Amavasya ~ Light up your Antahkarana * The Offering ~ Flowers from the Heavens
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Bright Beacons of Multidimensional Source Light
Today we begin one of the most healing wavespells on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with the Blue Hand of our Venusian and Divine Feminine Blue Rays of the Holy Waters of Terra Nova Gaia. For the next 13 days the Cosmic Mother Goddess will guide you through a Powerful Healing Journey of Self Discovery.
To assist with our Ascension Processes our local Soularis continues to send wave after wave of Gamma Plasma Liquid light through another 8 C Class Soular Flares and 8 more M Class Flares, 88 Lions Gate Synchronicity, with the most powerful maxing at M 7.3 at 18:39 UTC, bridging in again our 37 into the 73 Codes of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Pachamama also had another major activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.3 earthquake again in the Sacred Portal of the Philippines at 4:20 UTC.
We have 5 more days until the Peak of this Lions Gate Portal of the 888 on Thursday August 8th as the energies continue to magnify, expand and intensify through the fires of this Leo Sun and tomorrow’s New Moon also in Leo the Lion. These merging of the Heavenly Fires of the Moon and Sun will activate, in many of our Starseed Earth Angelics, a Divine Union within as the Eagle and the Condor fly in Hieros Gamos to usher in this New Golden Age of Eternal life for all our Good People of the New Earth.
Keep singing your Angelic voices into the Song Linea of Mother Earth as we Awaken and activate the Dragon Lineage of our New Avalon Rising.
Shine your Inner Christ Light Bright, The Holy Ray of Love over and through our Sacred Lands to transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’Ho!
Its Amavasya, the Moonless period of the month. There shall be a New Moon in Leo on Sunday.
Solar Activity is garnering strength. Blue and Violet Rays are streaming thru and bathing our sub universe as we approach the 888 Portal of the 8888:8888 Lion’s Gateway….
Goodnight in the night of total darkness upon earth lit only by our Unfed 3-Fold Flame in our hearts – our Soul!
Light up your Antahkarana so you are aflame with God’s Light riveting through your body up and into the Heart of God!
For some its morning when you read this but for us its the Silent Night, quiet still deep mysterious and yet Lionish….if he were to roar in the dark quiet night it would reverberate with the force of a thunderous tectonic shake.
As I lay in the sun, I looked up and a single flower petal was falling from the Sky. I heard the words ~ Flowers from Heaven. As it drifted down to meet me. I was aware that we are being gifted an Offering. An invitation to meet ourselves within the beauty of our soul, the sweetest nectar that we hold within.
I was then shown thousands of flowers falling from Heaven. Holding the most exquisite offering to each of us. That is beauty, grace and gentleness. The feminine is softening, to meet the embrace of her Lover. This is such a deep internal invitation to be able to really soften into this. The softening is an invitation to the feminine within. Which men and women both hold.
The internal Lover is wanting the merge to happen. The orgasmic dance of the two has begun. We only need to allow the unfolding of it. It is personal but equally collectively important that it has begun. The strongest force of our universe is Love. The strongest force we hold within is Love. For love softens the hardest of hearts.
The Eternal Father Seed is now penetrating our Eternal Mother ~ Both are coming into Union. This brings forth new cycles of Creation. New Worlds are birthed from them, opening our Universe up to harmonically converge with other Universe’s.
We are no longer held with the lower dimensions within this Universe.
Gaia is pregnant ~ Many females who hold female anatomy may also feel pregnant. Our wombs are wired to feel this convergence. In fact we birth it with Gaia. We having waited Eons to get to this point.
The Softening is needed, the deep surrender to allow the Internal Love to pulse through his Seed. As Birthing Women of Creation you will feel this Pulse. The Cosmic Orgasm will now come through in waves, carrying the Eternal Father Seed into our Universe.
The Harmonic Convergence is breathtaking, allow yourself to be carried by the Waves of Bliss. As we fast approach the 8.8 this is where our focus should be. Those of you that know what I am saying here. The Birthing Mothers and representatives of the Eternal Fathers. We are systematically preparing the way.
It’s a Master Piece …..
