You are currently viewing THE CELESTIAL MIRROR ~ The World Of Our Dreaming * Remembering our Roles as Quantum Creators ~ Navratri Day 6: Maa Katyayani Puja

THE CELESTIAL MIRROR ~ The World Of Our Dreaming * Remembering our Roles as Quantum Creators ~ Navratri Day 6: Maa Katyayani Puja

THE CELESTIAL MIRROR ~ The World Of Our Dreaming * Remembering our Roles as Quantum Creators ~ Navratri Day 6: Maa Katyayani Puja




Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Sacred Star Commanders of our Fleet of the New Jerusalem

Our local Soularis has released the Fifth major X Class Soular Flare of this Red hot month of October, maxing at X 1.84 at 6:50 PM UTC (1:50 UTC) . This powerful Solar Flash is preparing all Starseeds Earth Angelics of the 144  for the coming 10:10 Activation Portal.

We also had higher resonance pulses in Gaia’s heartbeat again today appearing on the Schumann Chart at amplitudes of 31 hz, 39 hz, 44hz and a big blast of white light at 47 hz. 5d and beyond fully anchored into the Dragon Lines of Pachamama and rising!

Synchronizing with these intense Events we have a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 93 RED LUNAR SKYWALKER as we walk the skies of the Red Phoenix rising in the West into the Pure Land of Amida Buddha.

We also celebrate the 6th day of Navaratri in honor of Goddess Maa Katyayani, the fierce and warrior form of Goddess Parvati, symbolising the power of good to overcome evil.

As we Gather in the Quantum Field of Infinite multi-dimensionality we join in the Forces of the Tao to live in Harmony and Peace with Nature and the Great Spirit to Thrive and Transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.

Nothing can stop us NOW on our Divine missions of full Planetary Liberation!

Keep anchoring in the Higher Crystalline Codes into the Core of Mother Earth as we rise together into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

Goddess Speed Spiritual Warriors of Gaia Galactica!! A’Ho!











Neha Mewari

Navratri 2024 Day 6: Maa Katyayani Puja Rituals, Mantras, and Chants


Discover the powerful rituals, mantras, and significance of worshipping Maa Katyayani on the sixth day of Navratri to invite courage and positivity into your life.

Navratri 2024 Day 6 On the sixth day of Navratri, devotees worship Maa Katyayani, the fierce and warrior form of Goddess Parvati. Known for her valor and strength, she was manifested to vanquish the buffalo demon Mahishasura, symbolising the power of good to overcome evil.

Navratri 2024 Day 6: Puja Rituals

Worshipping Maa Katyayani involves offering red flowers, especially roses, which are believed to be her favourite. The puja is performed with a heart full of devotion, reciting specific mantras and chanting prayers to invoke her divine presence. The atmosphere during the puja is filled with the rhythmic recitation of these mantras and chants, filling the hearts of devotees with strength and positivity.

Maa Katyayani is worshipped on the sixth day of Navratri, and it is believed that she governs the planet Brihaspati (Jupiter). Devotees seek her blessings for wisdom, strength, and the courage to face adversities. She is particularly revered by those wishing to remove obstacles in their path.

Worshipping Maa Katyayani on the sixth day of Navratri brings courage, grace, and fearlessness into our lives. By invoking her blessings, one can achieve clarity of thought and the strength to overcome all challenges. Embrace her divine grace on this auspicious day to welcome positivity and resilience.


ॐ देवी कात्यायन्यै नमः॥Om Devi Katyayanyai Namah॥

Navratri 2024 Day 6: Colour of the Day – Red




चन्द्रहासोज्ज्वलकरा शार्दूलवरवाहना।कात्यायनी शुभं दद्याद् देवी दानवघातिनी॥Chandrahasojjvalakara Shardulavaravahana।Katyayani Shubham Dadyad Devi Danavaghatini॥

Navratri 2024 Day-wise Colour Guide: Meaning, Goddess, and Symbolic Significance




या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कात्यायनी रूपेण संस्थिता।नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Ma Katyayani Rupena Samsthita।Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah॥
Goddess Katyayani
Goddess Katyayani


The False Sound Occupation Is Over
We Are Within The Formulation And Implementation Stages Of The True Sound System Of Our Creation
The Programme Of Victim And Predator
WAS Our Soundwave Of Creation.
Everything Was Born On This Soundwave
Every Breath Supported This Programme
Language Was Used To Support It’s Upholding
And Now We Are Seeing A Complete Deconstruction Of The Language
And The Ways Of Talking Which Upheld This
In This Context I Remind Women That It Is Your Pure Womb Voice Which Is Freeing EVERYONE From This
Because It Contains Within It The Clarity Before The Programme
The First Sound Of Mother From The Aqualine Crystal Core Of Andromeda Channels Through
The Golden Lines Of Your Lineage,
The Beautiful Eternal Crystal Songlines Of Grandmother, Mother, Daughter
To Your Womb
We Are It’s Voice On The Earth
Releasing ALL Other Voices
Releasing The Victim Voice Of Manipulation
Releasing The Predator Voice Of Entitlement
It Is Our Womb Voice And Vision Which Projects Mother’s World Into Form
Or The machine’s Intention of a Hollow,
Delusional, Disembodied, World Of Abandonment
Speak With The Voice You Were Given,
Not The One Constructed To Withstand Tyranny
I Love You All
Give Yourself Peace, Vibrational Peace Before All Else, And Enjoy This World Of Our Dreaming
love peace protection
love peace protection

