Benjamin Fulford Report: Remember, Remember, the fifth of November: This is no ordinary election, we are literally fighting for our lives – November 4, 2024
Benjamin Fulford Report: Remember, Remember, the fifth of November: This is no ordinary election, we are literally fighting for our lives – November 4, 2024
The election taking place tomorrow, November 5th, 2024 is no ordinary event as most of us are aware. It is interesting to note November 5th is the date of the gunpowder plot to blow up the entire English government. The mask of the man arrested for that plot; Guy Fawkes, is now a symbol of the resistance against the Khazarian mafia.
This is literally a fight to the death against Satanists who want to kill you, your family, and your friends. They plan to do this in order to reduce any survivors to the most abject slavery possible.
You need to be able to tell your children and grandchildren that you fought on their behalf on this day. You can do this by physically going to the polling booth and voting to remove the Satanic Kamala Harris. If they steal the election, then you will also have to grab your guns and prepare to defend your loved ones.
This is not an exaggeration. This writer was raised as an atheist and discovered through real-world reporting and forensic fact-checking that the West is ruled by a Satanic cult bent on killing most of us.
Our Mossad sources and people like Candace Owens confirm Kamala Harris is a “Syrian Jew.” This means she is Assyrian. The Assyrians worshipped the god Ashur, also known as Baal and to the Jews and Christians as Satan.
Her husband Doug Emhoff recently said, “When Kamala walks through the [White House] door at the end of the day, that door has a Mezuzah on it.”
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Emhoff is a Chabad Lubavitch member, according to Mossad sources. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the founder of Chabad, is shown here holding the crown meant for their Messiah.
Notice it is built to cover horns. This is because they literally believe a horned Satan is coming to rule this world. They also believe Moses emerged with horns after getting the Ten Commandments.
Remember these people want to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. This is what we are fighting against.
Also remember Kamala is just a front. The entire Obiden cabinet was staffed by members of the Council on Foreign Relations controlled by the Rockefeller family. They are also Assyrian Satan worshippers. They rule from Switzerland with their Octagon group politburo. These are the ancient Pharaonic and Babylonian bloodlines that have treated other humans as slaves for thousands of years.
They own the UN, the WHO, the Federal Reserve Board, the transnational corporations and most of the other “globalist” power centers. Since they stole the election in 2020 they tried very hard to kill us with bioweapons and vaccines. Their aim was to force the governments of the world to submit to their privately owned WHO’s pandemic treaty. This would have allowed them to turn the world into a Satanic theocracy where all dissidents would be sent to concentration camps and killed.
They are extremely powerful and they are now literally fighting for their lives. Our sources say there are about a million members of this cult in the US. They are desperate because they know if they fail to steal this election and enslave Americans, they will face long overdue justice.
The scenario they are planning is obvious. They have put out statistically impossible polls showing a dead heat between Kamala and Trump. This is to try to fool people into thinking Donald Trump lost in a close and fair election.
It has been forensically shown that Khazarian Mafia honcho Alex Soros has been financing widespread fraud to get illegal immigrants’ voter IDs. See the link below for details.
Soros is married to Huma Abedin and we have posted a video of her torturing a young girl to death together with Killary Clinton. Soros has also visited the Obiden White House at least 30 times.
The KM are using AI, rigged election machines and sophisticated psychological warfare against the American people in this election.
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These people can be defeated because, although they control much of the internet and the corporate media, they do not control reality.
Here is an example from Ireland. An AI-generated image of a Halloween parade in Dublin, Ireland, made thousands of people rush to see it only to find out it was not real.
The same thing is true in this election. They can use their fake corporate media and censored internet to create the appearance of a Kamala victory but, they cannot change the reality that she is widely despised in the real world.
Why else would she kick out genuine people from her controlled “public appearances” using paid actors pretending to be her supporters.
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We understand that Donald Trump is far from perfect but, he is the only alternative we now have for the American people.
Trump personally called us this weekend to say
“If Kamala Harris wins this election, America is finished.” He also warned that “if Kamala wins there is going to be civil war.”
The “us” we are referring to here is a member of the Secret Space Force who is in regular contact with this writer and other members of the white hat alliance. He says Trump has one million men at his disposal, including the military and the National Guard.
