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The Breakaway

The Breakaway ~ Sacred Womb of the Mother Magnetism * FOR THE STAR SEEDS ~ Divine Promise Embraces Us

The Breakaway ~ Sacred Womb of the Mother Magnetism * FOR THE STAR SEEDS ~ Divine Promise Embraces Us



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Soular Diamond Rainbow Minds of Pure Awareness

Happy Dussehra Hindu Day of Dharma the Truth of Lord Rama’s triumph over Ignorance to eradicate all evil in all realms. Today marks the culmination of the nine-day Navaratri festival of Goddess Maa Durga. Dussehra is considered an auspicious day to begin new ventures, undertakings, or journeys. It’s a time to seek blessings for success and protection.

On this auspicious day of Celebration we also call in the highest timeline of our Ascension Journey for all our Good People of the New Earth to live in Peace, Joy and Prosperity for the highest good of all involved.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 join together in Divine Harmony to usher in the New 5d Golden Age of Satya Yuga and lift our Spirits into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

In Divine Union the Eagle and the Condor fly free over the Sacred Lands of Terra Nova Gaia and inspire our New Earth Angels to be the Rainbow Bridges to anchor into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth their Visions of the New Eden made manifest in this Now.

Keep anchoring in the Pristine Holy Waters of the Great Spirit into the Dragon Lines of Pachamama as we rise together into the Pure Land of Shambhala.

Goddess Speed Shamans of the Eternal Life… A’Ho!








💜🌹Beloved Family..
We Embrace
TIMELESSNESS as we remember
our Glorious Leap
This IS OUR ASCENSION.. Many have been lifted up
ahead ..
Thru the massive events.
When our Divine Promise embraces us..
We rejoice to
Realize that literally
As Multi-Dimensional BEINGS!
Each Other..
We are ONE
I AM that I AM


It is within the divine blue print of your Soul that you become a fully realized Ascended Master. This is your destiny. This, you will achieve in this lifetime. Rise in love, as you raise your frequency, feel yourself expand into higher versions of you.
fully realized Ascended Master
fully realized Ascended Master
The energy & consciousness of the 7 planets, & 12 constellations are in the womb of the Mother as gifts for the childs 7 chakra system & creates the human template.
Women hold the portal through which souls incarnate into the physical world.
The secret knowledge of how the womb creates the human temple has been suppressed and hidden within secret societies. Man is electric, while she is magnetic.
The magnetic womb harnesses the energies of the 12 constellations and the 7 planets, forming the human body through astral forces. This is why we have 7 chakras for the 7 planets, and our cells are made of 12 cell salts for the 12 zodiac signs.
Sacred womb of the Mother.
Man represents action, electricity, consciousness, and intellect. Woman represents rest, peace, magnetism, the subconscious, and emotion.


✨🌟🌟🌟One aspect of your task on Earth is RECONNECTIONS, TELEPATHIC union with YOUR GALACTIC FAMILY.
✨🧘🌟👼With these connections, your HIGHER senses will OPEN.
✨🧘🌟🌟🌟You have a VIBRATORY FREQUENCY that ALLOWS you to ALIGN with a HIGHER LIGHT FRAME that encompasses your GALACTIC FAMILY…
✨🧘💫👽🌟Thus everyone can be welcomed into an EXPANDED NETWORK of CONSCIOUSNESS containing the UNIQUE FREQUENCY of CONNECTIONS with their GALACTIC FAMILY.
✨🌍💫💫💫You have ENTERED a PERIOD of profound CHANGE. You can initiate this TRANSFORMATION PROCESS by consciously choosing to enter into YOUR HEART space and then send a LOVE ENERGY FREQUENCY from there to the GALACTIC FAMILY…
✨💫👽💫👽💫 THIS ACTION begins to ACTIVATE your pre-agreement with the ORIGINAL FAMILY. Understanding that you have FREE WILL, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE who CAN SETTLE a pre-agreement with the FAMILY OF Origin. You don’t have to know who YOUR FAMILY is to trigger a FAMILY pre-agreement. SIMPLY CALL THEM from your HEART SPACE and COMMUNICATION WILL BE RESTORED…
✨👽💫👼All COMMUNICATION from the FAMILY of ORIGIN is received by the HEART, all COMMUNICATION to the FAMILY of ORIGINAL is sent from your HEART SPACE.


