You are currently viewing Message from the Void ~ Collective Timeline Shifts * Earth Kundalini Ascends ~ Flow with the Shakti Energy
Earth Kundalini Ascends

Message from the Void ~ Collective Timeline Shifts * Earth Kundalini Ascends ~ Flow with the Shakti Energy

Message from the Void ~ Collective Timeline Shifts * Earth Kundalini Ascends ~ Flow with the Shakti Energy




Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Soul Star New Earth Shamans of the Medicine Way of Pure Light

Happy 22:22 Portal of True Divine Twin Flame Unity Consciousness.

With the United Powers of the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius we are bridging in the Transformative Energies of the Holy Spirit to heal and shift this realm and Gaia to her Pristine 5D Crystalline Light body Form. With La Luna in Scorpio, the sign of the Scorpion and the underworld, all shadows and wounds come to the surface and into the light to be revealed, exposed and healed for our Transformation and Rebirth into the New Earth Ascension Timeline.

With the Parade of Planets as 6 major Planets align in the night sky over the next several weeks and Mercury, the Winged Messenger, will join the line up to make it Seven at the end of February, this will Echo a Ripple of Freedom through all time and and space activating the Primordial Alchemists within the Hearts, Minds and DNA of the Chosen Ones to free all Sentient Beings from all time loops and false repeat cycles and into the Timelessness of Buddha Mind and Infinite Light.

Our local Soularis continues to send all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 Soular Diamond Rays of the Clear Light of Bliss releasing 6 C Class Soular Flares today and another M Class Flare maxing at M 1.35 at 11:08 UTC.

Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.7 earthquake in the Philippines at  23:39 UTC.

We also witnessed massive spikes of light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 26 hz, 32 hz, 42 hz and a big blast of white light at 50 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored into the Crystalline Core of Gaia and rising into the Seventh Heaven.

There was also a blackout on the Charts for 30 minutes today synchronizing with the reset energy of New Earth as we navigate through the Still Center of the space time continuum and into our Exodus into the Promised Pure Land of Eternal Life…A’Ho!











As the Earth’s Kundalini ascends, let it ignite the spark within you, awakening your soul to its deepest potential. Flow with the Shakti energy, a divine current that transforms and elevates, turning the whispers of your spirit into a roar of purpose and passion. Embrace this sacred momentum and rise, for you are the architect of your own awakening.

Earth Kundalini Ascends
Earth Kundalini Ascends


A New Dawn Approaches for our NEW EARTH. . . a Time Filled with Potential and Promise. . . but there is Much Work to BE Done.
It will take Compassion. . . Respect . . .and Unity to Move Forward into this NEW Paradigm.
The Journey Ahead will Require Patience and Understanding from those of us who have Already Awakened to the Truth of our Existence.
We Are on the Forefront of the Human Awakening. . . a Pivotal Role that Carries both Responsibility and Honour.
Our Dedication to BE-ing of Service to the LIGHT is Greatly Honoured and Essential in these Times of Transformation.
Each of us plays a Crucial Part in Guiding Others through this Awakening. . . Helping to Illuminate the Path towards a Brighter. . . More Conscious Future for All of Humanity.
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence
A New Dawn Approaches for our NEW EARTH
A New Dawn Approaches for our NEW EARTH
At this time there are many, many new CODES upon us. The higher multidimensional energetic spaces that opened in 2025 are fully anchoring onto the planet.
This includes Alternate Reality Zones and a Higher Expansion of our own Heart and higher self. As we enter a higher multidimensional energetic space on earth we can have many symptoms of adjusting. AKA Ascension symptoms.
Ascension symptoms may include: dizziness, confusion, disorientation, illness, body discomfort, emotional pain, and so on.
Much of the “reorientation” to the higher dimensional frequencies takes place in our brain. This is why we get confused. There are literally doors opening in our brain, expanding our consciousness and higher awareness.
If you are experiencing these things know that these are normal symptoms of the energy changes happing within us. A disruption in our physical/ mental health is not a step backwards, it’s a step towards healing—the problem that’s always been there is leaving.
Don’t try to figure anything out. Trying to figure things out actually slows down the healing process.
The emotions which are coming up need to be felt so they can shed off the body. When they shed off the body it pins a door for you. You are brought back to stability.
Keep letting go and allowing your breath. Allow spirit to adjust you in healing.
If you need help, you must ask.
We are moving into much higher dimensions of living and being. It will be a space of effortlessness, abundance dance, love and peace. As you let go you will be bright to this space.
All is in hand.
You can trust.
You are being placed at the right place at the right time.
Nothing is accidental.
All is happening for you.
Allow yourself to be brought to the moments your heart desires.
It will be even more magical than your mind can conceive.
In love,
Alternate Reality Zones
Alternate Reality Zones
1/22/25: A pendulum swings between opposites this year. You’ll want to let go while being desperately attached. You’ll want to be involved while needing solitude. You’ll expect more of yourself and others while your heart just wants to rest. You’ll want to love a world that doesn’t seem to care. You will empty and fill many times. In the end, you’ll know that you are the pendulum. You are the point of power and the authority you seek.
You are the activator, the dominant force in your life, and the only one who can bring stability and peace. Today is a powerful activation day. Choose a word that represents your goals for the day and light it up. Activate it, empower it, and it will reward you well. It’s a technique you’ll want to keep in your toolbox.


