You are currently viewing BOOM!!! Medical beds revealed on The X-Files TWENTY YEARS AGO ~ The Path to the Fifth Dimensional World –  Operation Stormbreaker

BOOM!!! Medical beds revealed on The X-Files TWENTY YEARS AGO ~ The Path to the Fifth Dimensional World – Operation Stormbreaker

BOOM!!! Medical beds revealed on The X-Files TWENTY YEARS AGO ~ The Path to the Fifth Dimensional World – Operation Stormbreaker



BOOM!!! Medical beds revealed on The X-Files TWENTY YEARS AGO


BOOM! Medical Beds EXPOSED  –  The Cabal  and  Big Pharma  have been hiding life-saving technology for decades! Discover the shocking truth revealed in The X-Files 20 years ago. They are keeping us sick for profit. It’s time to  FIGHT  and demand access to medical beds NOW!


In a stunning revelation that has left many questioning the realities of modern healthcare, it has come to light that  “med beds”  – revolutionary devices capable of curing virtually all human illnesses – were featured on  The X-Files  over 20 years ago. That’s right, you read that correctly.  The X-Files  Season 7, Episode 15, titled  “En Ami,”  aired on March 19, 2000, and dropped a surprising clue about this revolutionary technology. The quote from the episode says it all:

“It’s the cure for all human diseases. The final frontier. It’s largely extraterrestrial.”


But wait, there’s more! Medical beds also appear in the movie  Elysium  , proving that Hollywood has been dropping hints about these futuristic, life-saving devices for decades. Now, the million-dollar question is:  why haven’t we seen medical beds in real life?


The answer is both frightening and revealing. The truth is that these miracle devices have been  kept from humanity  by powerful forces: the  Cabal  ,  Big Pharma  , and the  Deep State  . These shadowy figures don’t want you to be healthy.

No, they want you to be sick, suffering, and dependent on their expensive medications and treatments. They want to  profit from your pain  , and medical beds are the antidote to their entire system of control.


The X-Files’ Red Pill: Medical Beds and the Secrets They Hold

If you’re a fan of  The X-Files  , you already know that the series was ahead of its time in revealing government conspiracies, hidden technologies, and extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs. But the episode  En Ami  hit a little too close to home. In it, the Cigarette Smoking Man, the ultimate villain, reveals a technology that can cure all human diseases.

He suggests that this technology is of extraterrestrial origin — a revelation that many believe is in line with current claims about medical beds being  alien technology  hidden from the public.

The portrayal in  The X-Files  may seem like fiction, but mounting evidence points to the reality of medical beds existing and being kept secret. In recent years, whistleblowers have begun to come forward, claiming that these devices are not only real, but have existed for decades, kept out of public hands by the   world’s  elite power structures .

The ability of medical beds to heal wounds, cure diseases and even regenerate cells is something straight out of science fiction – but could it be a scientific fact that the powers that be are hiding from us?



[Memorandum] The Path to the Fifth Dimensional World (Higher Dimensions, Space, World Line)

The fifth-dimensional world (quantum world) is approaching. The door to the fifth-dimensional world has been opened and we are currently walking on the “path (world line)” that leads to a new world.

The latest information on the path to the fifth dimensional world (higher dimensions, space, world line)!

The latest information on the path to the fifth dimensional world (higher dimensions, space, world line)!

Before the opening of the “door to the world of the fifth dimension” (first half of 2022), the [world line] was still in a situation where there were multiple options (paths to the future).

Therefore, until then, there were few elements that could be considered “determined/certain” regarding the path to the future/fifth-dimensional world, and the information consisted mainly of information that indicated “a possibility”.

However, after the opening of the “door to the fifth-dimensional world” (end of 2022), a major branching of the world line occurred. “The path to remain in the 3D world”, “The path to the 4D world”, and “The path to the 5D world” emerged, and those who chose the 5D world (us) are currently  walking the path to the 5D world, I am here  .

The events that occur and the information gained in the process of walking the path to the fifth-dimensional world are all elements that lead to the fifth-dimensional world.

That’s right…the information that will be revealed now and in the future (information that will be obtained) will include “confirmation/decision” elements.

Here, we will write down these important elements and information (decisions) as a “memo” so that you do not ignore or forget them.

Important and latest information about “Fifth Dimension”, “World Line”, “Universe” and “Higher Dimensional Existence”

We would like to publish it in an updated format.