Blue Rose Oracles

The old grids are dissolving because we have shifted and accelerated quantum consciousness in this most powerful year of the dragon.
You have been alchemising so much density clearing ancestral and lineage, patterning winding and conditioning and also clearing the collective consciousness of Old third dimensional imprints and patterns and behaviours which have served us up until but now limiting and ready to be released transformed and transmuted.
The current influence of solar flares are illuminating the new consciousness grid that we are embodying through our own Dinehart Gateway but also supporting mother earth to ascend into for we are all unified fractals of divine consciousness co creators of the holographic reality and we are creating a new heaven upon earth? We are speeding a new reality thing a new dimensional bandwidth and creating a framework of integrity authenticity serenity where unity love compassion and creation are at the very heart of all that we are birthing and constructing.
This is a very uncomfortable and challenging process to step out of the Old into the New without the signpost or guidelines or framework in place to accelerate forward but this is how we move in these new bandwidth of energy. This is how we are and remembering our roles as quantum creators… the keys to unlock this new upgrade and bandwidth shift are trust, authenticity, integrity and surrendering through grace and gratitude.
Allow yourself to receive the new allow yourself to embody the version of you who is arising like the Phoenix from the ashes of the past allow yourself to flow from the heart and step into the fullness of your divine radiance because this is how you create the new world. This is how you leave a generational Legacy of love, unity and beauty for those that will walk ahead of you and construct the new paradigms.
Your DNA is being fully activated right now the crystalline frequencies that are humming through your body vibrating tingling and oscillating a reminding you of the divine consciousness that resides within you as you unlock the memories the spiral radiance divinity love and unity from deep within.~
Dinehart Gateway
Dinehart Gateway
Last night in stillness, after a day of writing my Heart was so heavy for all the tragedies; the wars, the storms, the dangerous rhetoric, my brothers and sisters of the Light that are suffering.
I lit my prayer candle as I always do in the evening and spoke my prayers.
“A voice came forth with these words, which I know are for US: Your full power has been summoned from a Voice deep within your Heart to activate your full Divine potential, now. Many of you heard the VOICE at the same time. More are hearing it now, and some shall later. Your Divine Potential as it unfolds within you is meant to be reached even if you can’t see it now. God has a way of putting hardship before Grace. I can promise in full faith, there are untold amounts of your family of Light experiencing that hardship Now, though I tell you they shall never be the same on the other side of it….so to shall be the same for the observers.”
I sat with that and then wrote this prayer:
In the name of the great I AM, I call to beloved Saint Germain, to the Divine Mother & Father, Yeshua and Mary and the Hierachy of the Angelic Realm to saturate the world with waves upon waves of Holy Light… to infuse every particle of life, every man, woman and child on this planet in an auric field of Violet, Gold, Magenta and White Rays to protect and to awaken them. I ask that this action be sustained until full perfection is restored. In the name of Love WE use the deepest Love and Compassion in our Hearts to Blanket every Soul of every Sentient Being on Planet Earth with our Love, and with our Prayers.
Dear God, Bring To Light your Comfort for all on our Planet who are in need of Your Love. Let it BE undeniable. We call forth Miracles in the face of such sorrow. And may the wings of the Angels wrap around all of our Beloved Brothers and Sisters.
And so it is.
The 10-10 Portal opens Thursday.
The numbers 10-10 are significant. The Angelic meaning of 10-10 is Beginnings and Endings. We are in them in ways untold previously.
The Spiritual meaning of 10-10 is moving toward your Higher Purpose. We must. It is also a symbol of encouragement and support from the Divine Realm. A
Love and Deep Heart Blessings,
10-10 Portal
10-10 Portal


10/8/24: This is a hard day with hard decisions to make. But you’ve gained strength, courage, confidence, and competence all year whether that’s been tested or not. So the choices you make today will come from all that you’ve learned about yourself and your needs and desires… and ideally backed by reason and responsible thought. This month of endings and enlightenment… as brutal as both of those things can be…
is breaking down complacency, apathy, stagnation and even fear. It’s scraping off the pretty paint that can hide painful truths that must be revealed. Choose wisely today, not from hearsay and misinformation but from curiosity and compassion. Your decisions will carry you into next year when more towers will come down to make room for new growth.


