You are currently viewing Goddess Ma Durge ~ TEARING UP THE DARK CONTRACTS * Geostorms Ahead: Use the Open Field and Plasma ~ Soul Quintessence

Goddess Ma Durge ~ TEARING UP THE DARK CONTRACTS * Geostorms Ahead: Use the Open Field and Plasma ~ Soul Quintessence

Goddess Ma Durge ~ TEARING UP THE DARK CONTRACTS * Geostorms Ahead: Use the Open Field and Plasma ~ Soul Quintessence



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Soul Star Shamans of Gaia Galactica

Over the next several days Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun will be flooded with Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine particles from the x7 and x9 solar flares and 2 CMEs released from our local Soularis.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue to prepare for the coming Quantum Leap of Consciousness and Rainbow Body Event. The Blue Ray, Gold Ray and Violet Ray are flowing into this realm from the most High Infinite Source Creator to assist our Ground Crew Team in the transformation and transfiguration of our Solar Diamond Light Bodies of Infinite Life.

Today is the second day of 9 Nights of Navaratri. The second day of Navaratri is dedicated to Maa Brahmacharini, one of the nine forms of Goddess Durga.

In meditation we realize our True Nature of Buddha Mind, the Awakened State of Pure Awareness, and free ourselves from the wheels of samsara to become the Guides, Teachers and Wayshowers of the New Earth.

In our Collective efforts of right action we raise the vibration of our Core Essence and as we rise like Phoenixes into the night skies we resolve all things perfectly and bridge Heaven and Earth with our Divine Will and Pure Intent.

Keep the threefold flame in your Sacred Heart Center burning bright as we Illuminate this realm with Divine Providence… Aho!








Neha Mewari

October 04, 2024

Navratri 2024 Day 2: Maa Brahmacharini Puja Rituals, Mantras, and Chants

Navratri 2024 Day 2 is dedicated to Maa Brahmacharini, revered for her penance and devotion. Worship her for courage, wisdom, and emotional balance through rituals and chanting.

वन्दे वाञ्छितलाभाय चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखराम्।जपमाला कमण्डलु धरा ब्रह्मचारिणी शुभाम्॥Vande Vanchhitalabhaya Chandrardhakritashekharam।Japamala Kamandalu Dhara Brahmacharini Shubham॥त्रिपुरा में हृदयम् पातु ललाटे पातु शङ्करभामिनी।र्पण सदापातु नेत्रो, अर्धरी च कपोलो॥Tripura Mein Hridayam Patu Lalate Patu Shankarabhamini।Arpana Sadapatu Netro, Ardhari Cha Kapolo॥
Navratri 2024 Day 2:  Maa Brahmacharini Aarti
जय अम्बे ब्रह्मचारिणी माता। जय चतुरानन प्रिय सुख दाता॥ब्रह्मा जी के मन भाती हो। ज्ञान सभी को सिखलाती हो॥ब्रह्म मन्त्र है जाप तुम्हारा। जिसको जपे सरल संसारा॥जय गायत्री वेद की माता। जो जन जिस दिन तुम्हें ध्याता॥कमी कोई रहने ना पाये। कोई भी दुःख सहने न पाये॥उसकी विरति रहे ठिकाने। जो तेरी महिमा को जाने॥रद्रक्षा की माला ले कर। जपे जो मन्त्र श्रद्धा दे कर॥आलस छोड़ करे गुणगाना। माँ तुम उसको सुख पहुँचाना॥ब्रह्मचारिणी तेरो नाम। पूर्ण करो सब मेरे काम॥भक्त तेरे चरणों का पुजारी। रखना लाज मेरी महतारी॥

Divine Feminine 7777

Every day, We are birthing a New Age/New World we want to live in.

It is a process that is happening all the time. It is not done in a day, in a week or in a year. It is a transformation. A rebirth. We are working hard at times and are enjoying at other times. Our journey is not easy all the time and sometimes we are not ready to move forward or feel into the darkness/shadows. But then after going around in circles we are finally ready to make the next step. We take a leap of faith and move forward despite the fear that is holding us back.
And after that we feel the expansion of new energy coming into our systems. We are opening up, clearing the old out of your systems, bringing more light in. It is a process of re-birth. Be courageous and do what feels right in your heart, not what other people say or what your ego says. After a while you will do it anyway because you will not be able to ignore the nudges of your soul or your gut feeling/intuition. If you are in the present, connected to your soul, allowing yourself to feel it all, process is so much easier.
Enjoy the transformation and love your self a little more each day.
New Age
New Age


