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Preparing for Medbed: Earth Alliance’s Exclusive Training Revealed

Preparing for Medbed: Earth Alliance’s Exclusive Training Revealed


Preparing for Medbed: Earth Alliance’s Exclusive Training Revealed

Preparing for Medbed
Preparing for Medbed
Spiritual awakening, energy manipulation and healing secrets you need to know.
The Earth Alliance, a secretive group with ties to an undisclosed military faction, has confirmed the existence and immediate global distribution of the Medbed, a groundbreaking technology that will revolutionize healthcare.
More than just physical healing tools, these are innovative devices that combine advanced healing techniques with profound spiritual awakening.

Training Overview



The training will cover brainwave management techniques to regulate your brainwaves.


Medbed Spiritual Frequency and Operational Requirements


You will delve deeper into the realm of spirituality and learn how to navigate and manipulate the energies that govern our physical and metaphysical reality.


Classes are organized from A to E.


☆Class A  : Starts with the basics of spiritual awareness.


Learn the basics of spiritual awareness, meditation techniques, and ways to increase your awareness.


☆Class B  : Proceed to deeper psychic phenomena.


This includes training in telepathy, strengthening intuition, and exploring higher senses.


☆Class C  : Focus on direct energy manipulation techniques.


Learn how to control and direct the flow of energy within your body and environment, essential for the functioning of Medbed.


☆Class D  : Prepare for practical application at Medbed Center.


This class will cover the practical operation of the Medbed, interactions with patients, and the integration of spiritual practices into the healing process.


☆Class E  : The most advanced, dealing with interdimensional travel and energy healing in various realms.


In this class, you will learn how to travel through different dimensions and harness this energy for healing purposes.


 Your role in the Global Medbed Initiative




The emails you receive from Earth Alliance are a vital link in a monumental global effort.


As a potential spiritual advisor, you are crucial to this process.


As soon as you receive the invitation email, immediately register on the dedicated website and start your mission.


Your spiritual training will focus on attuning you to cosmic frequencies that heighten your awareness and strengthen your intuitive abilities, preparing you to facilitate transformative experiences through the Medbed.


Immediate action is essential.


The training is rigorous and multifaceted, designed to be completed online and delivered in twice-weekly sessions over several weeks.


Each session lasts approximately two hours and requires absolute concentration and dedication.


Attendance is monitored not only by instructors, but also by higher education organizations interested in ensuring each candidate’s commitment.


 medical technology




Medbed represents the pinnacle of advanced medical technology.


They utilize a combination of quantum energy fields, nanotechnology, and cosmic brainwave synchronization to promote rapid, holistic healing.


The breakdown of these mechanisms is as follows.


quantum energy field


These fields interact with the energy of the entire body to promote rapid cellular regeneration and repair.


It can target specific areas or provide general rejuvenation.




Tiny nanorobots work at the cellular level to repair tissues and remove toxins, restoring optimal health.


This technology ensures precise and efficient effectiveness.


Cosmic Brainwave Synchronization


This aspect of the Medbed aligns the patient’s brainwaves with cosmic frequencies, facilitating deep mental and spiritual healing.


This synchronization increases mental clarity, emotional balance and spiritual connection.


 Your role as a spiritual advisor




After graduating from Class D, you will be able to start your role at Medbed Center.


Your responsibilities include:


Before implementing Medbed, it is essential to master  the GESARA teachings , which focus on spiritual and energetic disciplines.


This includes:


☆Understand the universal laws of energy to manipulate and direct healing energy;


☆ Develop deep meditation and visualization techniques to interact effectively with these areas,


☆ Adopt ethical spiritual practices to use this profound technology responsibly




These basic skills allow practitioners to prepare themselves not only technically, but also mentally to maximize the healing potential of the Medbed.


Only those who achieve Class E will be considered for further esoteric training and potential leadership roles in Earth Alliance initiatives.


This advanced training includes:


☆ Navigate through multiple dimensions to harness healing energy.


☆ Lead spiritual counseling sessions for patients and other counselors.


☆ Participate in high-level Earth Alliance projects to promote human evolution.


Transformation involves not only understanding and applying these concepts, but also fully embodying them.


You  will be the conduit between the spiritual and physical worlds, leading humanity to its next evolutionary leap  .


Medbed promises a future  that integrates body, mind and spirit for immediate and holistic healing.


This occasion is monumental and an opportunity to be at the forefront of your transition into a higher dimension of existence.


The Earth Alliance is looking for rare individuals who can rise to the occasion.


If you feel this mission, please act now.


The future awaits.


It requires  not only skill, but also a soul ready to go beyond the limits of known reality  .


Are you ready to join this elite group of spiritual pioneers?


Medbed looks forward to a new era of human potential.


Heed the call, embrace your destiny, and help usher in this era of change.


The time to act is now.


The fate of humanity lies in the hands of a new healer.








Hurricane Milton, Paradise not lost, Thank God!

By Rev. Kat Carroll

I would like to take a moment to consider the hurricane name, Milton. The famous Poet John Milton wrote the poem Paradise Lost in 1667. The poem tells the story of the Fall of Man, as depicted in the Bible, specifically in the book of Genesis. It’s about the struggle between good and evil. Perhaps it’s a perfect name for this last storm which fizzled out! Is good overcoming the forces of darkness?

Could it be overcome with technology (Wilhelm Reich Cloud buster machine for example) or through consciousness intercession (i.e. meditation and prayer)? Astrological alignments point to a major change occurring, as does the Procession of the Equinox and Hindu calendar that has us entering, or in, the Golden Age of the Satya Yuga, the dawn of the Age of Aquarius.

We should be looking at the upcoming alignment on Oct. 17. Here is a talk of this month’s alignments from Claudio Silvaggi of Isis in the bible. isis in the Bible – Replay Fall Week 2 – Oct 2nd, 2024 – Orion are you Sirius? 

Aquarius is a major water sign and it’s changing the waters on earth to clear away old things that no longer serve. It’s also purging each of us and pushing us to become kinder and more compassionate. I won’t give you any more spoilers. You’ll need to take 15 minutes to get the full benefits and how we are being lifted on 10/17.

Hurricane Milton is to make landfall in Florida’s Gulf Coast on Wednesday, bringing strong winds and heavy rainfall. While initial forecasts predicted a catastrophic Category 5 storm, Milton may ultimately weaken to a Category 3 hurricane before landfall. Now it’s being predicted as higher. I think some of these predictions are actually predictive programming because our efforts via meditation do make a difference.

Many are wondering about this rare storm and questioning if geoengineering was involved to manipulate its course. Others are hoping and praying it will fizzle unlike what happened with the destructive force of Helene. There are interesting stories coming from locals, but not in mainstream media. I’ll share this post but please use your own discernment.

Unnatural Eastward Turn
Hurricane Milton’s trajectory is remarkable for its departure from the typical west-to-northwest path of Gulf Coast hurricanes. Instead, it originated in the Bay of Campeche, an unusual location for a hurricane to form, and then turned eastward, defying the typical westerly steering currents. This unusual path is attributed to a fall front that dropped humidity and brought dry air to the area, deflecting Milton away from its typical westward trajectory and steering it eastward towards Florida. It started as a category 5 and died out as a 3 shortly after arriving in Tampa. At least, that’s what we should be visualizing and this was the image I found online. So others are also trying to change the outcome into what you see below.

