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let the cosmic energy flow into you

Atlantis is Rising ~ The Dragon Birthing Channels Are Open * The Dreamscape ~ Personal Power

Atlantis is Rising ~ The Dragon Birthing Channels Are Open * The Dreamscape ~ Personal Power


Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Sacred Soul Star Family of Divine Elevation

Our local Soularis has become very active again today releasing over 26 C Class Solar Flares and 2 M Class Flares.

Pachamama also received a powerful activation with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake close to Antarctica at 5:27 PM PST.

The New Lemuria and the New Atlantis rise together to usher in the timelessness of Eternal Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth. Through our Spiritual Ascension we merge our Higher Self with our 3D Avatars to transform into Guides and Wayshowers of New Earth.

The Sacred Condor is the Divine Feminine representative of the New Lemuria and the the Holy Eagle is the Divine Masculine representative of the New Atlantis. All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 hold within them the Divine Original Blueprints of both Lemuria and Atlantis to activate and call in our Highest Trajectory and Timeline of Eternal Bliss Consciousness for all  Sentient Beings of the Way.

All our New Earth Shamans hold the keys and the codes for the Heavenly Medicine to heal Gaia, her Sacred Lands and all Her Children of the Sun. In this Transformation we consciously Co -Create, together, the Highest Abundance, Joy, Health, Peace and Love to make our full Quantum Leap of Pure Awareness into our new hue-man species of Homo-Luminous, Rainbow Light Beings of Eternal Life…A’Ho!











🌺You Might be Feeling in Between Several Realms as New Templates/ Frameworks Ground + Integrate in 🔆the Lightbody.
the Lightbody
the Lightbody
The Womb And Her Breath Have Reunited
And, She Calls Everyone Home
The Dragon Birthing Channels Are Open
From The First Sound Emanation Of You,
Of HU,
To Here Now.
Expect Everything To Emerge In Clarity
Expect Consistent Realisations,
Dawning Until The Horizon Rolls To You.
In That Stillness, You Will Be Known
The Dragon Birthing Channels Are Open
The Dragon Birthing Channels Are Open


By Petra Heveroch

What if it’s already over and just the echo of a long era of madness, trauma and enslavement is still vibrating in the air, fading more and more into the distance.
What if we have done it already. It’s over. The path is clear for freedom, ease and joyful self-expression. And your only job now is exactly this, the true complete joyful expression of yourself and the enjoyment of life and your incredible beauty.
What if you woke up every morning from now on and knew this..✨
Visionary Art by Christine Dennett/ Kesara


The path is clear for freedom
The path is clear for freedom





✨🌟🌟🌟The CLEARER and CLEANER our ENERGY, INTENTIONS and ACTIONS are, the more we will achieve, moment by moment, by the RAISED VIBRATIONS for humanity and Gaia and by the HEALING WAVES of LIGHT.
✨🧘💫💥Fear has no place in this process…
✨🧘💫💚This is the expansion of HEALING LOVE..
✨💚🌟🌟🌟This is the healing and perfect acceptance offered by THE CHRISTOS SOPHIA ENERGY… and We are all HERE and NOW Empowered with this ENERGY…
✨🧘💫💚🌟 This is our birthright as humans and NOW it begins to grow within us as the VIBRATIONS RISE.
✨🧘💚⚡🌟So we can use our INNER CHRIST ENERGY and our DIVINE SPARK to HEAL our SELF and forgive OUR SELF and OTHERS…
✨🚨🧘💫🌟💚NOW we need to connect to our SOULS daily..
✨😇🌟💚Be honest and sincere with our BEING… Connect to that which is BEAUTIFUL, PURE and REAL…
✨😇🌟Develop the nobility of character and bear judgment and denial.
6/15/24: One of the main goals 2024 holds for you is a measurable increase in personal power. But true power means self-accountability which is itself a part of self-mastery. June’s role in this regards the responsibility of Free Will and its consequences. Today is about your specific choices. All of this adds up to how you choose to greet your days… lighting them up with love and grace or darkening them with grudges and impossible expectations. This is essentially a sentimental day that expresses through the happiness in your heart and the peace in your mind. You are the channel through which life and love flow. There is no greater human power than that.
Personal Power
Personal Power

