You are currently viewing PURE HEARTS ~ Path to the Lions Gate * Great Hall of Records ~ Rainbow Children of the One Heart Race

PURE HEARTS ~ Path to the Lions Gate * Great Hall of Records ~ Rainbow Children of the One Heart Race

PURE HEARTS ~ Path to the Lions Gate * Great Hall of Records ~ Rainbow Children of the One Heart Race



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Sacred Dragon Nation of our Holy Grail Lineage

Our local Soularis is releasing and transmiting massive amounts of Higher Energy flooding Earth and all Her Children of the Sun with wave after wave of Gamma Mother Liquid Plasma Light of the Crystalline Order. Our Sun blasted out 8 C Class Soular Flares today, 4 M Class Flares and our first Earth facing X Class Soular Flare of this Lion’s Gate Portal maxing at X 1.57 at 7:30 PM PST (2:30 UTC) encoded with our 37 into the 73 New Heaven upon the New Earth codes.

We also had another 5 D whiteout on the Schumann Charts today with Gaia’s heartbeat reaching amplitudes of 29 hz, 40 hz, 50 hz, 76 hz and a big blast of white light at 81 hz. Fifth through Seventh Dimensions fully anchored in as we transform ourselves and this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.

Our Royal Lion Nation of Lyra are assisting all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in raising the New Lemuria from the Holy Waters of the Galactic Earth Mother as we usher in our New Golden Age of Enlightenment forever more.

Keep anchoring in, rising and Shining Bright for many more upgrades, downloads and activations are on the Way from Infinite Source Creator…A’Ho!








✨New MONAD Templates Dropped in Overnight. Go easy as these new Elements Expand + Integrate into your LIGHT body.


These are the Emerald Covenants of this Planet.
The past does not have ANY hold as we move Deeper into our Heart.
Emerald Covenants
Emerald Covenants


You have to keep your course straight forward in your Ascension especially before the Lion’s Gate which occurs on the 8th of August. It is very critical that you don’t loose your energy on something that is not related to your Path. This includes things that had value in the past but don’t serve you anymore going forward. Time to re-evaluate your values. What are your priorities in life? What do you really want to achieve? Where do you want to go?
Look at yourself through honest eyes. Decide where you want to go and put this front and foremost. Who do you want to be? The universe will be listening to your goals and will be helping you if you really know what you want. If you are not focused and too expansive wanting something from everywhere, it will be very hard to go through these diffuse energies. You need to have a beamlike focus. Only then will you be going ahead very quickly and achieve your goals, by entering the corridor before you and going into the tunnel of Light and support.
Hugs and love to all of you,




7/28/24: If you feel life sweeping you along, and you’re struggling to stay ahead of it, it’s time to grow into your power. Growth is not under your control but does require your attention and participation. You’ve had to partner with this natural process since you took your first steps.
But, because you’ve been scuffed and sculpted since then you’ve become stronger and wiser and can facilitate your progress. Today you begin a new phase of aligning with Divine Flow and Right Action. It’s time to sincerely say “I hear you. What do you want me to do?” August will bring more specifics on this, but today is a sneak peek at the frequency you’re aiming for.
🌌 🌟🦁💫 Lionsgate energy is with us already now as the corridor is open and building up energy leading to it’s apex on 8.8 🌟🦁💫
Always an important annual portal of opportunity but this year feels even more important and powerful.
We are accelerating in our evolution of consciousness at such a rapid rate. I am sure lots of us are noticing how much freer and clearer, more expanded, spiritually connected & lighter, we feel as we accept the new energies which are activating our dormant strands of DNA and lighting up this shift in humanity’s evolution and our beautiful planet Earth’s evolution in our lifetime.
💥As challenging and sometimes exhausting as it is to go through the deep releases and process the shadow side of our many lifetimes it is ultimately so incredibly rewarding we never wish to go back. Remember how far you have come!
🌟See yourself merging more with your soul and your soul group rising higher into ever expanded creative consciousness and know that where you are now is only still the very beginning of how truly enlightened and amazing life is going to become for you.
💫 Do listen to your body it has it’s own alarm system to help you feel into where your blockages are, when it needs to rest and what it needs to remain healthy and in balance. Look after your body and your trip around the sun will be much smoother 💓
Lionsgate energy
Lionsgate energy