Can weather be manipulated? Let’s look at the history.

US Air Force Weather Control – from a query to the Brave AI search engine

“Based on the provided search results, the US Air Force has made statements and demonstrated capabilities in weather modification and control. Here are some key points:

  • HAARP and Ionosphere Manipulation: The Air Force has acknowledged the ability to manipulate the ionosphere using the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). This technology can affect the ionosphere, which is a critical component of weather patterns.
  • Weather Modification Research: The US Air Force has conducted research on weather modification, including cloud seeding and storm modification. The 1996 study “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” commissioned by the Air Force explored the potential for weather modification to support military operations.
  • Climate Instability and Weather Warfare: The US military has developed advanced capabilities to selectively alter weather patterns, according to a 2024 article. This technology can be used for various purposes, including enhancing friendly operations, disrupting enemy operations, and even for deterrence.
  • Historical Context: Weather modification has been practiced by various countries, including the US, since the 1940s. The US Air Force has been involved in weather modification research and operations, including Project Cirrus (1947-1952) and the development of cloud seeding techniques.

While the US Air Force has demonstrated capabilities and researched weather modification, it’s essential to note that the actual implementation and extent of weather control are unclear. The military’s focus on weather modification seems to be primarily for supporting military operations, rather than for civilian weather control.”

The US Air Force has referred to “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025,” published by the Defense Technical Information Centre. “Owning the Weather for Military Use”. Article at the bottom under additional reading.

Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes.

The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather, … and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies which can provide substantial increase in US, or degraded capability in an adversary, to achieve global awareness, reach, and power. (US Air Force, emphasis added. Air University of the US Air Force, AF 2025 Final Report. Full research article in the links for Further Reading.

Bernard Eastlund is associated with several patents related to weather manipulation and modification.

  1. US Patent 4686605A: “Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere” (1985). This patent describes a system for exciting a section of the ionosphere using electromagnetic radiation, with potential applications in weather modification, magnetotelluric surveys, and missile defense.
  2. US Patent 3613992A: “Weather modification method” (1971). Although the abstract is not publicly available, the patent is listed as being related to weather modification.
  3. Other patents and patent applications: Eastlund authored 23 US patents and 53 peer-reviewed scientific papers, covering various topics including well-drilling, sterilization of medical devices, high-intensity lighting, and atmospheric plasma heating. Some of these patents may have indirect connections to weather manipulation or modification.

HAARP – CBC News (COMPLETE) – US military weather weapon (YouTube Video, 2010)

If the military can modify weather, could corporations within America, or other countries, be using them covertly and for their purposes, or for their governments?

Anyone claiming that Helene and Milton could have been modified or steered is met with labels like Conspiracy Theory, “Liar, liar pants on fire”, or that these statements are interfering with rescue attempts”.  Oddly similar to “if you don’t get vaccinated, you’re killing your grandmother”, Don’t ya think?

I’m not claiming that it was done in these instances, only that the ability to manipulate the weather exists and has for decades. And the technology has progressed greatly since its original use during war to flood the Ho Chi Men trail.

Let’s not overlook the technology of mind and spirit which is not mentioned in those military articles, but they are aware of it. I’d like to believe that Hurricane Milton was mitigated by mother nature and aided by the many people who banded together in mass meditation and prayer to turn it away from land, even visualizing reversing its spin to make it break up. This has been effective (I’ve played with it myself). But there will be those who think it’s just a coincidence and that consciousness, individual or global, had nothing to do with the results. For those who are doubtful, please check out the first 3 articles under Further Reading. I implore all those who give a darn about humanity to give it a try.

I enjoy the metaphysical aspect, technology of mind.  I believe that no matter what, love is the answer to clearing the waters, within ourselves and on Earth. What do you think?

Further reading:

Psychic Cloudbusting – How to Bust a Cloud With Your Mind

Psychic Gifts: Control the Weather with Your Mind


Weather control, Wilhelm Reich, breaking up storms- posted in the Guardian Aug. 2003

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

Meditate For Peace And Heal The Planet




Dear Light Tribe, though Ive been scribing about the Evacuation and that the time perhaps is drawing nigh, resultantly arousing some excitement – I wish to state here, please do not move forward with any expectation as most light workers did in 2012 and thereafter felt terribly disappointed when it didnt happen as many psychics predicted! Nothing that was broadcasted happened. Yes, there has been a tremendous rise in consciousness but nothing physical and nothing visible occurred as was channeled. Then too it was being said – something similar wld transpire but, it didnt!
We yet are not being told when it shall actually occur! And its better that way so we remain in balance and not get deflated. We definitely dont want another 2012! No one will be able to handle that as we are mostly exhausted now.
Just walk one day at a time in Perfect stable Balance. Yes, curiosity is very high as the Solar Activity has (at last) picked up momentum and ferocity, that which signals something big is drawing near. But no more excitement please. I donot wish to stir a storm of passions based upon expectations.
I am truly tired and want it to end soon. In 2012 we were excited and young but now we have lived many many millenniums since, learned a lot not to believe in psychic intel unless we see it all together happen in our tangible midst. Right now, its each day, slow and steady.
The Waiting Room on earth is now filled to the brim, over crowded, passions have drained, fatigue has set in, so too has boredom for all born in the late 50’s, 60’s and even early 70’s. We have been constantly compressed, badgered, tried and tested as we continued to transmute and purify for all. We have travelled around the globe insanely and held Light intensely for too long. But now its too trying and tiring with the Waiting Room getting smaller and tighter with – yet, no sign of the Train (the Beam, the arrival, the pick up).
Now its tougher than ever to hold on, and drag on!
Covid ended Life on 3D for most Light Beings. Its been different ever since. No external desire, no external passion, no external connection. For those of us – its the “Last Mile Home we walk Alone”! How long is this Mile? We dont know…but….it has to end sometime and somewhere. Till then….we continue walking…walking….walkin’!
I think another X Class has has been released with touch down. Its like when in a train, the station is arriving, the horn begins to blow more often…announcements on the speaker start to blare …. music starts to play …. activity inside and outside garners momentum …we stand up to collect our baggage and move toward the exit door….a bit of this has begun!
Kalyug was meant to end this year….but hasnt! Dictators are yet being elected….we the people are still voting the malevolent…Cabal is still alive and active….not arrested…govts are continuing to hide the Truth…the middle class is becoming poor as the rich get richer….worst is on the rise…the darkest hour is before the dawn, we are told, but not when this darkest hour shall end. Did I say Hour? Thats suppose to have 60 seconds. But hasnt ended! I shall believe only when I see the Dawn.
Till then, we continue to smile with Joy, continue to expand the Blessings of God, continue to expand His Light and Love to all we touch near and far!
Love you all my gentle starseeds! Goodnight! Another night is upon the east….





What is the transition to the fifth dimensional wave? Being able to communicate with your soul

We must remember that the essence (source) of aiming for a GESARA (Plan Q) society is the “transition to the 5th dimensional world (5th dimensional wave)”.


  • What is the transition to the fifth dimensional wave?
    • You cannot be a waiter in GESARA society!
    • What is the “process of transition to the fifth-dimensional wave” that I think of?
    • Being able to communicate with your soul! “Soul Consciousness”
      • 1) The soul is originally a high-dimensional existence
      • 2) The emergence of a shared consciousness with the Earth (Terra)

What is the transition to the fifth dimensional wave?

