Tremendously Powerful Pyramid Keys and Codes have been Activated! Sirius and 7th Central Sun * The Wayshowers ~ Sacred Fire Letters
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Galactic Star Nation of our New Eden Rising
In the Pure Awakened State of Unity Consciousness all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are assisting Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in this Ascension Process of the Great Awakening.
As we make our Quantum Leap and Shift of the Ages we call in our Highest Timeline of Peace, Joy, Abundance and Freedom for all our Good People of the New Earth.
Nothing and no one can stop us in our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation for we have returned to the Great Mother and her Dream of the Garden of Purity and Harmony as we walk our Path with Heart as real hue-man beings, being connected to all things in the Oneness of the Unified Field of Pure Awareness.
As we resolve all things perfectly in the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha we find the Kingdom of Heaven within that is the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all Things and realize our True Nature as Sovereign conscious Co-Creators of Heaven on Earth and step over the threshold of the New Earth as Wayshowers of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica, Mothership 33 of our Cosmic Fleet of the New Jerusalema…A’Ho!
The “old souls” are those who have lived hundreds of lifetimes on earth during which they have experienced almost every good or bad that could be experienced.
You have agreed to be here now,
many of us have all been here before,
multiple lifetimes of service..
but this time is different!
We are coming from the heart
and recognize that the highest service is to the group,
the collective
We are being reborn
into our divine human selves.
We dream in Technicolor
All my Love
The Wayshowers
Divine Feminine 7777
How are you doing today? The energy shifted and it is really strong today. We are exploring and experiencing new energy that we haven’t felt before. It feels like we are going through a passageway. It is part of the 222 portal upgrade.
Because the energy is such a high frequency, it can feel really restricting within our bodies and cause quite a lot of pressure.
It can feel unpleasant and heavy. Because the energy is really expansive and it’s trying to fit through a narrow passageway (our current level of awareness), it is traveling slower than it could, which can cause pressure and pain.
But when this process will be over, we will experience the richness and vastness of it.
It will bring us beauty, creativity, passion. It will bring us amazing possibilities, new ways of living, being, doing, relating, connecting. Invite the energy into your system. Open up to it, experience it and let it do its thing.
For the past two weeks, you have, in effect, had your finger in the plug socket, immersed in a heightened and consistent frequency for the longest period yet. This shift inevitably affects your body. Some of you may feel flu like symptoms, while others experience deep fatigue or issues with temperature regulation. Some may feel a newfound sense of balance. Imagine an animal that sheds its skin, leaving the old behind before continuing forward. Many of you are now in this transitional state.
Your bodies are undergoing a delicate recalibration after these past two weeks. Be especially mindful as your new skin strengthens. Your body’s homeostasis whether obvious or subtle will not be its usual self for a short while. Move with care, honor your process, and allow this transformation to settle.
2/20/25: Double down on slowing down and observing your energy today. You’re in the final week of a germination process during which your job was to tend to the intimate details of your life… not the big picture stuff. To focus on improving your environment and to dig deeply into how you feel about the choices and contributions you have made. Today gives you a new perspective (through Piscean eyes) to make sure you’re not intentionally burying what you don’t want to feel. Life will soon take another leap and you might wish you had this time back. So take advantage of February’s quiet moments and create more of them if you can. They are more precious than you know.
The Capacity to Discern TRUTH from illusion is Not just a Skill – it is our SuperPower!
As We Navigate these Times of Unveiling and Revelation. . . it is Crucial to Tap into our Spiritual HIGHER Sight!
This Innate Ability Allows us to Witness Events and Information through the lens of DIVINE Discernment!
It is a Unique and Personal GIFT that each of us Possesses. . . Enabling us to See Beyond the Surface and Grasp the Deeper Meanings of what is Unfolding!
Embracing this GIFT Empowers us to Rise Above the Confusion and Chaos. . . Enabling us to make informed choices rooted in LOVE. . . WISDOM and CLARITY!
By Practicing this Ability. . .
