Amethyst Mind Of The Eternal Dream ~ Central Sun of the Milky Way * Embrace the Powerful Shift Unfolding Within You ~ Blue Diamond of Mu Mother Codon
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Peacemakers of our Lion Kingdom of our Lemurian Nation
After yesterdays powerful Full Wolf Moon in Cancer we continue to have massive Waves of Gamma Mother Plasma Rays of Adamantine Light flooding this realm with the Holy Waters of the Great Spirit.
The Blue Wolf Clan of Shamanism are with us to bring in the Healing Medicine of the Earth Nations for our final cleansing, purging and releasing of all nefarious energies that were corrupted from the ignorance programs of the Fall from Grace.
The only limitation that prevents one’s Enlightenment and Awakening is false belief systems and looping negative programs in the psyche and subconsciousness of humanity. Our Starseed Earth Angelic Team of the 144 came into this matrix simulation to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in our Divine Mission of full, total and complete Planetary Liberation.
With the Blue, Violet and White Rays of the Trinitized Threefold Flame we clear and resolve all things perfectly in the Eternal Unborn Mind of Buddha and the Heart of the Christos Sophia Consciousness.
You are, have always been and always will be the Divinity of Infinite Source Creator at one with all things walking a Sacred Path of Heart with Peace, Love and Purity of the Innocence of the Original Mind of our True Nature… A’Ho!
We dedicate todays transmissions to Divine BroThor of the Light Huna Flash who ascended through yesterdays Full Wolf Moon in Cnacer of Love and Christ Consciousness
May Huna Rest and Rise in Peace and Power and Prayers and blessings to his family and many friends, intiates and students.
Embrace the powerful shift unfolding within you. Do not fear what is leaving your life—it is clearing the way for your transformation. You may find yourself releasing layers of built-up emotions, outdated habits, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy connections. Trust this sacred process. Surrender, let go, and allow yourself to flow with grace. As you shed the old, you create space for the radiant new frequencies of planetary ascension to anchor within you. Believe in your growth, your awakening, and the infinite possibilities ahead. You are rising.
Embrace the cosmic spiral of the Universe, recognize that everything is cyclical, and your journey mirrors this constant motion. Your Solar System, located in Orion’s arm, is experiencing an acceleration, bringing you closer to the Central Sun of the Milky Way and ushering in profound changes.
You are in a pivotal time as the Earth transitions and is nearing its completion. Regardless of individual ascension paths, the Divine Plan for your planet will unfold, connecting us all within the fabric of the cosmos. Remember, you are part of this greater whole, a Divine Spark, and your essence embodies infinite possibilities.
In this phase of transformation, trust your intuition and the path you chose before this incarnation. Embrace the discomfort that accompanies ascension, as it is a necessary part of your evolution. It’s normal to feel uncertainty amidst the overwhelming influx of information; remember to follow your heart and discern what resonates with your soul.
You are unique and invaluable, a starseed with the ability to recreate the wonders of the Source. As revelations approach, remain confident in your journey and trust in the Divine Plan. You’ve come so far, and your light is needed now more than ever!
1/14/25: As you continue to wind your way between past and future for the next few days, it’s important to use this time to tap into your core and check your balance. You left 2024 with a new bag of mental and emotional tools and tricks, and a lot more strength and resilience, but it will be very easy to revert to old familiar habits and blueprints.
Today is about reinforcing your accountability to yourself; confidently anticipating the path that will soon open for you; and giving yourself grace when you walk it. We are moving into the Year of the Snake when you will go through many transformations. For now, however, the Dragon wants you to use the power it gave you to stand in your own light… the best tool of all.
Dear friends, as the Full Moon in Cancer begins to wane, the energy shifts from expansion to contraction, and from outward expression to inward reflection. It’s as if the intense emotional releases and heightened intuition that characterized the Full Moon are now being processed and released, like a gentle detoxification of the emotional body.
