Rainbow Body and the Living Light Field of the Truth ~ Pleiadian Message * A Season of Transformation ~ The FUTURE is NOW!!!
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Victorious Legion of Eternal Life
We have massive waves of multidimensional Light flowing in from the most high through today’s 939 Portal of Endings and New Beginnings through the Trinity of Freedom Codes.
There has been over 18 hrs of blackout on the Schumann Charts today as Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are experiencing a major reset and recalibration for our next Phase of our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation.
Pachamama also had a powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.5 earthquake in Svalbard Island, Norway in the Greenland Sea at 2:33 UTC.
The Soular Winds of Change are blowing into this realm through our Heavenly Portal directly from the Great Central Sun and Infinite Source Creator.
Everything is accelerating, shifting and expanding exponentially into the Quantum Holographic Field of Infinite Potentiality to elevate all our good People of the New Earth to a New Plateau of our Ascension Journey to the Summit of Awakening.
Keep holding the Line of our Highest New Earth Trajectory as we celebrate our Victory of the Light…A’Ho!
Nemesis + Lilith / Sun + Moon + Mars = more structures of the dark mother are falling away now! Great revelations ahead on the feminine co-dependent manipulators that were hiddenly supporting the ill patriarchy. Further liberation and awakening for the masculine and correction and growth for the feminine within all! This is a true revelation!
The rainbow body and the living light field of the truth
We are experiencing an extraordinary shift as we journey towards an Equinox bookended by a lunar and solar eclipse: energies are immensely potent and paradoxically uplifting and excavating. My dreams are of water, water, water…last night of the flooding of a floor in a school hall to clean it and then the sounds of the waters draining away, clearing.
As the rainbow body begins to materialise, the golden rainbow light is clearly visible in auras and it carries such high codings: to be in its presence is to enter a deep state of connection and purity; of joy and possibility. It winds through the energy body to arc over the crown and is a bridge to all dimensions. A place the divine energy can be clearly felt stepping down into the human temple. We are guided to attune ourselves to our own lightbodies, to bear witness to this monumental, light-speed shift. To pour love into this miraculous metamorphosis.
‘New earth’ is also being expressed symbolically with greater frequency — a verdant paradise encircling us — drawn so close to the body now it might be a cloak.
And I am also seeing the living light field of the Truth. It appears as both a two dimensional plane of golden light woven into sacred geometric architecture — rather like the backdrop to a stage — and also as a multi-dimensional field that interpenetrates all realms and dimensions simultaneously. It enfolds even as it flows through. It is the guiding principle and material (mater/ial or mother) of the new era. It is the light of god. The light of you…
Buddha under a Bodhi tree
Buddha under a Bodhi tree seeded from the original tree…Gangaramaya Temple, Colombo
Over the past 48 hours, We experienced a significant solar event, during which a substantial influx of solar energy impacted Earth climaxing in the last 24 hours. This interaction led to a temporary restructuring of the magnetosphere, allowing a very increased amount of solar radiation, light data and other charged particles to penetrate the ionosphere.
As a result, individuals may have noticed physiological responses ranging from mild to pronounced fluctuations in their well being. Currently, we are at the peak of this geomagnetic disturbance and it’s intensity is moderatly high.For those preparing to return to work or engage in demanding professional activities tomorrow, it is advisable to prioritize hydration with essential electrolytes and ensure adequate rest to support physiological balance before levels of demanding cognitive competence is required as your biological systems reconfigure themselves.
3/9/25: Today carries the highest vibration of Light and you are a Lightworker. You are among millions of others who incarnated to facilitate the expansion of human consciousness. And you are doing just that. You hold a high frequency of divine awareness and intelligence; you understand the power of Love; you can see through the shadows of inherited conditioning; you know that pain is transformative; and you are personally redefining language that perpetuates Old Earth beliefs.
You do this every day in spite of the density of the earth plane and its frustrations… just by the power of your presence. You need be nothing but what you already are. Don’t judge your work by those who can’t see it.