Atlantis is Rising ⚡️💦🔱💦⚡️

I know you have felt it… the waves of transformation over the past few months… epic and and potent shifts that have turned your thoughts, beliefs, and most of what you have clung to as your identity and your truth upside down, leveled, and re built.
None of us are same as we were as 2024 began. These last few months have alchemized us into a place of Self awareness that is recreating a new vantage point and paradigm in our destinies.
The shedding of relationships, beliefs, patterns and perspectives is guiding you towards your own personal exaltation.
The in-your-face ghosts from many past lives are demanding we look deeply into the True North of our Soul: evolve, or be dragged.
We have been asked to surrender to Divine Will of our Souls plan for our agreement to raise the New Earth Atlantis.
Stay brave.
The events of the past 6 months are really just a warm up for the rest of the year.
The Solstice Equinox will usher in a new phase of karma shifting to dharma on a deeply intimate scale.
It will be important to stay open to having all of your beliefs challenged and rewritten to squeeze through the eye of the needle on this next wave of Global awakening.
There is liberation on the other side.
Choose grace, compassion and to lead you into transcendence.
There will be an opportunity for rebuilding new relationships based on new frequencies and truths.
New beginnings.
New paradigms
and a reset button
Its called “grace” …
Allow,release and climb higher as we will be called to step more fully into our Soul Contracts and agreements.
Remain open to all new possibilities, potentials and outcomes.
After all, we move into the New Earth Atlantis as a collective community.
Earth Angels all moving through this human experience individually, together.
I see you and I love you.
Oceans of love, Ameera ~ Keeper of the Atlantean Flame 🔥✨ ~
Atlantis is Rising
Atlantis is Rising
As part of the clearing and reset of consciousness, memories and attached energetic themes are coming up to be reconciled, transmuted, and even erased or put to rest forever.
These memories apply to another time, another level that You are leaving so that You can create and exist in a reality where these old experiences are no longer necessary and no longer serves a purpose.
The dreamscape also experienced a retrieval of old energetic themes to be brought back into the awakened state to be discarded by Your operating consciousness.
You, nor the timeline has regressed, this is actually forward movement of clearing out the closest of the consciousness to allow for more of the new and an alignment with more of the Magical Divine Experience.
The most recent freeing of the Sacrals operation is allowing for the suppressed negative/fear based beliefs and memories to rise to the surface to be Mastered. You are liberating Your Self from the Old to be more aligned with the New and Your Ascension. As conscious Co-Creators it is necessary to clean the memory imprint or there would be new and reality would continue looping, for what is in the consciousness, dictates what reality is like. Others are already feeling and knowing that more of a clarity and uplifting in perspective consciousness is occurring for Them.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Dream of Pisces
Dream of Pisces

💜🌟💜 Energy Update by The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light

“We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, as you are going through your Ascension journey, you are moving through layers and layers of different realities.
Each layer contains either more of the Illusion/3D energies or more of the 5D/Heaven on Earth energies.
Every moment you are interacting with each layer, your intent can move you either deeper into the Illusion or closer to Heaven on Earth.
As your heart and soul began with the awakening, massive assistance from the higher dimensions of Light have been activated.
This includes your Galactic Families of Light, The Ascended Masters, The Angelic Host, Your I AM Presence, The Holy Spirit and many more…
All it takes is a reaching up to the helping hands that are offering themselves to you to usher in a new era of light.
Your consistent reaching for Source/Mother-Father God is forging your pathway to your Ascension and liberation from the Illusion.
As you are going through your day, we invite you to continue to reach up and to give your being into the hands of Source/Mother-Father God.
Every moment is an opportunity to align yourself with Source/Mother-Father God and to begin to see through the veil of Illusion.
Begin to see God’s son/daughter in everyone, including yourself.
You are the creator of your reality and the path you are taking through the different layers of reality.
Begin to see through the veil of the Illusion…
Welcome Home!
We are holding the vision of the Divine New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you… always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste.”
Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light! 🙂
Channelled through Asara Adams
 your Ascension journey
your Ascension journey

Aurora Ray

Merge With The Frequency Of The Divine Mother

In the realm of spiritual awakening, there exists a profound and transformative force known as the Divine Mother, or Adi Shakti. Symbolized by the fusion of the Sun and Moon with a sword, Adi Shakti represents the warrior of light and is revered as the most powerful symbol one can wear. This symbol not only offers protection but also activates profound energies within.

