You are currently viewing Adama of Telos: The Secret Government of Earth

Adama of Telos: The Secret Government of Earth

Adama of Telos: The Secret Government of Earth


Adama of Telos: The Secret Government of Earth

Me: Hello, Adama. In another channeling you told us about the Earth Solar Council, to which you belong along with other Agarthans and people from outer Earth. You said that it has departments or working groups and these departments function in the same way as the governments of our countries.

You have suggested that the various planetary councils of this solar system have been working on Earth’s ascension for centuries. You have suggested that there are people on the surface who go to council meetings and guide Earth’s future in a more metaphysical direction than ever before.

You said: “They are also not limited to any country or nationalist view, they are of your world and work on a global scale. Therefore, your politics and all that really have no part in what they do.”

From this I deduce that the Earth Council is working to achieve certain goals. What do these goals have to do with the work of current governments, and how does the secret Earth government, which it presumably leads, work with the Alliance?

Adams: Hello, Sharon. You woke up early this morning.

Me: Not for long. I’m going back to bed. My night starts to split in half, which I’ve heard is a natural way for people to sleep when they want to get eight hours or more. They get a break every now and then, so I do that a lot.

Adama: You care about education, right?


Me: I explain everything so people can learn. Yes. First of all, is the Earth Council you are part of the secret government I am looking for?

Adama: It’s her.

Me: So this benevolent secret government, as opposed to the malevolent secret government we call the military-industrial complex, the New World Order, is working to uphold the Galactic Codex?

Adama: She does. We are trying to get your national governments to comply with the Galactic Codex. That is the first step. By doing this, we are helping them to adopt the GESARA principles.

Me: So that sounds like two steps.

Adama: Actually it is not, because GESARA is a micro step on the path to the macro step of the Galactic Codex.

Me: I’m going to link an article on the principles of GESARA in the description, because that sums it up pretty well.
Yes, I see GESARA as being about alleviating suffering and implementing tactics that bring peace. It’s also about giving people back their rights and implementing constitutional law.

The principles of GESARA restore people’s financial privacy and eliminate the corruption that everyone now suffers from. But people must understand that if they want GESARA to be fully implemented, they must participate. This requires everyone’s cooperation.

Adama: That’s right. No one can be excluded. If you want to stop what is happening on the outer planet and establish world peace, everyone has to participate.

Me: We also discussed the Galactic Codex together. I see that I have listed the rights that the Galactic Codex grants to each individual, and one of them is interesting. It states that every person has an unrestricted right to all information. I see that we are already working on this because people like myself and other advocates of truth are providing information to the masses in the best way possible. And we know that information is light, and since people are of the light, we must have information.

Adama: Yes. That is well explained.

Me: Good for so soon! LOL
I like the other thing: every human being has the right to be spared the consequences of the actions of other beings. This means we no longer have to be subjected to people with belligerent tendencies or itchy nuclear trigger fingers. Hallelujah! And that’s what we’re seeing now, as many people, not all, but many people, with nefarious tendencies are being arrested, convicted and hanged.

Adama: Yes, we are working to bring Earth into compliance with the Galactic Codex. You can see how this is done now. This is what the liberation of the outer planet is all about – installing the Galactic Codex on Earth. As the timelines continue to split in the coming years, you will also be living more with people of your own frequency.

While you were in the artificial timelines, you were exposed to the dark behavior of other lower frequencies, but in the future this will no longer be the case – you will vibrate more at your own level, there will be no interaction, the melting pot of so many levels of consciousness together.

Me: Thank God. That’s certainly something I’ve had a problem with!

Adama: I thought you might like this.

Thank you. Actually, I still like it. A lot of low vibrations still come into my life. Deadlines are not far enough away yet.

Adama: Because they’re still artificial. When the natural timeline becomes more filled and you stop switching between the two, you’ll feel some relief.

Me: The way to go back and forth is, of course, “think about earthly things” or “accept your truth.”

Adama: Yes, if you think the way the Matrix taught you, you will be in the Matrix again. But as you realize more of your whole consciousness, you will move into organic space-time. Most of you go back and forth because you are a mix of both and do not have access to your full Akash.

Me: And then we also started to feel the Mandela effect.

Adama: Correct.

Me: So how do you work with the Alliance or what we call the White Hats? Or do you do this?

Adama: We do. We work with the Alliance and any other alien or Earth groups that seek to destroy the globalist plan and create the new Earth.

Me: Are you going to meet them? Are you showing up in their room at 3am while they’re sleeping? Are you taking them away from Earth in a spaceship?

Adama: All of that is a possibility, but they come to some of our meetings and we have contacts on Earth that they can talk to.

Me: So, agents on the ground.

Adama: Yes. They are Agarthans.

Me: It seems like there are levels on Earth, which I really didn’t think was the way the Galactics do things.

Adama: This is Earth, so we are different. We do things in levels now because there is a big separation between the inside and outside of Earth.

