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The Manipulation

Not all people are the same. And why? Not everyone we see is not human, but pretends to be. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the powers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

It’s time for us humans to wake up! We are flesh and blood beings and we have been gifted with a very special ability that we are told exists nowhere else in the universe. We here on Earth cannot know for sure whether this is true or not. But the situation we find ourselves in here on this planet suggests that perhaps we are special.

This seems to be the case, but we cannot prove it yet.
What I mean is that as Homo sapiens, we have the ability to create realities with our own minds. Those who understand this will create their own reality.

Those who deny that we have this ability will stop reading here and move on with their lives, creating the same reality every day.

What deniers create, good or bad, will seem to them to be luck or divine intervention. My goal is to make people realize that the ability to create reality is a fact and not a fantasy.


Thousands of years ago, the rulers of darkness recognized that humans have the innate ability to create realities with their minds. When we were created and seeded here on Earth, we had the ability to create anything and everything simply by thinking.

But through indoctrination, manipulation and DNA programming, whether social or religious, passed down from generation to generation and originating from a more advanced race, you can imagine how such a race can deceive us into believing that we are inferior beings.

What I mean is that these dark beings have tricked us into creating a reality for them that they could never achieve with technology or brute force. Today we call this black magic. It is not magic, but a program that these dark rulers have used against us.

The rulers of darkness did this by spreading misinformation, first through speech, then through the written word, then through the printed word, then through radio, television, movies and music, etc. Humanity created the reality we live in through the influence of the rulers of darkness over us, exerted through these means.

They constantly keep us in fear so that we see them as our saviors and send our children to their wars just to conquer the nations’ treasures.

We have been manipulated into fearing the next war, the next economic crisis, and the next plague, while we have created this reality through our belief in it, brought about by the media owned exclusively by our captors.

Those of us who are awake need to imagine the world we want to live in in our minds as often as possible.

We must imagine a world in which our species creates all that is good. Remember that we reap what we create, whether it is driven by fear, greed, religion, or our own desires.

We must strive to create our world through our intentions, be it world peace, prosperity, RV/Gesara, etc. We are what we think!The time for nonsense is over and our galactic brothers and sisters are waiting for us to get it right.

When we change the way we think, we change our entire reality. This is a message to those who have not yet realized that there is a group on this planet that has exploited our ability to create our own reality through many forms of manipulation.

What we see today is directly related to what we thought and even manipulated to think in the past. If you want the New Republic to manifest itself for everyone, you need to think about how you will feel when it is announced. Remember that intention creates reality.

We need to think about our long-term future, and if you are still one of the people who does not see the connection between our manipulation by non-human races, then you are the one who needs this message the most. My best wishes to everyone, including the lost.

Teri Wade

In the Golden Age
In the Golden Age

In the Golden Age, there will be a society that does not need money.

It is said that from now on we will become a society that does not need money, but how will this change?


  1. Money is essentially a tool for equivalent exchange of value.
  2. The world has been transformed by the ruler of darkness into a world “controlled” by money.
  3. In the golden age, society changes to a society where money is not needed.

Money is essentially a tool for equivalent exchange of value.

Until now, money has been an inseparable part of my life.

But what is the essence of money?

The answer is simply “  value exchange  ”.

Originally, trade was done through barter, but if fruits and vegetables were used as currency, they would spoil over time.

Therefore, money  was created  as something that could be kept forever.

Furthermore, when you look at money from a different perspective, it  becomes  energy.

For example, when you drop your wallet and someone picks it up for you, you say thank you.

The energy of the word “thank you” (kotodama) is given to the person who took the wallet for their effort.

Even in the barter exchange mentioned above, energy is exchanged on equivalent terms, and even after the transaction, 《Mutual energy does not change》 That’s what it means.


However, the rulers of darkness realize this and carry out evil plans.

There is a prejudice that talking about money is bad, but of course that is not actually the case.

The world has been transformed by the ruler of darkness into a world “controlled” by money.

I’ll explain the Dark Lords in detail in another article, but they just  love being  monopolized.

So how can you exploit Earthlings who live peacefully through equivalent exchanges and be sure that you are the only one?I thought about how to monopolize it.

So the ruler of darkness pretended to be a good man and made this offer to humans.

Isn’t bartering inconvenient? We invented something called “money,” and if you use it, you don’t have to worry about storing it.

So, humans who realized the convenience of this agreed to trade with money.

However, humans originally have no money.

Then the Dark Lord again made this suggestion.

We ‘ll lend  you  100,000 yen  . As long as you pay it back at  1% interest, you’ll be fine.

This is where  “interest”  comes into play.

Interest is not money that originally exists.

The humans asked how they could return the money that did not exist.

Then the ruler of darkness replied:

I will also lend you 1,000 yen with interest. Of course,  return it with  1% interest.

What do you think?  You will earn more interest on the money you borrowed by paying the interest installment.

Then the rulers of darkness, essentially those who can issue currency, will be able to unilaterally exploit wealth.


This mechanism  is called  “trust building”.

Building trust is a scam, isn’t it?

After that, the dark rulers bought all kinds of countries and big corporations, and eventually forced humans to pay taxes because the country didn’t have enough money.

This is how the world came to be “controlled” by money.

First of all, it is impossible to suffer because of money.

However, the days of struggling with money are finally coming to an end.

In the golden age, society changes to a society where money is not needed.

GESARA/NESARA  will be activated  from now on.

I will explain GESARA/NESARA in detail in a separate article, but once activated, our lives will become much easier.

When GESARA/NESARA is activated, it will look like this.

  • With the basic income, each person  will receive  approximately 200,000 yen per month  ,  equivalent to 100 million yen for the rest of their life.
  • Only new products are taxed at  17%  (medicines, used products and food are exempt), so you won’t have to worry about taxes.
  • Mechanisms such as credit creation and interest will disappear and  money will return to its original form of “equivalent exchange of value”.

But I think that question arises here.

Huh? Won’t the money disappear?

Personally, I think it will take several decades for us to become a society that doesn’t need money.

This is because this also needs to be done step by step.

Once you have a guaranteed monthly income with basic income, you won’t have to suffer in a job you don’t want to do.

As a result, you will stop gambling or shopping just to relieve stress, and your attachment to things and money will decrease.

How about making money in the Golden Age?

In my opinion, it will still be possible to earn money even in the Golden Age, which means that  anyone who wants to increase their wealth while being guaranteed a minimum income  will be able to work more.

However, in the golden age of capitalism, there will be no more income-based disparities, no more dismissal of employees like rags, and no more control over them by forcing them to do things with money.


Therefore, the awareness of  “sharing wealth”  grows, and one’s vast wealth is shared more and more, and the world changes into a world where everyone is “rich.”

In the future, everyone has an obligation to get rich!

My idea is that gradually the attachment to money will disappear completely and a society that does not need money will eventually come into being.

Therefore, I think the consciousness of giving will be extremely important during the Golden Age.

Changes during the Golden Age need to be considered in the long term.






The 10/10 Portal is an energetic door that allows us to access a new level of Consciousness and Manifestation.
Universal Energies are aligning to offer us the opportunity to Close cycles, Release blockages, and Open Us to New Possibilities.
It’s a good time to relax, for the inner connection, to meditate and connect with these expanding energies.
The energy of the number 10 takes on a special meaning this date represents OPEN a Door to Manifestation, allowing us to work with greater ease in our deepest intentions and desires.
The Spiritual Meaning Of This Portal Is Deeply Linked To The Numerology Of Number 10. This number symbolizes the Ending of a Cycle and the Beginning of a New One.
– The 1 represents new beginnings, leadership and independence.
– While 0 symbolizes infinity and unlimited potential.
* The number 10 is a vibration of Transformation invites us to close the old, to trust the process and to open us to new opportunities.
During the PORTAL 10/10 this energy is amplified and offers us a Unique Opportunity to TUNE INTO Our DEEPEST INTENTIONS and MANIFEST from a place of total alignment with the Universe.
* You can connect with the Universe, the Cosmos, the Everything and of course with yourself.
This Event not only opens an energetic space of manifestation; but also of EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
Through a meditation,
You can align your intentions with the energy of the day of the Portal and amplify your manifestation capacity.
* Writing is another beautiful Tool to use during this 10/10 Portal, write down your intentions, goals, desires and try to write Clearly and Specifically.
Intention writing combined with meditation, HAS tremendous potential to accelerate your manifestations.
🟡 * You can perform RITUAL with CANDLES and CRYSTALS:
Light 1 White Candle that symbolizes Clarity and Purification and place it next to the Crystals.
Can be clear Quartz or Amethyst.
These Crystals Help Amplify Manifestation Energy And Keep You Focused During The Process.
Repeat Positive Affirmations that reinforce your desires!
For example;
“I open myself to receive what the Universe has for me.”
“Everything I want is on the way.”
– If none of these affirmations resonate with you; Then create your own, the important thing is that you can feel it in your heart.
😊 You can perform personal or group meditation so that the energetic frequency rises higher.
* Before any manifestation it is important to clean your energy space.
* Use Sea Salt, Palo Santo to Purify Your Environment. Publish repeatedly how to perform an energetic cleansing; not only during a Portal, but at least 2 times a week.
🤩 Some additional steps for your manifestation to be successful:
1) – Clarity in your intentions:
Define what you really want to manifest, the more precise your intentions are, the better will be the process of manifestation.
2) – Creative visualization:
Visualize your desires as if they have already been fulfilled. Feel the emotions and sensations that you have achieved what you seek. That last part is key.
3)- Let go of the control:
Once you put your intentions into the Universe, let things flow Without forcing results.
Trust in what you asked for, it will arrive at the right time and way for You.
4)- Thank you:
Feeling Gratitude for what you already have and what’s to come is essential.
Gratitude creates a Positive vibration that ATTRACTS more good things into your life.
This is a very Powerful tool and it leads you to the path of abundance, prosperity.
When you express Gratitude every day when you get up and go to bed your life changes and things are happening for your Greater Good.
Don’t believe me! Check it out for yourself.
To finish writing this thread,
I wish from the heart that the energies of this portal 10/10 will find you the way to your deepest desires.
* Always the energies of the Portals, Full Moon, New are manifested 3 days before and 3 days after.
* Reason to perform a timely, personal, or space Energy Cleansing.
* Think positive Affirmations you’re going to express, etc, etc.
* Always dress in light colors, if you work on Spirituality use bright colors, that also raises your vibrational frequency.
Brotherly hug of light and blessings,
💥🤩💖Soy Maria Lustig144 💖🤩💥
Guardian of the Flame of Light in Divine Service to Humanity and Illumination of Gaia.