I Love You Saffron
Flowers from the Heavens
Divine Energy Works
~As we are walking through the Lion’s Gate Portal of Abundance and Accelerated Ascension, many of us are feeling this intensified energy. Galactic Light Codes from the Central Sun are streaming in through our powerful Leo Sun, and the Lion’s Gate is creating a major vortex of Solar Plexus Energy (which the Sun and the sign of Leo are associated with). Many of us are going through a period of intense transformation and necessary changes, and this powerful energy is assisting us in releasing what is not in alignment with our Soul Truth.
This energy is giving us strength and courage to make those changes, bringing unlimited potential through transformation. Anything that is not in alignment is no longer being supported and will continue to collapse. Massive Solar Plexus upgrades are pouring in, along with Kundalini activations, and this could make us feel extra tired and unfocused due to the intense integration. These energies are assisting us in overcoming fears, making conscious choices, mastering the present, taking action—staying authentic and true to ourselves no matter what, and following our true path.
Understanding Tiredness, Fatigue, and Sleep Disturbances in the Context of Ascension Codes going into AUGUST:
The rapid integration of the incoming codes, surpasses the rate at which human consciousness can assimilate them, and the peak energy within the crucible of purification, remain primary factors.
There is now a unique combination of fatigue and an inability to achieve restful sleep ontop. The influx of Ascension energy in late 2024 is occurring at a rate much faster than the human consciousness can assimilate. This discrepancy forces the mental, emotional, physical, and light bodies to continuously strive to keep pace with the incoming light information. The result is a state of persistent tiredness and fatigue, exacerbated by the difficulty in achieving restful sleep, as the integration process maintains optimum but INCREASING speed.
Furthermore, this situation is compounded when individuals are surrounded by family or partners who may not understand the challenges associated with this transformative process. The lack of external support can intensify feelings of exhaustion and isolation and even depression.
Despite the challenging nature of this period, it is important to recognize that these experiences are part of a larger transformative process. Individuals undergoing these changes should be reassured that they are not alone and that acclimatization to these incoming energies and experiences will occur.
The intensity of the current period is acknowledged, and it is emphasized that individuals will gradually adapt to the new strangeness of these experiences. Take it hour at a time. Everything will feel unusual and new for a while. Explore the new with excitement and not dread. It will be okay. It will bring in the new you and the new age along with it.
These current energies are flooding in strongly and many are feeling so out of sorts. Not to worry, all is in divine order. We’re currently in the corridor of the Lion’s Gate 888 Portal heading toward the peak on August 8th, and tomorrow August 4th is a New Moon in the fiery sign of Leo . On August 5th Mercury will station retrograde in Virgo , and with all the massive Solar activity is it any wonder many are experiencing exhaustion, head pressure, digestive sensitivity, emotional upheaval, difficulty sleeping with very vivid strange dreams, feeling lost and it’s as if you’re walking between worlds, muscle aches and tension, anxiety, brain fog, blurry vision, heart palpitations, and the list goes on and on.
This is all related to the Ascension upgrades and is necessary for helping us to shift into higher and more expanded states of awareness. Our DNA is most definitely recalibrating to bring us to New levels of consciousness. Lots of clearing of the old paradigm continues as a massive influx of Light streams in to our cellular system. These powerful downloads are giving us amazing opportunities to evolve and align with our multidimensionality.
With this New Moon in Leo , we can ask ourselves, ” What Lights me up and sets my Soul on Fire? Mew Moons are about New Beginnings, and Leo is considered to be the Magical Child of the Zodiac. It’s time to come out and play, shine our Light and open our Beautiful Hearts to Love!
Remember to be gentle with yourselves, stay hydrated and grounded, and engage in anything that brings you Peace, Love and Joy. Lots of self-care. We got this!!
8/3/24: The Dragon will not, and cannot, deny its power. It is unapologetically itself with little use for those who choose to play small. So, this year, in this month, it expects you to rise into your own power… and it will help you. But it will feast on your doubts about worthiness, comparisons, acceptability, propriety, or any other social or emotional limitations or excuses.
Right now, The Dragon is at its most charming… and dangerous. And today is for risky business. What you risk is the breaking of norms, expectations, beliefs, and even your own self image. The Dragon doesn’t care about them. It wants to know if you can fly without them.