Me: Ah. OK. This is simply necessary until we can all come together.

Adama: Yes.

Me: So you work together with the Alliance and inform each other of what’s going on. I see there might be a team of Agarthans working with an Alliance agent. I just had that in mind.

Adama: Yes, we watch them closely and protect them, as well as the people they swore to protect.

Me: As whistleblowers who speak out publicly.

Adama: Yes.

Me: So Telos and Agartha are very involved in this, aren’t they?

Adama: Fully involved. We want to unite the earth. But it is the ancient battle between the Lemurians and the Atlanteans that has not yet been resolved. The Atlanteans live mainly on the surface and the Lemurians are the people of Agartha. These energies are still here, we are trying to clear them and there is a lot of karma that needs to be rebalanced.

Me: Okay. It’s a big task, in other words.

Adama: We’ve been working on this for a long time.

Yes. It must be tiring.

Adama: We are seeing progress, so we are encouraged.

Me: Well, how do you work with the Earth governments that are now run by the DS?

Adama: Did you know that some of your most important leaders are actors?

Me: Yes. They are placed there by the forces of light and the real beings are taken to prison.

Adama: This is one way we work with your governments. But we definitely contacted them and told them they were no match for us. The dark occultists, the dark bloodline families – they are no match for our power. You know that too. Once the people of Outer Earth wake up and start feeling like the powerful people they always should have been, the Dark Ones will be defeated.

Me: So you’re waiting for us to wake up.

Adama: Look what you’re doing, Sharon. You see their ships because you can see beyond their physical dimension, and you work with your team to take them down. You’re a great asset to the Federation.

Me: I know. And I also do my best for the djinns. I’m tired of Archons polluting my apartment! LOL

Adama: You are more active in helping the planet as a whole. Imagine what it would be like if millions of people could do what you do? They would be no match for all of you.

Me: Right. We are the ones who need to recognize our capabilities.

Adama: Right now the Earth is being changed so that you can do this.

Me: I watch a lot of TV shows about demons, skinwalkers, and other scary things. Imagine what it will be like when people start seeing them en masse. Right now it seems like a few sensitive people are able to see them, but eventually more and more people will realize they are here. If they do that with the information we are already putting out to help those who interact with these beings, if this gets out, we can eradicate them all.

Adama: Yes. Imagine if you could all see the demons that lie behind a false human facade?

Me: I want to do this.

Adama: What would you do?

Me: I would send him love.

Adama: Okay. There is so much that needs to be revealed to people and it is that you cannot see the totality of your reality. First you must know what has been done to you, and then when you believe that, you will be able to see more, in other dimensions, as you do.

Me: Yes. Our intellect has a lot of control, I think.

Adama: Yes, you all need to develop much more intuitively. On the surface, there is only marginal information for you. You have to go deeper. You have to believe in things that you now consider crazy in order to fill the gap and experience your true reality more accurately.

Me: Yes. I get called crazy. I don’t care, that’s the difference in me now. Call me what you want. I think I’m unique and I’ll tell as many people as I can what I can do, because I know they’re just like me.

Adama: Yes. They are not as unique as they are advanced, but others will catch up.

Me: Imagine if we could bring down all the evil on this planet with a single thought.

Adama: That would be wonderful!

Me: I also see what I can create. Everything responds to my thoughts now and I create many things that I want in my life. I simply continue to serve in whatever way I can, and more is given to me in return for my work. That is the secret. Serve God and God will serve you. You will grow and develop your abilities. And the Archons did not return this summer either.

Adama: I see you had a bad year with them last year.

Me: I think I’m in too good of a mood for them to catch me.

Adama: You also spend more time in the natural timelines, so of course you are protected there.

Me: Yes. Well, I’m going back to bed, Adama. You’ve answered my questions. The whole structure is starting to come together: inner Earth with outer Earth, galactic law with Earthly law, and the bad guys are sent to hell. Good news! Yes, there will be more tests, but we have to get through it. No pain, no gain, as the saying goes.

Adama: In the end, you’ll be glad you did.

Thank you for your time, Adama.

Adama: Thank you for yours, Sharon. Goodbye.

Channeled by: Sharon Stewart






These 22 races gave their best to this project, THAT IS WHY WE ARE THE NEWEST VERSION of the DIVINE PLAN and for this reason, THEY, our ancestors, are all observing how THE DIVINE PLAN is executed and experienced, under the laws of “freedom”. “agencies” that operate in this galactic quadrant.

The CREATOR formed us from the divine and photonic plasma, giving rise to the possibility of diffusion and human presence in ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS, from the most subtle to the most DENSE AND MATERIAL.

The novelty is that WE REALLY EXIST in PLASMATIC format in a CRYOGENIC BODY in the Highest Dimension and that, from there, we experience, using our human avatar, the different Dimensions/Realities as A DREAM or ASTRAL TRAVEL, that is, we project ourselves from this body to the rest of the dimensions to experience EVERYTHING AT THE SAME TIME.