10/12/24: There is always more depth to the story. No matter how close we are, or how much we think we know, there is always more. But if we think we have the whole picture, and we leave no wiggle room for additional information, we’ve committed ourselves to a very narrow point of view and reduced our options for growth.
Today’s Right Action is to ask questions. Questions are your superpower this month. Because with the right question you can reveal layers of unexplored and priceless knowledge and understanding. The open and empowered mind wants more information. The closed mind has left the show before it even begins yet believes it knows the ending.
Northern Lights Uluru
Northern Lights Uluru

Grandma Chandra

Pulsating Heart to Heart Work

In the past, 90% of the sun’s energy was heat and radiation waves and only 10% was information waves. Now you are receiving 70% information waves and 30% heat and radiation waves.

Each of you is starting individual, personal communication with your solar system’s sun in addition to the central sun and the whole galaxy. In the past, because you were not ready, you didn’t have individual signatures, addresses and blueprints. You were perceived by star families as oneness in humanity not individuals that are creating the groups but the group that is kind of hanging out there with one vibrational level. However, you have changed. Each of you is individually visible, individually readable and individually accessible. Each of you is receiving information through the sun, receiving the vibrational downloads, light downloads in the form of colors, communication downloads and joy downloads because everyone and everybody who is working with you is receiving from you and sending joy back to you. They have the ability to communicate with you individually. Your physical body and all quantum bodies are reacting to this joy, to these informational touches and informational contact in such an open way that this exchange is going forward.

Your meridians have been even more activated. You will begin feeling the energy flows through your meridians in a much clearer and more visual way. These particular energetic nodes have been activated and the whole flow will be cleansed and purified so that the energy can flow through your meridians. It is very individual work, energetic surgical work because sometimes to push the energy forward it takes a lot of prompts so that the flow will continue.

This is a radiating communicational heart to heart talk because you are learning this pulsating vibrational work in which you can communicate with the sun. Your heart is sending the light language message without direct conscious participation of your mind. It is operating like a little pulsar, a little pulse with dots and dashes, informational structures running throughout. It takes time to receive it, to decode it, to recognize it but the work is definitely going on.

This pulsating heart to heart work requires a lot of relaxation, the ability to be in zero point and to focus without repressing yourself. It is an interesting stage when you are in this oneness spot which is everywhere at the same time and you are also pointed into this oneness in your heart.

This is similar to what I was talking about regarding the waves and the particles. It is a consciousness that you can be a wave and a particle at the same time and still be you. You can be this pulsating energy and at zero point at the same time.

Hugs and love to all of you,

The Pleiadian Collective 9D
The Pleiadian Collective 9D


Asara Adams

💜🌟💜 Message from Archangel Michael
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Beloved One, as you are awakening from the dream of Illusion, you will become more and more aware that you are in fact dreaming.
That is why it is called ” The Awakening.”
In your dream, there are buildings, societies, people, animals and even your body is part of your dream.
Everything and everyone in your dream responds to your beliefs.
If you believe in a hostile world, the world and everyone in it will be hostile.
If you believe in a benevolent world, the world and everyone in it will be benevolent.
As you are moving through the awakening, you will notice more and more how your different way of thinking will affect your dream.
Whenever you become aware of a reflection of your beliefs in an experience, you can now look at it and decide if you wish to continue with your belief, or if you wish to change it.
If your goal is ultimately to wake up from the dream of Illusion, the only ticket out is Peace on all levels.
There is much help here for you from all realms of Light, to guide you out of the illusion and into an unshakable inner Peace – God’s Reality.
All it takes is your desire and openness to “unlearn” the premises of the Ego created Dream and learn the truth of God’s Reality.
In the Ego construct, everything is upside down:
Separation from others and God is the foundation of all interactions.
You will only have if you take from others.
Attack is the best defense.
There is only defense and attack.
Everything and everyone is mortal.
Death is inevitable.
In God’s reality, everything is rightside up:
There is only Oneness with everyone and with God.
You have by giving.
Love and peace is the only response.
There is only Love and Peace.
Everything and everyone is eternal.
There is no death. There is only eternal life.
This takes a great deal of undoing.
We are here to assist you with it. All it takes is to ask, what to do in every moment.
The voice for God will tell you what to do and what to think.
The voice for God is the Holy Spirit, who is part of your mind.
You can choose to allow for this part of your mind to expand, so it can lead you out of the dream of Illusion and into the Reality of God.
(Some call the reality of God the Higher Dimensions.)
Now can choose.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.”
Thank you, Archangel Michael! 🙂
The Awakening
The Awakening