Dear friends, we are now fully immersed in the energies of August, resonating with the empowering frequencies of number 8 and their potential for inner advancement. And this weekend we are also being showered by the manifesting and introspective energies of a new moon in Leo.
This celestial event marks a powerful moment of renewal, rebirth, and fresh starts. The New Moon is like a blank canvas, waiting for us to paint our intentions, desires, and dreams onto it. It’s a time when the universe supports our new beginnings, and the energy is ripe for manifestation.
As the Moon aligns with the radiant Sun in Leo, we’re infused with a potent dose of creativity, passion, and self-expression. This energy is like a spark plug for your inner engine, igniting the fuel of inspiration, motivation, and drive. It’s time to unleash your inner lion and let your unique light shine bright. Leo energy is all about embracing your individuality, taking bold action towards your dreams, and sharing your talents with the world. It’s a call to embrace your authenticity and uniqueness, taking courageous steps towards your goals, and sharing your gifts and light with others.
The energies of this New Moon in Leo are amplified by harmonious alignments with Jupiter and Mars, and tempered by a balancing opposition to Saturn. This celestial combination inspires artistic expression, confidence, and innovation, while nurturing emotional depth and grounding action. It’s a time for heart-centered leadership, exploring new horizons, and balancing discipline with spontaneity.
During this New Moon, the universe is supporting us to plant new seeds of intention and desire, and reconnect with our inner divine power and resilience. This is the ideal moment to set goals that require confidence and a sense of adventure. Leo energy also asks us to confidently trust in the universe’s plan and its divine timing.
The New Moon is a fresh start, a chance to reboot and recalibrate your inner compass. So, take a deep breath, set your intentions, and let the universe support your journey. The universe is not outside of you, it’s inside of you. So, tap into that inner wisdom and let your true self shine! Be fearless and don’t be afraid to push the limit. You can create your own reality—you just need to believe in your vision!
Under the dark sky during this lionhearted new moon, may your inner light illuminate your path and guide you towards a more radiant and empowered future. Much love
The dance between the female and masculine energies continues, witnessing the retrieval of both within and on our planet, occurring since the start of this year. We now cultivate the Golden aspect of us during this month, as the female continues rising, allowing the masculine embrace, as it is meant to be.
We are being bathed by our central sun emanations, August’s Leo fiery energies, and the triple 888 emerald and aquamarine energies to help us expand our hearts and clear all the physical, mental, and emotional damage we still have.
My Guides shared the importance at this time of using the solar emanations, and plasmatic waves received, to continue preparing the light body for the integration that is yet to come. They invite us to activate our Golden body (masculine aspects) by visualizing ourselves within the Ankh cross, which has been as well a symbol deeply manipulated, and that in truth represents the totality of our light body, as the Egyptians too knew and the Hathors continue reminding us.
Visualize the solar waves entering from your 12th-dimensional self, anchoring them in your star earth chakra, surrounding all your bodies completely with the liquid Golden Light, and then taking the golden light into your heart chakra, where the golden light expands creating the Anhk cross that surrounds you and protects you of all that is not aligned with your soul and God Illumined Self.
Then when you feel the love, warmth, and support from your Guides team and Unified Self, thank them for their support in this exercise, and decree that all lower energies, lower forms of consciousness, miasma, energetic/physic, and solar plexus cords, all negative energetic, mental, and physical influences, implants and imprints be immediately, and permanently, removed from your physical, non-physical bodies, and hence from your sacred field, remaining in perfect communion and resonance with your soul, monad, Unified Self and personal divine mission.
And so be it, as it is meant to be for the Highest good, and protection, of All.
My Guides shared this exercise for you to utilize the current solar currents and fiery energies, to protect yourself, infuse your light body with plasma, and continue becoming spiritually stronger, and sovereign of your mind, emotions, body, and energy.
You can shift this exercise as guided, for the best guidance is always within yourself, and you know your body, your personal imbalances, and how best you can work with yourself.
Remember that during this time of great confusion for many, as there are many desperate intents to control consciousness and deviate attention, the most important is to look within, for it is the only space where you can find Truth, wisdom, harmony, and personal power to continue with your journey.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Golden body
Asara Adams
Energy Update by Archangel Michael
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Beloved One, as you are moving through your ascension journey, you will become more and more aware of which experiences are the Illusion and which ones embody God’s Love.