Latest information! The plan to make first contact with beings from higher dimensions (space) has been finalized! ?

The plan to make first contact with beings from higher dimensions (space) has been finalized! ?

Among the elements related to the “universe, higher dimensions, fifth dimension and world lines”, personally, one of the most exciting stories  is the information about  “beings of higher dimensions (space life forms)”.

There was the latest information related to these “higher dimensional beings (space life forms)”.

The implementation of the first plan of contact between Earth humans and higher dimensional beings (space life forms) has been confirmed.

That’s what it says.

History of the “First Contact Plan”

History of the “First Contact Plan”

At this time, the contents of the “First Contact Plan” have not yet been revealed (there is no related information).

In the future

At what level will first contact between Earth humans and higher dimensional beings be made (is it just information sharing? Is it contact with specific people? Is it an experience for all humans? etc.)

The presence or absence of information will be of interest.

Information about the “Project for First Contact with Higher Dimensional Beings”  has been around for several years.

However, at first it was discussed only as a more conceptual topic. When whispers began to be heard that the “door to the fifth dimension” might open.

A specific “first contact plan” is being considered between higher dimensional beings and the Earth Alliance.

It became clear.

Furthermore, the plan is moving forward and will be completed.

A meeting between representatives of higher dimensional beings and representatives of the Earth Alliance (head of the US Space Force?) will be held at the US Space Force base.


And last week, it appears  that the “specific content (timetable?)” of the First Contact Plan was decided  .

However, we are unable to confirm information about the details of the plan, such as whether the entire plan has been decided or whether certain elements have been decided.

If you look at it from the other side, if the “date (schedule) of the first contact plan” has been decided, it is proof that the schedule (forecast) of the entire Q plan (GESARA, etc.) has also been decided.

In this sense, we consider  this information as  a “very important element”.

What is the significance of the “First Contact Plan” decision?

What is the significance of the “First Contact Plan” decision?

As I mentioned earlier, if  the “First Contact Plan timeline”  has been decided, it means that the “Overall Q Plan timeline” has also been set.

In addition to the direct meaning of the “First Contact Plan” (revelation of existence in higher dimensions), an indirect meaning (Q-Plan timeline) can be found.

Another indirect meaning of the fact that the First Contact Plan was decided is that

It is expected that Earth humanity will reach the “Earthling awakening level (transition to the fifth dimensional waves)” set by higher dimensional beings.

That’s what it means.

Last month there was a story (information) that said, “We (higher dimensional beings) will not be able to make first contact with Earthlings unless they reach a sufficient fifth dimensional vibrational range.” I was there.

At that time, it is thought that there was still no prospect of the “level of awakening of earthlings (transition to the fifth-dimensional wave)”.

However, last week, information came out that the “first contact plan had been decided”, which means that at that time,

The transition into the 5th dimensional vibration of Earth humanity is now in sight.

I think this means this. It may be possible that a sufficient “transition to the fifth dimensional wave” has already been confirmed (in higher dimensional existence) at this point.





Let me be very clear: NESARA is not just a small policy change — it is a complete REVOLUTION.

We’re talking about  erasing all debt  ,  eliminating the IRS  , dismantling the  Federal Reserve  , and  reforming elections  . It’s going to be messy, it’s going to be chaotic, but it’s the  only way  to take back what’s rightfully ours. Let’s break down this explosive list of 10  NESARA protocols  and see how deep this rabbit hole goes.

BOOM #1: Debt Forgiveness – A Total Financial Reset!

POOF!  Your crushing debts? GONE! All your credit card balances, mortgages, and loans —  wiped clean  . How? Because the entire banking system that enslaved you in endless debt was built on  illegal activity  . That’s right — this isn’t just a favor or a bailout. NESARA is  righting  decades of  financial crimes committed by banks and governments. This is a  financial  jubilee , the likes of which the world has NEVER seen before.

But don’t get too comfortable. This only applies to debt tied to the corrupt banking system. If you owe money outside of it, you’re still on the hook. This is  selective justice  , targeting the  core of the corrupt financial empire  .

BOOM #2: Tax Release – IRS IS DESTROYED!

Are you tired of handing over your hard-earned money to the IRS every year?  Say goodbye  to that nightmare! The IRS, which has been acting  unconstitutionally  since the beginning, is about to be  DEAD AND BURIED  . Income taxes?  OUT  . That’s right! NESARA  eliminates  income taxes, and it’s about time. For years, the government has been illegally siphoning money from your paycheck, and NESARA will put an end to this theft.