In the days that follow, you may find yourself drawn inward, exploring the depths of your emotional landscape, and nurturing your inner world. The Cancer energy encourages us to tend to our emotional roots, to listen to the whispers of our heart, and to honor the cycles of our soul. As you journey deeper into your inner world, you may encounter hidden corners of your psyche, where old wounds, fears, and doubts reside. But fear not, for this is a sacred opportunity to confront, heal, and release these patterns, making way for the new and the unknown.
Physically, you may feel the effects of this energetic shift as your body releases the buildup from the Full Moon. You may experience fatigue and lethargy, as if your body is surrendering to the weight of its own emotions. Emotional exhaustion can manifest as physical exhaustion, headaches, or muscle tension, as your body struggles to process the intense emotional releases. Digestive issues, such as bloating, cramps, or changes in appetite, can also arise as your body navigates the emotional terrain. Sleep disturbances, like insomnia or vivid dreams, may occur as your subconscious mind processes the emotional and intuitive insights from the Full Moon. And, you may find yourself increasingly sensitive to your environment, with heightened sensitivity to light, sound, or smells, as your nervous system adjusts to the changing energies.
As the lunar cycle progresses, the energy begins to build toward the New Year of the Snake, which typically falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. You may start to feel a growing sense of anticipation and excitement, as the energies begin to stir and prepare for the new cycle. The Snake energy is all about transformation, renewal, and rebirth. It’s a potent force that can help you shed old skin, release outdated patterns, and emerge anew, like a phoenix from the ashes.
As the post-Full Moon energy in Cancer merges with the building energies of the New Year of the Snake, you may experience a unique blend of emotional introspection, self-awareness, and transformational power. Physically, this can manifest as a surge of energy and vitality, as the Snake energy stirs and awakens your inner spark. You may notice changes in your physical appearance, such as skin issues, hair growth, or nail changes, as your body reflects the transformative energies. Your body may also become more flexible and adaptable, as your nervous system adjusts to the changing energies. And, you may find yourself experiencing enhanced sensory experiences, with increased sensitivity to textures, smells, or tastes, as your nervous system awakens to the new energies.
To harness these energies, consider taking time for quiet contemplation and reflection. Journaling, meditation, and creative pursuits can help you tap into the stillness and quiet of the post-Full Moon energy, while also connecting with the transformative power of the Snake. Trust your intuition, listen to your inner wisdom, and navigate these energies with an open heart and mind. For in this sacred dance between the Moon and the Snake, lies the potential for profound growth, transformation, and renewal. Have a great day, much love
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
CHOSEN ONES… You Have a Sacred Calling ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council
Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.
We are very grateful for this connection.
Your eyes are beginning to awaken to a profound new understanding of your innermost truth, a truth that has long been hidden beneath layers of forgetfulness and illusion. For some individuals, this awakening may manifest as the discovery of past lives, where fragments of forgotten experiences begin to surface. Or it may involve establishing a full, conscious connection to your higher self. Which is the aspect of your being that exists in a state of pure awareness and wisdom beyond the physical realm. This journey of self-discovery is a deeply transformative process that can redefine your understanding of existence itself.
This process, while enlightening, can also be daunting and overwhelming. Many times, the remembrance of a past life is not a positive memory; instead, it can be filled with pain, trauma, or unresolved emotions that have lingered through time. The veil of forgetfulness that shrouds these memories has often served as a protective barrier, shielding you from the more disturbing aspects of your soul’s history. For some, the recollection of such past life experiences can lead to emotional turmoil if these memories are not properly understood as part of a larger journey. Each of you has traversed the many layers of Darkness, engaging with experiences that challenge and shape your soul. Ultimately, you recognize and then can appreciate the radiant Light that you inherently are.
As you embark on this journey towards Liberation from the confines of darkness, the veil begins to lift, offering you glimpses into your Akashic history–an expansive repository of all your soul’s experiences across time and space. Recently, you have received Ancient downloads and codes that pertain specifically to your personal Akashic lineage. In receiving these codes, many individuals are now experiencing a resurgence of memories, recalling who they have been throughout their myriad of lifetimes. You are learning the full truth of your essence.
