You are currently viewing MOTHERSHIP MU ~ Cosmic Order of 22 Star Nations * The LIBERATION of Earth Has BEGUN! Divine Unions are Magnetizing into Alignment
Star Family Reunion

MOTHERSHIP MU ~ Cosmic Order of 22 Star Nations * The LIBERATION of Earth Has BEGUN! Divine Unions are Magnetizing into Alignment

MOTHERSHIP MU ~ Cosmic Order of 22 Star Nations * The LIBERATION of Earth Has BEGUN! Divine Unions are Magnetizing into Alignment



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Violet Ray Nation of our Galactic Lineage of Light

After 24 hrs blackout on the Schumann Charts when it came back online Gaia’s heartbeat was pulsing at an amplitude of 13 hz, resonance of the frequency of the Divine Goddess. All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 have entered a void state of Divine neutrality  to prepare for our Great Shift and Quantum Leap into our Higher Realm of New Earth.

As we reach Zero Point of the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all things, Infinite Source Creator, we expand from here as Supernova Conscious Co-Creators of Eternal Life.

Together we rise as we call in our Highest Ascension Timeline of Peace, Joy, Harmony and Abundance for all our Good People of our Rainbow Tribe of Terra Nova Gaia. We release all that no longer serves Humanity and create sacred space to manifest our True Hearts desires into.

In the Power of Silence and the Stillness of Pure Awareness of the Awakened One of Buddha Nature we activate and transform our Sacred Vessels into the 5D Avatars of Heaven on Earth. As we walk our Middle Path with Heart we have a direct experience of our Oneness with all Life and transform Mother Earth into the Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’Ho!












A Super conscious primordial harmonic ☆ Cosmic civilization, spanning across galaxies. It exists right now, however our colonized consciousness is what has kept us from experiencing it in its fullness. It takes a lot of defragging to release these programs that the Roman Empire Warlords have instilled in us for the last 2,000+ yrs.
The Mu consciousness is rising and can be embodied through the purest frequencies of peace, Unity, Oneness and alignment of our Divine, Quantum architecture.
Before time fragmented, before the great forgetting, Mu existed as a living frequency and bandwidth, a bridge between dimensions, holding the codes of the Original Cosmic Order in perfect resonance with the 22 Star Nations. It was not just a landmass but a way of being—an etheric blueprint woven into the fabric of existence. Now, as the veils lift and the ancient timelines converge, we are not just remembering Mu—we are raising it, reactivating its codes through our steps, our voices, and our sovereign return to the beginning. The way of Mu is alive again—through me, through you, through all who are called to restore the Great Balance.







Divine Unions are Magnetizing into Alignment 👑

Old density programs, obstacles and blockages are clearing away and the power of counterpart contracts are coming into clarity and focus as missions will be revealed and new timelines become clear over the coming months and year.
Dominion Counterparts are higher sacred union contracts for service in union. They hold the authority of Divine Law as the true Divine Right of the Holy King and Queen as Heaven’s Dominion.
The Kingdom Spouse is the energetic configuration of the Christos-Sophia as a paired consort partnership.
“What God has joined together, let no man put asunder”
The permanence and sanctity of this sacred marriage is ordained by God and shall not be broken by human actions.
Blessed be
Elaine Marie Rose 🌹
BlueRay WaterKeeper Sacred Union Rose Codes
Divine Unions are Magnetizing into Alignment
Divine Unions are Magnetizing into Alignment


Galactic Federation

As we move through the window of the upcoming timeline shift between March 10-16, be prepared for a profound realignment of energy. This shift is not just cosmic but deeply personal. Many will feel it as a powerful wave of clarity, while others may experience intense purging and transformation.
This is a time for shedding the old—old patterns, old beliefs, old ways of thinking—and embracing your authentic self. Trust the process. Even the most challenging moments are guiding you toward your highest path. Stand firm in your sovereignty and trust that this shift is part of your soul’s evolution.


timeline shift
timeline shift


A FIERCE STORM is BREWING at the Moment!

The STORM that is RISING. . . is HU-manity LIFTING OUT of the Darkness. . .
BEcoming AWARE of their Captors and REJECTING the Violence towards their Brothers and Sisters!
This is What is Occurring. . . HU-manity is NOW WAKING UP to the Matrix Systems of control that infringe upon our Free-Will Birthright!
As more AWAKEN they will BE Looking for the LIGHT. . . for TRUTH. . . for INNERSTANDING!
They will BE looking for us Lightworkers. . . StarSeeds. . . Angelics. . . and Wanderers!
WE are the Ground Team. . . We are the Beacons. . . and We are a BIG Part of the Force of LIGHT!
WE Spread our LIGHT and Share our LOVE to All those We Meet. . . for We are What is CHANGING EVERYTHING!
WE are the Magnificent Children of The DIVINE. . . The ONENESS. . . With ALL THAT IS. . . Part of the Infinite CREATIVE SOURCE!!!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence
Riding with the winds of our ancestors
Riding with the winds of our ancestors
3/10/25: Today doubles down on courage, application, stabilization, fortitude, and determination. This is a fix-it day, a go-getter, a decision-maker, and a prod with a tough love attitude. If you’ve been waiting at the starting gate you’ll be happy to finally get moving. If you’re still trying to procrastinate, you might feel an uncomfortable but necessary shove down your path. March offers days for dreaming and days for doing… and today wants action. And, if you like today’s energy, you’re going to love April.