The Divine Living Waters are pouring into us, blessing us we the regerative powers of the very life forces, washing away the old, as a deeper cleansing and purification occurs.
Deeply into the very soul of soul of all living beings on earth, within her and without.
Yet as the old is swept away, the totally new moves in.
This is the Divine Feminine aspect of the Holy Shekinah, an inpouring of Holy Living Waters, even as this clears our emotional and mental bodies, inside and out.
Deeply buried emotional charges will surface collectively, which now finally need to be discharged, and released, cleared and washed away, forever.
The Living Waters bring renewal and regeneration, rebirth, in all the bodies and fields, in all aspects of life, as the new can sprout into vibrant life force, as Divine Love within and without lifts us out of old, into the new.
Divine Living Waters
Divine Living Waters



As We Align To The Higher Forces Of Light
We Are Asked To Rest, Nourish And Feel In The Present Moment.
The Path Of Now Is Multi-Faceted As We Assist The Greater Good Of Creation 🙏
Simply See The Light Task Of You Evolving, Arising In The Light Of Now 🙏
Such A Powerful Role At Present, As We Join Together To Assist And Align In Light 💫
Rest – Integrate – Align
In Light 💫🙏
With Love,
Karen Lithika
Global Light Alliance
Higher Forces Of Light
Higher Forces Of Light

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The Breakaway

This last week of Libra Season is assisting in birthing another great awakening at rapid speed.

The energies have been peaking Worldwide, leaving us feeling like the old world is about to combust. This is because the Collective is going through a rapid purging and healing for the New Earth.

This means for us Lightworkers, the Wayshowers, we can have peace.

This week it is all about moving on from our service role in collapsing the Old Earth. To complete crossing the bridge, and never look back.

Our rapid healing and purification of deceptive entities is clearing them internally and externally, so we can continue moving into higher dimensions. Those lower frequencies stay in lower dimensions and density. They actually served the purpose of duality so we can see where we need to choose sovereignty and unity. To not feel obligated in service to them out of fear, but instead take back control over our lives through our own willpower and determination.

It will be important to observe core wounding and trauma bonding. To look at the dominant people in childhood and review if this pattern is playing out in your life today.

Also, doing a callback of your power and energy from anyone and anywhere it is fragmented of given away to others. Are you thinking about another person or people a lot? About events worldwide and situations that are out of your control? This is a sign that your energy is going to that rather than using it for yourself. Cut the cords and call back everything that has been given away or taken.

Are fears and worries a constant? Catch yourself and stop the thoughts and words, and call back your energy. Ground, do affirmations, meditate, have a replacement thought, do whatever you can to reprogram what you don’t want into what you do want.

It is your freewill to keep walking away or stay behind. The consciousness as releasing the ego so you can see things more accurately to make an informed decision. To choose yourself and what is logically best for you.

Pluto in Capricorn until November 19th is the opportunity to leave self serving dominant control systems. This week’s Aries Full Moon is giving you the confidence to break free and move on, choosing yourself.