Watch closely as the Solar Flares X Class and the Exorcism Plasma is cracking up the Satanic Order on earth. Its manifesting loudly thru exposures of heinous crimes by famous followers of the Cult on earth. Not engaging its common terminology on purpose!
But the cracking of the dark mirror is not directly by the Light. That is the effect of the cause. The Dark Lodge on earth is ENDING THE CONTRACTS OF PROTECTION provided to all who entered into the Satanic Contract. It is He/That, who is releasing its followers into the direct sunlight to get incinerated. Literally – He/That/It has begun to throw its loyal members (who entered into Deal with It) to the wolves…to be eaten!
You know what happens when Divine Protection is removed. As We have scribed here many a time! Now observe consciously to what happens when the Dark Protection is removed. The end is similar in both cases. Though, severity levels are different, and in this case – harsh and cruel!
Prior to the inception of Exorcism, only those who deserted or violated, as well as those who denied the invitation, were terminated. In addition, some were sacrificed just as they sacrificed to become big- Whitney Houston for the entry of baby Blue Ivy of Jay-Z and Beyonce.
But now – the Exorcism and the progressive X Class Solar Flares have managed to rupture the texture of the Dark Lodge which, has begun to spin into a mighty ferocious dis-spin, malfunction and system breakdown. It has begun shredding the Live Contracts of its members, esp the Core Inner Group…..
More thru website later….
The Xclass 7.1 and the 9.15 shall begin entry into earth by the 4th and 5th in the west zone and thereafter in the eastern sphere. It effects have been recalibrated after adjustment levels were reached thru trial upon the bodies of the “Front-Line Light Workers”. They faced a terrible onslaught…the worst so far!
The Solar Eclipse, that brought in the Venusian Healing, and Ma Durge Goddess’s entry has sealed the Light Beings on earth with Divine Protection. Hope you all read that Article as that information is so important to consciously Know what is happening.
Dark Lodge and all it entails is microscopically explained in the 3rd Tablet: “The Amethyst Tablet”.
Good night! Namaste!
first time ever has this intel been revealed on earth.
Light Protection vs Dark Protection
ma durge
ma durge



10/4/24: October 2024 magnifies the energy of each of its days as it also brings closure to a way of being. Today we double down on number 4. In some cultures the 4 represents the creative and stabilizing aspects of the Divine. In others it signifies death. This month will show you in many ways that you can’t go back. Your power, moving forward, is not for resuscitation but for a new emergence. Memento mori says to remember that death inevitably comes.
As you go through today think about what you want to take with you when your time here is done. Your mind is gathering a lot of information in this lifetime, but of what value in the end? What is made on earth will remain here. Your consciousness will carry on when your body quits… and it will take with it what has been gathered in your heart.


Dear friends, a major X9.0 solar flare was detected yesterday around Earth facing sunspot region 3842. This is the strongest X-Ray event of the current solar cycle, and a strong impact of a CME is quite likely in the coming days. This is in fact the strongest solar flare in 7 years. The last time we had solar flares bigger than this one was back in 2017. And just recently, the day before the eclipse, we had an X7 flare, which will also likely result in a G2-G3 solar wind storm arriving this weekend.
These intense X solar flares occuring before and after eclipses are acting like amplifiers of the solar lightcodes, assisting with the opening of our energy fields and the release of deeply embedded low frequencies from our soul and DNA structures. As you see, solar consciousness is a constant key player in our human evolutionary journey.
Physically, solar flares recalibrate our biological rhythms, may disrupt sleep patterns and amplify fatigue. Our cardiovascular systems respond to the solar radiation, increasing heart rate and blood pressure. Headaches and migraines may emerge as our nervous system adapts to the electromagnetic shifts.
Emotionally, solar flares unleash a maelstrom of feelings, oscillating between anxiety and euphoria. Our intuition heightens, creativity surges, and emotional releases purge outdated patterns often in the form of vivid dreams. This inner metamorphosis heralds a new era of self-awareness.
Spiritually, solar flares encode our DNA with cosmic wisdom, aligning our energetic structures with the solar logarithm. Our psychic sensitivity expands, bridging the gap between dimensions. The veil between worlds thins, allowing us to access higher realms and new revelatory insights.
Globally, solar flares reshape our reality. Communication systems may falter, power grids fluctuate, and weather patterns transform. Earth’s tectonic plates also respond, awakening dormant energies.
To harmonize with these solar fluxes, we must attune our being. Hydrate, ground, and center yourself. Engage in meditative practices, body movements, and conscious breathing. Limit electronic exposure and large crowds, and synchronize your rhythms with nature.
As we navigate this solar awakening weekend, remember: transformation begins within. Embrace the flux, and let this cosmic energy ignite your true potential.
Stay tuned for more updates as we await for the solar winds to arrive into our atmosphere. We will most likely see beautiful auroras at high latitudes around the world soon. Have a wonderful weekend, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