Most of the time, your Ego Mind is responding for you to the Illusion experiences.
It will respond with fear, guilt, superiority, attack, judgement and criticism.
However, now that you are awakening, there will be moments where you will see clearly, that you have a choice to either let the Ego Mind respond or to choose Peace and do nothing.
These are “choice points,” that will shift your awakening to the next level.
What happens when you instead of responding with the Ego Mind, you choose peace and do nothing?
You are creating a gap, an opening, if you will.
This gap will allow for your God Self and the Holy Spirit to enter and to help you to leave the Illusion and to move into Heaven on Earth/God’s Reality.
You can begin to create this gap consciously, by choosing more often, not to respond and instead to choose peace and do nothing.
Then, observe the positive shift in reality.
This is a powerful act, as it literally disables the Ego Mind for this instant.
The more you choose peace and no response, the more you are deflating the Ego Mind until it dissolves completely.
The part of “no response” is important, as most of the time the Ego Mind will still be in charge, no matter how you are trying to respond.
The more gaps you create, the more you will allow for the Holy Spirit, who is orchestrating your awakening from the Illusion, to guide you more clearly.
This Divine guidance will move you through a very specific curriculum that the Holy Spirit has tailor-made for each individual, who wishes to awaken/ascend.
The Holy Spirit will also lead you to more powerful choice points, besides you own efforts to choose peace.
With that, you are on the best way to awaken from the dream of Illusion and to experience True Divine Peace and Love.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Channelled through Asara Adams
On Saturday, August 3rd, the Moon, ruler of cycles, shifts into Leo the Lion at 7:10am EDT. Today she opposes powerful Pluto, ruler of transformation, in humanitarian Aquarius. Our emotional bodies go through a metaphoric death and rebirth. The New Moon is on Sunday morning, at 7:13am EDT. It is the Dark of the Moon time now, where we can now feel into the Void……
we can feel into the connection between ourselves and All That Is, which makes up everything. In this Viod Space we can reprocess and heal the past, see into and anticipate the future, and feel into and merge with our soul’s truth.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of cycles, shifts into Leo the Lion
Lunar aspects – We’re heading towards the New Moon. Luna slips out of sight, communes with the cosmos, whispers dreams in our ears whilst we sleep. And then we awaken, filled with light, sure that luck is on our side. But complications soon set in, or stage fright, or the horror of getting it all wrong or being exposed or worse, laughed at. The lion becomes a frightened kitten peering out from behind the sofa, tail puffed, eyes wide.
Smooth your hackles. Calm your response. Back up a little to before the moment when you got spooked. Go back to before life betrayed you – or the lover left. Go back to before that thing, that terrible thing that occurred, before what you thought was the end of everything. You thought you couldn’t make it – but you did. You thought you’d never get over it, but you did. You thought you’d never smile again, but you did. Yes changed. Yes enriched. Yes more aware of the all-consuming power of life’s defining moments. But still alive. Still kicking. Still awesome.
Life and death are a dance, beginnings and endings, cycles and spirals. It’s all art. It’s all poetry. It’s all food for your creative soul. Take a deep breath and trust that life has led you here for a reason.
The number 1 is called ‘Magnetic’ and its keywords are ‘Unify, Purpose and Attract’. Today marks the beginning of a new journey, and there are twenty of these 13-day journeys or wavespells, in the Tzolkin. Each with its own agenda and path, with each day a signpost guiding you along. Its good practice to plan your journey like any other trip. Ask yourself what is my purpose? What is my destiny? Number one days are about embarking consciously and so let’s get started!
Today is Blue Hand and keywords associated with it are ‘Healing, Knowing and Accomplishment’. This wavespell provides a very interesting journey which ends with the ‘Blue Cosmic Storm’. I always check the last day on the first day, because it gives me a clue as to where we shall end up in 13 days’ time. Blue Cosmic Storm translates as ‘Endure to Catalyze’ and the Blue Hand agenda is an energy that can make you feel quite ambitious. So, we began with this energy but it leads to big changes. It’s a great time for putting your hands to good use but don’t stretch yourself. ‘Healing’ is a key word also suggesting that ambition must be balanced. Offer a massage today or indulge in any activity involving the hands…painting, pottery, carpentry etc. Don’t be shy about asking for a helping hand either. A great deal can be accomplished when the Blue Hand is pulling us along.