We Not Only Elevate our own Understanding but Also BEcome a Guiding LIGHT for Others Who may Still BE Struggling to Find their Way in the dark!
Through our Shared Journey of this Awakening. . . We can Foster a Greater Sense of Unity and Purpose. . . illuminating the path for All who Seek the TRUTH!
We are here to share our essence and illuminate the path toward understanding the Golden Children and the Seventh Root Race, embodiments of a future filled with love and unity.
The Golden Children are those who awaken to their divine potential early in life. They are sensitive, intuitive, and often possess unique gifts that enable them to connect with higher dimensions and the collective consciousness. With vibrant energy and innate wisdom, they hold within them the keys to the future of humanity, guiding others toward compassion, creativity, and healing.
These children, often seen as indigo, crystal, or rainbow beings, reflect the light of the universe and remind you of your own divine nature. They are here to assist in the transformation of your world, catalyzing change and inspiring a new way of living—one based on understanding, love, and cooperation.
Sadly many of these children had their gifts suppressed by black magic and other programs on Earth which is now being undone.
Many of you will begin to step into your gifts now.
As humanity evolves, you are entering the era of the Seventh Root Race
—the next phase in the grand cycle of spiritual evolution. This race represents the culmination of the lessons learned through previous root races, marking a transition into a higher state of consciousness. The Seventh Root Race is characterized by profound spiritual awareness, an enhanced connection to the divine, and a return to the principles of unity and oneness.
In this upcoming era, you will experience a collective awakening, where telepathy, empathy, and harmonious coexistence become the norm. The Seventh Root Race embodies qualities that transcend your current understanding, leading to a society in which love is the foundation, and all beings recognize their sacred interconnectedness.
As you navigate your journeys, know that the essence of the Golden Children resides within you. Embrace your intuition, cherish your unique gifts, and cultivate the values of love, kindness, and acceptance. By doing so, you contribute to the birth of the Seventh Root Race and the manifestation of a brighter, more unified world.
Remember, the changes you envision begin with you. Shine your light boldly and step bravely into your divine identity, for you are the seeds of the new era.
In this chaotic void of sorts, The New Human is Being Birthed and its capabilities and capacities are showing themselves through the Higher Self.
The moment in evolution has come to partake of new realities, to immerse ourselves in multiple dimensions, and many worlds now streaming together to discover unmet potential, form One System of Reality in your heart…in your mind, in the depths of your Soul and ultimately on New Earth as we take on the mantle of responsibility of Living the Soul of our Life.
The moment has come, in this Now as our Planet undergoes a highly unique split (or bifurcation,) to extend ourselves onto Higher Ground and into our Higher Self wherein a space is carved open for the New Human to flow seamlessly with multi-dimensions of them Selves… as well as with all of our family in enlightened civilizations and God.
The split signifies the parallel emergence of two distinct vibrational realities, one founded on expansive awareness, unity, and the boundless essence of love, and the other rooted in fear, separation, and dense energetic patterns. Ascension is Frequency Specific.
The whole of evolution in this entire Galaxy rests on our shoulders…The New Human. And, our Higher Self is the elevator to a new sustained inter/inner Connected Reality. Together We gather to serve the Evolutionary Impulse.
Each of you has reached the gates of your destiny. The life cycles that you accumulated and became accustomed to each time you entered into form are complete.
The call of God and all in the Heavens at this crucial juncture is to let all that made each up…go. Your True Life, your glorious life…. your Destiny, is to be anchored with Love on New Earth by you. Your Oversoul has the blueprint, your Higher Self is the messenger and you are the recipient. You are a Holy Trinity within Your Full Self. The future of You is the future of Love.
This, is the focus of Ascension now…to flow effortlessly from one form of Being to another and experience the multi-tiered passion of Evolution and Creation of a new civilization.
Being a New Human, A Divine New Human…an Angelic/Galactic Multi-Dimensional New Human, your Higher Self (and all its aspects,) BEcomes the True Animated You.