Geostorms Ahead: Use the Open Field and Plasma

Reminders for Strong Flares & Geomagnetic Events
Blessings Beloveds ~
Magnetic fluctuations and plasma influxes are a perfect opportunity to level up. Profound changes in our fields, heart, consciousness, DNA, and Ascension process can be made. Our awareness shifts from separation to pure Unity/Kryst presence, with the support of lowered magnetic density.
Sustained geomagnetic storms can produce perfect conditions for prepared, coherent hearts to experience reunion with the I AM Presence. This happened to me three years ago during an intense three day K-8 storm.
Lengthy, sustained K-7, 8 & 9 level storms are a gateway: the magnetic field opens up, and consciousness-shifting plasma flows in.
Solar flares, CMEs and Plasma filaments are a normal and supportive part of our reality now. Don’t let the numbers scare you; we had an X-40 flare in 2003. The difference now is our thin and fluctuating magnetosphere, combined with the intensity of realm-shifting plasma particles as we traverse the photon belt.
When strong magnetic storms last longer than a day or two, we are exposed to high-level Cosmic rays, plasma, harmonics, and DNA-awakening frequencies. We get exposed to new energies, beyond the dense veils held in the old magnetic fields.
Solaris released X class Earth-directed flares in the last few days, with CMEs; an abundance of consciousness-shifting light and plasma. Many feel this realm-shifting plasma as it influences our hearts, minds, and trajectories. October is an acceleration passage; use this wisely as Light information enters Gaia’s fields.
Stay grounded and centered during the influxes this weekend. Spaceweather folks predict the Earth-directed activity to land on Friday & Saturday. Our magnetic field shield is very unpredictable, as are the plasma influxes (storms and plasma waves can happen without Solar activity as well.)
You may be feeling the bizarre and beautiful changes in the field already. Plan to spend time outside in nature, bathing in the Cosmic Mother Plasma. Meditate. Open your heart. Be in your chosen realm state to accelerate the reality experience you desire. Use the energy for expansion and self-reflection. Stay hydrated with extra minerals and electrolytes – this is our daily practice as Solar activity increases.
Many may feel anxiety, polarization, emotional or mental imbalances or releases. It is a perfect moment to gently guide others into calm activities, nature, breathwork, simple creativity, and heart-based choices.
Check the auroral oval charts to see if the storm creates auroras for your area.
In Love, Light, and Service,


Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Pensieve
Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Pensieve
Image Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Pensieve:
A Pensieve was a very rare and powerful magical item. They were a magical device used to store and review memories. Pensieves were rare because only the most advanced wizards ever use them, and because the majority of wizardkind is afraid of doing so. When in use, a silvery liquid etheric light shines from its contents.

The dimensional veils are thinning.

We are re~mem~bering the structured syntax of the watery memory field, and are reclaiming our ability to interface with realities through our innate fluidity.
If we consider the principle of the doctrine of signatures as a language of the Divinity held in Nature that we are learning to decipher, and that the patterns and expressions of water memory are magnetic, we can begin to innerstand how sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory weave through the omnipresent condensed liquid light fields of the observer and the observed as a dimensional visual array.
Consciously co creating within this memory field greatly influences the outcomes of the collective experience manifold.
Sonoluminescence and other factors will pave the way for greater collaboration between the seen and unseen worlds. These principles are flooding our crystalline memory banks with undiluted correspondence and coherence as Ancient Thaw, Primordial Flow.
We Are the Way of Water, the fluid eterna~lite flame that does not consume.
This is my 33 year co creating with the Divinity held in Nature, recording and encapsulating primordial encodements within water memory, especially through vibrational Quintessence systems co created at Sacred Power Sites around our planet.
This liquid light system is known as Soul Quintessence System
Hence the SQS in between my name.
Quint-essence, in ancient philosophy and medieval alchemy, is “a pure essence latent in all things, and the substance of which the heavenly bodies are composed,” literally the fifth element – “fifth essence.”
The alchemist of old knew that when the four elements, namely earth, air, water, and fire came together in harmonic Union a highest and most refined element was made manifest.
I look forward to continuing this deep immersion and exploration into the field of Asgat Nefer – meaning the harmony of water as it is known by the ancient wisdom of the Khemitians of pre pharaonic Egypt.
Applying the principles of both feminine and masculine waters al’Khem’ised as Nefer ~ meaning a pure harmonious state.
Rise Homo Luminous, rise and shine.
Super-Quantum Shift
Super-Quantum Shift
Photo: Daniel Holeman