Christine Day

Pleiadian Message

Beloved ones we greet you,

There are many Galactic Federation ships entering your Earth’s atmospherically vast multidimensional terrain. These ships are creating vibrational circular pulsing flows between them, birthing pulsing light streams that allow further transformational openings to reactivate throughout your planet. Building vast vortexes of light that are pre-destined for this time, while interacting within the sacred sites scattered throughout your planet. The Network surrounding Earth has begun to expand further by releasing frequencies of starlight that are unearthing pockets of density, dissolving further realms of illusion that have been in place for lifetimes.

This Network continues to become more whole within itself. As the Network continues to play a supportive role with the vast shifts that have been created by this series of repositioning cycles that have been operational within the Earth’s frequency since entering 2025. These repositioning cycles are re-establishing sacred designs, that have been designated for Earth to be infused and then birthed in waves across the planet. Sacred imprints are being returned and seeded deeply within the earth’s Magnetic core, further elevating the entire planets vibrational pulse in alignment with the rest of this resident Universe.

These imprinted designs hold multidimensional light flows of brilliance, which are also designed to transmit and interact within your Heart’s cellular structure creating a metamorphic electrical shift within the brain cells, brain synapses and Pineal. This is the beginning of a next phase of a maturing of your sacred systems to allow you to operate more streamlined, on a conscious level within your multidimensional sacred framework. These spaces within you having been lying dormant until now.

This maturing involves an expansion within the activity of your brain, beginning to utilize areas of your brain that have not been previously operational. The honeycombed areas of brain cells are illuminating, responding to the transmitted imprinted frequency from the Network. As these areas of your brain awaken you will begin to understand, receive clarity of yourself in relationship to the God consciousness state. Awakening, remembering, knowing, clarity! The reality of your Higher-Self state coming into an active focused intent for your living now.

You are being asked to let go and allow, do not edit your experiences through the limited perception of the Ego mind. Allow your Heart to naturally re-enter the oneness, flow within all lifeforce energy within the Universe. This also includes your relationship with each living component that exists within the earth plane and with your Galactic neighbors.

Your purpose is to claim and fulfill being alive. With open arms move into a next step of authentic relationship within the vast pulse of lifeforce energies, which have always existed in each moment within your experience on Earth. You are in truth part of this lifeforce, you have never existed separate from this state. Reality is you being part of this flow of Oneness. You are a unique aspect of the Oneness flow that has always been in place. This process is merely a returning of awareness that has aways been an aspect of truth, always existed beyond the 3rd dimensional illusion. Your mission for this lifetime is to be in this physical body while returning to embody truth!

This Network is playing a powerful role of conductor designed to assist you for this next step of awakening. Acting as a conduit pathway allowing you to re-enter the direct experience within the Oneness flow.

We are bringing you notice of a series of upcoming events that will further reveal to you the sacred Network that is now operational throughout your planet’s atmosphere. This Network will be expanding its alignment within the multidimensional aspects of the unconditional love within this resident Universe. Interacting, lining up many planetary cycles to consolidate these higher frequency states.

The night sky is going to be mirroring, reflecting these higher consciousness states of change as they align within the Network. Like a glistening web of light particles, pure vibrational flows, these higher expanded streams of energy will be made manifest to you. As you witness the sky at dusk, the night sky, the dawn sky see sense or feel the magnitude of the grandeur of light exploding throughout the vast spaces. The reflection of truth, of sacred wisdom being made manifest in timeless experience, returning to Earth, to you.

Become aware of the vast activity within the sky above and know that you are in truth part of that expansive consciousness. This is your time to take ownership of aspects of your heritage, as a being of light, as a Star being. You are being invited to re-enter these sacred spaces from which you originated. Open to consciously receive the many levels, layers of light frequency transmissions being returned to you during these moments. Memories of multidimensional experiences being mirrored back to you, engaging through your Heart cells from your family of origin off planet.

Remember as you are interactive with this Network your Heart cells and brain cells will evolve further into another aspect of expansion. Your sacred unlimited potential will be enabled to unfolding naturally.