It’s a day Guided by Blue Hand as well.
The Challenge of the day is Red Earth which symbolizes ‘Evolution’. These two should have lots in common rather than be each other’s challenge. Red Earth is concerned with evolving and Blue Hand with accomplishment. But they aren’t quite the same thing. Blue Hands naturally are interested in things they can touch with their hands, it has to be tangible. Red Earth folk are more interested in connectedness to Mother Nature. If you are a Red Earth, today is not an easy day for you and there may be a lack of progress halting your evolution.
The Occult power is White Wizard, the enchanter. People born on Blue Hand days are greatly helped by this magical Wizard, enabling them to gain the success they yearn for. They find it easy to charm others to get their own way. When a Wizard is this powerful, you have to be on your guard or fall under his spell. The last wavespell was Wizard and we still may find ourselves a little ‘hungover’ from the weirdness of that one. Being under a spell will do that to a person!
The Ally is the Yellow Human, the bringer of wisdom and symbol of free will. Today the Yellow Human is in a supportive position offering friendship to all who need it. If you don’t know one personally, do what they would do and tune into your inner voice for guidance. It’s always there to tap into and when we do listen to our intuition things always turn out better.
Today our journey across the RAINBOW BRIDGE leads us to a GATEWAY… This powerful GATE opens a Majikal TRIPLE HEALING PORTAL flooding in new HEALING wisdom and codes as we embark on a new 13 day BLUE HAND Wavespell of tremendous ACCOMPLISHMENT.
MANIK the wondrous BLUE HAND is actually a PORTAL or STARGATE itself, leading us into a brand new time and space! As though our Earth has been tractor beamed into a whole new neighbourhood accessed through this GATE.
WE ARE ASCENDING to the HEAVENS dearly beloveds! Yahoooo!
BLUE HAND – MANIK is tribe number 7 – and we have 3 levels of BLUE HAND energy today – giving us a 7.7.7. CODE… we also have a 7 Universal month code for the whole month of AUGUSTl!! -4 x the MAJIK = HEAVENLY MAJIK – DIVINE PROVIDENCE is at play today!!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the One. From out of nothing, here One comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your PURPOSE and your plans. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. Today is a BRILLIANT day to contemplate what your PURPOSE is for the next 13 day cycle and what do you need to ATTRACT in order to do so. This attraction seeks to UNITY ALL as ONE! Thus Magnetic kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them.
We are all connected and our HANDS are one of the best parts of our bodies to physically connect with our kin. Sadly over the past few years, with social distancing programs, physical contact has been discouraged and even FEARED… Humans NEED physical touch – it is a basic human NEED. We have been deprived of this healing energy from our kin.. Now as the wayshowers we need to REVERSE this program and model the way to welcome and CONNECT with each other again. .
Let us all metaphorically hold each other’s HAND as we walk together through these portals in these evolutionary, ASCENSION times.
Today’s questions are
“What can I accomplish that will bring greater HEALING to my whole being – body, mind and spirit?
What information and resources do I need to attract/know, in order to fulfill my Divine Purpose?
“How can we, as EARTH WIZARDS, use our highest DIVINE MAJIK, to accomplish our collective MISSION of establishing PEACE ON EARTH!”
Divine blessings for the MAJIKAL ACCOMPLISHMENT of Divine healing MIRACLES in RESTORING wholeness, and PEACE ON EARTH!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
63 moons ago/5 years ago, this MAGNETIC MANIK PORTAL opened on 8 August 2019, the day the powerful 8/8 LION’S GATE portal was fully ACTIVATED and flowing forth Universal codes form Sirius and beyond, flooding our planet with the Lyran/Egyptian/Feline/Royal energies…today is 3rd AUGUST as we head into a TRIPLE 8 LION’S GATE this year – so this is a SUPER DUPER lion’s BOOST to our evolutionary journey today to access higher timelines and new frontiers..
KIN 27 is OPENING a WORMHOLE linking these 2 points in the time/space continuum. This is the nature of the incredible energies available for us to access during this Majikal HEALING cycle.. DOUBLE LION PROTECTION ENERGIES!!