🌟 Earth Alliance Space Weather Intel – Another 5D White-out in Progress! 🌟

Great One,
⚡ Are you feeling this? ⚡
🌠 As this super-galactic weekend continues, the Earth Alliance is reporting that another massive 5D energy white-out is currently in progress! 🌠
⚡ Powerful, high-vibrational cosmic energy is streaming in today! For the last few hours, the Schumann Resonance Chart has shown a complete white-out. ⚡
📊 The intense and total white light imprinted across the entire graph signifies maximum electromagnetic intensity. 📊
🌌 When energy levels hit the 40-hertz mark on the bottom of the graph, it signifies the beginning resonance of the 5th dimension or the gamma state of consciousness! 🌌
✨ This 5D gamma-level light is the most powerful force for activating dormant DNA strands and elevating conscious awareness! ✨
💫 What else does this energy mean for you? It supercharges your manifestations, bringing them to fruition with incredible power and speed! 💫
🌞 On an important side note, the Earth Alliance reported that three days ago, an incredible X-14 flare erupted from the backside of the sun. If this flare had been Earth-facing, it would have indeed caused a massive blackout of the power grid across the planet. 🌞
⚠️ This event highlights how quickly such occurrences can happen unexpectedly. ⚠️
🌠 The Pleiadians say it’s not a matter of if, but when a super flare will directly impact Earth, disrupting the old matrix power grid and signaling the beginning of the emergence of the new Earth. 🌠
💬 They further say, “We cannot have a new and better system on Earth until the old one is dismantled, and the universe has its way of dealing with this! In the aftermath of a major solar event, conscious communities will begin rebuilding the Earth to align more closely with sentient human life, love, peace, and abundance.” 💬
🌐 Global ascension symptom reports are elevated today as starseeds integrate this massive influx of light into their cells! 🌐
💎⚡ The Pleiadians teach that during strong light influxes like this, it is crucial to:
– Consume natural energy foods 🥦🍓
– Take a sea salt bath 🛀💧
– Keep crystals around your auric field for energy stabilization 💎🔮
– Practice meditation 🧘‍♀️🌙
– Engage in breathwork 🌬️
– Connect with nature for grounding 🌳
– Get plenty of rest and sleep 😴
🌟 It is truly an exciting time to be alive on planet Earth as we witness the magnificent awakening of humanity! A new world filled with goodness for all is being formed as we speak! This is the goal and this is the mission! 🌟
📝 Feel free to share any ascension symptoms you may be experiencing! 📝
🙏🌟 God-speed, Michael and the Pleiadians 🌟🙏
Another 5D White-out in Progress
Another 5D White-out in Progress
28th July : The New Year and the Path to the Lions Gate
So we have passed tne New Year marker and are into the pathway to the 888 Lions Gate.
Yesterday I had a wonderful webinar about the Royal Star Lions and their role as Keepers of the Lions Gate Portal and Architects of the original Time Templates on Earth. They initiated Time on the Earth and they are also the Keepers of The Akashic Records for the Earth.
As a group we journeyed to the Great Hall of Records that is accessed through a gateway between the paws of the Great Sphinx in Giza. The Sphinx was originally a monument to the Royal Star Lions, and the human face was carved in later by those with different agendas.
The Great Hall of Records which exists in another dimension, contains all the information of the “Book of the Lions” and all the wisdom of the Royal Star Lions which is being released to us now.
This will indeed by a powerful Lions Gate Portal as we take a great leap forward into Higher Consciousness and Higher levels of Love and Joy.
No matter what happens on the lower levels, we are always able to move upwards on the spirals of time to express the Joy and Love in our Heart and Soul.
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Path to the Lions Gate
Path to the Lions Gate


