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Wayshowers - Create the New Earth Paradigm

Last Portal of the Corridor ~ PLANETARY “EVACUATION” * Wayshowers: Create the New Earth Paradigm ~ THE TWO MOONS

Last Portal of the Corridor ~ PLANETARY “EVACUATION” * Wayshowers: Create the New Earth Paradigm ~ THE TWO MOONS





Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Celestial Soul Legion of our Tribe of the 144

With a few more days to prepare for this final Soular Eclipse and New Moon in Libra on Wednesday Oct 2nd. All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are completing their journey within, into the Kingdom of Heaven to blaze the threefold flame of Spirit within their Sacred Heart Centers.

Our Crystalline Diamond Rainbow Bodies of Infinite Light are being lit up and activated for our final missions of full Planetary Liberation. The Crystal Palace in the Center of the Brain is resonating at Source Frequency as we step into our roles as Wayshowers of the New Eden Timeline.

With our Hierarchies of Light and Company of Heaven by our sides, surrounding our Ground Crew Spiritual Warriors of Gods Kingdom on Earth, we break through all blocks, barriers and obstacles on our Path of Freedom in the Light.

Together we are making our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the new Hue-man of homo-Luminous as we free all sentient Beings from the time loops of suffering and rise above like Phoenixes into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

As we resolve all things perfectly in the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha we fulfill our Cosmic Purpose and flood this realm with the Love and Violet Flame of our Almighty I Am Presence… A’Ho!








Wounds resurfacing, shadows being illuminated and “felt more” at the same time as new paths are shown. Let it happen. Let it be. This is a profound cleansing. ❤
I Was Shown Such A Blessing Last Night
For The Angelic Woman,
A Blessing Of Protection And Honour Is Coming.
In Response To Her Pure Vibrational Call,
Valour Is On Route
I Was Shown Ancient Qualities,
Much Deeper Than Ego,
(Which Has Been The Source Of
The Strategies Used To Position Her)…
Are Stirring
True Eternal Qualities Of The Heart Are Stirring In Response To The True Call Of Her Innocence
Courage, Honour, Protection
Essentially The Masculine Is Being Returned
To Vibrational Resonance With The Feminine
Hearts Are Uniting
This Is The Making Of Earth’s Kings
Those Who Serve And Protect Their True Creator
The Ego And All The Harm It Has Done To The Angelic Woman, By Rationing Care For Her, By Devaluing Her So As To Withhold Honour From Her Is Being Seen As The Toxin It Is
And It Is Being Seen Clearly
That The True Love Of Woman,
Her Heart Centre Is Within The Womb
As The Machine womb And All Of It’s Perversions Are Seperating From The Angelic Human
The Womb Of The Angelic Woman Is Remembered As The Most Revered Preserver Of Innocence On This Earth And Is To Be Treated As Such
Her Integrity Is A Gift To Humanity
It Has Brought Us To This Place Of Liberation
This Is Remembered In The Heart
The Angelic Woman Does Not Exist In Ego
She Holds The Eternal Vibration Of Innocence
In Her Womb Heart
And She Is Leading The Way
you are a transmitter
you are a transmitter
9/29/24: There will soon come a time in the evolution of humankind when money will no longer have the power to influence, sway, repair, compensate, or heal the undertakings of our world. When we must rely on other means of sustaining ourselves than economics and influence. When we learn that denial and exploitation work against us and divisiveness could mean the end of the journey. We’re seeing the changes already.
Today is a vibration of energy that can elevate us to a higher frequency of understanding. And there are those among us who can receive this energy and transmit it to others. If you feel a sense of purpose, if you’re drawn to the spiritual, if you help, comfort, nurture, support, and love… you are a transmitter. October will bring confirmation that shining your light matters now more than ever.