So who is going to fight against them? The KM have been building up an army of illegal immigrants, paid black lives matter, etc. mercenaries and of course the one million or so Satanists in the US. They also control many -if not most- billionaires, trillionaires and politicians.
These people have been torturing and killing hundreds of thousands of children every year and know they face the death penalty if they lose.
In an example of their in-your-face depravity, Colorado Rep Scott Bottoms confirms the Demonrat Party voted against a bill that would impose criminal penalties on people who buy, rape and kill 2-5 year old children.
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Here is an example of the sort of people the US so-called government just voted to protect:
Bolhem Bouchiba, a 59-year-old former Disney and Pixar animator has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for his role in pedophilia and human trafficking,…Bouchiba allegedly spent tens of thousands of euros to facilitate the torture and sexual abuse of young girls, including orchestrating live-streamed rapes.
His criminal history includes a prior conviction in 2014 for sexually assaulting his eight-year-old stepdaughter, after which he received a suspended sentence.
Many celebrities are controlled by the use of videos of them torturing children. What do all of Kamala’s endorsers have in common? P Diddy.
Does this photo explain why Leo Di Caprio is a Kamala supporter?
Or how about Beyonce? This photo has been released claiming she was born a boy.
Remember, the Satanists’ god is a transgender.
That is why the Demonrats are pushing transgenderism so hard.
The use of child rape and murder videos to create an elite blackmail network is very widespread.
“I don’t think it’s only celebrities that are gonna be shook. He had politicians in there, he had princes in there. He also had a couple of preachers in there,” a P. Diddy whistleblower says. Now more whistleblowers are coming forth to say the FBI even has tapes of Kamala engaging in the abuse of children.
This sort of thing is happening on an industrial scale. The KM start wars in order to get new supplies of child slaves to torture. Polish intelligence sources tell us 1.5 million children have fled Ukraine, and countless others i have been forced to flee their homes. This has created a bonanza for human traffickers. Ukrainian children are being sold for prices ranging from 50,000 to 70,000 Euros. This child trafficking is disguised with medical facilities offering surrogacy and agencies offering adoption.
Fortunately, the Ukraine genocide is ending. “It’s over. Zelensky will exit Ukraine soon,”: Tech entrepreneur Kim Dotcom says adding “ He won’t last one week if he attempts to run.”
Ukrainian politicians are now publicly admitting their army has been defeated and at least 170,000 soldiers have deserted.
The KM are thus now frantically still trying to start a big war in the Middle East. News reports say “Israeli intelligence suggests Iran is preparing to attack Israel from Iraqi territory in the coming days, possibly before the US presidential election.”
So, the same Iraq-based ISIS (Israeli Satanic Intelligence Service) is attacking both Iran and Israel in an attempt to con the two countries into attacking each other.
Israel is also now invading Syria, according to reports emerging as this newsletter was about to go live.
It won’t work because the real Israeli and Iranian governments are aware of the KM plot to start World War III. So is the world’s intelligence community.
As evidence of this:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is scheduled to visit Malta next month for the Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), as confirmed by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to Vedomosti. This will be Lavrov’s first visit to an EU country since the commencement of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. Zakharova urged the host country to “ensure that all OSCE member states can participate effectively.”
Malta is where the Knights of Malta are based and they de facto control the West’s military. This means some sort of peace deal is in the works for Ukraine and probably Israel as well.
However, first we have to get through the big power struggle in the US, which is really a power struggle for the entire Western world.
As Australian senator Ralph Babet puts it:
“The people that you elect to run your country are puppets… The people behind the scenes that pull those strings—they don’t have your best interests at heart…These authoritarian tyrants want nothing but to see you be a serf, be a slave, be a peasant, while they sit at the top of the pinnacle of power…So do not be complacent. Get active, make your voice heard. Because the West—all of the West—is looking down a barrel right now.”
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So, let us look at a few news items related to the election battle:
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Florida sent a reminder to the U.S. Department of Justice that they are not allowed to send monitors to polling locations after the DOJ sent a press release announcing the planned visits.
LAS VEGAS—Triple-tier battleground state Nevada’s two-week early voting period ended Nov. 1 with Republicans turning out in far higher numbers than Democrats while also posting significant gains in registered voters.