The 10:10 energy portal on October 10th is a powerful moment for new beginnings, transformation, and manifesting your deepest desires. It’s a sign from the Universe that you are in perfect alignment with something greater. This portal is an invitation to embrace change, focus on growth, and step fully into your true purpose.

In numerology, the number 10 symbolizes both completion and a fresh start. Seeing 10:10, whether on the clock or elsewhere, signals that you’re at a major turning point. It’s as if a cosmic doorway is opening, encouraging you to move forward with confidence. The Universe is letting you know that your next chapter is ready to unfold, and you’re exactly where you need to be to make it happen.

1010 energy portal
1010 energy portal
On October 10th, this energy is amplified, offering you the perfect opportunity to realign and reset. When the clock strikes 10:10 on this day, it’s a powerful reminder to set clear, bold intentions for your future. Reflect on your dreams, what you truly want to manifest, and trust that the Universe is supporting you every step of the way.
One of the most important lessons of the 10:10 portal is to embrace change. While change can be challenging, this energy invites transformation and personal growth. It’s time to release old habits, outdated beliefs, or relationships that no longer serve your highest good. By letting go, you create the space for new opportunities and experiences that align more closely with your true self.
The 10:10 portal also serves as a reminder of your ability to shape your destiny. You are not a passive observer of life—you are its creator. Now is the time to focus on your dreams and take bold steps toward making them a reality. Whether that means starting a new project, advancing in your career, or making a significant life shift, the Universe is fully behind you, but it’s up to you to make the first move.
This portal also brings transformative energy to your relationships. If you’re in a partnership, it’s a time to deepen your emotional connection and focus on growth together. If you’re single, 10:10 may mark the start of a new romantic chapter, or it could encourage you to let go of relationships that no longer serve your highest good, making room for healthier, more aligned connections.
Affirm: “I trust the process, release what no longer serves me, and welcome abundance, love, and transformation into my life.” Trust in the magic of this powerful moment, and watch as your life begins to transform in unexpected and beautiful ways. Embrace the opportunities, lean into change, and know that the Universe is guiding you toward your highest potential.

Message from Saint Germain – The victory of the light is already here!


My beloveds. The victory of the light is already here! Even if the few remaining dark hats refuse to surrender, the light has already won on all fronts.

The victory of the light is already here
The victory of the light is already here

And very soon this reality will be felt by everyone. No matter how you look at it, the forces of light are victorious.

We will now begin emergency broadcasts and everyone will see the truth.

Nesara/Gesara is currently receiving the finishing touches from one or two other nations who have signed it. And very soon it will be officially launched.

It’s already underway in some countries,
so sooner than you think, your debts will be forgiven.

Republics will be restored. Corporations are disappearing.

Central banks no longer have any power. They can no longer determine economic policy or print money out of thin air.

Currencies are backed by gold and real wealth.

In short, the QFS replaces the fiat system, which is dead. Banks no longer have free access to their customers’ money. And very soon they will disappear.

No matter how much they try to show that everything will remain the same, the changes are here and will remain.

Nothing is as they try to show it anymore. Reality escapes you, as well as those in power.

Don’t be fooled. The new golden age of love, peace and abundance for all is here.
It’s now!

I am your great friend and brother Saint Germain, speaking through our beloved Ngari.

A Gateway to a higher level
A Gateway to a higher level


Out of the density a star is born…
Today’s is 12-Baatz/Monkey… understanding, weaves time anew…
It can be understood that time as movement in action is absolute, complete and one with the processes of Creations Cosmic evolution, yet because we humans have the gift of free will we can change times movements to benifit ourselves but when we do this we need to understand the consequences, that if not done fair and sacredly the movement of time will backfire on our lives, in other words we will create problems and karma that we will need to heal and purge. Hence, any distortion of time takes times movement off center from the Will of the Source Creator and this is detrimental to Creations natural order, this is what the collective is fast learning and having to course correct in relation to, the evolution of time has reached a precipice with the activation of the 9th Wave in 2011 and this is gradually teaching our conscience the true direction of time, being the direction that is guiding the prophetic return to live in harmony with nature…
For this reason the Maya and other ancient cultures created calendars and performed ceremony, and can be seen as being because when civilizations arose thousands of years ago they disconnected themselves from nature and in so doing went off course from the movement of true time, but the Mayan calendar and their sacred ceremony kept their civilization aligned with true time, so now we can understand the purpose of the ceremonial calendars, it was much more than what we use calendars for now, it was sacred and very important and it was and is still the center of the Maya civilization in central America, the calendars like the Tzolkin and the Tun align consciousness to the direction of true time and the evolution of the Universal TREE OF LIFE. The calendar is in resonance with the natural order of Earth’s evolution, it aligns our mind and heart to this process…
12-Monkey, 10-10-24… Monkey is the weaver of Divine Time, and playfully explores and creates, and aligns to new beginnings… 12 creates new understandings and growth, on 12 days the flower that was lets go control and selflessly wilts for the greater good of all to reseed anew. Monkey is the weaver of time…
In terms of Monkey as the weaver of time, Creation is always weaving new threads, these threads spark life anew, that are coming to life in physical form through mysterious processes, they are threads of Creations Universal Light; for the Light to shine brighter it has to be challenged, it has to transcend the challenge of the immaturity in the density of time, each thread of LIGHT has to transmute the impurity in the Light of itself, we have to look within ourselves and do this work too, this is what is happening on a collective level, all the chaos is the resistance that does not want to let go control and do the inner healing spiritual light work on itself “within” and allow Source Creator’s WILL to emanate its new high vibrational pure Light of loving intentions through us, and work through our free will for the greater good of Earth and our fellow humanity…
Paradoxically, out of what is seemingly negative, positive results are being born, one can sense this is happening now, even though their is so much that weighs on us and even depresses us, we have so much to be grateful for, it is just a shift of perception that can be the difference, it is about transcending doubt and being centered in certainty….
It is time to shift our minds point of view, instead of looking out there and depending on the outer for happiness, look “within” and heal and grow true to self and transcend the hold of the outer world, reclaim our soul… meditate, let go and be true to the new you, BE PEACE…
In terms of the 9th Wave we are in NIGHT, time is in the shadow about to come out into DAY from 14 Oct(3-Eagle, activates higher view) – see 9th Wave calculator –
Peace and Love.
Artist: Sean Caulfield
P. S.
Wisdom for this day 10-10 from Celia Fenn
10th October 10/10 : Are you ready for your new Life
Today is the 10/10 Gateway. A double 10 marks a point of Change and a Movement to Higher Purpose.
As the energies of Fire and Water create vortexes of powerful energy on the planet, in our own lives these vortexes swirl as well.
It can be exhausting.
As a group we are holding the energies of Love and Compassion and the energies of balance and form.
Powerful energies follow spiral forms, like Galaxies and like Storms. Our ancestors knew that to keep peace within nature we need to keep peace within ourselves, so that the energy is not unstable and destructive, but follows the spiral of the Golden Ratio into Beauty and order. The form of the Galactic Rose.
The 10/10 portal is a moment to activate and celebrate your Mastery by holding that spiral in and from your Heart and creating that Golden Peace and Love around you.
And yes, this 10/10 portal is the culmination of all the deep changes in the last year and marks the beginning of your new life.
Whatever changes and being made now are leading to your new life and your new mission on Earth.
Be at Peace within yourself and be a River of Calm amid the chaos.
Much love to everyone on this 10/10 day.