The Super-Quantum Shift

We are the midst of a super-quantum shift, and this is going to escalate into the next year or so.
To me this is ultimate awakening, to the truth of who and what we are – in truth, as all the shackles and bonds which held us prisoner for so long, now totally fall off.
When I do my cleansing and clearing meditation, every single morning, using the White Flame of Purification, Clarity, and Love, I always work not only with my spine, but all my chakras, and then to into my physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and all my bodies and fields.
Often things will surface from the deepest subconscious which needs its final release, and this is not only to do with my own soul and soul connections, but with ancestral patterns, with oaths, contracts, vows, etc. as well as country and world patterns, as my soul is called to do so. This is immensely freeing. One sees the shackles, the bonds, the pain, shame, and guilt of generations after generations falling off and you see how humanity was caught in this whole network, and now finally can break free.
I have witnessed this here in Africa and in France, Greece and Egypt, where I so often was called to, to release souls, and more than this, to clear the energy vortices, and lines and then found all the atrocities humanity has ever been able to create, which also means half-man/half-beast and the robots the Atlanteans created and who later turned on their own creators. One cannot witness such, and not be touched to the core of your heart and soul. No greater truth was ever spoken than the words: “Father/Mother forgive them, for they did not know what they were doing!” (To themselves primarily and then to the greater whole.)
This said, we are now in the New Earth and in the fifth dimension, as this has now been fully anchored in. Or course, there are many who will choose to stay in old earth, mainly out of fear, and not ascend. Yet, no soul is ever lost, as I have always been told, for the Divine is present in all souls and all life and life forms, whether they are conscious of it or not, or choose to experience what they choose to experience, the acting roles they choose to play out.
Within there is such inner joy when writing this, as I was sharing with my students last night, for it is now the new beginning. And that new beginning lies within every single one of us. WITHIN. Not outside, for it will seem as if everything has gone mad and as if chaos and destruction reigns, when in truth it is merely exposing all which always has been, even as the old earth disintegrates and the new is being born.
Do not be surprised when you start to see and live multi-dimensionality now. Do not be surprised, if you suddenly start to find that you have talents, abilities and knowledge which seemingly is coming from nowhere, when in truth, it is your own soul which is now finally freed to express your true soul talents and abilities you have had, since you first were born as soul.
In my Soul Readings this factor has come to the fore so powerfully in the last few months, that every soul is now asked to look at the next ten years, as the years, where they truly use these soul abilities, to co-create the New Golden Age. This is why they are here!
I have been told emphatically by Lord Melchizedek and the High Order of Melchizedek, to sketch, to write down, and to start implementing what I have been shown I am being called to bring into form and being. To not worry how this is all going to manifest into form and being, but rather, to TRUST, and then to follow my inner guidance, and take action steps, and this will draw synchronized events to me. This applies to all of us. Yet important: Note your INTENT needs to be pure, and always for the highest good of all, for the I now become THE WE. Unity. Oneness.
It all starts there within your heart and soul, and truth of who and what you are in truth. Your heart is womb where the seeds prosper and grow in love, and with love.
Let co-create the new from the depths of our hearts and soul and all our true Being, and truly usher in the New Golden Age!
And so, it is!
Judith Kusel


For The Path Of Humanity, Is To Evolve, Uprise, Align To The Evolutionary Projected Mission Encoded In Light.
An Ancient Script Encoded Within The Physical – Light Body Interaction. A Dualistic Containment That Holds The Physical And The Light Form. In A Neatly Position Formation Aligned To The Physical Density Of Now 🙏
Like A Vast Package Opening, It is A Task For The Unfoldement To Be Presented. As The Tides Of Light Ebb And Flow. The Light Evolution Of The Narrative Of Your World, In Alignment With The Great Passage Of Time.
The Great Path Of Now Is The Path Before US, As We Ebb And Flow In Light. The Trajectory Of The Human Upgrade Is A Complex Passage That Must Align With The Natural Ways Of The Universe, In Alignment With Gaia And All Beings.
Stay Close To Nature, Find Your Local Light Allies, Return To The Path Of Hu-man Nature Connection With All Beings.
The Temptation Of The Greater Collective Is Now Uprising As The Advancement Of The Hu-man Form Uprises.
Stay In Alignment Of Light To Focus The Unified Field Of Humanity. In A Space Of Unconditional Love 🙏
May You Focus On The Path Of Heart Consciousness, Aligned To The Natural World Of Harmony 🌿 Peace ❤ Expansion Of Higher Light.
For The Advanced Collective Higher Light Mission Is Uprising 🙏
Together In Light 💫
Thank You For Your Contribution, The Path Of Unity Consciousness Is All Around US ❤
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Divine Feminine Christ Prophets

Prophecy is the intuitive sound wave that the Divine Feminine Christ can inherently tune into.  She is the seer that holds in her hands the power of Creation.  Divinely guided, she knows exactly what to create in the most perfect of timing, in preparation for what is to come.  Through her connection with God Source she receives the advantage of insights.  Utilizing this Wisdom helps navigate through the noise of the external world and listen to world God wants her to create.  