“The National Guard has been activated in Washington, Oregon, and Nevada as a precautionary measure for possible election-related unrest.”
Next, Biden makes last-ditch efforts to insult Trump ahead of election day, fails miserably – stumbles over own words: “Remember the last guy when he was president? He said, ‘We’re going to have… we have… retired… we have… [unintelligible], we’re going to have infrastructure week.’
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Also Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama is now claiming Kamala worked at McDonalds and didn’t pretend to like Trump did. The problem with what he is saying is that she didn’t work at McDonalds and they tried to create fake photos of her working there that were debunked. No one has shown evidence she worked there to this day.
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The real Kamala is something else altogether.
Elon Musk has reposted a Make America Healthy Again video detailing how Harris, as California AG, took grotesque pleasure at ruining the lives of parents by prosecuting those whose children missed school.
“I learned that with the swipe of my pen, I could charge someone with the lowest level offense, that person could be arrested, lose their job, lose standing in their community,” she says in one clip. “Weeks later I could dismiss the charges, but their lives would forever be changed.”
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This campaign has also featured each side using fake images of their opponents. That is probably why the world was presented with an image of Joe Biden biting a baby and Trump riding a garbage truck.
There are also widespread predictions very serious violence will accompany this election.
Washington DC is being boarded up and the White House surrounded by barriers in anticipation of this violence.
We are also seeing reports preparations are being made for the killing of over 100 Congressmen. As this report was about to go live, a pentagon source sent us this photo that they claim is of gallows being ready to hang politicians.
Many believe these Congressmen are guilty of mass murder. The documentary “Thank You Dr. Fauci” premiered a few days ago in New York. This documentary is “an indictment against the ‘scientist’ who killed 20 million people. This trailer is already banned by his propaganda partners, the big tech and media billionaires,” a Pentagon medical doctor comments.
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We note Fauci has not appeared in public since we reported he “committed suicide” by stuffing himself with toilet paper.
However, other KM medical Mafiosi are still at work. Here you can watch Google Chief Health Officer Karen DeSalvo explain how Google manipulates search on the interweb and partners with the WHO, NIH and governments to suppress/censor content and narratives they don’t agree with.
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As WHO’s terrorist Tedros explains: “It’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers. They used Covid as an opportunity and all the havoc they are creating.”
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Meanwhile, Fauci’s replacement Mandy Cohen and Senator Chuck Schumer, with a sly smile on their faces, are calling for another COVID-19 vaccination…
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Never mind the overwhelming evidence these vaccines were instruments of murder pure and simple.
Trump promises to put vaccine justice campaigner Robert F Kennedy Jr. in charge of cleaning up the pharmacidical industry so, a Trump victory will ensure justice for these criminals as well.
In a sign this process has begun a House Resolution has passed in Louisiana asking their Department of Health to look into the past 10 years of Sudden Infant Death (SIDS) incidents in the state and compare each report to the infant’s vaccination history.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr says “On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water.”Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease.”
This is just one of the literally thousands of poisons the KM have put into substances we use or consume on a daily basis. RFK jr. has a big fight ahead of him.
Another fight is brewing over the KM’s use of weather warfare. Spain was the latest victim of such an attack. King Philip of Spain was greeted with mud thrown by angry people in Valencia where more than 200 people died during the flood. Valencia was hit with one years’ worth of rain in just 8 hours.
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MI6 says King Philip, (who they say is the real father of Crown Prince William) is being blackmailed with weather weapons by the KM because they want him to hand over the money he has earned from the international narcotics trade. MI6 also says far more people died in the attacks than is being reported: “There is an underground carpark aka a mass grave.”
We are now also getting more confirmation the weather warfare attack on North Carolina was used for land grabbing:
“Gov. Cooper Confirms North Carolina Land Grab: Communities ‘Won’t Be Rebuilt’ Due To ‘Climate Change.’”
People are fighting back. For example, a group of West Virginia coal miners voluntarily made a road in a week that the North Carolina government said was going to take months.