Sean Caulfield



Message from Kuthumi / It’s about proving that the light has already won!

Beloved brothers and sisters, I am Kuthumi and I come with a ray of love to embrace you all. I have a serious matter to discuss with you today. It is to prove that the light has already triumphed!

Don’t trust the news you hear. They are all wrong. The media continues with their lies and deception, pure and simple manipulation!

But now the truth is emerging and will soon shine like the sun at dawn.

Few people know what is really happening. We are entering the Golden Age of Aquarius, with all that it brings to the planet and to people. I am talking about the planetary ascension and the evolution of Homo Sapiens to Homo Galacticus.

I am talking about 5D,  Nesara  /  Gesara  , the Quantum Financial System (QFS), VR and the galactic society that you will soon fully transform into.

There will be no more room for those who sleep in Terra Christa 5D.

Those who live in the lower vibrational frequencies will no longer be able to do this, especially because their spirit does not reach the higher vibration of love, truth and freedom.

Earth is already an  Ascending Being  and her higher energies are not impeding the lower vibrations.

We are seeing large corporations, central banks, private banks, large government agencies and three-letter acronyms disappear from the stage all over the world.

No amount of shouting or candles can change that. The controllers are leaving the planet, yes or yes. Population control agencies are disappearing until they disappear from your life completely.

So the more you let go of 3D, the faster 5D will anchor in. The more you stop interacting with 3D, the faster this will happen.

Feel your inner light and let it guide you. Raise your vibration and thoughts to 5D!

Change is before all who have eyes to see it. But in order to move forward, it is necessary to let go of the immense burden that you carry with you…old belief systems, memories from a distant past, mental attachments, attachments, unbalanced energies, mental inoculations. In short, anything that delays your journey to 5D must be left behind.

Take advantage of the new energies that are flooding the planet at this time! Place your conscious focus on everything you wish to create.

Live in 5D now! Expand your vibrational frequency higher and higher. Remain detached from the results of your creative processes. And suddenly you will see how together we create the much better world we all desire.

I am Kuthumi and together with my Twin Flame we have made this transmission for all of you.

Maria Cecilia Ngari




The magic and sparks which ignite from those who hold value in belief will flare across from the New Moon to ignite the✨10/10✨portal of 2024. Here we see the point of new beginnings of which energetic workers have been awaiting.
This is a benchmark point in time and space as well as in personal achievement. What has not been cut away of old ties must be done so now and energetically the Sensitive Community will feel this shift across mid October, possibly as a purge of elemental forces, as is so often the follow up of the September Equinox theatrics.
This is a 1 portal as
1+0=1 . 1+0=1 . 2+0+2+4=8
1 . 1. 8 = 10
1+0 = 1
So this is about the individual
and the Oneness
Expect this to be a removal of layers and a cleanse of energetic debris hidden within the frequencies of connections, i.e with others and with self.
This is also an environmental cleanse involving the elemental and angelic realms.
Remember that 2024 is a Lightbridge and we still have opportunity for spiritual upliftment and frequency swapping as we tune in to the codes of a more resolute higher spiritual self within our conscious living form. The need for sovereignty and personal freedom will grow, as will the attempts to attack it. (Especially by means of an inverted agenda who twist the themes of the natural realm into distortion).
The Sensitive Community will need to step up into a higher resolute Self to stand firm in their beliefs and to take forward what they have learned of holding love and light in the heart. Meanwhile, expect alternative agendas to do their utmost to prevent this, by means of suffocating the creative self and its spiritual connection to the right of Free Will.
Spirit activity will be highly active across from 10/10 to early January (as is usual with the thining of the veil) and we should take it from them that the time is right to lay to rest old ghosts and to close down portals of demons and vampiric energy forms. Again, expect a purging of physical, emotional and mental formations, likely to be felt through transmutation and physical cleansing.
This is the time to look deep into the sense of Self and note it’s reflections. Where and how do you see yourself in others and who do you see within the patterns of your own actioned Self ? Can we remove our conditioned narratives and find a true picture of a pure intentioned I Am Self?
Image is by @aiyinyangart
✨Portal 10/10
▫️The Portal 10/10 of 2024 is a long-awaited moment for those who follow spiritual practices and seek personal growth and expansion. This portal is seen as an opportunity to access high-frequency energies that facilitate the alignment and manifestation of higher desires and intentions. 10/10 symbolizes a cycle of renewal and completion, with the number 10 associated with new beginnings and alignment with divine purpose.
▫️The Meaning Of The Portal 10/10
▫️Renewal and Alignment: The date is composed of two 10 numbers, which in numerology represent the beginning and the end of cycles. It’s an opportunity to complete what needs to be left behind and open yourself to new beginnings.
▫️Elevation of Consciousness: The energies of this portal can intensify the spiritual connection and promote a more expanded awareness. Many report greater ease of accessing higher dimensions and receiving insights.
▫️Opening for Abundance: Number 10 is also associated with abundance and prosperity. This is a great opportunity to manifest intentions for financial, professional and personal expansion.
▫️How to Take Advantage of the 10/10 Portal
▫️Establish Clear Intentions: Define what you want to manifest and what aspects of your life you want to renew. Be specific and write down those intentions to reinforce commitment.
▫️Meditate and Connect with Higher Energies: Take advantage of the day to perform meditations focused on connecting with higher dimensions. Visualize energy flowing through your chakras, promoting balance and alignment.
▫️Perform an Energy Cleansing: Use practices such as herbal baths, incense, and crystals to purify your energy. Leaving behind stagnant energies is essential to making room for the new.
▫️ Practice Gratitude: Take a moment to be thankful for all that you already have and for all the lessons that you’ve learned. Gratitude raises vibration and facilitates the manifestation process.
▫️Portal energies and Vibrations
▫️During the 10/10 Portal, many report a feeling of energy acceleration. Spiritual sensitivity tends to increase, facilitating communication with spirit guides, angels and other entities of light. This is especially beneficial for those seeking answers or guidance.
▫️Care During Portal 10/10
▫️Rest and Hydrate Well: Increased energy frequency can cause symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or emotional changes. Taking care of your physical body helps to integrate new energies.
▫️Be gentle with yourself: It is not necessary to do everything at the same time. Go with the flow and respect your limits.
▫️ Avoid Negativity: This is a time to focus on the positive and leave behind what doesn’t add up. The portal amplifies the intentions, so try to avoid negative thoughts and emotions.
▫️By tapping into the energies of the Portal, you can foster a deep renewal and align yourself even further with your spiritual purpose.
Portal 1010
Portal 1010


Rescue and MedBeds

EXCLUSIVE! TOP SECRET Military Program and 50,000 Hidden Medical Centers in Closed Walmart: The Chosen Lead a Global Healthcare Revolution!

MedBeds medical beds are not only revolutionary; they are the beginning of a new world, a world meticulously kept secret by those who understand its true power. Right now, people are being healed: cancers are being eliminated, degenerative diseases are being reversed, aging is being stopped. But this miracle is not for everyone to see, only for a select few.

Med Beds are more than just advanced devices: They are designed with technology that has been suppressed for decades. Those who have been cured are part of a controlled experiment, the first phase of something much larger.

Why keep this a secret? Because those in control are carefully guarding this technology, ensuring that only their chosen ones benefit, for now.

Early treatments are already showing incredible results. In Texas, a terminally ill cancer patient was cured overnight. His cancer? It disappeared, as if it had never existed. In another case, an elderly man who was expected to die was treated and regained decades of youth; his body was rejuvenated. These are not isolated events.

All over the world, similar stories are emerging: people with incurable diseases suddenly cured, minds restored, bodies transformed.

But where are these medical beds? Who controls them?

The truth: 50,000 medical centers are hidden away across the United States, often inside closed Walmarts and other strategic locations. The closures are not about economics, but about repurposing these vast spaces for something far more crucial. MedBeds, controlled by secret military and space programs, are being used to treat select individuals. The military holds the keys, deciding who gets treatment and when.

There is a plan in place to eventually hand over medical beds to humanitarians, but make no mistake: the power remains in the hands of those currently in control.

Zimbabwe Bondholders will be among the first to access Med Beds when they collect their Zimbabwe Bonds from the Redemption Centres. They will be healed first because they are considered essential for what comes next: leading the process of healing the world and restoring society.


And it’s not just physical healing. Medical beds have been used for the most vulnerable: children rescued from trafficking. These children, saved by the military, have been taken off-planet and healed, not only physically but emotionally, erasing the horrors they have endured. This highly advanced technology has been kept hidden from the public to maintain control over its power.


We are on the brink of a revelation that will change everything. Medical beds are not the future, they are the present, already transforming lives. But the whole truth is hidden from us, controlled by those in power.


When these medical beds are finally revealed, everything will change. Until then, stay alert. The truth is coming, and when it does, you must be ready. The future promised by medical beds is here, and it will redefine what it means to be human. Get ready.


My acknowledgement and credit for this information to whomever it may apply.