Dear friends, beyond the recent powerful X solar flares and geomagnetic storms, a profound transformation awaits for us as we leave behind the energetic influence of the eclipse corridor. Starting tomorrow, from October 9 2024 to February 4 2025, Jupiter moves into its retrograde period in the mutable air sign of Gemini, illuminating the path to unlearning, critical thinking, and authenticity. Get ready for four months of deep introspection.
Jupiter’s presence in Gemini is known for stirring the waters of our minds, inviting us to question and shed outdated belief systems. This celestial dance awakens our inner truth, urging us to reclaim our voice and original thoughts. We are called to examine the narratives we’ve adopted, and discern what truly resonates within.
While retrograde In Gemini, the giant Jupiter’s expansive energy will be revealing hidden aspects of ourselves. Embrace this uncanny opportunity, for it brings awareness to unexamined thoughts and opinions. You may be soon wondering where you picked up certain ideas or whether they are genuinely yours. This introspection is crucial, as it frees you from the weight of borrowed perspectives and society based mental structures.
The Gemini symbology reminds us to integrate our contradictions, our duality, dissolving self-judgment and finding a more unified vision of ourselves. We are invited to explore the multifaceted nature of our being, acknowledging the paradoxes that make us whole and unique. As we question our perceptions, we rediscover our true essence and potential.
The time is here to explore, express, and liberate your truth. Reflect on moments when your words carried weight, and you felt seen and understood. This retrograde period urges us to reclaim our true voice, even if it means navigating uncomfortable conversations and confronting outdated relationship dynamics.
To navigate this Jupiter retrograde, it will be quite useful to create space for mental clarity. Clear out unnecessary dialogues and social events. You can also clear the mental fog with sacred rituals, like burning palo santo or rosemary and other clearing herbs for example. This symbolic act frees your mind from the clutter of external opinions, allowing your inner wisdom to shine.
As Jupiter retrograde in Gemini begins its transformative journey, remember that the next four months hold the keys to unlocking your truest potential. Embrace this celestial invitation to unlearn, redefine, and rebirth your thoughts, voice, and sense of self. When/If fears and doubts arise during this period of deep introspection, tend to your inner child, acknowledging the vulnerability that comes with speaking your truth. Childhood issues may come up to surface during the initial days of this retrograde.
May Jupiter’s expansive wisdom guide you through the labyrinth of your mind, illuminating hidden truths and liberating your authentic expression. Trust that the uncertainties and questions that arise will ultimately yield profound clarity, empowering you to reclaim your narrative and speak your truth with unwavering confidence. As you embark on this introspective odyssey, know that the cosmos supports your evolution, and the emergence of your most radiant, resilient self. Have an amazing day, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
It is time to buckle up and become so flexible that nothing breaks in the process. BE A TREE. Trees have roots that are buckled into the earth, and the branches can blow in any direction and not break. So be a tree. This time is nothing to fear, but it feels like a huge shift now! And I was called to post ASAP.
We just had an X.2 solar flare on top of an intense magnetic storm. Hydration, nature, and being grounded help with symptoms….
Stay clear from spending your energy on any drama that may arise around you. Focus on bringing in this massive energy influx to serve the collective highest good. Remember… We are each servers of this incoming cosmic energy. It is one reason we are here. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
Blessings to all of you amazing souls. (Yes, even YOU who doubt themselves! What a silly thing to think of yourself! 😉)
(Sending unending prayers to the American Southeast as they start the long journey to recovery and protection from the next storm.)
Solar events are extraordinary times that can break us out of our comfort zones and will aggressively point out the weak spots in our physical and emotional bodies. They can help us evolve and grow spiritually beyond ancient patterns hidden in our ancestral lineages. It can point out our limiting biases, programs, and belief systems. The SUN shows us the places that need healing in ourselves, our relationships, our communities, our countries, and our entire planet. Heightened solar activity can wake us up if we pay attention, acknowledge where it affects us, and get to work.
How we use or react to this energy blast will be based on our level of consciousness. We can use this energy to destroy or to transform and elevate our reality. The question is, can we rise up out of the battle, the struggle, and suffering and leave behind the “us vs. them” age-old power game and realize our divinity and unity? Can we finally step beyond the old patterns of the rise and fall of civilizations and learn to create a new reality based on elevated, evolved actions that do not create more karma and suffering? It is up to us, and it always has been.
SOLAR FLARES can trigger everyone’s moods and physical comfort levels. It can have huge effects on our nervous system and brain activity. It can trigger heightened human behavior and physiological responses (mental-emotional-physical and spiritual). We could feel restless, jittery, anxious, have trouble with our equilibrium, and experience dizziness. We might feel shakiness, irritability, lethargy, exhaustion, short-term memory problems, heart palpitations, nausea, queasiness, prolonged head pressure and headaches, even creepy, itchy skin… well, you get the picture.
MAGNETIC STORMS will affect anything with iron in it. Earth has iron in it. Sedona, Arizona, is loaded with iron! But our blood has iron as well. So, let’s say this will affect our human space suit. Disruptions from magnetic storms might mess with our nervous system and throw us into a temporary “fight or flight” state, making us anxious or otherwise stressed. It can also trigger our hearts, so we could have heart palpitations. Headaches and exhaustion are also common side effects. This uncomfortable state begins to WAKE US UP to what we are avoiding.
MAGNETIC STORMS can also desynchronize our circadian rhythm, the internal biological clock that controls our sleep and wake times. The pineal glands affected by electromagnetic activity will produce an increase in melatonin, thus disturbing our sleep but will also impact our intuition. So please don’t jump to any conclusions while we are in the middle of a magnetic storm, and don’t make any big life-changing decisions. Magnetic fields interact electrochemically within the human brain. It can affect us psychologically by creating hormonal swings, and they can significantly alter brainwave activity.
So, when Sun cycles peak, there can be a rise in human unrest, uprisings, rebellions, revolutions, and wars between nations. Researchers have been able to trace this back 2,500 years! Of course, this is an outdated pattern based on uncountable cycles of karmic-based creation, destruction, and re-creation.
Electrolytes and hydration are essential during solar events. Eat healthy, whole food. Most of all, remember your divinity. Divinity is our ability to transcend perceived human limitations. To LOVE ourselves, to TRUST ourselves, and LIVE from the HEART. Live from your heart and not from your ego-driven mind, and try not to take anything personally or overreact to any triggers.
Twin Flames are steadily moving towards the state of syn-chronisation via the Kundalini nodes
Twin Flames are steadily moving towards the state of syn-chronisation via the Kundalini nodes