What is the transition to the fifth dimensional wave?

The “GESARA”  we currently strive for  is a structural element of human society.

Let’s build a society aligned with GESARA (GESARA society)

This is  Plan Q led by the Earth Alliance  .

What we should not misunderstand here is that the [essence] that we, the global human race, should strive for is not the “GESARA society.”

Reaching the 5th Dimensional World (5th Dimensional Wave)

That is it.

As a space alliance, the purpose of the people in space (extraterrestrial beings) who are cooperating with the Earth alliance is to  “liberate the earth and earthlings from slavery and to promote and assist in the transition to the 5th dimensional world  ”.

You cannot be a waiter in GESARA society!

You cannot be a waiter in GESARA society!

We, the general public, cannot be directly involved in promoting Plan  Q. This is because Plan Q is primarily a military plan (subjugation and imprisonment of the DS remnants) that is being promoted behind the scenes by the military, and on the front stage, “theatrics” are being performed to encourage people to awaken.

The Earth Alliance emphasizes (is afraid?) that people should avoid panic (shock) and promotes declassification and disclosure (information dissemination) step by step (little by little) through theater.

Therefore, regarding the Q Plan that the Earth Alliance is promoting, we (the general public) are expected to monitor the situation calmly (newly awakened people should deepen their understanding of the situation).

Due to this situation, many people are only interested in Plan Q (GESARA).

Waiter of the GESARA society

I feel this is the case.

However, as I mentioned at the beginning, what we,  earthlings, should aim for  is to “reach the 5th dimensional world (5th dimensional wave)”. This is not the time to be a waiter for the GESARA society (bitter smile).

What is the “process of transition to the fifth-dimensional wave” that I think of?

What is the “process of transition to the fifth-dimensional wave” that I think of?

Regarding the “transition to the fifth-dimensional wave (wave rise)”  , there are several ways to understand it due to different points of view.

I don’t believe there is a certain way of thinking (perceiving) that you must follow, but I hope that you are aware of and practice a way of thinking that your soul can easily accept.

In any case,  if you just hear the words “  Let’s raise your vibration (towards the fifth dimensional vibration)”,  many people may  mistakenly think that “You just need to keep a positive mind”.

What exactly does it mean to raise your vibration (towards the 5th dimensional vibration)?

I hope you will use the ideas presented here as reference.

As a reference element, I would like to show  here  the “process of transition to the fifth-dimensional wave” that I think of from the “perspective of natural energy”.

Being able to communicate with your soul! “Soul Consciousness”

Being able to communicate with your soul! "Soul Consciousness"

Through the events I have experienced from a natural energy perspective, I understand that the essential first step to raising your vibration is

Being able to communicate with your soul


I believe that  being able to “dialogue with the soul” is a prerequisite  for reaching the fifth-dimensional vibration.

This step is important because there are two main factors. That is

1. Because the soul is originally a higher-dimensional existence

2. As soon as it is possible to communicate with the soul, a shared consciousness with the Earth (Terra) will emerge.


1) The soul is originally a high-dimensional existence

The soul is originally a higher-dimensional existence

“Soul”  is  “life energy (high vibration)”  that came into this world from a higher dimension.  (This is from a natural energy perspective)

The three-dimensional world created by the cabal in the process of enslaving humanity on Earth is a  “separation of the soul and consciousness (brain function)” from the earth (Land) and life forms on Earth, which was originally a five-dimensional world.  I think the world .

Therefore, “transitioning to the 5th dimensional wave” means “reclaiming the 5th dimensional wave (unfolding your original potential)”.

What is needed for this is

Recovering the dialogue (connection) between the soul and consciousness (brain function)

Because it becomes.

2) The emergence of a shared consciousness with the Earth (Terra)

The emergence of a shared consciousness with the Earth (Terra)

Currently, Earth (Terra) has regained its fifth-dimensional vibration (it will continue to increase its vibration).

Since I was a child I have been aware of the Earth as a living entity and I value my connection with the Earth as an important theme in life.

Coexistence with the land

Perhaps the reason we advocate this is because we believe that our connection to the Earth (Terra) is important.

In my experience, to feel a connection with the Earth (Terra),

connection with your soul

I feel this is an essential element.

In fact, I myself have had many experiences where when the connection with the soul is weak, the connection with the earth (Land) is also weak.

As I mentioned earlier, Earth currently has a fifth-dimensional vibration. This means that in order to connect with Earth, we need the fifth-dimensional vibration.

The process of deep connection with the Earth (Land) is the way to raise your vibration.

To mean.

fifth dimensional wave
fifth dimensional wave

09/10: Black Tuesday! Phase 1 has begun

Wednesday Morning, October 9, 2024


What will happen with the “financial meltdown”? ?

We will continue to check the “financial market” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on October 8

I will extract the parts that interest you!


Today’s Message

Black Tuesday Phase 1 Begins
Trump and Musk Announce “Go Time” of MARS and STARLINK

FEMA Seizes Land from Hurricane Heleen Victims
Man-Made Category 5 Hurricane Milton Hits Florida

Roy Brunson SCOTUS Rule 11 Emergency (
The highest court in the land is the court of public opinion, and that means you.

Black Tuesday
Black Tuesday

Be a Part of History: Click and Sign the Letter to the
SCOTUS Supreme Court Rule 11 Petition – Roy Brunson

It’s a good idea to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine, and supplies.
For yourself, your family, and to share with others in case of emergency.


Note from Judy

FEMA Kills Hurricane Heleen Victims
Byton Properties Featured in Before It’s News:
FEMA Land Grab Victims Kamala Killing Hurricane Herrin |

Shortly after Hurricane Helene hit North Carolina, FEMA showed up at Chimney Rock.
They pointed guns at residents and ordered them to vacate their properties. Roads were destroyed and residents were forced to cross snake-infested rivers. A man who refused to leave was shot by FEMA soldiers.

A bullet-riddled body was seen floating downstream after being shot by FEMA soldiers.
Why Chimney Rock? A month before Hurricane Hellen, the BlackRock cabal acquired 2.2 million shares of Kings Mountain.

Camara confirmed that the US government gave the mine a $250 million grant to open it.
The mine is known for the precious metals needed to make computer chips. The mine’s major shareholder is Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband. Clearly, Emhoff set himself and his wife up for a huge profit from Hurricane Hellen.

The Emhoffs set themselves up for a huge profit from Hurricane Hellen.
The victims in North Carolina are now more certain than ever that they are the product of a land grab by Biden/Harris America, Inc., which mined rare earth minerals in the region.

🕉 On May 8, 2003, U.S. Patent US 2003/0085296 was granted: This patent proves that:
This patent proves that through cloud seeding and the application of sound waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, and heavy rains can be formed and directed to specific areas of the country.

North Carolina residents claim that cloud formation was observed by airplanes over their area during Hurricane Helen. Scientists have confirmed that they injected silver iodide into the hurricane wall.
There is significant evidence that shows the path that aircraft took to maneuver in the path of Hurricane Helen.

What many people want to know is the name of the person responsible for issuing weather manipulation orders.

🕉 Senators and Representatives from North Carolina and Georgia were given concrete evidence that their states were being attacked by the federal government through weather warfare. They were in for a shock! The climate change hoax was used as a cover-up.

