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high-dimensional beings

 What is the Truth (history) of high-dimensional beings (aliens), earthlings and the birth of civilization?

What is the Truth (history) of high-dimensional beings (aliens), earthlings and the birth of Civilization?


[Memo: Space Edition] What is the truth (history) of high-dimensional beings (aliens), earthlings and the birth of civilization?

high-dimensional beings
high-dimensional beings

To know the truth about the history of Earth (humanity), the relationship (recognition) with “beings of higher dimensions (alien beings, beings from other star systems)” is an essential element.

What is the relationship between high-dimensional beings (aliens) and earthlings and the birth of civilization?

What is the relationship between high-dimensional beings (aliens) and earthlings and the birth of civilization?

To know the essence of the purpose and policy (how to proceed, etc.) of the “Escape from human slavery and world reformation (revolution)” that is currently being promoted throughout the world.

Relationship between higher dimensional beings (alien/higher dimensional life forms) and Earth and humanity

I think it’s important to understand correctly.

To that end, I myself have had a keen interest in this element for some time, but over the last few years I have come into contact with a lot of information relating to “higher dimensional beings”.

Since the target is “higher dimensional beings,” spiritual perspective and knowledge are naturally essential elements.

At the same time, the important point  in discerning truth with your own soul (aka your higher self) is not to judge truth (or not) based on physical evidence, but

Here, I would like to note the results of the verification, including the meaning of a “memo”. (More elements may be added in the future)

The content I have written here is exactly what I have determined to be the “truth” through my own soul. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would refer to it and try to always make decisions based on your “soul.” (This will also help train you in fifth-dimensional thinking.)

Difference between contactee and channeler with higher dimensional beings

Difference between contactee and channeler with higher dimensional beings

As I have come into contact with a lot of spiritual information, I have come to value the following elements as important elements that we should be aware of.

Distinguish between contactees and channelers with higher dimensional beings

That was it.

I don’t mean a precise “word definition” (regardless of the word definition), but from what I understand, I separate it into “contactee” and “channeler”.

Since this is just a memorandum, I will omit the detailed reasons and just state the conclusion.

Only a few contactees can communicate with good higher dimensional beings (higher dimensional beings of the alliance) and receive appropriate information.

That’s what I think (I try to think about it).

*By the way, I won’t mention their names, but I narrowed it down to three people who I believe are real contactees (those who can communicate with higher dimensional beings from the Alliance).

A “contactee”  here  is a person who has had contact (abduction, etc.) with a higher dimensional being of the Alliance in the past, and who has awakened to telepathic abilities and communicates only with the higher dimensional being with whom he or she has had contact. It shows the person who they are.

A “channeler”  is someone who is communicating with someone they have never had contact with (as the person themselves thinks).

From my knowledge and spiritual experience, the question “Can you communicate with an entity with which you have never had direct contact?” is an element that involves great uncertainty in the providence of nature.

Even if we are indeed able to communicate with some beings, there is a high possibility that most of them are not high-dimensional beings from the Alliance (because high-dimensional beings from the Alliance do not randomly communicate in this way).

Therefore, we believe that  only a few contactees  provide information that is worth mentioning.

History between beings of higher dimensions and earthlings (history on Earth)

History between beings from higher dimensions and earthlings

First, I would like to write down the main points along the chronological axis regarding  the “earthly history of higher-dimensional beings and earthlings” that  I have come to recognize as the truth.

It is shown below.

1) Higher dimensional beings (extraterrestrial life forms from multiple different races) visit Earth in Genesis. Through numerous genetic manipulations (experiments), the current Earthlings (ancestors) were created.

2) In an era where multiple different high-dimensional races and the Earthlings created by each of them rule and coexist in some areas of Earth (at the same time, there are areas where only Earthlings live).

3) The “Lemurian civilization” was born, prospered and disappeared on the continent of Mu. (Probably, small-scale civilizations existed on the continent of Mu before the Lemurian civilization.)

In search of survival, some Lemurians migrated to the interior of the earth (considered underground cities).

4) Anu, the king of the Anunnaki, a high-dimensional race that ruled a specific area of ​​Earth, withdraws from Earth (to his home planet, Orion). Earth is left to Anu’s two sons, Enki (Prince Ia) and Enlil (Yu).

5) After the extinction of the Lemurian civilization, the “Atlantean civilization” was created and flourished on the continent of Atlantis by the Anunnaki and Earthlings (Atlanteans), although there was some overlap in the period.