Let’s get straight to the point… straight to the arrow in the chest.


Managers ran out of ideas to keep their sheep’s attention and loyalty.


They said “funds are liquid” and their false intelligence message backfired!


They then sent “level 4B emails” and their fake intelligence message failed again.


So they hammered home “RV in hours” and guess what, their fake intelligence message failed once again!


They ran out of false information and now they are left with the last one: “Blackouts, EBS”, 10 days of darkness, prepare yourselves.” They started this strange campaign about four weeks ago.


When you see these new buzzwords, unsubscribe immediately, as this is your “sure sign and indication” that this group is following the false “mainstream managerial intelligence narrative” promoted by the CIA, whether these managers are aware of it or not.


The only time “Blackouts, EBS”, 10 Days of Darkness” could occur is when the Military Intelligence DEFINITIVE CALL INDICATOR Q is given, and not a second before that!


No matter what these dark knights of false information indoctrinate into your mind to erode your logical and rational thinking skills, their alarmist information is totally inaccurate!


Let me give you the ONLY “military call sign” that can trigger this troubling period, which the military is trying to avoid at all costs!


So here it is… QA Military Intelligence has stated clearly and plainly that when we see President Donald Trump post these specific words in ABOUT US…”God Bless You.”


As seen in your Qpost 55


My acknowledgement and credit for this information to whomever it may apply.







UPDATE! Medical Beds Unlocked: Brainwave Synchronization and Quantum Healing with DNA Replicators: Secrets to Reversing Aging Revealed. Turn 80 into 30!


Let’s get straight to the point. For too long, the truth about aging, disease, and human potential has been suppressed, hidden by those who want us to be weak and in the dark. But now the curtains are drawn, and it’s time to step out into the light.


We are on the brink of a revolution, a revolution that the elites have been desperately trying to hide from us. A revolution that will change the very essence of what it means to be human. Aging? It’s a lie. Disease? Manufactured. The DNA replicator and the medbeds are here, and they will free us from the prison of time.


Here’s what they don’t want you to know: the power to reverse aging, to restore youth and vitality, lies in the synchronization of brain waves.


It’s not just about going into a meditative trance; it’s about unlocking the full potential of medical beds. And that has been kept hidden from us until now.


As of today, September 12, 2024, new internal revelations confirm what the elites have been using for decades: brainwave frequencies are key: alpha, theta, gamma; They are not just scientific jargon. These are the frequencies the elites use to unlock the full potential of medical beds, ensuring that their bodies remain young, their minds sharp and their control tight.


It’s not just about healing your body. It’s about transcending who you are now, breaking the chains that bind you. Start with alpha wave training: 20 minutes a day in silence, quieting your mind. Once you’ve mastered this, you’ll be ready to move on to deeper theta waves, which activate subconscious healing and physical rejuvenation.


But the real secret, the hidden knowledge, lies in the gamma waves. Gamma waves unlock the true power of the med bed, allowing you to target your healing with laser precision. This is the kind of technology that has been buried under lies, hidden from the masses. And for good reason: because once you know how to use it, the game is over.


Now let’s move on to the DNA replicator. This is the tool they never wanted you to have. This isn’t just genetic engineering; it’s a total biological reboot. Nanobots in your bloodstream that map every strand of DNA. Scalar energy blasts that rebuild you, not just to look younger, but to BE younger. This isn’t cosmetic; this is total cellular regeneration. You won’t just look 30, you’ll actually be 30, right down to your DNA.


The elites have been using this technology for years. They have lived in secret, prolonging their lives while we suffer. But now we have the knowledge and it is time to take it back. This is not just about looking young, it is about regaining control over our biology, our future. DNA Replicator doesn’t just reverse aging. It strengthens the immune system, boosts metabolism and even rewires the brain for peak cognitive function.


Imagine having the wisdom of your life with the mental agility of your best years. This is the future that has been hidden from us and that the elites are already living in. But not anymore. The time for secrets is over.


It’s time to begin your brainwave training. Take control of your destiny. Don’t let the elites hide this from you any longer. The medical beds, the DNA Replicator, are here and they are real. The next phase of human evolution is here and within our reach. Reatomization and the DNA Replicator are the keys to our future.


What are you waiting for? The medical bed revolution has begun. Don’t be its pawn. Be the master of your own destiny. The future is now: take it back.







Get Ready for the Medical Beds! Earth Alliance’s Exclusive Training Revealed: Spiritual Awakening, Energy Manipulation, and Unmissable Healing Secrets.


The Earth Alliance has confirmed the imminent arrival of medical beds, a technology that will revolutionize healthcare and transform human potential. These devices are not just about physical healing, they combine advanced technology with spiritual awakening to unlock hidden energies within you.


Your role in the global initiative.


It’s not just about learning how to operate medical beds. It’s about becoming part of something bigger than yourself. You’ll receive training in how to manipulate energy fields, raise consciousness, and heal on a deep level. As a spiritual advisor, you’ll be instrumental in guiding others through this monumental shift.


Training break.


The training covers everything from brainwave management to deep spiritual practices. You will learn to control the energy flows in your body and environment, becoming one with the energy fields of the medical bed. Each level of training takes you to a deeper understanding of how to manipulate cosmic energies for healing.


Earth Alliance classes are structured to teach you everything from the basics to more advanced techniques, including interdimensional healing. This is not a regular training program. You will be guided by higher dimensional entities, ensuring that you are fully prepared to operate the Medical Beds and help humanity move into its next evolutionary phase.


Medical bed technology.


Med Beds represent the pinnacle of healing technology. Quantum energy fields promote rapid cellular regeneration. Nanobots work at a cellular level to eliminate toxins and repair tissue, while cosmic brainwave synchronization ensures deep mental and spiritual healing. It’s holistic healing at its best: body, mind and spirit working together.


Only the Chosen


This is not for everyone. The Earth Alliance seeks those who are ready to ascend. If you are feeling that pull, that inner calling, this is the place. Only those who are prepared to fully embrace their role as spiritual guides will succeed. Your training will be rigorous, but the rewards will be monumental.


This is your chance to be at the forefront of a global transformation. MedBeds medical beds promise a future where healing is instantaneous, where the barriers between the physical and spiritual crumble. If you are ready to transcend the limits of human potential, MedBeds and the Earth Alliance await you.


The time to act is NOW. Heed the call and be part of the new era of healing and transformation!




Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Currency Revaluation …Charlie Ward and Friends on Telegram

Key Currencies: Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, and Zimbabwe ZIM

Iraqi Dinar: The Iraqi dinar has been undervalued for too long due to years of turmoil and economic instability. But everything is about to change. With this new treaty in place, the Dinar is set for a major revaluation—bringing newfound prosperity to Iraq and transforming its future.

This revaluation won’t just boost the economy; it will bring foreign investors flocking, pushing Iraq into a new era. The elites tried to suppress Iraq, but they can’t hold it down any longer. The rise is imminent, and those who know are getting ready to prosper.

Vietnamese Dong: Vietnam’s economy has been growing steadily, but the value of the Dong never reflected this progress—because they didn’t want it to. Now, with a revaluation, the Dong is set to be on par with the U.S. dollar, signaling the unstoppable rise of Vietnam’s economic power.

This isn’t just about Vietnam; it’s about a global shift, and the opportunities are endless. Trade, investment, and massive economic growth are on the horizon. Those in the know are already seeing the potential. Are you ready to seize the moment?

Zimbabwe ZIM: Zimbabwe has faced economic collapse, hyperinflation, and hardship—but the ZIM is coming back. The revaluation of the ZIM isn’t just a step forward; it’s a leap towards freedom from the chains the global powers placed on Zimbabwe.

This change will restore faith in Zimbabwe’s economy and pave the way for recovery and growth. The old system fears countries like Zimbabwe rising—but it’s too late to stop what’s coming. The revaluation is about reclaiming power, and those prepared will see rewards beyond belief.

10/10: October 10, 2024, EBS/Martial Law/GESARA: The countdown begins

Thursday Morning, October 10, 2024

What will happen with the “financial collapse”? ?We will continue to check the “financial market” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on October 9

I will extract the parts that interest you!

Today’s message

EBS Martial Law is looming all over the world
To protect our security, militias are activated all over the world.

The countdown begins
The countdown begins



FEMA and FBI declare war in North Carolina over evidence that FEMA ordered agents to shoot victims of Hurricane Heleen. Same carnage committed by FEMA agents with the man-made Maui wildfire in 2023.
Three major hurricanes (man-made disasters?) to hit Florida in the next three weeks

Roy Brunson Rule 11 SCOTUS Emergency (
The highest court in the land is the court of public opinion, and that means you.
Be a part of history: Click and sign the letter to the
SCOTUS Supreme Court Rule 11 Petition – Roy Brunson

The Fall of the Cabal Part 10: The Return of the King …Janet Ossebard

At least one month’s worth of food, water, cash, medicine, and other essentials for yourself and your family , and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy notes that

there is evidence that FEMA, the government’s civilian disaster response agency, ordered its agents to shoot victims of Hurricane Helen.
This is the same carnage that FEMA committed in the 2023 Maui fires. Furthermore, during Hurricane Helen (and as with the man-made fires on Maui), women and children disappeared into international human trafficking rings of international conspiracies.