In its place, NESARA brings a simple flat tax of 14% on non-essential goods. That means  no taxes  on food, medicine, or used goods. It’s fair. It’s simple. And most importantly, it keeps the government’s greedy hands out of your pocket.

⇒  What is the most powerful force on the planet?

BOOM #3: Federal Reserve — GAME OVER!

The  Federal Reserve  , that shadowy institution that has been pulling the strings behind the scenes for  decades  , is about to be  DE-regulated  ! NESARA doesn’t just regulate it—it  eliminates  the entire system. Once and for all, we’re  kicking the Federal Reserve to the curb  and taking back control of our money.

A new “Rainbow Currency” backed by the U.S. Treasury will replace the worthless paper dollars we’ve been using. And guess what? This new currency will be backed by  gold, silver and platinum — REAL  assets   , not the fake money the Federal Reserve has been printing for years. This isn’t just a reform — it’s a  total financial revolution  .

BOOM #4: Constitutional Law Restored – America’s RESET!


It’s over  for those who twisted the law and sold our sovereignty to the highest bidder! NESARA returns the United States to its rightful foundation:  Constitutional Law  . This means no more laws made in secret rooms by foreign interests or shadowy powers. The  Title of Nobility Amendment  will be reinstated, and here’s the kicker:  hundreds of thousands  of Americans with dual allegiances to foreign powers will be  stripped of their citizenship  .

Let that sink in  . College degrees?  Worthless paper  ! If you have been operating under foreign control, your game is over. NESARA is sending these traitors packing—they will be  deported and barred  from ever setting foot on American soil again. This is more than a reset; it is a  DELETION  of those who sold out our nation.

BOOM #5: New elections – A TOTAL political overhaul!

The current political system? IT IS  DONE  . Corruption has poisoned our elections for years, and NESARA is here to  eliminate it  . In a matter of  120 days  , all current presidential and congressional elections will be  canceled  , and new ones will be held under the rule of Constitutional Law. Every  national emergency  declared by the previous regime will be  erased  .

No more rigged elections! The  NewQFS Voting System  is coming, and it’s  tamper-proof  . Voter fraud?  Impossible  . Under NESARA, only those validated by a secure blockchain system will be allowed to vote. If you thought corrupt politicians had a chance to hold on,  think again  . NESARA is  burning down  the corrupt house they built.

BOOM #6: Financial Privacy Restored – YOUR Money, YOUR Business!

Say goodbye  to constant surveillance and  hacking  of your personal finances. Under NESARA, your financial privacy is  restored  . The new US Treasury Reserve Banking System  will protect  your money from thieves, hackers, and the prying eyes of Big Brother. The days of the government knowing your every move are over!

It’s not just about security. It’s about  taking back  control of your financial life. No more tracking. No more surveillance. Your money is  yours  and no one else’s.

BOOM #7: The Tech Bomb Suppressed – 6,000 Patents RELEASED!

Here’s the  BIG one  . Technology you’ve never heard of — the stuff that’s been hidden away in deep vaults by global elites — is about to hit the public. We’re talking  more than 6,000 patents for mind-blowing technologies, everything from free energy  devices   to  miracle medical cures  .

This isn’t science fiction—it’s the future that’s been hidden from us for decades. Energy, healthcare, transportation—  EVERYTHING  is about to change. The reason these technologies have been suppressed? Because they  would destroy  the power structures that have ruled the world for so long. NESARA is about to  unleash  these technologies on the public and  blow up  the status quo.

BOOM #8: Humanitarian Projects – A Tsunami of Global Change!

It’s not just about  tearing down  the old system — it’s about  building a better one  . NESARA isn’t stopping with just financial reforms. It’s launching a wave of  humanitarian projects  that will change lives around the world. Funding will be available for citizens to participate in massive projects, from providing  housing for the homeless  to  revolutionizing healthcare  and education.

This is a  global movement  . NESARA’s influence will spread far beyond the borders of the United States, transforming the lives of millions. The era of  greed and scarcity  is ending, and NESARA is ushering in an era of  abundance and prosperity  for all.

BOOM #9: Restitution and Redemption – Reclaiming What Is Rightfully Ours!