 Embodying the Wisdom of Prophecy requires a strong trust in the knowledge that you are receiving.  That is the fastest way to build the muscle of being a conduit and receiver of what is to come.  

 It is important to take action on the guidance given. To keep the information private while you create, so there are no interferences.  To nurture and protect the prophecy until it has birthed.  And most of all to be in service to the Most High in co-creation of making God’s plans a reality through you.  

 You are the container of God in physical form.  This is the most powerful embodiment there is because you can take an idea, and energy, and materialize it.  That is one of the reasons why you are here on Earth at this time.  

 In partnership with God it is your birthright as the Divine Feminine Christ to be a Wayshower and Leader of God’s prophecy, and make it a reality.

Divine Feminine Christ Prophets
Divine Feminine Christ Prophets

Ra James

Today brings us a potent triangle with Venus, Mars, and Saturn retrograde under the three water signs Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces. That’s a lot of water that will amp up your intuition and feeling things. This triple trine will bring a lot of positivity and good fortune. It’s all about trusting your gut and going with the flow. See what your intuition is pulling you towards during this time. It’s bringing major all or nothing vibes. Today, the Moon leaves Libra to enter Scorpio.
Venus in Scorpio is in a powerful aspect with Saturn in Pisces. We have a major focus on relationships. Venus is ruler of Libra and is in harmony with Saturn the ruler of Capricorn. These energies are bringing a reality check. They are bringing up any commitment to relationships and little extra right now. This powerful influence brings a blend of love and responsibility. The union between these two Planets can bring a lot of stability. When Venus is in Scorpio it drives passion to feverish heights while demanding deep emotional honesty. Scorpio’s ruling planet Pluto brings an intense energy. Expect some added depth in your relationship during this time.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune and is adding a dose of compassion, intuition and spiritual growth. This combination creates an atmosphere ripe for serious commitments that are equally compassionate. When Venus forms a trine with Saturn, both energies complement each other beautifully enhancing areas such as long-term romantic partnerships. These energies could push you to take your commitments to others more seriously. Expect plot twists in your love life. We are still integrating the energies of the last Eclipse which could have thrown things out of balance for you. As Venus continues in Scorpio, some relationships may be tested involving commitments and vulnerability…
life of your dreams
life of your dreams
Over the weekend, Venus (ruler of the Libra eclipse) in Scorpio forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces followed by Mercury in Libra forming a square to Mars in Cancer.
As we move deeper into the ‘purging’ and transformational energies associated with Wednesday’s Solar Eclipse in Libra, we are now provided with a ‘sober’ look at what we have created for ourselves in terms of the repercussions of self-sabotage that result from self-imposed limits on our worthiness.
Taking responsibility for our own influence in our experiences can be humbling to our egos but it almost always contributes to a maturing of our souls which was the whole point of going ‘through’ these experiences in the first place and the only way to ‘up level’ our perception of self-worth…
But, figuring out what to DO about what we uncover may be difficult as we start the week since our minds are likely to be indecisive and our emotions are likely to be ‘stirred’ in a way that makes it challenging to ‘focus’ our actions toward a clear and definitive path that feels ‘good’ on ALL levels!
Stillness and meditation may be a better approach for now or at least a willingness to ACCEPT that we may have to act with limited information and no guarantees.
On Friday, October 4th, beautiful Venus, ruler of values and self-worth, is in passionate, water sign Scorpio and is in a positive trine aspect to Saturn, ruler of structure and form, in ethereal, water sign Pisces. The Divine Feminine is strong now, holding her ground, and moving into her determined power. Goddess Venus also rules partnerships and finances.
With Saturn’s influence, this is great for commitment in all of our relationships, and helpful with making long term investments. And, not just investments of the monetary kind, but investments in our health, well-being, time, gifts, projects and efforts. The Scorpio and Pisces water element says to go with the flow, surrender, trust and have faith in the process unfolding. Be grounded in your power now!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
beautiful Venus, ruler of values and self-worth, is in passionate, water sign Scorpio
beautiful Venus, ruler of values and self-worth, is in passionate, water sign Scorpio
Mercury in Libra quincunx Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Sun in Libra square Ceres in Capricorn. Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn retrograde in Pisces – The earlier part of the day feels grey, a drizzly rain that inches its way under your sleeves and down your neck. The mind is hung up on responsibilities, rules, resistance. Part of us falls into line to keep the peace, the other continues to mutter under its breath. Maybe the problem is that we’ve lost touch with what we need or what we cherish. Or perhaps we’ve just forgotten how to be a good parent to ourselves.
Because sometimes we must say no to the inner child, set a good example, healthy boundaries and a strong schedule. Sometimes we need structure and discipline to feel loved and cared for. Deep commitment is required now to create the type of powerful connection that last a lifetime or to see the fruition of creative urges. Take your ideas seriously. Invest in your dreams. Root yourself in love.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 14°Li08′, Saturn 14°Pi08′ R – 07:46 (BST)
Sun 11°Li34′, Ceres 11°Cp34′ – 08:34 (BST)
Venus 14°Sc07′, Saturn 14°Pi07′ R – 18:03 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Study of tree trunks by John Constable
Study of tree trunks
Study of tree trunks