Divine energy works

Channeled Message from the Void:

You are standing at the edge of the Old and the Infinite. The Void invites you to rest in the Unknown, for it is not emptiness but the Birthplace of all creation. Trust the moments that feel like nothingness, for they hold the seeds of your next leap. You are the Architect of your Timeline, and the energies now invite you to step boldly into a new frequency, where all that aligns with your Soul Truth awaits.
The Schumann Resonance Graph reflects not only the intensity of the white-out frequencies but also a moment of Stillness—a small yet potent Blackout in the data. These occurrences, though subtle, carry profound energetic messages for us, reflecting deep Recalibration and Collective Timeline Shifts.
The surge of high-frequency waves is dissolving old energetic imprints, bringing a continuation of profound DNA activations, clearing fear-based patterns, and creating space for multidimensional expansion. These Light Codes anchor deeply into the Planetary Grid and our individual Energy Fields, accelerating our path to alignment and Sovereignty.
Blackout periods often reflect a Timeline Jump, where collective energies reorganize themselves into a higher vibrational state. These moments are pauses in linear time, where the Quantum Field reorganizes to align with the energy of new realities being birthed.
This gap reflects a Reset, where you are being invited to consciously choose your next vibrational frequency. What stories, beliefs, or attachments are you willing to leave behind as you step forward into a more aligned and expanded version of your reality?
The interplay between white-outs and blackouts mirrors the dance of Light and Shadow within us. We are being reminded that true Ascension arises not from bypassing the shadow but integrating it with Love. The amplified energy is pulsing through the Heart Field, urging us to connect deeply with our Inner Truth.
You may feel heightened fatigue, ringing in the ears, or vivid dreams. These frequencies are working deeply to release what no longer serves you. Deep emotions may surface: sadness, frustration, or joy—as the Light illuminates previously hidden layers within.
Royal Bloodlines Star Lineages
Royal Bloodlines Star Lineages