The Global White Hat Military Alliance was trying to do something about it. We were at war with our own government and didn’t even know it. What FEMA did after Hurricane Helena in North Carolina was an act of war.

Forget rescue. FEMA brought in military weapons and 3,500 military personnel. Instead of aid, they handed out body bags. Not only did FEMA fail to adequately help people in need, they actively obstructed civilians trying to help, stole disaster funds and supplies, and used military and commercial helicopters to rescue victims.

The North Carolina donation center still houses an unmarked Black Hawk helicopter owned by the Biden/Harris administration.
A government-owned Blackhawk helicopter was caught on camera deliberately targeting, intercepting, and destroying supplies intended for victims of Hurricane Milton.

On Tuesday, October 8, FEMA paid huge sums to private security companies to prevent Floridians from returning to their homes.
This is to prevent people in Florida from returning to their homes and businesses after Hurricane Milton.
Why? Perhaps for land grabs? In Florida, the Hurricane Milton disaster is believed to have made Tampa one of the smart cities, where residents are completely controlled.

To have total control over the population. In North Carolina, the disaster caused by Hurricane Helen is believed to have occurred in order to take control of the Three Kings Cities.

US patent 2003/0085296 has been granted, which demonstrates that heavy rain can be formed and directed to specific areas of the country through cloud seeding and the application of sound waves.

Residents of North Carolina claim that airplanes seeded clouds in their area during Hurricane Helen. There is ample evidence of the routes that aircraft took to maneuver in the path of Hurricane Helen.

Hurricane Milton on Sunday, October 6. On the evening of Sunday, October 6, Hurricane Milton made a strange U-turn with an airplane flying overhead.

On September 27, much of Chimney Rock, North Carolina was destroyed by flooding caused by Hurricane Heleen.
Two days later, as residents scrambled to salvage what they could, the Biden-Harris administration seized Chimney Rock, a small hamlet of 2.8 square miles, under eminent domain.

A month earlier, the BlackRock conspirator had acquired 2.2 million shares of Albemarle, a lithium mine in Kings Mountain.
With the help of Vice President Kamala Harris, the U.S. government also gave the mine a surprise $250 million grant to open.
The mine was packed with rare precious metals used in computer chips.

On September 24, 2024, Kamara successfully obtained a mining permit for the Albemarle lithium mine.
Mining began immediately. There was a reason for that. The mine’s majority shareholder was her husband, Doug Emhoff.
Emhoff’s retirement accounts were also deeply tied to major cabal funds like BlackRock and Vanguard.
The Kings Mountain mine was expected to generate profits of over $250 billion.

Israel, the fake Khazarian Jewish mafia, supposedly owned BlackRock and Vanguard and controlled the entire American government. It appears that the Khazarians (direct descendants of Cain who practiced child sacrifices to their god Satan) along with their Cabal allies intentionally created the hurricane. They were direct descendants of Cain and practiced child sacrifices to their god Satan.

It appears that the Khazarians intentionally created hurricanes, fires and chaos to dominate humanity.
When the giant cabal-created hurricane “Milton” was about to destroy Florida, and when the crazy hurricane “Kirk” was about to destroy Florida.

Crazy hurricane Kirk is heading towards London, England.
Targeted Biden/Harris Administration FEMA for Human Trafficking, Shooting Victims of Hurricane Heleen, Maui, Texas, California, and Katrina Disasters.

possible time

 Since January 21, 2022, the United States has been officially under military occupation and has continuously operated a government.

 On October 18, 2023, the U.S. Treasury announced that it was bankrupt.

 On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, President Trump announced that “America’s comeback begins now.”

 Monday, October 7 to Monday, October 14: Focus on San Francisco Fleet Week 2024.
Timeline of Terrifying Events: Follow the Yellow Brick Road!

That’s All

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The 10:10 Portal initiates a 10-day period of Cosmic activation, bringing significant ascension upgrades to many individuals. This past year has been a period of significant and intense personal inner developments this allowed many to see the truth , making things clearer , bringing in deeper levels of understanding in self. The current planetary energies are helping the ascending to overcome current challenges and obstacles.
The next full Moon cycle encourages reclaiming more of self’s true energy and power from people and situations that no longer serve in any purposeful or meaningful way .This could mean reaching a point where self feels at a breaking point with certain Lower Conscious situations connections and circumstances.
The incoming planetary energies may also bring up unpleasant past experiences, this can lead to past memories resurfacing and the understanding of deep traumas and their connection to life’s cycles. It is a transformational time to let go of any outdated beliefs that do not belong .
Taking a closer look at the beliefs held in daily life especially self talk in various situations. Checking if these beliefs instill fear or negative emotions within and making necessary adjustments to align with the authentic self. This process allows the self to create empowering beliefs that resonate with soul’s true essence.
The Self is currently witnessing the physical manifestation of our world splitting into multiple parallel reality versions of Earth. This leads to radical changes and a higher frequency of disruptions and separations of various kinds including global shake ups and breakups.
Starseeds are challenging the belief in a single reality and recognising the ability to perceive different realities. Glass walls are emerging between various reality vibrations on Earth, indicating that seeing a reality or others’ choices one doesn’t prefer doesn’t necessarily mean it can reach or affect them, as these walls act as filters.
The heightened energies of the 10/10 Portal activation allows for the expansion of crystalline activations within the celestial body to deepen connection to self’s divine essence , accessing higher states of consciousness. This expansion empowers the ascending to shape their destiny, reclaiming Akashic life force power, trusting heightened intuition as self navigates forward. The transformational energies of the 10/10 Portal highlights the higher potential in self .
During the 10-10 Ascension activation, some ascending may experience a stronger sense of compassion, loss of fear and judgement polarity, increased adaptability, acceptance of light and dark, and the power to manifest in new earth reality. Rapid manifestations of conscious intentions and a stronger sense of purpose to be of service characterise this transformational new earth time line .
The Ascending contribute to the collective shift in consciousness, they are the trailblazers in this Ascension process, undergoing profound human transformation and metaphysical expansion within earths energetic field.
The soul’s innate desire in the ascending process is beginning to shine outwardly, positively influencing ,healing and uplifting those on their own ascension journeys. Expanding in authenticity liberates self from societal expectations, allowing self to express truthfully , without seeking approval or fitting into societal moulds.
When ascending individuals actively choose to live in their innate passion and purpose during the ascension process, they engage with their passions without expectations or assumptions about outcomes or appearances . The ascending self is creating a reality in new earth energies based on alignment and in a higher version of Self , one that reflects the internal shifts. The Earth’s consciousness is shifting rapidly leading to pronounced transitions in ascending Earth.
The 10:10 Portal is significant and vibrationally amplified in energies that will persist in bringing in profound transformative changes . This numerical sequence acts as a powerful activation , one that can shift many ascending into brand new realities .
Starseeds came onto this planet with a Metaphysical purpose . They are the truth seekers and speakers , they transmute dark energies into light and are examples to many ascending others.
10-10 numerical frequencies will activate in many higher awareness , rapidly transforming thoughts into higher levels of consciousness and inner power . The third chakra the Solar Plexus is energetically expanding and vibrating with much higher frequencies giving self-confidence a much needed boost .
Expanding into the new planetary energy that is pulsating and flowing into the entire being . Ascending souls are navigating the changes with greater ease and in a natural flow. Change is now imminent and a big and constant part of new earth energy.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
By Ascension LightWorkers ©️
Akashic life force power
Akashic life force power

Benjamin Fulford Report: Israel ends and US civil war begins – October 7, 2024

Truly biblical scale events continue as the Khazarian Mafia-controlled Western power structure implodes. The State of Israel has been decapitated, the Catholic Church is bankrupt and full-scale civil war has begun in the United States.

Let us start with Israel. The October 1st Iranian missile attack on Israel was far more devastating than has been reported in the Western media. A Pentagon source says:


“Many, many thousands of Israelis have been killed in the Iranian missile attack in the past 48 hours. Yoav Galant, the Minister of Defense, has been killed. Half of the runways have been obliterated along with 30 US F-35 jets, completely destroyed. All of this is being withheld by the Israelis. The Zionists are scared shitless. The State of Israel may not exist by the 15th of October.”

Mossad sources confirm “Israel is under new leadership with Herzi Halevi, Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces at the helm. Yoav Galant, the minister of Defense, has been killed.”

The sources add “Meanwhile Bibi [Netanyahu] is somewhere in another dimension as well. Hopefully burning in hell. Like a pig on a spit roast.”

Further confirmation came from P3 Freemasons who pointed to “inconsistencies in a video released of just over two minutes of Netanyahu. At the beginning, Netanyahu has at his side the head of the Mossad, Barnea, and a high-ranking Israeli military man. At the end, there are two completely different characters. This is a montage of two completely different scenes and in all likelihood they are old archive images passed off as recent.”