Sept 29, 2024
Good morning!
The processes & Transition
of our
Deep Sleep are NOW ACTIVATED!!!
*Naps needed
* harder to Awaken from your sleep/dreamscapes
*Body Premonitions:
Shocks (bouncing around on body..
Torso, legs
& feet..
*Dizzy at times
*Earth is wobbling
* Body Wobble
*The tilt is gradually coming
Feeling ravenous
Ready to finally eat a bit..
The 2nd moon Highly Possible could be a SPACE SHIP to balance our transition and also transport.
Our personal signs of daily
Is ongoing..
Pay attention!
2nd Moon:
It is also a key sign for our merging with 2nd Earth.
Our Galactic Fleets are also assisting and engaged
lifting the missing people from flood waters.🙏🏻🙌
We Stand in Oneness and Ready..👏💜
is in ACTION.
Disclosure is
🌠The illusion and Deceptional
process is Crumbling..
This is a blessing..
WITH LOVE and Oneness!!


Having traversed thru the 2 Portals in the mighty powerful Corridor we are now fast forwarding toward the last Portal of the Corridor – the SOLAR ECLIPSE.
This, by far, and even more formidable than the Lion’sGateway passage, is proving to be the strongest phase of Exorcism of humanity. Its interesting how the Exorcism of humanity and planet has had 2 major Ascension empowering Corridors within its wave of extraordinary meta-action.
This year (the year of number eight), the year of the Violet Ray (continuing after its year number 7) of Octagonal Benevolence has been the year of the Number 1 Blue Ray with its Exorcism (finally) of all Lurker Evil Entropy, implants, conditioning and patterning with patents. The month of May – the “Ascension Month” (with 3 mega Ascended Masters having their ascension dates in the month of May) was the strongest (with multiple X Class solar flares pelting earth) and heavily loaded with the most advanced and progressive ‘Light Packets of Intel and Info’ from Sirius. Then came the annual Lions Gate and planetary new year that stretched from end July thru mid August. This is always weighted with Sirian Blue Light from our Great Central Sun. And now the ‘Triad Portal Corridor’ of eclipses and equinox. This is all about death, rebirth and, resurrection energies. And. Powerfully – the last two mega dynamic Waves occurred between the Mighty Exorcism, which started its full blast, full throttle, all cylinder experimentation upon ‘a few Front-Line Warriors’ in June which then had the Exorcism Energies released (in measured volumes and strength) upon the mass inhabitants on Gaia.
Phew, this year shall be a historical epitome in the planet’s Akashic Record for sure! Verily!
Not to forget – the 5th Tablet (The Secret Etheric Masonic Script of the Blue Ray Incantations – A Training Manual) was released in unrecorded time of 3 days of continuous scribing as the Light Hierarchy (with the Light of course) wanted ‘some of the Light Beings on earth’ to quickly start the major overhaul task in readiness for the mighty royal Exorcism. Soon this Tablet shall be removed from the website. Its not for the masses – as yet!
So, dear friends and earth family, Tribe of all the Light Beings on earth – rejoice as you end this year with great appreciation of what you have endured and risen above, cleared, purged and exorcized Victoriously to still be alive – in readiness for the rapidly nearing Planet Evacuation!
exorcism and evacuation
Wisdom destroys ignorance
Wisdom destroys ignorance