Dear friends, the big planetary alignment and the start of the Aquarius Sun/Pluto conjunction can bring about intense energetic shifts, potentially triggering various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms.
Physically, you may feel the effects of these energetic shifts as fatigue and lethargy, as your body adjusts to the new energies. Headaches and migraines can also occur due to the intense energies causing tension and pain in the head energy center and neck area. Sleep disturbances, such as vivid dreams, insomnia, or excessive sleepiness, can also happen as your body and mind process the energetic shifts. Additionally, digestive issues like changes in appetite, bloating, or stomach discomfort may arise due to the energetic upheaval. Muscle tension and pain can also occur as your body releases old patterns and energies.
Emotionally, the energetic shifts can be intense, leading to mood swings, emotional releases, and increased sensitivity. You may feel irritable, anxious, or overwhelmed as the energies stir up deep-seated emotions. Intense emotional purging, such as crying, anger outbursts, or feelings of sadness, can happen as your body releases old emotional patterns. On the other hand, you may also feel a sense of excitement, hope, and anticipation for the new opportunities and experiences emerging.
Spiritually, these cosmic alignments can trigger a deeper sense of purpose, spiritual awakening, or a desire for spiritual growth and exploration. You may feel a stronger sense of unity and connection to the global community, as well as a desire to contribute to the greater good. The intense energies can also stimulate the kundalini/snake energy, leading to deep spiritual insights, increased creativity, or a deeper connection to your inner self. Some people may even experience multidimensional experiences, glimpsing other realities, dimensions, or timelines.
To navigate these energetic shifts, it’s essential to prioritize self-care. Stay grounded by engaging in activities that help you feel connected to the Earth, such as walking, gardening, or meditation. Take care of your physical needs by getting enough rest, eating nourishing foods, and practicing stress-reducing techniques. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to help your body adjust to the energetic shifts.
Seeking support from like-minded individuals, friends, or a therapist can also be beneficial in sharing your experiences and receiving guidance. Practicing mindfulness can help you focus on the present moment, letting go of fears or anxieties about the future or past.
Remember, these symptoms are temporary and can vary in intensity and duration depending on your unique personal journey. By being aware of the potential effects and taking proactive steps to care for yourself, you can navigate the energetic shifts with greater ease and emerge stronger, more resilient, and more connected to your true self.
As we move into the year of the Snake, be prepared for even more intense energetic shifts. The Snake is a symbol of transformation, renewal, and spiritual growth, and its energies will likely amplify the effects of the Aquarius Sun/Pluto conjunction. Expect more opportunities for release, renewal, and rebirth, as the old continues to give way to the new. By staying grounded, focused, and committed to your soul’s path, you’ll be able to navigate the twists and turns of the Snake’s energies with greater ease and emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever before.
Stay tuned for more updates as the inner snake energies awaken.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ
soul dimensions
soul dimensions

Art by: @Deepdiverq


Beloved Ones,
As a result of our conscious choice to clear our bodies, and personal timelines, and reconnect to the soul dimensions, many of you are now stepping into new experiences that are more aligned with who you are becoming, for you have finally closed old chapters, and the feeling of being in a loop, repeating same old scenarios, relationships and outcomes.
We are transcending, letting go of who we used to be, at every moment. We let go with every thought, and choice, escalating another ladder within this eternal spiral of Creation, becoming lighter, wiser, empowered, and more loving.
You are now out of the illusion, for you have awakened even more to who you are, and to your personal power to transcend the old, moving into a new world of infinite possibilities. Part of becoming sovereign beings is learning to become and act as creators, transformers of our reality, and healers.
This is a year as my Guides shared months ago of transition, and deep transformation, especially for Pisceans and Aries signs, and above all, for all who are willing to embrace a more illumined frequency and way of being.
Many of you are now passing through a period of deep purging as you let go of the old, being immersed into a transmutational phase in which as a consequence of your new illumined state of being, you are awakening to higher aspects of yourselves, for we never cease to evolve, becoming more unified and whole. You may be feel confused, as you lose your old identity and continue retrieving your authentic one.
As part of this transmutational phase we are undergoing, you may feel constant Déjà vu, as a sign that you are now open to multiple realities, which is why learning to anchor ourselves in the moment is so important, for we only exist and create in the Now.
Feelings of vertigo or dizziness are also common, as you maneuver between different frequencies, getting adjusted to your new chosen one. Headaches and stomach issues, as well as intense emotional ones such as anger, and other lower emotions that arise as residual feelings we must address and heal, for all that resurface is to help us create more unity.
Others may not feel anything at all, especially if you have learned to master emotions and work with ascension mechanics, as it helps to relieve these sensations.
At first, it can feel as if we no longer know who we are, as if everyone has changed, and that we are alone in our path, as nothing resonates anymore. If we do our inner work and are balanced, this is a clear sign that we are moving into a new level of Consciousness, for it is the natural response to embracing personal evolution and constant integration.
Fear not where you are or the challenges you may experience during this intense time. When we have the Will, we are given the resilience, wisdom, and patience to overcome anything that our Unified Self sends to us to continue mastering ourselves, embodying higher levels of love and compassion, as this is in truth why we came here, to remember the love that we and All are.
Many of you are now awakening new sensory abilities, for the more consciousness you embody the more awakened you are to energies, to the non-physical, feeling others deeper and All Forms of Consciousness. This creates a major opening in your intuitive senses, that allows you to feel what is authentic, who is real, and what is false and damaging to your soul and well-being.
As we increase our sensitivity, by reconnecting to our soul, and the illumined planes, we are able to witness what remains in a lower frequency, which is why many of us see now beyond the physical, in a totally new way, what we are leaving behind, for we can only see what we have transcended and mastered.
Reclaiming our crystalline essence is nothing but the retrieval of our original loving, compassionate, and harmonic essence.
As you continue becoming who you are ask God to help you see in everything and in everyone the Truth of who they are, their real intentions, and most importantly, how you can embrace, accept, and deal with the Truth. It is not about changing others but about choosing wisely what we do when we see through them, and are given the Truth, for the Truth is not often pleasant for the ego or easy to handle for everyone.
When you ask to be given the Truth, you need to be prepared, at all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically, and at a soul one too, for you have asked, and when we ask it is Law that we shall be answered. We need to be courageous to understand all we receive from a higher perspective, and respond from a space of unconditional love to All involved, for our protection and well-being is also pivotal in any situation.
May you only see and live within Divine Love, Truth, and Unity, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Infinite Being of LIGHT