We were also sent a video by an Israeli diplomat showing what he says was Mossad Headquarters being obliterated.

The video we posted on Saturday turns out to have been a video of an explosion in Tian Jing China from 9 years ago, however, Mossad sources did tell us the Mossad HQ had been hit and the head of Mossad is dead.

We further note Israel has not responded to the Iranian attack despite many calls to do so.

Here is the reason why, according to Iranian sources:

“If Israel attempts to bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran, the Iranians will know it before the missiles are able to reach the target and will be neutralized. Iran will fire 2 hypersonic nuclear missiles, one on Tel Aviv and one on Haifa. Israel will cease to exist. These travel at Mach 25 and can reach Tel Aviv in 3 minutes. They are undetectable by any known technology. The much slower hypersonic missiles, used in this latest hit, took 10 minutes to reach Tel Aviv from Iran. They destroyed the Iron Dome and much more. There are Zionist Jews appearing as Iranians holding very high ministerial positions in Iran, working for Israel. Their names are known. They also carry US Passports.”

We are also hearing Israeli troops being sent into Lebanon are being slaughtered in mass numbers. Here you can watch a video of one column of these troops being destroyed.

Most of the above information was deleted repeatedly from my computer but, since I am used to such tricks, it was recovered using multiple backup devices.

MI6 sources report that in response to the devastation and the threats to vaporize Israel, high-level Jewish power brokers are trying to negotiate the replacement of the Satanic state of Israel with the God-affiliated new state of Judea. This will include both the native Judeans and the immigrant Jews. This new state will be allowed to rebuild the Temple on its’ original location which is nowhere near the Al Aqsa Mosque. So yes, that qualifies as biblical-scale news.

Now let us look at the Catholic Church. It is bankrupt and about to be dissolved. Multiple intelligence agency sources confirm they own Bank of America, which in turn owns the United States of America Corporation. To hide the fact BOA and the US Corporation are bankrupt, the bank appears to have “borrowed” funds from its’ depositors to create the appearance it was solvent on the September 30th fiscal year end of its’ US Corporation.

This was reported in the news as Bank of America experiencing nationwide outages, leaving customers with zero balances in their accounts and only their debts visible.

In another sign of trouble at the Catholic Church, an emergency meeting of Bishops, or Synod was held on October 1st that issued a a mea culpa for clerical child sex abuse saying “We feel ashamed”. A request for forgiveness pronounced on behalf of the Church by Cardinal Sean O’Malley during a penitential vigil in St. Peter’s said: “I ask for forgiveness, feeling ashamed, for all the times that we faithful have been complicit or have directly committed abuses of conscience, abuses of power, and sexual abuse…. we have used the condition of the ordained ministry and consecrated life to commit this terrible sin, feeling safe and protected while we diabolically took advantage of the little ones and the poor. Forgive us, Lord”.

Notice the silicon-masked fake pope Francis’ face is blotted out in the photograph in the article this quote is taken from.

The church is suffering a huge drop in donations from Africa and South America where the vast majority of Catholics reside. This is because true Christians have become disgusted at its recent pronouncements and all the financial, sexual etc. scandals. The Church is thus unable to pay for the lawsuits being filed by its’ many victims. Maybe it’s time to liquidate its real estate holdings to pay for all the damage.

This is what a Polish Christian intelligence agency employee had to say about the Catholic Church:

“Church bells call people to come and kneel like slaves instead of rising from their knees and collect money for it. There used to be bells on the church towers, then they changed them to crosses, this is how they block the flow of energy. All those from the Vatican who participate in killing children, producing adrenochrome and those who take it will have their bodies scattered to dust.”

Just remember, the fall of the Satanic church means liberation for its Christian slaves.

Already, the collapse of the Vaticans’ US Corporation has triggered a civil war inside the US military. This is pitting the US Space Command against

the US Special Forces and Psychological Warfare Command in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

The Space Command used weather warfare to isolate the base and the Town of Asheville, NC. It is also using these weapons to flood out the huge underground tunnel network there.

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And yes Marjorie Taylor Greene(@mtgreenee) confirms what we already knew…they can control weather. “It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”

As an example of what she is talking about, Iran’s Mazandaran province has experienced a very unexpected late September snowfall. A week ago, temperatures in the region were above +30°C

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Here is what a space force source had to say about the weather warfare attack on North Carolina:

The total wipeout of the Biltmore Village in Asheville – the Biltmore Estate owned by the Vanderbilt family [Anderson Cooper] was flooded out also. As it turns out, the sick pedo child art below was owned by none other than Tony Podesta [Rockefeller]- proud member of the “red shoe club” and brother to pervert & Pizzagate player John Podesta. The pale-skinned boy featured hanging by his hands in the art/photo below is alleged to be Anderson Cooper – where as a child, he “posed” for the “art” – in the very empty pool located in the basement of the now flooded out Biltmore Estate. The Vanderbilt family, particularly Gloria the mother, were known practitioners of black magic and members of the occult. Gloria’s oldest son [pictured], committed suicide at age 23. ** NOTE: Asheville is a child sex trafficking hub in the United States and is known for having deep underground tunnels and a long history of occultism and satanic ritual abuse.

The US Special Forces and Psychological Warfare Command in Fort Bragg (recently renamed Fort Liberty) was heavily influenced by the self-described Satanist Michael Aquino. Aquino founded the Temple of Set and has been associated with systematic child abuse at the army’s child development center.

In a sign this is a military operation, cell phone coverage is unavailable in the flooded region and private helicopters are being prevented from evacuating people from the area. This is to prevent high-level pedophile Satanists from escaping, space force sources say.

As evidence children are being rescued in this operation we have a witness saying: “A lineman friend did verify the naked children walking around looking for their parents off Old Fort Rd.”

If these children were leaving a normal residential home, they would at least be in their pajamas and not wandering around naked.

This abuse of children has been taking place on an industrial scale:

On August 19th, 2024, the Department of Homeland Security announced that they had lost track of over 300,000 children. But what exactly does this mean?

We began our investigation by door-knocking the addresses of the most vulnerable children on our list, focusing on the youngest who were at the highest risk of trafficking.

One of our first finds was an abandoned house where two boys aged 7 and 10 had allegedly been delivered. It is unclear what happened to the boys who were delivered to the sponsor at this address, we were ultimately unable to locate them.

Children are woken up at 3 o’clock in the morning and taken from the holding facility to their sponsors without the opportunity to say goodbye to their friends.

Alexa and her friend had agreed to contact each other on Facebook once they were placed safely with their sponsors. Unfortunately, Alexa never heard from her friend again.

As more evidence, check out the models that were recruited by Epstein Island visitor, Rachel Chandler (sounds like ‘child ‘handler’).

Do these girls and boys look like models to you? Or victims of abuse? Notice the black eyes.

Now the KM are trying to use high tech to victimize even more children. A new app shows how Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta smart glasses could become a tool for child traffickers, allowing them to scan anyone on the street and gain instant access to personal information, such as home addresses, using facial recognition. This technology could be used by human traffickers to find out where children live and plot their kidnappings with disturbing precision, according to Polish intelligence.

We are also hearing the closure of all US East Coast Ports on October 1st was related both to the bankruptcy of the US corporation and to an effort to stop child trafficking. Port workers said they were tired of hearing children’s screams coming from containers. They say the ports were shut down in part so that a system could be installed to keep track of all containers and prevent their use for human trafficking. Of course the other reason was their wages were not keeping up with inflation.

This comes as we are getting reports that -after a weather warfare attack on Florida- Mandatory evacuations in the Florida Keys meant traffic was diverted along a single route. Military was standing by to shut down traffic. They escorted people from their cars to nearby shelter locations. They thought they were being taken to safety but they were to be murdered.

We do not know if these were innocent people or Satanists who were being slaughtered but, either way it is more evidence civil war has really started.

There is another aspect to this weather warfare against NC and it could lead to a shutdown of the worlds’ semiconductor industry. The modern economy rests on a single road in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. The town of Spruce Pine is stranded as the major roads linking it to the rest of North Carolina and the US are flooded…The road runs to the two mines that are the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers. The area is also home to the largest Lithium deposits in the world.

We understand many innocent residents of North Carolina have suffered as a result of this US military civil war. However, we also note that many of the people who were silent about the Directed Energy Weapon attack on Maui are having huge hissy fits over the attack on North Carolina.

The reason is that the attack on Maui was designed to steal real estate for the usual criminals at Vanguard, State Street, Invesco etc.

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However, take a look at who owns the world’s largest Lithium deposit and the special quartz only found in Spruce Pine:

Piedmont Lithium Inc.

Blackrock Inc


Vanguard Group Inc


Invesco Ltd


So this is a sign these entities are on the receiving end of the attack this time.

The gnostic illuminati have long said the real enemy is a rogue artificial intelligence and if so, shutting down the worlds’ production of semiconductors would definitely qualify as an attack on the AI.