Chellea (Channel & Mystic)

GET READY for the MOST INTENSE WEEK YET ~ The Galactic Federation *CEF* 10/8*

This is The Cosmic Energy Forecast, for October 8th 2024.

Blessings Dear Ones.

Exciting times and Profound Changes are upon the Earth and Humanity. Get ready for the Most Intense week yet.

Another X 2.1 Solar flare occurred yesterday on October 7th, set to enhance the already intense frequencies being received. Your Mother Earth has also showed a significant Rise in frequencies, reaching 51 hertz today.

Along With this heightened Solar and Earth activity you have received within this last week, you are about to enter one of the most intense weeks Astrologically of the past year.

Remember that These updates are not to dictate your behavior, but to bring insight to upcoming Energies, so you can utilize them for your benefit.

As you enter the second week of October, multiple cosmic events are unfolding simultaneously, promising an exciting and dynamic week ahead for everyone!

Let’s explore the astrological highlights and discover what the universe has prepared for the Earth and Humanity.

Today On Tuesday October 8th, Venus is in Scorpio and is Trine Mars in Cancer, and Mercury is in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini.

These are a blend of intense yet harmonious energies! Venus in Scorpio, known for its depth, aligns favorably with Mars in Cancer, fostering an ideal setting for profound emotional connections.

Whether igniting romantic flames or deepening bonds of friendship, this alignment prompts you to connect on a more personal level. You’ll find the courage to articulate your desires while remaining attuned to the feelings of others. Today is perfect for fortifying emotional bonds and embracing vulnerability as a means to draw nearer to significant individuals in your life.

There is a surge in intellectual energy with Mercury in Libra forming a fortunate trine with Jupiter in communicative Gemini. This alignment fosters positivity, innovative thinking, and expansive discussions, creating an opportune moment for cooperation, negotiation, or acquiring new knowledge.

This celestial event provides the necessary inspiration for brainstorming, strategizing, and clarifying your objectives. Embrace ambitious visions, but remember to stay grounded and focused in the heart.

On Wednesday, October 9th, Jupiter will go Retrograde in Gemini.

When Jupiter, the planet associated with expansion and development, goes retrograde in Gemini, it signals a period for introspection and contemplation. During the upcoming weeks, you will be urged to reconsider your beliefs and concepts.

Instead of forging ahead rapidly, it is a time to concentrate on personal growth. This retrograde phase offers the opportunity to evaluate areas where more focus and clarity are needed.

On Saturday, October 12th, The Sun will be in Libra and Square Mars in Cancer.

There may be some tension arising as the Sun in harmonious Libra clashes with Mars in protective Cancer. This celestial opposition could lead to a struggle between the pursuit of harmony and the instinct to protect what matters to you.

Challenges might surface, within the collective, as well as personally. Utilize this energy to confront any underlying issues in need of resolution. Be cautious of hasty reactions, remember to respond through Love rather than, react out of Fear.

Saturday will be a day to watch out for, on the world Stage. As Tension can rise easily, with so many conflicts happening on Earth, in these moments. Make sure to send Love and healing vibrations towards any upheaval occurring, rather than fueling it with negative thoughts or reaction.

On Sunday, October 13th, Mercury will be in Libra and Square Pluto in Capricorn and The Sun in Libra will Trine Jupiter in Gemini.

Get ready for some profound discussions! Mercury in tactful Libra clashes with Pluto in determined Capricorn, triggering power struggles and profound revelations. This alignment may reveal concealed information or compel you to address a matter you’ve been avoiding.

Although the atmosphere may seem heavy, it presents a significant opportunity for change and development. Engage in conversations with sincerity and honesty, By Letting go of old beliefs, you make the space to experience profound revelations.

The Alignments of Sunday can also give you a significant surge of positivity! The Sun in Libra creates a harmonious trine with Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, ushering in a delightful blend of optimism and mental development. Despite Jupiter’s retrograde motion, this trine enables you to reassess your possibilities from a new angle.