WE ARE WHAT WE THINK AND THE MULTIVERSE IS THE MIND, so we have the Divine Capacity to Constantly Create more dimensions, reprogram the ones we had, etc. etc.

It is in the Head/Brain where all our experience is conceived and manifested from this cryogenic body, that is, here we co-create the different multiverses with their dimensions.

On the ships there are scientists working in what appears to be a hospital room surrounded by devices and controls.

THEY talk about what each CRYOGENIC BODY feels and reacts to in order to monitor and protect it.


That is why it is extremely important to activate our divinity and light body in all possible dimensions to achieve and feel this joy!

The Source manifests itself and experiences itself in constant infinity through that which it creates for itself, therefore, what is created has the same attributes or fractals as the Source itself and we should not underestimate ourselves, because WE ARE DIVINE BEINGS BY ESSENCE AND EXPERIENCE!

These BEINGS can be OURSELVES who SELF-CREATE ourselves to experience ourselves, because in the QUANTUM EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING AND AT THE SAME TIME.

(Timara, GF.DS.)

With love ❤️




Sananda’s update on the current world situation.

Beloved brothers and sisters,

it is my duty to keep you updated on the current situation on Gaia. The victory of the Light is now perfectly defined and the plans of the Earth Alliance are now in a final phase.

The long-awaited checkmate has now occurred. The forces of darkness are no longer in power. The people have awakened. There is such an expansion of consciousness that the armies of anonymous freedom fighters are increasing day by day.

All the controllers who wanted you dead or on your knees in absolute slavery for a piece of bread are now being killed or arrested, tried by military courts and executed.

The time has come when the hunter will be overtaken by the hunted. In our beloved Brazil, the prayers of an entire people have been answered. The military keeps the country shielded. No one enters. No one leaves.
The forces of darkness no longer have a chance to escape. They will be caught and neutralized wherever they are.


The enemy has been identified and in every country they will be arrested, neutralized and will certainly receive what they deserve. They will be tried and condemned for all their crimes against humanity. From now on, the promised prosperity, abundance and peace will come to every citizen of Gaia. The Nesara/Gesara Law comes into effect in every nation on the planet. The QFS finally replaces the dilapidated fiat system that has trapped you all in debt. You can now look forward to a peaceful and happy life without any worries or concerns about how to survive. Eliminate all visions of tragedy, hunger, restrictions and deprivation.

All of this will be wiped off the face of the earth.Our beloved Gaia is now an ascended planet and you are all with her. The shocking energies invading the planet are raising her vibrations and causing the sleepy ones to awaken to life beyond their television screens. Everything is working like clockwork.

Nesara/Gesara brings with it the forgiveness of bank debts, the abolition of income tax, a flat 14% tax on new consumer goods, currencies backed by gold or real wealth. Everyone will live richly and in abundance. You will no longer have to slave away to earn a living.

Pharmaceuticals will also be abolished. You will now have a health system, not a chronic disease system that forced you to survive on toxic drugs and only kept you sick for life.

MedBeds are on the rise and are a whole technology at the service of people and their perfect health.
As soon as the reimbursement money is released, our humanitarians will go into action and build the new holistic healing centers with our help and that of our galactic brothers. All citizens of this planet will have free access to health services and new technologies that you cannot even imagine.

Therefore, beloved brothers, know that all suffering on the planet will be eliminated.

Only happy events are knocking at the door. The Earth Alliance is in complete control of the situation at all levels.
The military, having fulfilled the objectives of the divine plan for Earth, will end martial law, giving the green light for Nesara/Gesara to come into full force. The entire Company of Heaven is with you and supports you in the work of liberating the planet.There is nothing to fear. Nothing can go wrong because the higher planetary energies do not perpetuate anything negative. Just be filled with gratitude for everything you will receive.I am Sananda and I love each and every one of you.


Fun Facts: Gold RV, then FBC RV, then titles and then back to 1955!

✅ Before 1955, inflation was little known in the US, but from 1955 to 2024 the average inflation rate is 3.63% per year.

✅ Many say that after the GCR we will return to 1955 prices, but what does that really mean?

✅ The first thing that will happen in RV/GCR is that once gold-backed currencies are systematically introduced, all highly inflated prices will start to fall dramatically, this means for items like houses, education, medical insurance, etc.

✅ Prices due to added technological value will reduce, but not as much as the others mentioned above. This means that cars or items related to technology will reduce in price, but not drastically.

The reason for this is that there is a huge amount of “technological value” added to today’s cars compared to a 1955 car, e.g. GPS, electronic screens, ABS brakes, etc., etc.

That is, the added items cost more to produce and add value to the purchase price, where if you bought a farm in 1955 and bought the same farm without any additional improvements, the price would simply inflate.