Dear friends, we are just a few days away from witnessing the wonderful “ring of fire” solar eclipse of October 2 2024. Those of you who are energy sensitives may be feeling the energetic pressure building in the air already. We are nearing the end of this eclipse corridor, but I will keep posting updates post-eclipse as we continue navigating the rest of this transformative year.
You will be noticing that as we move forward in time in our earthly journey, eclipses will become more meaningful to you. We have been experiencing eclipses since the dawn of civilizations, but as Earth continues elevating its frequency as it travels through the cosmos, we human beings also become more sensitive to the cosmic energies reaching our planet.
The upcoming solar eclipse in the sign of Libra officially closes this eclipse corridor which opened on September 17 with the Supermoon eclipse in Pisces. Together with the first eclipse corridor of the year that took place in March-April, this second energetic passageway carries with it a big energetic goal: to stabilize new 4D/5D timelines on Earth. As we all move through this energetic window, a clear separation between 3D and higher timelines will be taking place on Earth. This eclipse acts as a bifurcation point in our energetic future timelines.
From this year on, the energetic grid of the Earth will be holding simultaneously individuals who are choosing a 3D or a 4D/5D path. This path choice is up to each of us. Do we want to stay in our 3D comfort zone or are we willing to expand, heal, evolve, and move to a heart centered way of being?
The eclipse light codes have already been affecting us, and will continue triggering shifts for months to come. During the solar eclipse climax on Wednesday all you may want to do is to simply connect either physically, or virtually, with this celestial event. You may want to take some minutes to be by yourself, connect with your heart, and connect with the transformative energies of nature and the eclipse. You don’t need to travel anywhere for this, you don’t need to join any meditation group, you don’t need to eat any special foods, all you need is to just BE at peace and connected with your heart, holding the intention to move forward into a higher and healthier timeline. Listen to your body and your innate wisdom, all the rest will come by itself. This process is individual, and as we each heal and evolve individually we assist with the collective planetary evolution.
In the same way that our planet/Gaia is sensitive to these intense eclipse energies our bodies are also being shaken and stirred. The physical manifestations associated with the deep energetic clearing and timeline recalibration triggered by the eclipse corridor may be taking place in different areas of our physical body, but specially in the digestive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems. Regions and organs related to the solar plexus and sacral/pelvic region may also show some flare ups. Mild dizziness, mood swings, mild anxiety, ear ringing and visual issues have become more noticeable in the last few days in those who are energy sensitive. Stay well hydrated and rest as needed.
The solar eclipse on October 2 in Libra heralds a transformative period centered on balance, justice, and interpersonal dynamics. This particular eclipse invites us to release outdated relationship patterns and to introspectively evaluate what no longer serves our growth. As the Sun and Moon align in Libra, we are encouraged to communicate openly, fostering understanding. The influence of Venus in Scorpio adds depth to our emotional connections, prompting us to confront underlying issues that may have been overlooked. This eclipse serves as a powerful catalyst for personal evolution, urging us to embrace change and cultivate harmony within ourselves and our relationships. By recognizing where we feel out of balance, we can initiate the necessary transformations that lead to a more authentic expression of our true selves.
I wish you a wonderful Eclipse week. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ







Upon the purification and deactivation of the navel from all the limiting and ill stored information that this portal was carrying from one generation to the next, we are in a time where the body is undergoing a very deep cleansing and release.
We were told that this is another form of exorcism and that many beings/souls and energies were able to occupy and possess one’s system because of the nature of this body portal.
We were also told that because of this development, in the future, the new babies that will be coming in will be free from the generational weight, possession and programming.
They will be coming in both as Tabula Rasa and Sanctus Nous!
What a great difference this will make for all humanity!!!
So it is important that one pays close attention to anything that the body is showing and expressing during this period and work with it in order to support the body move through these monumental changes and be free.
It is useful to mention that the human body did not always use to have a belly button.
This began only after Deus separated the Androgenous and Apollo later on, performed surgical and genetic alterations upon the separated bodies.
-Scientists have announced that beginning from today we will have two moons for a period of almost one month.
The second moon 2024PT5 is from the Arjuna asteroid belt.
Arjuna in mythology is the main hero for the epic Mahabharata! Arjuna in the epic goes through many tests as his family has gone through many difficult challenges
but he manages to gain divine weapons and though he feels sorrow that he is called to fight against members of his own family, he moves on with bravery and enters the battle under the guidance of Krishna.
Arjuna is famous for his archery skills and he is the holder of the Mother’s Shell 🏹🐚
During our last group session the two moons were witnessed during the process of the matter anti-matter ladder upon which the Twin Flames Phoenixes became the owners of the ladder which is another unprecedented development!
I am curious to see how an additional moon pulling will affect humanity’s subconscious and DNA in connection to Posidonia, the mother’s vortaex and the free Waters of Life since we have been deeply in the process of their purification, transformation and upgrade. The Spheres in our systems have now reached a new alignment and balancing and they are now moving into a new kind and upgraded rotation.
This is part of the restoration of the Divine Kundalini is taking place faster and faster.
Our Merkabahs underwent a restart upon this Equinox and because of the matter antimatter ladder, they have began a new acceleration.
This is officially the button of physical Ascension turning On!
The Waters of Posidonia and the new Vortex of the Mother are bringing so many new Blessings and Upgrades for all!
Blessings of Soul advancement!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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We are all brought back to the heart of love and all love entails.

