Cosmic Being You ~ Radiating Now

“Cosmic Being You ~ Radiating Now”

from L’Aura Pleiadian
As a Cosmic Divine Being, your Light is radiating now throughout the Universe.

As you consciously acknowledge this awareness, you tap into more of the REALITY of YOU ~ that is this Cosmic Being ~ YOU ~ radiating.
Doing so, you become more conscious of the awareness of you, that includes all desires, existences, within it, including the FORM you are currently inhabiting in this world and parallel world VERSIONS of you, NOW.
To do so ~ MORE Consciously, activates your awareness to this EXPANDED larger than life ~ COSMIC BEING YOU ~ (beyond this life version of you) that is the CAUSE of your existence, and all of your existences, this moment.
The Universe Radiating Light ~ COSMIC Being YOU is YOU, and you the one aspect in form YOU ~ are held within this.
Connecting to the Cosmic Being ~ Light is connecting to your Original Light. Your Divine Ascended Being is ALSO held within this, your Cosmic Being.
Letting go of all ideas of time, of concerns, of wants, needs, attachments and fears ~ and consciously BEING our Cosmic Being, we suddenly realize, that we have never been apart from any eternal aspect of ourselves.
Realizing we are NOT separate from any state of consciousness we become the actualization of ALL THAT WE ARE, eternally ~ through our COSMIC Being ~ which includes ~ abundance, love, health and the realization, there is no death and their never was.
Activating your Cosmic Being now, in the radiating Light of The Divine Council of Overseers….receive now.
FULL POST:…/cosmic-being-you-radiat…/
In love,
L’Aura Pleiadian


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.



Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio- The Unraveling of Masks, Past Secrets That Haunt, The All Seeing + Knowing Eye
On October 31st, the day of Halloween/Samhain, Mercury, the planet of: the mind, contracts and communication, turns retrograde at 27 degrees of Scorpio. Scorpio, the 8th zodiac sign, is known to be: secretive, powerful, trans-formative, sexual and deal with the darker sides of life. Trick or treat… here we go!

Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio, will bring up the “skeletons” of the past and there is no hiding or running from these revelations. Mercury retrograde time tends to bring the past back to be re-examined and these won’t be just former plans or ideas but could also be people(yeah I know). Mercury retrograde in the Scorpion’s den will ignite a re-call into our deeper, more hidden subconscious patterns. We will be asked to go to the “dark side” whether we want to or not. Secrets and repressed thoughts will rise up and we won’t be able to ignore or run away from them.
Mercury’s retrograde phase has likely already begun, as his pre-shadow began on October 11th. Since then, major truth bombs and spiritual epiphanies could have been brought to the surface. Scorpio energy is no BS and this Mercury retrograde will be brutal for those not willing to face the truth and nothing but the TRUTH. Electronics and travel plans could go also go bonkers, so make sure to take extra time in planning excursions and purchases. Issues surrounding shared assets and joint en-devours could also run amok. This is a great time to go back and finish old projects that were put on the back burner. As per the Scorpio way, we might become obsessed with getting to the bottom of things and have an insatiable appetite for completion. “Leave no skeleton unturned” could well become the mantra for this transit.
Mercury retrograde in the deepest, darkest sign of Scorpio, is here to awaken your past mental struggles but also your greatest mental strengths. There is no other sign that will dig deep and conquer their demons quite like a Scorpio. The power and transformation that is possible during this Mercury retrograde cycle could be life changing. Mercury retrograde in the Scorpion’s den, wants to bring these mental tests back, not to torture you, but to show you how resilient and far you have come in your life. Get ready to face your shadow side with humility and honesty. There is no escape… that illusion will become very clear during the next 3 weeks. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is here to bring: the skeletons of the past back, authentic and no BS truths and the ability to conquer any and all demons. Mercury will begin his retrograde phase at 27 degrees of Scorpio on October 31st, before turning direct again on November 20th at 11 degrees of Scorpio.

If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.


