You are currently viewing Sun Enters Scorpio (Cat Goddess Bast)  The Veil is Thin ~ The New Dawn Approaches ~ Diamond Sun Codes

Sun Enters Scorpio (Cat Goddess Bast)  The Veil is Thin ~ The New Dawn Approaches ~ Diamond Sun Codes

Sun Enters Scorpio (Cat Goddess Bast)  The Veil is Thin ~ The New Dawn Approaches ~ Diamond Sun Codes



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Blue Ray Nation of our New Earth Shamans

We have massive energies pouring into this realm from the most high Infinite Source Creator as our local Soularis moves into the sign of Scorpio today. As we begin Scorpio Season the Holy Waters of the Divine Mother Goddess flow from from the Fountain of Life and fill the Quantum Field with her LoveLight and uplift all on the Path with Heart to a Higher Dimension of 5d and beyond.

We are now on day 2 of 10 Galactic Activation Portal days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 107 Blue Electric Hand as the Healing Blue Ray of full Electrical Potential is activated within all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 as we heal thyself and in turn the world is healed.

The Keys and Codes within our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA are being turned on as our Divine Angelic Blueprints Return to our Good People of Terra Nova Gaia…A’Ho!










~ Lauren Zimmerman ✨️

There are more crafts in the atmosphere of Earth than have been here for 40.000 years.
If you understand the reason behind this, you will understand that Change is imminent for Earth and its reality..✨️
Visionary Art by Matheus Creative

°Maria Nesa

~ As we embrace the Light that is about to Dawn, those who are ready to move forward in the higher Light will Beam Gloriously in their Sacred Essence.
The Light coming is Strong and will amplify the Diamond Sun Codes needed for Acceleration in the Ascension Process.
These Diamond Codes of the Higher Dimensional Sun, Embody Pure God/Source Light which expands the Light body to a more harmonized State. This affects the bodies in all other planes, creating a vast array of Light throughout the planes to activate.
The Higher Light will envelope those who are ready for this Ascension Phase.
The Diamond Rainbow Light Codes Embodied in the Higher Sun is active and streaming Light through the Dimensional Corridors.
Be open for this Light to Heal, Uplift and Transcend all that no longer serves the new Reality that many are now ready to step into.
The New Dawn Approaches.
Be in and of the Light and Celebrate Your Divine Being.

Blue Rose Oracles

Another shift in bandwidth today as more energy is flowing into the planetary field uplifting and realigning us with new frequencies and opportunities to hold space within for deeper exploration of our divine connection and enhanced intuitive understanding of our multi dimensionality.
Heart openings continue as we expand into greater unity with source consciousness and see beyond the old foundations of wounding and lack. Coming into a space of divine realignment understanding that your assignment is to embody love, compassion, unity and grace as your foundations so you that can become the architects and grid anchors for the next evolution of Christ consciousness.
There are huge shifts incoming at a global and planetary level and that’s why you are here at this exact moment in time. To hold the frequency, to embody the frequency and to build new ways of living, being, working and doing that support the collective evolution in consciousness and Mother Earth as she is upgrading and ascending into another incarnational cycle too.
We are opening the higher heart wider to receive deeper frequencies of unconditional love, we are asked to hold love’s vibration and embody love in each breath, action, intention and movement.
Another shift in bandwidth
Another shift in bandwidth
IMPORTANT ENERGY UPDATE. The veil is thin. Synchronicities are about to abound, the sign that you are reaching a higher energy for your life. There is a sense of connection between all things, the past, the present and the future, of a grand Plan, if you pay attention.
Majestic shifts in the direction of more light. Leading you directly to your next timeline. What used to feel blocked, uneasy, not smooth is opening up. Miraculous openings for some—rewarding years of questions, struggles, lack of confidence or doors closed. Think back of cycles started in 2014 or 2016. Something which you start to dream of or manifest couldn’t fully bloom. Your reality now is aligning with all the steps of the inner journey, all the wisdom acquired.
Divine timing. The efforts made on the long run, one day paying off. The detours which didn’t make sense, starting to.
Your thoughts are powerful. A lot is shifting. Positive energy, good news, destined encounters or deepenings. Keep walking, confident – flowing – into the new, into the unknown.
From known into unknown
From known into unknown
10/22/24: We’re on a Divine Mission of Alchemy today. You’ve been weaving nothing into something and something into nothing all year… the busy business of growth. But on a 22 day, it’s more than that. It’s a challenge and a baptism. The test today is evolutionary. Can you raise your current situation to a higher frequency? Can you build on what you have right here, right now?
Can you distinguish the treasure from the trash and realize the gifts you’ve been given instead of judging circumstances as injustices or punishments? You are still the alchemist, the manifestor/creator, the channel of Light. The question today is… can you accept that kind of power? Step by step we go. Inch by inch we gain.
We are at the end of a cycle and today the 22nd tells us that we have the power within us to start afresh on a new path.
Many have long carried burdens on their shoulders. All her fears and worries you have built up are now made way too heavy, all her burdens need to be cleared. And you probably want to get rid of it badly.
Hope often helps you in that dissolution but you are so preoccupied with your burdens that you do not see the help it brings. But now you have the chance to dissolve everything very quickly and very easily by positioning yourself on YOUR path. Often you get stuck at the level of speech by your fears but rest assured the energy of today and the days to come is there to help you take your place with the right words.
Remember that we are all connected in the invisible and we are all able to help and assist each other, to accompany each other, to strengthen each other through our thoughts and prayers, deeds and actions. We are all connected to our ancestral sisters who support us. Together we hold the force to take back our power as sovereign being, as Divine being.
It’s important to acknowledge how far you’ve come, to honor in order to be able to continue. Don’t underestimate who you are because that’s where you give or give strength to your fears.
Today the energies we receive are only the beginning to propel us into our light, to become the bridge between heaven and earth again for Gaia to be born.
It’s time to say goodbye to people who are not ready and are draining or holding you down, whether it be your lover, lover, even your children, friends family, job, everyone must find themselves on their own path of evolution as a Divine Being.
It’s time to take back to your power and let go of everything you can no longer bear on your shoulders to lighten up as a solar angel.
Everything must be swept away, enraged, transcended, eliminated on the planet Earth that does not belong to the light …. All kinds of delusions.
Guide d’ascension