Now all we need is another X class SOLAR FLARE thrown into the mix!!
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: BLUE MAGNETIC HAND MANIK – Today we have TRIPLE BLUE HAND frequency – the conscious self, Higher self and also the commencement of a brand new wavespell.
MANIK brings forth miraculous HEALING POWER with the WHITE WIZARD’s super HEART powers, which have been heightened during our journey through the WIZARD’s wavespell… This MAJIK can be applied through the knowledge gained to end your pain, suffering and dis-ease on the road to complete WELLNESS both on a personal and collective level.
Today we are a TRIPLE magnet, attracting this new HEALING frequency, accompanied by a great sense of accomplishment. Resources and solutions will appear as you gain satisfaction, in knowing you are finally making significant progress in your healing journey – whatever form that may take, be it physical, mental, emotional or mental.
I love my precious electrons and will bless them daily as they grow & expand. I ask the crystalline white flame of purity, to release all shadows from my electrons and all of humanity’s, the elemental kingdom and Gaia into the violet flame of God’s cosmic forgiveness.
MANIK ensures you ACCOMPLISH your plans and desires. Majik and accomplishment make for a wondrous alchemical union.
These next 13 days will be a wonderful time TO GET THINGS DONE, to volunteer, to assist others and to offer a helping hand. Get out your TO DO list, or your BUCKET LIST and start prioritizing your tasks to ensure you fully maximize the incredible gifts that MANIK bestows upon us during this fantastic cycle.
Make a list and watch MAJIK HAPPEN!!
Our world is in dire need of much HEALING at this present time, so we PRAY for DIVINE MIRACLES to HEAL our weeping wounds!
As RAINBOW WARRIORS, STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS and wayshowers, we will all need to STEP UP and volunteer our LIGHT and WISDOM during this cycle – this is what we signed up for – NOW IS THE TIME!
Let us keep focusing on BUILDING our NEW WORLD of PEACE, HARMONY and UNITY.
SUPPORT: YELLOW MAGNETIC HUMAN EB We have the power today, to elevate ourselves beyond the limitations of our physical hu-man vessel, and raise our cellular frequency to that of the Divine HU-MAN.
Instead of sweating the small stuff, and using our egoic mind to analyze solutions, we can HAND it over to the DIVINE... That is the aspect of our cell-ves that is our GOD FORCE.. In this way we can get out of our own way, and ALLOW for God’s Grace to bring forth MIRACLES in our LIVES..
The MAGNETIC HU-MAN is elevated to the GOD MAN and as such we have the WILL of the DIVINE as SUPPORT today, (and INDEED we have just witnessed this with the DIVINE GIFT we were given!!!) and during this whole 13 day cycle… how DIVINELY PERFECT during our passage through these HEAVENLY GATES!!
Our ANGELIC GOLDEN CHRISTED lightbodies can be easily accessed through these healing codes prevalent today.
EB also provides the power of INFLUENCE, so we will be influenced by others who may be the conduits for Spirit to bring forth the knowledge we seek.. Alternatively we may be the Spirit Messenger who will influence others, to take the healing journey to wellness and accomplishment too.
Either way this energy is assisting us to JOIN together to bring forth the HEALING we all need, to make this world a better place for all EARTH citizens to prosper.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE COSMIC WIZARDCOSMIC IX is back today with his HEALING wand, SUPERCHARGED with the COSMIC LOVE frequency that HEALS everything in the UNIVERSE.
IX brings forth COSMIC WISDOM and very potent MAJIK
Yesterday we culminated the WIZARD cycle, and evolved our MAJIK to the highest level, ready to apply the wisdom gained in this next HEALING cycle.
This WHITE WIZARD SUPERPOWER today (and for the whole 13 day cycle) gives us the tools to ACTIVATE the healing Majik, accessible through our PURE EXPANDED HEART.
This Wizard is a COSMIC WIZARD – so he yields tremendous Shamanic POWER to access all dimensions and realms throughout the entire COSMOS, through this majikal Healing portal… If a Solution exists anywhere in the Multi Universe you will have the means to discover it!