Kin 89 ~ Red Spectral Moon

‘Spectral’ is the name for the number 11 and its keywords are ‘Liberation, Release and Dissolve’. The 11th day is always in opposition to the wavespell energy. So, as we are in the Blue Storm wavespell and Red Moon is the challenge of the Blue Storm, in a sense we are liberated from that wavespell agenda for one day. The number 11 releases and frees us and liberation feels pretty good. (especially if you are a Red Moon!)
Today, as I said, is the Red Moon which represents ‘Purify, Flow and Universal Water’. The Moon has a huge influence on the tides of the oceans and the tides of time. We are undeniably affected by the moon. It is foolish to try like King Canute, to stop the tide …no one has such power and so our only option is to surrender and ‘go with the flow’. This fits perfectly with the number 11 energy. In complete contrast to the crazy Blue Storm wavespell agenda, today is the calmness in the eye of the storm. Be still, chillax and let go. There is nothing you can do about it anyway.
Today’s Guide is Red Moon too and so a double dose of chilling out is the order of the day. There really isn’t any point in trying to change anything today or to try to control the outcome of any plans. A double dose of Moon energy is just too much Lunar influence and the tide is too strong.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm and so today is opposing or very different. This is a break if you like from the stormy weather for today but it’s not over yet! No big changes are expected today but a relief from the upheaval of late. If you’ve been struggling with all the disruption, you’ll be glad the Storm is weakened. Relax today and save your energy because the Storm has 2 more days to mess with you. If you are a Blue Storm, you too could do with letting go for one day.
The Occult is the Yellow Human which happens to be the next wavespell too and so everything seems very connected. The Human is the vessel, divinely designed to channel wisdom. They are the psychics of the Tzolkin and when in this magical position, the wisdom they channel can be quite magical. We all can do this today, especially if we succeed in releasing and relaxing…that opens up the third eye nicely.
The Ally is the White Dog and everyone knows how good dogs are at living in the moment and relaxing too. Find a Dog to chill out with today…they are buddies with the Red Moon clan for a reason, their laid-back attitude is very similar to the Moon’s energy. Go to a beach if you can, take the dog and watch the waves hit the shore. If you can’t physically do that, imagine it, this really sums up the energy of ‘Spectral Moon’. If you don’t know a Dog, tap into this Ally power and enjoy the playfulness.
Kin 89
Kin 89


