Arcturian Blue Shield ~ Calling On The Angels – THE GALACTIC CALL – ANCIENT LIGHT TRIBES ~ Harmonic Timelines Converge
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Galactic Soul Family of the 144
Happy Friday the 13th, the Day of the Divine Mother Goddess.
The Powerful Energies of the Divine Feminine of the Holy Waters are flowing in from the most High Source Creator. As Gaia rises we rise with her. All Starseed Earth Angelics incarnated into this realm to assist our Cosmic Mother into transforming this reality into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
The Gold Shield of protection from our Dragon kingdom is surrounding all our good people of the New Earth to seal the Codes of Divine Dispensation into the Quantum Field of our Solar Light Bodies.
This is preparing us for tomorrows Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse as we go through a major reset and rebirth into our New Eden and Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous. The reboot is to clear out all false programs running in the background causing noise and distraction for our full Awakening in the Light. The Power of Libra of balance and stillness will also help remove any interference patterns that remain from the last fall from Grace. With this we rise in density to our 5D New Earth Experience.
As we raise from the valley of the shadow of death we Ascend to the Pure Land of Bright Virtue. With our True Nature of Buddha Mind all things are perfectly resolved. All is being revealed as we lift the veils of ignorance and with the knowledge and wisdom of the ages we Shift this timeline into the New Golden Age of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
10.13.23 to 10.15.23 Solar Eclipse We are in a Portal of rebirthing and overwriting our stories. You are not the story you have been told. Your exaltation lies with in the willingness to allow anxiety or old fear Timelines of Atlantis to diminish. You are safe to entered the caves you fear Trust the unfolding. Love Ameera, from the Bengali caves of the New Earth Atlantis.
UPDATE. Leading to New Moon Solar Eclipse. Your direction is changing. It’s undeniable that soul is now called in a direction it knew about but never truly got to in this way before. The unknown will be the norm in the next few days. You must trust yourself & that you’ll know how to adjust every step of the way. You must trust your soul knows better than you do & is guiding you right. Come back to this present moment & show up with this new energy, this new guidance. Allow a new part of yourself to expand.
the magic
Ring of fire ☀️ Solar Eclipse! Lightcodes are already glitching technology and bring forth diamond plasma light! This sol passage is aligning to your soul growth and the collective consciousness. This will magnetize the next 6 months till April 8th total solar eclipse. Much will change between here and then! So many blessings are upon us. It’s a soul choice to align to the light or feed chaos and destruction. I mentioned October’s prediction would bring uprisings.
Focus on the light, as the eclipse portal magnetizes. Worry does not bring change, calling in peace does. Calling in truth and sovereignty. As for starseeds personal path, your angelic galactic DNA is activating quickly. Center to avoid being dizzy and keep grounding to stabilize. About your love and joy! It’s the frequencies of the harmonics and we came to bring all rays of light 💎☀️
Ring of fire Solar Eclipse
How are you feeling? Nauseous, digestive issues ??? The energy shifted a few hours ago. Many of you can feel nausea, vertigo, have digestive issues, etc. In some way it feels like we are about to die in one way of living and be reborn in another, new way of living. It is not so pleasant right now for the physical body but this process will bring us big progress. We are entering the eclipse season and the ring of fire solar eclipse is so appropriate for how we feel right now as it really Feels like we are going or rather falling, being pushed through the ring of fire. Cannot wait to see what will happen next. Even though the ego wants to stop and move backwards, the soul loves new cycles.
10/13/23: You’ve gone through too much this year to carry on as before. It’s not possible. So it’s time now to think about how New You wants to step into the world. Consider today the first official day of your 2023 transformation. The next six weeks will be spent fine-tuning your authentic expression. In other words, how can you be more you?
How will that look and feel? What will change? Why will it matter? (It does!) A big internal shake-up like this year can radically shift externals. You need no longer emit the same old frequency… which will change what comes back to you. Please see the empowerment in that. You’ve got a lot to do before December arrives with invitations to show off your stuff. But it’s not hard… it’s natural. Don’t make it hard.
