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Great Solar Flash

High Vibrational Tachyon Energy ~ Andromeda is our Original Solar System ~ Connection with the Divine Mother ~ WE ARE PREPARING

High Vibrational Tachyon Energy ~ Andromeda is our Original Solar System ~ Connection with the Divine Mother ~ WE ARE PREPARING



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Heavenly Star Family of our Galactic Nations of the 144

On this Sacred day of January 10th 2024 we have massive energetics coming in, rising up and anchoring in for our full transition into 5D New Earth. The doorway is open for tomorrow’s New Moon in Capricorn and 111 Portal Activation. 

We have several big spikes of white light on the Schumann charts again today at 24 hz , a big Pillar of Higher Resonance at 52 hz and an even bigger blast of white light at 56 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored in. 

Our local Solaris continues to send Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun multiple Rays of Gamma Plasma Adamantine Light today through 11 C Class Solar Flares and 2 M Class Flares maxing ay M 1.49 and M 1.94, creating a 13:13 Gateway  Of the 11 Portal of the Divine Goddess. 

Keep shining bright and anchoring in the Light as we rise together in our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our Highest Timeline of Eternal Life…A’Ho!







Major Earth changes underway as our Planet + Galaxy enters the LAST Phase of re: Connection with the Divine Mother.
Andromeda is our Original Solar System and this “Fall” from her represents the Archetypal Adam / Eve story on Earth.
The Disconnection from our Original Source!
This Re: connection of the Ages connected w/this New phase of Aquarius.
Opening the Gates and our HEARTS!
The dawn of the Age of Aquarius will look like New Waters. 💦Resurrected Waters. Waters that Flow from the Stars.
#andromeda 🤍
❤ Valerie
Connection with the Divine Mother
Connection with the Divine Mother



Do you know the real reason why Mother Creator was disempowered and hidden for so long? It is because she carries the truth of the Holy Spirit to end the spiritual deceit so many of her children believe. This truth collapses the empire of evil permanently. 🗡🔥

Golden SolStar
Golden SolStar




The light has been surging. Higher frequencies allow to go to higher dimensions where one can see beyond time and space as time in not linear. Glitches of time can be seen, flashes of light and portals opening. The optic thalamus activation attuning your eyes and inner vision of your third eye. Keep your frequency up, you are the key to quantum shifting your reality. Align through your heart!


The light has been surging
The light has been surging


UPDATE. With all endings, come new beginnings. After all sunsets, comes a sunrise. Follow your own flow, your intuition, your sacred pulse. Some are experiencing a real shift in their inner paradigm, their belief system, what matters, the way they show up. Some recently went through an upgrade, as if forced by the direction things take. Some are experiencing a land in between, in discovery of more clues within, of something deeper, before the bell of “the right path” rings. In all cases, the year has started powerfully and often intensely. Be gentle with yourself. A breakthrough is around the corner.
Humpback Mother and Child
Humpback Mother and Child

📸 Paul Nicklen Photography




Ongoing High Vibrations Tachyon Energy blasting and working its magic on the magnetic field of earth.

Portal open. Many galactic Motherships assisting from above and underground. Intense work for the last few days. Maintaining connection for channeling Light

Galactic Heart Aligned with our solar system and earth.

Great Solar Flash. Means All Earth and humanity filled with Source Light! Awakening our Divine Connection once again. ✨💛

Pouring Light Showers from above and below. ⚡✨☀️ So Beautiful. Anchoring Source Light and codes into waters, elements and every being on this Earth. 💛 Soak it in.

Victory of light.

That day will come, when end of all wars n dark controllers will be announced through all media!

There will be massive celebrations on the streets n unity throughout the world.🎉✨

The shift it’s gaining momentum beyond anything we or this solar system have ever experienced before.
End of cycles. New era of peace and freedom 🕊️✨💛

Spinning Divine Source Light 🌈✨

I keep seeing rainbow light codes inside me. It’s going through every fiber of our existence.



