Ahikāroa – The Eternal Flame Ignites ~ Blue Light of Cosmic MotherSun * Restoration of the Ancient Dragon Lineages Happening! Ascension Frequency
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings 5D New Earth Avatars of Eternal Bliss Consciousness
Happy 25:25 Portal of the 7:7 of the Christos Sophia Consciousness of Divine Union both within and without.
We have made a major Quantum Shift of energies today as we fully anchor into the Multidimensional Field of Reality the New Golden Age of Enlightenment and Eternal Life.
As we continue to release the old false 3d matrix and all its nefarious games and time loops of suffering, we call Samsara, we continue spinning the Wheel of Dharma Shakyamuni Buddha began 2500 years ago to free all of humanity from Maya, which is all illusions and delusions of the negative projections of ignorance.
Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144, continue to hold the line of benevolence and bliss and continue to push through and through and through until full and total compression breakthrough as SuperNova Conscious Co-Creators of Infinite Expansion and Manifestation.
You hold within you the Personal Power to bridge Heaven and Earth and assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun to make the Ultimate Transformation into Rainbow Diamond Bodies, 5D Avatars of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica…A’Ho!
The sacred fires of Uluru, Katajula, and Attila are rising, sparking a profound shift. Black box quantum technology activates the ancient Kemetic capacitors, aligning us with the New Dreaming coordinates. Soon, the New Gates of Eden will open for ALL to enter.
Today marks a New Era of Truth.
The solar gate of our planet is transcending the old yellow sun prison coding, blossoming into the radiant Blue Light of the Mothersun. Thank Goddess for the Great Return of our cosmic Spiritual Mothersun!
The 5th Dimension ripples out…
To all those who carry the heartlines of the Paradise mission vision:
Kia kaha, manawanui – Stay strong in your heart! Even in these days of darkness, the Light has been ignited for us all to feel, embody, and remember. As Waitaha, we are Living Standing Waters.
I see this as a gel-like plasma flame coursing through us – viscous water, our cosmic Blue blood, a sacred acknowledgment of our royal galactic heritage. Through the pounamu doorway, we remember our place as the Pillars of Mu, anchored in our shared ancestral wisdom.
The First Light Peace Trail Mission Begins…
This is the pōwhiri for the awakening. March/April 2025 is the time to stand with our physical presence on the land of the first dreaming, where the first light meets you in the flesh, to sing in the magic of water dream and alchemize the red earth of Kurawaka with our own bones. Together, we ignite the star trails of the New Dream.
Welcome to the Grand Awakening of Humanity. We are ready.
Before your incarnation, you were enveloped in the divine wisdom of the cosmos, fully aware of the sacred awakening that was to unfold—a journey into the New Earth. You understood the exquisite beauty of every struggle and every experience that would serve to crack you open, inviting deep healing and profound awakening.
You are not just individuals; you are part of an infinite tapestry of divine beings chosen to walk in harmony with Gaia as she beautifully evolves. As you navigate this moment in time, it’s natural to feel the longing for clarity about when this grand shift will fully bloom. Know this: even we, who hold higher perspectives, cannot prescribe the exact timing. However, rest assured that we are with you, enveloping you in love, holding the sacred vibration of hope and unity.
A transformative energy has emerged from the depths of the Earth, stirring a swift and powerful movement in the collective consciousness. Together, we are called to nurture this energy, allowing it to uplift and inspire all beings.
Dear ones, remain steadfast and hold your vibration high. You are the radiant bearers of the New Earth. Your compassionate hearts and luminous spirits are essential in this spiritual renaissance. Together, we are creating a sanctuary of love, peace, and understanding for all.
With an abundance of love and light, we celebrate you. Keep shining brightly, for your light is a beacon of hope in these transformative times.
Ascension Frequency at this time is able to be Individually maintained by few.
The Frequency required for Individual Ascension is not a measured Frequency by Earth Instruments, it is a multidimensional foreign Frequency. It is only achieved and maintained through the continual Purity of the Soul and the complete exchange from Human Behavior to what is known as Divine Behavior.
Many variables affect the vibration of Ones that equate into the Frequency Field, and hence the identity of Master indicates the focus and the level required to maintain the Ascension Frequency. Kindness is one integral foundation stone, with Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude, Selflessness, and the belief in Prime Creator God being a few more to maintain.