Also, in a sign some sort of emergency military government is imminent, CIA sources inform us “They seized all the canned foods at the largest canned food producer in the US and told the company all future production would go to the US government too, under an NDAA order. Also, four months ago, printing companies were given a government contract to print up food and fuel ration cards.” 

Temporary military government is probably unavoidable because since the Biden administration began the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) let 435,719 convicted criminals and 226,847 people with pending criminal charges in their home countries into the U.S. Police forces alone cannot deal with all those criminals being deliberately brought in.

US Presidential spokesclown Karine Jean-Pierre says it is “categorically false” that FEMA used taxpayer dollars to resettle illegal aliens. That’s interesting because you can literally read about it on FEMA’s website right here:

In yet another sign of undeclared civil war, it turns out the FBI arranged for the entry into the U.S of would-be Trump assassin Asif Merchant, according to a Twitter post from Fox correspondent Bill Melugin in August. This is a government agency actively plotting to assassinate a presidential candidate.

We also have senior Demonrats calling for complete totalitarian censorship. In the latest example, yet another version of Hillary Clinton Rockefeller (this one with a pretty obvious silicon mask) says: “If they are unable to moderate content on social media,” then they will “lose total control.”

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The “they” she is referring to are the Satanic families who control the worlds’ central banks and their fraudulent financial system.

Before the US dollar was taken off the reality based gold standard in 1973, America’s financial sector was worth less than 10% of the domestic corporate product. By the early 2000s, it was earning 41%. Since they do not actually produce anything, the Federal Reserve Board is a giant parasite.

People are waking up to this en masse.

As Robert F Kennedy Jr. puts it:

“It operates on behalf of a few Wall Street banks, and its function is to act like a pump. It is literally strip-mining the wealth and equity away from the American middle class.”

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Here Caitlin Long explains how the 12 reserve banks are private corporations controlled by unelected members in the private sector

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While Max Keizer explains the fiat black hole of debt that is killing the world economy.  

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The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) recently released information revealing that the United States’ net international investment position, the difference between U.S. residents’ foreign financial assets and liabilities, hit an all-time low of negative $22.5 trillion in the second quarter of 2024.

What this means is the US has been sucking money out of the rest of the world. The rest of the world has had enough. That is why they are planning to put an end to this Fed financial parasitism at the big BRICS meeting at the end of this month.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov summarized the worlds’ view of the West and their privately owned United Nations at his recent speech there:

The modern history of the United Nations resulted in loudly proclaimed goals that were soon forgotten.

The Millennium Summit proclaimed the goal of “freeing the people from the scourge of war.” Two years later, the United States of America, at the head of the Coalition of the Willing, invaded Iraq – a country still reeling from the devastating effects of the affair – on a ridiculous pretext, without a mandate from the UN Security Council.

The 2005 World Summit declared its commitment to a just peace in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. But this sacred pledge did not stop the United States and its allies from encouraging then-Georgian leader Mikheil Saakashvili to launch an armed attack on the people of South Ossetia and Russian peacekeeping forces in 2008. Three years later, NATO orchestrated a military intervention in Libya that destroyed the state and undermined the stability of its neighbors.

In 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Summit adopted grandiose plans to combat poverty and inequality. Ultimately, these were empty promises in the face of the unwillingness of Western countries to abandon their neo-colonial practices and siphon off the world’s wealth for their own gain.

The Secretary-General is talking about global cooperation at a time when Western countries have unleashed a veritable war of sanctions against more than half, if not the majority, of the countries in the world, and the US dollar, promoted as an asset and a good for all of humanity, has been roughly turned into a weapon.

Washington has blocked the normal work of the WTO to settle disputes and a reform of the Bretton Woods institutions, whose structure has long ceased to reflect the real balance of power in the world economy and finance.

Methods of political assassination, such as those seen yesterday in Beirut , which have almost become commonplace, are extremely worrying.

The Global South and East are increasingly calling for their right to full participation in decision-making processes across the spectrum of the international agenda

The role of intergovernmental organizations in Asia, Africa and Latin America is becoming more important. These include the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the African Union, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Arab League, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

We reaffirm our position in support of Brazil and India, provided that a positive decision is taken in the framework of the well-known initiatives of the African Union. At the same time, there can of course be no question of additional seats for Western countries, which are already overrepresented in the Security Council.

Notice he talks about intergovernmental organizations and not privately owned non-governmental organizations like the WHO and the UN. In other words, the failed, privately owned Western led international architecture needs to END NOW!

Russia is willing to go to war over this. That is why Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has left with his staff, security, crypto gear and documents.

At the same time, Russia is offering to provide “security in Eurasia…a continent stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok and from Moscow to Riyadh, New Delhi, Beijing and Jakarta,” Lavrov says.

This offer comes as the KM has decisively lost the war in the Ukraine. Between 50 and 70 percent of Ukrainian army recruits survive only a few days on the frontlines, and most troops have abandoned the frontlines.

And now the CIA tells us Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky has over $20 billion cash in his private accounts; not counting all his properties located around the world. This is all compliments of the KM Zionists via US taxpayers. No wonder Ukraine lost the war.

The fact is the US has lost control over Europe and the Middle East. In a sign of this:

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Bahrain, and Kuwait have declared neutrality in the Iran-Israel conflict and will not allow US airbase use against Iran.

Meanwhile, the Presidential election corporate reality show in the US is getting increasingly bizarre.

We have found out Kamala Harris is a product of MK-ultra mind experiments.

In the “grey zone” between the UK and USA – aka Canada – MK-ULTRA was never challenged but continued to churn out state-run assassins. One of the key players in the ongoing secret project in Montreal was a Ph.D. graduate of U.C. Berkeley who was born in Madras, India, while that nation was still part of the British Empire. That “monkey researcher” in the service of the MK-ULTRA assassin-training program in Canada – Shyamala Gopalan – was the mother of Kamala and Maya Harris.

Now watch Kamala as her teleprompter cuts off mid-speech: it goes exactly as you would expect it to; Word salad, talking in circles, repeating herself, cringy cackle, etc.

Video Player


Then you have the latest masked actor pretending to be US “President” Joe Biden saying “I’m confident it [the election] will be free and fair. I don’t know whether it will be peaceful.”

Video Player


In yet another example of an actor pretending to be a world leader, Argentine President Javier Milei read an actual Hollywood script at the UN.

“It seems like fiction, but it isn’t,” the left-leaning Buenos Aires newspaper Página 12 reported on Friday, claiming Milei had “copied, word for word, a monologue” by the television show’s fictional president, Josiah “Jed” Bartlet.

Of course, unlike movies, these actors actually deal in real mass murder.

For example, Former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg may deserve life imprisonment under Belgian laws for his actions, which included orchestrating the conflict in Ukraine, Belgian lawyer Philippe Vanlangendonck said.

Since over 500,000 Ukrainians were senselessly slaughtered, many think the death penalty would be more appropriate.

The same can be said of the many Western leaders involved in the recent mass murder via vaccine they put much of the world through.

There can be no doubt at this point that some sort of Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals are coming.

Finally, this week, let us look at signs a wonderful new world is being born even as the old order collapses.

Researchers from the universities of Exeter and Hertfordshire and the British Antarctic Survey found the amount of vegetation cover in Antarctica is more than 10 times larger than four decades ago.

This is happening at the same time as the Sahara desert is turning green.

So, two largely lifeless deserts are turning hospitable to life. Could this be the white hats using weather modification technology to increase the amount and variety of life on earth by creating new eco-systems?

What other wonders will be possible if the technology used to suppress us is used to benefit us instead? How about immortality?

Is this picture of the sky near Edmonton Canada as this article was about to go live a sign of wonders to come?




The curse of money is preventing the transition to the 5th dimensional world.

 GESARA is a necessary social system for Earth humans to adapt to the 5th dimensional world, not a goal.
 For Earth humans to reach the 5th dimensional world,  as an introspective element,
☆Recovering the connection with your soul
 As for external factors,
☆ Escape from the 3D world social system that DS has created to enslave Earth’s humanity.
is  essential.

  The curse of money is preventing the transition to the 5th dimensional world.

Among the social systems that the DS has created to enslave Earth’s humanity, the most powerful one that must be eliminated as soon as possible is  the curse of money  .

By positioning money as the most important element of social life, DS linked people’s lives to the chain of “obtaining money  ”.

To make money indispensable, we have forced the general public to constantly spend large amounts of money through various means (taxes, interest, fees, insurance premiums), etc., creating the need to earn money.

What is even more problematic is the creation of by-products due to the curse of money.

that’s it,

☆Unable to have a sense of coexistence with the Earth (Land/Nature)

☆I can’t see the connection with my soul (I can’t communicate with my soul)

That’s what it means.

The above two elements are necessary to reach the 5th dimensional wave.

If you are trapped by the money spell, you will not be able to raise your soul vibration to the 5th dimension (it will be difficult to transition to the 5th dimensional world)  .

  Breaking Free From The Money Curse That Needs To Be Implemented Immediately For A New Awakening

At this point, people who are truly awakened are people who are less affected by the curse of money (they have no problems with living expenses, they have no money but always think they can manage, they don’t care about money, etc.) I think this represents the majority.