Elizabeth Peru

November is The 11 MASTER MONTH of world service, as The Gateway to 2020 opens. Your ALL-NEW Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast for November 1-7 is ONLINE NOW. I chose the ‘cosmic leopard’ to represent the energy of this week – all-seeing, all-knowing, 100% at one with the universal flow

Follow my spoken & written daily soul and cosmic guidance. You WILL see tangible results 💗



Christina Papageorgiou

Shuri Castle on the island of Okinawak, Japan has been destroyed by FIRE in the early hours of Halloween – October 31st… this is another monumental MARKER(as was the Notre Dame fire) in our Planetary evolution due to a number of reasons.

Five days ago Uluru was closed to the public for climbing so that her energy could be sealed and her sovereignty could be restored. Uluru along with her mate – Katu Tjuta are the Solar Plexus chakra of Gaia – which represents our planetary – POWER centre… this sequence of events resulted in the awakening of our Planetary Rainbow serpent – who commenced her journey from Uluru to Bali the planetary purification centre, before continuing on her travels to spread the renewed Goddess – Divine feminine energy through the planet. Australia holds the planetary holon of the Blue Night which relates to the Dreamtime…so this symbolizes the activation of the 5D Utopian Dream of Peace, Harmony and Joy being commenced.
Now today we have a fire at a World Heritage listed site – Shuri-jo Castle in Okinawa Japan, that was last destroyed by FIRE in the Battle of Okinawa during WW2 … this bloody, ferocious battle took place from April 1 – June 22, 1945 in which both sides fought to the bitter end and sadly so many lives – mostly masculine were sacrificied in the name of WAR!
NOTE: The battle ended on White Planetary Dog day – with the 22 Architect of Peace code on 22 June, 1945.
Okinawa was the bloodiest battle of the Pacific War. The most complete tally of deaths during the battle lists 240,931 names, including 149,193 Okinawan civilians, 77,166 Imperial Japanese soldiers, 14,009 American soldiers, and smaller numbers of people from South Korea (365), the United Kingdom (82), North Korea (82) and Taiwan (34).[15]… The most horrific part of this battle is that the Imperial Japanese Army showed indifference to Okinawans’ safety using civilians as human shields or just outright murdering them – .
The Battle of Okinawa was “the total surrender of Japan” . Due to the surrender, the next anticipated series of battles – an invasion of the Japanese homeland – never occurred. Because the Japanese on Okinawa … were so fierce in their defense, and because casualties were so appalling, many American strategists looked for an alternative means to subdue mainland Japan, other than a direct invasion. This means presented itself, with the advent of atomic bombs, which worked admirably in convincing the Japanese to SURRENDER for peace [unconditionally], without American casualties.…/31/natio…/shuri-castle-fire/…
And so this Battle of Okinawa marked the 🎇LAST BATTLE 🎆🎆before the Atomic bombs💣💣 were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which ended WW2 and the cycle of World Wars in favour of the reign of PEACE….
Japan holds the planetary holon of the White World-Bridger which heralds Death and closure, through the final surrender… The Japanese played their role well in WW2 bringing the closure to War through SURRENDER…. now they are again playing their final card in our Planetary poker game between duelling forces – this time the Alliance vs the Dark forces…. The script has already been written and we have all played our part.
The island of Okinawa lies geographically South to the main island of Japan’s landmass. It occupies a strategic position upon the masculine ley line of the Feathered Serpent line. So the battle of Okinawa (along with the Atomic bombs) energetically contaminated our planetary grid with horrific WAR energies which needed to be cleansed so that Quezicoatl can rise up – cleansed and purified (by this FIRE) and then pass through BALI to be purified by WATER in order for Divine union to occur with his Divine counterpart the Rainbow Serpent.
NOTE: That Gate 9 on the Serpent map shows Mt Fuji in Japan as another important planetary vortex. This area represents the WORLD IMMORTALITY and BEAUTY CENTRE so once the Feathered Serpent returns through this point encircling the globe, after being CLEANSED and purified, he will be able to transmit the energies of Immortality and Beauty which synergize with the Immortality and Vitality codes now being transmitted by the Rainbow Serpent through ULURU..
The RAINBOW SERPENT – FEMININE ley line travels from– Uluru and Kata Tjuta, Bali, Mt. Kailash- Tibet , Sergiev Posad- Russia, Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, and Lake Titicaca – Peru.
The QUETZACOATL SERPENT – MASCULINE ley line travels from – El Tule Tree – Mexico (where the oldest tree in the world is situated), Mt. Shasta, Mt. Fuji, Bali, and Lake Titcaca.
Note that these two circles INTERSECT at Chakra Two, Lake Titicaca – the watery womb of Gaia and at the Planetary Purification Centre – BALI Indonesia. Robert Coon
So planetary kin – the dance of the Serpents has been indeed very ACTIVE during this PASSIONATE and INTENSE – Red Serpent Wavespell…
The fire at Shuri Castle is yet another DIVINE SIGN that the Divine Plan is unfolding all in synchronic perfected order –
The LAST BATTLE has been signalled and now we await the Grande Finale – the unleashing of an analagous “Atomic Bomb” -to herald in a new era of PEACE – this time in the form of a SOLAR 🌞umbilical cord connecting HEAVEN and EARTH….
Stay tuned for more fireworks.🎆🎇🎇…..
Namaste’ 🙏🙏🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: DIVINE GRATITUDE to Robert Coon for his pioneering Earth chakra wisdom 🙏🙏🙏