6) A fight broke out between the two sons of Anu, Enki (Prince Ia) and Enlil (Yu). Enlil (Yu), who later became the leader of the dark side (Illuminati, DS, Cabal, etc.), won. Enki (Prince Ia) is expelled from Earth.

*The important thing is that the Anunnaki king “Anu” and prince “Enki (Ia)” are on the side of the light.

7) After Enki (Prince Ia) was exiled (including during the battle), Enlil (Yu) completely dominated the Earth during the period of the Atlantean civilization. (If you look at it from a long-term perspective, it can be said that the rule of darkness began from this time.)

8) As a result of Enlil’s (Yu) control, experimental attempts with the Earthlings and the transformation of the Earthlings (Atlanteans), the Atlantean civilization disappeared along with the Atlantean continent.

It is believed that some of the Atlanteans who survived were dispersed throughout the Earth’s interior and other parts of the world (Egypt, South America, etc.).

9) “Anunnaki” created the ancient Egyptian civilization in Egypt. Initially, it was a civilization of only Annunaki, but later transitioned into a civilization that included “hybrid races of Annunaki and Earthlings.”

10) Due to the transition, the Anunnaki of the ancient Egyptian civilization, except for the “Enlil family and sect”, will leave the earth. The Enlil family is now in a position to act behind the scenes. The main stage is the Egyptian civilization of the earthlings (hybrid races, etc.).

11) After that, until the modern civilization, the Enlil family (including his son Ninurta) brought higher dimensional beings from the dark side (Draco-type reptilians, Grays, etc.), and a hybrid race of Draco-type reptilians and Earthlings (established a dark organization (DS) centered on the Cabal, Illuminati).

A modern civilization will be created that has achieved the “three-dimensionalization of the Earth and Earthlings” and the “enslavement of Earthlings”.

12) Higher dimensional beings involved in the creation of humanity (Galactic Federation, etc.) judged that earthlings (modern people and ordinary people) who were cornered by Enlil and others (including DS) were in a state where it was difficult for them to recover on their own and began to rescue earthlings.

13) Higher dimensional alliance organizations (Galactic Federation, Andromeda Council, Intergalactic Federation) and Earthling alliance organizations (Q, etc.) unite to eliminate and destroy dark side organizations (DS, etc.).

14) In the second half of 2022, the high-dimensional alliances (Galactic Federation, etc.) will completely capture the high-dimensional dark beings (Enlil and his children and Draco-type reptilians and Greys). Successfully removed from Earth.

15) To prevent the collapse of the Atlantean civilization, the Earth Alliance will awaken many Earthlings (recognize the evil deeds of the DS and the existence and reality of the enslaved social system), and is executing a plan (agreement with the higher dimensional alliance) to give new space technology to the Earthlings.

*Currently in this phase.

Just describing the flow (main points) of Earthlings’ history from a cosmic perspective would have taken up quite a volume (the story is long), so I would like to end the article here. (It was not planned (laughs))

In the future, I would like to note “additional information” about the content of each point.










Channeling by Maria Rosa Ruso Tito Ferro  

I am truly happy, beloved, to be able to speak to you at this opportunity, so vibrant because of what is happening all over your planet and in the galaxy itself!

I am your brother Yeshua, the same one you know me as Jesus the Nazarene.

I speak to you, with the love that characterizes me, and with the necessary authority, to announce to you that everything is vibrating within you, in all your bodies, and especially in the subtle ones, because, according to the divine plan of my Father, it is being fulfilled perfectly, for your spiritual awakening, and when I tell you that everything is vibrating, you must feel that nothing is static, everything changes, in a dizzying spiral, producing dynamism, because the energies of the invisible etheric plane, which you speak so much about, are already acting in the form of codes, through you.


All the energies that surround you no longer have the same vibration that you are used to, they cause continuous changes, because they are nullifying the old paradigms and therefore they produce chaos, around you, in all areas of your life, FOR THE SIMPLE REASON THAT A VIBRATIONAL SHOCK IS PRODUCED IF YOU ARE NOT VIBRATING HIGHLY.


Everything is changing so quickly that your bodies’ adaptation must be quick and in harmony with your being.

Many changes await you, you must be prepared so that your emotions do not change, because My Father has already announced this to you well in advance.

My Father’s Divine plan is conspiring in your favor, accelerating your configuration on a physical, mental and emotional level.

Your physical body is a faithful reflection of what is happening inside you, and balancing your emotions is a priority at this time.


Observe your emotional reactions at all times and seek order in what really matters in your lives.

You can’t be there anymore, because of tantrums that don’t matter, even though they upset you and are real.