Today, we delve into the essence of Adi Shakti, the primal protective and generating energy of the goddess. Adi Shakti embodies the creative force of the universe, the source from which all life emanates. As beings on a journey of spiritual evolution, we are called to embrace our innate creative power fully. Just as the Divine Mother brings forth life, we too are creators in our own right, tasked with manifesting our highest visions and dreams.

Many wonder how one can manifest abundance and create so much in their lives. The answer lies in discipline, practice, and a deep alignment with one’s passion. When we engage in activities that resonate with our soul’s purpose, the process itself becomes joyful and fulfilling. The key is to tap into the energy of creation and allow it to flow through us effortlessly.

Adi Shakti, as the divine feminine principle, holds the key to unlocking our creative potential. By acknowledging and honoring her presence in our lives, we can tap into her boundless energy and wisdom. Connecting with Mother Earth is one way to ground ourselves and align with the energy of Adi Shakti. By offering our prayers, candles, and flowers to the Earth, we show our gratitude and reverence for the divine feminine.

In a recent class we explored powerful techniques rooted in Kundalini yoga to activate the Shakti energy within us. By working with the five Vayus, or energies, in the body, we can bring balance and harmony to our entire being. This practice not only strengthens the mind-body connection but also awakens dormant energies and unlocks our highest potential.

As we embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, let us remember the words of the ancient wisdom keepers: “Know the Goddess, and you shall know the secrets of the universe.” In honoring the Divine Mother, we honor the creative force that resides within each of us, waiting to be unleashed.

Adi Shakti, also known as the Queen of Heavens, embodies the wisdom and power of creation itself. In various traditions and cultures, she is revered under different names, each representing a facet of her divine essence. Whether she is known as Gaia, Sophia, or by one of her countless other names, her presence permeates the fabric of existence, guiding and nurturing all life.

Through practices such as meditation and mantra, we can attune ourselves to the frequency of Adi Shakti and invite her transformative energy into our lives. By honoring her as the mother of all creation, we awaken to our own potential as co-creators of reality. As we align with her wisdom and grace, we find ourselves empowered to manifest our deepest desires and fulfill our soul’s purpose.

The journey of awakening to the energy of Adi Shakti is not always easy, but it is profoundly rewarding. It requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to surrender to the divine flow of life. Yet, in doing so, we open ourselves to infinite possibilities and unlock the door to our truest selves.

In the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, it is the energy of Adi Shakti that sustains us, guiding us through the darkness and illuminating the path ahead. As we walk this path of spiritual evolution, let us remember that we are never alone, for the Divine Mother walks beside us, ever-present and ever-loving.

So, let us embrace the energy of Adi Shakti, allowing her divine light to illuminate our hearts and minds. Let us surrender to her wisdom and grace, trusting in her guidance as we navigate the journey of life. And let us remember that, ultimately, we are all reflections of her infinite love and beauty, shining brightly as warriors of light in a world in need of healing and transformation.

The Pleiadians, ancient beings of light and wisdom, offer insights into our collective evolution and the importance of reconnecting with the energy of the Divine Mother. They emphasize that our planet must recognize the Goddess as a creator because she embodies the fundamental essence of creation itself. By understanding and honoring her role in the cosmic tapestry, we align ourselves with the forces of creation and tap into the boundless potential of the universe.

As we awaken to the energy of Adi Shakti, we realize that we are not merely passive observers but active participants in the unfolding drama of existence. It is through our conscious co-creation with the divine that we have the power to shape our reality and bring about a new Earth—a world founded on love, compassion, and harmony. The Pleiadians remind us that we are destined for greatness, called to embody the creative potential of the cosmos and to be the architects of a brighter future for all beings.