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As in Hawaii and Mexico, these attacks are followed by development plans run by the usual suspects BlackRock, etc. These, of course, are Rockefeller fronts. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is now actively being hunted down by the white hats and will be forced to expose his bosses, Asian Secret Society sources say.
Speaking about weather weapons, we note China is sending DEW equipped ships to Antarctica. It is a good guess they are going to confront the KM controlled weather weapons operating there.
The sooner they deal with the facilities there the better. EU President Ursula von der Leyen says EU citizens should start stockpiling three days’ worth of goods in order to be ready for potential cyberattacks, sabotage, and threats of chemical, biological, or nuclear incidents,
This a good sign the KM in Europe are planning to do something nasty to their own citizens and then blame it on Russia.
Nobody will believe them because the whole world now knows who is really responsible for most of the mayhem on the planet. As Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says: “Americans always try to rule by creating crisis on the planet.”
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Former CIA official Larry C Johnson agrees. Johnson, who was deployed in Iraq, confirms that it was the US government that financed IED attacks against US troops.
This is typical KM strategy: send in mercenaries dressed as terrorists to create an excuse to send in the US military to seize resources wanted by KM-owned corporations. In Iraq it was oil and it was used by the KM to pay debts to China and postpone the bankruptcy of the US Corporation.
The Chinese promise us this time they will not finance the US Corporation. In what may have been an omen, the the US Treasury Department sign fell off when Secretary Janet Yellen is asked how concerned she is about the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.
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In a sign the current US oligarchy is ending, 53% of American millionaires have fled or are planning to flee the country, according to our sources. Many will never return.
Asian Secret Societies are now seriously considering a white hat proposal to put both Canada and the US Corporation under new management and restore democracy and rule of law.
Canada needs it just as badly as the US. As an illustration:
Canada has just killed the first citizen under the Canadian government’s controversial new plans to begin euthanizing patients who have been injured by COVID-19 “vaccines.”
An Ontario man in his late 40s has become the first person to be euthanized for “post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome.”
Today, the Canadian government is euthanizing citizens for depression, hearing loss, autism, and even poverty and homelessness.
The government is even pushing to expand euthanasia laws to include children and infants.
Even if China does not finance the white hat takeover, the white hats will have to take control of the central banks away from the KM.
The alternative is we will all become slaves to the planned Satanic mark of the beast financial system
Mastercard has just started a test case. They are offering cards that will force you to “decarbonize” your spending. Remember, we are carbon based life forms so this is inherently anti-life.
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Here is another development in the KM’s anti-carbon campaign:
Behold…. Green Energy…. major fire breaks out at a lithium battery recycling plant triggering massive explosions and mandatory evacuations.
Fredericktown | Missouri
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Japan is now renouncing the KM’s plans for a lithium battery-based economy and are busy releasing the hydrogen genie from its bottle. Once they do this, the KM will be forced to relinquish their control over Western industrial policy. The hydrogen age will begin.
Russia is also continuing to take action against the KM financial/economic system. A Russian court has demanded Google pay a fine worth around $20 decillion, more than the world’s GDP, and more than all the money in the world combined for blocking pro-Kremlin media outlets.
Russia knows Google is controlled by the KM and this judgement is their promise to bankrupt them. In a sign of how they view the current regime in the West, Russia’s representative to the UN sent a very clear message to NATO last week.
What all this means is that -no matter what happens in tomorrow’s presidential election- the rest of the world has already thrown off the KM’s shackles. Hopefully, the Americans will join them soon.
On a final note this week, P3 Freemason sources tell us “the author of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ wasn’t Rudolf Hess. Jesuit priest Bernhard Stempfle was the author of Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”. Adolf Hitler only signed it.” That is not what the former head of MI6 told us but, hopefully soon we will all learn the true history of our planet. One thing is for sure, we have been lied to about a lot of things for a very long time. The truth is about to set us free.

Spaceholders Anonymous
Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Suzanne Maresca
This is the moment we have been waiting for, and that is why we are here now. We stand as the stable and steady space holders for the Earth Collective, as the things we have learned over the past 7 years quickly come to the surface for all to see.
Even if we never meet one of these humans most prone to freaking out, just maintaining our personal bubble of peace will stabilize the entire planetary population, and we are ready for that!