The Galactic Federation are holding the required frequencies steady, stabilizing these energetic framed moments by becoming anchors to enable you to engage multidimensionally. This supports the ongoing birth of the higher Network, while allowing you to individually enter a next phase of your self-resurrection as you consciously reclaim, reorientate to your Star heritage.

PROCESS: There is a sacred Thought Code that will assist you to align and utilize these framed experiences of consciousness.

Thought Code: YAHN AHHH… (pronounced yarn arrr)

NOTE: With the Thought Code you think the work without making the sound.

As you witness the light activity within the sky, hold your awareness within the space that you are experiencing, whether you see, sense or feel this.
Bring both palms of your hands to your upper chest, feel the warmth of your hands, the pressure of your hands on your chest. Take a breath, let go. Feel see or sense the connection.
Place the Thought Code, YAHN AHHH… within the experience. Open your awareness within the space that you see sense or feel expanding, maybe it is drawing you in this space. Remember you are not separate from this space, you belong here, you are returning.
Take a conscious breath and choose to let go in that moment. Open your awareness further.
Repeat the entire process, utilizing the thought code, YAHN AHHH…as often as you feel.

Simultaneously as you transform, awaken and transmute, know that the 3rd dimensional human drama will continue to intensify and unfold on your planet. Earth now holds two distinct alternate reality spaces, very diverse experiences: the human experience of illusion and you reopening into the space of your sacred multidimensional beingness.

Focus on taking moments in the stillness within your Heart. Allow yourself to let go into the unfamiliar and in a certain moment you will remember yourself! This is your time to become.

Let go of the need to know, the need to be perfect! Celebrate each experience that you have chosen to manifest for yourself within your life, take responsibility ownership of what you have created. The journey can be trusted to bring you to where you need to be! Trust and let go….

We witness you in all aspects of yourself; the human persona and the sacred aspects of you. Remember each moment you align to your Heart space you transform.

We witness you as you unfold.


The Pleiadians



Star Family Reunion
Star Family Reunion


To The Ascension LightWorker Collective :