This includes kindness, caring for all life and life forms, a deep reconnection with the Divinity which lives within all of creation, visible and invisible.
The Heart has 33 chambers and each chamber holds certain aspects of Love’s expression. When any of these chambers are still closed, we often close ourselves off from truly experiencing love in the deepest sense.
For Love has so often been confused with romantic love, and the love between a man and woman, or family or friends, or whatever, when in love all is all embracing. It does not stop at hu-man knowledge and experiences of Love. Love is COSMIC.
The deeper one delves into the Divinity of Love’s expression, and deep inner knowing, the more the heart opens, to now become a true form of Soul expression. For the Soul in truth is LOVING energy, for it holds Divine Love within its very core.
I had a profound conversation with Mary Magdalene regarding this a few days ago, as she is now serving on the Intergalactic Counsel and has taken on, as Ascended Master, the task of unifying humanity, so that we can experience the deepest Oneness and all embracing Love once more – the true innocence of Love, which can only see the Divinity in all it encounters, knowing that Love is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient.
The Divine Feminine now truly is anchored in, and this is softening the heart of so many, and in times of crisis or challenges, this is when the true heart of humanity reveals itself the most.
Yet all love first starts within the self, and you can only truly love and embrace another, to the degree that you can love yourself into the deepest shadows and the highest light. All of you! And then only, can you truly love another to the same degree.
I remember once reading something Thich Nhat Hanh said, that the heart needs to crack open, like in an open heart surgery, so that it can finally experience the true Power of Love.
I remember my brother, sharing with me, after he nearly died of a heart attack, and needed a heart surgery and survived three in the end, that in that moment, facing death, he had an immense revelation that Love in truth, is all that is!
Love is the Power of the Core of Creation of all existence.
Love is COSMIC
Love is COSMIC


To Acknowledge The Crystalline Light Formation Of YOU
US – The Crystalline Light Of The Collective
For We Are Creating And Expanding The Light Awareness Of NOW
We Are The Light Paving The Way
Please Acknowledge This Moment 🙏
For You Are Making Great Light Strides In Your Personal And Collective Evolution Of Light
We Ask You To Picture This Now Moment
As Confirmation Of All You Have Achieved, And All You Will Achieve
We Are In Monumental Moments Of Rapid Light Awakenings
We Ask You To Believe To RECEIVE
The Great Light Synthesis Has Arrived 🙏
With Love Everyone 💫
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Wayshowers – Create the New Earth Paradigm

This week’s powerful Libra energies are pushing us to go for much bigger and better. The Libra New Moon Eclipse is energizing what we are creating in this 5D New Earth cycle.

The current energies are revealing all the things internally and externally that have been holding you back from love, happiness, and abundance for you and your Family. Seeing is knowing. Once known you can choose to override these things and create a new paradigm.

You are fully supported to choose yourself, your goals, your plans, and your success. Justice is here to ensure you receive it all. You simply need to know what you want, and don’t settle for anything less. Banish all that has gotten in the way including fears and what ifs. Power is behind you.

You are divinely guided to fulfill this prophecy for the New Earth one step at a time, one day at a time. The Libra New Moon Eclipse is giving your desires potency to physically manifest. Take charge and powerfully create a new foundation as the Wayshower here to create the new world.





Wayshowers - Create the New Earth Paradigm
Wayshowers – Create the New Earth Paradigm



Ra James

Today our Sun in Libra is Opposite the North Node in Aries. Destiny is in the air. This could be following your passion for something or someone. This alignment is to prepare us for our Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse. You’ll notice the theme this Libra Season is all about relationships, as Libra rules partnerships. Partnerships will be the core theme of this six-month lunar cycle. This alignment is all about activating your path moving forward. It’s shining a light on where you’re going and your future moving forward.