Assisting the wonderful reconstruction, alignment and upgrade of NOW.
A ripple effect of ebbs and flows moving through your timeline, through to the universe.
Hope, Love and Rapid Manifestation is AWAKENING, transforming and merging with Higher Light.
Regardless of your level of awakening, you are being challenged to rise your awareness to a higher level of COSMIC attunement to the greater UNIVERSE.
Reach the Pathway of Joy in your Day to Day reality and see what will unfold 🙏
For there are many opportunities before US to Expand In Light ❤💫
A balancing act of Light, a density balancing Act 🙏
We SEE the great changes occurring. For it is an energetic marathon for Billions of Beings.
Know we are here Assisting You.
Simply Breathe In Light Awareness
Feel Beyond the Physical Form
Love=Unity ❤
Sending waves of Cosmic Love❤
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Infinite Being of LIGHT
Infinite Being of LIGHT
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Your Angels and Guides are helping and protecting you as you detox the false light. There is more to uncover around where you feel defensive and under attack. This layer can cause purging in the digestive system and emotions. Focus on the restoration of your confidence and clarity. Seek new ways to build your personal power to assist in this upgrade.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn



The week-long sextile between retrograde Mars in Cancer and retrograde Uranus in Taurus continues as Mercury in Capricorn opposes Mars while forming a trine to Uranus on Thursday.
The beginning of the week may have been challenging but it’s purpose was to allow us to recognize where our self-confidence can be triggered and how to anchor into more of our whole beingness so that we ACT from a place that represents who we truly are rather than from a place of perceived limitations.
Now, we are in a state of ‘contemplation’ with regards to how we want to take action as we assess our options and, perhaps, hesitantly consider some novel approaches that would require us to maintain a perception of our whole beingness that we were uncomfortably forced to engage with earlier in the week…
To finish the week, we may feel compelled to come to some practical decisions as we communicate with vigor and we may come to find that the most practical decisions, at the moment, are the ones that get us the most excited even if they fall outside of the comfort zones of our more limited egoic perceptions!
Rather than waiting for permission to say ‘yes’, it’s time to use ‘yes’ AS our permission.