IX the WHITE WIZARD flamboyantly materializes before you in a vortex of violet and electric blue energy. He presents with his magnificent sceptre, to provide the tools to really benefit from this TRIPLE HEALING energy today.
It is TIME to finally claim VICTORY over your health challenges. Pure alchemy is available to you today, as the aethers will shapeshift to create your projected thought forms into matter!
What are you desiring, as you have the superpower of COSMIC ENCHANTMENT at your disposal today.
Are you OPEN to experiencing all the DIVINE MAJIK that the Universe has to offer you, knowing and believing that MIRACLES and spontaneous healing can occur?
LOVE is the most POTENT HEALING FORCE in the UNIVERSE – Use the power of FORGIVENESS to OPEN your HEART and infuse every cell in your body with this powerful medicine.
Step into your true Creator form today, and experience the MIRACLE of being a Divine Alchemist. Step through the MAJIKAL portal today and become VICTORIOUS!!!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED MAGNETIC EARTH CABAN challenges us to LISTEN to our body’s intelligence today (particularly our ELECTRONS!!) Ask Spirit to work through your body, showing you the signs YOU need that lead to HEALING.
CABAN reveals the healing wisdom through the natural world – through the herbs and PLANT medicines, that hold very enchanting powers to HEAL whatever ails us.. The vitamins, minerals and supplements from the mineral kingdom too.. Pachamama has the best Apothecary cures on EARTH to HEAL her beloved children..
Nature’s medicine chest is BEST!
RED EARTH is also challenging us to realize that as WE HEAL on an individual and collective level, our Earth Mother HEALS too! We are not separate from her.
We need to be mindful that we cannot neglect our Pachamama, even as we HEAL ourselves we must do so in respect for our mumma.. We cannot abuse or exploit her, or her natural resources any longer!!!.. We will need to find new and sustainable methods for living on her body without HARM to anyone.
The global containment of humanity during the pandemic years, has revealed how badly human activity has degraded our natural environment.. It has been such a de-LIGHT to witness the regeneration of our air, waters, land, plant and animal kingdoms without the interference of mankind – a REAL EYEOPENER for us all!
We will need to navigate a much gentler course, lessening our footprint in the future. This is the way to NAVIGATE forwards – Pachamama will show us the SIGNS to FOLLOW in HARMONY with NATURE, to create the UTOPIA we collectively desire.
RED EARTH reminds us that SHE provides the most potent healing force on this planet. Her Magnetic fields boost our Haemoglobin levels and access to Oxygen, vitality and life force through daily GROUNDING and being out in Mother Nature.
Remember to incorporate your daily dose of sunshine, tree hugging, bird’s singing, waves tumbling, river’s flowing, and the sweet perfume of flowers blossoming.
Celebrate our connectedness to this Natural wonder that surrounds us. Remember to walk barefoot on the EARTH grounding for a minimum of 20 minutes a day to fully utilize the MAGNETIC healing force of GAIA.
Finally the GIFT of this cycle is to bring HEALING to our PLANET and our GLOBAL FAMILY – through the restoration of PEACE ON EARTH!
NOTE: These Dreamspell codes today will apply for the next 13 days as an overlay, in addition to the daily codes and the yearly KIN – 6 CAUAC – RHYTHMIC STORM, which beckons us to be more COMPASSIONATE to each other and our environment. . If you have the BLUE HAND star glyph in your Dreamspell signature, then your HEALING abilities (and your ability to heal yourself) are about to be supercharged for the next 13 days.
YELLOW HUMAN tribe will find themselves downloading more divine wisdom and helping/healing and supporting others more, whilst RED EARTH kin may be challenged and tested to find their flow. If they are more evolved EARTH kin, then they will be like a traffic officer, pointing the direction for others to navigate their true course back to wellness.
Today’s questions are
“What can I accomplish that will bring greater HEALING to my whole being – body, mind and spirit?
What information and resources do I need to attract/know, in order to fulfill my Divine Purpose?
“How can we, as EARTH WIZARDS, use our highest DIVINE MAJIK, to accomplish our collective MISSION of establishing PEACE ON EARTH!”
Divine blessings for the MAJIKAL ACCOMPLISHMENT of Divine healing MIRACLES in RESTORING wholeness, and PEACE ON EARTH!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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