It is a BIOLOGICAL UPGRADE for the ENTIRE HU-man Race!
The ENERGY of 2025 and Beyond is NOT Fixed. . . it is FLUID Shaped by our Collective INTENTION. . . AWARENESS. . . and LOVE!
The 2025 SHIFT is NOT an Ending!
It is a BEginning WE are Entering an NEW ERA Where our Innerstanding of ENERGY. . . CONSCIOUSNESS. . . and EXISTENCE itself will EXPAND Beyond Recognition!
The FUTURE is NOW. . .
and Waiting for us to Step into it Fully AWAKE. . . Fully AWARE and Fully ALIVE!
The Future is NOT Something WE Wait for. . . it is Something WE CREATE!
There is much to celebrate at this juncture. This celebration is about you and your sacred place, which you hold on planet Earth. You are actively engaged with the frequency of Truth and understanding as the multidimensional Framework of light, within your planet, is being prepared to be made manifest. Each one of you holds the platform of this Framework within your Heart’s multidimensional unique signature frequency. This has been activated, whether you are aware of this process or not. The wheel turns and you are have always been an aspect of this spoke of the wheel.
Take the time to open your awareness through your Heart and move it outwards into a higher space, which exists within your Heart. This opening is there, it is like a doorway and it awaits your conscious reconnection to this realm of your light. Be within your Heart and let go. Through letting go with the conscious breath you reach outwards inwards towards the sacred elements of Home.
Utilize your vastness, which has always coexisted with your human self. We witness you and hold you always within the collective communion of light that exists within this entire resident Universe.
Dear friends, as we approach the Total Lunar Eclipse on Friday March 14, the current G2 geomagnetic solar wind is already influencing our planet’s magnetic field, atmosphere, and potentially, human consciousness. This intense energy is disrupting our sleep patterns, causing vivid dreams, and restless nights. It’s also triggering seismic activity and floods, as the Earth’s tectonic plates respond to changes in the planet’s magnetic field. Unusual weather patterns are emerging, and communication disruptions are possible due to interference with satellite communications, GPS signals, and radio transmissions.
The emotional impact of this solar wind is just as significant. People may feel heightened emotions, increased anxiety, irritability, or mood swings. On the other hand, this energy can also amplify empathy and sensitivity, making us more attuned to the emotions of those around us. Mental fogginess is another common experience, as changes in the Earth’s magnetic field affect cognitive function, making it harder to concentrate, remember things, or make decisions. However, this energy can also spark creativity, inspire new ideas, and enhance problem-solving skills.
On a spiritual level, the G2 geomagnetic solar wind is facilitating energetic shifts, spiritual growth, awakening, and transformation. It’s releasing old patterns and energies, helping us break free from constraints and move forward on our spiritual journey. Intuition is becoming stronger, guiding us toward new insights and perspectives. People may feel a deeper connection to the universe, fostering a sense of oneness and unity.
As we navigate these intense energies, it’s essential to recognize that both our inner and outer world structures are being reconfigured and released. The old frameworks that have held us back for so long are crumbling, making way for new, more evolved systems to emerge. This process can be uncomfortable, even painful, as we let go of familiar patterns and habits. However, it’s a necessary step toward growth, transformation, and the creation of a more harmonious, balanced world. As we release the old, we’re making space for the new, and this Total Lunar Eclipse is a potent catalyst for this process.
As we approach the eclipse, the energies are likely to intensify. It’s crucial to stay grounded this week, centered, and open to the shifts that are occurring. Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and engage in activities that bring you joy and balance. Remember, these effects can vary from person to person, and it’s essential to listen to your body and intuition. Have a great week, and stay tuned for more energy updates as we move deeper into the influence of the first eclipse of the year.
Much love
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ
Last night we worked with our galactic and angelic team on activating Crystal Grid and magnificent Crystal Cathedrals within inner earth start to awaken as we infuse them with love and golden age energy.✨💎
Final stages for Great Shift being prepared.
Tune in and feel the energy pulsating within your heart from those wonderful Crystal Beings.