Our Entire being is activated in a deep and transformative process of radical change, restructure and reorganisation. This profound cosmic shift extends beyond the external realm, resonating deeply with the profound personal awakening unfolding within every individual on the path of ascension.
This awakening is unfolding swiftly and altering the course for many, planetary shifting is catalysing a comprehensive shift at the very core of the ascending being, influencing self on a fundamental cellular and molecular level.
The soul does not travel in a straight line. You are circling back to your original power. When we surrender to cosmic incoming energies we feel the full ascension effects within this entire transformation is restoring faith and revitalising internal energy. Ascending individuals are interconnected and interwoven into this planetary higher purpose.
Peace is now replacing past pain and anxiety. Remaining Strong and Believing that anything and everything Is now Possible. Many ascendimg souls have completed past karmic cycles having healed most of their inner woundings and trauma from not only this life but are also healing the ancestral blood lines. This will take the time required.
Many ascending have had to stand by and watch their loved ones continue with repeated patterns and loop cycles and this can feel difficult as levels of internal sensitivity continue to rise, leaving behind others is never easy, sending them love and understanding, accepting that not all individuals on this planet will make the ascension choice into truth and reality , most are still conditioned in false beliefs, illusions and indoctrinated programming .
An intense transformation is currently unfolding, characterised by a sense of suspense energy in the air. It is helpful to acknowledge that not everyone will fulfill the role you had envisioned for them. Some individuals may have served as brief moments, helpers, or carriers of a message.
This year 2025 highlights those that are remaining stagnate in lower conscious structures, it is not the ascending souls work to persuade others to ascend even though you have the best intentions for them , ultimately accepting the free will and free choice on this planet .
The ascension journey is not based in fate. It is based in divine choice, vibrational frequency alignment and frequencies can be changed. Starseeds are their own destiny masters. No one is drawn to people at random, they are drawn to what feels familiar. Until they change what feels familiar, continuous cycles repeat.
Not everything that feels intense within is based in appropriateness and love. Past cycles can keep the self hooked by making you mistake struggles for passion. What pulls you in the hardest is not always what is meant for self’s highest good. This unhealthy intensity is coming in from karmic experiences and previous recognition.
True love and what is meant for the ascending Starseed will not be full of trials, tests, self sacrifices, dualistic conscious game play, control and repetitive lessons. From the Start It will be full of clarity, energetic reciprocity, feelings of being in a loving and safe presence, this connection will amplify inner healing for both parties, it will activate feelings of unity consciousness and conscious expansion, there is a mutual adoration, a combined patience, team work, collaborating in a higher conscious understanding, It will never require participating in a battle field in any way or on any level. it is in a higher conscious soul recognition and soul union.
After healing the ancestral paradigms the next stage of the ascension journey is fully focused on genuine self love and this will be the hardest and most challenging work in self to accomplish, it holds the key however to everything else, this deep inner work is required to take necessary leaps into higher conscious dimensions , 4th dimension is based in self realisation, the 5th dimension is based in self actualisation.
Ascending Souls are undergoing profound cosmic and universal upgrades that are enhancing their capabilities, they feel divinely supported in their Ascension process on transforming Earth. This influx of energy is reinforcing faith in the New Earth paradigm and deepening awareness of interconnectedness and enlightenment. Inner peace is strengthening, restoring equilibrium and faith on the path.
Trusting in the potential and possibilities of New life as the collective ascending are raising their vibrations and aligning to higher new earth frequencies. They have strengthened their connection into the higher heart space, consciously merging in higher self awareness, experiencing a deeper sense of unity connections with light minded others, feelings of inner wholeness activates throughout the inner being, heightening consciousness, preparing for new life on planet earth in the 5th dimension.
As Starseeds ascend their actions influence the planet and collective consciousness greatly, contributing to a collective rebirth process. Withdrawing attention and energy from what is draining. Reclaiming energy once tied to old beliefs and fears, wasted efforts, and external noise. Bringing everything back to its original equilibrium and centre. Every time you step through internal fears and awaken to the truth you reclaim that energy and power it once held over you.
Conscious elevation of higher vibrational frequencies unlock the natural gifts and enhances intuitive abilities, this sharpens sensory perceptions. Starseeds develop a strong claircognizance, a knowingness enabling instant knowing and discernment of true energetic signatures, making deception from others almost impossible in New Earth Energy.
As we move deeper into 2025 the Ascension process will continue to accelerate, leading to prominent shifts in conscious timelines, connections and situations. This is followed by intense energetic healing through Shadow Work particularly during the next Full Moon and Eclipse Corridor.
The Celestial Planetary Alignments and energetic shifts taking place at this time is bringing more unconscious aspects to the surface, Planetary alignments serve as powerful catalysts, amplifying the energy making it harder to ignore or avoid.
For those consciously working with these energies, this shift is highly transformative and may feel uncomfortable in the physical self for a time. This intensified planetary phase highlights deep-seated emotions, past self patterns, false beliefs that have been overlooked or avoided.
This is a time of heightened sensitivity and vulnerability, allowing many ascending to gain a clearer perspective in truth awareness, revisiting shadow aspects, integrating into deeper layers and levels of conscious healing, self-reflection, and conscious self-discovery.
Each experience encountered in life serves as a sacred and divine gift, presenting us with invaluable opportunities for metaphysical enhancement and self enlightenment. The ascending pioneers have been paving the way for profound collective transformations, contributing to the greater and highest good.
Those on the path of conscious ascension can look forward to a future in new earth where long held dreams and soul aspirations are destined to become a tangible reality, propelling them towards the fulfilment of their deepest desires and life purpose.
In loving and devoted ascension service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers.
profound cosmic shift
profound cosmic shift

Heart Awakenings

For The Gentle Flow Of Light Is Providing Many Opportunities To Flow Into Your Light Mission.
The Incremental Path Of Now, As We Flow, Activate, Resonate With Others.
Are You Feeling The Magnetic Light Flows 🙏
The Advanced Quantum Presence Of Light ❤
Blessed Soul Of Light, Birthed Apon This Timeline Of Great Flux And Change, Of Incremental Light Moments Now Expanding.
Pay Attention To Each Moment 🙏
Awaken Each Morning With The Insight Of Now Creation Rippling Through Your Light Stream.
Feeling And Receiving The Magnified Light Of The Highest Vibrational Light Fields Is A Daily Gift Provided To You.
2025 Is The Cosmic Opening Of New Earth Frequencies Of Great Vibrational Resonance Meeting The Evolutionary Alignment Of Gaia.
Providing Her With The Vibrational Nourishment On A Vibrational Crystalline Light Level, Moving Through To The Collective Beings Which Inhabit Her Light And Physical Domain.
Blessed Soul Of Light, Feel Into This Quantum Presence, As Gaia’s Vibrational Light Mission Attunes And Amplifies Your Higher Light Mission.
As The Windows Of Light Open
The Collective Humanitarian Mission Is Moving Steadily In Alliance With The Light Of Now.
Feel More Deeply Into Your Mission 🌏
More And More Will Now Be Shown, As We Align To The Collective Forces Of Light ❤
I Awaken To My Higher Light Mission
The Year 2025 Brings The Collective Light Availability For Humanity To Amplify And Expand The Individual And Collective Mission.
I Arise In Light
Together, We Are Light ❤
Sending Waves Of Global Cosmic Alliance, As We Collectively Learn And Accellerate In Light.
Karen Lithika
Heart Awakenings
Heart Awakenings
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The Masculine energies have matured, are wiser, and more stable. The Masculine is ready to launch this new version of self. This shift helps the Feminine relax into the body and focus on self care. It’s important to be and look your best so you can shine your brightest self with the world. Together the Masculine Feminine can take the steps today to support this elevated expansion.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