NESARA doesn’t stop at  reforming  the present—it also focuses on righting the  wrongs of the past  . The corrupt elites who have stolen from us for generations? They will  pay  . We’re talking  restitution  for every unconstitutional act committed against humanity. All  hidden taxes  ,  interest payments  , and  debt slavery  will be accounted for.

And then there is  Redemption  — your currencies and bonds, including  ZIM Bonds  , will be exchanged at  higher rates  , with some of the funds allocated for  personal use  and the rest going to  humanitarian projects  . This isn’t just about money — it’s about  justice  . It’s time to take back what was stolen from us and build a future  free from oppression  .

BOOM #10: The QFS Voting System – A New Era of Inviolable Democracy!

Let’s face it: the current electoral system is a  joke  . Rigged, rigged, and  corrupt to the core  . NESARA is destroying the old system and replacing it with the  NewQFS Voting System  , a blockchain-secured and  unbreakable platform  . The days of voter fraud  are over  . Only those who have redeemed NESARA benefits will be eligible to vote.

No more dead voters, no more manipulated machines. Every vote will be  validated and secure  , ensuring that the voice of the people is truly heard. This is not just a fix — it is a  complete reimagining  of democracy.



The Alliance has very different plans and technology is a great thing as long as it is used as it should be.

How is the IT sector? 

Now information technology is the thermometer of how things are going behind the scenes, being one of the most important aspects of the new world.

With a world that is changing at the speed of light and with operations scheduled for this month, it makes sense to see how a thriving market like the IT market is heading for a rather violent slowdown.

All current cutting-edge production is suddenly becoming not only obsolete but completely useless, also considering the huge leap in performance of new technologies that are arriving and are already stacked on the shelves waiting to be disseminated.

The current leading manufacturer is undoubtedly Nvidia with the latest Blackwell proposal that in fact surpasses all its competitors. Its production is already scheduled until the end of 2025. That’s the news. But who are the giants that have reserved this huge mass of AI-ready chips?


“Nvidia’s major customers, such as AWS, Google, Meta and Microsoft, have scheduled all of their production for next year.” i.e. all of the Deep State companies.

What do they plan to do with all this production in hand? But a threat disturbs the sleep of the CEOs of these large companies. The Black Swan event, which is coming, destroys the dreams of glory of these companies. With a sweep of the towel, everything falls apart.

The Alliance has very different plans and technology is a great thing as long as it is used as it should be, that is, for the good of the human community and not to subjugate it according to the evil intentions of the Deep State.

Having quantum technology that allows humans to benefit from it is an exceptionally good thing and should be done as such. And it is no coincidence that Microsoft’s latest release of the Windows 11 operating system version 24H2 is a failure.

It blocks the Internet, and customers complain that it is also harming their hardware. According to the Alliance’s plans, Microsoft should be phased out forever and replaced with safe, reliable programs.

“Windows 11: Latest update blocks internet Windows 11’s 24H2 update is causing internet connection issues for several users.”

We are definitely on the path to a major change and many pins are already down and many more will come. In all areas of life it must be replaced by much better programs brought by Gesara for everyday life.

The program of the end will present us with the total demolition of the old way of life to introduce the new. What we find will be the greatest surprise of our lives.

The Storm Rider




October 24 (Thursday) and 25 (Friday), 2024 Operation Stormbreaker! The largest decoy operation in history

What will happen with the “financial meltdown”? ?

We will continue to check the “financial markets” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on October 14

I will extract the parts that interest you!

Today’s message

Operation Stormbreaker
October 24 (Thursday) and 25 (Friday), 2024

Military forces are being mobilized worldwide in the largest deception operation in history, a coordinated attack to destroy globalist power structures.

Global power outage and activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)
Normal communications will be suspended for 10 days.

It is advisable to have food, water, money, medicine and supplies for at least a month.
For yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy Notes

The following is the first in a series on the Deep State Cabal’s underground DUMB.
The first in a series on America’s illegal biological warfare labs, child sex trafficking, underground tunnels used for organ harvesting and adrenochrome.

On February 20, 2017, Julian Assange made a bombshell statement on Fox News’ Hannity.
WikiLeaks claims to have solid evidence that former President Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden ran for and participated in a White House-based pedophile ring.