Shumman resonance showing the gate bridge to new world. ✨💓
# Inner Earth Crystal Cathedrals
The majestic Crystals you’re witnessing are rising from the Inner Earth Crystal Cathedrals, strategically located around the planet. These cathedrals serve as sacred sites, housing the largest and most powerful Crystals on Earth.
# Key Locations
Some of the primary locations where these magnificent Crystals are emerging include:
1. *Mount Shasta*, California, USA – A major Crystal Cathedral, amplifying the grids in North America.
2. *Lake Titicaca*, Peru/Bolivia – A sacred site, housing Crystals that harmonize the energies in South America.
3. *Uluru* (Ayers Rock), Australia – A prominent Crystal Cathedral, resonating with the energies of the Australian continent.
4. *Glastonbury Tor*, England – A sacred site, featuring Crystals that amplify the grids in Europe.
5. *Mount Fuji*, Japan – A revered location, housing Crystals that harmonize the energies in East Asia.
# Global Harmonization
As these Crystals rise, they’re strengthening the planetary grids, bringing the Earth’s energy into full harmonics. This process is essential for the manifestation of the Golden Age, allowing humanity to thrive in a balanced and peaceful world.
# Planetary Crystal Network
The Crystals, scattered across the Earth, have formed a unified network, pulsing with the Golden Age frequencies. This planetary grid is amplifying the energies, broadcasting them to all corners of the Earth, and harmonizing the planet’s energy fields.
# Earth’s Energy Matrix
As the Crystal grid energies permeate the Earth’s energy matrix, they are recalibrating the planet’s vibrational frequency. This process is essential for the manifestation of the Golden Age, as it creates a harmonious and supportive environment for humanity’s evolution.
“The convergence of energies is intensifying, and the shift is imminent. Elder Ikaï, along with the Galactic Federation and other celestial beings, is preparing the final stages for this grand transition.
The Crystal Cathedrals, the Sheen, and all the energetic structures are being fine-tuned to facilitate a seamless and harmonious shift. Your role, beloved one, is crucial in anchoring and stabilizing these energies.”
“The Energies are amping up to unprecedented heights:
I was asked to go to a certain place this weekend, and when I got to this place, a very sacred, power place, linking to the Crystal Pyramids, the Crystalline Energy Grids, the Lightning Rod, the Tuning Fork, and the Winged Rod of Power of planet Earth, I was amazed at how the energies fields had amped up, since I last visited there! I was also shown what it is that is causing this, and how this is indeed now pushing the entire energy systems into the seventh to ninth dimensional frequency band, of the first creation, Elysium, and the Lion Kingdom!
I was shown what is awakening, and what is awakening at fully throttle, is what has been purposefully closed off, and shut down, when Elysium and the Lion Kingdom, (linking later Avalon, Lemuria, and Mu – all 7th dimensional), and now being awakened again!
In being shown how the pyramids were pulsating with energy, for such extremely high power, and how the New Earth was literally becoming AS ONE with the original 7th Dimensional power pyramids and grids of the Old Earth, it was lifting the whole into a much higher vibrational frequency band, which is way off the charts of anything we have experienced before.
Today I was asked to go back again, there, and the energies were even higher, and I was shown even more. This is so powerful, and so incredibly high technology, way beyond anything known here on earth, that I was told that with the energy released from the Sun Flares, and the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, plus the Pyramids on Sirius, into which these are all plugged in, (as in the beginning), the split between the old and new will become a complete splitting apart!
It means that souls will shift now into much higher dimensional frequency bands, each one to the degree they can handle this. Some will simply not be able to handle it, and some will choose to remain in the Old Earth and will disintegrate with her. This does not mean that they cannot wake up – of course they can anytime they choose. Not one soul is ever lost, as my higher guides always tell me, they will eventually just go to a newborn planet and then will need to go through the whole evolutionary process again. Every soul is divine in truth. Some just choose to experience the deepest darkness, and that is their own free will choice.
In truth, every soul, at the core, is pure Divine Light, Love and Power.