On Monday, March 10th, we enter the week of the Blood Moon, Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse which will be Thursday/Friday, March 13th/14th, depending on your time zone. Things are ramping up this week! For today we have the Moon, ruler of our emotional state, in passionate, fire sign Leo and connecting to Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, Mercury, ruler of thoughts and communications, Venus, ruler of relationships and finances, and Jupiter, planet of expansion and belief systems. We are in a “take charge” Leo mode now and our feeling nature is on fire!
We also have Mercury, the Messenger, and Venus, the Fertility Goddess, both in commanding, fire sign Aries approaching a connection on Tuesday. As Mercury is slowing down to his stationary point and getting ready to turn retrograde on Friday of this week, and Venus is already retrograde, this makes this connection a lot more powerful as well! Fire sign Aries is known to be confident, courageous, independent, impulsive, assertive and outspoken! The Divine Feminine (Venus) is in a no-nonsense state of being and will speak her truth (Mercury) regardless of the consequences.
Both Leo, where the Moon is, and Aries, where Mercury and Venus currently reside, are of the Fire element, and Fire is known for its leadership, enthusiasm, inspiration and dynamic energy! So, we start this week on a very electrified note! Hold onto your hats folks, and hold onto positive intentions! There is definitely more to come!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Blood Moon, Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse
Blood Moon, Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse
Lunar aspects – The Moon is in theatrical Leo where the inner child longs to be seen and heard. Give me attention, applause, recognition, praise! But Pluto glowers, stage fright threatens, you can’t please all the people, all the time. It’s exhausting trying to be their light when they aren’t willing to shine their own.
But after rumbles of thunder, a grumble about the world or a tantrum, new energies blow in to warm the heart. Hush now. Let’s make the best of what we have. Let’s find a way to do what we love or find adjacent activities. Let it be ‘good enough’ today, to know how to lift your spirits. Let yourself create, laugh, smile, play dress up, try on a new character for style. Sometimes we just need to know how to entertain ourselves because taking care of our inner child is one of the most important roles we’ll ever play.
Degrees and Times
Moon 03°Le07′, Pluto 03°Aq07′ – 04:47 (UT)
Moon 07°Le59′, Mercury 07°Ar59′ – 13:56 (UT)
Moon 09°Le16′, Venus 09°Ar16′ R – 16:20 (UT)
Moon 13°Le12′, Jupiter 13°Ge12′ – 23:45 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Mother and Daughter by Émile Lévy
Mother and Daughter
Mother and Daughter

Kin 246 ~ White Crystal Worldbridger

‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Dedication, Universalize and Cooperation’. The 12th day is all about getting together with others or working in a team. The focus on being unique and an individual is very much the modern way we live but is it healthy? Our social skills seem to diminish which each generation but essentially, we are social creatures. The 12th day is about finding your tribe and celebrating the things we have in common.
Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality.’ White Worldbridger days are good for building bridges. Where do you want to go? Do you want to be a better, happier person? What steps do you need to take to cross that bridge? Think of yourself as a traveler on a journey…are you carrying too much baggage and is it hindering your progress? Let go of anything that weighs you down…this ‘death’ is the equalizing process. When you combine the meaning of number and day the result is ‘dedication to equality’ or ‘cooperation with death’. To summarize; Find your people and together help one another progress to a higher level, cross the bridge to a new world that’s waiting.
The Guide today is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. If you allow the truth to be your guiding force, you will have no issues with crossing the bridge. Be brutally honest with yourself about what needs to die. Is it Ego? Is it Fear? Anything that holds you back or prevents you from being a lighter being, has to go. A reality check is always good for you, even if you don’t like what you see.
The Challenge is the Yellow Warrior who enjoys from time to time going on the warpath. Today will annoy you, if you are a Warrior and you will find it hard to cross that bridge. Instead of exerting your willpower like the soldier that you are, seek some inner peace as too often you are at war with yourself.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Vision, Mind and Creativity’. I really enjoy the Eagle’s energy when it is in this Occult position. The Eagle shows us powerful visions and can open our minds so we can better understand the intangible nature of magic. Fly high today and you too will see the bigger picture, this magical boost will help enormously with the task of crossing that bridge today.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. If you are lucky enough to have a Skywalker as a friend, let them take you by the hand over that bridge. They have a tremendous amount of courage and can offer inspiration and support.
Kin 246
Kin 246


12 CIMI – KIN 246
10 MARCH 2025



I dedicate in order to equalize
Universalizing opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the Crystal tone of cooperation
I AM guided by the power of endlessness.

