Fairy Ring






Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Blessed Star Tribe of the Universal Alliance of Life

We are very close to our full redemption and transfiguration in the Light!

With the Rainbow Body Codes of Divine Alchemy flowing in we are in compression mode into the Still Zero Point Center as we breakthrough and expand into Infinite Consciousness all the while maintaining our individual Pure Awareness as the one merges with the many and the many with the one. The complete expansion and transformation into homo-luminous, Light Beings of Eternal Life, is the total embodiment of Unity Consciousness.

As Rainbow Warriors of the Path with Heart we teach the Way of connection and oneness of all Life through the Sacred Vessel of multidimensional light.

We pledge allegiance to Gaia and all her Children of the Sun as we complete our mission of the elevation and integration of Fifth Dimensional Co-Creation of the New Heaven upon the New Earth.  As Guardians and Protectors of Terra Nova Gaia Mothership 33 of the New Jerusalem Fleet of the Pure Ones we step into our Divine Sovereignty and complete our Exodus of Freedom from all slavery systems and Spread our Etheric Wings into the Gold Ray of Christos Sophia and take flight over the Elysium Field of the Pure Land of Amida Buddha.

We have reached critical mass of the 144,000 and have crossed over the threshold of the Event Horizon and Now make our Final Stand with Truth as our Sword and Love as our Shield and God/ Goddess by our Sides we Hold the Line and Anchor in the Crystalline Codes into the Dragon Lines through the Vortex of Light and into the Holy Core of Pachamama as she makes her final Ascent into 5D and beyond…A’Ho!







Right now: Moon at 14°04′ Gemini, Sun at 6°12′ Aries

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

Two dutch children talking.
Sabian Symbol for 15º Gemini

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 15º Gemini.


Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once.
Sabian Symbol for 7º Aries

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 7º Aries.



Galactic Codes pouring in.. What was previously experienced, embodying a new perception..
Galactic Codes
Galactic Codes
Inner tension, pushing for change. A fire is reborn within, inviting you powerfully into your next steps. 🔥 feeling it? 💛
Neptunian Shadows
Neptunian Shadows

🤍We’ve been re:Writing / Installing new Relationship Templates based in TRUE Union minus the Guilt + Obligation!🤩

Seeing Many Things coming FULL CIRCLE Today as Loose Ends are Repaired or Released.
Next Phase of Unions / Relationship Dynamics Incoming.
Opening space for New Beginnings!
The last few years have been specifically about laying the energetic FOUNDATION and soon the Physical as we re-encode this planet w/Pure Love.
❤ Valerie
Energy Update for April.
Those whose new missions have been unlocked required a “guide” upgrade as ancestral paternal guidance now is available for wisdom and knowledge held there.
Spirit showed me a family tree with a great many branches, saying the ancestral paternal wisdom goes back to one’s conception of spirit, and I can now distinctly clarify between mother and father who come through loud and clear. From the beginning.
“We can rebuild them” spirit said before. We are being upgraded, renovated from the inside out and igniting dream upon dream to come into fruition.
Obstacles are being removed.
Pests and matrix bugs going offline.
All is peace.
All is calm.
All is well.
It is whatever you think it is.
Nothing to do but love.
ancestral paternal guidance
ancestral paternal guidance


G o s p e l o f T h e E t e r n a l R o s e
The Magdalene Rose..🌹
The Pleiadian Gold Dragon King & His Silver Dragon Queen Will Lead The 144,000 #Sealed Children of The Rainbow back Home To The Kingdom of Heaven Through The Haleakala Rainbow Stargate. Exiting The Fallen Earth
Hell Matrixxx Forever !!!
144,000 Angels
Returning to The Pleiades
KAIA Wahine The Dragon Queen
Mo’o Wahine
The Magdalene Rose

Blue Rose Oracles

The expansion codes flowing into every particle and cell within our sacred vessels are illuminating the source codes inlaid within our bones as we ascend from within, transforming and transmuting, aligning recalibrating & embodying all of our ancestral & incarnational keys, gifts, pearls of wisdom and psychical muscle memory.