October 22nd :

Channel from Archangel Michael about the 11/11 Scorpio Gate and the Creative Power of Fire and Water
Beloved Souls, you and your planet are in the process of a deep shift in the Collective Consciousness and Reality. You are deep in your transition from Homo Sapiens to a new kind of Human called Luminosa or Christos; the Human Angel and Galactic Being of Light.
This process is driven by the two primary forces of Creation : Fire and Water together with the raising of Frequency on Earth. Fire Plasma, or sunlight and Solar Flares together with Water Plasma, the highest form of water, are the materials of the New Creation.
Solar Flares, and also “sunlight”, are fluid and “liquid” forms of the original primal Fire of Creation. Fire plasma contains the “elements” of life that will nurture life once the life templates are formed.
When the Earth was created, volcanic fire was the trigger for the creation of matter. Volcanic molten lava contains all the minerals and elements needed for life on Earth. When it encounters water (plasma) then it is able to create matter according to the templates contained in the memory bank or library of water. The first step in the “creation manual” is to create aquatic life forms and land masses, which are then populated with flora and fauna and humans.
Sunlight is also a gentler form of fire plasma ejected by the Sun, which contains “nutrients” for life. These are synthesised by plants and trees in a process known as “photosynthesis” to make the nutrients available as food for animals and humans.
Right now, Sun Cycle 25 is very active, with a very powerful X Class flare just recently. This is powering a huge wave of evolution and transition which is manifesting as The Golden Age and the New Earth.
The Phoenix or Firebird is an archetype associated with Scorpio and the Scorpio Gate 11/11 as a symbol of Rebirth and Regeneration.
In mythology, the Phoenix or Firebird symbolises an age of evolution and creation. When it is complete, the Phoenix bursts into flames and incinerates itself, symbolising the end of that cycle of creation.
But, a new Firebird arises from the ashes of the old. This symbolises the New Creation. This bird arises from the ashes of the fire. The Fire Plasma has seeded all the elements and nutrients for new life, and the template of the Phoenix is re-energised by water into a New Creation.
This is where you find yourselves now on the Planet. The Solar fires and sunlight are re-energising and rebirthing a new creation.
In this dance of creation, water plasma creates and carries the templates for creation and manifestation that are activated by fire plasma.
So, a new creation requires, firstly Fire and Water to provide the form and activate it into matter by working with the elemental energies of Air and Earth.
Water, in its pure form, flows and purifies and hydrates and cleanses. It also, as mentioned, provides templates and structure to support form, much like a 3D printer.
So, we are able to see the process of creation.
First, the Elohim Angels design the templates of life in the Star Gardens of Creation.
Then, the Dragons energise the Templates with Fire and Water and transfer the energised templates to Earth.
There the Nature Angels and Spirits plant and nurture the new creations which are cared for by fairies and devas.
Finally Human (Angels) become the Keepers of the Earth gardens and guardians of these creations with their healing and balancing gifts.
This is the spiral of creation and manifestation that is sacred.
When you create or manifest you use the same process : you design your template through visualising what you want to create and then you energise and feed the template with love and desire.
In your experiences on Earth you are also a part of these sacred cycles of Creation.
As you become more aware of who you are as human angels, you also become aware of your capacity to create and co-create with Divine Source and the angels.
You begin to consciously co-create your life by claiming your ability to travel in time as part of the creative process.
Using the power of water you can flow into the future or backwards into the past to make new choices and heal what is not part of who you are or want to be.
The point of power is always the NOW moment where you create the templates and structures of your life. But, you can travel in any direction in time to make different choices at higher levels of consciousness or plant seeds that will manifest in the future. Many of you are in this process right now, although you may not be fully aware of it. You are healing your timelines and time spirals by travelling to heal and shift energies while remaining in your heart and grounded in the present moment.
Scorpio Gate on the 11/11 (11th November) is a sacred moment to shape past and future to align with this sacred “present” moment.
May you pass through the 11/11 Gateway on the 11th November with Love and Joy in the process of joyful co-creation with your Soul and Spirit as you enter your New Life on the New Earth.