The Tzolkin Times

Blue Resonant Monkey
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and it’s key words are ‘Channel, Attune and Inspire.’ The 7th day is always the half way point of a wavespell journey and we are currently traveling through the Red Serpent wavespell with it’s 10 portal days in a row. Day 7 is always the day we fine tune our intuition and channel wisdom. This helps us to move forward consciously. Very important to adhere to this right now – as we’re going through this intense 13 day ride, we need all the help we can get. Our best tool at hand is our own psychic abilities.

Today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion.’ Today we are channeling the Monkey. What fun! Enjoy becoming a monkey today and play, magic will surely come your way… all you need to do is open up to the experience. Allow your inner voice to lead you to Monkey magic and learn what monkey knows – that magic is fun!
The Guide today is Blue Night and its key words are ‘Dreams and Abundance.’ Be guided by your dreams and aspirations today and with a bit of monkey magic who knows what will happen. Abundance is likely, so be prepared to be pleasantly surprised.
The Challenge is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. Monkey doesn’t stop often enough to take care of himself and Dragon can be too serious and needs to learn to have more fun. This is why their energies are opposing. If you are a Dragon, don’t write the day off, you too can find some magic.
The Occult power is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart.’ When the doggy is in the magic position expect magical moments with your loved ones. Use your intuition and it may guide you to find love. Whatever you do today put all of your heart into and see magical results.
The Ally is the Yellow Star which symbolizes ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Yellow Stars are great to have around today with their enthusiasm for beauty they naturally get along with Monkey because there is beauty in magic. If you are a Yellow Star you will be very sparkly today and this will make you very popular.