On New Year’s Day 2021, and weeks before Biden’s fake presidential inauguration, Obama revealed that he ran a White House-based pedophile ring. Delta Force (at President Trump’s direction) raided the White House on New Year’s Day 2021, weeks before Biden’s fake presidential inauguration, which was partially filmed on a Hollywood movie set.

raided Joe Biden’s 200-acre compound in Ukraine (at President Trump’s direction);
What the military discovered was a labyrinth of underground chambers and tunnels. Chunks of necrotic flesh hung from ankle and wrist cuffs attached to the wall.

Seized laptops were reportedly packed with evidence of Biden’s extensive international money laundering, arms and drug trafficking, and child and human trafficking schemes. He also appears to be linked to other powerful elites.

Hollywood Satanist Jeffrey Epstein was arrested last month.
Hollywood’s P Diddy was exposed by his daughter Ally Carter. Allie is a survivor of pedophilia and human trafficking and has made some bombshell claims.

There is a network of tunnels connecting cities across the United States, including under the White House in Washington, D.C., and under Disney World in Florida. Carter argues that these tunnels are used for human trafficking, particularly children.

The worldwide DUMB network has been used for child sex trafficking since at least the end of World War II.
Underground tunnels used for child sex trafficking were funded, built, and operated by members of the Illuminati, the Deep State, or the Cabal. It was provided through the CIA’s black budget.

It was a pedophilia and extortion ring at the highest levels of government. President George H.W. Bush apparently organized a child sex ring to blackmail Congress and government officials; they were called “Operation Brownstone” and “Operation Brownstar.”

• The US military’s covert operations have trained for over a year on how to rescue millions of horrifically abused children from its vast network of underground tunnels. The dam tunnel has traveled to the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America and around the world.
Recent activities have focused on the underground areas of major cities such as New York, California, Florida, Washington DC and Disney World in Florida.

 President Trump has taken command of the vast global child rescue operation.
The Pentagon’s Pedophile Task Force, US Special Forces and the Marines have worked with Interpol and police forces from several countries

. Between them, they have arrested pedophiles and destroyed underground tunnels and bases with bombs that caused small earthquakes.

The rescue began on October 16, 2019, when U.S. Marines, Navy SEALs, and Special Forces rescued more than 2,100 caged infants and children from the basement of the China Lake Naval Facility. California. The children and adolescents were reportedly sexually abused, tortured, and killed for the adrenaline rush.

possible time

 On October 14, 2020, UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY filed for Chapter 11 (involuntary) bankruptcy in the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Florida. Case number 20-40375.

 On Friday, October 4, 2024, a new Quantum Financial System (QFS) satellite will be launched and connected to Starlink. The QFS is now globally transparent and independent of Earth infrastructure. It does not rely on Earth infrastructure.

 On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 12 BRICS countries will abolish the US dollar and start paying for trade in their own currencies. You will now be able to pay in your local currency.

 Saturday, October 12, 2024 Wolverine: -From all sources, this is the week we’ve been waiting for. Things are definitely changing.

 Sunday, October 13, 2024: Tonight, we say goodbye to the United States of America, Inc. 24 hours later. …President Q on Telegram

 On Monday, October 14, 2024, at the BRICS Summit, they will announce the Seven Kingdoms along with a global currency reset.

 On Monday, October 14, 2024, the legacy banking system – Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, and JP Morgan – is expected to collapse.
Morgan is expected to collapse and QFS will take over as the stock market crashes.

 October 16 (Wednesday) is a monumental day for Iraq as it marks the day contractors will be paid at the new dinar rate.

 October 31, 2024 (Thursday) The Q clock hits the 00 mark.

 The Nuremberg Trials 2.0 begin on Wednesday, November 20, 2024.

That’s all


Operation Stormbreaker
Operation Stormbreaker

RUMORS: 10/16/2024


AA Uriel: Payments are being received. They have started

yesterday in other countries. To meet current requirements, confirmations of payments received must arrive from all platforms. Confirmations from the bank to the Treasury to avoid delays in notifications. One day of grace. Iraq confirmed payment days (?). –Then he put his finger to his lips as if to tell me not to ask any more questions about it.


-Accidents are coming. There will be a plan to deal with them.

The caravans are coming.


This is not a mission if GESARA is going to happen.

It’s happening.

Preparations are underway behind the scenes and a secret Military Alliance is quietly working to bring GESARA to full global implementation.

We don’t want you to know this, but in reality time is running out and the elites are fighting as they do, knowing that their time is almost up.