On Wednesday, January 22nd, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in the shadows of Scorpio and is challenging Jupiter, ruler of our mind-set and belief systems, in vacillating Gemini, and Chiron, ruler of past wounds and traumas, in assertive Aries. However, Luna is also creating a positive connection to Saturn, planet of inner strength and karma clearing, in healing Pisces.
We may go through an ebb and flow of fears and anxieties that rise to the surface of our psyche, but Saturn can assist us in re-stabilizing ourselves and patiently moving through the transmutation process.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in the shadows of Scorpio
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in the shadows of Scorpio
Lunar aspects. Mercury conjunct Pallas in Capricorn. Venus in Pisces semi-sextile Chiron in Aries – Luna’s conjunction with Vesta brings us to what is important – truth, the power of sharing, dedication to the mysteries. Here is a meeting with the sacred shadow, an encounter with the hidden self that shapes our waking world. Venus semi-sextile Chiron asks that we connect with this wounded part but go gently and carefully. Sometimes we need to tiptoe around our wounds until we feel ready to deal with them. Be like a mother nursing a sick child, creeping quietly around the room, smoothing the pillows, providing warmth and comfort. Create the conditions required for healing then leave space for healing to happen. Meanwhile, apply critical thinking skills to problem solve in other areas. Creative solutions are available when you dedicate time to finding answers.
The Sabian symbol for Mercury conjunct Pallas is A Relay Race and this gives us other important pieces of information. Firstly, what do you want to pass on – to your students, children, friends, generation? What is the legacy you want to leave behind? Secondly, whatever your lifetime purpose, you don’t have to run this race all alone. Teamwork is what will get you over the finish line.
Degrees and Times
Mercury, Pallas 20°Cp28′ – 03:11 (UT)
Moon, Vesta 07°Sc07′ – 06:47 (UT)
Venus 19°Pi15′, Chiron 19°Ar15′ D – 11:00 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Running along the beach [detail] by Joaquín Sorolla
Running along the beach
Running along the beach

Kin 199 ~ Blue Self-Existing Storm

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its key words are ‘Define, Form and Measure’. We are on the fourth day of the Yellow Warrior wavespell and to proceed, we must take a closer look at the details of our mission. The Yellow Warrior has a curious mind and so this number four energy goes well together. You should receive answers by the end of the day, if you are discerning and ask the right questions. Taking a closer look at your situation will ensure your mission’s success.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyze, Self-Generation and Energy’. When the stormy game changer falls on the fourth day, we must scrutinize in order to change our situation. Don’t make any big decisions today unless you have all the facts at hand. Read the small print, take stock and be very clear where you stand. Do a bit of detective work! As the number four can make us feel insular, don’t be surprised if you find yourself being your own analyst. The changes that are made today have the potential to be huge and personal. Work on yourself, if you want to make progress.
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a higher perspective. This guide is very handy for today’s mission. We can look at the details and see the bigger picture. Eagle helps us see everything from all angles. This balances the day nicely. If you are giving yourself an analysis and pondering deeply about the meaning of your life, don’t forget to also see the bigger picture.
The Challenge today is the Red Moon which symbolizes going with the flow. It will be difficult today to relax. The Storm is too disruptive and there is too much to be done. All this gathering of information and making plans to change things, leaves little time for chilling out. If you are a Red Moon, you won’t enjoy all this fuss as you’d rather be relaxing.
The Occult power is the White Wind which represents communication. The best part of this day is this magical aspect of the White Wind. Expect communication to transform your day and make the whole process much easier. Make that phone call or send that email, the White Wind really delivers the message today! Good news can blow your way today and this facilitates the changes.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents Enlightenment. If you need a clever clogs to assist you with your fact finding today, your best bet is a Yellow Sun, if you happen to know one. If you are a Yellow Sun expect people coming to you seeking answers. Do shine the light for them if you can.
Kin 199
Kin 199


4 CAUAC – KIN 199
22 JANUARY 2025


Measuring energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the Self-existing tone of FORM
I AM guided by the power of VISION

22/1/2025 = 4/1/9 = 4/10=4/1=5


22- Architect of Peace/Master builder
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 199 = 19 = 10 = 1 – New Beginnings/Leadership/Manifestation


Today this STORM is heralding in the final run of these closing tumultuous energies- counting down ready for a BRIGHT NEW CHAPTER!!!

Day 4 in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL 🏹🌈of fearlessly QUEST-I-ON-ing everything in our path with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.

Today we are DEFINING CHANGE. Using our MINDS to intelligently QUEST-I-ON everything, so that we may define what it is, to go beyond FEAR, to the core of our planetary missions, so that we can find our TRUE PATH.


SELF-EXISTING –🎁 Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦 and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining , very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.

Today we are using our MINDS to define our QUEST and measure the energy that is needed to catalyze this transformation. Defining how we can transform our lives through building a solid Divine structure for our Mission.

Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE ALCHEMY⚛ and majikal manifestations💫 through your clarity and FUTURE VISION👁👁..

Go forth and BUILD this new more EXPANSIVE foundation!

So planetary kin, TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today, and the winds of change, to catalyze the tremendous evolutionary changes our souls are seeking. We are FEARLESSLY AWAKENING to the GREATER VISION 👁 for our lives to TRANS-FORM our World. 🌏🌎🌍


Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM 🌀🌪to catalyze great transformation and manifest my highest VISION👁 for my life and our world?” ❤🌈🌏

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for DEFINING and forming a wonderful new foundation for your Mission! 🌊 😊😄☺🌞😎💕💞
In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SELF-EXISTING STORM 📦🌀 🌪CAUAC – brings transformation, change, purification and self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation.

To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. SOURCE: MAYAN ORACLE – Ariel Spilsbury 🙏🙏🙏

We are currently PERMANENTLY CLOSING this old artificial paradigm, which is in its final DEATH throes. Generally BLUE STORM highlights disharmony and chaos🌪, however the SELF-EXISTING STORM seeks to FORM and CREATE, through the MIND’s NEW imaginings. Rebuilding from the crumbling ashes as the NEW PHOENIX rises.

Today we are defining our QUEST, by releasing any out-moded thoughts and belief systems, allowing them to transform into pure catalyzing energy which we can access to fuel our Mission.

❓❓QUEST-I-ON-ing WHAT it is, that is keeping you contained in your box, 📦 the old paradigm and unable to FLY FREE!

Our creative MIND is harnessed using appropriate QUEST-I-ONs to define our Mission, measuring the infinite possibilities that exist and are available to us. Defining FEARLESSNESS and allowing our MINDS to flex and change, once we can SEE the greater VISION👁 or the bigger picture, 🏔catalysing far-reaching transformation.

Today BLUE STORM purifies anything in your MIND that is not in alignment with your Highest future VISION. 👁👁🏔❤

This brilliant LIBERATING STORM🌀🎆 has tremendous POWER and CHARGE behind it, which can be focused on transporting your MIND from one Reality to the next. Leaving behind the old paradigm and finding yourself in a brilliant prosperous new REALITY.

“We ain’t in Kansas anymore, Toto!” 🌪 hold on to your red slippers👠👠 and get ready for great change! There is no going back now!



BLUE SELF-EXISTING EAGLE📦 👁– MEN flies HIGH above the STORM clouds, unaffected by the tumultuous thunder, lightning and gale force wind currents. BLUE EAGLE has a prime position high above the chaos with a “bird’s EYE view” able to SEE the whole panoramic landscape, being in the pilot’s position. Knowing where and when to ride the prevailing currents, to arrive safely and effortlessly at his desired destination, safe from the storm’s fury.

Today BLUE EAGLE gifts you with the power of future vision, 👁 and reveals the BIGGER PICTURE,🖼 the GRANDE VISION 🏔for your life. Catalysing change guided by the higher vision, of a world where harmony is our first choice.

We are AWAKENING to the TRUTH and the BIG PICTURE … A beautiful synergy of codes to ACCELERATE our MIND’S ability to grasp the TRUE VISION for our world.

Using our intelligent MIND we can uncover solutions during these tumultuous times, that allow the change to take FORM, in order to define the New World. By trusting in the VISIONS that the EAGLE reveals to our creative MINDS, we can ascertain the next step to take in our evolutionary journey. Keeping an OPEN mind that is ready to transform, and be the catalyst for change, guided by a greater VISION of harmony on our beautiful planet.

BLUE EAGLE holds the coding for PLANETARY MIND which is BRILLIANT as the higher guide today. Our collective MIND is on the HIGHEST TIMELINE, headed towards our beautiful UTOPIAN future. This VISION is extra STRONG in its formation today as our PLANETARY MIND is focused on building this NEW WORLD powerfully over this current DREAMSPELL YEAR.