The Divine Teachings and Knowledge is required to be embodied and then actioned outward with utmost Divine Discernment, enforcing and expanding the Ascension Frequency of the Divine Individual, and then rippled outward into the geographical and energetic environment.
Ascension Frequency is physically felt as light and uplifting, hence the Rapture reference. It is confirmed through the experiences of Reality which reach beyond the Human capacity and perspective, and are Supernatural in quality. It is in the full Ascension Frequency where only good is possible, it is the state where bad, evil and darkness does not exist, and the Mastery has been earned and integrated into embodiment.
There is a current Divine Evaluation underway by Divine Council considering if the Planetary Vibration has been raised enough to be sustained, allowing for the First Wave to Ascend. The Subsequent Waves have the Direction and the Knowledge has already been integrated into the information stream as Guidance, indicating the Others can find Their Way later. A year in this reality is equal to about a minute in the next Ascension Reality, meaning that for any that may be Ascending NOW, it may only take a minute or two in the next reality for Others to join You, however for the Others, They may experience it was a year that You were gone forward.
Passing into a new life on earth is a mighty task. Regardless of where you find yourself on the journey you are doing a miraculous job.
No matter what your opinion is of where you are compared to another WE have all gone through the same thing by first summoning Faith and leaping then from darkness… and hovering in mid-air before we touched the Light (and realized…)
If in the Now you feel like you are just hanging somewhere in space…so to do the planets and stars. What matters right now is that you are true to Your Self…the Self you have realized or are realizing now. That Self, Your Self requires one thing of you right now… to Love Your Self Ceaselessly.
Love for Self must be unerring and the principals of Infinite internal Love and Oneness ours to discover at our Immaculate Core. The embodiment of each allows for swift passage into Our True Soul Life on Earth and connection to all points of Light in the Universe.
We are Powerful Beings placed at the altar of a new jet-propelled spiral of our evolution. All things Source, Solar and Soul are assisting us to become a greater harmonic Soul force able to catalyze and synthesize all we have ever been… widening then our inner pathways for our Soul to expand in and around each becoming an ally, a mentor and Source of New Life.
When this occurs each shall be bathed in the waters of remembrance and the realization of the miracle of Who You Are and why you came. This Soul surge that is upon us brings transformation and a supernova of Christ Consciousness. It brings too a renewed desire to give your all to the birthing of a New Earth and a New Humanity.
1/25/25: You should sense a ripple in the flow of time now. A downshifting of energy and a busy yet slower pace. This is the Dragon adjusting itself to merge with the incoming Serpent. Dragon energy is vital, vibrant, and vivacious. It was impossible to miss last year as it took us all for a ride. But the Blue Snake will take its time as it enters a world none have ever experienced. And we will wait with it until it chooses to reveal itself more fully in March. For now, begin slowly to retreat from the outer world’s demands, influence, and interference and settle yourself into a more gentle demeanor. You can’t make nice with this Snake by entering its territory disrespectfully. It has much higher expectations of you.
This Aquarius season will be helping you leave some past things behind once and for all that have been very emotionally draining and heavy. You are Preparing to feel completely brand new in the best ways possible
The rise of energy is lifting us higher, and we can all feel it. Ascension symptoms are intensifying and we may experience waves of emotion from one extreme to the other. These are growing pains. Our collective Ascension energy is rising and the vibrations of the universe are rapidly shifting. We are on the path to ascension and it is an incredible and amazing journey.
headaches and head pressure unexplained nausea and stomach issues , sleeping issues Feeling detached and ungrounded
Your brain will constantly rewire itself to suit the information that you feed into it. If you constantly complain, gossip or find excuses, it will make it much easier to find things to be upset about, regardless of what is happening around you.
Likewise if you constantly search for opportunities, abundance, love and things to be grateful for it will make your transition much easier to find a reflection of those things around you. It takes practice, but over time this is a very powerful way to reshape reality.
When you are in service to yourself and are committed to personally evolving and changing, you uplift everyone around you. That is service. Service is not going out and martyring yourself and saying, “I’m going to save you.” Service is doing the work to save yourself first and living in such a way that everyone you touch is affected by your example and journey.
Prioritise your Spiritual Growth. Your path to developing your connection with your higher self and the Universe. To keep stripping away all that holds you back. Fear, Hurt, Anger and Grief are all part of the journey. It is In pain that we Grow, Love and Surrender. By Letting the pain go you will have more Joy and Happiness than you ever experienced before . Sometimes you have to let things go so there is more room for better things to come into your life.