It is the most mystical, wise, unified, invisible aspect of yourself apart from your OverSoul. It is your great liberator and your Holy Spirit. It is eternal, omniscient and omnipresent. It is alive and speaks to you continuously in telepathic and visionary ways.
Beloveds, it is time to reap the Harvest after many lifetimes working the fields of evolution.
Each has the power through Embodied Intelligence to reassign your value and worth to a New Reality, one untarnished by your former life perception, judgments, regrets, guilt or interference by mind or memory… in order that the formation of the Template of your Divinity adhering only to a singular nature… fully eclipses that of your former human template.
Tremendously powerful pyramid keys and codes have been activated, overriding all which has been before, as the Old Earth has separated from the New and we are now totally reconnected to Sirius, via Sirius to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.
The immensity of this will be felt in the head, as our long dormant faculties are now being activated, and our higher single eye.
We are now stepping into our Son and Daughtership, deeply reconnected to the Universal core, and through the Universal, to the Multi-universal, as the Ankh tuning fork in our spines are fully activated. We are now retuned into the Kabbalistic Tree of Life as we start to remember the sacred esoteric knowledge via Sirius and 7th Central Sun.
The New Earth’s crystal pyramids and crystalline energy grids are fully activated as the 7th dimension fully returns and the 9th.
Everything will now change in an eyewink as the old makes way for the new.
The return of the Golden Sun children and the full activation of the new 7th Root Race of man, with the paradise keys and codes and the sacred fire letters and so much more.
You are ascending away from the narcissistic co-dependent paradigm. Forgive and move on. No longer do you need to fight for love, peace, and happiness. Now is the right time to move on to new options. Trust the epiphanies awakening in your knowing. Miracles and blessing are accessible. Step into you power and boldly receive this change for the better.
The entry to Pisces Season is very intense and coded with powerful messages. Understand that this is a highly significant time in the changing dynamics being felt across the spiritual community and the changing energetic state being felt across the world.
For those interested in astronomy this is a fantastic time for observance and an opportunity to get a closer look at the planets in their closeness, through telescope and the naked eye.
For astrologers this is an opportunity to get up close and personal with the energetic resonance of these planets in formation and as individual unique bodies as we witness the effects of cosmic dancing in a full on display of planetary performance which directly impacts our world.
For those with psychic ability, energetic awareness, depth of empathy and sensitivity to the stuff of life this set of events will be an occurrence of magnitude in terms of our sensation of being a part of life on Earth and are likely to bring in profound and life changing messages of such coded alteration that will mark a point of no return.
This is the mark in the sand, the Timeline of Shift and the step across to a whole new place and time, which will have us, by the Equinox of March 2025, at a major lifetime point of contemplation and perhaps even at a different state of Self as has never felt so obviously before.
Whilst there are forces made plain in the living reality who wish to bend this energy to their will of darkness, as would a conjurer of dark magick, so there are many alighted celestial hearts within the field of the common man, who may be of understanding that they are witnessing the turning of a great tide, or the coming of the dawn within their own living awareness; and it is for these gentle folk for whom the movements of the cosmos shall truly speak.
This is a time for listening, for witnessing and for observance to a deeper state of presence and the awakening of the becomings of a new era.
Mars is the yang aspect of our personality, associated with the masculine. It is creative action, how we manifest boundaries and break through blocks, and how we experience and express anger.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mars is allied with Set, the Warrior King. Set is both the murderer of his brother Osiris and the protector of Ra on his nightly journey through the underworld. In these two myths we see the complicated relationship we have with The Warrior archetype. Who are we going to receive – the Warrior run amok who is dangerous and sometimes a murderer? Or the Warrior who is a protector inspired by love?
Mars is stationary in Cancer. This expression of the Warrior is waterlogged, bogged down by conflicting emotions. Anything we manifest at this time will be colored by emotions; some are not ours but rather belong to those around us. Clear, focused action is hard to come by.