Try to breathe deeply and avoid, under all circumstances, those emotions that unbalance you.

In the coming times, I warn you, with all my love, because you will be the ones who will have to alleviate the pain of the weakest, be strong and vibrate high. Seek my Father, from the bottom of your heart, He is with you, as I taught you in my times.

My beloved ones, my brothers who love you so much, I ask you, and I appeal to all of them, to learn to align yourselves with your spirit, which is the Holy Spirit of your Father.

Don’t worry, you will receive help from your stellar elder brothers, they will guide your steps in times of confusion.

Paradigm shifts are already a fact, they are just around the corner, because upon you your light must shine and illuminate the hearts of your people and of all those who approach you on your path.

My Father’s Divine plan is majestic, He loves and adores all His children, and faithfulness is not only with My Father, it is with yourselves, so that you remember the pact you made before arriving here.

Some already left in the first wave of the previous month, as they were unable to integrate these sacred solar codes, they are now in their chambers of light, being restored to continue their path towards their evolution.

Nothing is lost, because you have the same energy as my father, may that never be forgotten.

The times when my father sent me were also very difficult, and my word and teaching of love were not understood, not even by those who claimed to love God the Father.

You already know how the story went, and in your times My coming is in Spirit, so that you will remember Me, in every moment of your daily life. Life today is not much different from that time, and one thing has kept me going: my loyalty to my Father.

So I wish to see you true to your own ideals of unconditional love and mercy. Let compassion be your motto because you are all children of the same Father, even if you have different beliefs, you are all loved and honored for the one presence of who you are.

Remember to always stay in your center and enjoy even the difficulties that sadden you, because today you will be history, your time is free for you, children of God, children of the sun.

I love you deeply, and I encourage you, look for me there, in your temple, I am listening to you with every breath, I love you, I love you.

I am your brother Yeshua

Channeling by Maria Rosa Ruso Tito Ferro

Love and Light 441 ❤️✨🌈

Quantum Awakening Channel ✨🌎

Rainbow Interconnection 441🌈




“If you change, the world will change” and “You are driven by something greater” are not contradictory.

We think about how we should view the relationship between us and the world from the perspective of energy circulation.

Think about “If you change, the world will change” and “You are moved by something greater” from the perspective of energy circulation.



“If I change myself, the world will change” and “I am driven by something greater (=I cannot change this alone)” seem to be two contradictory theories, but in reality, they both describe the world.


The reason we seem to have two different theories is  because we can only perceive the world in terms of what we can see  .


For both theories to be true, we must first understand the following assumptions.


*The main body of the world is the circulation of energy, and the visual representation of this is the visible world.


We see all kinds of things, like humans, animals, nature, objects, etc., but what we see is energy and the circulation of energy.


The brain converts this circulation of energy into the images we see.


The brain uses several organs to convert energy into sensations such as sight, hearing, and taste.


First, it is important to understand this premise intuitively.


So let’s think about two things from the perspective of energy circulation: “If you change yourself, the world will change” and “You are moved by something greater.”


If you change yourself, the world will change



Energy circulates around us.


To the left of the man is the energy that emanates from me, and this energy passes through other people and animals visible in the diagram, as well as through all places on earth, and finally returns to me with the arrow on the right. cycle.


It becomes overwhelming to think about where the energy I emit comes from.


So if we assume that the whole world is a black box and we only look at the beginning and the end, it becomes a simple cycle where I am the starting point and I am the end point.


And we perceive the world from the changes in the energy we emit and the energy that returns.


This means that the world we see is nothing more than an image.


Thinking from this perspective, the image of the world that is created must change depending on how I am, the type of energy I emit and how I feel about the energy that returns.


In other words, even if there are no changes outside of you, if the circulation of energy that begins and ends with you changes, the way you see the world will change.


The important thing here is that I am talking about the energy that surrounds me and that the way I see the world is changing.


In fact, the idea of ​​cause and effect in Buddhism is to consider this flow of energy as cause and effect  .


driven by something bigger



I realized that in terms of how we perceive the world, we only need to consider the circulation of energy around us.


However, the circulation of energy does not only occur around me.


Energy cycles occur in all living beings and substances.


Please imagine that the world is composed of a complex interweaving of these energy cycles, and that events occur through the interaction of all things, and encounters and separations occur.

It’s like a MMORPG (massively multiplayer role-playing game).


If we look at the world as a whole, we will naturally find that there are many things we cannot do alone.


And we are influenced by the energy of the entire world, which leads to the feeling of being moved by something greater.


However, the energy I emit always has an impact on the world before it returns to me.