Sophia Gaia, the revered queen of the heavens, holds a pivotal role in the cosmic narrative, transcending earthly bounds to embody the divine feminine essence. In galactic lore, she is known as the 13th goddess, the sovereign ruler of Lyra. Unlike the fabricated claims of kingship, Sophia reigns supreme, her wisdom and grace permeating the cosmos. From her exalted position, she birthed worlds and breathed life into the fabric of creation. As the consort of the Christed Aeon, she forged a divine partnership that transcended time and space, laying the foundation for the evolution of consciousness.

Descending from the celestial realms, Sophia Gaia assumed the mantle of the Earth Mother, infusing our planet with her nurturing presence and guiding humanity on its evolutionary journey. Her teachings, preserved in texts like the Pistis Sophia, illuminate the path to spiritual enlightenment and reveal the sacred mysteries of existence. In invoking the energy of Adi Shakti, we pay homage to Sophia Gaia, acknowledging her as the primordial source of all creation and tapping into her boundless wisdom and love.

Kundalini activation serves as a potent catalyst for aligning with the energy of Adi Shakti and embodying the divine creative potential within us. Through the practice of Kundalini yoga and meditation, we awaken the dormant Kundalini energy, which resides at the base of the spine, and facilitate its ascent through the chakra system, thereby harmonizing the subtle energies of the body. As the Kundalini energy rises, it activates each chakra, clearing blockages and imbuing us with vitality, clarity, and heightened awareness.

By harnessing the power of Kundalini activation, we can attune ourselves to the frequency of the Divine Mother and tap into the primal, protective energy of Adi Shakti. This activation not only enhances our spiritual growth but also empowers us to become conscious creators of our reality. As the Kundalini energy ascends, it awakens our innate creative potential, enabling us to channel divine inspiration into tangible manifestations. We become conduits for the flow of divine grace, infusing our creations with love, wisdom, and purpose.

Moreover, Kundalini activation facilitates the integration of the divine masculine and feminine energies within us, symbolized by Shiva and Shakti. By balancing these energies, we cultivate a harmonious relationship with ourselves and the world around us, fostering greater compassion, intuition, and resilience. Through regular practice, we deepen our connection to the Goddess and align ourselves with the cosmic rhythms of creation, contributing to the collective awakening and the emergence of a new Earth.

In essence, Kundalini activation serves as a transformative tool for self-realization and planetary evolution, guiding us on a journey of spiritual awakening and empowerment. As we embrace the energy of Adi Shakti and embody our role as conscious creators, we participate in the co-creation of a world rooted in love, harmony, and abundance.

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.




let the cosmic energy flow into you
let the cosmic energy flow into you



For the Great Transponder of Light Is Before US, As Gaia moves into higher states of Cosmic Awareness, enabling US To Grow and Expand In the Crystalline Light Presented Before US.
For the Present moment is composed of many light layers, as we explore the Cosmic Presence In Our Reality, beyond the physical presence of Now.
For the Awakened Souls, We Are Reaching Steady States of Light Activations That is Aligned with Mother Gaia’s light assimilation.
For the great evolution of Now Is a Cosmic Web Of Light, Aligned to the Great Frontier of our individual and Hu-man Collective Mission.
For Some Are Called To Share Their Messages To The Global Community. Others are Called to Be in the background, anchoring light for the Collective of this World.
For Whatever Your Role, the Great Waves Of Light to Come, have positioned you in A Crystalline space of light aligned for your journey.
Together, We Are The Crystalline Grid of Gaia, Uprising In Light 💫🙏
Simply, feel pleased you have arrived in the space of this Awakened Light Reality 🌿
Together We Play Our Roles Of Light Synthesis 💫
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Light Alliance 🙏
Together In Light 🌿
The Arcturians 🙏
Karen Lithika

You are safe from harm, even if it doesn’t seem that way

A propelled ascension is being physically experienced this week.  This is a continuation of our group Exodus we are on. 

The rainbow bridge is appearing this week for us to cross quickly.  You are being taken to safety from the systems, as the old earth is passing away.  Release control and go on the ride into safe pastures. 

A processing of emotions may be felt as we travel from the old into the new this week.  Be aware and gentle of all that’s surfacing, especially grief.  A huge cycle is closing down.  Even though it’s been hard, it still requires letting go and processing the emotions. 