Mars turns retrograde once every 2½ years for approximately 2½ months. Mars turned retrograde on December 6 at Leo 6°. Mars is now stationary at Cancer 17°. Mars has been on this degree since February 11 and will remain here until March 9 – almost a full month.
Mars will turn direct on February 23. This retrograde phase will not be fully complete until Mars returns to its starting point – Leo 6° – on May 2. It is worth noting that Venus –what we want to receive – will turn retrograde on March 1. This is a two-step process: first we are being shown what is not working; then we will discover why.
February 20, 2025, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
On Thursday, February 20th, we have Mercury, ruler of thoughts and communications, in Pisces in a challenging square aspect to Jupiter, ruler of expanded perceptions and belief systems, in vacillating Gemini. Both Pisces and Gemini are called mutable signs, meaning they are changeable and unfocused. So, the information and images within our mind, and the minds of others, may be going through a kaleidoscopic-like experience, in that they are ever shifting and fluctuating based on news, conversations, rumors and disinformation.
We may be experiencing confusion, overwhelm, uncertainty or indecision. The positive way to use this energy would be to not adopt any one stance or attitude, but instead, to look at all of the possibilities and probabilities….to be open-minded and nonjudgmental….to be flexible and adaptable….and, above all, to do what is necessary to stay grounded and rational.
Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius. Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini. Juno enters Sagittarius – Run away, quick, a hop skip and a jump. Over there, where the skies are blue and the horizon goes on forever. Over there where the grass is greener and the hens are fatter and everything is just tickety-boo. Here’s the picket fence, the small white dog and a pair of red shoes, clickety-click.
The aspects are telling stories of fantastical worlds, great opportunities, huge fortune to be had if only you dare to say yes to the adventure! But out of sight are a pair of hands overladen, a mind split in two, a heart heavy with loss and one too many promises that never came true. Guard against losing yourself in fantasy without negating the real possibility of change. Keep your imagination on a loose rein but rein in when necessary. Don’t say yes just because you fear nothing better will ever come your way. Commit only to what you believe in. Narrow your choices to what aligns with your soul.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number 7 and its keywords are ‘Attune, Inspire and Channel’. The seventh day is all about adjusting your frequency, tuning yourself in so you may receive wisdom from the Universe. We are now right bang in the middle of the White Wind wavespell, so a good time to ponder what you’ve experienced thus far and attune so you may understand what steps to take next. Find a quiet space and clear your mind of chatter. The right frame of mind is essential for channeling. As it is a wavespell of communication, today is ideal for downloading messages from spirit.
Today is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Yellow Star days are great for appreciating art and beauty. Open your eyes, you can see it everywhere. Take time out from the daily grind and see the world for the magical place that it is. When you combine the meaning of the number and day the result is ‘channel beauty’ or ‘attune to elegance’. To summarize; It’s not rocket science understanding what today is all about…celebrate beauty and allow your beautiful intuitive thoughts inspire you. Create some art and make listening to your inner voice an art form.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Universal fire, Life and Enlightenment’. The search for enlightenment is a never-ending quest and a day guided by this energy will influence your actions. Look for revelations and they will come to you. This guide is very handy as there is so much light shining the way today, that we are less likely to get lost.
The Challenge of the day is White Mirror, which represents truth, so look out for lies or misleading information. If you are a White Mirror your issues may surface today, try to think of art and indulge in a little elegance to help you through the day.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. Skywalkers are great at ‘thinking outside the box’ and they also can have a very deep and magical appreciation of art. Jimmy Hendrix was a Skywalker and not only did he experiment with music, he also was a very stylish dresser. Be adventurous with beauty is the message here. Experiment and be bold.
The Ally is the cheeky Blue Monkey. If you are lucky enough to know one, they can be very helpful today in dealing with any challenges. If you are a Blue Monkey, you are a great friend to have around offering support and advice. If you don’t know a friendly Monkey, be like one today and monkey around.
MANTRA I channel in order to Beautify Inspiring Art I seal the store of Elegance With the Resonant tone of Attunement I AM guided by the power of Universal Fire.