11 MULUC – KIN 89
4 OCTOBER 2024
Releasing flow
I seal the process of Universal water
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
4/10/2024 = 4/10/8 = 4/18=4/9=13=4
✨13/4✨ NEW EARTH portal
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
13-Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval.endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 89 = 17/8 Infinity/Abundance 💰💰
A day of further cleansing and purifIcation in order to build a new solid foundation of PEACE, and ABUNDANCE!
Today is a very special day – RED SPECTRAL MOON🌀🌜 – KIN 89 marks the final passing and ASCENSION🕊 date of Jose’ Arguelles.
SPECTRAL days DISSOLVE – RELEASE🌀 and LIBERATE💥 and indeed he was totally FREED and released from his human vessel on that destined day – 23 March 2011. On this day of our PLANETARY LIBERATION 🎉 we align with the celebration of Jose’s Ascension. ✨🕊✨
Jose was born on 24th January, 1939 on BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY🌀🐒 -KIN 11 day. His purpose was to DISSOLVE, release and LIBERATE us on a PLANETARY level from illusions. Jose’ campaigned tirelessly for PLANETARY LIBERATION and release from the GREGORIAN calendar and the Artificial matrix we were all trapped in. Today we witness Jose’s MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 💥💥
KIN 89 reduces to the number 17 which is the code of immortality and leaving a LEGACY, and fittingly Jose did just that. He orchestrated the FIRST GLOBAL synchronized meditations and activations for Planetary PEACE🕊 and Harmony🌹 through his organization of the GLOBAL HARMONIC CONVERGENCE in 1987, which paved the way for our LIBERATION today!
Jose’ left an incredible LEGACY on this PLANET – the DREAMSPELL CALENDAR and the RINRI PROJECT (the circumpolar rainbow bridge}🌈 which is a GALACTIC CODEX navigating our Ascension journey through the LIGHT encodements contained therein. An incredible MASTER who was subjected to disdain and ridicule (as most change agents are) and for the most part did not receive the honourable recognition he deserved as the true TIMELORD and GENIUS that he is!💫💫
Please take a moment to touch your HEART❤ and give gratitude and LOVE, to this remarkable Divine soul. ✨🕊✨ We are ALL truly blessed that he walked this Earth to guide us in this R-evolutionary time. Aho!
Day 11 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. This is the day we CELEBRATE our PLANETARY LIBERATION,💥 from the past. 🎊🎇🎈
All the energies collectively were built up and released in a wondrous EXPLOSION of LIGHT, ✨🎇✨ self-generated by the STAR 🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS,🌞 anchoring, grounding and radiating this ✨ LIGHT✨ in the HU-MAN global grid.🌐
Today we can RELEASE🎇 the necessity to generate any more energy for transformation.
We can simply LET GO, and choose to GO WITH THE NEW FLOW.🌫🌫🌫
SPECTRAL🌀 is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE the PAST and move forward FEARLESSLY FREE from obstructions.
The SPECTRAL action will dissolve all impediments to you finally claiming your true POWER and abundance. Wiping the slate clean you can now build a new foundation of solid abundance! .
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity – inviting you to step through into a NEW WORLD filled with joy and unlimited prosperity.
What are you waiting for? HOP TO IT! 🐇🐇🐇
Today’s question is “What do I need to DISSOLVE, in order to feel totally LIBERATED, and FLOW with the unconditional LOVE of THE GODDESS?”🌊❤🌊❤🌊❤
Divine blessings for your final LIBERATION💥 and finding your beautiful Goddess flow! 🌫❤
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED SPECTRAL MOON 🌀🌀👸👸 – MULUC. Following on from yesterday’s Yellow Planetary Star, where GAIA was the RISING STAR,🌟 today La Luna 🌙 continues to be in the SPOTLIGHT giving us a DOUBLE dose of RED MOON energy!
MULUC represents THE GODDESS, and now she is claiming her POWER and has now unleashed a DOUBLE dose of her energies, revealing to us that THE SPECTRAL GODDESS, means business!🌀🌀🌫🌫 👸👸
The Spectral Goddess🌀👸 code is seeking to LIBERATE our deepest FEARS, and AWAKEN our psychic, intuitive, feeling abilities! The GODDESS of LOVE is activating our sensual feminine side, bringing in more PLEASURE and FUN..It is time to LIBERATE our SHAKTI!!❤❤❤❤❤
It is now TIME to be released and LIBERATED from the old Patriarchal control Matrix – BRING ON THE GODDESS! ❤👸🌹 Our world definitely needs a HUGE dose of unconditional LOVE, compassion and nurturance. BIG GROUP HUG!! 👫👬👭💏
Today we have a 13/4 code which is the coding for NEW EARTH – constructing a beautiful foundation based on COMPASSION and LOVE. 13 is the frequency of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS and the GODDESS and so her POWERS are amplified today – TO THE MAX!!!!!!!! Let’s go COSMIC!!
The GODDESS brings forth greater intuition, psychic powers, sensitivity and gentle feminine flow through the action of her Universal waters. 🌫 Bathe in her gentle waters today, and dissolve any remnants of the old energies, allow your feelings to FLOW and be purified with the currents of change and transformation.🌀🌫
Allow these Waves🌊🌊 of Change to LIBERATE and FREE you, from the chains that bound you. THANK GODDESS, WE ARE NOW FREE!!!💥 Allow your INNER GODDESS to surface and FLOW.
SUPPORT: WHITE DOG ❤🐕– OC -the SPECTRAL DOG🌀🐕 is LIBERATING the FLOW of MORE LOVE! 💕 OC brings forth the energies of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, the favourite current-sea of the GODDESS! Huge LOVE codes today – beloved STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS!🌞😍😍
The SPECTRAL DOG 🌀🐕– dissolves our HEART❤ WALLS and any impediments to the FLOW of more LOVE❤ in our lives. The dissolution of all past hurts – through betrayal, abandonment, deceit and any form of harm, or lack in relationship with others, is possible today.. You just need to OPEN your HEART❤ and be prepared to FORGIVE all. All water under the bridge!
OC releases a huge planetary wave of LOVE,🌊💕 for us all to ride home on, accessed through our pure, cleansed Hearts. Today we can SURRENDER to the power of LOVE, be that self-love, from our beloveds (or betrothed), our planet, and our CREATOR!
TAP into the Universal power of the endless LOVE flowing throughout the Cosmos! 😍😍😍
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW ELECTRIC HUMAN 💡☺ – EB enables us to look back from where we have come with greater wisdom, honouring our path and our experiences as part of our soul’s journey. Now older and much wiser, we are FREED from the karma and lessons. Now we can fearlessly choose to align with unconditional love, and the emotional wisdom of our prophetic ancestors.
The ELECTRIC HUMAN💡😊 is beckoning us to release our Emotional wounding,and seek solace and soul fulfillment, through bonding together with our kin, in order to serve the GODDESS.
We are guided to ALIGN with DIVINE WILL, in order to LIBERATE the ABUNDANCE for all, that EB is providing.. Flowing ABUNDANCE and the gift of WISDOM – wonderful qualities for our New World communities.
The qualities of the DIVINE HU-MAN will be amplified over this coming YELLOW HU-MAN WAVESPELL commencing in 3 days time on 7 October 2024.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SPECTRAL STORM 🌀🌩🌪– CAUAC – The SPECTRAL STORM is catalyzing tremendous POWER today, amplifying the influence of the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL.. We really have reached a CRESCENDO today! 🌀🌪🌩🌀
CAUAC provides more catalyzing transformational energies giving us a DOUBLE dose of the STORM. Together with DOUBLE RED MOON, we have a QUADRELLA of cleansing energies 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀
DOUBLE, BUBBLE, RELEASE the RUBBLE!!!🌩🌨 Purifying our vessel through our thoughts and emotions in order to LIBERATE💥 ourselves and become purer conduits, for the GODDESS to FLOW through us!
We are now FREE to be the MAGNIFICENT GALACTIC CHANGE AGENTS that we came here to be, FREE to assist others in their AWAKENING process, catalyzing greater Planetary transformation. AND SO MOTE IT BE! X3🌀🌀💥💥🌐🌫
Today’s question is “What do I need to DISSOLVE, in order to feel totally LIBERATED, and FLOW with the unconditional LOVE of THE GODDESS?”🌊❤🌊❤🌊❤
Divine blessings for your final LIBERATION💥 and finding your beautiful Goddess flow! 🌫❤
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New on Patreon ~ Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation with the Sacred Condor 🔥