Therefore, unexpected and mysterious events may occur.


For example, the way I am influenced by the world can change depending on the circulation of my energy, such as meeting an unexpected person on the street or miraculously escaping a disaster.


However, I can only influence things that are close to me (energetic proximity rather than physical proximity), and it is difficult to influence things that are far away.


I think you can intuitively understand that it is easier to influence family matters, but it is more difficult to influence social situations in distant countries.


In this way, the degree of influence changes depending on the proximity of the energy.


In Buddhism, everything outside of me is called connection.


Connections are the feeling of being “moved by a great force” and, as they say, life changes depending on connections.





The feeling of being moved by great power and the feeling of deciding everything alone may seem contradictory, but the law of this world is that both are actually true.


The events that occur are caused by the interaction of all things, but it is up  to you to decide how to receive this influence.


You could say that the two are different points of view  , so if you only look at one or the other, the way you see the world will be strange.


In fact, in Buddhism, these two ideas  are already summarized in the concept of  cause and effect.


In fact, it was all explained by saying, “  When cause and effect change, the world changes, and cause and effect are influenced by connections.”


As for what we can learn from this, it is important to first understand that even if we are distracted by the vast circulation of energy that extends outward from us, we cannot understand or control it.


Worrying about things outside of ourselves, like “What’s going on?” is called worry and anxiety, and it’s something we don’t need to feel.


In fact, if you are not energetically affected, subjectively it is the same as nothing happening, so there is no point in worrying about it.


Even if we don’t think about the great cycle of energy called connections, we can understand the world just by thinking about the cycle of energy that begins and ends with us = cause and effect.


By learning through practice what kind of energy we emit (cause) and what kind of energy we receive (result), we can live a better life, that is, a life with a higher vibration.



Commander Ashtar Sheran – Operation Vatican completed successfully.

I am Ashtar Sheran and I greet you with all my heart and with all my being. As for Operation Vatican, as it was called, we have now successfully completed the entire mission. All these demons have been defeated, vanquished and taken from this reality, taken to the great cosmic courts.

Because you cannot imagine the great evil that all these beings have inflicted on humanity for years. They must and will pay for their guilt and for all the offenses they have committed against all humanity.

Everything has been released at the level of the inner tunnels.

All the factions, the brothers who support us from the White Hats, helped us with a great presence, it was a concerted, clean action. They fled like rats when a ship sinks.

These beings without mercy, without compassion are now being taken before the cosmic courts.
You cannot imagine what they have achieved in this interior, in these caverns, in the tunnels that they had beneath them, an entire city beneath this cavern, this center that they call the Vatican.

St. Peter’s Basilica is not holy at all, because what they practiced there were satanic rituals and all kinds of abominations that the human mind has no idea of ​​what was done there. Then, with a clean face, they come out and talk about love and peace to show the opposite of what they really are.

Commander Ashtar Shera
Commander Ashtar Shera

Their time is up. All the gold vaults that were in the tunnels are being stored as part of the Nesara-Gesara project. All these enormous amounts of money that you have withheld and hidden will also be taken and given to the beloved Master Saint Germain, the beloved Antuak, to be distributed to the Nesara-Gesara projects.

When we carried out the operation there, we could not catch them red-handed, as they say, because they ran away like rats, as I said, but all the evidence of their misdeeds and their evil deeds remained there. All the information that they kept there, that they kept secret, is being released to the public to expose all the false teachings that their followers trusted and believed to be true.

Beloved, you cannot imagine the damage this could cause in the minds of all these followers.
We understand all of this, but we want you to understand that it was worse for you to continue immersed in this lie, in this fraud that these demons set up to distort all the true and authentic teachings that the Great Master and his entourage left on the planet.
They distorted them, they distorted them for control, for the domination of humanity.

I say this to all the followers of this great prostitute, because that is how we know her, as the great prostitute.
That is why I say to the followers of the great whore, of this so-called religion, that they should really seek God in their hearts, that they should seek the Mother, the Virgin Mary in their hearts and all those saints that have been forced into them, those who are the true masters of light and love. Many of them are true masters who are here in higher frequency levels and who have had incarnations on the planet.

But they used them as they pleased, to be saints who were truly saints, but not to be worshipped, not to have images placed on them, not to be idolized by the members. We know that many followers love Mary, the great woman, the great mother of the Master, they love her. But they love her from within.
Love all these Masters, we are not saying not to love them, and the Father Mother Himself, love Him.

But know that those who led them were the true demons who hid this whole plan to keep humanity in control and dominion, turning them into false doctrines to keep them submissive, like little lambs that are obedient to the false shepherd. But they were left without a deputy to call, whose name I do not want to say because it has connotations, my love.