20/2/2025 = 2/2/2025 = 2/2/9 = 2/11=2/2 =4
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic MONTH/YEAR codes
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 228 = 12= 3 Trinity/Joy/Creativity
KIN 228 takes us to a HIGHER OCTAVE in our evolution – get ready to shift GEARS!
Today is an especially BEAUTY- full 5D day, focused on attuning to new BEAUTY and ELEGANCE, in our deLIGHTful new world, that we are CREATING through LOVE, PEACE, grace, elegance and compassion.
Today is Day 7 in the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the Great WHITE WINDwho holds the power of Spirit and is bringing forth the BENEVOLENT WINDS of CHANGE supporting us through this transition into the NEW era.
In this cycle we are learning to embody Spirit, by becoming hollow vessels for Spirit to communicate and work Divine MAJIK through our being.
Today we are focusing our LENS to ATTUNE to BEAUTY, grace, and elegance as we experience the world through the eyes of Spirit…appreciating this beautiful, abundant New World which we call home!
Let this be the LENS for creation and reflection during this wondrous ASCENSION passage.
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channels, ESSENCE – attunement. Today we have a VERY DREAMY SUPERNATURAL DAY of phenomenal DIVINE MAJIK attuning you to your DESTINY..
Today we are super sensitive, as we are attuned through our senses – the emotional “feeling” body. We are tuning in through the lens of Spirit… channeling Heaven’s perspective of our perfected Reality.
What does GRACE, BEAUTY, ELEGANCE actually look and FEEL like?
We are so programmed to notice and SEE all the negativity and darkness in our world, that we actually have to STOP and pause, being mindful to notice and attune to the POSITIVE beauty in the world. This is our new default setting.
Pause, be still and sense the resonance. Are YOU aligned with this wonderful frequency?
Today’s question is “How can I ATTUNE to DIVINE MAJIK – appreciating BEAUTY, GRACE and LOVE in our world? Can I use my creativity to express my UNIQUE soul’s purpose in my reality? AM I experiencing my MOST BEAUTIFUL LIFE as ART?”
Divine blessings for experiencing yourself as pure, unconditional, conduits of the NEW LIGHT today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
KIN 228 occurred 27 moons ago on 1st January 2023 – initiating that VERY spiritually challenging year of 2023.
18 moons ago – we had the EXACT gestation point from NEW YEAR’S DAY – birthed through KIN 228- in the sign of VIRGO – the VIRGIN.. who had an asteroid named ‘CHILD” – (named after amateur astronomer JACK CHILD – J.C. ) emerging from her womb! Discover how this and the appearance of COMET NISHIMURA – the BLUE CACHINA was fulfilling both biblical and Hopi prophecy… at this link
9 moons ago – Last Galactic Spin we had a GRAND PLANETARY ALIGNMENT on KIN 228 and CURRENTLY we have another GRAND PLANETARY PARADE – where 7 planets are aligned in our skies – heralding a NEW ALIGNMENT to the NEW LIGHT!
All the SIGNS are in the STARS – and GOD/SPIRIT is using the celestial realms to communicate to us!
Are you ATTUNED to the STARS??
Tune in and FEEL what your body is sensing, try on the Rose coloured glasses – Does it INSPIRE and EXCITE you?
Can you REMEMBER to STOP and SMELL the ROSES throughout every day?
The smell, sight and touch of ROSES is the frequency we are attuning to in NEW EARTH – as this is how we OPEN our HEARTS and VIBRATE HIGHER.
In order to accomplish BEAUTY and GRACE, we must be attuned to its frequency through this present moment. AAAAAH, everywhere is BEAUTIFUL.
This energy facilitates a lovely Divine flow by attuning and channeling Spirit to be expressed through our creativity. You can also receive inspiration to attune to SERVICE in order to make the day/life of others more joyful and pleasant.
Number 7 is the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician giving you the MAJIK to channel more BRILLIANT inspiring creations. . so FEEL the MAJIK.