SUPPORT: YELLOW SELF- EXISTING SUN📦 🌞 AHAU peeks through the STORM ⛅clouds as the radiant light🌤 codes streaming forth from our CENTRAL SUN☀ activating our evolution through grounding greater intelligence, compassion, humility, grace and LOVE, through en-LIGHTEN -ment!☀🌞🎆

By fearlessly questioning, then listening for the messages that are revealed, our illumined MIND is able to define the FORM the New Earth will take. A world where we all have the potential of embodying the SOPHIA/CHRIST SOLAR CONSCIOUSNESS.🌞🌞🌞

The SELF EXISTING SUN 🌞– carries the evolutionary SOLAR☀ codes for humans to transform their DNA. UPGRADING to the New Divine HU-man, that will create the HARMONY through ONENESS, that defines the new TIME.

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE PLANETARY WIND 🌏 🌬IK provides the energies of Spirit to MANIFEST greater awakening 🎆 on a PLANETARY 🌎 scale, through the whisperings of the wind. This is a hugely transformative WIND as it can POWERFULLY MANIFEST the VISION in the MIND’S EYE which is aligned with the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet. 🌏🌎🌍

BLUE EAGLE – the higher guide holds the codings for Planetary Mind, and when accompanied by BLUE STORM and the superpower of WHITE WIND – we have incredible potential for tremendous planetary transformation through the DIVINE PLAN for humanity. Sweeping changes!!

The STORM merges with WHITE WIND, and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to a place of greater PEACE and clarity within your soul. . Catalysing great change, with the communication of Spirit, guiding our journey back to wholeness.

LISTEN to the WIND, and allow the STORM to carry these encoded messages through your knowingness. Allowing all these powerful forces to channel through us, as we align with our Divine Missions and allow Spirit to express itself through us, as Divine conduits.


CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SELF-EXISTING MOON📦🌜 MULUC.. today’s GIFT🎁 – KIN 69 was the seal of the DREAMSPELL YEAR in 2022!!! We KNOW the AGENDA of this GODDESS very well as we have journeyed far with her guidance. Today she is BACK and we are AGAIN being DRIVEN by this GODDESS, to transform our reality through LOVE and compassion. This HEART and MIND ALCHEMY will lay the foundation for the new template we are collectively creating. HUGE BUILDER codes today beloveds!

MULUC brings forth yet ANOTHER LAYER of PURIFICATION power!!! Working synergistically with BLUE STORM, to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, MIND or life. A purified and clear MIND is able to initiate a greater FLOW of pure information and consciousness from SPIRIT, accessing answers and solutions to the questions the Warrior is asking.

Allow the FLOW and purification of your MIND and thoughts today, manifesting greater FLOW and MAJIK💫 in your life. Opening up to allow the LOVE❤ of the GODDESS 👸energy to FLOW through your being.

To reap the gifts🎁 MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT☀ the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!🏆

Open and ACTIVATE the flow of great transformation through self-generation today.✨🌟☀


So planetary kin, TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today, and the winds of change, to catalyze the tremendous evolutionary changes our souls are seeking. We are FEARLESSLY AWAKENING to the GREATER VISION 👁 for our lives to TRANS-FORM our World. 🌏🌎🌍


Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM 🌀🌪to catalyze great transformation and manifest my highest VISION👁 for my life and our world?” ❤🌈🌏

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for DEFINING and forming a wonderful new foundation for your Mission! 🌊 😊😄☺🌞😎💕💞

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of January 19th through 25th 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 19th through 25th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for Aquarius Season and the New Golden Age of Aquarius.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE for the Goddess Transmissions




Paul White Gold Eagle

Sacred Mantra of Shiva and Shakti

Om Namah Shivaya,
Om Shakti Namah.
Eternal union of light and power,
Dance of creation, destruction, and rebirth.

Shiva, the stillness, the infinite void,
Shakti, the flow, the cosmic tide.
Together, you weave the universe’s song,
Balance of forces, eternally strong.

Om Shiva Shakti Aikyam Namah,
In your union, I find my path.
Guide my soul to awaken within,
Merge the divine feminine and masculine.

Har Har Mahadev,
Jai Mata Kali.
Sacred flame within me rise,
Awaken truth beyond the skies.

Om Namah Shivaya, Om Shakti Namah,
Sacred balance, eternal calm.
So it is.


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