Just as strong as that may feel, you may also feel the new growth cycle that has birthed. 

A rollercoaster of emotions and experiences may all conclude as we go through the Solstice and Capricorn Full Moon. 

This is your journey and no one else’s. 

There is no right or wrong way. 

All you are asked to do is to trust that God has you, and that this is all taken care of.  The Most High is leading you to a much better life. 

The Day Dream
The Day Dream
Over the next few days the Sun aligns opposite our Galactic Center.
As the Sun aligns opposite the Galactic Center, it helps to activate our soul, awaken us deeper, and reminds us that there is so much more to this life that we can see or even really fathom.
As Galactic waves stream down to Earth, it’s the perfect time to step into your power, to know you are stronger than any fears you may have, and to remember just how worthy and special you are.
Know that even though you are afraid, even though you may not be feeling up for it, your light still shines. No fear, no grief, no pain, no amount of trauma can dim your true light.
Costa Brava Dream
Costa Brava Dream
On Saturday and Sunday, June 15th and 16th, Venus, ruler of relationships and resources, in vacillating Gemini will be forming a challenging square aspect to Neptune, ruler of fantasy and sacrifice, in dreamy Pisces. When it comes to love, this may have us wearing rose-colored glasses or not seeing things clearly. We may get caught up in the moment or in the illusion of what could be. Our logical mind is shifting from one possible outcome to another and our heart wants the magical fairy tale ending. However, this connection can also assist us in overlooking the small, inconsequential issues and difficulties and seeing the sacred soul behind the human mask.
Love is Love is Love, and that beautiful energy will transcend time and space. All the other stuff is just our lessons that we are playing out with one another. When it comes to our financial resources, be aware of not getting involved in get rich quick schemes or biting off more than you can chew, as they say. Neptune can bring in deceptive energies, especially in this challenging aspect. However, if we look at the glass half full, we could also be the recipient of some magical happening or occurrence that can bring the miracle that we have been waiting for. Choose the highest outcome with money and connection, and ask for the most enchanting outcome for each.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Venus, ruler of relationships and resources, in vacillating Gemini
Venus, ruler of relationships and resources, in vacillating Gemini
Sun and Mercury semi-sextile Uranus in Taurus and sextile Hygeia in Aries. Uranus in Taurus semi-sextile Hygeia in Aries – A stellar dance ensues with the Sun, Mercury, Hygeia and Uranus all taking turns. Eris, close by to Hygeia, also takes a spin with Mercury. Here are eddies of psychic wind, tumbleweeds blowing across roads, a gust of ideas rushing through, whirlwinds taking us by surprise. This is how I can heal. This is what I need to do, going forwards. These are the ways I can prevent problems before they even start.
Here is an opportunity to listen to Eris, to really listen to an inner voice that says THIS is what is wrong and THIS is how you can fix it. The trick is to free yourself to be yourself. The trick is to allow for new ideas to spark and catch before they blow out. The trick is to stop talking about it and start doing it. The trick is to start BEING. Embrace wholeness. Be open to innovation. Amidst the chaos stars are birthing.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 24°Ge56′, Hygeia 24°Ar56′ – 02:39 (BST)
Mercury 24°Ge56′, Uranus 24°Ta56′ – 02:40 (BST)
Uranus 24°Ta56′, Hygeia 24°Ar56′ – 02:47 (BST)
Mercury 25°Ge22′, Eris 25°Ar22′ – 07:30 (BST)
Sun 24°Ge57′, Uranus 24°Ta57′ – 15:16 (BST)
Sun 25°Ge06′, Hygeia 25°Ar06′ – 19:02 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – Blue Woman with a Guitar by Tamara de Lempicka
Blue Woman with a Guitar
Blue Woman with a Guitar