The Breakaway
The Breakaway


Ra James

Today Jupiter is sextile Chiron. These energies bring a unique opportunity for self-reflection and healing. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, luck, and abundance. Chiron is the wounded healer. His expansion by Jupiter can trigger your unhealed traumas.

Chiron represents our deepest emotional pain points and our capacity for healing. Chiron illuminates how we can alchemize our trauma, transmuting it into wisdom. These energies bring a blend of hope (Jupiter) and pain (Chiron). These energies offer an operations to heal through communication, curiosity, and self-expression. Jupiter in Gemini encourages us to expand our minds, seek new information, and embrace other perspectives.

Chiron in Aries focuses on healing through individuality, and personal empowerment. Once again we are working on ourselves. This is actually the first of a three-part series of the same sextile between the two. Jupiter and Chiron will connect again via sextile in a few weeks on Nov 2nd and once more next spring on May 18th, 2025. Pay attention to what themes are coming up for you today. It’s what you’re working on through then.

These energies are all about transformation and reflecting on personal growth. You want to utilize the healing and transformative energy of this aspect to nurture and heal the relationships that are important to you. Jupiter and Chiron are bringing a deep sense of being able to expand beyond your wounding and your pain to embrace healing and abundance…




Goddess Maa Durga
Goddess Maa Durga


Over the weekend, Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn before it enters Scorpio on Sunday and as the potent energies for the upcoming Full Moon in Aries (Oct 17) begin to make their presence known.
This includes the Sun in Libra aspecting the ongoing sextile between Jupiter in Gemini and Chiron in Aries (Sep 2024-May 2025) as well as a square between Mars in Cancer and Chiron in Aries.
Some reluctant realizations may be part of the picture this weekend as we may feel forced to go deeper with our thinking and with our perception of the limits of our reality due to circumstances that challenge us to ‘get real’ with ourselves.
Anywhere we have either overestimated or underestimated our potentials and abilities will be up for ‘review’ as we find ourselves in situations that prove that our perceptions of our personal limits are inaccurate and require adjustments…
If we follow the natural FLOW of this redirection of our self-perceptions toward that of REALITY, we will find that this leads us toward a more authentic ‘picture’ of ourselves both to ourselves and to others which prepares us to accept our TRUE capabilities!
And by ‘shaving off’ those loose ends that have stayed their course, a smoother and more PURE way forward can present itself.
Your Energy is Key
Your Energy is Key


On Saturday, October 12th, Mercury, ruler of the mental body, in the partnership sign of Libra is in an inconjunct to Neptune, ruler of the spiritual body, in the ethereal sign of Pisces. There are adjustments to make in how we see, perceive and communicate with each other. Mercury in Libra wants to discuss fairness, compromise and equality regarding the relationship, while Neptune in Pisces is all about unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness.
Somehow we have to verbalize the importance of what we need and set good boundaries, while at the same time surrender the insignificant stuff and love without conditions. Jupiter, ruler of the big picture, in communicative Gemini is also in a positive sextile to Chiron, healer of past wounds, in active Aries. So, I do believe we have the support from the Universe to bring healing to our connections with others today.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤



Mercury, ruler of the mental body, in the partnership sign of Libra
Mercury, ruler of the mental body, in the partnership sign of Libra



Pluto stations direct in Capricorn. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini sextile Chiron retrograde in Aries – Pluto commands attention as he stations direct for the final time in Capricorn in our lifetime. Here is a scene freeze moment, waiting with bated breath, the achingly slow clink of a cog as great cosmic wheels turn relentlessly towards destiny. Intensity reaches a crescendo – cue choir, cue bass drum, the kind that powers through your bones. Here is Pluto’s call to action, to the final transformation, the final reward for a scary journey. Let your shadow dance.
Along with Jupiter’s connection to Chiron, great healing is at work here. A fanfare of teachings rains down from the skies. Here is an opportunity to build bridges through open dialogue and independent action. Tell your stories. Explore inner worlds. Take a leap of faith to find your people. The key to unlock your greatest strength is self-belief. Repeat after me ‘I am strong. I am in control. I trust myself.’
Degrees and Times
Pluto 29°Cp38′ – 01:31 (BST)
Jupiter 21°Ge19′ R, Chiron 21°Ar19′ R – 08:33 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – The Angels appearing to the Shepherds by William Blake
The Angels appearing to the Shepherds
The Angels appearing to the Shepherds