The Lunar Nodes always travel in reverse which means the past comes up for healing when the Lunar Nodes are activated, especially during an Eclipse. The North Node is all about soul growth. Our next Eclipse aligns with the South Node which is all about release. This Eclipse is helping us to break out of old relationship patterns. It’s all about letting go of old karma. It’s all about letting go of imbalances. This is the best time to be making new relationship plans and to be focusing on the path moving forward. This Solar Eclipse will bring a powerful transformative energy for your relationships. Expect destined changes to start to play out.

This will be the final Eclipse of 2024. The Moon will have the famous Ring Of Fire. Expect a lot of downloads since this Eclipse aligns with Mercury in Libra. The theme thru this Eclipse is self care and coming back into a better balance with ourselves, and romantically…


our Sun in Libra is Opposite the North Node in Aries
our Sun in Libra is Opposite the North Node in Aries


On Sunday, September 29th, we have Mars, the Warrior, in flowing water sign Cancer in a positive trine to Saturn, the Teacher, in creative water sign Pisces. Are you learning any lessons lately? This could have something to do with home, family, community, being of service, emotions, patience, manifestation, or healing karma. Mars wants action, Saturn requires persistence. But, if we go with the flow, all will turn out as it is supposed to.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
Mars, the Warrior, in flowing water sign Cancer in a positive trine to Saturn
Mars, the Warrior, in flowing water sign Cancer in a positive trine to Saturn
Sun conjunct South Node in Libra and sextile Pallas in Sagittarius. Pallas in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries – Old patterns are illuminated. Finally, we can face the past with grace and maturity. Finally, we can see history for what it was without glory or diminishing. Here too are realisations of what really happened back then, a moment’s clarity where we see ourselves or another, clearly. Pallas takes our realisations, weaves them into our story. She points a finger to the future and smiles as she wraps us in a hero’s cape. All dressed up with somewhere to go…
Clustered around the dragon’s tail, we must now accept that some things have run their course – attitudes, relationships, agreements. Now is the time to purge the old self, release the old ways, let go of the debt, the promise, the contract that didn’t work. Reclaim your light. Reset the balance. Honour your inner sovereign. Find your centre. Breathe life back into your goals.
Degrees and Times
Sun 06°Li33′, Pallas 06°Sg33′ – 06:19 (BST)
Sun, South Node 06°Li38′ – 08:24 (BST)
Pallas 06°Sg38′, North Node 06°Ar38′ – 12:23 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Reflection by Pierre-Auguste Renoir


Kin 84 ~ Yellow Rhythmic Seed

‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its keywords are ‘Equality, Balance and Organize’. The sixth day stresses the importance of walking that fine line, grounding yourself and checking that you are currently balanced. If you take care of the practicalities, no matter how mundane, this will certainly help you get into a good rhythm today. Having our heads in the clouds all the time can lead to instability. Find your rhythm and you’ll be able to strut your stuff more effectively.
Today is Yellow Seed which represents ‘Awareness, Targeting and Flowering’. These days are great for sharing wisdom and planting seeds of knowledge with the intention of sowing awareness. As it is a Rhythmic day, this combination of number and day suggests that we need to organize to sow awareness or that we must be aware that we need to find balance. The end result is flowering, or in other words thriving. May you grow with wisdom today. It’s a perfect day for gardening and planting seeds. The rhythm of nature teaches us balance. If you want something to flower, you must take care of it and provide a balanced environment.
The Guide today is also Yellow Seed and so a double helping of that energy. Whenever a day is ‘guided by itself own power doubled’. There is no external influence that affects the day. This is great if you enjoy the day but if it’s your challenge, it can be a double helping of annoyance.
The Challenge today is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. If you are a Wizard, you will find your charm doesn’t get you far today and that can lead to frustration. Your spells are weak today. Any enchantment we experience today has a risk of being challenging and not enjoyable. Look out for devious folk trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
The Occult power today is the Red Earth. When in this magical position, the Red Earth can create opportunities to evolve on a magical level. Also, if you sow awareness with the magical knowledge you already have, you can help others evolve too. ‘Navigation’ is another keyword associated with Red Earth and this means that because it is in this Occult position, we can Navigate our way through the day with a bit of magical help.
The Ally is the Blue Eagle and so, if you need help today an Eagle can see things from a higher perspective. Consult one if you can, they love to share wisdom and share what they see. If you can’t get hold of one, do what they would do and use your mind to have a vision. Any vision you do have should be friendly and helpful to you. Remember that we are still in the Blue Storm wavespell and our agenda is making big changes in our life. May the Eagle show you a vision that helps you with these changes.
Kin 84
Kin 84