✅ Thus, softer values ​​such as housing, health insurance, education will definitely fall, but systematically and not overnight.

back to 1955
back to 1955

✅ After RV/GCR, when GESARA is launched, all debts will be wiped out. One reason for this is because compound interest is illegal. That is, the home equity will drop to the original purchase price without any bank charges and interest. It is believed that the home equity will drop by at least 50%.

✅ So as more money enters the economy, prices will fall for these two reasons:

– no debt due to illegal compound interest.

– great competition.

✅ Therefore, we need to look at the global macroeconomy to see and understand the full picture.

✅ It will definitely be much better after RV/GCR and especially after GESARA when the monthly benefit money is released, but it will take time.

✅ D. The purpose of the gold-backed system:

✅ It is about ensuring that wealth is not arbitrarily manufactured or manipulated, but rather that it is representative of something real and valuable.

✅ This shift back to gold-backed pledges restores faith in global economies and financial leaders, as each note issued corresponds to actual gold held in reserve, making the financial system transparent and accountable.

✅ Furthermore, the GCR, with its push for a reset using gold-backed currencies, directly challenges the hegemony of the US dollar in international trade.

✅ This could democratize international trade, allowing countries with gold reserves to have a more substantial voice in the global economy, thus decentralizing the economic power currently concentrated in the hands of a few Western nations.

✅ Such a restructuring not only makes economic sense, but also aligns with the principles of justice and equity in global relations, giving rise to a more balanced distribution of global power.

✅ The transition to gold-backed currencies, as envisioned in the GCR/RV plan, includes strategic and careful implementation phases to ensure minimal disruption.

✅ The benefits of a more stable currency that protects against inflation and preserves purchasing power far outweigh the temporary challenges of the transition.

✅ As developments unfold, with the start of funding for bondholders under cautious but strategic conditions, and the redirection of funds away from old power structures, it is clear that the foundation for this new financial era is already being laid.

✅ With BRICS, XRP, etc all venturing into Gold-Backed Stablecoins and the implementation of Basel 3 and returning to Bretton Woods Agreement 3, it is impossible to move away from the rapid introduction of global gold-backed currencies.




RUMORS: 09/23/2024


MarkZ –  [via PDK]

There’s a lot of talk that on Monday morning we’re going to wake up and see (RV)… I don’t know, but the talk is deafening.


Trump had long been working with the Global Military Alliance and the BRICS Nations to implement a Global Monetary Reset and return taxpayers’ money to the People, which would happen on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.



A quantum financial system means having a phone similar to an iPhone known as a Q-phone (quantum phone), if I want to send money in pounds or PESETAS, which will happen (soon) in Spain, 1 peseta token will be worth 1 US note token and I can send it from my phone.

With the Quantum Financial System, you can pay for anything from your mobile phone. The bills and coins will have a rainbow currency, but even the bills and coins are backed by gold. – ACCORDING TO CHARLIE, “THE BAD GUYS” SAW THAT THERE IS NO MONEY IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE AND ADDED… “The United States has lost credibility from a global financial point of view. Because nobody wants fiat dollars anymore.” –


🟢Presidential Alert




🟢FINANCIAL SLAVERY has been abolished.



🟢43 days to go🏁🏁🏁



With Basel III regulations looming and a government shutdown looming, the entire financial sector is bracing for a massive transformation.

Trust the plan to save the world

on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. US Inc. is dissolved – ends the experiment with the fiat monetary system. The gold/asset-backed quantum financial system is loaded and taking over.

We are in the final battle between good and evil.

Now it’s time to pray



“In the first week of October, the military will reveal everything within the framework of the emergency broadcast system, and in the same period, we expect several countries to introduce and launch a valid quantum financial system…

The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.)


The Final Countdown: Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming

We are in the calm before the storm, but it won’t be calm for much longer. When the truth comes out, it will drop like a nuclear bomb. People will be shocked, horrified, and some may not even be able to handle it. But that is what must happen. Corruption must be purged and we must rebuild from the ashes.



NCSWIC. The plan is underway. Trust Trump. Trust Q.



The storm is here, and there is no stopping it now. The best is yet to come, but first, we will witness the destruction of everything the deep state holds dear.



Eyes Open, Patriots: The Battle for Truth

I know many of you are tired of waiting. I know it feels like we’ve been fighting this battle forever, but trust me — the end is near. Q is real. Trump is still the leader of the free world, and the deep state is about to be exposed for the world to see. But we have to stay strong. Stay vigilant.

The storm is here, and it won’t be pretty. But that’s what we’ve been fighting for. The truth is coming, and when it does, it will destroy the lies that have kept humanity chained for centuries. This isn’t just a political battle—it’s a war for the very future of our world.


The Public Show: Deep Fakes, Clones, and Body Doubles

Why do we still see these globalist puppets parading around on television, smiling like nothing is wrong? Because what you’re seeing is not real. The deep state has been using deep fakes, body doubles and clones for years to maintain the illusion that these people are still in control.