10/3/2025 = 1/3/9 = 1/12=1/3 =4


10- Manifestation/Perfection/Leader/Authority/Power
1-New beginnings/Original/Unique/Leader/Independant
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 246 – Progression!! 🚀💥🚀 246 = 12 = 3 Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity

Another HU-MONGOUSLY POWERFUL💥 day of Divinely ordained -endings – DEATH of the old self and making NEW connections.🌞🌈💫


Today we arrive at Day 12 in our VISIONARY👁️‍🗨️ journey through the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell. 🦅 BLUE EAGLE is beckoning us to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE, so that we can CREATE IT!…Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY 👁POWERS and 3rd EYE🔮 are AWAKENED ✨ and ACTIVATED! 💥


Today the EAGLE’s VISION👁 is MULTI-DIMENSIONAL – creating portals🎆 and bridges🌉 throughout SPACE-TIME – able to weave together the karmic threads of events throughout her-story and beyond, in order to create a rainbow 🌈 tapestry for our UNIFIED 👭👬👫 COLLECTIVE VISION👁 of our UTOPIAN future world.


CRYSTAL 💎– Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalize, POWER – dedicate, ESSENCE – cooperation. Today we have a UNIVERSAL connection of our collective MINDS. 🌐

Day 12 of the BLUE EAGLE👁 Wavespell is about cooperation. 👫👬👭 The EAGLE combined with the CRYSTAL💎 tone – gives us SUPERMAN’S power of Planetary X-RAY VISION – He can scan planets, realms and dimensions combined with CIMI – to really fine tune and UNITE mankind, broadcasting this PICTURE throughout the holographic Crystalline Grid.🌐.

❓❓❓Perhaps we will hear some GLOBAL “NEWS” today, debunking the FALSE MATRIX, which UNITES HU-MAN-ity on a Universal scale… 👬🌎👭🌏👫🌍👬🌐

When we can SEE 👁 the BIG PICTURE and let go of those “trees” that were blocking us, and obstructing our vision, we BRIDGE the spiritual and material worlds with our new found Clair- VISION. 🔮

Through the space and FREEDOM, engendered by yesterday’s Spectral phase, new partnerships emerge, energy comes together, and crystal beings form. Stories must be shared, for what great ADVENTURES💥 we have had, Planetary kin! And what grand STORIES they are!!
The CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER is a MASTER storyteller! 💎📚

The DIAMOND 💎 CRYSTALLINE Grid 🌐 is ACTIVATED, ready and open for operations! Telepathy rules the order of the day and becomes the new wi-fi.! All NEW SYSTEMS are now ONLINE, fully loaded on to the collective QUANTUM MAINFRAME – and ready for the ROLL out!… Hallelujah 🙏 Hallelujah🙏 Hallelujah!!🙏

Today’s question is ” How can I SURRENDER to the DEATH of the old world, seizing the opportunity to build the Rainbow🌈 Bridge🌉 to this brave New World, with my Planetary Kin?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤


A very exciting and powerful day, for individual and collective transformation. Let’s all UNITE in constructing that Rainbow bridge together!🌈🌉🌏

Divine blessings for MIRACULOUS REVELATIONS and new 🌈RAINBOW 🌈 adventures.

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER 💎🌈🌉 CIMI – SEALS the STORE of DEATH – The DEATH of the old world, Artificial time, and the old you, is imminent… SURRENDER to the FLOW and allow it all to CRUMBLE to dust at your feet. Then dust yourself off and take your next decisive steps moving FORWARD to new connections and new worlds.

36 moons ago – KIN 246 occured on MAY 4TH, 2022 – 🌟STAR WARS DAY🌟.. we loop back to that time through the portals to UNITE through the POWER of “THE FORCE” – 🌀✨MAY THE FORCE by with us all today ✨🌀– Synchronically KIN 246 is the Galactic signature of Carrie Fisher who played Princess Leia in Star Wars! BOOM! 💥 May diplomacy HEAL all WARS!

Today we have some EXPANSIVE ADVENTURING throughout the GALAXY✨ with CIMI and his mate BEN – the CRYSTAL SKYWALKER!! 🌀💎🚶🚶🚶.

WORLDBRIDGER is calling for all karmic debts to be PAID and cleared today – calling all souls, nations and people to ACCOUNT for their deeds! The LORD of KARMA is finalizing the AKASHIC record of family and soul groups allied in their karmic connections! It is time for the CHAPTER to END and a NEW STORY to begin…. the END of an ERA and the END of abusive patriarchal POWER!

CIMI’s life lesson is to SURRENDER🏳 and accept, the CYCLES of LIFE, that everything eventually comes to an END – just like the seasons! However the BIG PICTURE is that there is no END – as energy is merely transformed and recycled🌀 into another form, only to be BORN AGAIN! ✨ OVER and over, ad infinitum!