We are merging all aspects through the higher heart gateway receiving and refining the flow of information pouring into the crystalline receptors within our cells to fully honour all that is held within our unique and beautiful soul blueprint.

The expansion codes are reminding us of the inherent power we hold as divine reflections of source and codes creators with the universe.

As we merge deeper into sacred union templates and embody all aspects of our divine light simultaneously across parallel, alternate and multi dimensional realms we recognise that we are the embodiment of source love and can transform our reality experience through coming back to the heart and stepping into the divine frequency to co create in the now moment.

The current wavelengths and bandwidths of frequencies being birthed are calling for us to be playful and joyous as we create and step into service holding the vibratonal heart resonance of joy, happiness, pleasure, bliss, abundance and expansion.

As the old matrices continue to disband we are building new pathways, reality templates & worlds for the upcoming crystalline generation to come thrive and blossom within.

We are the architects of the new age, the anchor points upon the now earthen grid and the bringers of the divine light as we have incarnated many times in order to be here at this moment fully embodied and aligned with the collective & planetary heart fields as we ascend into a beautiful expansive new bandwidth, holding these heart based expansion frequencies within our fields and anchoring them into our bodies, the planetary grids & the collective heart field.

Be the light
Anchor the light
Hold the light



Affirmations For Today

“My vessel is a conduit of divine light as I anchor love and healing codes within each cell, muscle, tissue, fibre & bone“

“My heart Is a star gateway connecting me to heaven & earth as I open to receive the wisdom, light codes and blessings flowing within the universe”


Copyright ©️ blueroseoraclesxx



Sisterhood of the Rose
Sisterhood of the Rose


Asara Adams

💜🌟💜 Energy Update by Adama of Telos
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Dear One, in Telos and all other higher dimensions, the state of ONEness is imperative.
What does this mean?
You are ONE with God and the extension of God, which are your brothers and sisters (everyone).
Everyone, including you, is a son/daughter of God.
Your Ego mind perception will try to tell you otherwise:
“The others sure don’t act like the sons/daughters of God,” your Ego mind is whispering in your ear…
This thought of your Ego Mind, which is the opposite of your God Mind, will skew your perception of others.
This perception draws a veil of separation between yourself and others, which prevents you from truly knowing and seeing that everyone is a son/daughter of God.
This Ego Mind perception will also create your unpleasant experiences with others.
Once you realize this truth, the veil of incorrect perception begins to thin.
Glimpses of the Light of God shining through others will become apparent.
Your experience of others will begin to shift into more and more harmonious ones.
When an unpleasant experience takes place, your remembrance of your true God vision of others will take over and harmony returns.
Forgiveness can take place, as the realization of someone acting under the influence of the Ego Mind is someone who didn’t know any better, will become clear…
Your determined intent to see a son/daughter of God in others will allow them to raise up to this new way of seeing them.
Harmony returns…
ONEness with the Godself of others will take place and your state of being will become a higher dimensional state of being.
The higher dimensions are not a place.
They are a state of being.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.”
Thank You, Adama! 🙂
Channelled through Asara Adams
 Light of God
Light of God


Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –

Gene Key 17 – The Eye

March 25th – 29th 2023

Opinion – Far-Sightedness – Omniscience

“How can we harm another when we realise that they’re a part of us? How can we harm another when we’re feeling so good? The 17th Siddhi is part of the tradition of sudden awakening. When someone sees through their denial, it shatters them wide open to the core. This is St.Paul on the road to Damascus; this is a thunderbolt.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways



Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –





Seek their Guidance
Light Wisdom and Higher Light Frequencies
As your Crystalline Light Body eagerly awaits this Higher Light transition that is atomically occurring….
Upgrades, apon Upgrades
As many eagerly collect Crystals, we ask you to see the Light Message within every Crystal.
The great journey to reach the surface – to reach our Evolutionary Light Matrix.
Simply open your heart to the Crystals for their Light Elegance is simply part of the Ascension Process. To simply assist Humanity and all beings.
Open your Crystalline Heart
Crystalline Light Expansion and Awareness
Feel the inuitive connection
As our Crystalline Relationships Expand, be open to Crystal Devic communication, Ancient and future Crystal Technology Downloads.
For our Future is Bright with Higher Light Advancements.
Simply allow the Higher Light Connections to flow, expand grow.
Crystalline Light Expansion for your Journey.
The Crystal Kingdom
Karen Lithika



Now that Mars, the intense and passionate planet, has exited the mentally stimulating and intellectually-driven sign of Gemini, we will likely sense a shift in the energetic tides.
The recent Mars transit through Gemini prompted us to make fast decisions, communicate with clarity, and intellectually connect with others. However, now that Mars has moved into Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon, we can expect a sudden change in energy that will impact us on a deeper, more intuitive, and emotional level.
Mars in Cancer
Mars in Cancer
Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries – With all the fire in the skies right now, the mind is alight with possibilities. Mercury in Aries is quick thinking, fast talking and highly assertive – normally. But todays’ connection to Chiron may set us on the back foot. We go to speak up, but words fail us. We try to explain but we’re misunderstood. We try to decide but we’re curiously uninspired by available options. Underneath everything, old pain chomps away at our drive, will and passion. It leaves teeth marks in the shape of the fear of sounding silly, the fear of saying the wrong thing, the fear of expressing anger, the fear of not knowing enough, the fear of rejection.
But given that Chiron is both patient and healer, man and horse, he brings the cure as well as the dis-ease. Underneath the pain and the scars is a beautiful potential for a real cure. Challenge faulty thinking. Initiate a healing conversation with yourself. Speak words that bring warmth and light. Know that you are stronger now for all you have been through. Write down your stories of the times you triumphed. If you are struggling, find a confidante. Talking is medicine.
Degrees and Times
Mercury, Chiron 15°Ar16′ – 19:58
© Leah Whitehorse
Painting – A Talk by the Way by Thomas Stuart Smith
A Talk by the Way
A Talk by the Way

Kin 52 ~ Yellow Cosmic Human

‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence.’ The last day of a wavespell is often the trickiest because you must process the 13-day journey that you are completing. If you began this wavespell of the Yellow Sun consciously with the intent of enlightenment, you should have experienced ‘Eureka!’ moments along the way. Before moving on to the next 13 day journey, it is important to ponder and digest what you have learnt in this one in order to make the most of it.
Today is a Yellow Human day which represents ‘Influence, Free Will and Wisdom’. There is a lot of poetry to be found in the patterns of the Tzolkin and the connection between the first and last days is always interesting. We began with Yellow Sun and the final destination brings us to the Yellow Cosmic Human. This suggests that the quest for enlightenment results in channeling wisdom, or in other words, opening ourselves up for divine knowledge. The ‘Free Will’ enters into the equation because it is up to us to do whatever we choose with the knowledge we are gifted. So, on this ‘Cosmic’ day consider what you’ve learnt and remember that you are a vessel to be filled and so try to remain open.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Questioning and Intelligence’. Warriors have iron willpower and to be guided by this energy today can lead us to a quest. That quest may be for knowledge as ‘Intelligence’ is a keyword associated with Warrior. Much can be learned today but it may be a battle, it may be a little enduring but if you are strong willed you will succeed in your mission.
The Challenge of the day is White Wind which represents communication. If you are a White Wind today will test you but that’s not a bad thing….you know you must try harder to listen to your intuition, so make that your mission today. For the rest of us beware communications may not go smoothly.
The Occult power is the Red Moon which represents ‘going with the flow’ and since it is in the position of magic, today will have powerful lunar influences and if you surrender to it, this will make the ‘enduring’ day easier. I always tap into the Occult power of a day to help me out whenever it’s challenging. Chillin’ out today is everyone’s best bet and it helps the intuition flow beautifully.
The Ally is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin, who loves to put their hands to good use and accomplish things. Today, they are very handy to have around! If you know one, grab their hand and they will show you the way. If you are one, you are invaluable to others today so lend that helping hand.
Kin 52
Kin 52