In other words, the more people are caught up in the money curse, the less awake they become.

I believe   this is because  if you are stuck in the money spell, you will either not be able to focus on the two factors mentioned in the previous section or you will not have the time to focus on them.

Therefore, in order to encourage greater awakening and promote the transition to the 5th dimensional world,  the most effective measure  should be to free people from the slavery of money.

 After the launch of GESARA,

☆Abolition of various taxes (only sales tax on new products)

☆Return of funds from which humanity was exploited

☆Introduction of UBI (Universal Basic Income)

it is said to be implemented.

However, to smoothly transition into the 5th dimensional world, we need to do so immediately.

☆ End the exploitation of money (abolition of various taxes, etc.)

☆Introduction of UBI (Universal Basic Income)

I believe this should be implemented.

Because this is the most effective measure.

We currently do not know how many DS remnants there are, but it seems that there will be no problem even if the above two factors are implemented in a situation where DS remnants exist.

In particular, there should be no risk when it comes to putting an end to the exploitation of money (abolition of various taxes, etc.).

On the contrary, it appears that it will lead to cutting off the funding route for the remnants of DS.

Regarding the introduction of the UBI (Universal Basic Income), measures will need to be taken to prevent funds going to DS remnants, so disclosure of QFS accounts may be required.

If there is a means other than the disclosure of the QFS accounts, early implementation would be possible even in a situation where GESARA has not been disclosed…

For human society to reach the 5th dimensional world, first

☆Abolition of various taxes, etc.

☆Introduction of UBI (including one-off payment)

I sincerely hope this is implemented as soon as possible.

Regain peace of mind and help as many people as possible

☆Coexistence with the Earth (Land)

☆Dialogue with your soul

I pray that your conscience will turn to…







🔥 New! on Patreon: Healing Guided Meditation for the New Earth and

10:10 Activation Portal from my Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥




Enjoy this Healing Guided Meditation from my Sacred Condor for the 10:10 Activation portal tomorrow. This is from her weekly Goddess Transmissions for this current week.

We felt you will benefit from the meditation by itself with some added beautiful Celestial background music to assist you in feeling into the Peace and Bliss within and navigate through this very special day in the Quantum Field.

Have a most beautiful, blessed and auspicious 10:10 Portal Activation.


CLICK HERE for the Guided Meditation



RUMORS: 10/10/2024


The Global Reset is coming. 

What was once dismissed as conspiracy theory is now unfolding in real time. This reset is not about fixing the broken system; it’s about tearing it down and building a new one from scratch.


Oct 8, 2024 Mike Bara: “From the German Bond side, “Not yet.” 

It could still happen today. It has also been said that the laggard for the last 10 years was Zimbabwe when they went for gold in 2015. We have been waiting all this time for them to complete their tasks and they were “done” until yesterday, Monday, 7 Oct 2024.


Nigeria is preparing for the launch of the BRICS currency.

Nigeria to sell crude oil in local currency (Naira) instead of US dollar.



This means that the dollar no longer has an exchange rate with the naira.

The dollar no longer controls foreign currencies.

Because oil is no longer sold in dollars.

Whoever controls the oil controls the currency.

That’s what the fight is about.


The system would collapse chaotically in any case. 

It’s preferable that they are carrying out a controlled demolition, although most people don’t see it that way.

The US global banking empire is inherently harder to liquidate than the British Empire. The Wall Street banks, which are merely sterile and unromantic bonus factories, enjoy none of the continued cachets and fraternal global relations of the Commonwealth.

The reset may be harder for the US, because the decline to average lifestyles is much greater for the US. And in the future, there may be a lot of economic migration from the US to the global south, where jobs may be more plentiful.


The Future is Ours

As we move deeper into October, the deep state’s game is over. The Emergency Broadcast System will be activated, and the Quantum Financial System will redistribute the world’s wealth. GESARA will become the new global law, ensuring that every person on this planet has access to wealth, health, and freedom.

The deep state has been defeated. Its last-ditch efforts to create chaos—false flags, media manipulations, economic sabotage—have failed.



By the end of October, the world will not only be changed—it will be reborn. The old guard will be dismantled, and power will return to the people, where it belongs.

The QFS is here, GESARA is in action and Trump will be remembered as the man who freed humanity from centuries of slavery.


Banks have become like bandits with their customers’ money in recent years, largely because those customers have not cared about maximizing their savings.

As interest rates have risen, customers have been particularly reluctant to make the most of their savings, moving them from low- or no-interest deposit accounts to longer-term or notice-based accounts that offer better rates.

Left with all the surplus cash, the banks simply deposited it at the Central Bank of Ireland, where for the past 18 months they have been guaranteed a return of between 3 and 4 percent.

Caution from European central banks about moving toward lower rates again meant that big state-owned banks raised their guidance this summer. Between them, AIB and Bank of Ireland expect to earn about €7.5bn in net interest income – the difference between what they pay customers for their savings and what they can earn on that money – this year.

But the party may be coming to an end.


Midnight, Tuesday, October 15: All arrests and 10 days of darkness end.

· Tuesday, October 15th to Tuesday, November 5th Q says “completed in 30 days” and will be completed by November 5th



General Flynn on the next 37 days: “There is a time in the next 37 days (or until Tuesday, November 5th) when we will see this level of desperation that we have experienced in the last eight years, and in the next few weeks/month or so, I think what we are going to go through… I think it is going to surprise people. I think we are going to see something that we have never seen before as a nation.”


~The 17th Letter~,

The final phase has begun

The nationwide operation begins with

50,000 elite soldiers mobilized for EBS blockade

10-day communications blackout expected during mass arrests

FEMA and US military under hurricane cover killed Americans


~The 17th Letter~,

All aboard

Fasten your seatbelts

Put your hands and feet inside the cabin

This ride won’t take long

But the place we are going to

it’s far from where we are

And we’ll never go back again.

a one-way, non-refundable ticket

Enjoy your journey

It is a blessing for you to be with us today!














The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is here and ready to change everything. The US dollar and the Euro are now worthless, artificially propped up to avoid chaos. But collapse is imminent and the transformation is already happening.


We know you’ll never be able to complete everything…

Saudi Arabia is told this and the WTO is told this is… now we are selling official documentation in Iraq… Now it is not official, but it is the next step.


China reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening relations with Russia through major international platforms such as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).


GESARA – start, start this morning at 6:30 a.m. Eastern time, and it’s so global. NESARA is our national strategic economic recovery year for the United States, and it starts on Sunday.



We’re in a speculative game like Iraq… We’re all going to have the ups and downs and all the emotions and spills that go with conspiracy theories…

The truth is that these are the possibilities. If you don’t have possibilities… I wouldn’t be following you anymore… I have better things to do. But you are in a very dangerous position right now. We have to show up and see what happens…


Everything has changed, and it’s moving fast. 

NESARA is a reality that is unfolding now. We are not talking about evidence – we are talking about an avalanche that is bearing down on the global elites, and they are fighting to maintain their declining power.


The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is now fully operational, and the final nails are being driven into the downfall of the corrupt financial system we seek. But it’s not just NESARA – it’s GESARA, and we are set to witness the largest transfer of wealth in human history.


Billions of dollars are being taken from the most elite of the world and returned to the world. This is a seismic redistribution of wealth on a global scale, the likes of which has never been seen before. The power of the cabal is being destroyed and the wealth you have accumulated is being reclaimed for you.


What We Do Next – The Golden Age is Now

We are poised for the greatest financial revolution in human history. NESARA is not just a moment – ​​it is the future. The QFS has come to an end and the corrupt financial systems of the past are irreversibly destroyed. As the cabal falls, the wealth of nations returns to the poor. The time for secret deals, hidden agendas and elite control is over.

The military tribunes will continue and the deep state will be eradicated. Trump will return and we will witness the full restoration of constitutional governance across the world. NESARA, GESARA and QFS are ushering in a Golden Age that no amount of globalist propaganda can stop.



This is happening now. If you are not prepared, you will be left behind.


Zimbabwe faces economic collapse , hyperinflation and hardship – but ZIM is being turned upside down. The revaluation of ZIM is just one step forward; it is a leap towards freedom from the chains that global powers place on Zimbabwe.


The Global Military Alliance under Trump, utilizing a newly formed Restored Republic government, was preparing to trigger a global collapse of elite corruption. Everyone in the world was armed, waiting for the green light to start prison wars that would surely destroy the Deep State Cabal.



Hey guys… For people who are desperate to know what’s going on. First, I was advised to just stand still and let the flow pass.

You heard that big flights were receiving your notifications and you are flying to your destination to receive your benefits. I can’t say anything else that allows me to waver.

Nothing is guaranteed today, but we have absolute faith that any day now we will receive the news we are waiting for. Please remain in faith and be patient, because I know this is difficult for all of us, including me.

If I have anything to share and it is allowed, I will let everyone know. God bless you.

Dear friend,


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