They’re not. Many of the so-called “leaders” you see on TV are either no longer alive, or are rotting away in a dark cell somewhere. Look closely and you’ll notice the flaws. Notice how some of these figures no longer look like they used to. Some have even been replaced by robots—yes, you heard that right. The technology exists, and they’ve used it to deceive the public.



This is a show. A carefully staged illusion to keep the masses pacified. But it won’t last much longer. NCSWIC—Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.


“GCR/RV related information” Iraq related trends! ?

Preparations are currently being made in Iraq to create a realistic (physical) environment for conducting RV (Currency Value Revaluation).

The other day there was an important announcement about the “banking system” that is directly related to GCR/RV. This is a story about the introduction and start of operation of a new banking system that supports digital currency (digital tokens).

The specific details were written in the article below as a memo on internal trends in Iraq related to the GCR/RV.


✅You are the chosen one

I sometimes see this in stories (information) related to the light element, such as “Fifth Dimensional World” and “Starseed”, but I choose to ignore information that includes such words (related words) immediately (laughs).

The  most important thing I learned from the “World Line Experience” is that  you create your own future. Basically, the future (small world line) related to one’s own daily life activities is created by one’s own soul (thoughts).

“The future is something you create yourself” is a law of nature. That’s why I feel so uncomfortable with the word “chosen” (bitter smile). Because it must have been your choice. 😊


✴️Chat: Uncomfortable words! ?

As many of you know, information related to Plan Q is mixed with various speculations. 😅

In addition to “facts and truths,” there is also “false information (police operations)” intentionally disseminated by the Earth Alliance, and “false information (guiding people)” by the DS remnants.

In addition, various types of information with different characteristics are mixed, such as “opinions”, “misunderstandings/errors” and “information based on other considerations” by the information senders.

I’ve actually been feeling this way for a while now, but there are certain informational words that I’ve been feeling particularly uncomfortable with recently. Namely…

The show will start on September 23rd


Monday Morning, September 23, 2024

What will happen with the “financial collapse”? ?

We will continue to check the “financial market” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on September 22

I will extract the parts that interest you!

today’s message

To save the world that believes in plans

Tuesday, October 1, 2024, US Inc.

Now is the time to pray, as we are in the final battle between good and evil
…Q, Saturday, September 21, 2024-In the first week of October, the military will reveal all in an emergency broadcast.
During this same period, several countries are expected to adopt and implement effective quantum financial systems.
…17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram on Saturday, September 21, 2024

-If the QFS is activated, all governments will be reduced by 90-95%.
… John F. Kennedy Jr. Telegram Saturday, September 21, 2024

It is a good idea to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine, and supplies on hand.
For yourself, your family, and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy’s Note

– 5 Assassination Teams Trying to Kill President Trump!
Congressman Tim Burchett Reveals Biden’s CIA MK ULTRA Plan to Assassinate Trump! FBI
Finds Iran Spied on Trump Campaign, Gave Information to Harris

Were Obama, Biden, Clinton, and the CIA Behind SEAL Team 6 and the Benghazi Massacre? Bouffard, a former Guatemalan bishop
who spent several years in the Vatican, exposed the Jesuit infiltration of religions and governments around the world.
The Jesuits have been exposed as infiltrating religions and governments around the world with the ultimate goal of creating a one-world religion rooted in Luciferian principles.

This is the Luciferian principle. Of course, the mainstream media is silent.”…Q on Telegram Saturday, September 21.

 -On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, US Inc. – An experiment to end the fiat monetary system
. A quantum financial system backed by gold/assets will be locked, loaded, and taken over.
It’s over. …Q on Telegram Saturday, September 21, 2024.

 -In the first week of October, the military will reveal everything on the emergency broadcast system.
Several countries are also expected to adopt and implement effective QFS in the first week of October.

Military and reserve forces are expected to be activated in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Iceland, South America, Mexico, Africa, Malaysia, and over 80 other countries. Over 80 other countries ‖…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Saturday, September 21.

-Once the QFS is activated, all governments will be reduced by 90-95% and new elections must be held within 60 days.
Global Alliance forces take control. Elections in November? Doubtful on the current timeline.
Telegram Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Global Military Alliance, led by President Trump, is currently in the midst of the largest deception operation in history through arrests, military trials and executions.
They have convicted over 500,000 global politicians and elites. They have committed crimes against humanity, most notably against the world’s innocent children.

 The BRICS coalition of sovereign states has caused the largest wealth transfer in history by switching from the US dollar to the currencies of 134 countries.
They have switched from the dollar to gold/asset-backed currency in 134 countries (so far).

 Tuesday, October 1, 2024, was the fiscal year-end of a private US company.
It went bankrupt in 2008 and has since run the US government on unbacked fiat currency with no budget approved by Congress.