🕉 FEMA Agenda: FEMA was a federal agency.
The New World Order Agenda 2030 has turned it into an international terrorist activity that depopulates the Earth. FEMA’s ultimate goal – Domination, Chaos, Depopulation

🕉 Now, FEMA Administrator Dean Criswell has been charged with the crime of the 2023 Maui DEW fire attack, in which the victim was shot and killed by FEMA.
Additionally, it was discovered that FEMA had set up secret human trafficking bases in the disaster area to take advantage of the confusion and desperation of hurricane victims and cover their tracks.

More importantly, the confusion and mayhem during disasters creates ideal conditions for child traffickers.
Like what happened in Maui. There are reports of unmarked vans being seen in affected areas taking children in the middle of the night.
This is a report from the same field that FEMA claims to be helping. FEMA is doing nothing.

Why? Because they are complicit. FEMA is part of the conspiracy that allowed these crimes to happen.
FEMA is condoning these crimes. FEMA not only fails to stop the crime, it enables the crime. FEMA has built underground prisons where human trafficking victims are held before being shipped to buyers. FEMA

was a full-fledged operational arm of the Deep State and was responsible for directing large-scale human trafficking in the name of “disaster response.”
In the chaos that followed Hurricane Heleen, hundreds of victims suddenly disappeared. FEMA systematically rounded up people, especially women and children, and transported them to undisclosed locations.

🕉 During the Hurricane Helen disaster, FEMA sent 3,500 armed troops to storm-hit North Carolina.
They deployed to North Carolina, specifically Asheville, which has a population of 94,000. They had FEMA reserve every hotel room within a 150-mile radius.

🕉 The large FEMA convoys and flights brought no relief supplies or medical supplies. All they had was a wooden crate with automatic rifles and a steel can filled with endless ammunition to wage a bloody war against the storm-ravaged refugees. Automatic weapons were readied to wage a bloody war against the storm-ravaged refugees and their belongings, and body bags were prepared, apparently to permanently contain the victims.

🕉 FEMA did not arrive in North Carolina until a week after Hurricane Helene hit.
Not only were they unable to help the thousands of victims who were stranded for a week without food or water, they confiscated donations and refused to deliver vital supplies, but they also asked for help and rescued them on their own, arresting people who tried to do so.

🕉 Victims of the Helene disaster told FEMA officials that they had lost their homes, cars, belongings, and had no food or water.
Without food or water, he asked where he could go for help. The agent is reported to have said, “
It’s a shame we lost everything. If I had something to trade, I could have done it.

” FEMA is not allowing military helicopters or commercial aircraft to fly supplies into disaster areas in North Carolina.
FEMA is not allowing military helicopters or civilian aircraft to fly into disaster areas in North Carolina to drop supplies and rescue victims.
It has obstructed relief efforts, including a federal blockade of Elon Musk’s Starlink aid shipments to North Carolina.

FEMA has currently suspended all relief efforts and is seizing supplies and donations from citizens trying to help victims of Hurricane Helene in several states. Alarm and unrest are growing.

Why? Consider the case of the Kings Mountain lithium mine in North Carolina.
Property theft: On September 27, a large portion of Chimney Rock, Rutherford County, North Carolina, was destroyed by floodwaters when the Broad River flooded the village.

Two days later, as residents scrambled to salvage what they could, the Biden-Harris administration announced an outdated and unconstitutional eminent domain law that would allow the federal government to claim Chimney Rock property using the law (eminent domain) as a property shield, Chimney Rock was seized.

This law allows the federal government to unexpectedly and irrevocably seize private property for public use.
The residents of Chimney Rock suddenly had their private property seized. The residents of Chimney Rock now face two enemies: the weather and the federal military.

On September 30, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) descended on this small 1-square-mile village and told its citizens:
It presented the citizens with a cold ultimatum.

🕉 Why Chimney Rock? A month before Hurricane Helen, Cabal’s BlackRock acquired 2.2 million shares of the Albemarle Global lithium mine from Kings Mountain. The US government also gave the mine a $250 million grant to open it.
The mine’s major shareholder was Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband. Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, had set himself and his wife up for huge profits from Hurricane Helen.

🕉 On September 24, 2024, Camara successfully convinced her husband to immediately begin exploration at the Albemarle lithium mine. Emhoff’s retirement accounts were also deeply tied to major cabal funds such as BlackRock and Vanguard. BlackRock owned Lithium in Chimney Rock/Lake Lure, North Carolina.

🕉 Three days before Hurricane Helen, permission was granted for the Albemarle Global Mine to begin mining immediately.
This mine is worth $250 billion.

🕉 Immediately after Hurricane Helen, FEMA shows up at Chimney Rock and points guns at residents, telling them they can’t let this continue.
FEMA showed up at Chimney Rock and held residents at gunpoint. Roads were destroyed and they had to wade through snake-infested rivers.

🕉 At least one man who refused to leave was seen being shot by FEMA soldiers. A bullet-riddled body was seen floating downstream. FEMA took over all body recovery and hospitals where some bodies were taken. Other bodies were bulldozed and hidden by FEMA.

🕉 The homes and properties of local residents who opposed the mine were destroyed. They were told that the government had occupied their land and that they could not even return to retrieve their belongings. They are told that they cannot even return to retrieve their belongings.

🕉 The storm destroyed the village. The population is 140 people. I lost everything, my cell phone, my means of leaving Chimney Rock.
They also lost their way out of Chimney Rock. When the residents refused to evacuate on foot, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) agents pointed rifles at them and demanded that they be shot if they did not leave behind the shoes they were wearing.

🕉 One resident braved the trek through waist-deep water, venomous snakes, and stinging insects, only to see FEMA agents shoot and kill his neighbor who refused to evacuate his flooded home. I witnessed this. He witnessed FEMA shoot and kill a neighbor who refused to evacuate his flooded home. A fellow resident, a 36-year-old lithium miner, said, “I saw bodies everywhere and dozens floating in the water.

🕉 “They told me the entire town of Chimney Rock is federal property. There are bodies lying in the water. There are bodies under trees and in the rubble. I can’t get to my family. I can’t go home.”

🕉 The federal government claims the land and remains are all federal property. Apparently the federal government wouldn’t confirm the identity of the body.
It’s a so-called natural disaster. There was a pastor. We went door to door handing out water, but the requests changed from water to body bags.
A body bag is needed, but the FBI won’t come to pick up the body. They need body bags.

FEMA gunmen have already been accused of killing evacuees in Florida and Puerto Rico.
He is accused of killing people trying to evacuate from the hurricane. A year ago, in August 2023, FEMA shot and killed a victim of a fire caused by a DEW attack. FEMA shoots victims of DEW attack in Maui. The White Hat military alliance engaged in a shootout with FEMA workers.

In North Carolina, grieving patriots lost faith in the government after being evacuated from their homes.
Displaced by recent hurricanes. The United States has allocated more than $16 billion to support Ukraine and Israel, leaving its own citizens feeling ignored and abandoned.

Illegal immigrants (who were being tricked into voting illegally for Democrats in the upcoming election) were given free food, a cell phone, housing, and a $3,500 debit card.

He was getting free food, a cell phone, housing, and a $3,500 debit card with tax money sent to FEMA. As a result, FEMA’s budget was depleted, leaving the victims with nothing.

🕉 On the other hand, the Biden/Harris administration’s meager $750 grant to Hurricane Helene victims means that if the victims do not repay the $750 to FEMA within a year, FEMA’s budget will be zero.
This is a land grab by FEMA and the Biden/Harris administration.