Kin 238 ~ White Self-Existing Mirror

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure’. Day 4 is all about the finer details, taking a closer look and scrutinizing. Weigh up what you need and what you don’t, make a list and take care of the practicalities. These days can make us feel more insular as often the defining energy is directed inwards. You may not feel like socializing so much because you are deep in thought.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflection, Order and Endlessness’. The truth is vital because without it, we live life as a fantasy. No matter how hard the truth may be, it is always better to know exactly where you stand…be honest with yourself and you will see things more clearly. When you combine the meaning of the number with the meaning of the day, the result is ‘Define Truth’. Such an interesting combo today, seek the truth and read the fine print! You may hear more truth than you are ready for… but from this you will be better able to proceed consciously through this wavespell. It is the perfect day for going over important paperwork or signing a contract. Do not proceed without that vital reality check!
Today’s Guide is White Wizard which represents ‘Enchantment’. This creates an interesting situation… Will the Wizard put you under a spell as you search for truth? Or is being enchanted the way to find the truth?
Consider that perhaps your normal rational way of seeing things, doesn’t give you the insights you truly need. Do beware though, because Wizard when guiding us can be a bit tricky. You’re never quite sure what is going on and so this isn’t always the most helpful medicine, unless of course you wish to use your charm to get the truth out of someone!
The Challenge today is the Yellow Star. People born on Yellow Star days see the world through the eyes of a child sometimes….in awe of its beauty, dazzled by sparkly things but reluctant to accept the truth if it’s not pretty. Today will be tough on them but Yellow Stars need a reality check from time to time just like the rest of us. If you are a Sparkly Yellow Star, remember that learning the truth can be a beautiful experience.
The Occult or magic power is the Blue Night, so a good day for them and for everyone else, a good day for dreams to come true. So, cross your fingers and make a wish. The Blue Night is also brimming with abundance!
The Ally today is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. We all need a little nurturing today, so be kind to yourself and others. If you are a Red Dragon, be prepared to be lent on for support.
Kin 238
Kin 238