Dear friends, it seems our Sun’s activity is returning to high levels as we move into the new planetary year and deeper into the 8:8:8 Lion’s Gate portal.
There are two active regions in the solar Southern Hemisphere, both producing low to high M-class flares in the past 24hrs. One of them has erupted with the largest flare in the recent period, an M9.9-class just under the threshold from an X-class. There was a halo CME emerging indicating an associated coronal mass ejection. The flare also produced an R2-radio blackout over the eastern Pacific Ocean. And just recently another intense M7.8 flare took place, indicating a high chance for an X-class solar flare soon.
As I mentioned in previous posts, we are moving into a highly charged energetic period as we transition into the month of August. And our a sun has a big role to play during this period, as it always has during our evolutionary journey. These solar lightcodes arriving into our atmosphere and affecting our human fields are meant to trigger the awakening of dormant regions of our energetic DNA. Each strong solar flare is like an ocean wave arriving into a beach, clearing and washing away the sand and bringing new fresh water with it. This process is specially intense this year, as the clearing and awakening of new human potentials is happening at higher speeds.
Our nervous system is working non-stop at this time, day and night, trying to integrate and recalibrate itself as these waves of solar winds and several other cosmic energies keep pushing us into this process of energetic alchemical transformations. It’s important to ground your energy during this period, rest as much as needed, and stay well hydrated.
There are other multiple celestial influences taking place at the moment, working synergistically with these solar flares to induce a deeper healing and bringing emotional closure to old ancient wounds. I’ll be describing tomorrow one of them: the importance of Chiron as it just entered its retrograde period exactly as we moved into this new planetary year a few days ago on July 26. Stay tuned.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may be experiencing some sleep disturbances, ear ringing, a sense of inner restlessness, and a few other symptoms. Try to engage in soothing activities and connect with situations that keep your vibration at high levels, as this will assist with the flow of the new incoming lightcodes throughout your energy fields. Have a wonderful day and a peaceful week,
much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

The Earth Stars are Commended 🌟🙏🌟

And as the Great Solar Ruby Heart Womb Gate reaches full dialation, The Great Solar Ring is expanding its aperture …
I have been shown what is being referred to as the Monadic Grids, and that through the integration of our individuated soul awareness and dimensional extensions, the Monadic grids are being reanimated. Especially the reconfigurations and reinstatement of the True Solar Umbilicus, at Uluṟu, the Ruby Heart Gene~Ra~Tor and Solar Plexus plasmas tower here in OZ~Mu.
Our 12×12 = 144 sol/ nomadic soul groups are not only re~mem~ber~ing dismembered aspects of self and awakening dormant RNA/DNA patterning, but firing up the ignition switch of the Great Ley~Arteries with the interfacing of our Monadic families.
This Monadic OverSoul Matrix is our 7D~9D solar light body coming on line. Increasing the spin rate of our spiralic golden plasmic blood.
And as such, we are acupuncturing our planetary fields, increasing our unified solar magnetism ~ as a unity flame that does not consume.
Our cellular memory is now interfacing with the planetary grid consciousness network unhindered.
We are now operating as a Sacred Heart Flame, increasing greater Health and Vitality around our beloved Gaia Galactica.
This too is enlivening our great ley arteries and unlocking Liberty codes and the Monadic Laws of Eternal Life through ~our Cosmic brain to Higher Self connection.
This is creating pure unadulterated morphogenetic resonance within the many fields of our Collective Consciousness and Krystic Gold~Prints of our unified collective field.
As we integrate our Soul consciousness, we integrate these 12 aspects within our consciousness body, and this unifies the triad of the entire Soul Matrix, so that we experience our emotions and the forces of love in entirely new ways.
We are now operating as a Sacred Heart Flame, increasing greater Health and Vitality around our beloved Gaia Galactica.
This too is enlivening our great ley arteries and unlocking Liberty codes and the Monadic Laws of Eternal Life through morphogenetic resonance.
The Mother Codon is being restored
Matristic Law/ Lore reinstated.
We are now calling home The Children of the One Heart Race ~ One Heart ~ One World.
Much gratitude All for this beautiful service.
Soul Matrix
Soul Matrix
As much as the earth upheavals and changes are seemingly bringing in so much seeming destruction, they are also assisting our hearts to open in ways we may not even be aware of.
Suddenly strangers, become friends, as communities pull together, and the hearts open, and sharing begins. Help arrives from unexpected sources.
I was experiencing this yesterday, when one of my neighbors just suddenly collapsed and died. Everyone was immediately rallying around his widow, and assisting in all and everyway they could.
Someone shared with me, that in truth we are not just neighbors, we are family. The family she did not have with her, as they live far away!
This is where the New Earth is revealing itself: caring communities where the spirit of UBUNTU reigns. In Africa, Ubuntu, means we are all in this together, we all contribute towards the greater whole, because we are all in this together. One is not more or greater than the other – we are all the same, and everyone is valued, and truly seen and heard.
Not only where human beings are concerned, but this includes our relationship to Mother Earth, to animals, birds, insects, trees, plants, all living beings in the earth, upon the earth, in her waters, in her skies, and everywhere.
We are all One!
The unfolding miracle of open hearts and Love.