Describe the lies and propaganda you receive through your controlled media networks.

The truth is that a massive military operation is underway to dismantle the corrupt systems that have been destroying humanity for generations.

GESARA is the plan that will overthrow the entire global elite, throw away their power and return control of the world’s wealth to the poor.


The Emergency Broadcast System: The Turn Signal

Expect the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) to be activated during this time. The recent FEMA test was not just a routine exercise; it was a test to ensure that when you check the time, you will be able to connect to our devices through the quantum network. This network, powered by quantum energy, will be the backbone of the new world, a world free from cabal control.

When the EBS is activated, it will signal the beginning of the world. The message will be clear: the old world is dead and a new world is being born. This will be the moment when power shifts from the cabal of the people, when the control of the few will be broken and the world will be liberated.


A Quantitative Energy Revolution: A New Dawn

The shutdown will not be the end; it will be or it will come. When the lights come on, the world will be powered by quantum energy, a powerful new force that will reshape the world. This energy, which is far more powerful and efficient than nuclear power, will be central to the new world.



Quantum energy will not only power our homes and cities; it will also power the quantum grid, a powerful new communications system that will connect the world in ways we can only imagine. This grid, which will be free from cabal control, will be the backbone of the new world.

But this new world will not be without its challenges. The transition from the new world to the new will be difficult, and there will be those who resist. The cabal, which has controlled the world for so long, will not go down without a fight. But in the end, they will lose, and the world will be freed.


WOLVERINE –  [via Judy Byington]

From all sources, this is the week we’ve been waiting for. “Things are…moving.”


Bruce (The Big Call) –  [via WiserNow]

Now, let’s say, the taxes in our redemption centers will be the best taxes higher than the two banks, and this is something that has been orchestrated to give us the highest taxes possible… This is true for the dong, and it is certainly true for the dinar as well.


Where we go one, we go all. ( WWG1WGA )

Once again Old Glory will fly proudly over the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. All that the enemies of FREEDOM have done has come to naught. We have always prevailed. We have always triumphed. We have always overcome the odds. Faith, family, freedom. America is the only beacon of true freedom. It will never fall. It will never be toppled. It will never collapse. LET US REJOICE AS WE PROCLAIM ONCE AGAIN THAT: “WE TRUST IN GOD, WHO HAS GAVE US THE VICTORY.


Participle now, the time has come:




⚠️ We’ll be very lucky if we can get to Trump’s election before HELL BREAKS. Taiwanese companies produce nearly 70% of the world’s semiconductors and about 90% of the most advanced chips. If the world lost Taiwan’s manufacturing capacity, no other company would be able to fill the gap. The election has very real consequences.



✨To the bridge builders, to the hand-holders, to the light bearers, to those extraordinary souls wrapped in ordinary lives who silently weave threads of humanity into an inhumane world. They are the unsung heroes of a world at war with itself. They are the whisperers of hope that peace is possible. Seek them out in this present darkness. Light their candle with their flame. And then you will be gone. Build bridges. Hold hands. Bring light to a dark and desperate world. Be the hero you seek. Peace is possible. Start with us. WWG1WGA✨



As has long been known, Operation Sandman is an agreement between over 100 nations that agreed to simultaneously sell their US Treasury securities, sending them back to the United States to cause the collapse of the US dollar.

This is also an operation that is launched at an appropriate time to implement a controlled collapse placed in a precise context. The entire process is carried out on the basis of periodically activated protocols.



But time is running out now. “”Sun. Oct. 13, 2024: BRICS nations have an agreement to stop trading the US dollar. Sun. Oct. 13, 2024: Breaking News Bulletin:

Operation Freedom Earth: The QFS Satellite System and the GCR Revolution Are Paving the Way for a Permanent Golden Age of GESARA: Trust the Plan!…Julian Assange on Telegram” “It is time to remain vigilant because everything is falling apart. The Rider of the Storm


GESARA – Global Economic Security and Reform Act

● Was set to be implemented on 10/11, 2001. Halted by the Khazarian false flag event of 9/11

● Elimination of the national debt of all nations in the world

● No taxes. Just a flat sales tax of about 15% on new items

● Forgiveness of mortgages and other bank debts due to illegal government activities

● Back to Constitutional Law – Out with Corrupt Maritime Law

● New leaders elected – only 10% of current governments

● World peace for 1,000 years

● Eliminate all current and future nuclear weapons from Planet Earth

● Gold standard!