The conscious person uses the world as a mirror to better understand and to master the self . The unconscious person attacks the mirror because they do not realise it is a mirror of themselves . When you show up authentic you create the space for others to do the same , keep walking in your truth.
The truth is we learn something from everyone who passes through our lives. Some lessons are painful. Some lessons are painless and some lessons are priceless.
Sudden movement is bringing an upheaval of changes. All planets will soon be direct with the energies of the Aquarius New Moon
Aquarius is a sign of freedom. It is innovation, liberation, and a channel through which the future streams into the present. It opens doors
opening dimensional frequencies to take hold of our lives. We are being called to attract all new things that are based on unconditional love, rather than conditional control and possessiveness. You don’t have to fix yourself to please others, or be stuck trying to fix others to please yourself .
The Universe is asking you to love yourself, nurture yourself, pour into yourself right now. Renew your light force energy. Old cycles are dying out and new beginnings are taking over use this time to transmute your past pain, setbacks, perceived failures, losses, everything that was part of the process to bring you here. Surrender to the universe as you are taken care of and you are on the right path to your higher ascension awareness .
You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You are never stuck. You have choices. You can think new thoughts. You can learn something new. You can create new habits. All that matters is that you decide today to never go back.
Understand how rare you are. Realise how beautiful your energy is. Be true to yourself but also allow people to be true to themselves. Hidden things are being revealed in this new energy , peoples masks will fall off , this will be shown to many of us in the next full moon.
New earth energy is exposing what has previously been hidden. people in our lives will show themselves for who they really are . Many are seeing this for them selves now .The truth will always prevail. This will heal some, free some, break some, and bless some .
For many ascending souls it can feel that we have had to do all of this work with others previously and possibly many times over however we are now in an even deeper layer of self doing the same work but in a different situation and possibly with different others we have developed far more knowing ,wisdom and high consciousness within ourselves which really helps support us with the next chapters and challenges ahead .
Ascension is about being able to hold more light as we make this shift into higher levels of consciousness. As we clear our karma, we align ourselves with higher energetics which allows us to merge with our spiritual body. As this process unfolds we are activating dormant DNA strands and becoming less carbon and more crystalline. The more we assist in this process the easier the symptoms.
Financial and emotional wellbeing are about to take a turn for the better for many ascending ones through unexpected blessings or sudden changes. It’s a time to Surrender all fear and anxiety and strengthen the Faith.
The universe is always conspiring to help you. Emotional, spiritual and material improvements are now coming to fully support you on the next stages of your Ascension Journey .
And So It Is
In loving and devoted LightWorker service
by Ascension LightWorkers
Ra James
Venus in Pisces and Mars RX in Cancer meet up for a kiss. This makes it one of the most potentially romantic days of the year. A beautiful trine between love and sex planets Venus and Mars will send red hot sparks rippling across the Cosmos. Think of tonight as getting us ready for Valentine’s Day. This may make today a little emotional. While Venus is in Pisces it may be making your relationships extra dreamy.
You’ll be pulled towards deeper more meaningful connections and wanting your love story to resemble a fairytale romance. That means expect to be reflecting a little extra on your relationships and whether they are emotionally fulfilling. Our Sagittarius moon squares Venus in Pisces, which may be stirring up any relationship drama. To be fair if so it was already there, and we can no longer blame the Cosmos for the baggage we need to deal with. Dreamy love vibes are in the air. Amazing energies to be healing, or healing things with your lover.
This trine makes today amazing for romantic endeavors. These are also powerful energies for manifesting, with Cancers energy in the mix. The stars are perfectly aligned to tap into abundance. The Universe is putting on quite the show with this Planet Parade. This rare celestial phenomenon involves six significant planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all aligned in a graceful arc across the night sky. It’s visible from nearly every corner of the Earth. Planetary alignments like this are rare occurrences, happening only when the Planet’s orbits bring them into a shared line of sight from Earth. This makes this a once in a lifetime opportunity to witness this beautiful synchronicity of our solar system…
On Saturday, January 25th, lovely Venus, ruler of love and the feminine archetype, in romantic Pisces is forming a positive trine to energetic Mars, ruler of passion and the masculine archetype, in empathic Cancer. This is a magnetic connection! We are feeling dreamy, creative, intuitive, caring, nurturing and nostalgic. Memories from the past, even people from the past, may show up today.