13 CIB – KIN 52
26 MARCH 2023
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
I endure in order to INFLUENCE
Transcending WISDOM
I seal the process of FREE WILL
With the Cosmic tone of PRESENCE
I AM guided by the power of INTELLIGENCE
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
🌟🌟 CORONATION DAY!!! 👑 👑🌟🌟
26/3/2023 = 8/3/7 = 8/10 = 8/1=9
26- Empowerment through Compassion
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
9- Completion/Endings/Destiny/Service/Divine/Grace
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
3- Holy trinity/Creativity/Joy/Happiness
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
10- Manifestation/Authority/Power/Leader
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 52 = 7 Majik/Alchemy/Mystic/Solitude
The energy today is expansively AWAKENING our COSMIC INTELLIGENCE!!! Majikal and totally ILLUMINATING!! 💡💡💡
We are claiming our DIVINE👑 SOVEREIGNTY as COSMIC HU-MANS today! ✨👑✨
Day 13 in the YELLOW SUN☀ WAVESPELL is the FINAL day in this incredible EVOLUTIONARY cycle of LIGHT!🌞✨
We reach COMPLETION and thus are GRADUATING from EARTH SCHOOL with FULL HONOURS as the true Divine Masters that we are!
Day 13 is a day of TRANSCEN💃DANCE where we leave behind our old cell-ves, shedding our heavy burdensome coats, and donning our beautiful luminous Rainbow Coats of infinite colours! 🌈☀ Radiating our full LUMINOSITY!🎆
The COMPLETION of this YELLOW SUN🌞 WAVESPELL, will culminate with a BLAST💥 of SOLAR🔥🌞 energy, and right ON TIME – with divine synchronicity, EARTH is expecting the ARRIVAL of a HUGE CME headed in our DIRECTION… GET READY FOR TAKEOFF – RAPID HUMAN EVOLUTION! 🔥💥🌞🔥💥🌞🔥💥🌞
COSMIC🍥 is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. 🍥☀✨
COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence Today we conclude our 13 day cycle of seeking more divine LIGHT and WISDOM, in order to embody ✨BUDDHIC CONSCIOUSNESS🌞✨
We realize that we have transcended the thinking MIND, as we become PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, floating endlessly in the SEA of COSMIC PRESENCE. 🍥🍥🍥
You are born anew this day as the NEW COSMIC HU-MAN! The true SOVEREIGN 👑 leaders and rulers of Nova Gaia.🌍
Step up and claim your throne!👑
Today’s question is “How can I reclaim my COSMIC INDEPEN💃DANCE🍥✨ and DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY,👑 becoming a BEACON OF LIGHT to guide and influence others using my COSMIC INTELLIGENCE?”
“Am I ready to claim my GOD given gifts?”
And so we bid adieu to our small YELLOW 🙂 human, who is now replaced with COSMIC EB, our DIVINE GOLDEN SOUL-AR HU-MAN.☀🙂👑
We are not the same humans that we were 13 days ago when we commenced this journey of EN-LIGHT💡ON-MENT with AHAU – the MAGNIFICENT YELLOW SUN 🌞.
Our Golden chalice 🏆 has expanded to hold greater LIGHT✨ and we have learnt to RADIATE like the true LIGHT BEARERS that we are!
No more LIGHT “workers” we are now the LIGHT “HOLDERS” – the beacons, for others to follow, drawn to our LIGHT, in order to navigate safely through the chaos and turbulence into the SOURCE of ALL THAT IS!✨✨✨
You have found your way home precious hearts, 😍 now it is TIME,⏳ in this NEW TIME, to ILLUMINATE💡 the path for those souls following in your footsteps, as the GREAT AWAKENING unfolds! 👁👁
We FINALLY leave the past behind, expanding our ability to receive, as we hold and embody more RADIANT SOUL-AR LIGHT.☀✨
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
As we CELEBRATE our homecoming, as the DIVINE COSMIC HU-MANS that we have become, we are now ready to CELEBRATE our lives in ECSTATIC BLISS, as we truly experience what it means to bring HEAVEN to EARTH in our everyday lives.
Tomorrow we are blessed as we unfold our NEW GOLDEN WINGS🕊 and learn to FLY ✈ with BEN as our guide, RED SKYWALKER,🚶🚶🚶 the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, will be continuing our EXPANSIVE BLISS filled adventure, as we commence a brand new Wavespell, and our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
……to be continued.
Divine blessings for our regal COSMIC CORONATION of HU-MAN-KIND today. 👸👑
COSMIC Salutations precious hearts!🖐🍥🖐