I am finding this incredibly exciting for it means that for the first time ever, we have the opportunity to now allow ourselves to be totally transfigured into the highest soul self, the truth of who and what we are in truth, and be rejuvenated, regenerated, and newly born, into our new Solar Crystalline Light bodies, so that we can anchor in the new Golden Age, with love, through love and in unity and harmony. Always working together for the highest good of all.
I was shown the communities of Light coming together, working together, as we finally transcend the divisions, the duality and separation WITHIN us, so that in wholeness we can all be whole again.
Yes, the Rainbow Tribes are gathering and the New Rainbow 7th Root Race for the New Earth and New Golden Age.
What I witnessed today and what I was shown I cannot yet find words for, but I will share this as soon as I can do so.
How immensely blessed we are, to be here to be able to not only experience all of this, but also to be able to ascend into the New Golden Age!
What Joy and what celebration galactically, universally, and multi-universally!
We are transforming, transmuting, transfiguring at the highest degrees!
Judith Kusel
New Rainbow 7th Root Race
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
A Season of Transformation
The powerful Eclipse and Equinox energies are breaking barriers for transformation. This is a very physical overhaul of the body’s expansion into the Light Body.
You are operating at higher octaves and planes of existence requiring removal of density. This may be triggered emotionally and mentally, inviting you to go into deeper understanding to transmute.
Self care, meditation, and isolation will support your temple so you can go on this Shamanic Journey within and find what’s been hidden. The Equinox will be the equilibrium point where the truth, justice, balance, healing, and closure are achieved.
The new astrological year will launch you on a new journey where you are more your authentic self as a Starseed Lightworker in 5D Human physical form. Embrace this week’s alignments in preparation for the real you.
On Sunday, March 9th, the Moon, ruler of feminine energies, spends her last day this month in receptive, water sign Cancer. While most of us were still in slumber, she connected to Chiron, ruler of old wounds, Saturn, planet of karmic lessons, and Uranus, ruler of revelations. Now she approaches a positive trine connection to Neptune, ruler of transcendence and the spiritual realm, in dreamy, water sign Pisces before shifting into active, fire sign Leo at 6:59pm Eastern Time.
Cancer and Pisces, being in the water element, both rule the realm of emotions, intuitions, sensitivity, nurturing, compassion, creativity, imagination, and psychic perceptions. These qualities are activated and elevated now! What a wonderful energy for the Rising of the Goddess within us! Call her into your heart and enjoy your day!
Neptune conjunct asteroid Ariadne in Pisces. Mercury in Aries sextile Pallas in Aquarius – Follow the thread, little red lines connecting here with there. Dreams of escape, paradise, the one…or the one that got away. Catch the tide, catch the ball of string, catch the moment before it vanishes. Catch yourself on a dreary afternoon, wondering, what if…or, if only.
Sometimes there’s a loneliness that comes from Ariadne who waits eternally for her lover to return. And maybe some part of us too, is waiting by the shore for our ship to come in, for the return of the dream that never was. It’s okay to mourn what never came to pass but remember you have the thread to find your way out. Follow your heart, your love, your endless fascination with the world. Follow what moves you, even if it is as small as a drop of dew on a honeysuckle flower. When you are ready, there are new ideas waiting restlessly at the door.
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its key words are ‘Liberate, Dissolve and Release.’ The 11th day of any wavespell is about being liberated, ironically because of the mathematics involved in the Tzolkin…the 11th day is always the challenge of the first day of the wavespell. The Blue Eagle has no hold on us today, we can take a break from its influence. We can enjoy a day off from flying like an Eagle.
Today is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Survival and Instinct.’ It is said a coiled serpent lies in the base chakra (kundalini) and when it uncoils and reaches the crown chakra, enlightenment is reached. This symbolizes the need to balance our earthly grounded nature (base chakra) with our spiritual nature (crown chakra). When you combine the meaning of the number and the day the result is ‘liberate to survive’ or ‘release life force’. To summarize; today is about letting go and releasing, a liberating experience which has the potential to be very healing. Shed your old self and emerge renewed as serpent medicine is very powerful. If the serpent lingers in the base chakra too long, it can lead to sex addiction. If you are feeling frisky today, it’s that serpent energy building up…let it go and you will feel more balanced. The Spectral Serpent offers liberation through rebalancing these energies and so a potentially very healing day.