Be Conscious Of Our Light Healing.
For The Collective Power Of US Is Advancing.
Like A Unique Light Signature, We Are A Collective Group Of Species Uprising 🌿
We ask you to simply hold your breath for a few moments and feel the fullness of YOU.
Charged in Light, close your eyes and place your hands on the Earth.
For Each Species Is Advancing, Aligning To The Quantum Dance Of Light 🌿
Simply feel this Light Transfer, the harmonic light connection of the soil, the deep layers of the earth.
Understand this Light Energy – the full connection to this synergy is appearing to those who simply be with our earth, the soils, the connection to living beings.
It is simply an Acknowledgement and Awareness of Light.
The attunement to our soils, the natural surroundings is a wonderful and important opportunity for natural healing.
Simply Be In Light 🙏
For the Path Is Flowing and Free 💥
Our Role Is To Simply Advance Now In Light Harmony. For We Are A Global Collective Force Of Light 🌿
In Harmony ❤
With Love For Your Light Journey🙏🌿
The Plant Kingdom
Thank You Artist, Simon Haiduk


There is a reconciliation of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ. The duality that created separation between them is staying back in the 3D timeline. As we continue into the higher 5th dimension, power and confidence are recovering. It can feel safe to love again. The Atlas comet has been assisting in awakening these Masculine Feminine polarities to come together in partnership. It’s time to unite as One and create a new action plan for the New Earth.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn


October 22, 2024: Sun enters Scorpio, 6:15 pm EDT.

Scorpio is the most intense sign of the Zodiac. It shares great depth of feeling with the other two water signs (Cancer, Pisces) with an added ferocity more commonly found in the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, and most Scorpio natives are naturally drawn to that which is hidden yet real. They are the emotional investigators of our world, diving deep into the unseen realms and revealing the truth that lies under the surface. These individuals are born with bullshit detectors installed and fully functioning.
For most Scorpios, these natural abilities are developed early as they are exposed to covert lies and outright deceit in childhood. Trust does not come naturally. Suspicion of others is in the shadow of most Scorpio individuals and learning to use their abilities wisely lies at the heart of their Earth lesson.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Scorpio is allied with the cat goddess Bast. Sensual, seductive Bast is the passionate and erotic aspect of the Great Goddess. Her temples were home to the Sacred Sexual Priestesses. Pregnant women approaching their time to give birth would come to these temples to be supported by the Priestesses, whose intent was to make the painful process of childbirth a sensual experience. The warrior newly returned from war also visited the temple to release the trauma of battle through the ministrations of these tantric priestesses.
These women stood at the portal between death and birth, intuitively understanding the connection between these most powerful of Earth experiences. Those with Scorpio strong in their own personalities must find ways to explore the mysteries of the birth/death/rebirth cycle in their own lives.
The Sun will emanate through Scorpio/Bast until November 21.
October 22, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
Image: Bast by GaudiBuendia.