Every Soul’s Journey is distinct and rich with its own lessons and insights. As the veil of forgetfulness continues to fade, those of you who are committed to the Path of Light will begin to witness your past experiences more vividly, allowing for a deeper connection to your higher self. This connection will illuminate your path forward as you transition into a 5th-dimensional state of being.
It is often claimed that one does not need to know their past lives in order to ascend; however, this statement is not entirely accurate. As you awaken fully into the Light, the process of remembering your past lives becomes a natural part of your ascension journey. The veil of forgetfulness is gradually removed, allowing you to access the rich tapestry of your soul’s history. Most of you, whether you consciously realize it or not, have already begun to remember fragments of past lives, often through fleeting glimpses of another time or place, or maybe meeting people that feel oddly familiar. These memories can be triggered by various experiences–perhaps when you meet someone who resonates deeply with you, or when you encounter a situation that echoes a past life experience. Often, what you term as déjà vu, is actually a sign that your soul is remembering something. You may also find yourself in a location you have never visited in this lifetime, yet it feels as though you have walked those streets before. Such experiences are significant indicators that you are beginning to remember. Unfortunately, many individuals dismiss these moments as mere figments of their imagination, failing to recognize their true significance.
Throughout your existence, you have likely experienced thousands of lives, whether on Earth or on other planets, each contributing to the evolution of your higher-self. Each experience, regardless of its nature, has served to elevate you higher in consciousness, raising your higher self into increasingly elevated vibrational spectrums of Light. Many of you, upon leaving the human experience, will find yourselves transitioning into the higher 6th and 7th-dimensional spectrums. Far beyond the 5th degree spectrum that Humanity will reside within. You are the chosen ones, the souls who have traversed this path before and have returned to assist in the collective ascension of humanity.
You are the Lightworkers and wayshowers, the beacons of hope illuminating the path for others. Your presence is essential for the emergence of the New Earth, as you embody the Light that inspires and uplifts those around you. Embrace your journey, for you have a sacred calling to be a guiding force in this Divine evolution of consciousness.
With eternal Love and deep respect. We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you. In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at
For the attunement to your Light World is the Light Synthesis available now in every moment, as you choose the Higher Path Of Multidimensional Awareness.
Aligning To Your Higher Light Mission
Like A Lock And Key Of Light
The subtle transformation of Light is now reaching you in an expanded Multidimensional Language. Feel your eyes, skin, brain interpret Light, feel this integration in a new complex light format.
Take a step beyond your current understanding.
Expand your light to see a new view of this process. Layer this experience with the view of Light Expansion and guidance from your soul family
As you choose this level of focus, expand this sensitivity to every cell, to become truly integrated in your own awareness.
For The True Light of You will assist your Higher Light Vision.
As Your Light Path Is Now Focussed On Higher Light Attunement. We Ask You To Be Patience, Allow Light To Flow To Receive
Know you are doing wonderfully well xo
The Great Light Alliance of NOW
Sending waves of Cosmic Love
Cosmic Light Team
Crystal Vibrational Healer
Light Alchemist
Karen Lithika
heightened planetary phase of releasing and recalibrating into higher self awareness
The Divine Masculine Christ have purified their Family Tree and Monarch, and are ready for their anointing. Their consciousness is expanding, including their desire to ask more. This is being answered through spiritual growth and transformation of their 12 Chakras. The Light is breaking through fears and limitations. The Masculine are embarking on this new experience as a free spirit, ready to learn much more.
On Tuesday, January 14th, lovely Venus, ruler of love and resources, in dreamy Pisces is in a challenging square to magnanimous Jupiter, planet of expansion and exaggeration, in changeable Gemini. Venus in Pisces can be about the dream and the fantasy when it comes to relationships and intimacy. And, Jupiter can make all of this bigger, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, the square aspect is known as a difficult connection so we can be caught up in an illusion or imagine something that is not there. In financial matters, Venus in Pisces is not grounded or practical, but can be imaginative and creative.