The father, the Pope, that they have there, because he is not even the real one. This clone will disappear, will crumble and will no longer exist. All these lies disappear, their masks fall and their true colors emerge. They must appear before the cosmic courts and submit to the divine justice applied in the worlds of light by Father Mother Adonai.

Beloved, beloved children, beloved brothers and sisters, beloved all, understand that this is something that had to happen, we are in the Age of Light to bring the truth to light on all sides so that you can see the lie, in this you have been kept.

Therefore, we will establish operations for other sects of other religions that have truly trapped humanity in their doctrines.

Beloved, I bid you farewell with all the love in my heart.

Another victory of the light.

Times are urgent, we must redouble our efforts to prevent the removal of these monsters from the planet.
So that their puppets fall so much that there are no more strings to pull.

Peace in love.

Ashtar Sheran.

Dear Ground People: Here is the latest from Apollo: “Greetings, I am Apollo.

Transition from the old world to the new.

 Straight from the heart..

By Valerie Donner..

Dear Ground People:  Here is the latest from Apollo: “Greetings, I am Apollo.

I have been waiting for you. There is much to tell you because a very rapid change is happening now. They are transitioning from the old world to the new.
Sometimes it can feel strange, like you’re walking around blindfolded. They may feel off balance, ungrounded, tired, sleepy, forgetful, feel the need to daydream, feel the need to be alone, or feel overwhelmed.
These are clearly the symptoms of moving from the old world to the new. What brought you satisfaction and happiness in the old material world seems to have lost its luster for many. Some of you are imagining the New World with its highly advanced technologies.
They are ready for this because they are tired of the old way of doing things. They are waiting for the new. This can make your head spin as sometimes you can stumble in your mind and not have a full imagination of your future.
It is your future that you are creating now. This future is the promise that your future self will remember who you are, and as you create this future, you will have a vision of how things will be. It is an exciting time because the new will continue to come in stronger and you will willingly release the past.

You will only be involved in the New Earth, the fifth dimension, the Golden Age, or whatever you choose to call it. This energy is the most important for you and for the ascension of the planet. “You are already beginning to see what I am telling you.”

Dear Ground Crew, On August 28, 2024, I, Valerie Donner, along with Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation, were commanded to create the following Proclamation of Abundance:










The Great Awakening Begins…NESARA/GESARA

BREAKING NEWS!! Trump’s GESARA activation sparks panic: $35 trillion debt trap set by global elites, major wealth transfer looms — Cyberattacks and economic collapse designed as distraction — Walmart, Target and Home Depot store closures signal deep state desperation!
We are living in a rigged system. The global elites are pushing us toward total collapse. The economy, the middle class, retail theft — it’s all part of their plan to take away our freedoms, our money, and our future.

The U.S. debt is exploding , reaching $35 trillion. Another $1 trillion is being added every 100 days. This is not a mistake — it is a calculated effort to destabilize America and enslave its citizens with endless debt. The global elites want the U.S. to fall, and they know who their greatest enemy is: Donald J. Trump.

They have attacked Trump through phony impeachments, media campaigns, and assassination attempts because he stands in the way of their plan. Trump holds the key to the greatest financial reset in history — GESARA.

GESARA is the global solution that will destroy the corrupt banking systems that enslave us. Trump knows this, and that’s why the Deep State is panicking. They don’t want the public to know about this game-changing financial reset. But guess what? It’s already happening. Russia, China, and the BRICS nations are moving toward a new financial system that will destroy the US dollar and its dominance in global trade.
In September 2024, the BRICS summit unveiled plans for a gold-backed currency system, exactly what GESARA promises. The Federal Reserve and IMF are in a deep panic as global elites scramble to maintain control. They have unleashed cyberattacks on power grids and created chaos to push us to accept a global digital currency. But Trump’s GESARA stands in their way.

The Federal Reserve is losing control over interest rates and the economy. Its last-ditch effort to raise rates is failing as the dollar collapses. The Deep State knows that once GESARA is activated, its power will be over. The Federal Reserve’s assets will be seized, and trillions of dollars stolen from the American people will be returned.

They’re desperately trying to distract him with store closures and retail thefts, but this is the system imploding. Trump has been planning this for years, signing executive orders during his first term that laid the groundwork for the full implementation of GESARA. He hinted at this during a closed-door speech on September 15, 2024, talking about the coming financial storm.

Trump is not out of power. The constant attacks on him prove that they are terrified of what he represents. They know that once GESARA is switched on, it will lead to the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. Their days of control will be over.