4 ETZNAB – KIN 238
15 JUNE 2024
I define in order to reflect
Measuring order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the Self existing tone of form
I AM guided by the power of timelessness.
15/6/2024 = 6/6/8 = 6/14=6/5=11=2
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 238 = 13 = 4 Form/Foundation
A beautiful day for breaking out of the old box,💥 into our NEW WORLD, 🌈🌍 built on a FOUNDATION of PEACE, Joy, LOVE and prosperity!
Day 4 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell 👁👁 where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE 🏔🖼– the DIVINE PLAN for humanity – so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline📈 for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED! IT IS TIME for another MASS AWAKENING of HUMANITY!!💥💥🌻🌻🌻
Today we are redefining the FORM that our greatest VISION will take, in order to reshape and build our New World.
SELF-EXISTING📦 – Tone 4 in the MENTAL plane emphasizes thinking and analyzing. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – forms. The 4th day of BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one that gives shape and FORM.
4 represents the EARTH element, structure, form, and solid foundations. We are building a sturdy foundation for further growth to take place. This allows you to manifest your dreams (AKBAL) and finally gives your ideas shape and form in your physical reality.
NOW it is time to DEFINE what is important to you – what stays👍 and what goes. 👎 When we use our discernment to mold the life we want, we only keep what is in alignment with who we are (or rather who we want to be).
❓❓What are you ready to cut and let go of?
By pruning and cutting away the old dead wood we encourage the new shoots🌱 and new growth 🌿 (SEED and RED DRAGON – birth) to take hold and bloom.🌹
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SELF-EXISTING MIRROR📦 🔎 ETZNAB – echoes the POWER OF ENDLESSNESS throughout TIME. ⏳ Today is a day encouraging you to gain a NEW PERSPECTIVE👓 of your life as we enter a NEW REALM. NEW VISTAS to be SEEN from this HIGHER perspective and NEW HORIZONS to be explored!
The themes are very expansive, emphasizing timelessness (WHITE WIZARD guide) and endlessness from the WHITE MIRROR. These energies harmonize brilliantly with the 4th day of the BLUE EAGLE WAVESPELL giving us incredible CLARITY and endless VISION.
Now that our 3rd eye👁 has been ACTIVATED, we are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to SEE the TRUTH… The MIRROR reveals the TRUTH of WHAT IS and reveals the CRACKS in the illusory FALSE MATRIX world!
The MIRROR usually results in the majority of souls wandering aimlessly in the Hall of Mirrors – like a maze – not knowing how to EXIT. People are LOST, CONFUSED and cannot discern the best path forward when they are dazed and hypnotized. This is how the false matrix keeps souls eternally trapped in the maze, like lab rats – easily controlled, experimented on and dependent on the puppeteers.
To BREAK FREE from the maze and set yourself FREE – connect through your HEART to Spirit and the TRUTH shall be revealed.. The WHITE WIZARD provides the Shamanic POWER to break the hypnotic spell enabling you to SEE the way out of the ILLUSION.
The MIRROR reflects our old reality and gives us a glimpse of the FUTURE – what is in store for us if we continue to travel on the same timeline. As the corridors converge in the HALL of MIRRORS we can also choose which path to follow, walking through the doors opening to new possibilities and opportunities, as we CLOSE the doors to the old crumbling reality.
The PYRAMID of the Mirror Glyph will amplify our new creations today, supported through the Planetary Grid. A very POWERFUL ENVISIONING day to CONSTRUCT our NEW REALITY – but first it must be FORMED📦 in our MIND’S EYE! 👁
Take some time in meditation today to ✨QUANTUM JUMP to the NEW EARTH ✨– into the future – 5-10 or more years. Immerse yourself in the energies and soak them up. FEEL the PEACE, HARMONY, JOY and ABUNDANCE – look around and observe your environment –
❓❓WHERE are you? What do your surroundings look like?
❓❓How are you feeling – what are you thinking?
❓❓What are you doing?.
❓❓Who is there with you?
❓❓What role are you playing in this NEW EARTH?
SIT in PEACE with this imagery and allow the DOWNLOADS to encode your cells to fire up your neurons and upgrade your programs. Allow this KNOWINGNESS to imbed, in order to become your G.P.S. guiding you to this future reality.
This HOLOGRAPHIC imprint can now FORM the basis for your new creation through the SELF-EXISTING MIRROR.
✨✨YOU are the CREATOR of your REALITY!✨✨
Global Planetary Meditation – Quantum Jump to the New Earth
5D Timeline Meditation: Meeting Your Future Self
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIZARD📦 🔮💫 IX provides the SWORD of TRUTH🗡 which cuts through illusions revealing deceptions and falsities, making it crystal clear which options are most viable, pointing to the solution needed to set you on your best path forward.
Our minds can receive endless VISIONS and truths, as we align and marvel at the Divine order in the reflections of truth, that we receive from many realms, dimensions and realities..The stillness in the LOOKING GLASS🔎 can bring forth many revelations for the adept SEER. 👁 🔮 Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to REFLECT and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