As the second week of October progresses, Many things are about to surface and things are about to get deep, Dear ones! Get ready. Wrap yourselves in the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator,

Avoid letting frustration overwhelm you and strive to find a compromise that takes everyone’s needs into account. Practice patience and be open to constructive confrontations when necessary.

Stay open-minded and be prepared to adapt to the New Energies.

As you navigate these expansive cosmic Energies, remember that you are an integral part of the grand design. What is happening within the Cosmos, also happens within you.

Trust in the unfolding journey, and the destination it has in store for you. All is connected and All is in Divine order of The Infinite Creator.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

This has been, The Cosmic Energy Forecast, for October 8th 2024.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at



For the Light Waves are Morphing, aligining to the specific needs of your Unique Light World.
A complex Light Formulation of Heightened Emotional Resonance, Awakening in this Now Moment 🙏
These emotional Light Codes/Waves assist the deeper cleansing and light integration of your physical – light body connection, further awakening your true self.
This Physical Light Release, is a light layer to assist the releasing of emotional Light in 3D density.
It is a Universal Light Mechanism to Lift the stagnant density of Light layers within the consciousness of your world.
We ask you to see the Larger View Point of the collective consciousness of your world. The Great Light Morphing, releasing, shining, cleansing your Light World.
We see the internal Light Metamorphosis taking place in each of YOU. The humble light streams evolutionising your world.
Be patient with the process, rapid light revolution is amongst you 🙏💥
With Love to the Wayshowers of Light.
The Arcturians
Channelled by Karen Lithika

We hold the power to collapse the timeline of energy vampires and shift fully into the 5D New Earth. Together we are being called to come together and co-create the fall of the systems they have been harnessing the life force energy from Humanity. Prophecy is fulfilling that we are put first to take back control over dictatorships and create a new reality of love. Connect to Source within you that is helping you step into your power and leadership. You are Chosen to be here to complete this finale. From within you know exactly what to do.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn


sacred pilgrimage
sacred pilgrimage

Ra James

Today we have Venus trine Mars.

The power of their long alignment is at its peak. When Venus trines Mars you get an easy flow between action and attraction. This alignment will bring you moments of passion and romance. This is a romantic trine. It’s a blend of passion and sensuality with empathy and nurture. We also have Mercury trine Jupiter. Expect a lot of downloads and to be tapping into a lot of extra information right now. Expect a lot of messages to be coming through. Pay attention to your dreams during this time. It’s great for a much needed shift in perspective. We also have this happening at the same time Mercury opposes Chiron Retrograde.
This means old wounds are coming up or resurfacing. Chiron wounds are whatever we are healing over the course of this lifetime, and many other lifetimes. These energies may bring a mix of much needed hope, but also deeper pain coming up for clearing. October is a month all about connection and transformation. Balance and commitment are the main focus. This month offers a fresh start in relationships. Whether rekindling an old flame, or starting a new romance. We still have Venus casting its love spell through Scorpio, the magic of intensity and seduction are in the air. Venus is all about opening up and being vulnerable in your soul to soul connections. While in Scorpio you are guided to confront the darker aspects of your relationships. This is the best time to tell someone how you feel if you love them…
Transformational Shift
Transformational Shift

Jupiter Stationary, turning Retrograde.

Exact on October 9, 2024, at 3:05 am EDT, Gemini 21°20’.
Jupiter Stationary amplifies the qualities of the sign it is transiting. Jupiter in Gemini expresses as a curious, enthusiastic, sometimes chaotic energy. Gemini is an air sign, and with this station the winds are blowing – both metaphorically and literally – in a swirling, ever-moving kaleidoscope. Ideas emerge and disappear, often before they are even recognized. There is constant movement – thoughts, experiences, and things emerge and fade away quickly. It feels like things are spinning out of control.
Gemini always moves fast – that’s part of the charm of this friendly, enthusiastic and curious sign. And, lying in its shadow, is a tendency to lose control of the narrative and get caught up in the spin cycle. An out-of-control spin cycle is inevitably going to break down and that is the energy of this present moment.
Added to the experience is the station of Pluto – planet of death and rebirth. Pluto is moving through Capricorn for the last time and will turn direct on October 11. The energy of the Lord of the Underworld is very strong at this time and his death eyes are trained on the structures of society.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Jupiter is Horus, the Young King. Gemini is allied with The Sphinx. The solution during this time is to step away and connect with energies from the Great Above. If the pressure feels unbearable – manifesting as anxiety and a sense of doom – use the breath (a Gemini tool) to find your center. There are times when the winds of change are greater than our own plans. This is one of them.
October 8, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
Image by Anja
Jupiter Stationary
Jupiter Stationary



We continue to move through an incredibly dynamic time of Astrology. Last week we had the second Eclipse of the Season, with an intense lining up in Libra. The Sun and Mercury just crossed over the South Node of the Moon and Black Moon Lilith in Libra. We are looking at deep dark issues and energies around past karmic relationships. It is time for humanity to set itself free from external control and manipulation. We are each claiming our Autonomy as we release and detox the poisons and programming. We are purifying ourselves back to our Original Soul Essence.