 It was no longer possible to print fiat dollars and the currency stopped working.
US corporations, including the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service, will be shut down by Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

 The failed BlackRock deep state cabal controls more money than most countries.
has declared bankruptcy.

 Has been operating with fiat US dollars since before the US bankruptcy in 2008.
All non-Basel III compliant (non-gold backed) US banks were shut down on Tuesday.
Until Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

 Tuesday, October 1, 2024 was also the start of the fiscal year of the new American Republic,
which will operate with gold/asset backed US Treasuries as part of the BRICS global currency reset.
BRICS sovereign states reset.

 -In the first week of October, the military will reveal everything on the emergency broadcast system.
Several countries are also expected to adopt and implement effective QFSs by the first week of October.
Military reserves and armed forces are expected to be active in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the European Union.

It covers over 80 countries including the US, Canada, the UK, the EU, Iceland, South America, Mexico, Africa, Malaysia, and more. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Saturday, September 21, 2024

 Saturday, September 21, 2024: BQQQQM List of celebrities arrested and executed ‗Dismantling Deep State Agents and Surrogates: Kimmel, Oprah, Biden and more – –

 Saturday, September 21, 2024: Current Zionist Jews in Israel are not descendants of Biblical Jews and have no connection to Biblical Israel. They are members of the Khazarian mafia pretending to be devil-worshipping Jews. The Zionist movement should establish a cabal headquarters in Israel.

These non-Jewish Zionists did this by controlling America through its central bank.
They controlled the United States through its central banking system and ownership of the Federal Reserve Board (Fed) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Gaddafi tried to warn the world. He knew what the globalists would do. He was killed for speaking the truth and for refusing to sell his country’s oil for US dollars.

Instead, he sought to create an African currency for all African oil-producing countries to use to determine the price of their oil.
This has a huge impact on the value of the US dollar, so it was written off.

Saturday, September 21, 2024: A new replicon vaccine approved for use in Japan could turn people into a dangerous mobile virus.
Dangerously, people become mobile “vaccine” factories.

Saturday, September 21, 2024: BQQQQM! Behind the Scenes at QTSR!
Military operations escalate amid impending civil war chaos. FBI, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security (DHS)… – –

 Breaking Situation News for Saturday, September 21, 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington Martial law is in effect worldwide. The largest police operation in history. Restoration of the Republic by.
GCR: Latest information for Saturday, September 21, 2024

 Status update for Saturday, September 21, 2024: Judy Byington: Global martial law is underway.
The largest police operation in history! As the largest decoy operation in history! Intel Special Report on Unleashing the Largest Wealth Transfer in History

 Friday, September 20, 2024 Situation Update (Video) WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 9/20/24
– Assassination Teams, War with Russia, Purge Attacks in the United States.

Possible Time

– The military will reveal all in an emergency broadcast in the first week of October.
Several countries are also expected to adopt and implement effective QFS in the first week of October.

Military and reserve forces are expected to be activated in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Iceland, South America, Mexico, Africa, Malaysia, and over 80 other countries. 17th Letter of the JFK Jr. Cable, Saturday, September 21, 2024

That’s all

The Show
The Show
The new financial system, in a very succinct way: ““At your ransom exchange appointment, you will open your bank account on the new Global Financial System. You’ll have access to that money through special credit cards, quantum phones and computers delivered to you at your appointment. “”” You will open the account. What does that mean? Your account already exists. But you have to take it for granted. To access the new account with already deposited currency, five steps are necessary. But first you need to connect to quantum Internet via cell phones or new-generation computers that are delivered to us at our appointment.
And it will be exactly at the appointment that they will lead us step by step towards the new quantum finance. After the delivery of cell phones and PCs in their presence we will have our first internet connection. After opening the login to the QFS website you need to proceed to: – biometric scan of our vibrations and memory. – A new E-mail to create – A password to create – A username to create – A 5-digit code to create At this point you have created your unique access that makes you the only one enabled to access your newly opened account. Even the credit cards work with the codes you have created. This lets you access your account via: Credit Card Phone Q Computer Q And that is all. From now on you can do whatever you want with your money.
The Rider of the Storm
 Government Shutdown
Government Shutdown

Will There Be a Government Shutdown by October 1st?