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN🍥 🙂 EB The traits of the YELLOW HUMAN are : free will, influence, making choices, wisdom, abundance, harvest, responsibility and being a receptive chalice. The main goal is to transcend the ego, or lower mind, and align to the higher Divine Mind, in order to become the WISDOM keepers of our time.
The HIGHEST ASPECT of the COSMIC HUMAN is to embody DIVINE MIND or COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS🌞 as our GOD SELF – HU-MAN… anchoring our mighty ✨I AM PRESENCE✨ within our Earthly vessel.
The YELLOW HUMAN represents the golden chalice/Holy grail. 🏆 Before we can fill up our cup with wisdom/love/source energy, we must first seek to be purified and emptied of the dross, otherwise the whole contents will be polluted.
❓❓What contents do you need to purify and release, in order to empty your chalice in preparation for SOURCE to fill it up? 🏆🎆
Finally we surrender our small human and his FREE WILL, to align and evolve to that of DIVINE WILL. Through this transition we recognize ourselves as SOUL-AR🌞 BEINGS, rather than human beings. As our LIGHT✨ has expanded exponentially we can now use our WISDOM and COSMIC intelligence to INFLUENCE those who bask in our glory.
Our Golden chalices🏆 are full to the brim, and our Solar cup runneth over. It is time to share your Golden Nectar with the world.☀☀☀
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR 🍥 🌈🏹 CIB is the Cosmic Warrior who QUEST-I-ONs the status quo. YELLOW WARRIOR questions everything – our human-ity, our ethics, our values and our culture, in order for us to claim our independent sovereignty.👑
As we examine our choices we question what it is, to make better choices that benefit our lives and those of others around us, and our world.
❓❓Do you make CONSCIOUS choices for your own good and the Highest good of all?
❓❓Do your choices harm yourself, or others in any way? Who do they benefit?
❓❓As you attain more wisdom, do you apply it to create a better world for others?
CIB the COSMIC WARRIOR assists us in FEARLESSLY aligning our Will with that of Spirit today, as the RAINBOW WARRIORS of NOVA GAIA step up and RISE to the call of DIVINE. Our choices are coloured by our knowing that we are here in the DIVINE SERVICE of manifesting the Will of Spirit – ✨The DIVINE PLAN for EARTH and HUMANITY.✨
WE are the vehicles to manifest Spirit’s wishes. In this knowing is a deep relaxation to the pure presence of this great wisdom, nothing to do, but be done.
We take the oath of allegiance, to serve our Divine Creator and become the peaceful warrior, anchoring the Solar Rainbow Light codes on this Earth plane. 🌈☀🎆
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC HAND🍥🙌 MANIK provides incredible support today through the healing portal of MANIK. The COSMIC HAND can access all knowledge required for HEALING, learning and soul growth from throughout the entire COSMOS! ✨🍥✨
Once we attain this wisdom, MANIK provides the energy needed to ACCOMPLISH our intentions. We can take positive ACTION based on our wiser choices, to create the Legacy we envision. Our wisdom and guidance will point us in the right direction. MANIK gives us the POWER to accomplish whatever choices we decide to implement..
We have the POWER to transcend mere human intelligence today, and become ONE with the Cosmos 🍥 and accomplish en-LIGH💡ON-ment through pure presence.
Why seek intelligence when you can attain GOD🌞 MIND?
Just BE and experience yourself as ✨ALL THAT IS✨, WAS and will ever be in this NOW PRESENT MOMENT!
Aaaaah floating in a sea of PURE BLISS😍😍😍 as OMNI-PRESENCE. 🍥✨💕
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED MAGNETIC MOON 👸 MULUC allows you to connect with your higher senses and intuitive guidance from Spirit, so that your intelligence melds with your E-motions, flowing naturally into one united body.
This GODDESS is a MAGNETIC one, she is seeking to attract all the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE flowing throughout the Cosmos. Our presence becomes completely dissolved in the unity of Cosmic consciousness. 🍥✨🎆💕
The GODDESS👸 SUPERPOWER today unites with the BLESSING of the WHITE WIND🌬, to create the Hieros Gamos💑 – the Sacred Marriage👰💒 – the union of the Divine Masculine and DIVINE Feminine aspects of our soul essence.. As they merge into UNITY consciousness, we can transcend the polarity and SOAR on the COSMIC Winds of ecstatic BLISS. 🍥🌬💕