In our last group session on October 8th we received a powerful Galactic Activation and Star Alignment to our true home outside of the simulation.
I was preparing for this for the last few weeks but right before we started the session I received another very deep activation that was linked to my aspect of the Sacred Galactic Fleet of Sacred Gaia.
I was told that the pain of the lost Galactic fleet was great and there is a huge and constant effort to retrieve all of its lost members.
I felt the pain in me as my cellular remembrance connected to this part of me.
This was not the first time that I had connected to this, but this time the energy was unfiltered, more direct and a very deep and heavy sorrow reawakened in me.
I even felt that I might not be able to attend the session but fortunately the embodiment was harmonious.
This sorrow exists in many others but what took place was so devastating that most have pushed this memory away in the deepest parts of their subconscious.
I feel that the calling that was already given out through this page since Monday the 2nd of October (on the day that the Greek army tested the war sirens/alarms all over the country) through the Crystalline portal of the Acropolis, for the physical awakening and coming together of all the Galactic Brothers and Sisters via the 144000 code, in order for them to activate their personal code, synchronise to each other, come together, vibrate in the frequency of Love and break the fallen code, was linked to what broke out during this last weekend in Israel/Gaza.
Our Galactic Guides/Families gave us a clear signal and direction that day of the message for us to consciously come together as One because each one of us, carries a piece of the overall code that is needed for the final physical change!
Please send out this call/message from the energy portals/places that you work through.
-I am reposting the message adjusted so that it can be addressed and received by all.
You can use sound to send it out:
“In the name of the 144000, you are guided via your own free Will, to send out the calling to all of your True Galactic human Brothers and Sisters who are on Earth at this time, to awaken to their own Galactic code frequency, synchronise with each other, come together in the physical and vibrate in the frequency of Love so that the whole code that is needed for the change in the physical, can be completed.
The Sacred Galactic teams are to get together and be restored again!
So it is!”
Sophia Athena Nike!
Blessings of synchronisation in True Love for all!
It’s raining down Pleiadian Stars on us. It’s a Pleiadian Meteor Shower. The South Taurids are active until November 12. The North Taurids are active from Oct 13th to Dec 2nd. Expect fireballs in the sky! Taurid Meteors are slow moving, but tend to be very bright and can produce fireballs. It’s Friday the 13th vibes today. We have our Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse tomorrow. It’s a Ring of Fire Eclipse too. The 28th is our Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Both are dukes by Venus bringing up matters in love and money. Your personal relationships are in the spotlight this month, especially any romantic ones. For many this entails clearing work. Things tend to get Eclipsed off your path if you’re needing it.
The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse is helping you to come into a greater balance. This may mean cutting cords and closing out toxic relationships for some. It’s a great time to be healing any relationship blocks. For may these are tied to deeper patterns you may be now recognizing. Finances are also coming up. Healing blocks around money. It’s a great time to be doing financial healing work. Eclipses always lines up with the Nodes of Fate. These Eclipses together are helping you to drop the karmic baggage.
It’s what you should be moving away from. They are also activating your Destiny or the path ahead. It’s what you should be traveling towards. Expect fated interactions and destined encounters. This can look like sudden shifts or even changes in direction…
At this time of planetary transition into a more harmonic timeline, we are witnessing evidence of the massive planetary healing that is occurring, at this time. We are not the only ones releasing old memories and transforming as species, our planet is also passing through the same process of transformation.
A planetary shift that Pluto finally moving into Aquarius, after a few retrogrades back into Capricorn, will be deeply emphasized, as it is marking the transformation happening in the collective’s mind.
This is the end of an Era. An Era of slavery and manipulation that we are finally leaving behind and that many, still wanting to remain in the old ways, will continue fighting for. This is what we are seeing reflected in the collective, the constant battle for abuse, not just for power, but for the control of consciousness, something that is for the first time changing in our planet.
The planet is releasing more miasma, old memories profoundly implanted in the collective. for The solar eclipse in Libra quincunx Uranus and aligns with the South Node. This reflects, that we are finally healing our past planetary timeline, eons of trauma, feminine repression, and many other distortions that we are now able to clear and restore.