On Tuesday, October 22nd, the Sun, ruler of our attitude towards life, is preparing to leave the partnership sign of Libra, the Scales and move into the penetrating sign of Scorpio, the Scorpion. Right before the shift, while still in Libra, the Sun will create a challenging square to Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, power and control, and transformation and regeneration. Any, or all of these energies may effect our relationships with others, or our sense of balance within ourselves.
Then, for the next month this bright light that rules our ego consciousness, will travel through the shadows of our psyche, observing, reflecting, and discovering our powerful emotions, old subconscious patterns, and self-destructive belief systems. This will allow us to root out, transmute and heal, what no longer is beneficial for us to hang onto or carry with us. The Sun in Scorpio is also determined, driven, strong, unshakable, passionate, intuitive, hypnotic, mysterious, magnetic and sexy! So, get ready for this intense sign of big changes and self-empowerment!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Sun, ruler of our attitude towards life, is preparing to leave the partnership sign of Libra, the Scales and move into the penetrating sign of Scorpio
Sun, ruler of our attitude towards life, is preparing to leave the partnership sign of Libra, the Scales and move into the penetrating sign of Scorpio
Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. Sun enters Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn retrograde in Pisces – Diplomacy is favoured over brute force but it’s true that our inner poise is tested under this influence. Sometimes we must deal with unpleasant business even when the urge is to gloss over it to keep the peace. Keep it real. Be honest with yourself and others. Let go of unhealthy attachments. Re-establishing harmony requires a willingness to change.
Sometimes, there are forces beyond your control but you’re not powerless. If you feel intimidated, focus on what can be changed rather than what can’t. Dig deep within to locate immense reserves of strength hiding behind fears and complexes. Show grace under pressure. Stand by your truth. Emerge from the shadows. Draw upon your inner wisdom. Once you have made your mind up, you can accomplish anything.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 13°Sc11′, Saturn 13°Pi11′ R – 07:34 (BST)
Sun 29°Li40′, Pluto 29°Cp40′ – 15:15 (BST)
Sun 00°Sc00′ – 23:14 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – ‘Cloud and Sunset Study’ by William Bradford
Cloud and Sunset Study
Cloud and Sunset Study

Kin 107 ~ Blue Electric Hand

‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its keywords are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. This is the third day of the Red Serpent wavespell, the 2nd Portal day in a row. The journey takes off now at such a speed expect to feel a little weird and light headed today. Electric days are always high energy and when they occur on a Portal day, that’s a crazy combination that only happens 3 times in the Tzolkin.
Today is Blue Hand which represents ‘Accomplishment, Healing and Knowing.’ Not only is it an Electric day and a Portal day, we also add into the mix the healing energies of the Blue Hand. It is easy to imagine how one could ‘Activate Healing’. The Serpent wavespell, although intense – does offer healing through the transformative process which is the shedding of our old selves. Much can be accomplished today but be prepared to be worn out from all that energy. The Blue Hand can also make us feel quite ambitious and with this crazy energy, we may find ourselves reaching out for things that we want badly. Be careful not to get too greedy today.
The Guide today is the Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play’. Now this is the fun part of the day! Monkey is leading the way, inviting us to play. Monkey shows us magic and illusion to see if we can tell the difference. Choose illusion and Monkey will teach you a lesson and make a fool out of you. Be wise and discerning today and Monkey will lead you to healing. It really is up to you, how you play with Monkey today. Follow his lead and you’ll be alright.
The Challenge is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution, Navigation and Synchronicity’. The challenge aspect symbolizes the energy that is in opposition to the day and some folk mistake this as a negative thing but really, it’s more like a task or a dare. If you take this challenge on you can still evolve. Navigate your way wisely today and see how synchronicity occurs more frequently. When coincidences happen, these are signposts confirming that you are going in the right direction. If you find you go in the wrong direction today perhaps you are not connecting with the Earth. Try to get some nature time and that should sort you out.
The Occult power is White Wizard, the charming enchanter. It is natural for Wizards to be in this position of magic as magic is their middle name. We all can have the power to enchant today and cast spells and this helps us ‘activate the healing.’ If you are a White Wizard, you’ll enjoy occupying this Occult position. For the rest of us be aware, that we may be vulnerable to falling under a spell that someone charming casts over us.
The Ally is the Yellow Human, the Psychic of the Tzolkin. Their wisdom and ability to channel make them great friends to have around today. Seek one out if you need assistance. If you are one, this means today will go your way and you will also be very popular with folk consulting you for your wisdom. Even if you are not one, today will give your intuitive abilities a boost because Yellow Human is occupying this friendly aspect.
Kin 107
Kin 107