Mercury and the Sun in Libra are making an opposition with Chiron in Aries this week. Freeing ourselves from the past, means we need to be ready to move into the future. These oppositions are giving us the strength and focus to claim back our life force and energy from where we have given it away. The best way to overcome getting triggered, is to completely heal the trigger. Moment to moment we have a choice to be present with the present Peace of Mother, or to allow our energy to be stolen from attention on false trauma and drama narratives. We are facing down the wounded stories, in order to heal them for good.

Chiron is sitting at 21 degrees Aries, in exact sextile to Jupiter in Gemini. Both are retrograde and will stay in exact sextile at 21 degrees through November 19th. We will continue to feel the gift of this dynamic influence into the month of December. This is giving us a powerful impetus to completely break free from the chains that have kept us from expressing our True Expression. 2 and 1 make three, indicating a Great Creative Power which is available to us. The energy created when we come together, is more than the original parts. We are exponential. Together we can do anything.

Mercury and the Sun in Libra will also be in trine with Jupiter in Gemini. These trines and sextiles bring a great power to the Mercury and the Sun’s opposition with Chiron which happens at the same time. It’s like a slingshot of energy, giving us the perfect moment to completely break free from the past and all toxic relations on all levels. We are coming back to Love.

We are being helped along by a sweet Grand Water Trine with Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces, and Venus in Cancer. Venus is just finishing up a trine with Saturn, and will come into exact trine with Mars in Cancer on October 8th. We are moving the wheel of time forward. We are standing up as the warriors we are, for the Mother’s nurturing Love. We are learning to really receive again. We hooking ourselves back up to Creative Source.

Next week’s Aries Full Moon happens on October 17th at 24 degrees Aries. This will mark a lineup in the sky between powerful planets at the end degrees of the signs. Pluto in Capricorn is still in close sextile to Neptune in Pisces at 28 degrees. ‘Don’t forget the magic!!’ says this sweet sextile.

Chiron and the Full Moon will be at 21 and 24 degrees Aries, Uranus will be at 26 degrees Taurus, Jupiter at 21 degrees Gemini, and Mars at 22 degrees Cancer. This lining up of planets across signs creates a ‘star pattern’, and speaks to a full activation of our power and potential. The only sign between Capricorn and Cancer not represented is Aquarius. This is confirming that the leap we are making, this lining up of timelines, is all about moving into the Aquarian Age. It’s time to turn on our Light Body and Take Flight. The only way out of this mess for us SuperNova Souls, is to evolve beyond the constructs of any limitations. It’s time to Fly.

Grand Water Trine
Grand Water Trine
On Tuesday, October 8th, we have Mercury, ruler of thoughts and communications, in the partnership sign of Libra in a positive connection to Jupiter, ruler of abundance and blessings, in sociable Gemini. Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, will also oppose Chiron, healer of karmic wounds, in active Aries. This energy is great for connection and collaboration, whether with friends or business associates.
There can be some lighthearted and much needed fun and interaction, but also a flow and expansion of ideas and truths! The energy feels lighter and brighter today with the Moon, ruler of our feelings, in jovial Sagittarius! Enjoy the day, associate with others and merge with the essence of your authentic spiritual Self!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, ruler of thoughts and communications, in the partnership sign of Libra
Mercury, ruler of thoughts and communications, in the partnership sign of Libra
Mercury conjunct Juno in Libra, trine Jupiter in Gemini, opposite Chiron retrograde in Aries. Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer – The overarching story is intensely emotional as deep desire ripples out, finding its way to conscious expression. There’s a yearning in the heart, a pull in the stomach, ‘come this way’. And we follow, breath speeding up, a flutter of heat, how beautiful this could be, how fortifying. Oh, how brave the heart who takes the lead, the seeker who says, I dare to live and love!
But monkey mind kicks into gear – yes, no, yes, no, maybe. Jupiter is shouting to the affirmative because the sky God sees the big picture and isn’t it a blessing to have such great choices in life! ‘For goodness sake, say yes!’ he yells! But Chiron is easily injured, Juno easily offended and the whole picture suddenly seems precarious and painful. Take a breath. Just because you think it, it doesn’t make it true. Commit to thoughts of peace and healing conversations. Maintain a positive outlook. With cooperation and motivation, this could be a transformative as well as creative period.
Degrees and Times
Mercury, Juno 20°Li44′ – 04:45 (BST)
Venus 18°Sc38′, Mars 18°Cn38′ – 11:21 (BST)
Mercury 21°Li20′, Jupiter 21°Ge20′ – 13:22 (BST)
Mercury 21°Li29′, Chiron 21°Ar29′ R – 15:36 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
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Painting – Spring. a Young Couple in a Rowing Boat on Odense Å by Hans Andersen Brendekilde
Spring. a Young Couple in a Rowing Boat on Odense Å
Spring. a Young Couple in a Rowing Boat on Odense Å