You may hear from an old lover, friend, or family member In all interactions, feelings are intensified, emotions are expressed, forgiveness is given, and healing is experienced. This is a strongly receptive and magnetizing energy, so use your imagination and visualizing abilities, in all aspects of your life, to create the image of that which you wish to manifest.
Venus in Pisces trine Mars retrograde in Cancer and sextile Pallas in Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn sextile Juno in Scorpio – ‘Make love, not war.’ The call of the flower child ripples up from the mists of time. Whilst it’s true that some actions require a robust response, there are also times when the best approach is calm, unending compassion, loving kindness, diplomacy. Right now, the best strategy is retreat. Let your inner warrior stand down for a day.
Give yourself the peace and quiet you deserve or a creative hour to reconnect with your soul. Engage your fertile imagination to gestate solutions to problems. If you’ve run out of steam altogether, drop into your heart and engage in some self-nurture – bathe, eat good food, take a gentle walk. Think about what is important to you and communicate it to those who matter. Ask your intuition to show you the way forward. Love is strength. Colour is life. Celebrate the rainbow.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Attune, Inspire and Channel’. Seven is a very sacred number. There are 7 colors in the rainbow and 7 chakras in the human body, and the number 7 is considered lucky by many cultures. It is also the very middle day of any wavespell. Take the number 20 and minus 13 (numbers which are the foundation of the Tzolkin) and the result is 7. It is associated with channeling and the Crown Chakra. When we tune into this energy, we can receive insights that can guide us.
Today is White Wind which represents ‘Communication, Spirit and Breath’. Well, it’s not hard to figure out today’s meaning. It’s all about channeling information, sharing it and opening up all channels of communication. Remembering that we are indeed in the Yellow Warrior wavespell, and that on day one we chose a quest, today therefore is a perfect opportunity for telling people about it. Speak your mind but allow your gut instincts to direct the dialogue instead of your ego. This should help enormously with your current mission. As the White Wind also represents breath, it’s a great idea today to do breathwork. Naturally that facilitates more dialogue with spirit.
The Guide is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. When the Wizard guides, he takes us to enchanted places and we can feel like we are under a spell. You’ll enjoy the fun but you may not remember anything later. Falling under enchantment can greatly aid channeling as well… as you can step out of your ordinary state of mind which is what it takes sometimes to open these channels. When the Wizard’s spells are this strong, we can experience a sense of surreality. Watch out for charmers who wish to pull the wool over your eyes. Be on your toes today but also expect to be charmed in a pleasant way too.
The Challenge is the Yellow Human which is the most psychic glyph in the Tzolkin. What does it mean when the number of the day and challenge energy is the same? The number seven invites us to use our intuition but there are obstacles which mean it can be done, but not without some effort. For Yellow Humans it’s always challenging to share their intuitive thoughts and on White Wind days it can be even more of a struggle.
The Occult power today is the Blue Storm and when in this position the storm can bring changes in quite a magical way. I personally like Blue Storm in this position, it seems more helpful than disruptive .The winds of change can shift things in unexpected ways. Bring it on I say!
The Ally today is the Red Earth and so if your day isn’t quite going as planned and you need some advice, your best bet is to find a Red Earth. If you are a Red Earth you’ll enjoy being the Ally because you always want to help people progress. If you don’t know one, focus on what they represent, which is Evolution.
MANTRA I CHANNEL in order to COMMUNICATE Inspiring BREATH I seal the input of Spirit With the resonant tone of attunement I AM guided by the power of timelessness
25/1/2025 = 7/1/9 = 7/10=7/1=8
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from the past 7- Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude 8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow MONTH/YEAR codes
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 202 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
An extra HEAVENLY enchanting day for channeling and connecting with Spirit!
Day 7 in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL of fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in our path with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.
Today we are channeling messages from Spirit which INSPIRE us, on our QUEST to New Earth.
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channels, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully ignites the manifestation potentials to propel our QUEST today, as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel these majikal forces.
Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. So it is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune to Spirit and then channel the majik through this present moment that is available to us all.
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE RESONANT WIND – IK Today the WIND is whispering INSPIRATIONAL messages to guide our QUEST. In order to receive the answers the Yellow Warrior is seeking, one must keep ASKING the right QUEST-I-ONs. TUNE IN and LISTEN carefully as you become the Hollow bamboo, opening your vessel and allowing Spirit to play through you clearly, like a flute of pure consciousness. Anchoring the frequency of Spirit directly onto our planet.