As we Expand our Unification of Light
We See our Light Alliance reverberating throughout the Ley Lines & Crystalline Grid of Gaia.
Know your contributions are Forever-expanding, reaching the light networks of your reality, as the progression continues.
Feel your sensitivity is heightened as your lightbody is continually activated, adjusted, recallibrated.
Your own expansion and progression is free flowing, relating to your mission and level of focus and intent.
As you connect to the Higher Dimensions – you will feel a heightened sense of internal Peace, a wonderful Heart Expansion of Life Consciousness and Connection to the Universe.
As your Expansion Continues,
Like viewing from a distance, review your life, all that has occurred and your bright future ahead of you.
To understand this Light Amplification will be opening aspects of you. For some it could be aspects of your wounded self.
To acknowledge your progress and have peace with your journey. To acknowledge your ego, and allow the healing process to expand…
Seek freedom from energetic baggage you need not carry.
As we collectively align to assist ourselves, to be of service to Mother Gaia, for this is ultimately our Light Mission🙏
Sending Waves of Cosmic Love ❤
Karen Lithika
New Earth Light Alliance
Together We Join In Light 🌿🙏



Carolyn 144 GODCODE


We are experiencing a massive purification over the next month ahead into Eclipse Season beginning this September. 

You will begin experiencing the Divine cleansing and purifying you, your Family, body, home, and lifestyle.  We are completing the roots and Root Chakra so you are foundationally secure, abundant, and thriving. 

This requires a removal of the seed point entities that always take what is yours, thus destroying your stable foundation, and keeping your stuck in cycles of surviving. 

God is collapsing that seed point from our lives this week. This will support clearing their imprints from the mind and heart.  A mental, emotional, and spiritual purification will complete with receiving pure unconditional love from God Source, and an awakening to the ancient knowledge and wisdom you hold deep within. 

This is your time to shine Beloveds, healthy, healed, whole, happy and abundant.  The doors have opened this week to receive and have it all, including your rebirth through the molecular structure of God’s All Stars! 



ROOT Chakra Restructuring
ROOT Chakra Restructuring


On Sunday, July 28th the Moon, ruler of our emotions and feelings, in headstrong Taurus is in a challenging connection to Venus, ruler of love and partnerships, in demanding Leo. Both Taurus and Leo are “fixed” signs, meaning they are both stubborn and do not like change. The Moon in Taurus wants to feel stable and secure.
Venus in Leo wants to be recognized and appreciated. However, there may be something that disrupts the status quo for both of these energies, and there is a clash of wills. This may occur within our relationships, or perhaps it is about self-care and love of Self. In either case, stay grounded in the “light” of your heart, and express your tenderness, warmth and care.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of our emotions and feelings, in headstrong Taurus
the Moon, ruler of our emotions and feelings, in headstrong Taurus
Last Quarter Moon in Taurus – We are now at the last turn in the lunar cycle, a time of release as we move towards the dark of the Moon. But there is tension between the lights. Emotionally the drive is towards security, the comfort of walking the well-trodden path. But now and again, the spirit wriggles – restless, bored. Take a risk to get things moving again, especially if you’ve been feeling stuck. It doesn’t need to be a huge dramatic shift – a small detour, a tiny deviation from the usual routine may be all it takes to bring back your spark.
Still, with Luna exalted in grounded Taurus, it can help to attend to practical matters too. Clear the ground of dead wood. Let go of what never came to fruition. Recycle. Eat well, sleep well. Recharge your batteries. Feed your creativity through recreation. Survival does not have to come at a cost to your creative self-expression. Slow down and appreciate life’s beauty. Touch the Earth to reconnect with your light. Be proud of everything you have accomplished so far.
Degrees and Times
Moon 05°Ta32′, Sun 05°Le32′ – 03:51 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – ‘Girl Picking Poppies’ by Daniel Ridgway Knight
Girl Picking Poppies
Girl Picking Poppies