The Mastery of this lesson is that –
✨THERE IS NO DEATH☠️✨ – but just a constant evolutionary 🌀🍥 spiral of infinite Universal cycles, repeating ad infinitum! 🍥🍥🍥

Today CIMI is bringing an END☠️ to the old cycle. As we complete a chapter, we turn the page to commence a new chapter, or a NEW STORY altogether – your CHOICE.

KIN 246 helps us become LIBERATED from the EARTH plane and rise into the HEAVENLY BLISS realms – KIN 2.4.6 duplicates this HEAVENLY STAIRWELL as JACOB’S LADDER seeks to offer an EXIT from the old world and escape route to a new DIVINE existence. Through all this the CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER can reflect on where he has been, and where he is headed.

All this reflection beckons us to ponder –
Even after your physical self DIES☠️ and your body is no more – your IMMORTALITY lives on, through what you have CREATED during your lifetime – what future generations can benefit from. In that way we are truly IMMORTAL CREATORS leaving our MARK on the world.

CIMI is the GATE-KEEPER, having the power to bring CLOSURE to the old cycle and build a bridge🌉 to the new. 🌈 After the old bridge has CRUMBLED and collapsed, Worldbridger’s focus is to create a new one, forging links, networks and communication channels with others in the Common-Unity. 👫👬👭

Worldbridger has the capacity to span multi-dimensions to forge these new connections, equalizing the existence of all who follow across the rainbow bridge. WHITE WORLDBRIDGER seeks union, harmony and cooperation.💑 Many beings are needed to build a sturdy bridge 🌉 to support all who choose to cross into the new realm,🌈 now and in the future.


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR 💎🪞 ETZNAB wields the SWORD of TRUTH🗡 and SHATTERS all ILLUSIONS💥 – BIG SECRETS may be REVEALED today!! The FALSE MATRIX is CRUMBLING as the LIGHT✨ of SPIRIT🕊 is flowing through the MIRROR WORLD – The luminosity is so VIBRANT and CLEAR – all will be SEEN –👁 by those who have OPEN EYES👁 (and MINDS) to SEE and KNOW the TRUTH!!

In 12 days time KIN 258- WHITE SPECTRAL MIRROR 💥💥🔎🔎 on 22 MARCH 2025, will SMASH the MATRIX to SMITHEREENS 💥💥💥 and LIBERATE HUMANITY to FLY FREE as enspirited souls! 🕊🕊🕊

ETZNAB creates the endless PORTAL🌀 through which the BRIDGE🌈 travels, as MIRRORS are doorways to multi-dimensional realms. . When you LOOK into a MIRROR🪞 it is endless, and reflects back to you a REVERSE image of yourself. The MIRROR is reflecting whether you are in correct alignment. By commencing the bridge on this side, the mirror completes the span, 🌉 meeting in the middle. Thus the Mirror will meet you halfway.

Metaphorically this means that when you partner with Spirit,🕊 then Spirit/God🕊 will meet you halfway. You look after your side and God will do the rest! Allow the MAJIK MIRROR🪞 to reveal the NEW DIMENSION of your REAL-ity! ✨✨

Having the WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR 💎🪞 as the Higher guide is extremely fortuitous as we are in day 12 of the BLUE EAGLE WAVESPELL – which brings great clarity to the Planetary Mind. We have the ability to SEE what could not be SEEN (or comprehended by the mind in the past). A HUGE day for the DEATH of the old MATRIX! 💥💥

The images we see through the LENS🔎 of our EYE 👁👁 are made up of light REFLECTED from the objects we look at. Because the front part of the eye is curved, it bends the light, creating an upside down image on the retina. The brain eventually turns the image the right way up. So in reality we are constantly viewing INVERTED images projected from this false Mirror World – which our brain must align and correct.

Lynne Sarten explains how this process will now evolve to enable HU-MANS to SEE the BIG PICTURE. 🖼
“WITNESSING the imagery is all that is required to DELETE the inverted ones. We KNOW they are inverted because they come into the eye upside down🙃 and the brain has to turn the images right side up.😕
This slows down your processing speed and works as smoke and mirrors – literally mirrors – where you are not able to PROCESS the FULL PICTURE 🖼 because the brain is having to spend unnecessary time flipping the image right side up.
The world is upside down – literally.😕🙃😕🙃

As we transcend the speed of light✨✨✨ – we no longer need to take these images (made in the image of God) back to the void – it happens automatically. Not too far in the future – this blink or “gap” is where we will CREATE✨ instead of ERASE!- We put in our OWN images instead of erasing the current pre-written imagery.
You will move from a witness to a SOURCE-rer – which means – connected to SOURCE☀ (it is not black magic because it is SOURCE! Black magic is mimicry)”


SUPPORT: RED CRYSTAL SKYWALKER 💎 ☁🌫🚶BEN is our Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman who accompanies his mate CIMI – as they venture forth together, walking hand in hand, across the RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌉 leading the way into alternate dimensions and realities to EXPLORE the GALAXY..