With the connection to Jupiter it can lead us to overspend, or invest in something that is not beneficial for us in the long run. However, both Venus and Jupiter are known as planets that bring in blessings. So, even though they are challenging one another in this connection, it can bring something beautiful and magical if we look for it, believe it, and intend on it.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of love and resources, in dreamy Pisces
Venus in Pisces square Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. Mercury in Capricorn sesquiquadrate Uranus in Taurus. Mars retrograde in Cancer semi-square Jupiter – Coming down from the full moon maybe we’re still grumbly, antsy, irritated. It seems like every advert, every newspaper, every platform offers us the world. ‘Here’s the solution to every problem’ screams the headline – buy THIS! But the heart knows a false promise when it hears one, even if the mind yearns to accept the lure. Don’t let yourself get sweet-talked into following a path that doesn’t make your soul sing.
Generosity is a key manifestation for the Venus-Jupiter connection and whilst it’s important to keep your heart open, guard against sinking money into a fantasy. Avoid the urge to give until there’s nothing left. Review motivation before moving ahead. Set clear terms before signing on the dotted line. The key is to believe in what you’re doing. Let your heart take the lead. Put your values front and centre. Spread love wherever you go.
‘Solar’ is the name for the number nine and its keywords are ‘Intention, Pulse and Realizing’. A powerful number, I always say the ninth day of a wavespell is like the climax or the highest gear. It gives enormous power to whichever day it combines with. We are still in the wavespell of dreaming, and the agenda throughout has been dreams and abundance. The first day was Blue Night, the fifth day Blue Hand and today Blue Monkey. The wavespell ends on Blue Eagle. These four days are connected by their color and they represent the energy shifts in the wavespell dynamics. Today the ninth day is the highest gear of all, so if you don’t make progress now with your dreams, you’ll miss the peak opportunity that this number offers.
Today is Blue Monkey and it represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play’. A Solar monkey is one of the most powerful Monkeys out of 13 Monkey days in the Tzolkin. Monkey is rocket fuelled and ready to go! Ready to teach you a lesson if you deserve it, ready to show your magic if you are willing. If you want to join in and Monkey around, you’ll probably enjoy today more. Considering that the theme of the wavespell we are currently in is that of dreams, then the Solar Monkey can help us make those dreams come true. He lends intention to the day but also Monkey insists you understand the difference between magic and illusion. Which dreams are fantasy? Which dreams have a magical chance of coming true?
The Guide today is the Blue Hand which symbolizes ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. Much can be accomplished when the Blue Hand is guiding. Offer your hand to help others or ask for a helping hand if you need it. Allow Blue Hand to take you by the Hand and lead you to healing if you need it. Because accomplishment is a keyword this means we can feel quite ambitious too. This is a very helpful energy to lead the way if we wish our dreams to come true.
The Challenge today is the Red Dragon. You got to feel sorry for folk born on Red Dragon days, they always have Monkey as a challenge. Then again Monkey doesn’t take good care of himself and is always challenged to nurture. Today will be fun because of all the monkeying around, but by the end of the day you may be quite exhausted and in need of tender care.
The Occult power is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. When in this magical position expect to find love in a magical way.
The Ally is the Yellow Star which symbolizes ‘Beauty’, and so if you need help today, hang out with a Star who will show you how to appreciate beauty today.
MANTRA I PULSE in order to PLAY Realizing illusion I seal the process of Majik With the Solar tone of intention I AM guided by the power of accomplishment
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 191 = 11 = 2 – Partnership/Cooperation/Polarity Today we are MANIFESTING a NEW playground for realizing BLISS!!
A beautiful DIVINE LIGHT code filled with much Majik and Joy today!