Christina Papageorgiou

31 OCTOBER 2019

31/10/2019 =4/1/3 = 8
31 = The “Genius” number/Uniqueness
4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow to Source
KIN 111 = 3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Union
1 – New Beginnings/Leadership
Hold on to your Majik wands Starseeds – today is a HUGE majikal code all being UNLOCKED on Halloween!! Majik, trickery and ILLUSION is the order of the day/evening and NO-THING is as it appears!👻👻👻
Today is the SIXTH successive GAP day – so we are just past the halfway mark with 4 more to follow – so you could say today is the PEAK GAP DAY in the cycle of 10 – the APEX or pinnacle to what the energy has been building up to… how you access it will depend on your INTENT!
Day 7 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin. Today we are focused on channelling what we attune to – using our majik wands to cast our Dreamspells to manifest ABUNDANCE in order to SURVIVE! (THRIVE) Learning to TRUST that we can MANIFEST great personal and collective ABUNDANCE!
HIGH MAJIK and PLAY – THE BEST: combination = FUN, FUN, FUN!! 😊😊😊
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully IGNITES the potential for great ALCHEMY today, as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces available to us all. Preferably WHITE MAJIK. Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. So it is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actual emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm. At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon, learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which DOUBLES the MAJIK of the MONKEY!! So what are you ATTUNED to today? What form of ABUNDANCE will you manifest through your exuberant PLAY!
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE MONKEY –🐒 CHUEN A great day to LIGHTEN up and release all those ancient PRIMAL SURVIVAL FEARS! As it is HALLOWEEN we will be provided with ample opportunities to be SPOOKED! 👻 Whatever triggers our FEARS, be it playful, benign or intense, know that it is all an ILLUSION that can be dissolved and erased in the tracks of our minds. Chuen is the Master Magician and as the veils are lifted and we see behind the smoke screens what was – FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL – is nothing more that an innocent child 🙇wearing a white bedsheet with cut holes for the eye 👀sockets! At the end of the day we are all pure divine souls playing this REAL-IT-Y game of life. So LAUGH and mock the FEARS – face them with humour and acknowledge the role they have played in your life…. it is TIME to let go of the HORROR, the suffering and trauma of this Nightmare on Gaia –
Today’s Hallow’s eve marks the milestone for the END of the dark night of our Planetary soul! 
So rejoice, play and gather with your children and your kin – face your DEMONS, and blast them with the HIGHEST WHITE MAJIK LIGHT that your majik monkey can channel – (or you may prefer to use BLISS BOMBS) 🎈🎈🎈
CHUEN perfectly brings forth great MAJIK today from many realms, along with the RESONANT tone inspiring ACTION. Chuen reminds you to keep your high manifesting vibe happening through lots of play and merriment. Keep it LIGHT and use your JOY to inspire your happiest Dreamspell.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE NIGHT 🌃– AKBAL is a portal to the Abyss and the deep DARK subconscious… opening portal upon portal beyond the veil… so your deepest core FEARS may arise to be finally released – particularly those childhood wounds and traumas… That poor innocent child who is afraid of the dark and is hiding from the “Bogie man” beneath the covers! Pull off those sheets and robe yourself in your Halloween costume….. bravely face the UNKNOWN and the mystery with unbridled LAUGHTER……. until you cry for JOY…. life is a party now🎈…replace the trauma with celebrations 🎉and welcome the UNKNOWN as marvellous serendipity…which makes you GLEE with De-LIGHT. 😊😄😃
AKBAL is THE DREAMER! He carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity and abundance, accessed through intuitive knowing and attuning and channeling spirit. The DREAMTIME is the dimension where we hold the VISION to create our current reality, where our creation VORTEX🌀 exists. In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging.What SWEET DREAMS will you energize today? Hold the collective PLANETARY dream of ABUNDANCE for all beings!🌸🌼🌻
SUPPORT: YELLOW STAR🌟 – LAMAT the beautiful graceful and diplomatic STAR is our supporting energy, elevating our happiness quotient and encouraging us to REACH FOR THE STARS with our desires. Swing on a STAR and reach the furthest heights that you can imagine. LAMAT assists us in creating harmony in our world and being in the beauty of nature, celebrating the ABUNDANCE and joy that surrounds us.LAMAT reminds us to bypass the HORROR and SEE the BEAUTY beyond the Illusion. Sing, dance, LAUGH and SHINE BRIGHTLY STARseeds! 
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE DOG 🐕= OC is the SUPERPOWER of the day which is FANTASTIC NEWS as this means the Hidden POWER of this day is WHITE MAJIK!!! The POWER of LOVE will dissolve the deepest darkness…which will turn on the LIGHT in the darkest of times… no matter how much the DARK attempts to use SCARE-CITY tactics you will have the winning outcome if you attune to the Divine force of LOVE.
OC asks us to OPEN our rose-petalled HEART 💟 which we expanded yesterday through our double DOG day! CHANNELING our PASSION and LIFE FORCE from our chakras to IGNITE our true heart’s desires. Attuning to the compassion and unconditional love we have for ourselves and our fellow kin – LOVING OUR SHADOW, our fears, our emotions and our wounds.Embracing our inner child and treating ourselves with loving kindness. OC asks us to TRUST in the Divine support for our Survival issues knowing in our hearts that everyone deserves true PLANETARY ABUNDANCE which comes from FREEDOM. Financial and emotional FREEDOM knowing the truth that our SOULS are eternally FREE SPIRITS playing in this Universal wonderland of great adventure!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED DRAGON🐉 – IMIX is the Mother Dragon who nurtures us so that we feel loved and supported. IMIX is also fearlessly protective of her brood knowing that you are always SAFE in the loving care of your Mother/Goddess. IMIX guards the womb of creation where her eggs are incubating and are birthed within the dark void. So from our deepest fears we can birth our greatest gifts to humanity. Emerging from the darkness with the greatest strength, talents and wisdom your soul has gained is the GIFT of today.
IMIX enables us to BIRTH our creations into reality. IMIX also gives us the Dragon’s courage and determination to protect our unique visions from corruption and fully empower them into manifestation. To BELIEVE in our dreams, ourselves and our unique contributions in this New world we are birthing. We become fully empowered to accept full responsibility for our role and flow with the collective evolution of Earth and all beings. We step up and become deeply INSPIRED in the joy that arises as our birthright when we are connected vitally to the life force of GAIA who lovingly supports and provides for her children.
So cheeky monkeys it is time to dance,🎶 sing, play and be joyful and allow the life force to ignite and channel through us as we perform DIVINE ALCHEMY!!