Isn’t it fascinating how our lives continue to demand our attention at the same time as the Bigger Picture things unfold? Our focus is divided in this regard, as well as within the duality of the massive geopolitical shift that is happening, and the global and cross-cultural spiritual awakening.

It’s more intense than a three-ring circus right now, and there’s seismic movement on multiple levels of what we thought was our reality here. What’s most compelling about all of this as we navigate? It’s actually too much to cover all at once. In fact, I find myself drifting further and further away from the garbage heap of world news.

What I have noticed as I walk away is a calmness and serenity about the current unfolding within my own self that needs no proof of anything. I have absorbed a great deal of information over the past seven years that I never really wanted to know, and certainly never wanted to be true. Paying attention is a double-edged sword.
I have also noticed that when one becomes aware of the evil that certain minions of darkness have done, especially towards children and even babies… this knowledge leads one to seek a higher power, if that relationship were lacking… something good and true to anchor oneself to when faced with the knowledge of real, pure evil.
We’re not really ready for this, I think, as a collective. I have a friend who is already so scared of the world, and so completely into TDS… I really think learning about this stuff would be psychically disruptive. It seems like the woke are the weakest among our human collective. It’s really not that different from Neo in The Matrix working to save people who mostly just want him dead, us holding space for people who have probably ridiculed and abandoned us, or Trump doing everything he can to get as many people as possible to legitimately get on board with understanding what’s at stake, all while living his life as a target for the deep state. It seems like we really are all angels. Just for fun…
RUMORS: 11/07/2024
✴️ [Consideration] Before activating the EAS (Emergency Alert System), there are some signs (preliminary information)! ?
Personally, I don’t approve of all the “EAS (Emergency Alert System) related information” that has been talked about so far. 😅
There are some elements that make you think: “This content is different.”
However, I believe that the declassification (the scope of which is unknown) will at least be spoken (communicated to people) through the EAS. 👍
Regarding EAS (Emergency Alert System), this is just my personal opinion, but
✅ I think there are some signs (preliminary information) before the EAS (Emergency Alert System) is implemented! ?
The technology of military operation used by the Deep State to implement Operation Blue Beam , an unconstitutional and treasonous operation //////
We are heading into a powerful moment, my friends, a moment when anything is possible… The power of ultra-conductive microchips at room temperature is related to time travel.
Proactively reinventing the global financial system: How the Starlink satellite network, Basel III regulations, and ISO20022 are revolutionizing traditional banking, redefining financial security, and improving speed, compliance, and global connectivity. Are you moving into a new era?
A New Dawn for Global Finance: Transformation, Technology, and Victory. The global financial system is on the cusp of revolutionary change. The forces driving this change are immense. A strong call for regulatory overhaul, technological innovation, and a safer, more efficient, and resilient financial order. At the heart of this revolution is the groundbreaking Starlink satellite system and the aggressive implementation of Basel III and ISO20022. Together, they are reshaping the way financial institutions operate, communicate, and protect their future.
In this article, we take a closer look at each of the drivers of this transformation, explore how they are interconnected, and explain why the impact is nothing short of a seismic shift in global finance. But first, let’s talk about the technology that makes it all possible: the Starlink satellite system.
Proactive Transformation: Basel III and ISO20022
Coordinated overhaul of the financial system. Basel III and ISO20022 represent proactive efforts to transform the global financial system. Basel III aims to build a more resilient banking sector, and ISO20022 focuses on creating a unified language for global financial transactions. These changes are not just arbitrary suggestions or guidelines, but demands, ultimatums for the financial industry to evolve and improve.
Banks and financial institutions are being forced to change their core ways of doing business. For some banks, this means a complete overhaul of current practices, while for others, new technologies and methodologies are needed to remain compliant and competitive in a rapidly changing environment.
The future trend of world affairs is
🌟 Trump won the presidential election.
→I was unhappy with President Trump’s victory.
DS (Deep State = Satan-worshipping dark powers = international financial capitalists = cabal that controls the earth by controlling politicians behind the scenes)
It causes riots like cyber terrorism.
→Blackout (large-scale power outage)
→financial collapse
→President Trump declares martial law!
→EBS (emergency transmission) activated!! !