Kin 97 ~ Red Rhythmic Earth

‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its keywords are ‘Organize, Balance and Equality’. The 6th day of a wavespell is about getting your sh*t together. Progress cannot be made by daydreaming and twiddling your thumbs, sometimes you have to be practical. Today is about taking matters into your hands and taking care of business. The number six insists that we address imbalances. In order to obtain equilibrium we must first get into a healthier rhythm.
Today is Red Earth and its keywords are ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation’. It’s a great combination of number and day with the practical number 6 providing a great opportunity to re-balance and this in turn facilitates evolution. If you have mundane things to take care of today, remember you are organizing your own progress. Whether it’s planting seeds in your garden or renewing your passport or sorting out your home so it is more Feng Shi – well you get the picture. Synchronicity is more likely to occur when we are in a balanced state and vice versa – we can attract synchronicity into our lives to help us rebalance.
The Guide today is also Red Earth and so a double helping of evolution. (The first day of a wavespell and the 6th and 11th day are always guided by themselves.) If you are a number 1,6 or 11, you are guided by yourself and this can mean that no one can tell you what to do!
The Challenge is the Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. Yes, it will be difficult today to find healing if you’re too busy organizing. If you are a Blue Hand this doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish anything today, it’s just that you will have to push a little harder that’s all. You too are being offered the chance to rebalance yourself and make progress. If you are not a Blue Hand, you can be affected by it being in this challenging position. You may find healing hard to come by today and instead the Blue Hand can slap you in the face (metaphorically speaking).
The Occult power today is the Yellow Seed which is about ‘Sowing Awareness’. When in this magical position Yellow Seed can teach us about magic and the awareness that we gain from that will really help us evolve today. The Seed and the Earth are very well suited and they need each other very much. The Seeds are planted in the Earth. Today reap what you have sown in the past, the outcome should be very magical.
The Ally today is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. If you need help evolving today, consult a White Wind as they will have words of wisdom for you. If you are a White Wind, today’s energy will be very friendly to you. Whenever your day falls on the Ally position, this means not only are you everyone’s friend but also the day is friendly to you, more so than everyone else.
Kin 97
Kin 97