Kin 21 ~ Red Galactic Dragon

‘Galactic’ is the name for the number 8 and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Model and Integrity’. These days are great for finding harmony in your life. The number 8 is a symbol of eternity, a never-ending loop. Time is cyclical not linear which is the main difference between the Maya view of time and the Western world’s view. There is an infinite supply of love, time, and energy in the Universe. May this understanding help you find harmony in your life today. The number 8 also represents Integrity. It is so important to regularly check your integrity as anyone walking the spiritual path must be impeccable in all their deeds, actions and words. Luckily then, we get a chance to do this every 13 days. Every day and every number in the Tzolkin has a healthy, important practice that is good for us to incorporate into our daily lives. If every 13 days, on the 8th day we check our integrity then this is the perfect MODEL for a healthy mind and a healthy life.
Today is Red Dragon and its keywords are ‘Nurture, Being and Birth’. Dragon days are great for taking care of others or allowing yourself to be taken care of. Find your cave and have some down time so you may emerge refreshed. The Dragon has very nurturing energy and it can remind us to be kinder to ourselves and others. Combine the day and the number and the result is ‘Harmony equals re-birth’ or ‘Nurture integrity.’ It’s a comforting day, a number with lovely energy and the very caring Dragon together provide an opportunity for much needed uplift. Spread kindness today and accept offers of help too. Now if you have been impeccable in your deeds, actions and words as the Galactic number 8 insists, then you’ll enjoy your cave time more. This is because once you establish impeccability into your life, you never do anything that you would later feel ashamed of. This means not only are you a more nurturing being but you are being kind to yourself as well.
Today’s Guide is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life force and Instinct’. The Serpent has great healing powers because it can shed its old skin and emerge renewed. This is why the Serpent is associated with healing. It is a very compatible guide for today and suggests that if you have the desire to change and shed the old, you too can be like the snake and renew yourself. This goes nicely with the nurturing Dragon energy and the harmonious number 8.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Monkey and so if you were born on a Blue Monkey day, you will find it quite tough to get the nurturing you need. Time to stop monkeying around and get a bit more serious about taking care of yourself. For the rest of us it is a good idea to try to calm that monkey mind which is the eternal chatter.
The Occult power is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. This suggests that if you do journey down the path of healing today you may find that you feel better resulting in ‘illumination’. Sometimes the answers are hard to find when we are lacking in energy. Find some nurturing today and you’ll be in a stronger place to find the answers you need.
The Ally is the White Mirror, this means that the ‘truth’ is our best friend today. Don’t be afraid to look in the mirror, the truth not only sets you free but helps you make the right choices. This reality check is more gentle and less harsh today and this helps us find the harmony we need so much.
Kin 21
Kin 21