Christina Papageorgiou


3 MANIK – KIN 107
22 OCTOBER 2024




I ACTIVATE in order to KNOW

I seal the store of Accomplishment
With the Electric tone of Service
I AM guided by the power of Majik~


22/10/2024 = 4/10/8 = 4/18=4/9=13=4
22- Architect of Peace/Mster builder
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
13- Goddess/cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy

Kin 107 = 8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow 💫💫

Unexpected and SPONTANEOUS MAJIK ✨💫✨ happening today – a dramatic turnaround in your HEALTH🌿 and VITALITY, 🌞 accomplishing GREAT THINGS! ✨✨✨

Today is ANOTHER POTENT day in the evolution of PLANET EARTH!! 💥💥..

More POWER to BREAK out of THE BOX – from any form of imprisonment, or anything limiting your FREEDOM, particularly any HEALTH issues!

Day 3 in the RED SERPENT🐍 WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin.
How are we liking this SERPENT energy so far Planetary Kin???

9 moons ago here in Melbourne we had a HEATWAVE during the SERPENT wavespell.. and today the temperature rose to 28 degrees celsius and tomorrow 30 degrees.. it is uncanny how RED SERPENT turns up the HEAT!! 🔥🔥🔥

Very interesting that 18 moons ago El Soleil ☀ was emitting a rapid succession of M-Class flares during the RED FIERY🔥🔥🔥 SERPENT wavespell. (The SAME thing happened during SERPENT wavespell 27 moons ago too!!! FIRE UP!! 🔥🔥🔥

Hmmm 4 times in a row🤔 – not a coincidence!!!

This is Earth shattering potent ASCENSION POWER!! 🎇🔥 I hope that we can ALL RISE out of the “survival” game in the old matrix and embrace our Shamanic powers, transcending the FEAR and control game.

✨Today we are given the power to utilize the VITALITY and LIFE FORCE energies of CHICCHAN, to ACCOMPLISH great HEALING and dedication to Divine Service!


Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! 💡 This is pure creative GENIUS energy – TESLA POWER🌩🌩🌩. The ELECTRIC TONE coupled with the BLUE MONKEY and WHITE WIZARD – creates UBER MAJIK, and throw in the SERPENT ENERGIES on our second GAP DAY and we have enough dynamite💣💣💣 to blow 100 BASTILLE’S!!!!

ZZZZZZZZAP!!! KAPOW!!!! 💥💥💥 be very careful with that HIGH VOLTAGE CURRENT!!

ELECTRIC DAYS are super potent for catalyzing change, and fuelling what you want to create through focused intent. This ELECTRIC tone of SERVICE is AMPLIFIED today with this fiery SERPENT energy as fuel.

ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. It’s focus is on being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING,👫 that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE. ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy..

It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of BONDING in SERVICE💑 that the Electric tone providest.

Today we may experience close BONDING in divine/destined relationships that reflect a timeless quality of enchantment. Romantic unions may be heightened through the sensual and provocative SERPENTILE energies.. The MOON is in sweet CANCER and the SUN is in romantic LIBRA – beautiful energy for BONDING with kin and attracting your soul tribe. Those souls focused on achieving a BIG MISSION in service to HUMANITY.

Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. EXPAND your focus from purely bonding with ONE to the joy of bonding with ALL. Together with your divine counterpart offer your united energies to be of DIVINE SERVICE to HU-MAN-ITY..

✨💥✨ANOTHER super POTENT day – INCREDIBLE POWER 💥and MAJIK 💥energies at your disposal to channel into your DIVINE SERVICE PROJECTS! 💟💟💟

NOTE: A strong ELECTRICAL charge exists between Monadic souls 👭👬👫 so coupled with today’s code, this makes for a very ELECTRIFYING experience. Expect SPARKS to fly!💥💋💥
NOTE: Do not underestimate the POWERful forces available today. Elon Musk has the ELECTRIC tone. He is a WHITE ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER – and he uses this POWER to build ROCKETS to fly to MARS – bridging worlds as well as launching STARLINK satellites to enhance our COMMUNICATION connectivity!
ELECTRIC 💥 people can accumulate great WEALTH, POWER and RESOURCES 💰💰💰-(and sadly in the old paradigm they did not use it WISELY to benefit humanity!) use this POWER today to your advantage with harm to NONE in SERVICE to HUMANITY!