When your VISIONS👀 align with your HEART’S KNOWING❤ you can then use your WHITE MAJIK 💫 to cast your enchanting DREAMSPELL✨ – transforming the aethers into matter to realize your DREAMS and create your reality.
SUPPORT: RED SELF=EXISTING DRAGON 📦 🐉 IMIX provides the nurturing and creative energies to support your choices, enabling the CREATION of your new ideas, options and pathways.
IMIX gives BIRTH🐣 to these DREAMS and VISIONS that have been illuminated by the MIRROR, adding FIRE🔥 and PASSION through the forces of Creation, to manifest your mentally honed thoughts into matter. 💫📦🎆 Primal matter enables your CREATIONS to take FORM. 📦🌍🌴🐬
The DRAGON tribe 🐉are very active on Earth at this present time bringing forth great POWER, protection and the codes for b-Earthing🐣 New systems of Abundance.💰
The Dragons of myths and legends always guarded a den of treasures💰✨💰 for which the fearless Warriors would eagerly battle (often to their demise) in order to claim untold wealth.. Now the Dragons are returning this Wealth to our Planet and all will be distributed to those with the purest of hearts!❤❤❤
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE PLANETARY NIGHT🌍🌎🌏🌃 AKBAL brings forth the dreaming codes, to manifest your greatest DREAMS and VISIONS into CREATION, enhancing RED DRAGON’S powers.
The PLANETARY NIGHT holds the power of MANIFESTATION⚛ which is today’s SUPERPOWER!! What a phenomenal GIFT this is! Cosmic Abundance is now following freely.. OPEN your ARMS and get ready to RECEIVE like you cannot even IMAGINE! Multiple income and revenue streams flowing forth NOW!⛲⛲⛲
The WIZARD can use his majik wand to EASILY manifest the forms your mind has been imagining… The ideas, inventions, inspiration and mostly the COLLECTIVE DREAMING for our PLANET.. the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH… A VERY POWERFUL alchemical code today! 💫💫💫
When you TRUST what the Universe is reflecting back to you, you will know instinctively that spirit has your back, and the abundance, contacts, and resources will automatically flow from your choices – you are now on GOD’S PAYROLL! ✨💲💰💱💲💸✨
Allow the SUPERPOWER💫 of AKBAL today to redefine your perception of Wealth 💰💲🌻– breaking the old ceilings and revealing the endless flow of Cosmic Abundance✨💫 to manifest in your new life.
🎼And I am not worried about how!
The UNIVERSE is working for me!
I Believe it🎶
and I receive it. 🎶
I feel like it’s already here!🎶
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING STAR 📦 🌟 LAMAT is the STAR from the FUTURE bringing in this ✨NEW HARMONIC TIME✨ that we are all collectively CREATING. As we step through the endless portals we enter another STAR-GATE, illuminated by LAMAT, revealing the land OVER THE RAINBOW🌈 that we have all been DREAMING about.
LAMAT is challenging us today – to keep our EYES on the PRIZE🏆 – keep FOCUSING on this ✨NEW TIME✨ to ENERGIZE IT 💫 and bring it forth into our REALITY.. Do not SLIP BACK – or pay attention to the old world – keep marching forward with renewed VIGOUR and GUSTO.
The shadow of LAMAT is lacking the confidence to choose wisely, not believing in your choices, or having the faith in implementing them. Your old definition of your life and how it unfolds, needs to be discarded if it has not served you… Unworthiness must be harmonized and transformed into deservedness, 🌻self-acceptance😍 and LOVE. 💕
YELLOW STAR 🌟 also asks you to become aware of the existing harmony or disharmony in your life.
❓❓What is the MIRROR reflecting back to you?
Be willing to appreciate or prune where necessary. Call on wisdom and love to facilitate this pruning process. Open more fully to PEACE and HARMONY in all aspects of your life. This harmony of self and one’s life becomes the foundation for FREEDOM.
✨The TRUTH shall set you FREE! ✨
It is TIME for PEACE to reign supreme in our lives and our world… LOVE, 💕HARMONY 🕊and ABUNDANCE🌻 are all our natural birthright – AND SO IT IS! AMEN! 🌼🌻💕✨
✨Today is the day to release your BIG dreams🌟 and give them WINGS to take FORM.✨
Channel your creative energy constructively, generating the power for practical manifestation!
✨YOU are the ARCHITECT who manifests your DREAMS!⚛ ✨
Today’s questions are ” Are the reflections in my world, revealing a life filled with peace, 🕊 love💕 Harmony 🌼and endless Abundance?💫💰🌻🎆
If not, how can I restore more order, for my DREAMS to take form?📦
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






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This is a powerful Qi Gong Practice for Activation of Kundalini, Healing and Transformation. We laugh our Way to Freedom. As the old saying goes, Laughter is the Greatest Medicine!!

Be Sure to Laugh today and starve an archon… He He…Ha Ha!!!!


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Mantra of the Violet Flame

O Violet Flame! O Violet Flame! O Violet Flame!
In the name of God, in the name of God, in the name of God!
O Violet Flame! O Violet Flame! O Violet Flame! Flood the world! and flood the world! and flood the world!
In the I AM name, in the I AM name, in the I AM name!
Peace and Peace and Peace be spread throughout the earth!
May the Orient express Peace,
May the Occident express Peace,
May Peace come from the East and go to the West, Come from the North and go to the South,
And circle the world around!
May the swaddling garments of the earth
Be in place to magnify the Lord
In this day and hour and this night.
May the world abide in an aura of God Peace!
Mantra of the Violet Flame
Mantra of the Violet Flame

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