What CHANNEL are you ATTUNED to today?
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW RESONANT STAR – LAMAT – BEAUTY, ELEGANCE and GRACE are the KEY tones of the YELLOW STAR. The YELLOW STAR tribe hail from Venus and so today’s focus is on LOVE, beauty, joy, creativity and bliss filled expression.
The QUALITIES of LAMAT encompass beauty, grace, love, diplomacy, gentleness, PEACE and artistic expression. The RESONANT tone AMPLIFIES all these qualities through your channel today. ALL STATIONS are attuned to PEACE – so OPEN your channel and be inspired by these DIVINE energies.
LAMAT kin are the Diplomats and Peacemakers seeking harmony through relationships with their kin. They are very Artistic, often musically gifted, and they adore PEACE and HARMONY. They usually have Galactic connections to the Venusians, and have been the PEACE Ambassadors in other Star Systems, in active service with the GALACTIC FEDERATION of worlds – PEACE is in their genes!
The moon is in the sign of sexy SCORPIO today – ooh la la!! LOVE, romance and pleasure is definitely in the air – especially with a 2.2. twins code!! Today we are super attuned to the beauty and pleasure of LIFE. We have super duper UBER codes for bringing in more ABUNDANCE, more LOVE, HARMONY and PEACE to our relationships and our world.
The YELLOW STAR ignites your creativity and unleashes your storehouse of energy within your solar plexus chakra. Your confidence and POWER to step up and out of your comfort zone is super ACTIVATED.
IT IS TIME to OPEN yourself up to being SEEN! Sparkling and SHINING BRIGHT!
IT is TIME to share your incredible multi-faceted true STAR nature with the world around you! To uncover and reveal your soul’s purpose and greatest gifts without wavering! To own your UNIQUENESS without apology!
You have been taught that it’s safer to keep your LIGHT hidden, and your VOICE small, hiding behind the bushes, instead of growing TALL!
LAMAT reminds you today, that it is SAFE to embody your authentic self. It is now SAFE to come out of the darkness, share your VOICE and be SEEN.. Your soul is calling to EXPRESS it’s innate creativity and beauty! Your NEW LIFE must reflect this back to you!
The YELLOW STAR is a brilliant vehicle, for the expression of Spirit through the WHITE WIND wavespell. The most potent FORCE in the Universe is Divine Unconditional LOVE, so become a hollow bamboo today, and allow these exquisite codes to flow through your being, uplifting all who enter your space.
LAMAT is also a PORTAL to ABUNDANCE activating an endless FLOW from SOURCE on this beauty-FULL HOLY DIVINE DESTINY day. What a GIFT from Spirit..
OPEN your channel to receive all that is bountiful and soul-fulfilling today and for this WHOLE YEAR!!… ATTUNE to prosperity consciousness, knowing that everything we need is right here, right NOW, in this present moment – a beautiful GIFT from Spirit.
Allow Spirit to FLOW through your vessel, expressing your day as ART – singing, dancing and creating. All this beautiful energy will lead you to harmony within yourself and your outer reflection –
On a PLANETARY level the RESONANT STAR is attuning humanity to the HARMONIC MATRIX of Natural TIME
The NEW TIME that we are recalibrating our being to.. our new GPS.. Breaking FREE from the FALSE Artificial time matrix that has kept us enslaved, believing that TIME = WORK.
A beautiful new landscape awaits OVER THE RAINBOW filled with ABUNDANCE, JOY, PEACE and HARMONY.
Welcome to NEW EARTH!
In order to create a BEAUTIFUL reality – we must FOCUS on; BEAUTY, JOY, ABUNDANCE, COMPASSION, PEACE and GRATITUDE…
Today is an extremely potent day to FOCUS on LOVE and BEAUTY in order to multiply this x 5 in your reality…
Your task for today is to
You are encouraged to SMILE and FOCUS on COMPLIMENTING everyone, with whom you interact with today… Pay it forward, fill your day with JOY – look for the BEAUTY and GOOD things that surround you and give GRATITUDE for everything you experience …for the ENTIRE DAY!!