Everything is going well, there are still those who don’t want this to happen, but everything is safe. We are almost at the end of the road. Gather your plans/projects and don’t wait for this to happen without being ready.
MarkZ – [via PDK]
Question: No matter who wins in e******n… do you still think they will release the RV?
MarkZ: None of my sources think this will go wrong. They will wait for the announcement, then the RV stuff will move forward. It seems like a lot is waiting on the outcome of this e******n. But I keep hearing positive things… Iraq is moving forward with or without this e******n. They have paved the way and done their due diligence. I very much expect Iraq to announce and move to full WTO membership by December at the latest…”
Deputy: smuggling of petroleum derivatives has decreased by 80% in Iraq”
This is also about the pending approval of HCL. It’s also about protecting the borders. I think it’s huge. They’re protecting the financial borders in Iraq. I was always told that this would happen right before the reassessment.
The new slogan “Made in Iraq” is about what it needs to do to make a real impact… I love the conversation that’s happening in Iraq right now and the diversification, and it’s a national effort.
BRICS GESARA Nations Alliance:
Gold-backed BRICS unity to end US financial control
At a time of unprecedented financial evolution, today’s conversation between Sean Foo and Andy Schectman offers deep insights into the growing influence of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and their potential to disrupt the Western-dominated financial landscape.
As globalization reshapes the way economies interact, the global South is turning to establish a more autonomous payment platform, directly challenging the traditional supremacy of the US fiat dollar.
The implications of these developments cannot be overstated, especially with the prospect of a new monetary unit that could be backed by gold.
BREAKING NEWS: Level 4B Internet Group Activated – Military Coup Underway, Martial Law Imminent as GESARA, Earth Alliance and White Hats Prepare Quantum Financial System to End D******e!
The gloves are off, and the Level 4B Internet Group is live, signaling a seismic shift that will shake the world to its core. This is not just a platform; it is the beginning of a movement for financial freedom and sovereignty.
People need to remember that we must have Trump announce that we are a New Republic, then *within* 120 days, I believe at one point Trump mentioned January 5th and some thought he meant November 5th…
Trump doesn’t make that kind of mistake (Q told us the purpose of the spelling mistake) IF SCOTUS indicts Brunson and Trump is reinstated for the remainder of the 2020 term, he would need to set a date for new elections.
IF that date is in January (which legally it would need to be because he CANNOT be sworn in on January 20th as the 47th president of a debunked corporation that doesn’t exist), then the inauguration would be in March… so by March we would have completed all of this.
We would then be a fully functioning new republic. This is about the political aspect of it, it’s really not so much about Nesara/Gesara/RV etc., although parts of N/G are about politics, like the part where everyone holding political office would have to resign, but most of it is really about us,
the people, and about the medical beds and our health and yes, the constitution etc. a wide range of things, but the things that are happening with the 3 months – 6 months… that’s about the political aspect of it and the implementation of all the various things that need to be done that are included in N/G…
I could be wrong, but this is how I’ve looked at things for the past almost 9 years and how things make sense to me.
Now, what happens next.
I bet a lot of BIG things are going to happen in the next few weeks, because it’s time for the gavel. Soon the Brunson decision will be made public. Things will go wrong for a while, and we’ll probably have those scary events we’ve all been waiting for. And EBS. Trump, of course, will save the day, and then the announcement of GESARA. Which is the primary rule of GESARA, the announcement of a NEW election to be held WITHIN 120 days.
I could go on, but if you’ve been with me for a while, you already know where I’m going with this… but in what order? I certainly don’t know.
Enjoy this victory for a few days, Patriots, but keep your guard up.
It’s not over yet.
🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 🕉 Dragonfly Dream Guided Meditation with my Sacred Condor 🕊🕉🦅 🔥

This Dragonfly Dream Meditation is a journey to connect with the gentle yet transformative energy of the dragonfly. The dragonfly symbolizes change, adaptability, and the lightness of being. In this meditation, you will explore the qualities of the dragonfly, allowing its wisdom to guide you toward clarity, transformation, and inner peace.
Have a most beautiful and blessed meditation of the Dream of the Dragonfly with my Sacred Condor…A’Ho! 🕊🕉🦅
CLICK HERE for this special Guided Meditation
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