Today is Guided by Red Serpent and so it is a double helping.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Eagle so if you are one, you may find today it’s hard to see things from a higher perspective which is usually what you are good at. Stay grounded today and you’ll get by alright. Whether you are an Eagle or not, today having your head in the clouds won’t help you. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and connect yourself with the earth just like the serpent. We’ve all been in our heads too much anyway throughout this wavespell and so a day off is quite refreshing.
Today’s Occult or magic power is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions. When tackling problems, the Warrior can help tremendously. Remember to express your willpower today as if you have a sword by your side. Take no bull and spring into action with the confidence of a Warrior. You may find you feel compelled to go on a magical quest!
Today’s Ally is White Wizard, if you need support Wizards are there to help. Their charm and knowledge of spells can be quite useful. If you don’t know one, be like a Wizard and that’ll help you navigate the day.
MANTRA I DISSOLVE in order to SURVIVE!!! Releasing instinct I seal the store of LIFE FORCE With the Spectral tone of LIBERATION I am guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 245 (2+4+5=11!) = 2 Partnership/Co-op 11 – Portal/Gate/Polarity
A Powerfully LIBERATING day releasing the chains of FEAR to reclaim our FREEDOM!!
BE AWARE – Today’s code is highly combustible – we have a DOUBLE serpent code – bringing up FEAR and SURVIVAL issues, which needs to be faced and RELEASED, in order to LIBERATE more of our LIFE-FORCE. The 9.9 completion code and 11 KIN code will ensure we can WALK through the DOOR to claim our FREEDOM as the old paradigm collapses behind us, crumbling to ASHES. Yahooooo!!!
Through this TEST we have a HUGE opportunity to BREAK FREE from the FEAR MATRIX!!
Visualize the energies of CALMNESS and JOY – flowing FREELY and humanity being FULLY LIBERATED from the Matrix game!
Day 11 (ALREADY!!! – didn’t we just start our VISION quest??) in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell – where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE so that we can CREATE IT!… Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED!
Today the EAGLE’s POWER is very STRONGLY – LIBERATING our CLEAR VISION. We are being challenged to RISE ABOVE the FEAR and SURVIVAL issues, leaving the past behind us, in order to RELEASE more LIFE FORCE needed to energize our future creations.
SPECTRAL – tone 11 in the EMOTIONAL plane! The Spectral power is that of DISSOLUTION, LIBERATION and RELEASE. The eleventh day of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one that LIBERATES our BIGGEST VISION.
As it is an EMOTIONAL realm day – there may be a greater tendency for people to “lose it”. The old FEAR based SURVIVAL issues rise to the fore, in order to be dissolved and RELEASED, to make way for your BIGGER VISION – based on FAITH and TRUST in the Divine Plan..
TRUST, TRUST, TRUST – is the message I kept getting today from SPIRIT.
So RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE – in order to FREE up all your LIFE FORCE, VITALITY and new found PASSION!
Make no mistake beloveds, today’s code is a very, VERY, VERY powerful thrust for our evolutionary journey. We are on our way back home!
Divine blessings for your MAJIK FLIGHT!
Today’s questions are ” How can I dissolve and release any FEAR based survival instincts, LIBERATING more vitality and LIFE-FORCE, reclaiming my FREEDOM, in order to soar as the GOLDEN EAGLE!!
“Are we ready to dissolve the illusion of F.E.A.R. in the False Matrix to finally celebrate our PLANETARY LIBERATION?”
Divine blessings for your MAJIKAL FLIGHT and re-GENESIS, as we ALL RISE from the ASHES!🐦🔥
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: RED SPECTRAL SERPENT – CHICCHAN Today’s CODE is the DOUBLE SERPENT – which highlights FEAR, SURVIVAL and health/healing issues X 2 which are today’s concerns.