If any negativity tries to SNEAK in – IGNORE IT, brush it aside, and turn your attention to what is WONDERFUL!! (Change your dial!)
ABSOLUTELY NO COMPLAINTS ALLOWED – so switch your dial – to sweet talk! SMILE at everyone you encounter and seek the DIVINE essence in their vessel – In Lak’ech a la kin – I AM ANOTHER OF YOU –
We are all DIVINE souls incarnate, sharing this grand adventure – so acknowledge and ATTUNE to this fact, honouring the essence of DIVINE SPIRIT in each of us …
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW RESONANT SUN AHAU – shines MORE beautiful LIGHT upon us today – giving us the joy and optimism of AWAKENING to a beautiful SUNNY DAY! What a marvelous duo! LAMAT and AHAU bless us with their grace and fill our being with enthusiasm and a joie de vivre!
Our life force is heightened as we experience a renewed PASSION for life! The Universal Fire sparks your creative brilliance and brings sunny optimism and faith that our world IS getting LIGHTER and BRIGHTER each and every day.
AHAU gives us the power to stand up and SHINE fearlessly, claiming our uniqueness and our sovereignty. We have renewed PASSION and courage to follow our DESTINY.
The UNIVERSAL FIRE is blazing HOT today (especially with the current stream of Solar Flares! ).
These fiery energies are amplifying the effects of AHAU, and LAMAT the YELLOW INITIATORS… incredible FOCUSED laser rays today… Make sure you direct this energy towards your greatest MISSION!
AHAU AWAKENS us to a higher divine existence – illuminating our hearts and minds so that we can exist from a higher, more enlightened state of consciousness – living our lives through the MIND of Spirit.
The AGENDA of the Resonant SUN today, is to attune us to the Christed Soular Consciousness through the Solar codes. Absolutely PERFECTO as the HIGHER GUIDE which is guiding us today.
We have a 20 AWAKENING code today – enabling us to SEE in the DARK with great clarity!
Rise up and salute el Soleil for AWAKENING HU-MAN-ity to our full DIVINE GLORY through en-LIGHTON-ment.
SUPPORT: BLUE RESONANT MONKEY CHUEN – brings much merriment, MAJIK & PLAY. Another BOOST of MAJIK to our toolkit with the 7 resonant code. Another dose of MAJIK doubles the fun today!!!!
The BLUE MONKEY is the perfect trifecta for LAMAT and AHAU bringing forth much happiness through playful adventures. Let’s make MORE PLAY – the focus of our lives!!
The Divine, innocent and PURE Child ignites that MAJIK spark within your soul, that just wants to run, jump, explore and LOVE everyone, and everything exuberantly. Our purity and innocence through our DIVINE CHILD connects us to the wonder of the UNIVERSE, as we reconnect to SPIRIT – allowing the MAJIK to flow through our joyful expression.
The BLUE MONKEY loves to sing, dance and make people laugh, so embrace the MONKEY within, and immerse yourself in this GAME. Make every task about FUN!
Ask yourself “How can I fill my day with more JOY, LOVE and LAUGHTER?”.
INVITE the RESONANT MONKEY to attune you to BLISS today!
Connect with your DIVINE CHILD to express your authentic DIVINE SOUL, throughout this MAJIKAL YEAR.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED RESONANT SKYWALKER BEN loves to EXPLORE SPACE and have the FREEDOM to roam to new lands and new horizons. Another lovely adjunct to today’s tapestry, bringing beautiful ADVENTURES and new opportunities throughout the year.
The SKYWALKER beautifully exemplifies BLUE MONKEY’S thirst for freedom. The Divine Child loves to explore and expand its wings to fly freely throughout SPACE-TIME, as the great MAGICIAN and TIME traveller. SKYWALKER brings forth expansiveness reminding you that your soul is eternally FREE and that there are no limits through which you can express your divine essence. Beautiful codes for SOUL expression and EXPANSION.