Adding yet another layer of uncertainty is the looming threat of a government shutdown. If the U.S. government fails to pass a budget by October 1st, the consequences could be catastrophic for the economy—and by extension, the banking sector. Government shutdowns typically lead to a freeze in federal spending, which could ripple through various sectors, including finance.
A shutdown would further erode consumer confidence in the stability of the financial system. In such an uncertain environment, banks may accelerate their shift towards digital platforms, consolidating their physical presence in order to minimize risks and maximize cost-efficiency. With consumer demand for online banking already growing, the potential for a government shutdown could be the final nail in the coffin for many traditional bank branches.
U.S. Banks Close 55 Branches. Between August 19th and September 7th, some of the nation’s largest financial institutions—Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, and Fulton—announced the closure of a staggering 55 branches across multiple states. While this may seem like a shocking number, it is merely the latest chapter in a much larger story of the slow death of brick-and-mortar banking.
Bank of America and Chase took the lead, each announcing the closure of 12 branches. Wells Fargo followed closely behind, informing regulators that it would shut down nine locations. Meanwhile, Fulton closed seven branches. These closures were not isolated to any particular region but were spread from Arizona to New Jersey, highlighting the nationwide nature of this trend.
In addition to these closures, smaller banks such as First National Bank of Long Island, Flagstar, Moody, PNC, Santander, UMB, and Zions Bancorporation also contributed to the growing list of shuttered branches. The trend is unmistakable: as online banking becomes the norm, traditional banks are cutting their losses by closing expensive, underused branches.
The Shift Towards Online Banking. According to Andrew Murray, Lead Data Content Researcher at GoBankingRates, the trend towards online banking is not just a convenience—it’s becoming a necessity.
But convenience isn’t the only factor driving this shift. Online banks, which have significantly lower overhead costs, can offer more competitive rates and fewer fees, making them an attractive option for cost-conscious consumers. The average American can save hundreds of dollars per year by switching to an online bank, thanks to lower account maintenance fees and higher interest rates on savings.
The Financial Benefits of Closing Bank Branches
The financial rationale behind closing physical branches is hard to ignore. According to industry estimates, the average freestanding bank branch costs around $2.6 million per year to operate. This includes everything from rent and utilities to employee salaries and security costs. By closing underperforming branches, banks can redirect these funds towards more profitable ventures, such as improving their digital platforms or offering more competitive interest rates.
In the first half of 2023 alone, U.S. banks closed 539 branches, according to research conduct daily mail The state hit hardest was California, which saw 72 closures, followed by New York with 51, and Pennsylvania with 40. This wave of closures is likely just the beginning, as more and more financial institutions look to “rightsize” their branch networks in the face of mounting economic pressures.

Military mobilized to defend QFS: Global wealth redistribution underway with troops in the field: elites are in panic!


 The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is here and the elites know it.

They are in a panic, struggling to maintain their crumbling power. But it is too late. Global military forces have been mobilized, not to prepare, but to enforce the transition to the QFS.

This is the biggest power shift in history and the system is about to lose everything it has accumulated over centuries. Operation Shield, South Africa, August 2024. They claim this is a routine military exercise, but that is a lie.

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF), led by General Thabiso Mokoena, is protecting critical infrastructure in the QFS. Cyber ​​units, air defence systems, special forces: they are stationed at QFS centres in Johannesburg and Cape Town, ready to defend the future of global finance.

Why the military mobilization? Simple. The elites are desperate. They will stop at nothing to derail the QFS, which will reclaim the world’s wealth from their iron grip. Mokoena’s troops are ready to crush any attempt to sabotage the QFS network.

Failure is not an option. But it’s not just South Africa. Satellite surveillance is everywhere. High-altitude drones circle relentlessly, watching every inch of the earth and cyberspace. China and Russia are also involved, with advisers embedded in the operation.

Their warships are stationed in hotspots like the South China Sea and the Mediterranean, defending essential undersea data cables for the QFS. Admiral Viktor Volkov of the Russian Navy and Admiral Chen Wei of the Chinese Navy are commanding fleets armed with quantum encryption technology, systems you haven’t heard of yet. If anyone tried to sabotage the QFS, they would be destroyed.

The ugly truth for the elites? It’s not just about infrastructure. The QFS is about reclaiming the wealth they have stolen for centuries. They have manipulated currencies, controlled markets and drained nations. The QFS is the dagger that will end their empire.

Powered by quantum computing and blockchain, it is immune to the tricks and scams that elites have been using for decades. And now that the transition is underway, there is nothing they can do to stop it. The QFS is coming fast.

The storm is not coming, it is already here. This is the moment when the world’s wealth is being redistributed, not by the elites, but by a system they cannot control, hack or stop. The QFS will return what was stolen and this will be the largest transfer of wealth in human history.

The elites have tried to sabotage it by manipulating currencies, spreading lies and even attempting military interventions. But Russia and China have neutralized their every move. The networks used by the elites to control the global economy are collapsing and it is only a matter of time before the entire system collapses on them.

But don’t be fooled. The elites will do everything they can to maintain control, spreading fear, lies and confusion about the QFS. But the military knows the truth. Patriots know the truth. Now you know it too. Operation Shield in South Africa is just the beginning.

Similar operations are taking place worldwide as military forces in the United States, Europe and Asia reinforce QFS centers. The media won’t tell you, but this is happening right under their noses and they are powerless to stop it.

The storm is here. The elites are out of time, out of options and soon out of money. The QFS will strip them of their ill-gotten gains and redistribute the wealth to the people. Are you ready? Because this transition is unstoppable and those who are not prepared will be left behind.