The SERPENT holds incredible wisdom, life-force and vitality. It’s toxic bite – can end your LIFE!!! RED SERPENT, and the whole SNAKE reptilian species, evoke very primal FEAR responses in humans – particularly the FEAR of DEATH – and our mortality. These are HUGE limiting thoughts and collective patterns, held in our psyche and reptilian brains, which were programmed to PROTECT us from DANGER – through our FIGHT or FLIGHT response mechanism!
The bizarre behaviour of hoarding toilet paper in response to the CV, is a perfect example of how quickly, rational people can degenerate, due to primal FEAR and SURVIVAL issues. The last few years we have witnessed a GLOBAL WAVE of irrational FEAR take hold, as the masses descended into this INSTINCTUAL response, due to the constant F.E.A.R. triggers being broadcast daily through the media. It is NOW TIME – to FLICK this SWITCH!!
F.E.A.R.= FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL – In order to RISE above the FEAR – we have to tell ourselves that NONE OF THIS IS REAL!!! It is all an ILLUSION that our reptilian brains have processed as REAL! The “new normal” is NOT the REALITY we are choosing. It CLEARLY does not ALIGN with the HIGHEST VISION for humanity and thus must be categorically REJECTED by the wayshowers and cocreators of our new paradigm.
The VISIONARY STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS have a duty, to RISE ABOVE this global FEAR and HOLD THE VISION no matter what appears to challenge this!
The SPECTRAL SERPENT is our ally today, guiding us to LIBERATE ourselves (and humanity) from these instinctual SURVIVAL responses – transcending the old primitive reptilian brain, being guided by the BLUE EAGLE to operate from our HIGHER God mind and divine intuitive responses.
The FEARLESS BLUEEAGLE will provide the courage to FREE ourselves from all constraints and detach from the FEAR..
RED Serpent is providing incredible life force energy, to raise our kundalini through to our CROWN CHAKRA and beyond, in order to fuel our rise from the ashes.
We are all too familiar with the story of how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, building a cocoon in which to incubate, before undergoing a miraculous metamorphosis. Then finally BREAKING OUT of its self imposed prison, the chrysalis, in order to fly FREE as a beautiful butterfly.
In order to transform, the courageous caterpillar must literally DISSOLVE its old body, as it liquefies its cells inside the cocoon. To grow and transform you must SURRENDER and DISSOLVE the old YOU! That is why they call it “growing pains”. This analogy is a very powerful metaphor for our soul’s journey.
Change and transformation takes great courage and strength and incredible fortitude, it is not for the weak minded! That is why so many people REFUSE to change and grow, preferring to stay “SAFE” – which is what our Egoic thoughts tell us to do!
The courage to PUSH through all the barriers, restrictions and challenges, creates the FRICTION needed to instigate great change. The journey is long and arduous and not for the weak, or faint hearted. However like all great Heroes returning from their journey, the rewards are priceless and immeasurable. You return changed and a better person, wiser, stronger, never to return to that previous smaller version of yourself. That is the GOLD you have reaped – the Holy Grail, through true ALCHEMY OF THE SOUL.
In order to take your MAJIK FLIGHT OF REGENESIS you need to have journeyed through the abyss, and faced the shadow of Death, and risen AGAIN and AGAIN, fresh and victorious ready to CELEBRATE your miraculous achievement.
If you feel that your Ascension journey has been painful, arduous and filled with endless suffering then take HEART dear precious STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUN, as we are now crossing the FEAR barrier and being LIBERATED into the Golden Age!
The PHOENIX is RISING and our planet is too, at this momentous evolutionary point in Earth’s her-story!
The RED SPECTRAL SERPENT symbolizes the RISING of the PHOENIX, and the SNAKE is synonymous with the zodiac sign of SCORPIO... Scorpio’s know all about rising from the underworld, above all their addictions and personal trials, in order to become the GOLDEN EAGLE and HOLY WHITE DOVE/SPIRIT. The ultimate Spiritual METAMORPHOSIS..