Great Solar Flash
Great Solar Flash



1/10/24: This could be a pricey year, especially when the Year of the Dragon enters on February 10. That’s why it’s time to think not just about what you want from this year, but what you actually value… because that’s where fulfillment lies and how your time and efforts should be spent.
It’s not, after all, the items or the results but the true underlying need you’re filling. It’s also why much effort was made last year to connect you more deeply with your authentic self… so that what 2024 gives you is actually true to what you want. Today offers a fresh perspective and more positive outlook… if you’ll take it. 2024 is capable of giving you what you ask for. Make sure your values match your desires. That will determine your experience this year.


your authentic self
your authentic self


Extremely STRONG incoming energies in this NOW MOMENT.
If you work with energy, meaning you become consciousness absorbing, tracing and becoming just the energies…you may experience a type of mini body physical paralysis can occur to the physical body. Meaning these current energies can create an energetically forced freeze of non movement of the physical vessel. Eg. You can’t move your head, even if you wanted to, whilst being absorbed WITHIN THESE ENERGIES. Like a tiny physical paralysis to localised areas of the physical vessel. Particularly in the head and face. But the more you absorb into these energies, and work with them, the more the physical mini paralysis spreads. It’s actually a very AMAZING experience. And strong. So if you work with incoming energies, you may love the paralysis energy creates. Very interesting.
In 2014 when I was given a physical sensation and visual simulation of the one off future event wave to come for humanity, there were several factors to that future event wave simulation. Please note, everyone will experience the event wave differently and uniquely. The list below is only as I will experince it but it serves as a CONSTANT MEASURE, I measure all incoming energies against. For many years, observing the frequencies rising incrementally over the years. And the vibrarions increasing from one vibrational pattern, to 2, 3 etc to múltiple. Multiple vibrations for several years now. So below is the PHYSICAL ENERGY FEELINGS I measure by, daily, to monitor incoming energy, and thus observe how close we are getting to ambient conditions.
1) Multiple energetic VIBRATIONAL patterns coursing the WHOLE body.
2) Of a particular and unique one off extremely high HERTZ FREQUENCY.
3) The feeling of Ecstasy but multiply that strength by about 20 to 50. Very approximate guess.
4) My body experienced, due to all the above, FULL PARALYSIS during the event wave simulation.
I share above ONLY as it is my measure, I monitor all INCOMING ENERGIES by, every day, all day. Via all day sensations of energies. And thus, HOW CLOSE we are progressing towards the exact event wave conditions.
1) We have all the vibrational patterns (for about 4 years now)
2) We have NOT yet reached the HIGH FREQUENCY of HERZ of the event wave. It will keep rising incrementally.
3) We can experience ENERGETIC ecstacy in any moment now, at will by changing our own energy hertz frequency. BUT, in terms of ACTUAL incoming energy effects, we are not yet at the x20 to x50 Ecstacy effect.
4) With this current energy, there is possible MINI paralysis to the body caused by these energies. Albeit mini and localised. Not full body.
The paralysis sign is incredible with this current incoming energy, as it shows we are another stage closer to the one off event wave. As we each acclimatise our bodies and minds to our own unique conditions, step by step, in advance of the one off event wave.
I do emphasise again, every person will experience the event wave uniquely.
No one receives more energy than their own body can withstand.
Incoming energy is all day, every day.
In each NOW moment.
Significant and/or strong incoming energy takes between 2-3 linear days to be integrated fully into the physical cells of the body.
It then settles down until the next strong wave. Sometimes we get a break between STRONG TYPE waves. Sometimes it’s strong waves after waves.
Pre wave energies can create pre wave anxiety. That dissolves as soon as the incoming energy lands. Then you experince the ‘landed’ incoming energy.
Skies filled with plasma can create anxiety and/or irritability or restlessness for no known mental reason. It’s just the energies. So do your best to surrender and relax the body and the mind, in your own ways that work for you.
As always, please take what resonates and discard the rest.
With Love
10 January 2024
Beloved Ones,
We are welcoming tomorrow a Capricornian New Moon that introduces the 111 portal. A passage that comes with illumine frequencies for those who are willing to continue doing the inner work of descension, for this is what in truth ascension is about.
This is a passage that will be marked by Uranus, as the moon will trine the Planet of Change and Liberation. The energies are now increasing as we move towards this passage, for it is one to help us re-align with where we truly desire to go next.
It is a time for us to discern, move inward to witness who we have become, and create a life that resonates with our new values, and ways of being. A new life that shows the new wisdom and love integrated, a life that is aligned with our personal truth.
Change is the natural manifestation of consicous transformation, and Capricorn is showing us how to direct this inner shift into a positive change. Adapting to the new illumined being that we are gradually becoming, is hard for the egoic self, for it likes to dwell in familiarity. However, when we start embodying the Divine Truth within us, there is no way back for us.
We also have Mars trine Jupiter and sextile Saturn. Jupiter expands the opportunity for transformation and change, while Saturn helps us have the courage, and balance, to act with integrity, and take responsibility for all the changes that we have created by now and that we are choosing at this moment to pursue, remembering that we are the only responsible ones for our personal reality and self.
This passage together with the previous energies that accompanied us since we began this New Year, and Pluto moving soon into Aquarius, emphasize what is taking place, massively now, on the planet – the reclamation of our sovereignty, in both a human and a spiritual level.
This is a time to be the shifters, the conscious way-showers, and supporters that we came here to be, by embodying the change that we are so eager to see in the world, living with an open heart, mind, and above all, within divine love and compassion, for we are seeders of the Divine, and all that is Divine in nature does not judge or separate, but unite, for this 111 is precisely a reminder for us to start living within Divine Unity.
I wish you all a loving and illumined passage, Beloved Ones,
Natalia Alba
111 Portal
111 Portal