6 KAN – KIN 84
I ORGANIZE in order to Target
Balancing Awareness
I seal the input of Flowering
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
29/9/2024 = 11/9/8 = 11/17 =2/8 =10=1
29- Spiritual strength/tests
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 84 = 12 = 3 Holy Trinity.
An important day to start planting Divine seeds 🌱 that will LIBERATE your Mission and grow into your Legacy. 🌻🌻🌻
Day 6 in the BLUE STORM 🌪🌫WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today’s focus is on transforming our PHYSICAL reality through balance and equality, to SEED our highest potential, creating effortless FLOW.☀🌫
RHYTHMIC ☯️ Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today is a day to FOCUS in order to create BALANCE and Equality in our physical world. Expand your VISION of what MAY be possible, to see that so much MORE is possible, beyond the realm of this illusionary existence.
Today’s question is “What projects and ideas can I commence that SEED the New Time, leading us to our endless bounty in the Garden of Eden”?🍇🍓🍎🍒🌴🌈
Divine blessings for the flourishing of your bountiful gardens. 🍓🍑🍇
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW RHYTHMIC SEED 🌱🌾🌻 KAN. Today is a DOUBLE YELLOW SEED day! 🌻🌻 It is time to roll up your sleeves, put on your gardening gloves and green thumbs, and plant those new SEEDS, in organized and symmetrical rows! 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱
Today is indeed a great day for GARDENING on any plane! Whether that be physically in our own gardens, or the collective gardens of our Planet. The GARDEN of EDEN. 🌴🍇🍎🍓🍑🍒🍊🍇
We have been STAGNANT and STUCK IN THE MUD for TOO LONG!!💩💩💩
And now the BLUE STORM 🌪🌪🌪 has arrived enabling us to BREAK FREE, wipe the SLATE CLEAN and commence a NEW chapter. The focus is on your career and life path..
The RHYTHMIC SEED has FENG SHUI POWER ☯️ so get cracking with your rituals, SPACE CLEARING and ORGANIZING your environment, ready for TAKEOFF.
Yesterday we became EMPOWERED👑 to realize our DREAM – and today we need to GET MOVING! 🌀🚃🌫🌀
MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!🍥🍥🍥 Get ORGANIZED to create this DREAM in the physical plane.
We are aiming to SEED our HIGHEST POTENTIAL today, through focusing on initiating our new ideas and projects. As it is a PHYSICAL realm day, it is not just about thinking, or brainstorming, but rather by actually commencing ACTION. Plan and organize your ideas and projects into manageable steps, but take that first step today, bringing forth your Dreams from yesterday, into RE-AL-ity. It is TIME for ACTION!!💥
KAN also encourages us to fully BLOOM🌹 today, to share our packets of LIGHT✨ with others so that our SPARK 🔥 can ignite their soul’s potential. It is a beautiful day to FLOWER 🌸 and plant new ideas in the MINDS of the receptive (or even those asleep!) in order to target greater planetary awareness, AWAKENING💥 the masses so that they can move towards achieving their fullest potential too!
The DOUBLE SEED strongly TARGETS AWARENESS💥 and today with an 29/11 portal code we have Divine support to walk through these NEW DOORWAYS into totally NEW REALMS of existence. It is time to claim the POWER to start anew. KAN will LIBERATE many stagnant SEEDS today…
SUPPORT: BLUE RHYTHMIC EAGLE 🦅 👁 MEN provides the CLEAR VISION today, giving you the panoramic view of your whole project. BLUE EAGLE gives you the power to ENVISION the completion and accomplishment of your goals, energizing and anchoring them into this realm. You can perceive each step in your path, as it leads to the whole – allowing you to imprint the total blueprint into your SEEDS of creation.