● Release of new hidden technologies – 6,000 Tesla patents. free energy

● Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950s prices

● Power back to We the People. Global distribution of wealth and prosperity

● Project Odin = Worldwide EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)

Quantum Financial System Goes Live

Over 130 Countries Confirmed on Military-Backed, Gold-Backed QFS as Global Currency Reset (GCR) Unfolds!

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is the most advanced attack on the corrupt global financial cabal ever conceived. It is happening right now, backed by military might and quantum technology so sophisticated that even the deepest state actors cannot understand or stop it.

The QFS is more than a system — it is the weapon that is dismantling the old order, piece by piece. This is not just another banking upgrade — it is the total eradication of the fiat-based slavery system that has shackled humanity for far too long.

The QFS is not just secure; it is untouchable. With military-controlled satellites and quantum encryption, this system is light years ahead of anything the elites have in their arsenal. It is operating far above Earth, out of reach of any possible threat, ensuring total invulnerability.

Quantum Financial System Goes Live
Quantum Financial System Goes Live

These satellites, armed with AI that predicts threats before they even emerge, are the guardians of a new financial era. No fraud, no laundering, no hidden transactions. The cabal’s tricks are dead.

Gold and asset-backed currencies are the only valid units in this system, and every bit of gold is guarded by elite military forces. These forces answer to no government, bank, or corporation. They guard vaults more secure than Fort Knox, holding the assets that will power the world.

This wealth, hidden from the public for generations by the elites, is now in the hands of the QFS. The old powers—the IMF, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve—are gone. They are being dismantled as the QFS destroys their outdated and corrupt systems. The SWIFT system is also being destroyed, its weaknesses exposed by the QFS’s superior technology.

Every transaction, every asset is tracked, verified, and protected by quantum cryptography. No hacker, no agent, no elite can break in. QFS operates on its own terms, and those terms are non-negotiable.

Special operations forces are taking over financial centers in major cities around the world. Switzerland, New York, the City of London — the deep state’s safe zones are being taken over. This is a total occupation.

Every asset is being absorbed into the QFS, and the Global Currency Reset (GCR) is underway at full speed. Wealth is being recalculated based on real assets — land, minerals, energy reserves, the true value of every nation.

Over 130 countries are now aligned with the QFS. Their gold-backed currencies are replacing worthless fiat paper, and the elites are powerless to stop it.

Quantum satellites are in place, military units are deployed, and the asset ledger is operational. The QFS is invincible, and every day more assets are seized from the deep state and locked in the QFS.

As of September 15, the QFS is fully operational and its reach is expanding daily. The old guard is gone, and they know it. The reset is here, and it’s happening now.

This is a total financial takeover. The Quantum Financial System is not just a system—it is the new reality. The days of corrupt banks, hidden wealth, and fiat fraud are over. The QFS is rewriting the rules. Those who don’t see what’s coming are about to be left behind.

This is not just the dawn of a new financial system—it is the dawn of a new world.







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries🔥



Join my Sacred Condor for this powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries. (on patreon)

this powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation designed to help you harness the transformative energy of the Full Super Moon in Aries. Aries, the sign of the warrior, brings bold, fiery energy that empowers us to take action, release what no longer serves us, and ignite personal growth.

In this session, you will be guided through a sacred ceremony that includes:

Energy cleansing to release blockages.

A meditation to connect with the Full Super Moon’s energy, embrace courage, and awaken your inner strength.

Rituals for setting intentions and manifesting bold new beginnings.

Techniques for balancing the fiery energy of Aries with calm and grounding practices.

The Full Super Moon amplifies the power of this meditation, making it an ideal time to align with your highest self, clear away old patterns, and step confidently into your personal power. Whether you’re working on healing, setting new goals, or seeking clarity, this ceremony will help guide you on your spiritual journey.

Make sure to have a candle, journal, water, crystals, incense and a quiet space prepared before starting. Let the energy of the Full Super Moon in Aries inspire you to embrace new beginnings with courage and grace.



Globalist financial control has collapsed!

Finally, some information about the globalist financial collapse.

In line with previous globalist financial collapses, such as the collapse of the US dollar and the shift to new currencies by the BRICS, it appears that militaries are being deployed around the world to arrest elites.

Here is an overview of it.