MULUC is purifying your MIND and your vessel, so that these magnetic impulses can merge into this Cosmic force, directing our lives through the power of Spirit. As your creative urges gently FLOW through your COSMIC HANDS🙌 you have the power to ACCOMPLISH great things.
We are all weaving🕸 and creating the beautiful harmonic Matrix 🌐 together in our own corner of the COSMOS.. transcending the old time and making a QUANTUM LEAP into NO-TIME – just pure endless NO-THING-ness. ✨✨✨
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC WIND 🌬🍃 EK relates to the breath or voice of SPIRIT and these messages today are omnipresent – EVERYWHERE – being BROADCAST📣 throughout the COSMOS! 🍥✨.
Today’s challenge is that you are switched ON and tuned in to HIGHER GUIDANCE and not your lower egoic desires.
❓❓What channel are you attuned to?
❓❓From what level are you making your choices?
❓❓Are those choices based on love, compassion and service to others?
❓❓Or are they coming from a place of fear, survival or service to self?
Spend some time in nature today, communing with God/Goddess/Spirit to forge a stronger and purer connection to your SOURCE🌞 of wisdom. Focusing on the greater good and the whisperings of Spirit, will put you on the right path to expressing your pure creative soul’s essence..
Become the hollow bamboo and channel the inspiration of Spirit through your influential wisdom, music, dance, yoga, breath, singing, light language and whatever form of WIND that seeks to whistle through your being. Hold no FEAR and allow it to FLOW effortlessly…
RADIATE your INNER LIGHT✨ and allow others to see in the Dark,💡 guiding them back home to SOURCE. 🌞☀✨🌞
In this transcendent phase we totally SURRENDER to Spirit through our precious hearts.💕
💕 LOVE is the bridge to SPIRIT.💕
Reaching across worlds to allow Spirit’s calling to be done, surrendering fully to listening and channeling messages from Spirit, whose purpose is to UNITE ALL, in the ONE COSMIC HEART of CREATION…❤❤❤🍥🍥🍥
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
May wisdom DAWN in us.
May wisdom RIPEN in us.
May wisdom be TRANSFORMED into RIGHT action.
May right action REAP the harvest.
May everything be known., as the LIGHT of mutual LOVE.
Ah Yum Hunab Ku! Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
(All hail the harmony of mind and nature!)
Today’s question is “How can I reclaim my COSMIC INDEPEN💃DANCE🍥✨ and DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY,👑 becoming a BEACON OF LIGHT to guide and influence others using my COSMIC INTELLIGENCE?”
“Am I ready to claim my GOD given gifts?”
And so we bid adieu to our small YELLOW 🙂 human, who is now replaced with COSMIC EB, our DIVINE GOLDEN SOUL-AR HU-MAN.☀🙂👑
We are not the same humans that we were 13 days ago when we commenced this journey of EN-LIGHT💡ON-MENT with AHAU – the MAGNIFICENT YELLOW SUN 🌞.
Our Golden chalice 🏆 has expanded to hold greater LIGHT✨ and we have learnt to RADIATE like the true LIGHT BEARERS that we are!
No more LIGHT “workers” we are now the LIGHT “HOLDERS” – the beacons, for others to follow, drawn to our LIGHT, in order to navigate safely through the chaos and turbulence into the SOURCE of ALL THAT IS!✨✨✨
You have found your way home precious hearts, 😍 now it is TIME,⏳ in this NEW TIME, to ILLUMINATE💡 the path for those souls following in your footsteps, as the GREAT AWAKENING unfolds! 👁👁
We FINALLY leave the past behind, expanding our ability to receive, as we hold and embody more RADIANT SOUL-AR LIGHT.☀✨
🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥🙂☀🎆 🍥
As we CELEBRATE our homecoming, as the DIVINE COSMIC HU-MANS that we have become, we are now ready to CELEBRATE our lives in ECSTATIC BLISS, as we truly experience what it means to bring HEAVEN to EARTH in our everyday lives.
Tomorrow we are blessed as we unfold our NEW GOLDEN WINGS🕊 and learn to FLY ✈ with BEN as our guide, RED SKYWALKER,🚶🚶🚶 the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, will be continuing our EXPANSIVE BLISS filled adventure, as we commence a brand new Wavespell, and our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
……to be continued.
Divine blessings for our regal COSMIC CORONATION of HU-MAN-KIND today. 👸👑
COSMIC Salutations precious hearts!🖐🍥🖐
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 NEW!! HATHA YOGA: for beginners 🔥