🌊✨ Embark on a journey of profound healing with our “Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation.” Let the calming energy of the blue ray wash over you, soothing your mind, healing your heart, and restoring balance to your entire being. This meditation is designed to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and a rejuvenating experience that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

What You’ll Experience:

Guided Visualization: Immerse yourself in a serene landscape where the blue ray, symbolizing purity, protection, and healing, envelops you in its comforting light.

During this meditation, you will connect with the blue healing light, allowing it to envelop your entire being, bringing clarity to the mind, peace to the heart, and rejuvenation to the body. This guided experience will help you release emotional blockages, soothe physical discomforts, and realign your chakras with higher vibrations.

Relaxing Atmosphere: Accompanied by gentle ambient music or the soothing sounds of nature, making your meditation experience deeply immersive.

Why Choose This Meditation?
Perfect for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
Ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety, stress, or looking to enhance their healing journey.
Can be used as part of your daily wellness routine or as a special treat for self-care.

Join us in this tranquil voyage towards inner peace and healing. Hit play, take a deep breath, and let the blue ray transform your day.


CLICK HERE to enjoy the Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation



Stellar Sol
Galactic Imprint
Fractal Lineage
24 Genetics
Star Wars
Orion Conflict
Aeon Closing
Hologram Gods
Game of Thrones
Dominion / Epoch
Entity-God Matrix
Apex Predator
Body under Siege
Overlords Inception
Ethereal Construct
3rd Eye / Chakras
Black Rock Tech
Da Vinci Code
Babylon Rule
Red Wedding
One Battle Royal
Star-Trek Contact
Star Nations Lore
Galactic Council
Feminine Being
Prime Creators
Wise Mothers
Solar System
Music of Spheres
Push-Pull System
Moons & Planets
Ascending Earth
Elon from Mars
Sun Illuminates
Universal Beings
Planetary Womb
Heart Sol Portal
Mother Father
Golden Child
Angels Presence
Legions of Light
Sol Essence
Right Action
First Light
On Line
1×1 is Infinity
Eternal Being
Way of Water
Eternal Being
Eternal Being

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