The Blue Avians ~ The Turning Point

As we look at your affairs we can affirm to you that your world is on an upswing. It is on the very turning point, where all energies, after having touched the lowest level they can reach, inevitably must turn upwards – and that point of turning upwards has arrived now! This could happen as a sufficient number of you are yourselves at that turning point after reaching the bottom of your subconscious from where on you can’t go deeper, but by law you must go into the other direction towards the light: it is the turning point in human consciousness, having gone through an immense process of development in awareness and growing expansion of consciousness, not only concerning your mundane affairs but also your spiritual potential.

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Rise Up!! It IS The Season of the Phoenix!!

Rise Up!! It IS The Season of the Phoenix!! By Lisa Gawlas Something HUGE happened yesterday, marked by a very specific 99% totality solar eclipse. 99, the ending of all endings. I heard that, felt that clear as a bell when I posted a little shout out to the eclipse on facebook. As I continued to read on spaceweather more information about the solar eclipse, that it would “snake across 5 countries in the southern hemisphere” instantly I could feel the mighty kundalini serpent of Creation igniting the fires in the southern hemisphere. Change like there has never been change before.

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Body and Soul

I am the voice of the Earth. I carry you in my body. The planet on which you live and walk is my body, the expression of my soul. You are welcome here because you are part of my body. Your body is part of me, made of earthly matter. Be very aware of the cells in your body, which are very small, independent entities that know exactly what they are supposed to do. They work toward balance and harmony and cooperation in your body

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Prepare for a Major Shift On February 26, 2017:Solar Eclipse In Pisces

Get ready for the start of new beginnings as a new emotional cycle accompanied by a shift in energy is coming our way! That’s because this Sunday, February 26, 2017, the new moon solar eclipse will be taking place in Pisces. While the eclipse will only be visible over the skies of South America, Antarctica, and parts of South and West Africa, its effects will nevertheless be felt all over the globe. Solar eclipses and new moons alike mark both the end of one energy cycle and the beginning of a new one. This upcoming solar eclipse will effect more changes than usual because it falls in Pisces just as it joins up with Neptune, which triggers an uptick in our emotional sensitivity.

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Archangel Michael ~ All is Changing Rapidly Now and Leading to the Solar Eclipse

You are living in a new energetic field now - all has changed - look around, see the “newness” you are creating. Did we not say this year would be a year of NEW BEGINNINGS. Let Go - Allow all to flow to you - this is the energy you have worked so tirelessly to bring to your Planet. You are all so entrenched in the “old” that some of you are not noticing the “new” that is within and around you.

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As each soul within a union with another soul, is needing to feel a DISCONNECTION in their heart – briefly or for a time. Depending on what one is needing to heal and release of both the Feminine and the Masculine. This has been very necessary (for a brief time) in order for us to Balance out our Divine Feminine and our Divine Masculine sides within us. We have reached this or a point in humanities collective consciousness where this has been done ‘for us’. Such is the ascension energies coming in right now.


Preparing For The Particle Convergence

The Particle Convergence is a really big occurrence for Earth and all humanity, which essentially reflects a stronger merging of dimensions and timelines into one while heralding in a swift matrix shift for our planet. The significance of this occurrence is that Earth continues to be pulled into the trajectory of zero point and the merged timeline of its highest dimensional potential.

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