6 CABAN – KIN 97
12 OCTOBER 2024
I ORGANIZE in order to Evolve
Balancing Synchronicity
I seal the Matrix of Navigation
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!!!
12/10/2024 = 3/10/8=3/18=3/9=12=3
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 97 = 16/7 MAJIK✨✨✨
Day 6 and we are HALF-WAY🌓 through our YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. We certainly are attaining more Divine Wisdom, and bombshell TRUTHS in this wavespell, – nothing can be hidden from those who have the EYES to SEE.
Today we are LISTENING for SIGNS, in our physical reality which are guiding our TRUE course in our evolutionary journey, as we navigate a course of justice, peace and EQUALITY🌓 for all humanity…
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see!
Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory! Explore the GREAT OUTDOORS and commune with the elementals, invite them home with you to organize your house and garden. They love helping! 🌸🏵🌹🌻🌼🌷.
Today we are organizing our physical environment and our PLANET for greater balance, HARMONY and EQUALITY. We are in the YEAR of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM – so our RHYTHMIC organizing energy is DOUBLED today and every 13 days on the 6th day of every wavespell!!
Not only do we have a RHYTHMIC DAY – but we also have a DOUBLE EARTH/CABAN 🌏🌎 day – This is a brilliant alignment as GAIA energetically and magnetically RESETS using this extra FIRE🔥🔥 energy to boost our life force and charge up our DIVINE MISSION.
Today’s questions are “How can I organize myself to have more balance and flow in my life? What are the SIGNS telling me?”
“How can we as a collective, navigate our successful evolution, through prioritizing EQUALITY, HARMONY and BALANCE for all beings?
Divine blessings for a SUPER DUPER organized day! 🐞🐤🐢🐦
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
48 moons ago 6 CABAN occurred on the ✨EQUINOX🌓 ✨ gateway – 21 March , 2021 – which was the 21/21 portal = 3/3 today’s code!!
✨21 – the code of the Crown of the Magi👑 – which denotes VICTORY over long fought battles, advancement and honours – a beautiful code which blesses our future plans.
36 moons ago KIN 97 occured on the trail of the Sagittarius Eclipse – signalling that many blessings, gifts and benefic rewards are in the pipeworks.
27 moons ago KIN 97 occured on 23 AUGUST 2022 – which was a 5/5 FREEDOM PORTAL CODE!💥💥
These connections through time are very powerful, as each successive day builds on the energy of the prior, all working together to ensure our successful PLANETARY LIBERATION!! 🌎🌎🌏💥
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED RHYTHMIC EARTH 🌍 🌏– CABAN’s energy is DOUBLED today. This means DOUBLE the fun through SIGNS, synchronicity and navigation. GAIA’S compass has a very STRONG magnetic pull today!
Mother Earth🌍 is TALKING today, and she has a lot to say. Do your best to spend some time in reflection today, honouring her wisdom. The wisdom of the ages, that the ancients held through the power of OBSERVATION and LISTENING. Being silent, and holding the awareness of the interconnectedness of all things.
Your environment is a REFLECTION of your inner state, so TUNE IN and absorb what PACHAMAMA is showing you. By observing our physical reality with heightened awareness, we elevate our consciousness. In turn we become more BALANCED and feel the EQUALITY🌓 of all HU-MANS as Earth’s children.
🎶 What gives you the right to put up a fence, to keep me out but to keep Mother Nature in?🎶,
SOURCE: SIGNS: Five Man Electric Band:
As the song says we are all EQUALS 👫on this PLANET🌎 and GAIA is our home, so today we can use our WISDOM to QUESTION how humanity has become divided, and segregated? 🤔
Our planetary kin have been put into “boxes”, based on prejudice and non-acceptance of our individual uniqueness! Race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, ethnicity and now “jabbed status” – all have been labels used to keep us separated from each other. But we are ONE HUMAN SPECIES soon to become a Galactic family..
✨Reflecting on this wisdom WE CAN CHOOSE a BETTER path for ourselves, our children and our communities, with no need for fences or boundaries between people, tribes, or nations.✨
We must STOP playing their game and refuse to become divided – accepting all kin – as we UNITE to claim our Sovereignty and final VICTORY! 🏆🏆
We also need to organize for greater balance in our physical environment, which refers to Mother Gaia as a conscious being.. She has EQUAL rights too, as do all the kingdoms that call planet Earth their home – the animals,🐴🐏🐮🐦 the plants,🌷🌺🌻 the mineral kingdom,💎 the elementals, and all the unseen inhabitants. 🦄🐉
We need to ensure the 5 elements are balanced, so that we have HARMONY within our bodies and world. Instead of extreme environments such as deserts and arid lands – her lands need to be made FERTILE🌴 again.
GAIA’S continents, oceans, mountains and landforms, all need to be respected and honoured through our relationship and interactions. We have inherited a beautiful planet which we must restore to her pristine glory for all the future generations to enjoy.