He has a BIG JOB to ACCOMPLISH and as a BLUE HAND he has all the tools to get the JOB DONE! And that is why he was given such an important MISSION. If you want a job done – give it to a BLUE HAND..
TRUMP – has the ELECTRIC⚡ tone and loves CONNECTING to PEOPLE.. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👭👬👫 This provides great fuel for his MISSION.
This year on his Gregorian birthday – 14 June 2024 -he acquired the codes of the RED ELECTRIC EARTH ⚡🌎- Kin 237 – RIGHT PERSON,✅ RIGHT PLACE,✅ RIGHT TIME!✅
ELECTRIC CABAN gifts him with more FLOW and SYNCHRONICITY tapping into the EARTH MAJIK.
TRUMP already has ELECTRIC⚡ tone energy and for a whole year he has DOUBLE ELECTRIC TONE energy..⚡⚡
He has become a SUPER MAGNET🧲 to ATTRACT his tribe. And out of nowhere he attracted a whole TEAM of souls who have stepped forth to support him on his Mission –
such is the BONDING🧲 👫 POWER of the ELECTRIC🧲⚡ tone!
He has TWO STORM🌀🌀 👫people (transformers)- in a RHYTHMIC STORM YEAR, 🌀
TWO WORLDBRIDGERS🌉🌉 👬(connecters) and a
What is really COOL is that the two STORM allies – RFK JR and TULSI = kin 98 -the WHITE RESONANT MIRROR – the signature kin of VIVEK! Truly AWESOME codes.. Gotta LOVE the DREAMSPELL..
Together all 5 of TRUMP’S allies make – 588 – 520 = kin 68 The YELLOW ELECTRIC STAR⚡🌟
Phenomenal TEAM WORK to accomplish their UNITED DIVINE MISSION.
When we add the allies to TRUMP’S code we get
KIN 68 + KIN 107 = KIN 175 the BLUE RHYTHMIC EAGLE!!!⚖️🦅
Together they are restoring BALANCE⚖️ and ORDER in the USA 🇺🇲(THE EAGLE)🦅 through holding the BIG VISION for humanity. Their UNITED MISSION is to ACTIVATE the highest utopian timeline for our planet!!📈
TULSI will acquire the RHYTHMIC ✅STORM energy on his gregorian birthday -12 April 2025.. and the whole TRANSITION TRUMP TEAM – have the RHYTHMIC✅ tone in a RHYTHMIC✅ STORM YEAR.
The DIVINE PLAN is truly ensuring that BALANCE⚖️ and ORDER is restored✅ on PLANET EARTH!!!🌎
The DREAMSPELL CODEX is a brilliant prophetic tool for discovering the blueprint codes for individual and collective souls – truly a phenomenal gift for us to navigate through these turbulent times.