8 IMIX – KIN 21
28 JULY 2024
I harmonize in order to nurture
Modeling being
I seal the output of birth
With the Galactic tone of integrity
I AM guided by the power of life force.
28/7/2024 = 10/7/8 = 1/15=1/6=7
28- Planning for future success/manifestation
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Leader/Authority/Power
1-New beginnings/Original/Unique/Leader/Independant
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 21 = 3 Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity
KIN 21 commences our new journey at the beginning of the 2nd vertical column in the Tzolkin Calendar.. Number 2 denotes co-operation, partnership, romance, union and working harmoniously with others to overcome duality challenges and disharmony. .
These concurrent themes will be operative during our next 20 day journey through the Solar Seals, as we are birthed anew today, from Mother Dragon and arrive at AHAU – tribe 20 as even more ENLIGHTENED beings once more!
Day 8 of the enchanting WHITE WIZARD Wavespell is the one where we MODEL how we want our lives to be from now on.
We become the model as the powerful Wizard, to prepare our MIND to anchor and receive multidimensional realities here on Earth. We open our RECEPTIVE HEARTS ❤ and AWAKENED MINDS to allow more love, kindness, WISDOM and compassion to flow… Whatever enchantment we give out is returned to us threefold!
Today we are invited to nurture ourselves on all levels as we embrace new AUTHENTIC beginnings!
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today so it is a potent day to UPGRADE our PSI Memory bank, switching to a new CPU for our GALACTIC MINDS..
Accepting RESPONSIBILITY for our thoughts, beliefs and programs instead of robotically allowing ourselves to be MIND CONTROLLED slaves 😵😵😵– ain’t that THE TRUTH!! ✨✨✨
The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.
❓❓Are our intentions based on the new found HARMONY through integrity of being?
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it! ✨
Today’s questions are
“Do I MODEL HARMONY and INTEGRITY of being, through my thoughts, words and actions, as a loving, kind and responsible GALACTIC citizen?🤔😍
“How can I b-Earth my TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF, through my soul’s creations?”💫
Aho GALACTIC KIN – Divine blessings for upgrading to a more beautiful and harmonious GALACTIC MIND.. 💕
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED GALACTIC DRAGON 🐉IMIX holds the SOPHIA Dragon WISDOM codes. The POWER of DIVINE MOTHER and THE GODDESS. IMIX is the Divine Feminine, the first tribe that INITIATES CREATION by b-Earthing our reality. 🐣
The themes for today cover new beginnings, birthing new creations, nurturing ourselves, and our ability to conceive and ignite🎇 new sparks, projects and desires. Mumma Dragons 🐉 are very gifted at alchemizing thoughts and desires into matter through the void of Creation. 🍥✨🍥
All this marries beautifully with the 10 MANIFESTATION and 1 NEW BEGINNINGS codes – great opportunities abound to CREATE your NEW REALITY!
These themes apply to our MINDS and mental processes… revolutionizing the way we THINK, process and store information in our BRAIN and cells. Today is a day of INTEGRATION where we are accessing these new data streams and Solar Light codes, brought forth yesterday through 7 AHAU🌞 and the enchanting Wizard. We are downloading the new GODDESS OPERATING system.
✨✨✨We are finally accepting and integrating our primary responsibilities as Planetary midwives🌍🐣 and evolving Galactic citizens.
This beautiful DRAGON🐉 energy is exemplified by all mothers, nurturers and caregivers who love others unconditionally. However before we can care and nurture others, we need to have mastered love of self! To truly respect yourself as a divine sovereign being it is necessary to honour your own needs and that of your body. This starts with holding LOVING THOUGHTS.❤.. and modeling LOVING KINDNESS.❤❤❤..
In order to B-EARTH🐣🌍 this new Golden Age, we need to STEP UP and accept that we are the CREATORS of our REALITY.🎆.. If we want a more loving and compassionate world, then we need to DEMONSTRATE this in every aspect of our being…
It all starts with holding LOVING THOUGHTS❤ and being KIND to ourselves and each other..
✨✨✨JUST BE NICE to each other ✨– that is ALL it takes to transform our world! ✨✨✨