SUPPORT: WHITE RHYTHMIC WIND🌬🍃– IK joins with CABAN to bring us much stronger messages today. We have the messages from Mother Earth amplified through the whispering wind.
The WHITE WIND is the word of GOD – the DIVINE PLAN. Spirit is talking to all the Earth Angels and Divine Messengers, embodied in HU-MAN form.. LISTEN very carefully to the signs, symbols, songs and voices that surround you today.. Whatever is aired has a special significance for clues to your ✨Destiny path✨ on this potent day.
Allow the breath of Spirit to FLOW through you today. Sing, dance, channel, play instruments, write, draw and allow the Divine to animate your being.
Feel yourself in synchronic flow, with the cycles and timing of the Natural world. Allow the breath of Spirit to course through your body, becoming Divine conduits, the living reeds and conduits for spiritual evolution.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW GALACTIC SEED ✨🌱– KAN assists us in integrating this Divine timing and evolution, through focusing our minds wholly on the greatest potential timelines, and AWAKENING the masses to bring forth this fantastic evolutionary change.
The GALACTIC SEED ensures that we use the utmost integrity, in our plans and ideas.. so that we are totally transparent and congruent, with the principles of 5D living on New Earth.
Seeding integrity and UNITY consciousness in our being, we become brilliant role models, as the Galactic Leaders and Wayshowers, that are anchoring Gaia’s BEST timeline. Thus we create the HARMONY that GAIA and her children are striving for.
We collectively hold the vision of ourselves and our world, growing and evolving, connected within the cycles of time. Through our UNITY together co-creating beauty, peace and harmony to seed Nova Gaia.
What a BRILLIANT SUPERPOWER to have as the hidden AGENDA of today’s code! Seeding our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY TIMELINE .❤🌈🌎
GAIA 🌍 is finding her BALANCE point 🌓 and then RESETTING for her BEST path forwards on this evolutionary Ascension cycle.
To use the BLUE HAND’S POWER to accomplish all that we desire for a peaceful world. To create our ideal reality where “all souls are created equal” and have “certain unalienable rights” – among them “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”
MANIK challenges us to FEEL the POWER of Spirit coursing through our veins – whispering in our ear that 🌸LIFE IS GOOD🏵💕 – If we ALLOW it to be GOOD to us all equally.
Enjoy the beauty and the bounty that Spirit gifts to us through the body of Gaia. Allow nature to soothe your soul, and heal our ailing techno. stressed bodies. Open to the flow of chi that meanders majestically through the rivers, mountains and woods of the natural world to accomplish great healing today!
NOTE: The RHYTHMIC HAND🌓🙌 is the FENG SHUI GENIE – so use this blessing today to FENG SHUI your home and environment, creating beautiful PEACE filled and sacred🕉️ spaces.
Fill your home with plants, flowers, crystals, lights, candles, aromas and living CHI force, to enhance your vitality and create the SPACE for the new to FLOW into your life – setting a new course and direction for HAPPINESS.
So precious hearts, a gorgeous code today. Take the opportunity to dance💃 and sing🎶 your way through the day, allow consciousness to send its rhythms through your body to bring you back into balance and alignment.
Today’s questions are “How can I organize myself to have more balance and flow in my life? What are the SIGNS telling me?”
“How can we as a collective, navigate our successful evolution, through prioritizing EQUALITY, HARMONY and BALANCE for all beings?
Divine blessings for a SUPER DUPER organized day! 🐞🐤🐢🐦
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 13th through 19th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 13th through 19th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Aries.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

Click here for the Goddess Transmissions





Global Prayer

“Oh, Divine Spirit — The Life Force Of All Creation

Cover Our Planet In Thy Majestic Light, And Therefore, Shield Us From The Erratic Energy Waves That Seek To Keep This Space/Time Continuum In Destructive Activations. Dissolve Into Nothingness All That Is Not In Alignment With Thee.
Correct All Errors Of Thought, Feelings, Words, And Actions Which Have Moved Throughout The Cosmic Ages. Clear The Cellular Records Of All That Are Residing On This Planet, And Thus, The Molecules, Atoms, Subatomic Particles, And Deep Quantum Material Of All Beings And Bring Forth The Illuminating Essence Of Thy Governing Principles;
And Because All Truly Divinely-Revealed Paths Lead To Thy Divine Throne Room, Cause These Paths To Meet In Harmony And To Travel Together As One Planetary Family To The Time Line Of Healing And Peace Which Will Birth The Next Golden Age”.
Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti!
Tua Neter Tua Neter Tua Neter!
Global Prayer
Global Prayer

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