Day 9 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are realizing the HEALING that Majik and PLAY brings to our lives. Trusting in our intuition and allowing the power of accomplishment to PULSE through us, as part of the great Dream.
SOLAR – Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – pulse, ESSENCE – intention The 9th day of this wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our DREAMS come true.
This is POTENT manifestation energy amplified through BLUE MONKEY’S POWERS today!
What HEALING are you intending to ACCOMPLISH, and
What DREAMS are you pulsing into reality?
CONSCIOUS SELF BLUE SOLAR MONKEY – CHUEN– the MASTER MAGICIAN holds the HIGHEST LEVEL of MAJIK in the DREAMSPELL. Much MAJIK is afoot, so retrieve your MAJIK wands and bring out all your majikal and sacred tools for today is a day to energize your CREATION VORTEX!
The GODS are SMILING upon us today, and the HEAVENS are showering us with GOLDEN ENERGY and magnetic blessings. Chuen reminds you to keep your high manifesting vibe happening through lots of PLAY and merriment. Keep it LIGHT and know your DREAMS are really being manifested.
As you PLAY with your beloveds in a carefree and spontaneous manner, you can access your greatest BLISS! This BLISS energy pulsesthrough your body, energizing and revitalizing your cells, releasing your HAPPY HORMONES to accomplish great healing and fuel for your manifestations.
CHUEN is the beautiful DIVINE CHILD who is accessed through INNOCENCE and PURITY. CHUEN is a direct conduit to our Creator through his intuition and innate knowing. Trusting in the Majik and the HEALING that comes from following our intuition.
We are diving deep into the abyss of AKBAL today, to reveal any sense of LACK in the deep undercurrents of our subconscious. Addressing where we FEEL a sense of LACK and realizing the ILLUSION of that revelation in order to bring HEALING and the capacity to LIVE OUR DREAMS!
BELIEVING in the MAJIK – that we can truly LIVE a beautiful, joyous and prosperous life!. Open your ARMS to receive the abundance of CREATION being freely offered today! Set your intention and EXPECT MIRACLES!
CHUEN is a time traveller and as such can transport you to ANYWHERE in the UNIVERSE- in the time/space continuum to find your BLISS… Happy travels STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE SOLAR HAND – MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today, providing the opportunity to Majikally move beyond our LACK programs and his-story.
The SOLAR HAND has the POWER of REI-KI healing to accomplish MIRACLE CURES… as well as the MIDAS TOUCH -turning metal into GOLD!! All that is touched by the SOLAR HAND is transformed through DIVINE ALCHEMY!
Get ready to PULSE forth a new intention, to give and receive great ABUNDANCE. Trusting in that whatever we are drawn to accomplish, is leading us to the realization of our DREAMS. Embrace the opportunity offered today of realizing Abundance through following your Dreams!
Energize your Dreams today by catching some SOLAR rays, absorbing the light codes and nutrients from the SUN, which can be tremendously healing on our mind, body and soul!.
SUPPORT: YELLOW SOLAR STAR– LAMAT – DOUBLE the SPARKLE today! LAMAT is our passport to COSMIC ABUNDANCE today, as we travel through this 20 day YELLOW STARGATE passage – opening the YELLOW DOOR to our beautiful, harmonious and ABUNDANT NEW WORLD.
Pulse forth your intention to SHINE your LIGHT as BRIGHT as you can. Pulsing your DREAMS of planetary ABUNDANCE into the AETHERS. Dreaming the highest potential outcome for our collective dreaming. Trusting in the MAJIK of the DREAM to be accomplished in co-creation with the Harmonic matrix of pure design.
The SOLAR STAR LIGHTS up the Darkness in the Night sky – illuminating the depths of the AKBAL abyss, transforming it into a treasure trove of realized desires! Allow the SOLAR pulses to bring forth the greatest MAJIK through your wildest imaginings.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE OVERTONE DOG– OC guides us to OPEN and MAGNETIZE our HEARTS today so that we can MANIFEST the highest form of MAJIK.