Note that so much is of the darkness is now in the process of being released from this planet for good, in so many levels and you will not find this reported in the main media.
More than this, I was shown so much last week, about what is awakening now, of what or which has lain dormant for millions of earth years, and now, as our consciousness rises, we will be able to access again, and these sites will make themselves known to those who can tune into them.
All the support systems and teams of the Intergalactic Fleet and Counsels are here and this is being overseen at Universal Levels.
I was delighted when more and more jigsaw puzzle pieces started falling into place, and I was shown how this Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe is ascending, and so are all life and life forms.
Simply welcome the changes.
Yes, it may be challenging at times, but these changes are necessary. There will be some who will be able to just flow with them and welcome them in, knowing it is freeing us on so many levels, while others will become disorientated and lost at sea. Yet, for the majority of the latter it will be a great wake up.
I had a delightful message from a dear friend in Israel today, and she was overflowing with joy and a huge heart-opening is happening there, as like-minded souls are finding one another – and these are the ordinary men and women in the midst in seeming chaos.
To me this is an example of what I am being told over and over again. In the midst of seeming chaos the new is being born!
This applies for natural disasters too.
All is well. All is on track and even ahead of schedule.
It is a time when we need to go deeper within, and be firmly anchored and rooted in our hearts and in the Terra firma as well. I also include the New Earth as well in my morning meditations, for as reported before, every new day and night now brings the opportunity to start to anchor in the New Golden Age and cocreate the unity, harmony and the life we truly wish to live.
Note that life is life and life more abundantly.
I love the word “affluence”. It says far more than abundance, for it embraces a fluidity! It is not stagnant or rigid. It flows. This is what life in the New Earth is about. An affluence of life in all its expressions, manifestation and forms!
The more I meditate on this, the more my inner joy grows!
Yes, I know things are going to expand beyond the beyond. I know that I too will need to take those leaps of faith, but I have already put all this in my manifestation prayers and I know that in this pioneering work I am being fully supported in all and every form and way – and this not from on earthly scales but on cosmic scale.
The unknown beckons. The unexplored.
I had to laugh the other night, when I was preparing to rejoin my galactic family and those I work with, and my Beloved said to me: “You have always loved adventure even when we were exploring the new planets, systems, galaxies in outer space. Now with the New Earth, you can explore and apply all you have ever known and experienced as soul, and behold, everything is new and will be new!”
I love it!
May you be inspired and may you too, be prepared to take those leaps of trust into the unknown:
Think here of someone who takes their first parachute jump: – the door is open and down there, seeming far away is the earth. The only way to find out what it is like to be out there, flying, is to jump out of the plane and trust that all the equipment is working and you remember what to do. But then as you do it, you immediately feel the parachute instructor there keeping a watchful eye open and assisting you to cope.
This is what is happening right now!
And so – yes all is set for an adventure beyond our wildest dreams!
Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Intergalactic Fleet and Counsels
Intergalactic Fleet and Counsels

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective :

There have been major planetary shifts, they are effecting many in their ascension evolutionary stages, The earth is currently surrounded by a great amount of collective darkness and higher realm celestial intervention has arrived . Divine light is piercing the darkness and higher help is now at hand.
Advanced higher realm light and celestial beings are flooding Earth’s atmosphere to intervene on behalf of humanity. So far it has not been a fair energetic battle with the dark because most humans dont yet realise that they are living in a battle zone of polarity and duality. When you are a Starseed , Light Bearer a Lightworker, Gridworker etc , Your light will always trigger those still living in the Dark.
Planet Earth is experiencing energetic activity on all fronts , Energetically, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. This Is a significant turning point for the collective and for each of us as ascending individuals. The Christ light codes that you embody are activating into deeper cellular layers and levels , this will elevate consciousness In your physical vessel , to embody the higher frequencies of light.
The 3D and 5D have finally split into two seperate worlds on this planet , there can no longer be any sitting on the fence for any one . Now is the time to fully embrace your light, your authentic self , to begin the meld with higher self source energy.
Spiritual and energetic cleansing is taking place In your systems , as well as discernment and humility , they are extremely important virtues to embody. your intuition is heightening and sharpening . This will increase your levels of trust as your inner wisdom and higher self lovingly guide you .
There is no denying or stopping this global collective shift in consciousness and many are feeling it intensify .Those who have been doing the inner work required to fully heal and transcend limiting beliefs will continue to move forward in accelerated timelines .
The higher energies are releasing light codes of higher realm knowledge to ascending humans to assist with their ascension processes .Over the next 6 weeks there will be a great more uncovering of deeper awareness and truth of hidden knowledge .
Some currently ascending may be struggling to sleep during these nights .This is your Spirit being activated by the increased celestial presence. You are a divine being preparing to receive higher divine knowledge as ascending Humanity is accelerating the transition to a higher heart-based consciousness.
This is a significant event on Earth a new birth on a collective level, and you are a big part of this transition. You are the forerunners the leaders in the field of the new consciousness. Your souls have been called upon to support this process and to assist in moving it along on the waves of change that are part of the birth of this new reality this process will not always be an easy one .
The conscious journey through life is filled with wonder, challenges, broken hearts, extreme highs and lows, celebrations, special moments and memories that define our experience as an ascending human. It is these events, planned or unexpected, that impact your journey and define your higher purpose.
Starseeds , The greatest journey of your life will be the journey into your higher heart. It is the going back to who you were at the beginning of your existence on this planet before the mind and the world of thought corrupted your beliefs . You were born in your heart space and this is where your real Home resides . You are returning home to original seeding , back to the template of true self .
Recently many ascending have experienced a great deal of upgrades and expansions to assimilate and integrate the higher energies infiltrating this ascending planet . Everything you are going through in your ascension is taking place energetically , the recent ascension activations have felt overwhelming for many .
You are birthing a new human vehicle , the old body is recalibrating to the higher ascension shifts on this planet . What this means is that more light is penetrating into your auric fields , this creates internal disruptions , shakiness that can be at times confused with anxiety .The physical is vibrating at a faster frequency than normal , increasing heart beats and rhythms . You are cognising higher energies , filled with light codes and downloaded information .
Old cycles and karmic ties are being released throughout the collective .So many are awakening to their remembrance and true divine nature. The more you awaken to truth the more conscious you become of your internal patterns, conditioning, traumas, and cycles. Soul collective around the globe are choosing to release these patterns and step up into a totally new way of being.
This is how you as an Ascending collective are breaking the patterns and cycles of sadness and suffering that have been plaguing this planet for centuries. The ascending collective are now consciously ascending in an entirely new energy on Gaia loving Earth .
You are releasing what no longer serves and stepping outside your comfort zones this is essential for higher growth and transformation . Taking small, gradual steps Is effective and valuable in navigating this process. It is a time for many to align with their soul’s true desires and embrace a life that brings them fulfillment and purpose.
By embracing this radical and revolutionary change you step into the unknown, you open the ascending self to many new and aligned opportunities and experiences that lead to the highest self potential.
Current cosmic energies are propelling you Into a reset mode.The familiar will no longer feel good enough . Years of relationships and past bonds may possibly still be in question. Things will be shown to you to assist you to see past the illusions you may of held on to for a long time . As you begin seeing beyond the illusions you realise you are not crazy at all , instead you are ascending far beyond the fakery of this 3D world .
There are the Ascending loved ones at present who may be feeling in an uncomfortable stage of life where the old self has gone but the new self is not yet fully birthed and functioning . This means you are in the midst of a major transformation in self conscious awareness this is a temporary rebirthing stage and it can at times feel uncomfortable .
Truth : the universe is within you containing all the potential and power you need to create the life you desire here , believing in higher self guidance taps you into your inner strength , confidence and worthiness to manifest your dreams into reality. You in Truth are Source Love Creation .
Many individuals who are going through the process of ascending are letting go of old patterns and behaviours that were deeply rooted in survival instincts. Many are now embracing the new version emerging . Creating from a place of love, light, and service to ascending others.
Channeled In loving and dedicated Ascension service . Written by Ascension LightWorkers
Copyright ©️
The Christ light codes
The Christ light codes