🕉 This scenario suggests that Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, which killed over 1,392 people (the actual number is unknown), and the Direct Energy Weapon fire in Paradise, California in 2018, were littered with dead bodies.

Even in cars trying to escape. In all four disasters, FEMA did not appear to be present to provide relief supplies or provide aid or comfort to the victims. They prevent the dead from being counted, steal the devastated land, and then take possession of the land.

🕉 White Hats to the Rescue: Walmart has been acquired by the White Hats and sent 60 truckloads of supplies to North Carolina.

🕉 A military alliance spanning all 50 states is preparing to strike at the corrupt core of FEMA.
The White Hats have mobilized a 5,000-man army. A strategic and coordinated attack aimed at dismantling the elite’s decades-long rule over humanity.

🕉 On Thursday night, U.S. Marines arrived in Asheville and Chimney Rock by helicopter and ground vehicles.
The helicopter hovered above a cloud of green smoke, an internationally recognized symbol of a safe landing zone.
The Red Caps unleashed a swarm of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) agents.

🕉 Around the same time, U.S. Special Forces from Camp Liberty ambushed FEMA personnel who had sealed off the Asheville area.
They ambushed FEMA agents who were blocking the Asheville Regional Airport, destroyed 15 FEMA vehicles, and killed 23 agents along with their entire weapons loadout. Four brave Special Forces personnel were killed in the firefight, sources said.

🕉 Meanwhile, at Chimney Rock, White Hats and Red Hats fought side by side in a skirmish with FEMA/FBI desperately trying to take control of the Esmeralda Inn & Restaurant. The restaurant was a three-story inn, and the agents upstairs were shooting at the white and red hats through the windows.
However, the White Hat/Red Hat Coalition won, destabilizing FEMA’s control.

🕉 The White Caps and Red Caps sent reinforcements, and the federal government sent reinforcements as well.
The federal government did too. Our sources say that both the White Hats and Red Hats will remain in North Carolina until all the corrupt federal agents are gone.
Keep up the fight.

🕉 There are rumors of militias forming in several places, one of which is North Carolina. A woman who
spent eight and a half years in the Army grew up in Black Mountain. She grew up there as a volunteer helping with logistics and communications.

We saw fully armed men with AR’s and AK’s moving through the mountain towns to protect the food pick-up sites.
Protect the food stores from looters and confront FEMA if necessary.
She says they are serious and not joking.

Governors across the country have been warned. Everyone involved, including corrupt officials, deep state stooges, bureaucrats and FEMA agents, will be eliminated. This cannot happen in a court of law ruled by an unfair judge or an unfair legal system. They will all face military tribunals.

White Hat has all the evidence. They have tracked all the stolen money, meetings and covert operations conducted by FEMA after the hurricane.
The White Hats launch a series of coordinated attacks on secret FEMA facilities, including underground bunkers, hidden warehouses and trenches.
They know where these bases are and who is involved. And they are preparing to strike.

Top secret FEMA files detail a contingency plan codenamed “Operation Cull”.
Helen’s sacrifice is just the beginning. Not just the victims of the catastrophe, but also those who disagree, those who tell the truth, and those who threaten the power of the Deep State. This plan has only just begun.

🕉 Mandatory evacuations have now been ordered in several Bay Area counties in Florida, including Hillsborough, Tampa. The man-made HAARP Category 5 Hurricane Milton was scheduled to devastate the Florida coast on Tuesday, October 8th. It will be interesting to see what the White Hats and FEMA do with this hurricane.

possible time

October 7, 2024 (Monday) BQQQQQQM! End: Blackout confirmed. Cyberattack
eliminated…17th Telegram letter (JFK Jr.)

🕉 The blackout is real: Phase 1 has already begun. We are no longer talking about hypotheticals.
I am not talking about temporary inconveniences or scenarios. Phase 1 of the cooperative plan has already begun.
It has been launched targeting digital and financial infrastructure.

This isn’t just about losing internet access or experiencing a power outage.
This is a calculated attack designed to disrupt the economy and cause widespread chaos. Picture it. Bank accounts are frozen, digital assets are wiped, and communication lines are cut. This isn’t a dystopian novel, but our harsh new reality.

The financial system we rely on is hanging by a thread. The power outage is not a temporary event, but the beginning of a broader strategy aimed at causing irreparable damage. This cyberattack, driven by forces that favor chaos, is not just a possibility, but an inevitability. We will be left in the dark, both literally and figuratively. The foundations of our society will be shaken to its core.

🕉 The Gathering Storm has been brewing for some time now. Warnings are coming from all sides, and the masses are sleepwalking into the abyss. The clock has begun counting down to catastrophe. What is about to happen is a global reset.
This is unprecedented financial and social turmoil. This is not just a training exercise.

🕉 “Modern Black Tuesday” is coming. Fears of a stock market crash are looming. Fears of
a stock market crash like the infamous “Black Tuesday” of 1929 cast a long shadow over the current financial climate.

Chilling images of people jumping out of windows during the Great Depression
are no longer just a historical anecdote, but a latent reality.
The question is not if the market will crash, but when.

🕉 The alarm bells to “get money out of the banks” have been ringing for years.
But complacency has led us to this precipice. Now that the blackout is in full swing, the warning has turned into a grim prophecy. The past 48 hours have been a whirlwind of panic. The similarities to October 29, 1929 are striking and frightening.

🕉 A financial meltdown is not a gradual decline, but a sudden, devastating inferno. Banks will freeze assets, markets will collapse, and the global economy will be thrown into chaos. The global economy will fall into chaos. For the unprepared, it is too late until the doors are locked and the ATMs are empty. The time to prepare is now.

🕉 There is no turning back now. This is not just a warning shot; it is the beginning of the end. Those who ignore the signs and cling to the illusion of digital wealth will be trapped in a system designed to fail.
A blackout is not just a loss. It is a strategic move to reset the world order.

🕉 A global reset is coming. What was once considered a conspiracy theory is now unfolding in real time. This reset is not about fixing a broken system, but about breaking it down and building a new one from scratch.
A so-called black swan catastrophe will trigger this reset.

The trigger for this reset will likely be a large-scale cyberattack.
Digital wealth will be erased and only tangible assets such as cash, gold, and silver will have value in the new financial order.

🕉 The phoenix will rise from the ashes of this destruction, but only a select few will survive. This is not a question of fairness or justice; it is a question of survival of the fittest. Those who understood and prepared for the need for liquidity and physical wealth will emerge from the chaos. The future belongs to those who foresaw the collapse and acted accordingly.

That is all .

RUMORS: 10/09/2024

Get ready for Med Beds! 

Exclusive Earth Alliance Training Revealed: Spiritual Awakening, Energy Manipulation, and Healing Secrets You Need to Know!

The Earth Alliance, a secretive group with ties to undisclosed military factions, has confirmed the existence and immediate global distribution of a groundbreaking technology that will revolutionize healthcare: Med Beds. These are not just tools for physical healing, but revolutionary devices that combine advanced healing techniques with profound spiritual awakenings.


Mon. Oct. 7 2024: BQQQQQQQM! He finished: 

Blackout confirmed, Phase 1 now active — Cyberattack unleashed! …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram


The blackout is real: Phase 1 activated. 