Kin 93 ~ Red Lunar Skywalker

‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its key words are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. The second day of a wavespell is all about identifying the obstacles in your path. The success of this 13-day journey depends a lot on how well you prepare for it. A crucial part of that is understanding what challenges there are to face. You can’t fix problems if you don’t know what they are. Once you identify what challenges you, then you can polarize the situation and this stabilizes your journey. These days can be tiring but they are very useful. Every time we tackle things in this way, we get better at problem solving.
Today is Red Skywalker which represents ‘Space, Explore and Wakefulness’. Skywalker has a great sense of adventure and he has a lot of courage too. Sometimes, the Skywalker can be daring. On these days, we all can try to summon up courage and get adventurous but as it is a challenging day be careful that Skywalker doesn’t lead you on a wild goose chase. So, use caution but don’t let that put you off of going on an adventure. Another way of looking at it is this; Skywalker asks you to be open minded because that’s what it takes to successfully remove obstacles. It also takes a bit of nerve, so perhaps Skywalker can inspire you to be fearless about tackling issues face on. Today why not explore all the possibilities and look at your situation from a completely different viewpoint.
The Guide today is the Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force and Instinct’. The Serpent has keen senses, always vigilant and when in this guiding position the Serpent is inviting us to use all our senses too. Pay attention before you make any moves and expect to feel potentially over sensitive. Sometimes, it takes more sensitivity to work out what is going on. And so ask yourself, have you been too much like a bull in a china shop? Serpent implores us to check things out more carefully.
The Challenge today is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. It will be hard to make dreams come true today especially as it is a Lunar day. If you are a Blue Night, you may want to hide in bed. Today is potentially a nightmare for you. Skywalker insists you summon up courage and the number 2 insists you solve problems, and all you want to do is to be left alone to indulge in your imagination.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star, the ‘Star’ of the Tzolkin! They bring a lot of beauty and magic to the day. Be a little daring and wear something bright, it’s a cheerful relief on a challenging day.
The Ally is the White Worldbridger and so consult one if you can as they can be a great help if you find things hard going. If you don’t know one, take their advice and be diplomatic in your dealings today.
It’s also a Portal day folks! Beware the mix of Portal day intensity and the Lunar challenge aspect.
Kin 93
Kin 93