We Are Building The Blocks Of Light
The Cellular Light Tools Of Creation
I Am Shown A Light Lesson, As I View My Physical – Light Body Form
I Am Shown The Crystalline Changes Underway Now In The Human Form
It Is Made Clear About The Monetary System. To Know, As This Is Crumbling, Our Light Bodies Are Building Blocks Of Light.
We Are Building The New Earth System
I Am Told The New Narrative Of Your World Is The Crystalline Narrative. This Is The New Currency Of Your World.
I Have Come To Understand In A Whole New Perspective, The Crystalline Changes That Are Now In Flux.
Visualise Your Light Body Building These Wonderful Blocks Of Light.
All Beings Are Building These Wonderful Blocks Of Light.
The Light Metamorphosis is Now
Continue Attuning To The Higher Light Of Now
Together With All Beings 🌿💫
Your Light Mission Will Continue To Expand
With Love, With Light
The Arcturian Alliance
Karen Lithika
On Wednesday, January 10th, we are in the Dark of the Moon phase before the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow. On this day the Moon, ruler of the emotional realm, in earth sign Capricorn will be challenging Chiron, the Wounded Healer and Shaman, We may move through an integration process and healing of old pain, fragmentation and psychic debris from soul wounds and traumas from long ago.
There are unseen forces at work as the spiritual warrior within us experiences a clearing and cleansing of dilemmas from past life times. It is a good day to be still, meditate, and immerse yourself in some self-care if you can. Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
we are in the Dark of the Moon phase before the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow
we are in the Dark of the Moon phase before the New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow
Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Mars in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces – There’s a chance to break new ground and explore aspects to your personality that have been waiting in the shadows. You don’t need permission to change direction or to shake off restrictions. Loosen the reins, lighten up and allow yourself new experiences. Look for unconventional ways to resolve old problems. Refuse to allow labels to define you. You’re not just different, you’re unique.
There is also an opportunity to fortify your courage through self-discipline and a mature approach. Harness your will power. Get into the driving seat of your life. Create a strategy and stick to it. Every time doubt threatens to steal motivation, remind yourself ‘I can do this’. Give yourself tangible goals. Channel your passion. Be persistent to manifest your dreams.
Degrees and Times
Sun 19°Cp13′, Uranus 19°Ta13′ R – 00:07 (UT)
Mars 04°Cp05′, Saturn 04°Pi05′ – 02:39 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Painting – Carriage Horse by Pierre Bonnard
Carriage Horse
Carriage Horse