As Steve Rother and the GROUP used to say “Play well together, beloveds” – ESPAVO
It is also timely today that we open to receive love and nurturance, from our Galactic Star families. In turn we should also take some time to send them our deep appreciation and love, opening the doorway to stronger communication channels and closer connections.
Get ready to become GALACTIC CITIZENS! 🍥✨
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED GALACTIC SERPENT 🐍CHICCHAN – energies relate to the base chakra, survival, FEAR, kundalini, life force and PASSION! The MENTAL tone with CHICCHAN, relates to the reptilian brain – our primal instinctual brain which houses the FIGHT💪 or FLIGHT🐔 response. As we are evolving into Galactic citizens we CANNOT continue to behave in a FEARFUL manner to all matters of stimuli.
When our Galactic brethren appear – how will we RESPOND? 🤔🤔🤔
Will we run 🏃🏃🏃 for the hills in FEAR, barricading ourselves in the safety of our homes? Or will we gallantly go out to greet them as Earth diplomats? 🤔🤔🤔
As we evolve we need to accept that ✨ALL IS WELL✨ and that 🌟we are SAFE🌟 – We do not need to constantly watch out for Dinosaurs, explosions, thieves, murderers or DANGER!
✨We need to focus on HARMONY at all times! WHITE WIZARD can assist us to effect this change, as we birth new channels in the neocortex of the brain, allowing the receptivity of new frequencies to directly download, firing new synapses and rewiring our Galactic brains.
RED SERPENT🐍 invites the purifying spark 🎇 of the sacred fire,🔥 the kundalini, to align and integrate your body, MIND and Spirit. It is day 8 of the WHITE WIZARD Wavespell so utilize the great Wizard’s majikal powers to help you uncover apparent blockages in specific chakras to clear and align them, and thus become a pure vessel for Spirit.
In the HIGHER GUIDE position, Serpent🐍 is brilliant at raising this energy to the Higher chakras aligned with your connection to Divinity. The Serpent also represents the caduceus, the symbol of medicine and healing. The double serpents 🐍🐍represent our DNA helix (and our Planetary DNA) and the cosmic dance between our masculine and feminine energies within our bodies.
✨As we have both the DRAGON 🐉 alongside the RED SERPENT🐍 as the higher self – we can expect MAJIK to HAPPEN 🎇🔥🎆 in our codons today!! Major UPGRADE time with these heightened frequencies hitting our planet for Mother Earth and her children.
Call on the Red Serpent to bring about great healing of your MIND today, and return you to wholeness. CHICCHAN can also provide you with great PASSION 🔥and life-force🎇 to fuel your new ideas and creations.
❓❓What new creations do you wish to b-Earth🐣 into your life through your creative soul expression?💃.
SUPPORT: WHITE GALACTIC MIRROR 🔎 ETZNAB the WHITE GALACTIC MIRROR is a very powerful tool in today’s code. The MIRROR -REFLECTS and the GALACTIC MIRROR will reflect whether you are modelling total INTEGRITY of being… You cannot FOOL your soul!! Whatever LIES your EGO has been feeding your mind, will be revealed with the sword of TRUTH, that all the WHITE KIN hold.
The MIRROR and the WIZARD today have a double NINJA SWORD 🗡✳🗡– As it rotates,🌀 the blades on both ends sever through all falsities… no more HIDING from your true self. Reflecting strongly on all that does not fit the pure patterns of TRUTH, and having the capacity to cut away all that is not pure, by communicating directly from within the endless order of the divine patterns.
It is TIME to integrate and align your HIGHER GALACTIC MIND as a pure channel of the sacred order of pure reception of the harmonic patterns of consciousness.. The NEW PEACEFUL MIND MATRIX that loves and cherishes all of CREATION.
The WIZARD provides the capacity to integrate the MAJIK, by channeling the codes of HARMONY, through the new pure and sacred mathematics of the Harmonic patterns of the New Creation.✨
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RHYTHMIC SUN🌞 AHAU returns today as the OCCULT SUPERPOWER which is the hidden AGENDA driving today’s energies. The RHYTHMIC SUN will be our SUPPORTING energy for this entire RHYTHMIC STORM year! A huge boost for our ASCENSION passage.
The potent Ascension codes from yesterday’s Resonant SUN, where we attuned to these Solar rays, is still streaming forth fueling our EN-LIGHT💡ON-ed MIND.
