical location. It stands as a symbolic representation of the Moon, the celestial sphere associated with divine encounters. This association underscores the idea that Sinai, the Moon, a place where secret, transformative knowledge – akin to the ‘forbidden’ knowledge of the Tree – is accessed.” Hence Moses (Moshe) and Mount Sinai and the performing of numerous miracles: including the parting of the “Red Sea,” turning his staff into a serpent, and water turning to “blood” (Blood Moon), as well as leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
“No man sees my face and lives,” as was told to Moses (Moshe).
The name Sin (Moon) was typically written in Sumerian as EN.ZU 𒂗 𒍪
Decoding EN.ZU :
EN (𒂗): Lord/Lady/Priest(ess):
This signifies authority, spiritual leadership, and access to sacred knowledge. It implies a role of mediator between the divine and the human. It also carries a connotation of holding power, not necessarily temporal power, but spiritual and esoteric power.
ZU (𒍪): To Know/To Learn:
Also translates as secret gateway.
EN.ZU (𒂗𒍪): The Priest(ess) Who Knows the secret gateway
Now let’s incorporate the knowledge of the Moon (Sin), a.k.a. Mount Sinai: with Pi (3.141592653).
Pi is an “irrational number” meaning its decimal representation goes on forever without repeating. We always stop at 9 digits after the decimal so that the formula can be imbued into the “Palantir Stone” a.k.a. the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
Pi represents the pathway or vector by which we enter the gateway of the soul—a journey into the deepest recesses of existence. Its symbol, a circle with a dot at its center (⊙), mirrors the astrological symbol of the Sun, the life-force of quintessence. This symbol signifies both wholeness and origin, suggesting that the soul is not a pre-existing entity but a phenomenon that comes into being through our journey into universal self-awareness. Isn’t this why the “Human Being” exists.
Pi, being an irrational number, cannot be fully grasped or resolved by conventional logic, just as the soul remains unknowable to all except the one who directly experiences it. To the external world, it appears elusive, infinite, and unresolved, but to the individual, it is the most intimate and undeniable reality.
In other words, the soul is not something already formed, waiting for us to discover it. Instead, it emerges into existence upon our arrival into its chamber—a process of becoming rather than a static essence. Like the unfolding of an infinite decimal, our soul takes shape only as we journey inward, moving along the spiraling path of self-discovery, where mystery gives way to revelation.
3.14 (Pi) in the Tarot is as follows.
3 (The Empress) 1 (The Magician) 4 (The Emperor)
:::::::: Female ::::::::::::::::::::::: Earth :::::::::::::::::::::::::: Male ::::::::::::
Feminine and Masculine intwine into the Earth opening the gateway to the soul. The Moon being the symbol of this consummation.
Pi = 3.141592653
3+1+4+1+5+9+2+6+5+3 = 39
39 = one half of the Tarot: (39 + 39 = 78)
Pi is always describing how the inner circle manifests the outer circle. Meaning, it is the entrance into the center of the circle, into the soul, that manifests the circle itself.
The Moon is the manifestation force of the earth…
It is the Moon that brought forth life upon the Earth and continues to sustain it. From the very foundation of creation, the Moon has been the hidden architect, the celestial force that governs the rhythms of the deep, stirring the primal waters and igniting the breath of existence.
It is the Moon’s gravitational pull that keeps the molten core of the Earth in motion, generating the great convection currents deep within the planet’s mantle. These currents drive the shifting of the continents, forging the very landscape upon which life unfolds. Plate tectonics, volcanism, the rise and fall of mountains—all bear the Moon’s silent signature.
Without the Moon’s influence, the jet streams of the atmosphere would not flow as they do, the ocean tides would fall stagnant, and the intricate dance of weather patterns and climate cycles would cease. The Moon’s gravitational resonance shapes the Earth’s magnetosphere, the unseen shield that protects the planet from the searing radiation of the Sun and the vast, unseen torrents of cosmic rays. Without this barrier, the Earth would be stripped of its delicate atmosphere, reduced to a barren wasteland like Mars.
Yet, the Moon’s role is not only in forming the land but in breathing spirit into the deep. The ancient Hebrew conception of Tehom (the Great Deep)—that vast and formless abyss that predated creation—would have remained an eternal void had the Moon not stirred the cosmic waters. Without the Moon, the Earth would have been without breath, a lifeless husk adrift in the void, untouched by the mysterious Ruach (Spirit) that animates all things.
The landmasses of the Earth were shaped by the Moon, for it is the Moon’s gravitational force that incites the inner churning deep within the planet. The hidden sculptor molded the face of the Earth, bringing forth continents from the abyss. Just as the Moon governs the tides of the ocean, so too does it command the tides of the Earth’s molten depths, ensuring that life is nurtured upon solid ground.
In the absence of the Moon, the Earth would be a shapeless void, a world without order, without memory, without time. The great cycles of life—the ebb and flow of tides, the turning of the seasons, the rhythm of birth and decay—would cease. The Earth itself would drift in silence, a formless wilderness lost in the abyss.
Thus, the Moon is more than a mere satellite; it is the unseen midwife of creation, the silent architect of the world’s breath and being. From the ancient depths of time, it has watched over the Earth, guiding the emergence of life, pulling upon the waters of the abyss, and stirring the hidden forces that shape all things.
Thus, it was written in the Akasha:
Genesis 1:2 — The earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep [primeval ocean that covered the unformed earth]. The Spirit of God (Moon) was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters.
Love to all!