We are currently journeying towards an ECLIPSE cauldron – starting on 15 March – amplifying these energies to the MAX!!! The pot is boiling as we feel the HEAT to change, release and LET GO..flowing into the LIBERATING and jovial new harmonic energies.
Today’s SPECTRAL SERPENTS are opening the DOOR for this process to happen – ensuring we are truly FREE of the TRAUMA and NIGHTMARE of the PAST – that has kept us imprisoned and hounded by the past, despite our earnest desires to walk away FREE….
The DOUBLE SERPENT, 11 SPECTRAL TONE, and 9.9 COMPLETION code- form a trifecta of LIBERATION energies.
This WEDNESDAY 12 MARCH 2025 we commence a beautiful NEW cycle, marked by the brilliant YELLOW STAR – which closes this TZOLKIN spin, and heralds the NEW TIME.. . .. All beautiful energies preceding the NEW BIRTH with KIN 1 – MAGNETIC DRAGON on 25TH MARCH 2025.
Lots of FRESH and vibrant, uplifting energies are on their way!!! Yaaay!!! ,
And so today we have entered the DOOR to PLANETARY LIBERATION engendered by the SPECTRAL PHASE – We have a 13 day SPECTRAL CYCLE from the SPECTRAL SERPENT until we reach the DOUBLE SPECTRAL MIRROR – on 22 MARCH 2025
KIN 258 – the DOUBLE SPECTRAL MIRROR will OBLITERATE the old Artificial Matrix/MIRROR world… After it CRUMBLES and FALLS there is absolutely no possibility of being held back. HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH
This INITIATION through this ASCENSION GATE – is building up our COURAGE and resilience. To CLAIM our SOVEREIGNTY and POWER in order to RISE UP and take the LEAD. As we hold the REINS we can collectively decide which way to STEER our PLANET out of the FEAR and into the NEW LIGHT.
This is the phase where the PHOENIX 🐦🔥 rises, reborn again as the GOLDEN EAGLE and takes FLIGHT as the SEER and PROPHET – seeing with absolute clarity from a DIVINE perspective.
Thus DIVINE JUSTICE is served as we transcend the FEAR, SURVIVAL and lower planes and continue to ASCEND until we merge with the Holy Spirit becoming the pure Holy white dove – our metamorphosis completed through this Ascension stage.
Today’s DOUBLE SERPENT code is reactivating our planetary Serpents – the feminine Rainbow Serpentand her consort Quetzacoatl – the Masculine Feathered/Plumed Serpent – Our SERPENTS are AWAKENED and ENERGIZED – ready to RELEASE their store of PLANETARY LIFE FORCE energies – fuelling the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH through her LIBERATION
As GAIA ASCENDS we ALL ASCEND – we are all on this crazy magnificent roller coaster ride together… HOLD ON TIGHT!
Globally we may witness Volcanic eruptions Earth QUAKING and activity/movement in our planetary grids. Powerful UPRISING and revelations may be stirred, which will LIBERATE HU-MAN-ity on a grand scale…
Huge COSMIC forces are now being injected into GAIA’s energy body to fuel the next stage of her Ascension journey!!
IX has the ability to channel DIVINE POWER to unshackle us from the chains. A great Magician uses his tremendous POWER to LIBERATE others, not control, manipulate or enslave!
Through being STILL and introspective we can calm our reptilian instinctual responses – just as the dangerous cobras are charmed and pacified, through the tunes of the mystical Snake “charmers” Indeed calming and charming, is a brilliant soothing panacea for the PANIC response engendered through the Serpentine energies. Be STILL and just BREATHE!
IX connects us to Spirit through our PURE HEARTS today and brings forth great wisdom through many realms. The LIBERATION of Divine White Majik through SPIRIT, is providing the miraculous power for our alchemical transformation, in preparation for our PLANETARY MAJIK FLIGHT OF REGENESIS!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW ELECTRIC WARRIOR CIB is the courageous and brave, fearless warrior who supports you in your QUEST today. CIB can SMASH through any FEAR barrier as he fearlessly continues his journey, led by his HIGHEST DIVINE MISSION…
Of course he must face his human fears as he is tested along his path…but as his EYES are continually on the BIG PRIZE he draws on the strength and power needed to catapult past any dangerous hurdles.