We’re no longer talking about hypothetical scenarios or temporary inconveniences. The first phase of a coordinated plan has begun, targeting our digital and financial infrastructure. This isn’t just about losing internet access or experiencing a power outage; it’s a calculated attack designed to dismantle economies and instigate widespread chaos. Imagine waking up to find your bank accounts frozen, your digital wealth erased, and your communication lines cut off. This isn’t a dystopian novel; it’s our harsh new reality.


The financial systems we depend on are hanging by a thread. 

The blackout is not a passing storm, but the opening salvo in a larger strategy aimed at causing irreparable damage. This cyberattack, driven by forces that thrive on disruption, is not just a possibility, it is an inevitability. It will leave us in the dark, both literally and metaphorically, as the very foundations of our society are shaken to its core.


The Coming Storm has been brewing for some time.

Warnings echoed from every corner, but the masses were sleepwalking toward the abyss. The clock is ticking, and the countdown to catastrophe has begun. What lies ahead is a global reset—an unprecedented financial and social upheaval. This is not just a drill; it is an all-out assault on the systems we once took for granted.


A modern Black Tuesday looms on the horizon. 

The specter of a stock market crash, much like the infamous Black Tuesday of 1929, casts a long shadow over our current financial landscape. The haunting images of people jumping out of windows in despair during the Great Depression are no longer just historical anecdotes; they are a potential reality. The question is not if the market will crash, but when—and when it does, it will be swift and devastating.


The alarm bells have been ringing for years: 

“Take your money out of the banks.” Yet complacency has led us to the brink of this precipice. Now, with the blackout in full swing, the warnings have turned into dire prophecies. The past 48 hours have been a whirlwind of panic, with whispers of impending doom—“suicide week,” as some are calling it—echoing through the corridors of power. The parallels with October 29, 1929, are stark and frightening.


The financial collapse will not be a gradual decline; it will be a sudden, earth-shattering inferno. Banks will freeze assets, markets will collapse, and the global economy will plunge into chaos. For those unprepared, it will be too late to act when the doors are locked and the ATMs are empty. The time to prepare is now.


The Great Spitball has been thrown, and there is no turning back. 

This isn’t just a warning shot; it’s the beginning of the end. Those who ignored the signs and clung to the illusion of digital wealth will find themselves trapped in a system designed to fail them. The blackout is more than a loss of power—it’s a strategic move to reset the global order.


The Global Reset is coming. 

What was once dismissed as a conspiracy theory is now unfolding in real time. This reset is not about fixing the broken system; it’s about tearing it down and building a new one from scratch. A black swan event—a catastrophic, transformative occurrence—will trigger this reset, likely in the form of a massive cyberattack. Digital wealth will be erased, and only tangible assets like cash, gold, and silver will have value in the new financial order.


The Phoenix will rise from the ashes of this collapse, but only a select few will survive. This is not about justice or fairness; it is about the survival of the fittest.


The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is here , and it’s ready to change everything. The US dollar and the euro are now worthless, artificially propped up to avoid chaos. But the collapse is imminent, and the transformation is already happening.



the greatest wealth transfer in history begins as the QFS destroys globalist banks – mass arrests are coming, Trump’s secret moves and the 10 days of darkness are upon us!

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is fully operational and although you have not yet seen its full force, it is happening.



The GESARA protocols are being implemented in phases around the world, with military precision.


Dear Community,

For years we have been told that very profound changes will occur in the world, for which the massive overflow of resources into the hands of awakened people will be an important element. For this to happen, everything that involves the predatory and controlling system of humanity, still prevalent, will have to be eliminated.

Thus, in parallel with the beginning of the global monetary reset and revaluation (GCR/RV) process, events would occur that would tend to create a “condition close to civilizational death”.

In addition to what I mentioned, I invite you to learn more about current affairs by accessing the following Telegram channel:



Do you want a military takeover?

Do you want a public revelation?

Do you want NESARA/GESARA?

Do you want to see President Trump return to public office (regardless of what that looks like and without getting caught up in accusations of a coup d’état from a candidate)?

Do you want the last four years of hell to end?



It HAS to look like the black hats are in control and are fighting to make this happen, so they have a plausible reason to explain the transition to the sleepers who will have to accept a major rug pull!!!

Full stop.

You understood?

So ALL the political drama you are seeing is part of the optics (not referring to disaster recovery).

MUST appear as it appears.

Remember, you don’t know what you don’t know.

If someone is promoting fear porn, inadvertently or not, shut up, don’t pay attention to them.

Unless you want to panic, which you don’t need to.

Please take a deep breath and step away from this when you need to.


love and peace


This will be the monetary reset

It’s better to be controlled than chaotic. Although that happens anyway.

I don’t want to be a conspiracy theorist, but… Those who think that the reset is a choice, and that the authorities could choose to continue with the old fiat system they are invested in, do not understand the impasse that has been reached.



The main point of the Great Reset is the World Government led by unelected WEF officials, citizens will be more like servants.

Own nothing and be happy with restricted travel unless you are an elite. There will be no world government, only greater collaboration. The alternative to this is endless conflict and war.

This is one of the reasons why they want the war to be blamed on Russia’s default and not financial mismanagement. It’s all part of the plan drawn up by the WEF and then the Great Reset.

But now it’s not working very well.

I think the blame for the reboot will fall on the American public for allowing themselves to form two deeply opposed groups, endlessly fighting each other. I hope this is the wake-up call for you to stop fighting and accept your new reality in the world.

As we await the turning point in Gesara’s new world we cannot help but notice situations that show traits of great suffering and instability. The great signs of criticism in key areas of life are showing signs of surrender. Banks are having a serious collapse in economy and finance. Institutions, once strong, are collapsing. Cabala’s Bank of America is inactive: clients report widespread disruption, zero balances in their accounts. “””

This is just an example. The automobile market, once one of the most profitable sectors, is in a serious crisis after the electric car market got off to a disastrous start. Former Flor


ida companies like Stellantis and WV are now in crisis and need to rethink their plans or close. The invasion of new models, instead of stimulating growth, only accelerates the crisis that is already underway. As for the real estate sector, another economic pillar, shows a steady rise in prices, both new and used. But this is another crippling factor since supply is abundantly above demand. The unsold continues to grow. Even in this sector the crisis is strong and there is no way to solve it except by entering Gesara, where the redistribution of wealth stimulates the market. However, new technologies applied also to construction will drive the demand towards new housing to be built, bringing down the already existing real estate market that will be destroyed. Meanwhile the computer science sector has recently been plunging towards AI.

But the market is reacting badly. However, the agenda of both hardware and software manufacturers continues to push towards Artificial Intelligence even with unsatisfactory products and solutions. In addition, this push from the top towards AI has already highlighted serious risks to personal data security, as well as shortages that result in malfunctions. In general, the whole sector is experiencing a crisis of adaptation because of the lesser economic possibilities and also because of the well-hidden strategic moves that the Alliance uses to weaken a market that is currently not suitable for Gesara.
The rush for new investments is strongly at risk in a sector that is now too outdated from a technically point of view. The move to Gesara will totally revolutionize the production chain by penalizing those who are still anchored to too old and no longer required technologies. Already now the new trend is being felt more insistently. Take the mobile phone industry as an example. What do you do with the current models, including the top of the line, when you have new Quantum phones coming soon, the only ones that can use the financial system? This example applies to everything. Crisis manifesting for the coming storm is the turning key to dismantling a bankrupt and backward world in every way.
The whole current system is modeled on the needs of the Deep State agenda and all of this is not going well for us at all. Everything has to be thoroughly destroyed with a final, decisive and deep blow. The storm is the stroke of grace that paves the way for the new. We’re almost at the finish line. Only in this way can you start a new life leaving behind everything that dragged and oppressed us. New life begins with the collapse of the old one. The time is now. The Rider of the Storm






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 6th through 12th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 6th through 12th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Healing Guided Meditation for the New Earth & 10:10 Activation Portal.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste






Iraq could initiate a currency reset at any time, so a global currency reset is likely to happen soon!