The ELECTRIC tone in the SERPENT Wavespell also ACTIVATES our Planetary Kundalini and Serpents🐍🐍 – Rainbow 🌈and Feathered/Quetzacoatl – so GAIA’s Grid🌐 is pumping today.. lots of Planetary FUEL for GAIA’S 🌎 LIBERATION💥 and Ascension 🎆 journey.
Given the POTENCY of today’s code we can VOLUNTEER to direct this energy for Planetary HEALING.🙌 🌍🌎🌏 💞
The battle for our HEALTH,🌿 VITALITY🌞 and LIFE FORCE🔥 has been waged through polluting our food, air, water, land as well as our bodies and our minds! The insidious use of Microwaves and destructive frequencies emitted through invasive technologies such as 5G, DEW – Direct Energy Weapons attacks, H.A.A.R.P., lasers, chemtrails and also super computer AI directed mind control attacks.😭😭😭…
Given that we are adventuring in the Shamanic underworld territory of the RED SERPENT and WHITE WIZARD (whilst PLUTO – God of the Underworld is in the final DEATH throes of Capricorn – the old paradigm/patriarchy)
Themes of manipulation, hypnotic trances, spells, curses, domination, power struggles and other mind control and take-over practices, are rising to the fore in order to be BALANCED, cleared and dissolved…particularly in relation to karmic patterns. PLUTO is enabling us all to BREAK FREE..and in order to build the NEW.
✨✨✨Today affords a DIVINELY GIFTED opportunity to CLEAR all of these from the Collective/Planetary consciousness and timelines (as well as personal timelines too).
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE ELECTRIC HAND⚡ 🙌- MANIK activates the mighty caduceus⚕️ of ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL 💚- the healing medicine that RED SERPENT provides. During this whole SERPENT WAVESPELL we have the alchemical POWER to transform POISON/TOXINS into MEDICINE.
We can access incredible raw vital energy to restore and charge⚡⚡ our life force today, raising our kundalini to higher levels of consciousness. DOUBLE THE HEALING POWER is emanating from this caduceus!
✨Today we can ask for EVERYTHING to be HEALED! ✨🌿✨
Any dis-ease, block, restriction and limitation to you STEPPING UP into Divine Service as a PARTNER to co create with GOD/GODDESS can be SHED!! 🐍 Spontaneous HEALING and MIRACLES are possible.
It is also a great day to VOLUNTEER and work in TEAMS for the benefit of others. Lending a helping “hand” and using your skills to accomplish “handiwork” .
MANIK provides the POWER OF ACCOMPLISHMENT!✅ We can achieve our goals and all that we wish to accomplish through the POWER at our disposal today – get out your TO DO LIST✅ – and start checking off the jobs.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE ELECTRIC MONKEY🐒 – CHUEN is the MAGICIAN🎩 who guides our HAND✋ charging up all that we wish to ENERGIZE and create through this great electrical POWER available today. This ELECTRIC MAGICIAN has the power to negate all dark Magic in the illusory world and direct the CURRENT into his desired manifestations to serve HU-MAN-KIND.
BLUE MONKEY🐒 is the TIME LORD/TRAVELLER ⏳who has mastered the dimension of TIME. This higher guide enables us to DIRECT this super charged HEALING current today – through SPACETIME to heal any distortions, tears and rifts to our timelines and ancestral lineage.
Merging our PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE through the present moment. Echoing the DIVINE LOVE of our CREATOR through the corridors of TIME – to create our BLISS point. From this zero point of balance we can relaunch ourselves and reimagine our future – EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE in this adventure PLAYGROUND.
Be like the Divine child and allow this Majikal Divine force to run from your heart, through your HANDS, to manifest at your will. BE AWARE – SPONTANEOUS MANIFESTATION can happen today!!
YESHUA demonstrated the MIRACULOUS HEALING power available to ALL HU-MANS who are fully aligned with our SOURCE. Connect to this DIVINE CHRISTOS✨🌞✨ ENERGY to perfect your “hands on healing” and perform MIRACLES. ✨✨✨
SUPPORT: YELLOW ELECTRIC HUMAN😊 – EB allows us to upgrade our personal human will to that of Divine Will. Serving to electrify the web 🕸 of connectedness 🌐 and love❤ that allows us to fearlessly choose to say YES, YES, YES, to influencing an ever expanding web of awakening family.
Today we are activating the wisdom of unconditional love spreading across the planet through our communities. Using all our skills and accumulated wisdom to apply this great power today, to affect incredible transformation and evolutionary progress for HU-MAN-ITY through the higher HAND of GOD.🖐
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD 🌀 🔮- IX LIBERATES 💥 us from the past as the SPECTRAL WIZARD is a tool of the LIGHT. The SPECTRAL powers are dissolving, releasing and LIBERATING. As the Occult SUPERPOWER today – the SPECTRAL WIZARD is another huge FORCE for a significant LIBERATION of HEALING today.💥💥 Wow – Spirit has a PLAN for this wondrous day!
Using his powerful WHITE MAJIK💫💫 to dissolve and release any dark Magic spell and LIBERATE the FREEDOM, to transform and activate your own DIVINE Majikal Powers.