The dollar is dying, and the global elites know it. The banks are collapsing, the system is falling apart, and they are running out of time. GESARA is here, waiting in the background, ready to be fully activated. When it does, everything will change. The Deep State will fall, and Trump will lead the charge.
Get ready. The greatest transfer of wealth in history is about to happen, and they can’t stop it.


 🔴 There will be no more tier 5 banks or small banks. They will be absorbed by tier 3 or 4 banks.
· Level 1, 2, 3 banks have been connected to the new system. Level 4 will be completed this Saturday, September 28.
· Redemption Center staff will be on duty this weekend. · Iraq will have its new lower denomination currency
· Bondholders will have access to their accounts on Tuesday, October 1st 
Tier4b (we, the Internet Group) will receive email notifications from the 800 number on Monday, September 30th. They should appear within three hours.
· The Call Center will direct you to the Redemption Center where you will make the exchange.
· Exchange commitments will be set from Tuesday, October 1st onwards.
· R&R allocations are already deposited into your Quantum account. You transfer this money to your bank with your Quantum Card that you will receive at your appointment.
· Both banks and Redemption Centers have on their screens the 14 currencies that will increase in value.
· Starting this weekend, the 197 new exchange rates for the 209 countries in the world will be on screens.
· You will have access to part of your money on your exchange.
· Military personnel stationed at military bases will exchange dinars and Afghanis over the weekend. They have already received notification that they will do so.
· The highest rates are on the Redemption Center screens. You will exchange there and not at a bank.
· The Iraqi dinar exchange rate is linked to the exchange rate of a barrel of oil.

People who are hospitalized or have a medical condition will have up to 40 days to exchange their money at a Redemption Center.

On Tuesday. On October 1, 2024, the new Republic of the United States of America will begin its new fiscal year with a gold-backed U.S. note as part of the global currency reset  .

The QFS is not just a financial system. It is part of a broader plan to take total control of global communications, energy networks and data. The military, in collaboration with secret intelligence agencies, developed this system to prevent any future manipulation by global elites.
Once VR is fully implemented, the Armed Forces will continue to enforce the new order. The old systems of corruption, the fraudulent banking empires and the political puppets they controlled will be dismantled.
Senior officials, bank executives and business tycoons will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.
·  In the first week of October, the Emergency Broadcast System will activate and broadcast 24/7 documentaries on the state of the world  .
Tuesdays. October 1, 2024 President Trump and the Global Military Alliance will execute the largest covert operation in history. Military forces are being mobilized around the world: US, Canada, UK, EU and beyond. Over 80 nations are participating. This is not a drill. They have already arrested and tried over half a million global elites: crimes against humanity. These criminals, those who prey on the children of the world, will face justice and it will not be pretty.
· Tuesdays. October 1, 2024 Congress suspends its session for 30 days. Congress can only be arrested when it is not in session.
Tuesdays. October 1, 2024 45,000 ILA workers at major ports will go on strike as unions push for a 77% wage increase. Half of all U.S. goods pass through these ports. For every day of strike, it will take a week to recover, severely disrupting the supply chain.
Stock up on goods.
basic income
basic income

Future coming soon.  You can live comfortably on a basic income.


The world seems to be moving in a great way now.


Until now, it was a time when material civilization prevailed.


In the future, we can return to spiritual civilization.


It’s called NESARA GESARA.




“Global Economic Security Reform Act” that does this NESARA not only in the United States, but also on a global scale.

Gesara is also called JESARA in Japan.

GESARA Contents

Specifically, it is as follows.

When “GESARA” is activated, the current banknote system (paper money) will be abolished and  replaced by  a digital currency
backed by the gold, silver and platinum standards.  The confiscated assets of the top 5% who have monopolized the wealth, the royal and imperial families of countries around the world, the Vatican, conglomerates, etc. have already been frozen and have been confiscated and redefined by the World Bank.  The digital currency redefined based on this wealth will be redistributed fairly to every citizen.

All taxes, including income tax, will be eliminated.

Food, medicine and second-hand goods are all tax-exempt (only luxury goods are taxable)   .

So there is no tax unless you buy a new item.

Since government revenue collection (income tax, social security premiums, various taxes) will also disappear,  only the minimum amount of tax needed to maintain and operate public institutions will be collected as consumption tax.

If there are no taxes, the tax office will no longer be needed, so it will be dismantled and all the existing work in the government office will be converted to AI.

Also,  all the debts I have now will be written off.
Bank mortgages, credit card loans, etc. will be written off.