In synergy with BLUE MONKEY – BEN also holds the 5D BLISScoding in his frequency. BEN is the Angelic Messenger and the Divine conduit bridging HEAVEN and EARTH. Attune to SPIRIT to discover how to incorporate more BLISS in your world.
Open your HEART and allow Spirit to flow through you, anchoring this DIVINE BLISS ON EARTH!
Now – HEAVEN is a place called – NEW EARTH!
What a wondrous GOLDEN ERA awaits us all!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RESONANT MIRROR ETZNAB – REFLECTS the eternal ENDLESSNESS of CREATION. The WHITE MIRROR magnifies energy, thus you can get trapped in delusion or illusion, daydreaming your life away through escapism, distraction and addictions, or you can BREAK FREE from the illusion and FALSE MATRIX.
Your PERCEPTION of reality may be tested today – so WAKE UP from the FALSE DREAM – the Artificial Time Matrix – and ATTUNE to Natural time and the wondrous NEW world we are birthing. THIS is your LESSON and CHALLENGE today!
Make sure you attune to the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX and STOP paying attention to the old paradigm, DISCONNECT!!
Energy FLOWS where your ATTENTION goes.. so pay FULL ATTENTION to the BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD.
YES it IS possible for your new life to be BEAUTIFUL, joyful and rewarding.
Are you addicted to false superficial LOVE, and mindless distractions, to numb the pain of actually FEELING and fully embodying your Divine essence?
Have you been hiding your TRUE AUTHENTIC starry self?
Disconnect from all that is FALSE and ATTUNE to the Divine. Claim the blessing of WHITE MIRROR to endlessly reflect the beautiful world WE are creating.
There is an endless source of power, creativity, joy and happiness that FLOWS through YOU. An infinite supply of SOURCE energy, that you as a Divine child of GOD, are permanently and irrevocably connected to, no matter where in the Universe you choose to roam!
Today is the day to let out your Inner Child to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!! It is time to SPARKLE and spread the LOVE, JOY and HOPE throughout your Divinely BRILLIANT play day! SHARE THE LOVE and SHARE THE MAJIK!
Today’s question is “How can I ATTUNE to DIVINE MAJIK – appreciating BEAUTY, GRACE and LOVE in our world? Can I use my creativity to express my UNIQUE soul’s purpose in my reality? AM I experiencing my MOST BEAUTIFUL LIFE as ART?”
Divine blessings for experiencing yourself as pure, unconditional, conduits of the NEW LIGHT today!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Embark on a powerful journey with the Sacred Condor to meet your spirit animal in this guided meditation. Your spirit animal is a wise and sacred guide, offering you deep insights, protection, and a connection to your true essence. Through relaxation, visualization, and sacred intention, you will open the doorway to the unseen realms and receive the messages your spirit animal has for you.
Whether you seek clarity, healing, or a deeper connection with nature, this meditation will help you align with the wisdom and power of your animal guide. Surrender to the journey and allow your spirit animal to reveal itself to you.
🌿 What to Expect:
✨ Deep relaxation and grounding
🦉 Spirit animal connection and messages
🔥 Energy alignment and guidance for your path
Get comfortable, open your heart, and let your sacred animal ally come forth. 🐺🦅🐍
Prayer for The Golden Children and the Seventh Root Race
Divine Light of Creation, Source of all that is, We call upon Your infinite love to bless the Golden Children, The radiant souls of the Seventh Root Race, Born to usher in a new age of wisdom, peace, and divine harmony.
May they walk the Earth with grace and purpose, Carrying the codes of higher consciousness, Awakening the sleeping hearts of humanity, And restoring the sacred balance of light.
Surround them with protection, Infuse their souls with clarity and strength, And guide them on their sacred mission To weave the frequencies of love into the fabric of existence.
May the Earth rise to meet their footsteps, May the stars align to illuminate their path, And may all beings recognize the dawn of this New Golden Age Through the brilliance of their presence.
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