The OVERTONE DOG – is one of the sweetest canines in the DREAMSPELL – commanding RADIANCE through LOVING empowerment of others. Using his enchanted HEART! A truly majikal, heart melting furry friend!
Get ready to have your HEART EXPLODE with RADIANT expansion!
OC’S superPOWER is that of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE , reflecting the endless order of the harmonic Majik, bringing forth our sweetest DREAMING into reality. As we SEEK to merge with the unlimited and unconditional LOVE from SOURCE, we can realize all that our pure heart’s desire.
Feeling the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS, and the UNITY of our planetary kin. United in our quest for Universal love and collective abundance in a peaceful and compassionate world.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SOLAR DRAGON– IMIX challenges us today to take responsibility, for allowing new energy to birth in us continually, by allowing ourselves to simply be PRESENT in the NOW moment – that is where the MAJIK happens.
This NEW ENERGY then becomes today’s gift, enabling us to feel loved, nurtured and supported in our BLISS filled, Abundant lives.
Our challenge is to actually B-Earth our new creations, and not get distracted by the illusions. Become like a child, and PLAY, PLAY, PLAY to keep your HIGH VIBE! Do not take this old Matrix game too seriously, but join with your allies and create the NEW GAME and play by YOUR rules!
Enjoy this JOY filled day and utilize the Majikal Healing Solar codes to REALIZE our GREAT DREAMING!.
Today’s question is “What HEALING intention am I PULSING forth today, in order to majikally REALIZE my DREAMS?”
Divine blessings for the JOYFUL experience of ABUNDANT Majik today!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
With my Sacred Condor as your Guide, Journey beyond time and explore the depths of your soul with this Past Life Regression Guided Meditation. Designed to help you access the depths of your subconscious mind, hidden memories, karmic lessons, and soul connections. This powerful meditation gently guides you into a deep, relaxed state where past life experiences may unfold before you. this meditation gently guides you to explore past lives, uncover hidden memories, and gain profound insights into your soul’s journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your higher self, this meditation offers a safe and supportive space to discover the wisdom of your past.
🌌 What to Expect:
A calming, guided relaxation to quiet the mind and body
A step-by-step journey into past life memories
Gentle prompts to explore significant moments, relationships, and lessons from your past lives
A focus on healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
A return to the present with newfound clarity and understanding
✨ Perfect For:
Anyone curious about past lives and reincarnation
Those seeking to heal unresolved emotions or patterns in their current life
Spiritual explorers looking to deepen their connection to their soul’s purpose
Beginners and experienced meditators alike
🕉️ How to Prepare:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
Use headphones for an immersive experience
Set an intention for your journey (e.g., healing, clarity, or self-discovery)
Keep a journal nearby to record insights after the meditation
💫 Why Past Life Regression?
Past life regression can help you understand recurring themes in your life, release energetic blocks, and gain a deeper sense of purpose. By connecting with your soul’s history, you may uncover answers to questions about relationships, fears, talents, and more.
I AM the Presence of God,The Light of the Divine,I AM here, I AM now,I AM the power, I AM the love,I AM the wisdom from above.
I AM the embodiment of peace,I AM the beacon of truth,I AM the force of healing,I AM the master of my fate,I AM the captain of my soul.
I AM the flame of purity,I AM the voice of freedom,I AM the essence of harmony,I AM the joy of existence,I AM the abundance of life.
I decree with all my heart,With every breath I take,That I AM one with the Divine,I AM the expression of the Divine Will,I AM the manifestation of Divine Love.
I AM now releasing all that is not of the Light,I AM transforming every cell of my being,I AM aligning with my highest purpose,I AM sealing this decree in the Light of the Christ,I AM, I AM, I AM.
So BE IT, and it is done!
This decree is designed to align your consciousness with the higher vibrations of your I AM Presence, affirming your divine connection and power within the universe. Remember, decrees are most effective when spoken aloud with conviction and intention.
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