Guides invite us to dedicate some time to send love and healing to our planet. They invite us to shield our planet with sacred fires – Celestial, Golden Sun, or Aurora – to begin the process of purification and restoration required to assist, during this tumultuous time.
As a second step to complete this planetary technique and help in the process of unification, we too can visualize the Arcturian Blue Shield to help in the transmutation and reorganization that is taking place, at a planetary level.
The Blue Arcturian shield is of an intense electric blue-white bright color and when we intentionally visualize it surrounding the earth plane, it protects and shields it, protecting it in the current healing process of rebirth, for even though pain is present at the moment, this is the process that happens when the old is being destroyed and the new is being born.
Then, visualize a vortex, a big energetic vortex, in the form of a wormhole, Below the Earth, and ask that all non-benevolent forms of consciousness, entities, and any other distortion and manipulation to keep our planet fragmented be immediately taken by this vortex.
Lastly, visualize the Trinity symbol on the earth, the authentic one (as in the picture) not the reversed one with the circle below rather than on top of the two initial circles. Surround it with your compassion, love, and light, asking the Auroras, for they are our guardians and helpers during his transition, as well as other illumined beings, to help transform all the negativity that is happening at this time, so our planet continue transitioning from duality into unity consciousness.
This is where we are heading, from the one to All, moving from the bi-separation mentally, to the tri-unity one. This is how we neutralize the unlove and control, by focusing on the opposite, rather than fighting what we cannot change.
As we heal our own ancestral and galactic lineage and personal timeline, and as we continue reconnecting with our soul and monad, the planet will too benefit from our individual healing, for what we heal impact and affect the whole.
Starting from within is what initiates the change that we are now envisioning, for even though all seems chaotic, we are finally witnessing the planetary transformation required for personal and collective liberation.
This is how we will facilitate the planetary timeline clearing of miasmatic historical records that is happening at the moment, and that we all can support by sending our love and above all, doing our inner work.
May you stay centered in the loving and compassionate essence of your Heart, Beloved Ones.
Gratitude to all supporting the organic Stargate and Crystalline Grid amplification during this transformational eclipse window.
The Eclipses in October provide clarity on the choices and creations we made through the Light level jumps this year. Deep revelation of our own creations, as well as the unified ability to shift realms, energies, and trajectories faster than ever before.
Annular (Ring of Fire) Solar Eclipse: Saturday October 14 at 11AM PDT.
It is a tight two-week window between these eclipses. The second arrives on Saturday October 28, a Lunar Eclipse at 1:14PM PDT.
These eclipses have a deep connection to the April 2024 USA eclipse; make it count. A passage to hold the organic Stargate pathways and Crystalline Grids open for New Light. This massive wave of consciousness-expanding, heart-opening, realm-shifting New Light amplifies with great intensity; use it wisely.
Keep this in heart as distractions present; remember our focus amplifies our reality choice. Higher levels of LoveLight and I AM Presence flow through open conduits; this is a moment for Infinite Hearts, Crystalline DNA, and ascending Creator beings to hold the Unity field in purity and grace.�� Wayshow the focus: You may be guided to step away from social media and busy-ness during this window.
The intensity described in last weekend’s PRESENCE event is clear as the energies amplify. This is a Mastery Gift to all ascending souls holding the frequency of Unity/Kryst Consciousness. The LoveLight signature of the Solar Cosmic Kryst and Infinite Kryst Heart accelerate the Cosmic rays, plasma, and harmonics flooding our Solar system in this Now. The New Light seeks open conduits, through vibrational match, and raises the realm-choice, choice-point nature of these organic alignments (Equinox, Eclipses, Solstice.)
Infinite Hearts create higher trajectories each moment. Watch for higher choices as these eclipses unfold. Of course this isn’t about waiting for the external to reveal inner change. We are in realm division; ascending Souls must learn to create and generate the new consciousness in any circumstance. This emanation of the higher realms comes right through us in action, thought, word, feeling, and creation.