Be mindful and observant as the communication channels are much clearer today. The VOICE OF GOD, will come through much STRONGER today, so find yourself a quiet sanctuary – preferably outside in NATURE – and be STILL in order to benefit from the whisperings of White Wind.
“How do I ask for help from my spiritual team?”
The answer is simple.
First, get quiet. Then uncross your arms and legs and put your feet flat on the floor. Open your hands and place your palms facing up. Begin taking slow, cleansing breaths.
As you are breathing, focus on breathing in universal white light healing energy and breathing out any discomfort, cares, concerns of the day. Breathe out any pains or judgements.
You are inhaling the good you want to bring into your body and releasing any qualities that are not serving you.
Next, open up communication with your healing team.
You can say “Healing team of non-physical beings, please help me with ____________.”
Once you’ve connected with them a few times, you can call upon them in the moment either generally, or more specifically.
“Healing team, are you with me now?”
“Archangels, can you help me with this situation?”
“Ancestors, will you support me?”
You can even call on a specific member of your spiritual team if you are familiar with them and feel drawn to do so.
Your spiritual team is there to guide you and they want to help you. Tuning in to your clairvoyant abilities can help you understand the messages and guidance they are sending you.
The communication is also TWO WAY – so utilize the spiritual broadband today, to cast your devotional prayers and request for God’s mercy, Grace and MIRACLES. Just as the prophet DANIEL prayed in his hour of need to protect the city of Jerusalem.
DANIEL’S PRAYER 9:17 17 “Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary. 18 Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. 19 Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.”
The Daniel Prayer is born deep within your soul, erupts through your heart, and pours out on your lips. These words, created by and infused with the Spirit of God, quivering with spiritual electricity. It’s really not an everyday type of prayer. It’s a prayer birthed under pressure. Heartache. Grief. Desperation. It can be triggered by a sudden revelation of HOPE. An answer to prayer, a promise freshly received, a MIRACLE that lies just over the horizon.
Beloveds, today is a MAJIKAL day to PRAY – PRAY for our Planet, her children, our leaders and all the kingdoms on Pachamama..
PRAY for PEACE, for PROSPERITY, vibrant HEALTH and JOY for all!
PRAY and give GRATITUDE for a wondrous NEW BEGINNING..
There is much WISDOM to be found through channeling Divine messages, greater than any library or google search!!!. The Divine can teach and show you incredibly wondrous revelations, beyond our limited comprehension or technology. Spirit may also guide you to go to places or connect with people in order to open their hearts and minds to the Divine… TRUST in the messages.
Open your EARS and EXPAND your channel, allowing Spirit to dance through your vessel. Connect through your HEART and devotional prayer, mantras, yoga and appreciation. Fill your vessel with the breath of Spirit and radiate this HOLY LIGHT far out beyond the galaxy.
Today is a great day to dance and sing, and allow the music of Spirit to play through you! Remember to push the PAUSE button as you attune today, and allow SPIRIT to guide your Mission.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE RESONANT WIZARD – IX As we are anchoring Spirit today, we are allowing ourselves to become receptive and thus more resonant to the endless messages streaming forth.
The RESONANT WIZARD as the Higher Guide today, is indeed fortunate as IX can easily access the Spirit realm, and any other dimension he chooses through his Shamanic wisdom. Connecting to the multidimensional nature of consciousness, communicating through the emotional plane, feeling and sensing into other realms.
As we finely attune to this timelessness, we can readily connect to the resonance of the 5D DIAMOND CRYSTALLINE GRID of consciousness, which is now streaming forth great WHITE MAJIK from Spirit.
The grid of the WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARD was created and became operative on July 26th, 2019 at the beginning of the MAGNETIC year of the WHITE WIZARD! We have a 13 year journey with this MAJIKAL WHITE WIZARD – reclaiming and remembering our WHITE MAJIK powers. We are currently in the 6th YEAR of this cycle – the Year of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM exactly half way through!
All the SOUNDS, LIGHT and codes are flowing through our crystalline consciousness, weaving a beautiful luminous crystalline web throughout the cosmos.
GREAT MAJIK is afoot today folks!
Make sure your DIAL is attuned to the right channel!