Kin 82 ~ White Self-Existing Wind

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure’. Day 4 is all about the details, taking a closer look and scrutinizing. Weigh up what you need and what you don’t, make a list and take care of the practicalities. On number 4 days there is so much analysis going on that there is a risk that it can be focused inwards. You may find yourself deeply in thought and experiencing profound revelations about yourself. It can be experienced in this way. It’s ok to be your own therapist just be aware the dialogue you have today is one with yourself.
Today is White Wind and it’s keywords are ‘Communication, Breath and Spirit’. These days are always good for conversations, debates, public speaking, speaking your mind, reciting poetry or shouting from the rooftops! Express yourself verbally today and get it off your chest. As it is a number 4 day, this suggests that you should read the small print, read between the lines and thoroughly examine any document you are asked to sign. Be precise with what you say and say what you mean. Be clear if you want to be properly understood. White Wind days are also ideal for focusing on breath work. Find a quiet space and try to still your mind. By listening to our breathing, we can enter a state where communication with spirit is easier.
The Guide today is the White Mirror which symbolizes reflecting truth. If the truth influences your communication today all will be well….don’t try to get away with lying, you’ll trip up on the details and get caught out. This is a great guide for an information gathering day.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Human, the psychic of the Tzolkin. It will be difficult to know intuitively what to say today, so be careful before you shoot off your mouth. I repeat…think very carefully about what you wish to convey to others, your gut feelings might not be accurate. If you are a Yellow Human, you may find today annoying as you cannot communicate what you are channeling.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm and we are in the Blue Storm wavespell suggesting that by looking at the details, your communication has magical potential to influence big changes. This wavespell can be unsettling as things are shifting but we are given a magical boost today. However, don’t expect things to be calm! The Storm provides a lot of power to this Windy day.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution, Navigation and Synchronicity’. And so if you want to evolve try consulting a Red Earth, they can help you proofread that letter or talk to you about the details. If you don’t know one personally, you can navigate this day by being friendly to all you encounter.
Kin 82
Kin 82