October 13, 2024 (Sunday) Russia’s gold standard, quantum financial system satellite and Starlink will eliminate the fiat monetary system. Globalist financial control has collapsed while the deep state struggles to hide its collapse!   …John F. Kennedy Jr. via Telegram

Starting October 11, 2024, the pieces of the globalist control puzzle begin to fall apart.  What is happening now makes everything else look like child’s play.

The gold-backed Russian ruble is fully operational, but this is just the beginning.
According to new information, China, India and Brazil are secretly working with Russia on a gold-backed multilateral monetary union to defeat SWIFT, the deep state’s financial stranglehold on the world.

“DS’s dirty finance arm, SWIFT, is collapsing  . ”
This is an attack on the petrodollar, and the DS empire is crumbling as the world turns its back on fiat currencies.

Globalist financial control has collapsed
Globalist financial control has collapsed

The new gold-backed ruble is tied to Russia’s energy market, and Europe is now on the brink of financial collapse.
Countries like Germany, France and Italy are in secret negotiations to move away from the dollar in favor of a gold-backed ruble.

The US military is making unprecedented troop movements in preparation for internal operations as the financial system collapses.
Sources say the DS is bracing for civil unrest when the dollar finally collapses.
As a last resort, the Federal Reserve is secretly buying gold to prepare for the inevitable. But the elites cannot escape. The planned routes to South America and private islands now cannot save them. They do not have time.

On October 4, 2024, a new Quantum Financial System (QFS) satellite was launched, connecting the system to Starlink.
The QFS is now globally transparent and independent of Earth-based infrastructure.

The DS’s rogue QFS group will be exposed and dismantled, and illicit financial flows will soon be exposed in military courts.

President Trump has not remained silent.
On October 7, 2024, he informed his aides that Day X was near.
The recent arrests of key SD figures, including Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Adam Schiff, are perfectly timed to coincide with the financial revolution.
What is the plan? The goal is to simultaneously expose the corruption of the elites and prevent them from escaping the financial collapse.

Prepare for martial law.
When the financial system collapses, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is activated and a 10-day dark age begins.
Communications are controlled by the military and the truth about DS activities is finally broadcast to the world. People need to be prepared because when the storm hits, it will be brutal.

Communications are controlled by the military and the truth about DS operations is finally revealed to the world. Because when the storm hits, it will be brutal.

Not only is the Biden administration corrupt, it is also involved in human trafficking by THORN, a group that promotes horrific crimes under the guise of anti-exploitation.

Won’t the media report this?
If the truth were revealed, Hollywood elites and government officials would be arrested.

The WHO’s mask backlash isn’t just a failure.
A new whistleblower confirms that the COVID vaccine was never intended for health purposes, but rather for nanotechnology surveillance purposes.

CDC data leaked in October 2024 shows that vaccine ingredients like graphene oxide are supposed to interact with 5G towers and turn people into walking receivers for government control.

However, the connection between QFS and Starlink is extremely important.
Starlink satellites are used not only for financial transparency, but also to disrupt DS’s global surveillance network.
The 5G tower was part of DS’s plan to track every individual, but now its technological infrastructure has been exposed and is scheduled to be demolished.

The gold standard, the collapse of SWIFT,   the QFS, the crimes of the Biden administration, the lies of the WHO, and the Starlink merger, all coming together.
We are on the brink of defeating the most massive global corruption the world has ever seen.
DS can no longer move. You can run, but you cannot hide.

Global financial crisis:

Operation Sandman was an operation in which over 100 countries agreed  to simultaneously sell US debt and send it back to the United States, collapsing the US dollar.

Sunday, October 13, 2024:   BRICS countries agree to suspend trading of the US dollar:


Sunday, October 13, 2024:
  Operation Sandman Launched: 100 Countries Launch a Devastating Attack to Destroy the US Dollar and Cripple the American Economy!

Sunday, October 13, 2024: Canadian banks brace for bank run: :~:text=Canada %20may%20not%20have %20had,the country’s%20main%20banking%20regulatory%20agency

*Comment: Russia’s role in the globalist financial collapse is widely presented.

BRICS countries such as Russia, China, India, Brazil and Saudi Arabia are moving towards the collapse of SWIFT.

Preparations are underway to move to a gold asset-backed currency.

The actions of Elon Musk, who runs Starlink, are likely to be in the spotlight in the future.


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