The RHYTHMIC power is organizing for greater ILLUMINATION today, balancing our MINDS for the great unveiling of our TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF.
☀☀☀Take some nurturing time in the SUN☀ today to soak in these strengthening golden Solar☀ codes..
AHAU reminds us that we are all CHILDREN OF THE SUN☀ and the Ultimate SOURCE of LOVE and WISDOM is from our connection with Mother/Father God. This is the true SOURCE that fuels🔥 our inner LIGHT. That spark of the Divine which is the Universal FIRE 🔥that burns brightly in your precious heart.❤
This DIVINE connection enables us to be in the LIGHT, to bring more pure light into our lives. We can REFLECT upon the divine sparkling nature of consciousness, through our direct relationship with the Sun, allowing us to hold the codes to manifest the New Galactic Time.
❓❓How strong is your connection with SOURCE? 🤔🎆
This is where we receive our endless SOURCE of LOVE❤ and nurturance😍 that replenishes our cells, our body, MIND and soul, and restores ORDER to our lives! We honour and give thanks for the DIVINE SOURCE that LIGHTS up our every day… 🌞🙏🌞🙏
It is time to give gratitude🙏 and SALUTE THE SUN, the giver of all LIFE! 🌞🌞🌞
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE GALACTIC MONKEY 🐒 CHUEN represents the Divine Child, reminding us that at our core essence we are all Children of the ONE GOD! The CHILDREN of the SUN ☀☀☀
The GALACTIC MONKEY assists us in integrating our capacity to TRUST the DIVINE PLAN and the wisdom we are streaming through our WIZARD MINDS. This brings forth the solutions, which lead us into the New Time of co-creation.
We are reminded to TRUST the bigger picture of what is being revealed to our questioning MIND. To allow us to truly be Children of the Earth, co-creating the harmonic world of Majik 💫that we ALL know we want to live in. The MAJIK of Mother nature, the Majik of CREATION and birth, and the Majik of the Divinity that fuels us.
The GIFT of MAJIK 💫 is great today as the White Wizard and Galactic Monkey🐒 unite to bless us with DOUBLE THE MAJIK. 💫💫This enchanting power fuels our PURE Heart’s desires. ❤🔥❤
Allow CHUEN to help LIGHTEN your thoughts today, to those of PLAY, JOY and absolute DIVINE BLISS😍💞 – the GIFT of the DOLPHIN🐬 energy from the Monkey’s treasure chest.
Envision the HARMONY that all souls are seeking, enjoyed through the STILLNESS of our receptive HEARTS and MINDS. Cast away any harsh judgements of yourself into the fires of forgiveness, allowing God’s Grace to bless you and bring forth the MIRACLES that you deserve.✨⚛✨⚛✨
It is no longer the sole responsibility of the Mothers of our world, to love and nurture others. We ALL need to MODEL loving ACTION in looking after each other, our friends, family, loved ones and ALL our planetary brethren.
Whether male or female we all embody aspects of the Divine Feminine and it is now time that we ALL become more loving, caring and compassionate HU-MAN beings. We are no longer just nuclear families.. We are no longer divided by national boundaries, or geographical locations.
We are ONE GLOBAL🌎 family, and soon to become GALACTIC!🍥 Holding the bigger picture of reuniting with our Galactic star family. ✨✨✨
❓How much LOVE do you have in your HEART and MIND?🤔❤ 😍
Is there enough LOVE ❤ to give yourself, your family, your community, your country, your Planet, your Galaxy? 💕
Meditate on this ponderance today.💫
Today’s questions are
“Do I MODEL HARMONY and INTEGRITY of being, through my thoughts, words and actions, as a loving, kind and responsible GALACTIC citizen?🤔😍
“How can I b-Earth my TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF, through my soul’s creations?”💫
Aho GALACTIC KIN – Divine blessings for upgrading to a more beautiful and harmonious GALACTIC MIND.. 💕
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



The Summit Lighthouse

Divine Decree

🌟O mighty Presence of God, I AM, in and behind the Sun: I welcome thy Light, which floods all the earth, into my life, into my mind, into my spirit, into my soul. Radiate and blaze forth thy Light!
Break the bonds of darkness and superstition!
Charge me with the great clearness
of thy white fire radiance!
I AM thy child, and each day I shall become
more of thy manifestation!
blaze forth thy Light
blaze forth thy Light

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