This is  called  a “Jubilee”  or  “full settlement of debts”.
It is said that bank debt  has been cleared because it is due to illegal acts by banks and governments.

The role of government will also become smaller, and upper-class citizens such as politicians and bureaucrats will become unnecessary as they will be controlled by AI all over the world.

Furthermore,  since GESARA  is only for its own citizens, naturalized citizens, residents of Japan, and foreign workers will be required to return to their countries.

basic income


And all citizens of countries that have agreed to participate in GESARA  will be eligible for  “Basic Income”.

Japan is also subject to GESARA and is subject to the Jubilee and Basic Income.

Wikipedia’s description of Basic Income says:

Wikipedia reference

Basic Income distributes money to every citizen.  About 600 million yen (or more, depending on the
person   ) will be provided to each person for the rest of their lives.  This money will be distributed in monthly installments.

For Japanese citizens, about 200,000 yen is automatically distributed to personal accounts every month  .

In other words, if you are a Japanese citizen, you will receive a monthly cash payment of 200,000 yen for the rest of your life starting at age 18.  A signed contract is required
to receive it  .

(However, when people receive a significant amount of money, many people will not work and the entire economic system will collapse. Therefore, when you sign this contract, the money will return to you, but if you are from the  working generation, you cannot give up your job.

 Working is a condition for getting paid. Since people can resign one after the other, it seems like the change was well thought out .)

Pensioners can receive it by signing a contract.

In addition, taxes and utility bills will disappear, so life will be twice as comfortable as it is now.

The money distributed with Basic Income is not the money you receive.

It is money that was stolen from our parents’ generations and their generations by the DS controlled government through tax fraud.

It is the basic income to return all this money that was stolen from us.

This money is originally our money, so we will accept it openly.

The source of the funds is the money that the top 5%, who have monopolized the wealth, have been stealing and saving.

To use Basic Income,  you must first create your own personal account  under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance.

Quantum Computer / 8G Available  ”  Q Phone  “  will be distributed free of charge to all citizens of the world from now on.

All money exchanges, including basic income, will be done through this “Q phone”.

This is the homepage and address for Lightworker Japan.

Will Basic Income Bring Light to Japan?  In 2016, according to a leading expert  , a referendum calling for the introduction of an unconditional basic income was held in Switzerland, an initiative that attracted worldwide attention (People’s Initiative



🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of Week of September 29th through October 5th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 29th through October 5th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

CLICK HERE to receive this special Transmission



RUMORS: 09/29/2024


Matrix is ​​a system, Neo.

This system is our enemy. But when you’re inside it, and you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we’re trying to save. But until we do, these people are still part of this system, and that makes them our enemies.

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be disconnected. And many of them are so used to, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Less than 10 know the plan,

The Matrix was a documentary,

Where. are we. going. One. Let’s. All>

The enormity of what is to come will shock the world.

Arrest pedophiles

Arrest traitors

Arrest politicians

./ gesara nesara

John F. Kennedy Jr.

19th Vice President

#WWG1WGA 💞🌹🕊🌍💫



Trump’s Secret Meetings with Global Leaders to Launch GESARA and the Largest Wealth Transfer in History!

Trump’s pivotal role in GESARA implementation: Donald Trump, having leveraged his post-presidential influence, has been at the forefront of advocating for GESARA implementation. His role transcends national politics, positioning him as a key figure in a global movement to restore economic power to the people.


EBS: The moment we’ve been waiting for

⚠️ US Military Alert: All military forces around the world are preparing to suspend all media, internet, telephone and TV services. Emergency services will remain active, but everything else is about to go dark.

⚠️ During this time, no internet, no ATMs and phones? Only working for emergency calls. This is the global martial law we’ve been talking about, and it comes with a 10-day communication blackout. But here’s the catch: the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide. Non-stop, 24/7, 8-hour documentaries exposing the darkest



⚠️ The military is overthrowing Cabal-controlled governments around the world, carrying out mass arrests based on 500,000 sealed indictments. This is the moment we have been fighting for.

⚠️ After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new quantum internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, healthcare and commerce? Gone. A new era is coming.




Welcome to the end of the Deep State.

Welcome to the rise of the people.

The Alliance has already dismantled the control of the Zionists and global elites, with those at the top, including the 13 Illuminati families, the Vatican, the royal families, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Obamas and Clintons, now under their control.

For years, groups like the Federal Reserve, the Vatican, the Illuminati, and the Bilderberg Group have wielded power through fake money, Big Pharma, and the exploitation of human suffering.