Today’s question is “What MAJIK am I attuning to, in order to transcend my SCARE-CITY and manifest great ABUNDANCE?” 💰💰💰
I CHANNEL in order to PLAY
Inspiring illusion
I seal the process of MAJIK
With the Resonant tone of attunement
I AM guided by the power of ABUNDANCE
Divine blessings for LOTS of majikal play and alchemy today. HAPPY HALLOW’S EVE
Namaste’ 🙏🙏🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Sandy Bella

    Brutal Honesty –
    A Community Expecting One To Step Up Into Leadership While Treating The Very Same One As A Pariah….. Interesting – Definitely Outside The Box, I’ll give it that much but it’s not exactly a Higher Vibrational Way of Doing Things. A Questionable Way to Show The Rest of The World a Higher Way of Doing Things but each to their own 😀

  2. Sandy Bella

    Brutal Honesty –
    Did You Know That Another’s Soul Contract is Not The Business or Concern of Anyone Else.
    Why Would One Think They Are ‘Entitled’ to Focus on The Soul Contract of Another Instead of Focusing On Their Own Soul Contract?

  3. Sandy Bella

    Brutal Honesty –
    Did You Know Only Spirit Has The Right To Test Someone. No Person, Hue-man or Human is ‘Entitled’ to Indulge in The Psychopathic Behaviour of Testing Another.

  4. Sandy Bella

    Brutal Honesty –
    Months Ago When I had Visions of some of us Being Blasted to The Core with White Light Triggering The Event, I went off at Spirit. I Totally Went Off.
    I said – ‘You have got to be F#$!!!! Joking. Firstly, that would Totally Fry my Physical Body with all the Illnesses I have and You Know That Would Fry Me and Secondly, at least Half the Ascension Community would Trample Over The Top of My Fried Body to Get Through A Portal.
    Spirit 100% Agreed With Me!
    Spirit 100% Agreed That Many in The Ascension Community Would Trample Over Another if Hypothetically Speaking a Portal to The 5th Dimension Opened Up Before Their Very 3D/4D Eyes.

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