SUPPORT: RED RESONANT EARTH – CABAN today synergistically reveals the SIGNS and symbols from Spirit, which puts you in the FLOW of synchronicity. We need to LISTEN and observe more intently, in order to respond with more sensitivity and compassion, as an instrument for Spirit.
NOVA GAIA is allowing new higher gamma waves, plasma and Solar LIGHT codes to enter our planet. This pure CREATION energy provides the raw materials for our DIVINE ALCHEMY.. utilizing these resources to create our MAJIK!
Act on inspiration as it comes to you, without analyzing it. And remember: the BREATH of Spirit can be as subtle as a fragrance in a breeze. Learn to sense it and experience it. Deeply listen and express strongly in order to awaken the deepest callings of the Earth, Pachamama today through us. Be INSPIRED to LISTEN to, and for the Majik that is flowing today, revealing the synchronous cycles of joy and contentment that spell e-v-o-l-u-t-i-o-n.
PACHAMAMA is rapidly EVOLVING and taking us all along for the ride of our lives!!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE RESONANT STORM – CAUAC brings forth the transformative energies that bring the massive changes that LIBERATE us from the old world and old paradigm.. A BRILLIANT POWER creating the impetus to fuel the transformation through this Ascension passage..
KIN 202 occurred 45 moons ago on the 4th of JULY, 2021 in-deep-END-dance day! We can access this FREEDOM portal through SPACE/TIME as the TZOLKIN SPINS – propelling us higher and higher on our evolutionary climb. The RESONANT STORM – whips up a fury – intent on catalyzing the energy needed to ensure our PLANETARY LIBERATION. Yaaaay!
SPIRIT has a DIVINE PLAN for humanity and FREEDOM is our birthright! .
Allow the flow of pure energy, to catalyse the transformation that is needed. Be inspired to TRUST the changes that occur through us, as wayshowers and world-changers, as the THUNDERBEINGS take hold!.
Being aligned and unified with Spirit, imagine yourself being infused and purified with white LIGHT permeating your being, clearing your hollow vessel with the frequency of the WHITE WIND and BLUE STORM.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RESONANT HUMAN – EB Today’s code asks us to tune in and LISTEN to the voice of Spirit, then attune your ACTIONS in alignment with DIVINE WILL – this is the GIFT of the YELLOW HUMAN. That’s when the MAJIK happens, as you communicate your messages to all who resonate with your wisdom, and powerfully influence through your example.
EB invites you to use your intelligence and your own independent creativity to become FEARLESSLY INSPIRED on your QUEST. The purer your intent and the more you dedicate yourself to Divine service, the more Spirit will cocreate with you, bringing forth people, resources and guides to assist you in realizing your greater Divine Mission.
Aligning with DIVINE MIND is the best form of LIBERATION, as we surrender our egoic drive, in order to return to Spirit, ultimately leading us back to ONENESS.
Aho, beloved planetary kin, tune in today, and LISTEN to the ENDLESS VOICE of SPIRIT
Allow the WINDsof CHANGE to become the wind beneath your wings elevating your DIVINE MISSION and steering you in the RIGHT DIRECTION!.
Today’s question is ” How can I channel and ATTUNE to the messages of Spirit to FEARLESSLY INSPIRE my greatest QUEST?”
Divine blessings for becoming a Divine channel and transmitter. May you receive the ANSWERS you seek!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Aquarius and the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
In the sacred name of Divine Light and Infinite Creation,
I call upon the ancient guardians of Uluru, the heart of the Earth,
And the Rainbow Serpent, keeper of the Dreamtime and the flow of creation.
Great Spirit of Uluru, pulse of the planetary heart,
Anchor me in your timeless wisdom and divine resonance.
Let your energy awaken within me the harmony of all beings,
And unite my soul with the heartbeat of Gaia.
Rainbow Serpent, sacred weaver of creation’s flow,
Guide my spirit through the sacred waters of transformation.
Wrap me in your vibrant arc of color and light,
Awakening within me the balance of creation and the infinite dance of renewal.
I decree now:
That the energy of Uluru and the Rainbow Serpent rise within all hearts,
That the pathways of healing and unity be restored,
That the wisdom of the ancients guides humanity into harmony with the Earth.
By the power of this decree,
I release all fear, disharmony, and disconnection.
I call forth the light of the Rainbow Serpent to illuminate my path,
And the spirit of Uluru to anchor me in love, balance, and sacred purpose.
As I decree, so it is.
And so, the song of the Earth rises again, strong and whole.
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