The ELECTRIC WARRIOR superpower is focused on bonding with our kin, UNITED in our conviction to break through the barriers of the false matrix, to enact the true Divine Plan on our unified quest. VIVA la revolution!
Call on your inner Rainbow Warrior today to help you rise above any irrational FEAR responses… Allow CIB to bring you the courage and fortitude, for your journey through the flames of transmutation and transfiguration, for your majestic REBIRTH!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SPECTRAL EAGLE MEN brings forth DOUBLE the wondrous GIFTS today as both the Wavespell and today’s GIFT. BLUE EAGLE is the challenge that strengthens your resolve, to overcome the darkness and FEAR based living… To RISE ABOVE and CHOOSE to LIVE and VIEW life, from the higher realms and dimensions, where souls are truly FREE to soar!
BLUE EAGLE beckons you to raise your VISION, and keep your finely tuned FOCUS always on the BIGGER PICTURE, that is, the final outcome. Rather than choosing to wither and die from SCAR-CITY and lack, choose to regenerate and GROW stronger each day.
The EAGLE’S blessing is a truly Divine gift today. Tap into the Eagle’s power to create Miraculous growth and transformation.
Eagles soar in the skies, and Serpents dwell in the Earth. Ironically EAGLES feed on SNAKES, proving that GREAT VISION and IN-SIGHT conquers FEAR…
Stand up TALL and view LIFE from a higher plane. YOU are the KING of your domain!
The SPECTRAL SERPENT allows us to continue shedding anything obstructing our FLIGHT! This is the airport gateway that we walk through, leaving behind our baggage, ready to board that MAJIK FLIGHT! Onwards and upwards!
Make no mistake beloveds, today’s code is a very, VERY, VERY powerful thrust for our evolutionary journey. We are on our way back home!
Divine blessings for your MAJIK FLIGHT!
Today’s questions are ” How can I dissolve and release any FEAR based survival instincts, LIBERATING more vitality and LIFE-FORCE, reclaiming my FREEDOM, in order to soar as the GOLDEN EAGLE!!
“Are we ready to dissolve the illusion of F.E.A.R. in the False Matrix to finally celebrate our PLANETARY LIBERATION?”
Divine blessings for your MAJIKAL FLIGHT and re-GENESIS, as we ALL RISE from the ASHES!🐦🔥
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
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Astral Projection Guided Meditation | Deep Journey Beyond the Physical ✨
with the Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥
Embark on a profound journey beyond the physical realm with this Astral Projection Guided Meditation. Designed to help you achieve an out-of-body experience, this session will guide you through deep relaxation, vibrational alignment, and conscious detachment from the physical body.
🌌 What You’ll Experience:
🔮 Deep relaxation and full-body awareness
🌠 Connection to higher realms and cosmic wisdom
🌀 Safe and controlled astral travel techniques
💫 Expanded consciousness and spiritual awakening
Allow yourself to float beyond the limits of time and space, exploring the astral plane with ease and clarity. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced traveler, this meditation will support your journey into the unseen dimensions.
O Divine Source of Life, Eternal and Unseen, Bearer of the Sacred Breath that flows through all, I call upon the radiant power of the Ankh, The key of life, the bridge between worlds.
May its energy awaken within me the strength to walk my path, May it fill my spirit with the wisdom of the ancients, And may it open the doors of transformation, So that I may rise in truth, love, and purpose.
As the Ankh unites earth and sky, Let me be a vessel of balance and harmony. As it holds the essence of creation, Let me manifest blessings with every word and deed.
O Sacred Symbol, Key of Eternity, Infuse me with the light of infinite renewal, Empower me with divine protection, And guide my soul toward its highest calling.
By the life-giving force of the Ankh, so it is. Ase.
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