Good evening everyone.


First of all, before presenting the information about Iraq, President Trump said something like this in his speech yesterday! and it’s called Nesara

I said NESARA without using words!


“We will usher in a new golden age of prosperity for all Americans of every race, religion, color and creed.”

– President Donald Trump, Butler, Pennsylvania, October 5, 2024.


I said this in my speech, so I think NESARA GESARA is also very close. Also, the 2024 presidential election is still canceled.

They say NESARA GESARA will be announced before then!





Now, I would like to present information about Iraq.


1. A. You were right.

Iraq Digital Banking System, 3-Day Salary Distribution

Iraq currently has a functioning digital banking system.  Interest rates may change at any time.


B. The Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) “My Account” banking initiative  announced today that the August payroll will be increased to 132,000  employees.

Distribution to public servants has begun,  with payments being paid in three installments. It currently includes 600,000 registered employees

The project  will have 46 thousand beneficiaries receiving daily allowances.


C. All the companies in the world and the companies that own the Iraqi dinar.  They are waiting for the party to end.

Everyone is waiting in silence

I can’t imagine what it’s like

But it sure is cool

events are accelerating


D. I wish everyone a luxurious life and that they are satisfied with their money.

I will do my best for you.

I pray that you may live a good and decent life.

I pray for God’s blessings upon you



E. Everyone is waiting for the new price of the dinar.

I have  said  before that the land must be cleared of militias before change can begin, and that is what will happen.

Some people may think it will take a long time

Events happen in the blink of an eye








2. And if this information is true, it would be surprising, and on the other hand, banks would sell Iraqi dinar at a lower price to make at least a small profit.

I think I’ll buy it.


A. Iraqi Dinar News: US Banks Now Accepting Exchange of 25,000 IQD Notes |

Dinar News 2024 | Latest Information on Iraqi Dinar

        BIG NEWS: US Banks Now Accept Exchanges of 25,000 IQD Notes!

        This is a monumental moment for all IQD holders. On October 3, 2024,  reliable sources confirmed this

        We have seen significant progress and  this marks the beginning of something  big.

        It is possible to say.

        $322 per IQD?! Yes, that’s right. The current exchange rate for IQD is $322 per dinar.

        There are reports circulating that the numbers are staggering. To put this into perspective, a 25,000 IQD note is now worth a whopping $100,000.

It could be worth $80,500          .  That’s enough to make everyone’s head spin! This is what a lot of people have been waiting for.

        moment, and  which shocked the entire investment community.

   B. But there is a catch.  Understand the details  before making any big moves.  The “zero exclusion” strategy is

        This is what Iraq is doing to stabilize its economy. In other words,  you can turn a large denomination note, like a 25,000 IQD note, into a small denomination note.

        The plan is to replace it.  While this strategy will not change the actual value of your investment overnight  ,  it will

        Designed to support stability and growth.

        Iraq’s economic growth in 2024 is on a strong trajectory. Iraq has a projected GDP of $65.9 billion.

        It is expected to become the fifth largest economy in the Arab world. What does this mean for the future value of the IQD?

        Let’s think about it. It’s an opportunity for  growth, stability  and great profit for those who stay on the path.

        The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) and the government  have taken strategic steps  to increase the value of the dinar, accumulating record cash reserves.

        I am teaching. This is an important safety net,  which helps stabilize Iraq’s currency and contain inflation.

        For those who believed the dinar would never be accepted by US banks  ,  this is a major change.

        This is proof that this is happening.

   C. However, it is still important to proceed with caution.  It is speculated that  the current exchange rate is very favorable.

        Although it may seem like it,  it would be wise to wait for official confirmation.  Now you can go to your bank and trade IQD without hesitation.

        Until then  , skepticism is your best ally.

        Key takeaway: US banks accepting 25,000 IQD notes is a positive sign, but  we shouldn’t let our guard down.

        The path to a complete currency revaluation is fraught with uncertainty, but  the potential rewards could be life-changing.

        Are you ready for what happens next?  Is Iraq finally on the path to economic stability?

        Are you ready to take the next step now that the wind is changing?

(If this information is true, a global currency reset is coming!)





First, let me introduce some related information.


3. First, based on information from Goldrocks, Basel 3 started on October 1st and I am writing about what kind of impact this will have.


About a month ago, we talked about major banks becoming Basel 3 compliant by October 1, 2024.

  Large banks provide liquidity for maritime transactions. This  affects the import and export prices of cargo ships.  Same day cargo ship

  Threatening a strike.

  October 1, 2024 will be an interesting day.  Will there be a strike or  a deal?

  Will this work?

  “Basel III established a minimum leverage ratio, which means that high-quality assets, known as Tier 1,

     Must exceed 3% of total assets.” This  ensures the ability to pay to participate in international trade.

     Many countries have integrated aspects of Basel III into their national regulatory laws for banks.  National regulations can impact exchange rates

     there is.  This will be explained in detail at the end of this article.

     World Trade Organization (WTO) – Internal Regulatory Agreements

     The agreement limits  the types  of rules that governments can enact and that apply to both domestic and foreign companies.

The agreement applies       to marketed and non-marketed services and to public and private companies.

     The aim of the agreement is  to ensure that national regulations on tokenized assets with real value do not  create unnecessary barriers to trade.

     The goal is to avoid producing it.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) affects imports and exports       , affecting liquidity, capital, and market risk requirements.

     It is important to be aware of the potential for donation  . Furthermore, according to the Federal Register, this section of the Basel 3 requirements

     The related final rule also takes effect on October 1.

Basel III is a set of international standards that aims       to strengthen capital requirements for banks and increase financial stability.

     The impact of Basel III on the foreign exchange market  will help in trade negotiations with currencies that represent real value.

     It increases financial stability and  allows participants to focus on other elements of the trade.

     Basel III standards apply to international banks. Large banks are international banks, and  tokenizing their currencies by backing them with gold         standardizes global transactions.  This is happening  as new rules and regulations are implemented globally in the new digital economy.

It would       “level the playing field” between Basel 3-compliant banks in transactions.

     Please note: The transition from Libor to SOFR overnight lending services will also begin in all countries worldwide.

   “One step forward, everyone moves forward.” A shift begins for Treasuries around the world that have no outstanding Libor contracts.

    The road to gold begins.




4. Next, I would like to introduce the content that Goldrocks wrote about the migration to the new Basel 3 on October 1st.


Today,  we are witnessing the final phase of the protocols where the old banking system  will be replaced.  Guidelines for bank mergers will be implemented  for banks that cannot make this transition on their own.

     The flip side of this transition is that  digital gold-backed securities are forming a new asset correlation, and  in the midst of a recession,

     It’s about paving the way forward.  Backed by gold, our bonds  are ready to face the new economy

     You will gain strength to  overcome.