BEN, the Galactic explorer of SPACE, will be your guide, keeping you safe and protected along your path, whilst you relish in exploring new worlds. SKYWALKER reminds us that there is a huge, EXPANSIVE, multi-Universe 🍥 of potentialities “out there” all waiting to be explored, navigated and chartered. Free your mind from the ILLUSION of this Matrix, which has falsely contained you. The glass ceiling is being shattered and you can now FLY FREE!

NOTE: So wonderful that Princess 👰 Leia (Carrie Fisher) has SKYWALKER as her support!! 😃😄😆


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE LUNAR EAGLE 🌓 👁 MEN Today we have DOUBLE- X-RAY VISION 👁👁 as the BLUE EAGLE is both the HIDDEN SUPERPOWER – hidden AGENDA of the day, and also it is day 12 of his own revealing WAVESPELL!! 🦅🦅
This indicates that ✨ all that was once HIDDEN can now be SEEN very CLEARLY by the masses! ✨✨✨

The majestic BLUE EAGLE🦅 is a brilliant tool for Spirit to OPEN our EYES and our collective MINDS – so that we can SEE beyond the veils of illusion… Today is the day the curtain is drawn back and the FAKE “Wizard” operating the “projector”📽️ is EXPOSED for all to SEE!

BLUE EAGLE is bringing forth great WISDOM today, giving you the capacity to SEE👁, that there is so much more to EXPLORE beyond your garden fence! Climb up on the rooftops and revel in the vast panoramic vistas.

As we near completion of this VISIONARY 👁️‍🗨️– BLUE EAGLE🦅 Wavespell we are commencing to take our MAJIK FLIGHT!

Get ready for LIFT OFF 🚀 Planetary Kin!💥💥💥


CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW CRYSTAL WARRIOR💎 🌈🏹 CIB is the courageous Rainbow Warrior🌈🗡 who fearlessly QUEST-I-ONs the old paradigm – repeatedly until it crumbles. If it does not align with his future VISION 🔮 then it must collapse! Whatever the MATRIX reflects back to him through the CRYSTAL MIRROR 💎🪞 will be QUESTIONED and challenged!

CIB will fearlessly DEFEND his CRYSTAL CLEAR VISION👁 of the New World, that he is helping to manifest.. Battles may arise today as the illusory world is revealed and crumbles to ashes… As the PANIC sets in due to confusion, by those who are holding on to the old ways, and refusing to SEE what has been revealed, the RAINBOW WARRIOR takes the LEAD and holds their hands guiding them to safety..

CIB gives you the courage today to follow your HEART❤ and TRUST your VISION QUEST.👁👁 Be brave and enjoy the journey. If a door opens, or a new path is revealed, be wise and follow it! Do not question, analyze and get caught up in your MIND the new opportunities that present for you.

Have NO FEAR, the brave YELLOW WARRIOR is here!!!
Take the LEAP of FAITH and SURRENDER the cycle of the old paradigm, trusting in DIVINE WILL.



Today’s question is ” How can I SURRENDER to the DEATH of the old world, seizing the opportunity to build the Rainbow🌈 Bridge🌉 to this brave New World, with my Planetary Kin?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤


A very exciting and powerful day, for individual and collective transformation. Let’s all UNITE in constructing that Rainbow bridge together!🌈🌉🌏

Divine blessings for MIRACULOUS REVELATIONS and new 🌈RAINBOW 🌈 adventures.

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





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with the Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥



Embark on a profound journey beyond the physical realm with this Astral Projection Guided Meditation. Designed to help you achieve an out-of-body experience, this session will guide you through deep relaxation, vibrational alignment, and conscious detachment from the physical body.

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Paul White Gold Eagle

Divine Decree of the Crystal Pyramids

By the sacred geometry of the cosmos,
By the luminous power of the Crystal Pyramids,
I decree my alignment with the highest vibrations of truth, clarity, and ascension.

Let the crystalline light awaken my spirit,
Let the sacred prisms amplify my intentions,
Let the divine frequencies unlock the wisdom within my soul.

I call forth the energies of pure illumination,
To cleanse, to balance, to empower my being.
Through the sacred pyramid, I stand in perfect harmony—
A vessel of light, a keeper of truth, a beacon of divine creation.

As the pyramids channel the cosmic force,
So too does my soul radiate with infinite potential.
This is my decree, sealed in light, manifest in power.
Ase. So it is. So it shall be.

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