IX allows us to access even greater MAJIK today, with the power of enchantment through our PURE HEARTS. ❤ By opening and becoming receptive to the incoming powerful GAP and electrical currents, converting this great power into Divinely inspired ACTIONS in compassionate service to humanity.
The POWER is in your HANDS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED ELECTRIC EARTH⚡ 🌏 – CABAN Today’s CHALLENGE and GIFT is KIN 237 which is the KIN that TRUMP acquired this year as his personal goal… this is incredibly PROFOUND!!!!
This is the KEY🔑 to his life purpose incarnating on PLANET EARTH at this – RIGHT TIME✅..
TRUMP is the CAPTAIN of SPACESHIP EARTH – at the helm – setting the course and navigating to the NEW TIME.
His purpose is to ACTIVATE the NEW HARMONIC TIME on GAIA – through a NEW BLUEPRINT in her grids..
This is the medicine he holds – and THIS ELECTION YEAR – he is DOUBLING✅✅ his GIFTS/MEDICINE that he will bestow on PLANET EARTH… DIVINE SYNCHRONICITY – this is ALL DIVINELY ORDAINED!✨🌟✨

CABAN reveals the SIGNS, SYNCHRONICITIES and navigational tools to point you in the right direction for your Highest potential realization. Listening for the SPARKS💥 that ZING,⚡✨⚡ that creates the most electricity⚡ inside us, revealing the bigger picture of the DIRECTION we need to take individually and collectively..
The RAINBOW🌈🐍 SERPENT is fully springing into ACTION today, through the ELECTRIC EARTH⚡🌎 – powering up the song lines and electrifying the GRID.. GAIA’s meridians🌐 are flowing with tremendous healing POWER!🔥💥🌿
Connect with nature🌿🌊 today and spend some time in STILLNESS, in communion with the Divine, to HEAL the PAST and set forth on your new Divine Course.
Follow the NEON SIGNS to discover your new GPS.
PACHAMAMA is speaking LOUD and CLEAR today and she is saying “TODAY IS THE DAY”
It is TIME for GAIA 🌍🌎🌏 to BREAK FREE from her bondage as a PRISON PLANET – and today we can ACCOMPLISH this. 👏

Today’s question is “How can I accomplish GREAT HEALING 🖐through applying my MAJIkal 🎩POWER, to LIBERATE myself and others through Divine Service?”💓💟💓

So beloveds today is an A-MAZING DAY – a great day to achieve potent healing!✨🌿✨
We are using the MAJIK available to us all, to PUSH through any perceived boundaries, TRUSTing the Divine energies that would like to be ACCOMPLISHED through us! We are all very DIVINE ELECTRICAL CONDUITS today!! buzz buzz buzz…





Divine blessings for ELECTRICAL, MAJIKal MIRACLES today!💫⚛✴

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈









🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 🕉 Healing Guided Meditation for the Sun in Scorpio with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Healing Guided Meditation for the Sun in Scorpio

Welcome to this Healing Guided Meditation with my Sacred Condor designed to help you align with the powerful transformative energy of the Sun in Scorpio. Scorpio season brings opportunities for deep emotional healing, self-discovery, and personal rebirth. In this meditation, you’ll be guided to release old patterns, connect with your inner strength, and embrace transformation with clarity and courage.

Allow the intense and mystical energy of Scorpio to help you shed what no longer serves your highest purpose and invite profound healing into your mind, body, and soul. This session is perfect for those looking to dive deep into emotional renewal and embrace the power of change.

Take a moment to center yourself, breathe deeply, and immerse in this transformative journey. Let the energy of Scorpio’s deep waters guide you toward healing and rebirth.


CLICK HERE for the Healing Guided Meditation



✨️White Flame Supreme Activation Decree

✨ “In the name of the Powerful Presence I Am, I invoke at this moment the White Flame of Purity and Ascension!
I call upon the Enlightened Presence of Archangel Gabriel and Master Seraphis Bey, to engage me and activate in me the Supreme Divine Purity.
✨️May the White Flame descend upon my being now, purifying every atom, every cell and every particle of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.
May all patterns of imbalance, limitations and imperfections be dissolved and transmuted in the Immaculate Light of the White Flame!
✨️I invoke divine purity, truth, and perfection in every area of my life.
May my path to ascension be paved by the White Flame, leading me to elevation, peace, and spiritual enlightenment.
✨ Archangel Gabriel, surround me with your ray of purity and truth, inspire me with clarity and divine communication.
Master Seraphis Bey, guide me on the path of ascension, helping me to release the past and elevate me to the realms of light and perfection.
✨️I Am the White Flame of Purity in action!
I Am the White Flame of the Ascension in manifestation!
I Am Divine Purity restored in every aspect of my being and my life!
✨️So be it, and so it is! “
💠 This decree can be repeated aloud or mentally, visualizing the White Flame enveloping your entire being and environment, promoting energetic cleansing and spiritual elevation.
White Flame Supreme Activation Decree
White Flame Supreme Activation Decree

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