Like vibrations unify, and higher possibilities unfold right through our unified creation. Source shines through recalibrated hearts to produce new realities, and lift us out of duality/density into the radically new experience of the higher realms. This activity receives accelerated support – especially through Solstice – empowering a new way of walking in these realms and beyond.
Eclipses make personal and collective choice points/realm choice very clear. For many, this is another amplification of dissolving the old self, and dismantling the personal separation experience. As always, we keep our focus on consistent infusions of peace, harmony, compassion, LoveLight Intelligence and Ascension. Holding the New Realm consciousness and Crystalline Unity state is BEing in service as that frequency each moment.
Note the totality path over the Master Crystal veins in North & South America. Freedom codes and Ascension harmonics are activated. A perfect moment to be on duty, dear Gate and Gridkeepers. Get yourself and your Crystals outside, on/in the ground, ready to amplify this Light infusion on behalf of all.
Unity in all moments; unify with Gaia, nature, meditation, movement, positive creativity, unity meditations … hold and apply the higher Light in thought, word, feeling, action, and creation.
Distractions, dismantling, and revelations are what they are; practice not choosing sides with these external projections. Apply Unity Consciousness to the collective realm shift; bathe the entire planet and all of her life in the Cosmic Light.
I AM sending Infinite LoveLight and support for a deeply transformative Eclipse window. Create your journey well, beloveds.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
We Bring Through Insights From The Crystalline World Of Light.
The Unification Of Starseed Lineages Now Joining In Light.
For The New History Of Your World Is Now Apon You, As Many Walk The Path Of Now Creation.
The Path Of Higher Light Work Aligned To The Greater Good Of The Universe.
I wish to focus your attention on the many portals of Light, access points on your planet. The Ancient caves, to the deep fissures in the depths of your oceans.
For the Exploring Of Light Is The Uprising of Many Species, Many Civilisations Reaching A New Level Of Cellular Advancement, A New Connection To The Humans.
Understand, it is occurring beneath Your World, deep in the core of Gaia, as a collective species of Light, our Mother Gaia and Within US.
To expand your Light Recognition Is to SEE our Planet awakening to the Ancient Slumber of Light Uprising.
Be Open to these concepts of Light Advancements as many Ancient Light Civilizations are eagerly anticipating our Global Uprising.
The Ancient New Earth Light Lineages are Feeling the collective cellular calling of Humanity.
For Mother Gaia is releasing her constraints, Feel the New Earth Light.
Release to go through the doorway into the higher timelines this weekend. The focus will be on the relationships that you know are necessary to let go of. Don’t hold yourself back any longer for other people. The Libra New Moon Eclipse is giving you the opportunity to cut out the dead weight so you can achieve your relationship goals.
New love is coming in. It is of a much higher vibration than you’ve experienced before. It’s your perfect Starseed match. Expect and receive more of this Galactic Union that is ready to manifest in the physical. We are beginning the journey the New Earth Starseed Super Human Race.
On Friday, October 13th, Mars, planet of energy and action, in water sign Scorpio is in a positive trine aspect to Saturn, ruler of patience and wisdom, in water sign Pisces. Mars is the Active Warrior and in the fixed sign of Scorpio will stay persistent and determined to reach his goals. Saturn is the Teacher of Karmic Lessons and in the mutable (changeable) sign Pisces directs us to have faith and go with the flow.
If we combine these energies, while working within the 3rd dimensional time construct that we are operating with on this planet, we will eventually be successful in the creation of our objectives, intentions and dreams. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, planet of energy and action, in water sign Scorpio is in a positive trine aspect to Saturn
Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn retrograde in Pisces – We’re moving towards the eclipse, not quite there, not quite here. It’s a strange and shadowy time but today’s connection reminds us there is strength in unity and that there is spiritual work going on behind the scenes to help us with our endeavours. With both Mars and Saturn on the zero degrees of their signs, there is enormous potential, but this is raw and unrefined energy and there are a plethora of unknowns. Right now, the prompt is to lean into our strengths, remember what we’re capable of, to become masters of our destiny through dedication, discipline and responsibility.