This is the first in our series of Yoga Training. This is a Hatha Yoga Practice for beginners. This session runs about 20 minutes and is a light and gentle Yin Flow Yoga for all ages. Enjoy your Practice! Namaste 🙏 CLICK HERE to sign up for training




✨💧 Invocation to Water 💧✨

In the Name of the Heart of Source, under Grace, and in the Light of my mighty I Am Presence ,
I hereby decree All Waters of Mother Earth rise into Pristine Crystalline Purity of 5th dimensional frequencies.
I decree all marine life forms be restored to their perfected original blueprint and I invoke Humanity to enter into conscious Heart-based collective Contact and Communication with the Cetacean nations, the Record Keepers, Teachers and Avatars of unconditional Love and Wisdom of Earth´s Oceans.
I decree the Purity of 5th dimensional New Earth to be fully anchored in our collective physical reality and every single sacred drop of Water on the planet, as within the human body, including the waters of emotions, be the Illumination of the Love of Christ Consciousness Itself .
And So It Is ✨💎✨
Decree by Saskia Nahara


Trumpets will sound
Trumpets will sound

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**A Living Poem from the Eagle to the Condor**

From within the Secret Chamber Concealed Deep within the Still Magnetic Light at the Center of our Sacred Illuminated Heart the mystical is made manifest.

The Mirror of the Mind in an empty pool of life reflects itself perfectly in this Now…

You Now remember the Holy Temple of Light as the Divine Union remembers the True Face of Love. So blessed, that no concepts can reveal its True Essence.

The Unborn Mind of the Buddha resolves all things perfectly in our Bright Virtue of the Diamond Mind of Pure Awareness…Aho!

**- Paul White Gold Eagle**