     This, with Basel 3 compliance starting today for major banks,  is the bridge to enter the new economy.





5. Next comes the information that the Central Bank of Iraq has also transitioned to Basel 3.


Iraqi Dinar


In the midst of the Iran/Israel drama

This is important news from the Central Bank of Iraq.


Iraq: Major announcement from CBI (Central Bank of Iraq)

Given this supervisory and regulatory role of banks  ,  all

It was decided that the authorized bank will carry out the company’s external transfer “one step closer”.







6. On October 1, cargo ports on the East Coast of the United States went on strike. The union went on strike because they wanted higher wages.

It is said that he was the one who did it, but in reality the true purpose was different.


The port has officially been changed.
The transition from the old payment system to the new system, the strike was a blind spot while the system was being implemented.
The new system, SOFR, is on the blockchain, allowing each container movement to be automatically tracked.
In the old system, containers could be used for malicious purposes. Human, drug, and arms trafficking are common.

It was being done.
A new trap that everyone should investigate: how the State Department uses diplomatic immunity for child trafficking.

Embassy Art Program.





7. Ariel wrote a different version of the new golden age that Trump spoke about in his previous speech, so I would like to introduce it to you.

“Welcome to the new golden age: real asset-based reality.”


A. In traditional systems,  investing in gold and silver often requires large amounts of capital. With tokenization,

         Individuals can own fractions of these precious metals,  as well as investors with large portfolios.

         It will be accessible to a wider range of investors. This will democratize ownership of real assets and  put them in the hands of ordinary citizens.

Creates more financial inclusion.


Unlike fiat currency, which is subject to inflation and can be printed at will,  gold and silver have a long history of being scarce and a store of wealth.

It has intrinsic         value  .  Tokenizing these metals on a distributed ledger allows  people to

You have the opportunity to  own and benefit  from economic instability and erosion of purchasing power.

provides protection against


B. And you  ‘re telling me we won’t have  the most historic October we’ve ever had?

How, when it had already started?


Meld Gold confirms that the first mainnet transaction related to the tokenization of gold on the XRPL  occurred on 09/29,

        Further expansions are planned through October.


Yes, Ripple will bring tokenized gold and silver to the XRP ledger in Q3 2024 through our partnership with Meld Gold.

We are planning to start. This is an important feature that allows fractional ownership of precious metals and makes them more accessible to investors.

This is a period of technological transition.





8. Next comes the information that Ripple is turning its attention to Japan first because the launch of stablecoins in the United States is delayed.


Ripple creates #stablecoin for countries around the world,  speeds up cross-border payments, provides #liquidity and  stability

Watch us create     a unified digital infrastructure that delivers.

This is how we can gradually shift our dependence on the US dollar,       while defending economic sovereignty.


Ripple eyes Japan RLUSD debut as US regulators stumble
Ripple CEO says Japan is top market for Ripple’s upcoming stablecoin amid US regulatory delays

I’m paying attention.






9. Next, Goldrocks writes about Ripple’s position in the quantum financial system.

Let me introduce you.


A. Ripple is used for foreign currency remittances within the banking system. Ripple enables forex trading in the following ways:

        bridge coin

        Ripple’s XRP ledger  allows trading in any currency, including fiat currencies, digital currencies, and other forms of value.

        This means  users  can send and receive money in their local currency without having to exchange any currency.

        automatic bridge

        Ripple’s auto-bridge feature  finds the best exchange rate for users who want to exchange currencies.  This results in

It allows you to place your funds in markets          that might normally be more expensive or  take longer to reach.

   B. Reduce costs

        Ripple can reduce the cost of cross-border remittances by almost 60%.

        Faster money transfers

        Ripple allows money transfers to be made faster and more securely than traditional methods such as the SWIFT system  .

        Ripple is a real-time integrated payments system (RTGS) that connects banks, payment providers and  digital asset exchanges.

        It uses a shared public database or ledger  to enable payments, exchanges, and transfers.




10. We now have information that Alliance forces are protecting the Quantum Financial System (QFS).


A. Military mobilized to defend QFS: Global redistribution of wealth is underway with troops on the ground – elites

I’m in a panic!

          The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is here and  the elites  are .

          But it’s too late.

          Military forces are being mobilized around the world, not to prepare for, but  to force the transition to the QFS.  This is the height of history .

          It is the beginning of a great transition of power and  the establishment is ready to lose everything it has accumulated over the centuries  .

     B. In South Africa in August 2024, Operation Shield is not just a regular military exercise.  Led by General  Thabiso Mokoena

          The South African Defence Force is overseeing the deployment and defence of critical QFS infrastructure. The best forces, including  cyber forces,  air defence systems and special forces,              are stationed at QFS centres in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

          The elites are scared and desperate to stop the QFS. The QFS is on  a mission to take back the world’s wealth from their iron grip.

          This is the ultimate goal.  Mokoena’s forces are ready to crush any obstruction.  Failure is not an option.

          And this isn’t just limited to South Africa.  Drones  are reaching every corner of land, sea and cyberspace.

          I am monitoring this.  The military presence also includes Chinese and Russian advisers, so  foreign interference does not threaten the transition.

     C. Russia and China are serious.  Both countries’ warships are located in volatile hotspots and are vulnerable to any attack on QFS infrastructure.

          We are prepared. The South China Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and  the Gulf of Aden are fortified with quantum-encoded and fully armed ships.

          Admirals Viktor Volkov and Admiral Chen Wei are  building a fleet dedicated to protecting the new financial arteries that will change the world.

          is conducting  . Any disturbance will be dealt with immediately.

          This is not just an infrastructure issue.  It is about recovering the wealth that elites have stolen over generations  .

          QFS is a dagger in the neck.  Powered by quantum computing and blockchain,  the elite

          It’s not immune to the tricks you’ve been using for decades.

     D. The QFS is fast approaching. Every day  we move closer to a complete financial reset.  The storm is here.

          Wealth is redistributed.  Not by elites, but  by a system over which they have no control.

          The question is: are you ready? Migration is unstoppable. QFS is real and it’s about to change everything.

          The elites can’t stop this.  Where will you be  when the storm passes?




11. Finally, Mr. Goldrocks wrote about the significance of recent events, so I would like to present them to you.


A. Have you noticed a change in media messaging this week? The federal government provides federal protection against hurricanes.

Due to limited resources, the port strike was postponed to January 15, 2025.

           Last time, during Hurricane Helen, the state of Florida joined Elon Musk and Trump to help.

Is             this  a sign of a time when local economies will help each other in difficult and crisis situations?

           Friends, the power shifts and wealth shifts are real. How money is being moved to help those affected by Hurricane Helen;

           Please look carefully.

     B. In January 2025, partial transition, full automation transition, ISO 20022 interface and product and

          We will begin migrating to a new digital structure for our services, and  it’s important to prepare now.

          The postponement of shipping ports  comes as the transition to a new digital economy will take place in stages from next year, with the linking of international payment systems.

It’s            a sign

          This could lead to trade distortions, and  a full-blown strike that stops everything is no longer an option.

          Maybe not  . Instead, automation will gradually introduce new logistics  into every market sector.

          Look to incorporate work patterns and  new ones.

          Pay attention to the movement of the water surface.




The end is certainly near. I think it will end with a scenario where Israel and other countries start a nuclear war.

We really have a little more time this time, so everyone please do your best!


Thank you for reading today. 

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