You have the strength to achieve your goals, but persistence is required. Dreams take work. Keep checking in with your vision. Hold that image in your mind. Sharpen your focus. Set strong boundaries. Firm up foundations. Respect your limits. Establish the rules of engagement. Expect mysteries at every turn. Move slowly, pace yourself, be methodical in your approach. A careful strategy and a plan will take you further than wild stabs in the dark. Take wise action based on powerful intuition.
‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its keywords are ‘Equality, Balance and Organize’. The sixth day stresses the importance of walking that ne line, by grounding yourself and checking that you are currently balanced. Take care of the practicalities no matter how mundane, having our heads in the clouds all the time can lead to instability. Find your rhythm and you’ll be able to strut your stu more effectively. It is always a great time for having a little boogie too or playing the drums. Beat your own rhythm on number six days!
Today is Red Skywalker and keywords associated with it are ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness’. If you’ve been yearning to try something new, then today is a great day to be a little braver. Go on an adventure and expand your consciousness. The Skywalker can be a lot of fun but this energy is not always for the faint hearted. Sometimes, he can dare us into doing risky things. However, the number 6 balances this out making the adventures safer. When you combine the meaning of number and day the result is ‘organize wakefulness’ or ‘explore balance’. So, be courageous but be practical about it. Thinking ‘outside the box’ is another tactic Skywalker encourages and therefore if you need to organize, this approach may well be the answer.
The Guide for the day is Red Skywalker, so it’s a double helping of that adventurous spirit.
The Challenge is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. It’s hard to wake up when you are too busy dreaming and when ‘exploring wakefulness’ one must naturally leave behind dreams. If you are a Blue Night give your dreams a chance to come true…wake up and explore the possibilities. I find whenever we have a double dose of the same energy, as what happens on number six days (as well as 1 and 11), then the challenging energy is even more weakened. If you are a Blue Night, this double helping of your challenge is not helpful.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance.’ What lovely energy to provide the magic for the day. When you embark on your adventure today make sure it is a beautiful one. Experience the wonders of the natural world, appreciate art and dress elegantly. It’s a magical day to shine like a star. Yellow Star goes well with Skywalker and today we can walk the sky to see the beautiful stars.
The Ally is the White Worldbridger and so if you are one, you can help people cross bridges today as they go about their adventures. Your services may well be in high demand. If you don’t have one handy, do what they would do and use diplomacy in all your dealings today.
KIN 253 = 10 = 1 Manifestation/New Beginnings/Leadership
RED SKYWALKER is tribe #13 and we have a 13 day code giving us a 13:13 COSMIC gateway today..
A very special EXPANSIVE day for anchoring BLISS ON EARTH.
Day 6 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
Today we are organizing our SPACE for greater EQUALITY and BALANCE… building a wonderful foundation to EXPRESS our expanding creative muscle!
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today we are given the opportunity to “put our house in ORDER!” – As they say “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” Tone 6 operates in the physical realm and thus we are assisted in accomplishing physical tasks and organizing our physical living spaces.
We will be very busy on a personal and planetary level, in making SPACE for these new systems to form and grow.. In order for something NEW to arrive, we have to make SPACE for it and do some house cleaning – welcoming new visitors into a beautiful and FRESH environment…
Today we are SPRING CLEANING our bodies, homes and our PLANET getting ready for the NEW ARRIVALS!
A FANTASTIC DAY – for SPRING CLEANING, Feng Shui, decluttering your house/space, organizing your office, channeling ideas, and breaking down the steps required to accomplish your DREAMS and desires.
TODAY we have the GOLDEN KEYS TO THE NEW KINGDOM – the jail cell is UNLOCKED and we can venture out as FREE SOVEREIGN CITIZENS in a beautiful new ABUNDANT world, filled with opportunities a plenty, for all who dare to EXPLORE these grand NEW HORIZONS!
Today’s questions are “How can I ORGANIZE my physical reality, to create more BALANCE and SPACE.