On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, U.S.A. Inc. shuts down, marking the end of the Deep State Cabal’s fiat global financial system that has been siphoning off taxpayers’ money since the 19th century.

Please share 👍👍


All they’re waiting for is the 800 number and Tony won’t get the 800 numbers until interest rates go up again. 

There’s nothing really wrong, but Iran could do something stupid to provoke anger in the Middle East. If that happens before we do our part, then it’s up in the air. The good thing is that it’s already done, there’s money, and it could happen to us. Be prepared.


The clock is ticking! 

Trump’s war on corruption, military tribunals, and a massive electoral operation are about to explode. With the foreign occupation ending before November 5, the battle for the soul of America reaches its climax. Will the Republic survive or will chaos reign? Prepare for the final reckoning!


I think the first thing I’ll mention is why we didn’t get that far, and that is that we had information. As you recall, on the call on Tuesday, it looked like we were going to be notified on Wednesday or Thursday of this week.


President Trump has declared a “golden age” 🔔 “It will be a renaissance. 

It will be a golden age. It will be a beautiful age ❗ Tariffs and oblivion… ❗ Or… like your president.” ❗ This is the deal I’m offering every major corporation and manufacturer on the planet ❗ Lower taxes – lower energy costs ❗ Lower regulatory burden ❗ Free access to the best and biggest market on the planet ❗ More only if your products are first made in America and employ American workers ❗ Our president is a master negotiator 🙏2024 September 25 [2024/09/25]


Oh legitimate President Trump ❗ 

promises to date the Department of Education 🔔 I will date the Department of Education ❗ and trace education to the states 🙏 Japanese Board of Education and Ministry of Education and Education please 🙏 September 25, 2024 [2024/09/25]


September 23 in the city center ❗ 

In front of the National Diet Building ❗ Hanzomon 🤩 The hurried dinner with the morning was amazing ❗ Video ❗ The last supply of the Alliance continues ❗ Before President Trump returns, let’s clean up the Japanese parliamentarians. We won’t clean up🙏Replicon will start🙏It is urgent to materialize Gesara🔔September 24, 2024 [2024/09/24]


President Trump announces that if countries refuse to allow large numbers of immigrants to be deported, he will “force” them through tariffs and other harsh economic measures

🔔 New news for the deportation of criminal immigrants from Japan 🤩 Read September 24, 2024 [2024/ 24/09]


It’s finally here 🙏 

Briefing from White Hat Commander President Trump ❗ General Eric M. Smith is stationed in the US Marine Corps in Okinawa 🔔 Latest Japan ❗❓ September 24, 2024 [2024/09/24]


We have been waiting for so many years ❗ 

Don’t confuse “imminent” ❗ GESARA ❗ It will come sooner 🔔 Trump will be on ❗ GESARA will lead to the largest transfer of wealth in human history 🌈 Trump will be the largest financial reset in history ❗ GESARA 🙏 It’s happening now ❗ Russia, China, and the BRICS countries ❗ are moving to a new financial system that will destroy the US dollar and its dominance in global trade 🔔 The era of state dominance D is over 🌈 September 29, 2024 [2024/09/29]


It’s time to play a fate for the whole world 

🔔From the 17th Letter❗President Trump❗This will be a golden age of rebirth🔔Gesara Declaration🔔QFS Announced/Enabled🔔This is a great promise☺️DS Permanent US Government Shutdown 🤩 Complete Reset ❗ Nothing on the government calendar for later than tomorrow 🤩 Making America Rich Again 🌈 September 26, 2024 [2024/09/27]



🔔President Trump❗Imposes 100% tariffs on all cars crossing the Mexican border📢Mexico has fewer workers than the United States❗As Japanese automakers have also established production bases❗This policy was implemented Case❗You can have an impact🤩 September 25, 2024 [2024/09/25]


Tuesday, October 1, 2024 ❗ 

NESARA GESARA will be official worldwide 🔔 Let’s make it a reality 🙏 We urge Japan to make NESARA GESARA a reality as soon as possible 🙏 September 25, 2024 [2024/09/25]


Japanese DS companies are ready 🤩 President Trump ❗ 

But only your products will be made in America ❗ Employ American workers 🤩 Notify all major companies to withdraw from the United States 📢 Tariffs and specifications ❗ Or… ..As your president❗Here’s what business is offering to every major company and manufacturer on the planet❗The lowest taxes❗The lowest energy costs❗The lowest regulatory burden❗The best and biggest market on the planet Free access to ❗Our president is a master negotiator🙏 September 25, 2024 [2024/09/25]

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