4 IK – KIN 82
10 JANUARY 2023
I DEFINE in order to Communicate
Measuring Breath
I seal the input of Spirit
With the Self-existing tone of Form
I AM guided by the power of Endlessness
10/1/2024 = 1/1/8 = 1/9=10=1
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 82 = 10 Manifestation/Authority/Power/Leader/New beginnings
KIN 82 holds the combined POWER of the MASCULINE🚹 and FEMININE 🚺ARCHETYPES in the MAYAN culture. MAYAN KING – PACAL VOTAN held the Masculine lineage, from which Jose Arguelles – Valum Votan drew his ancestry. BOLON IK – Alias Llyodine Arguelles (the TWIN FLAME of Jose) held the Feminine Archetype. So today we have a merging of the two 🚻by the power of the WIND! Coming together to build a new foundation for their endless union!.
18 months ago – 2 GALACTIC SPINs was on 8 AUGUST 2022 – which of course was the👑🦁8.8. LION’S GATE 🦁👑 Thus through the MAJIK of the DREAMSPELL we can access these REGAL energies today. How DIVINELY PERFECTO that the ROYAL SOVEREIGNS – Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are merging into ONENESS 🦁👑🦁👑
✨✨NOTE: 💞 This is a powerful TWIN FLAME🔥🔥 day to construct a STURDY foundation for your DIVINE UNIONS💏 and combined MISSION in service to Spirit.
Day 4 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today we MEASURE and DEFINE the chaos and disharmony, in order to transform it into something new. A new foundation for our creations, unions, structures and systems built on the guidance from Spirit.
SELF-EXISTING📦 – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE LOVE, loyalty and majikal manifestations.
SELF-EXISTING tone was the YEAR TONE last year during the SELF-EXISTING MOON/GODDESS year – so we are quite adept at building this new compassionate foundation for our world.
Today we tune in to the Whisperings of the White Wind – Great Spirit in order to communicate the Will of God/Goddess in the DIVINE PLAN for humanity and our personal MISSION.
Today’s question is “How are the WINDS OF CHANGE, guiding me to communicate DIVINE WILL, as I define and construct new foundations for my Life in this NEW WORLD?”
The WINDS of CHANGE 🍃are upon us, allow SPIRIT to be your navigator! ⛵
Divine blessings for the construction of Divine partnerships and communities supported by Spirit.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
“You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
✨And let the WINDS🍃 of the HEAVENS💫 dance between you. ✨
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple⛪stand apart,
And the oak tree 🌳and the cypress 🌲grow not in each other’s shadow.”
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIND📦 🌬🍃 IK The GREAT WHITE Wind communicates through the VOICE of Spirit, the essence of which is the mandala of original cosmic order.
The Self-Existing tone defines FORM. Through our Spirit we quietly construct, define and design the coming world. As our thoughts, (which have been seeded by Spirit), take form, we begin to manifest the Will of the Divine, made manifest through our being on Earth.
Ultimately ALL creative thought and ideas are channelled from the Spirit realm, whether it be your Higher Self/Guides or that of Spirit – it naturally flows into your vessel from other realms and dimensions. The trick is to be an OPEN and PURE channel in order to tap in, and allow it to FLOW freely. 🌫🌫
When our minds are OPEN and hollow, freed from the old constructs and paradigm, free from judgement, criticism and bias, we make space for new thoughts and ideas. We become pure unadulterated channels of divine energy, the Angelic messengers of Spirit.
✨✨✨As we evolve and connect more frequently (and permanently!) to our Higher Divine Selves, we become the embodiment of the DIVINE – walking GODS incarnate on the Earth plane. ✨✨✨
In that instant our lives are elevated to a higher octave, as we become the conduits to define what takes FORM, through our new lens and perspective. This is the collective Mission of the Wayshowers and Star🌟 BlISS 🐬SUNS☀ – to collectively manifest the DIVINE PLAN for GAIA.
👑🦁The LION’S GATE🦁👑 each year marks our CORONATION👑 as DIVINE SOVEREIGN BEINGS, acknowledging and claiming our FULL DIVINE POWER. Can you hear the ROAR of the LIONS through the howling WIND?
Today is a brilliant day to LISTEN to the whispering of the WINDS of change, allowing Spirit to guide you to new undiscovered lands. Dance, sing, channel, pray and meditate. Open your EARS, your MIND and HEART to the voice of Spirit and the new sea breeze bringing a welcome change! Follow the breeze to NEW EARTH.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SELF-EXISTING MIRROR 📦 🔎 ETZNAB clearly reveals all ILLUSIONS in the Hall of Mirrors, so that you can discern what must be released, purged and purified. ETZNAB reveals ENDLESS messages from many dimensions and planes echoed throughout TIME. We can SEE the TRUTH, and use the sword🗡 to cut away extraneous mind clutter, to seek more clarity and become a clearer channel.
You then have the necessary building blocks to define and construct your new paradigm. The SELF-EXISTING MIRROR – in the STORM cycle – SHATTERS the old Matrix world – very powerfully. The NEWLY CROWNED SOVEREIGNS👑 are categorically REJECTING the old rulers – a NEW GOVERNANCE has arrived. ✨VICTORY TO THE LIGHT! .✨
The MIRROR is the potent force guiding the Will of Spirit today 🕊🕊🕊– ETZNAB is SPEAKING🌬 in VOLUMES – that only GOD’S PLAN is to be made manifest, as the TRUE ✨DIVINE Harmonic Matrix of CREATION. ✨ All else will SHATTER!!!!
The MIRROR is also a MAYAN PYRAMID so it is a powerful MAGNIFIER and ACCELERATOR – whatever intention you place within the PYRAMID PYRE🔥 will be IGNITED🎇 and quickly manifest into FORM.📦.. Use this POWER very wisely today.. Connect with Spirit to manifest the purest intentions.
SUPPORT: RED SELF-EXISTING EARTH 📦🌏🏳 CABAN is the Planetary GPS system that points the way forward for Humanity, so we need to PAY ATTENTION to GAIA’S desires! Ultimately GAIA is the boss that determines where we go!
Those of us that are PURE channels and resonating at a higher vibratory rate, will be more attuned to receiving these messages from Gaia and Spirit. In order to communicate these brilliant new ideas to others, to improve our world and facilitate change, first we must LISTEN to the SIGNS.
Look for the synchronicities to guide us in navigating a clear passage through the STORM. Discerning the cycles and abandoning old outmoded patterns, awakening to Gaia’s rumblings in our collective evolution.
We cannot define the NEW PATH until we have CLEAR knowing, that our intentions are in full alignment with the Ascension path of Gaia. This has been foretold in the prophecies of the Ancient ones, our ancestors, who are the keepers of this Earth wisdom.
LIsten to spirit and GAIA to construct the foundation of your new life in resonance with NOVA GAIA. 🌈🌍🌎🌏 🌈
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE PLANETARY STORM 🌬🌎🌪🍃 CAUAC.. this STORM is a PLANETARY one 🌏🌎🌍– which gives more amplitude to your MANIFESTATION power today.. Being able to construct your intentions quickly, perhaps on a GLOBAL SCALE.
The PLANETARY tone also pertains to GAIA, so it may manifest in physical storms, Earth changes/movements, and upheaval to facilitate purification and change. We have very powerful DOUBLE STORM POWER today, with the WHITE WIND and the STORM WAVESPELL amplifying this GALE FORCE, bringing the much needed change. Do not take for granted the POWER of this STORM. 🌀🌬🌪🌀🍃
CAUAC is the catalyst, who can bring forth revolutionary ideas that serve to activate change. We can MANIFEST and instigate powerful change in our physical environment and surroundings with this POWERFUL influence. We accept our roles during this 13 day BLUE STORM cycle as the ‘AGENTS OF CHANGE” 💼🌀 – leading the way for others to follow, trusting in the process of transformation.
The STORM is clearing the PATH for humanity, to move forward as we follow the Whisperings of the WHITE WIND.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING HUMAN 📦 ☺ EB challenges us to “get out of our small MINDS today!” Surrendering our egoic thoughts or those in service to self. Aligning with our HIGHER MIND and the HIGHEST FREQUENCY of our Collective Planetary Mind.
We are using our MIND power to redefine the Collective Consciousness, purifying the old mores, beliefs and systems – redefining our new systems and governing principles.
As a critical mass of AWAKENED souls realize the TRUTH of GOD’S PROMISE🕊🌈 – to deliver us to a beautiful new utopian world – we can begin to manifest the collective New Way Dreaming. As such we can accelerate the manifestation of this new era we are collectively constructing through our MINDS eye in the DREAMTIME.
EB beckons us to choose DIVINE WISDOM and messages that are beautiful, filled with promise and grace, rather than the genocidal agenda! Align with LIFE enhancing principles and systems.
Using our free will to align with the TRUTH of the matter, in order to change the course of history through our better, wiser thoughts and actions. Collectively CHOOSING to define, design and construct an infinitely BETTER world. 😍🌏🌎🌍💞
Yahooooo!!! 💥✨
Flowing into the form and pace.
Touch the stars, feel the earth,
Golden essence in our space.
Pure power of the sacred breath,
Channel of the galaxy as it has been called.
Define limitless potential and eternal mysteries
Deep inside as they pass the scribe.
Paint them, dance them, pray them, offer them
Flowing freely endlessly off the tongue
and tips of the fingers as we surrender to God’s flow.
Limitless grace and shining in the moment opening.
Channel of the mysteries, breath, spirit and form
Universes, akashic stream of light
Essence as the WINDS in flight.
A prayer by Kala Shekinah🙏🙏🙏 – White SelfExisting Wind 🍃
Today’s question is “How are the WINDS OF CHANGE, guiding me to communicate DIVINE WILL, as I define and construct new foundations for my Life in this NEW WORLD?”
The WINDS of CHANGE 🍃are upon us, allow SPIRIT to be your navigator! ⛵
Divine blessings for the construction of Divine partnerships and communities supported by Spirit.
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: Blowing WIND – Artist – Vladimir Kush DIVINE GRATITUDE 🙏❤🙏❤🙏




🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for

January 7th through January 13th 2024 from the Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from January 7th through January 13th 2024, speaks of the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL on Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, guides a very special beautiful ceremony for this Thursdays New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th of January for the 111 Portal and a powerful New Earth Scribe message.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste




Divine Decree of the I Am Sovereignty

I AM releasing all that is not in alignment with my greatest and highest good.
I AM choosing to be free. I AM choosing an end to karma by forgiving everyone who has wronged me and asking forgiveness of all whom I have wronged, in all dimensions, on all timelines: past, present and future.
I release all beliefs, persons and situations, that attempt to blind me to my wholeness and power in all dimensions, on all timelines: past, present and future.
I AM releasing all that distracts me from my life’s purpose, as planned by my soul prior to this incarnation. I willingly let go of all that no longer serves my greatest and highest good in all dimensions, on all timelines: past, present and future.
I AM releasing all beliefs, persons and situations, that have prevented me from seeing the array of abundance and opportunities that continuously flow to me. I AM ready to receive it NOW and allow all I desire to come to me.
I accept control of the circumstances of my life, at the same time surrendering to your divine will. I gratefully receive and accept your guidance.
There is nothing that can prevent me from moving forward.
I claim my sovereignty.
♡ 𝘜𝘭𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘬𝘦
Divine Decree of the I Am Sovereignty
Divine Decree of the I Am Sovereignty

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