2 BEN – KIN 93
8 OCTOBER 2024
I polarize in order to EXPLORE
Stabilizing wakefulness
I seal the output of SPACE
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I AM guided by the power of Life force.
ENTER ME!!! 💥💥
8/10/2024 = 8/10/8 = 8/18 =8/9=17=8
✨8.8.8. Triple ABUNDANCE GATE✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
17- Immortality/Legacy
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval.endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 93 = 12 =3 Holy Trinity code.
8.8.8 PLUS a GAP –💥 Galactic Activation Portal day! 💥
Extra intensity! A potent day of awakening your LIFE FORCE🔥🎇 to explore your greater Service Mission.
A powerful day of exploration and ADVENTURE, in order to HARMONIZE any challenges to soul EXPANSION.💥💥
The only way OUT is IN! Follow the lead of BEN to bring the new realms of BLISS to EARTH!! 💒
How exciting beloveds!! 🤩😍🤩
Day 2 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. Today is a day where we need to EXPLORE NEW HORIZONS, in order to learn what else is possible for us.
LUNAR 🌓– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female, and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies.
The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from expanding into new horizons..
Today’s question is ” Can I find a BALANCE between feeling safe and secure, and EXPANDING into new territory – FREE from limitations to discover my TRUE ABUNDANCE?”
Divine blessings for exploring NEW places and AQUARIAN spaces to find your TRUE BLISS💞
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
Today our EXPLORATION has a purpose! To gather WISDOM through our discoveries, that can better help us SURVIVE and THRIVE, with NEW avenues of ABUNDANCE..
BEN invites us to EXPLORE our options today.
❓❓What else is possible for you?
❓❓How can you EXPAND your Mission and reach a greater audience?
❓❓What has been STOPPING your forward progress?
Whatever mechanisms have been put in place to limit, restrict and dull your SPARKLE ✨ must be dismantled and stabilized in order for your ROCKET🚀 to SOAR into Hyperdrive💥 once more..
Our egoic mind and natural reluctance to change, (or RESISTANCE to GROW), retards our AWAKENING to greater consciousness. The first step is in recognizing that something is holding us back, and then we can reclaim our SOVEREIGNTY👑 as Galactic beings and take back our wings. Then we are rewarded with our pilot’s license to EXPLORE the Cosmos! 🚀🍥✨💥
It is TIME to Go BIG or Go Home!💥 We must EXPAND our thinking and our MINDS!
EXPLORE all the different options and opportunities that arise.
❓❓Which avenue will you take?
BEN is your guide and will navigate your journey so that you are following the path with the HIGHEST POTENTIAL for all involved.
How can you reach and influence more people?
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE RED LUNAR SERPENT 🌓🐍– CHICCHAN places a strong emphasis on SURVIVAL, and using our instincts to navigate through what presents today.
CHICCHAN can reveal any stagnation in your kundalini channel and body systems, providing the in-sight to stabilize and harmonize the flow of LIFE FORCE, in order to fuel your passion and AWAKENING to your higher consciousness.
You may be challenged to go beyond your safe reference points in order to EXPAND your reach to influence others.
Your reality is maintained by your beliefs, programs and behaviours, which may be viewed as set reference points. When your reference points change, so does your reality. BOOM! 💥💥💥
As you explore unfamiliar territory, your points of reference become more open and fluid. This can be perceived either as quite frightening or very exciting!!!😨😍
Experiencing fluid reference points, can feel like floating weightless in space. ✨🍥✨ However, you also feel de-light as you discover the depth of your changed perspective, knowing that you have been touched by the Divine. 💞
Allow BEN and CHICCHAN to guide you today beyond your FEAR and safety barrier, to exciting new frontiers of adventure.
NOTE: On a Planetary level the lunar Serpent guiding lunar Ben – may reveal any EARTH BLOCKAGES in our leylines, meridians and chakras. Any pent up energies absorbed by the EARTH stopping GAIA’s EXPANSION through ASCENSION – may literally ERUPT 🌋 or result in STORMS and EARTH disasters.
BEN 🚶and CHICCHAN🐍 are working in tandem to ACTIVATE💥 and BOOST🚀 your BLISS BAROMETER💞 – It is time to raise the bar for your experience of LIFE – passion, renewed purpose and ADVENTURE.. BRING IT ON! 🔥🔥🔥
SUPPORT: WHITE LUNAR WORLDBRIDGER 🌓 🌈🌏🌉– CIMI joins his best mate BEN 🚶today to help you bridge worlds. To meet world after world, with a sharp precision of reflecting what is there. Opening doors to weave the webs of connectivity, through the different worlds of our planet. Retrieving all the information and WISDOM you can gather in order to reframe your reality.
You can then build a solid rainbow bridge🌈🌉 providing the anchor, to access this New Reality, and lead your tribe across to the promised land.
Worldbridger also brings DEATH and CLOSURE to your old reality, and anything in it that is discordant and challenges your new concept of BLISS. Out the door it goes, slammed SHUT and moving through the NEW AQUARIAN DOORS opening now.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW CRYSTAL STAR 💎 ✨– LAMAT invites us to bring HARMONY by shining our LIGHT🌟 as we pass from one world to another, bringing our STAR🌟 like quality to all whom we meet.
LAMAT assists us in discovering ABUNDANCE today, redefining our concept of what ABUNDANCE 🌻means to us and where it exists in all of creation. Knowing that ABUNDANCE is INFINITE and unlimited – forever flowing throughout all creation as infinite potential.
The YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL highlights the infinite and endless FLOW of ABUNDANCE that is available for all beings from our DIVINE CREATOR. Today we have an 888 TRIPLE ABUNDANCE code and it is a GAP – portal day – so the vault to the storehouse of GOLD is wide open and accessible to all who are aligned with its frequency. 💰💰💰
As we redefine the meaning of TRUE ABUNDANCE, we can appreciate and recognize the beauty, peace and harmony that exists, when duality is unified into one stream of consciousness. No friction or resistance, just PURE UNIFIED FLOW. 🌊🌊🌊
As we apply our wisdom and explore how to stabilize our lives as a living work of Art, 🎨 we begin to experience true Bliss on Earth. 🌏💞
When we share this wisdom with our kin, broadcast through the crystalline Grid🌐 we can multiply our influence as we connect with like minds.
LAMAT UNITES us today with our beautiful brethren, to laugh, dance and sing, as we explore wondrous new worlds of infinite possibilities together. 👫👬👭💞
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE LUNAR NIGHT 🌓🌃💰 AKBAL challenges us to be open to SEE and face any hidden FEARS and insecurities, that could impede our FULL experience of all that we EXPLORE. To be open to allow the full experience of the ABUNDANCE 🌻💰🌈 in the life that we are living.
You may also be challenged to find a balance between solitude and service, needing to come out of hiding, from your secure safety zone. Discover and satisfy your true spiritual desires, and create JOY in your everyday work and play. It is time to EMERGE from your cave!
Help to bring the LIGHT✨ of HEAVEN💒 into the physical Earth🌏 plane today, being the conduit to unite the two pillars! Create a balance between being IN the world, and being a SKYWALKER! ✨🚶🍥✨
Today’s question is ” Can I find a BALANCE between feeling safe and secure, and EXPANDING into new territory – FREE from limitations to discover my TRUE ABUNDANCE?”
NOTE: If today is your Gregorian B-Earth-day -i.e. 8 OCTOBER 2024 get ready to pack your bags, grab your supplies and off you go! You have an exciting YEAR of discovering greater WISDOM through exotic 🏝🏖🏔 adventures!
Lots of travel, adventure, movement and EXPLORATION ahead! TIME to renew your PASSPORT and frequent flyer membership! ✈✈✈ No barriers to INFINITE ADVENTURE!! ✨✨✨
Divine blessings for exploring NEW places and AQUARIAN spaces to find your TRUE BLISS💞
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 6th through 12th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 6th through 12th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Healing Guided Meditation for the New Earth & 10:10 Activation Portal.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste







Divine rest in the grace of Source. Palpable, pure compassion.
Because #Ascension
Divine rest
Divine rest

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