AM I OPEN to EXPLORING New opportunities and adventures, in this wondrous New World of PLENTY!
May you bring home the GOLDEN treasures of the Universe, in the dawning of this NEW beautiful Golden Era of BLISS ON EARTH.
Happy adventures Space Cadets!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Ready, set, GO GO GO space cadets, don your spacesuit, UBER your spaceship, and let’s go on a grand adventure throughout the Galaxy!
Today is totally EXPANSIVE!!! An uber day for a trip!! Particularly with this 13:13 GATEWAY OPENING ACCESS to the entire Cosmos of CREATION.. The world is our adventure wonderland.
Today’s code is great for viewing “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” for REAL, without the need for any external stimuli – surreal, supernatural visions and experiences are highly possible! Your extra sensory perception will be naturally heightened today, facilitating interdimensional experiences. Supercalifragilistic!
So grab your BINOCULARS and keep your EYES on the skies as we head into the SOLAR ECLIPSE tomorrow! (Tune in to your DREAMS and Astral Skywalking adventures too!)
Exploration, EXPANSION and AWAKENING are the qualities of RED SKYWALKER, making it a great day to venture outdoors in nature, and explore our physical reality on this planet. Take a different route, venture off the beaten path and explore what you can find that can assist you in your creations. Expand your awareness and explore infinite possibilities from which to create your ART. .
RED SKYWALKER is a fantastic guide, heralding the arrival of more FREEDOM, and EXPANSION into new and higher states of BLISS.
SKYWALKER is the Galactic Shaman and Angelic messenger, who EXPLORES NEW HORIZONS and realms – bringing back THE BEST of what he finds and discovers, back to his home on EARTH to make life better!
BEN’s main Mission is to be the conduit bringing together the pillars of Heaven and Earth…so today’s code is DIVINELY PERFECT…
Humanity is focused on anchoring our New Aquarian Age – the purpose of which is to create HEAVEN ON EARTH – heralding a new GOLDEN ERA, for humanity, of PEACE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE – all the qualities of 6 BEN – the Rhythmic Skywalker.
BEN is fully driven to ORGANIZE for this reality on the EARTH plane to be balanced, and provide EQUAL opportunities for all!! A BRILLIANT synchronized Harmonic flow!
Ben is soooo cool!
QUANTUM JUMP TO NEW EARTH at 13:13 am/pm your local time (or 11.11).
KIN 253 with BEN, CIMI, LAMAT and the gift of AKBAL – the DREAMER – is a brilliant code to take a detour via NEW EARTH today. A wonderful day for day-DREAMING and some excellent ADVENTURing to plan your ESCAPE to a better reality.
Join our tribe by including this wonderful meditation in your routine. It was birthed through a collaboration between myself – 1 CIMI and my talented BroThor – Rui Clemente – 5 MEN – our united energies create 6 IMIX – the RHYTHMIC DRAGON – ready to ORGANIZE us to B-Earth this NEW REALITY – NOVA GAIA..
Divine gratitude to all the STAR BLISS SUNS assisting in this process!
SUPPORT: WHITE RHYTHMIC WORLDBRIDGER CIMI and BEN are best mates! They love to travel together and explore new dimensions and realms. BEN opens the doors and CIMI brings the suitcase! It is absolutely PERFECT that these two mates will guide us across the RAINBOW BRIDGE today into the New Golden Era of BLISS..
The RHYTHMIC WORLDBRIDGER – 6 CIMI is the Galactic Feng Shui Master – whose aim is to organize the MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SPACE to bring more balance and sacredness. Accommodating the need for creating higher vibrational living spaces in these new communities.. 6 CIMI is a master at SPACE CLEARING and opening portals for more LIGHT to flow through.
Worldbridger allows you to close the door on old worlds and experiences, and venture into a new paradigm. CIMI seals the store of DEATH – so this symbolizes the DEATH of the OLD PARADIGM – the MATRIX IS GONE! KAPUT!! YES it is NOW collapsing FAST!