BLUE EAGLE also blesses you, with the POWER to SEE and recognize the full potential of your ideas, knowing which one is the most fertile needing to be planted first. YOU have the blessing of FUTURE🔮 VISION👁👁 today, being able to peek far into the future and bring back VISIONARY ideas to SEED for the future benefit of humanity.
The RHYTHMIC EAGLE will rapidly accelerate the AWAKENING 👁👁process that the DOUBLE SEED is targeting. The prevailing strong ENDINGS of this 9 September month code (along with PLUTO’S last hurrah in Capricorn!), will be a catalyst, along with the POWER of the BLUE STORM🌪🌀🌫, in opening the VEILS. Once the darkness has been exposed, the LIGHT returns to illuminate the TRUTH..
A very potent combo of codes to ACTIVATE and CATALYZE this next WAVE🌊 of AWAKENING souls. 👁🌊👁
LEAD THE WAY through these NEW DOORWAYS🚪🚪 beloved planetary wayshowers! 🌈🌍🌎🌏
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED GALACTIC EARTH 🌎 CABAN is today’s SUPERPOWER meaning it will be easier to align with the many SIGNS, and synchronicities that point you in the right direction.
RED GALACTIC EARTH will assist in HARMONIZING any discordant energies that have kept you small, stagnant and stuck in the mud. Listening and responding to the cycles of Mother Earth, will assist you in harnessing these fertile, growth enhancing cycles – super accelerating your evolution. 🍥🌠✨
Your actions and plans will need to model integrity, and be aligned with the greater good and the highest potential for our Planet. Look for the SIGNS to find your rhythmic FLOW.
Your heart and that of Mother Gaia 🌍 will have greater connectivity today, bringing forth the POWER TO SEED🌻 the highest potential for b-Earth-ing NEW EARTH and our highest PLANETARY POTENTIAL.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RHYTHMIC WIZARD🔮💫 IX provides today’s gift and that is to open our hearts 💗 and become more receptive, to the higher frequencies flooding our planet, and fueling our expanded consciousness.
The CHALLENGE of this WIZARD is to not get STUCK in your egoic desires and false beliefs. Connect with SPIRIT through your precious HEART so that your GROWTH is accelerated through POSITIVE experiences and not retarded by obstacles and distractions.
The RHYTHMIC WIZARD💫 will provide great MAJIK💫 today, assisting you in accessing your inner wisdom and creation powers. The enchanting Wizard will also provide wisdom flowing through many realms and dimensions, to provide the knowledge needed to seed your new ideas, projects and greater Planetary Mission.
The ultimate aim is to create more BALANCE in our World, so that we can create a World where EVERY SOUL is EQUAL – treated with respect, reverence and compassion.
IX today is challenging us to bring forth these Majikal energies into our physical reality, and FENG SHUI our whole Planet – creating the beautiful sacred GARDEN OF EDEN that is our birthright.
Today’s question is “What projects and ideas can I commence that SEED the New Time, leading us to our endless bounty in the Garden of Eden”?🍇🍓🍎🍒🌴🌈
Divine blessings for the flourishing of your bountiful gardens. 🍓🍑🍇
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈








🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of Week of September 29th through October 5th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 29th through October 5th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

CLICK HERE to receive this special Transmission



First Light
White Star
Avatar Vessel
Dragon Rider
Outside Light
Orions Belt
Mars 3 Pillars
Mauna Loa
Sol Activation
Going Galactic
Neural Electric
Inner Gnosis
Eye Aperture
Heart Nature
Body Logos
Machu Picchu
Chamber of Sun
Sol Heart Arrow
Oils of Gold
Lemuria 5OS
Right Relations
Nation Councils
Natures Lore
Inner Kryst
First Light
First Light

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