Planetary Ascension – Terrestrial and extra-terrestrial mixed meditation

Terrestrial and extra-terrestrial mixed meditation for Planetary Ascension

This meditation for Planetary Ascension is an exceptional Event which cumulates the sustained and united efforts of terrestrial, intra-terrestrial
and extra-terrestrial beings who want to help this Planet in her Ascension process.
It is not only a spiritual sustaining for this meditation, but a direct and effectively participation at this meditation of all of them.
At the beginning of this meditation which will be consecrated for the Ascension of Planet Earth in
fifth dimension we will always ask for the direct sustain and participation of Father/Mother God, Ashtar and Ashtar Command,
Sananda, Galactic Federation of Light, Supreme Galactic Council, Council of Elders, Ascendent Masters, Sanat Kumara,
benevolent extra-terrestrial beings of The Great Central Race, pleiadians, arcturians, andromedans, sirians, antarians,
alpha centaurians and all which want to participate, and also of The Celestial Beings of Light from all the Angelic Hierarchies,
Archangels Michael and Gabriel and of The Beings of Light from the Inner Earth as King of Shambhala, Adama, and so on
(you can also invoke any other Beings of Light, Spiritual Masters and Guides which you know and previously ask for their consent).
This exceptional meditation for Planetary Ascension will be made each Sunday between 16.00-17.00 GMT.
This meditation includes Cobra Meditation and is an extended meditation which benefits from an exceptional sustaining and participation.
It is now the moment for all of us the Light Workers, Light Warriors, Way showers from the entire Planet and ours
brothers and sisters of Light from the Inner Earth and also for our extra-terrestrial brothers to reach a higher degree
of unity and cooperation and help, all of us together, the Planetary transformation and ascension.
Everyone can do the meditation in their own way.
Together we will create a strong spiritual energy field which will help the Planetary Ascension very much.
Everyone who participates in this meditation can help very much and is appreciated!
We are all in this together!

Thank you from all of our hearts for your participation and may our hearts be united in the Heart of God! Be blessed all of you! In Love and Light!
Planetary Ascension

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Edith Olga Petsch

    Unidos nessa meditação no amor do Grão Mestre do Grande Universo pedimos a colaboração de Gaia na elevação do Planeta Terra e de todos os trabalhadores e guerreiros da luz; terrestres ,intraterrestres, galácticos, interplanetários, dos Anjos e Arcanjos. Dos guerreiros astrais, daqueles sediados no solo lunar e solar. Dos outros planetas e nas Esperas.
    Edith Olga Petsch em luz e amor.

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