👉The Q Storm



The Q Storm
The Q Storm

Theory: Was Trump a time traveler with access to Nikola Tesla’s hidden inventions? – September 23, 2024

The Trump family time travel conspiracy theory is a complex narrative that interweaves historical figures, literary works, and speculative science.

Here’s a detailed account of what conspiracy theorists say happened:

1. Ingersoll Lockwood’s books and their mysterious predictions

The theory begins with two obscure books written by Ingersoll Lockwood in the late 19th century: Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey (1893) and 1900: Or, The Last President (1896).

These books describe the adventures of a boy named Baron Trump, who, guided by a mentor named Don, takes a trip to Russia through a time portal. In “1900: Or, The Last President,” a controversial outsider becomes president and causes turmoil in New York City.

2. The role of Nikola Tesla

Was Trump a time traveler
Was Trump a time traveler

The famous inventor Nikola Tesla plays a central role in this conspiracy. Tesla’s work on electromagnetism and speculative technologies has always been a source of fascination. Conspiracy theorists claim that Tesla was close to discovering time travel.

When Tesla died in 1943, Tesla’s papers were confiscated by the U.S. government. The FBI enlisted the help of Donald Trump’s uncle John G. Trump, a respected MIT scientist, to review these documents.

3. John G. Trump’s Involvement

John G. Trump reportedly examined Tesla’s documents and dismissed them as speculation. However, conspiracy theorists argue that he may have discovered important information about time travel and other advanced technologies, which he then kept secret.

They suspect that John G. Trump may have passed on this knowledge to his nephew Donald Trump so that he could use it for personal and political purposes.

4. Donald Trump and time travel

The theory posits that Donald Trump used his uncle’s knowledge of time travel to ensure his rise to power. This narrative is supported by the uncanny parallels between the events described in Lockwood’s books and Trump’s life and presidency. For example, “1900: Or, The Last President” describes the social unrest following the election of an outsider, which conspiracy theorists have linked to the protests and unrest during Trump’s presidency.

Additionally, the character Baron Trump bears similarities to Barron Trump, Donald Trump’s youngest son, adding to speculation.

5. Cultural and social influence of the media

This theory has gained popularity online, especially on platforms like Reddit and 4chan, where users have made numerous connections between the books, Tesla’s work and the Trump family history.

Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the theory has captured the imagination of many, blending elements of science fiction and reality into a compelling narrative.





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESSS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of September 22nd through September 28th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 22nd through September 28th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Autumn Equinox Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation (Libra Season).

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste








Buckle up and grab your popcorn! If you’ve been waiting for something big to happen, the time has finally come. This isn’t just a warning, it’s reality.

The global financial meltdown is happening before our eyes. Those you thought were untouchable – the banking elites, the Rothschilds, the celebrities, and even BlackRock – are all falling. This is not a slow burn; it’s all hell, and there’s no stopping it.


Let’s be clear: the so-called “elites” are scrambling to save themselves. Their valuable assets are flooding the market like a fire sale, with multi-million dollar homes being sold at a rapid pace and BlackRock declaring bankruptcy. Yes, you read that right! The big guys are getting crushed. They’re losing billions with no way out. This is not a market correction; it’s financial armageddon for the corrupt elite.

Still skeptical? Let’s take a look at why Executive Orders 13,818 and 13,848 are dismantling their empires. For years, these elites have been manipulating the markets, violating human rights, and fueling political unrest. But now, the tables have turned. Sanctions are coming down hard, acting like a wrecking ball to their once impenetrable empires.


Bank failures: the inevitable consequence of greed

Banks don’t just collapse out of nowhere. If you think the recent bank failures are due to mismanagement or bad luck, it’s time to wake up. This is a calculated fall.

The banking sector is in freefall. We’re talking about giants like Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse and First Republic, once symbols of financial security, but now they’ve disappeared and been reduced to mere footnotes in history.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. This isn’t just a handful of banks struggling under pressure; it’s the entire global financial system, built on corruption and greed, that is imploding.

The bank collapses that are occurring are not random; they are justice visited upon those who believed themselves invincible. They are working on borrowed time, losing money while pretending everything is fine.

Well, it’s not good anymore. Their fragile system is falling apart, and this time there’s no bailout big enough to save them.

And here’s the crux of the matter: They’re being punished into oblivion. The executive orders we’re about to look at aren’t just targeting a few bad actors, they’re dismantling the entire corrupt network.

When the entire Cabal Banking SWIFT (acronym for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) system goes down. Only the QFS will remain.

With the QFS banking system, it operates only on light. It cannot be hacked because it has an ASI. An artificial intelligence far superior to human intelligence. People who are not members of the cabal will not only not lose money, but will also become richer.
For the GESARA prosperity funds. Only the dark ones of the cabal will lose everything. The QFS artificial intelligence has already created their QFS accounts with the funds of every citizen.

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