Be aware of which doors are closing and which are opening for you now…..choose the golden ABUNDANCE door! Allow CIMI to bring forth new contacts, resources and information needed on this physical plane to birth your NEW creations.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW GALACTIC STAR LAMAT Today is day six in the Yellow Star Wavespell and again we have DOUBLE Yellow Star energy, operating with the occult energy joining the party! The HIDDEN AGENDA of today’s SUPERPOWER is to bring forth this BEAUTIFUL NEW HARMONIC, PEACEFUL REALITY into the PHYSICAL PLANE…
Today is a physical day in which we can organize the physical resources we need to create our new lives as ART. LAMAT is reminding you to question
“Which beautiful adventures do you enjoy, that assist in restoring balance to your life?”
When you feel balanced, you are free to explore and expand your consciousness from a safe and solid foundation, coming back down to Earth with more gifts in order to have more SPARKLE.. .
LAMAT is a PORTAL – A STARGATE! – FURTHER EXPANDING the 13:13 COSMIC gateway and access to these new higher Golden Age lightcodes streaming forth into our reality… Our Planet will be DRENCHED with these SPARKLES today – giving everything an ethereal GLOW – the colours will be BRIGHTER and more vibrant as we can view our world through our brilliant high tech Rainbow lenses..
GALACTIC LAMAT is ensuring you become your AUTHENTIC self, in order to SPARKLE in this new world. LOVE and EQUALITY is the order of this New Way, so EXPAND your perception and welcome this BRAVE NEW WORLD we are collectively creating.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHT AKBAL holds the DREAMING codes and brings forth ABUNDANCE through heeding your intuitive impulses. AKBAL is super activating our COSMIC. ABUNDANCE today, bringing forth this new prosperity. Tune in to reap the HARVEST that AKBAL brings.
The BLUE NIGHT governs your sleep time, and journeying together with SKYWALKER makes for one SUPER DUPER Astral travelling ADVENTURE! Psychedelic dreams assured!!
As it is a physical day you may find your adventures feel REAL – as a BLUR happens between realms!
Remember to keep a DIARY as you AWAKEN from your dream state, in order to ORGANIZE your physical reality to manifest these DREAMS. Hold on to your dreams and let your intuition guide your ADVENTURES in WONDERLAND, remembering to come back home with the GOLDEN treasure in your arms!
AKBAL also holds the keys to the NEW WAY DREAMING – the collective DREAM of Planetary ABUNDANCE, PEACE and HARMONY through the DREAM VISION that our PLANETARY DREAM-KEEPERS have been holding SAFE until this time…
TODAY we have the GOLDEN KEYS TO THE NEW KINGDOM – the jail cell is UNLOCKED and we can venture out as FREE SOVEREIGN CITIZENS in a beautiful new ABUNDANT world, filled with opportunities a plenty, for all who dare to EXPLORE these grand NEW HORIZONS!
Today’s questions are “How can I ORGANIZE my physical reality, to create more BALANCE and SPACE.
AM I OPEN to EXPLORING New opportunities and adventures, in this wondrous New World of PLENTY!
May you bring home the GOLDEN treasures of the Universe, in the dawning of this NEW beautiful Golden Era of BLISS ON EARTH.
Happy adventures Space Cadets!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
Mighty I AM, within and above, that we may be the fulfillment of the Divine Plan, we call to the Great Angelic Host. Beloved Angels, as we enter into a new dynamic relationship with the Angels, we invite your active Presence in our lives. Beloved Angels, Come! (3) into our lives and Blaze! (3) your Eternal Flames of your Sacred Fire Love, from out the Great Central Sun.
Beloved Angels, fill and charge, the Immortal Power and Mastery of your Cosmic Christ Sacred Fire Purity, Power, Love, and Healing in Victorious Action, into our lives and worlds. Charge all our relationships, the personal and business activities of our lives and all means of transportation we use each day with your Sacred Fire Love and Mastery. Beloved Angels, fill our minds, bodies, and feelings with your Eternal Flames of Sacred Fire Love, Purity, Power and Sacred Fire Healing.
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