5d Template Activations

5d Template Activations

🔥G1 & G2 Solar Storms This Week ☀️💥
When solar wind escapes the sun it enters space and the highly-charged wind buffets Earth’s magnetic field (protective bubble) and causes friction here on Earth. This includes power grid fluctuations, disruption to navigation systems, impacts on high-frequency radio waves, possible damage to satellites orbiting Earth, weather extremes, the confusion of mammals on beaches as their internal compass goes out of sync, and also impacts the human energy field – in particular those who are highly sensitive to energy (empaths).

Research has found that geomagnetic storms can cause us to experience huge energy shifts, as our human electromagnetic field absorbs incoming celestial elements – which can alter and transform us at cellular level.
Solar storms are known to desynchronise our circadian rhythm (our internal biological clock that controls our sleep and wake times.) This is due to our pineal gland being affected by electromagnetic energy, producing an increase in melatonin—thus disturbing our sleep and throwing our intuition and inherent orientation out of sync. Therefore, we may feel confused, disorientated, forgetful and spaced out, and suffer from disrupted sleep patterns, exhaustion, and vivid dreams and we also may have enhanced intuition and psychic awareness.
Our pineal gland “third eye” senses light and is associated with enlightenment. The sun directly impacts the pineal gland and solar storms are known to enhance psychic awareness, influence soul expansion and activate consciousness. When our third eye is fully open we have the ability to see things not normally visible to the naked eye, such as past and future events, thought forms, energy, and spirits.
Some common symptoms people experience during solar storms are;
Pressure headaches
Feeling out of sorts, or unbalanced
Dizziness, nausea
Ear ringing
Difficulty focusing
Confusion, foggy mind, forgetful
Temporarily misplacing items
Disturbed sleep patterns
Anxiety, stress, irritability, sadness
Nervousness, worry, fear
Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, insights that seem to appear from ‘nowhere’
Difficulty tracking time (time either feels too slow or at great speed)
Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing
Premonitions, intense dreams or nightmares
Struggles with communication
Electronic devices messing up
The reason for much of the above is that our personal vibration is on a frequency that is much lower than the vibration of the new energy incoming from the sun/universe.
To benefit from the energy shift and lift our vibration so that we raise our consciousness awareness and ease any negative symptoms, we can do the following:
Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).
Take saltwater baths.
Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Spend time in nature.
Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
Remind yourself that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that conscious thought and intention can instantly alter how we think and feel.
Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender.
Practice kindness, compassion, acceptance, and empathy.
Remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology, and anything that feels energetically toxic or draining.
Listening to binaural beats can really help balance and cleanse energy fields during space storms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkM-FjfN6Mc
Solar wind streams cause auroras or Northern Lights to occur, so there is high possibility they will be witnessed around the Arctic Circle towards the middle to end of the week. They can usually be seen an hour before sunrise, or approximately an hour or two after sunset.
You are the light of Earth
We are the event as the collective consciousness


Schumann Resonance update ~

this was yesterday for about 12 hour in total.
Now what I’m really interested in is the interplanetary shock wave that hit earth… what is that? I’m really not sure. But interestingly enough over the last 2 days I’ve felt quite irritated for no reason, very internal, not wanting to interact with others.
Lots of 3D mental headspace ~ so overall the usual solar winds symptoms (that I regularly post)
Physical the body aches and lots of pressure at the back of the head and lower neck. As our bodies adjust to more light. It’s like growing pain.. let’s call them “lightbody growing pains”

After a really good Schumann sleep, crazy preparation dreams. I feel a little bit exhausted, yet I feel like the edge has been taken off feeling much more in my center thank goodness.
How are you? Have you had similar experiences over the past 2 days?
Much love 💖
Alisha Braché

Extremely Rare Cosmic Phenomenon 💫

Some common symptoms noted during solar storms are;
Pressure headaches
Feeling out of sorts, or unbalanced
Dizziness, nausea
Ear ringing
Difficulty focusing
Confusion, foggy mind, forgetful
Temporarily misplacing items
Disturbed sleep patterns
Anxiety, stress, irritability, sadness
Nervousness, worry, fear
Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, insights that seem to appear from ‘nowhere’
Difficulty tracking time (time either feels too slow or at great speed)
Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing
Premonitions, intense dreams or nightmares
Struggles with communication
Electronic devices messing up

The reason for much of the above is that our personal vibration is on a frequency that is much lower than the vibration of the new energy incoming from the sun/universe.
To benefit from the energy shift and lift our vibration so that we raise our consciousness awareness and ease any negative symptoms, we can do the following:
Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).
Take saltwater baths.
Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Spend time in nature.
Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
Remind yourself that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that conscious thought and intention can instantly alter how we think and feel.
Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender.
Practice kindness, compassion, acceptance, and empathy.
Remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology, and anything that feels energetically toxic or draining.
Listening to binaural beats can really help balance and cleanse energy fields during space storms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkM-FjfN6Mc
Solar wind streams cause auroras or Northern Lights to occur, so there is high possibility they will be witnessed around the Arctic Circle towards the middle to end of the week. They can usually be seen an hour before sunrise, or approximately an hour or two after sunset.
(These solar storms are known to cause extreme earth weather conditions – check weather forecasts/warnings.)
Alex Myles
Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed and have medical concerns, please also seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during geomagnetic storms; however, there may be other medical-related causes.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Patricia Helen

    Regarding nightmares: I share my last night nightmare (just remember the end of this dream/astral) but maybe is related to negative alien attacks or trying to through 4D low astral as during sleeping. Around 3 years ago I dreamed I was in a bathroom looking at the mirror and two men in black showed through this mirror, got physical and grabbed me by force making me injest a pill, (I haven’t seen the movie matrix but must be similar), then I spit some blood in the handwasher, and they disappeared through the wall again.
    Last night 27 May 2019 I dreamed I was running for something I don’t remember but was ok, found a sort of a rounded stone in a cave (climbing a soft hill sorts of, a pathway of polished stones anyway) and when starting my return back I thought I would find my niece who had been with me behind but I was shocked to see a WHITE TALL NORDIC NEGATIVE ALIEN who was pretty scary looking who was after me! I got the creeps as it was definitely an alien of that type and very tall! Suffice to say I woke up immediately somewhat scared of this!
    Someone else want to share their latest dreams/astral journeys? I use palo santo oil essence to protect from astral attacks and it works fine for me, mainly in the back of my neck and pray to Jesus and Mother Mary some basic prayers before going to sleep.

  2. Sandy Bella

    Dear Patricia, I would like to share about my dream last night but before I fell asleep, my ‘Inner Mystic’ was switched back on and I had a Mystical Experience where the 5th Dimension in my heart expanded out onto me and into this outside world and then when I fell asleep, I dreamt a black, dead, tree trunk almost fell on me which was scary in my dream but i believe it was probably a good dream because I believe it probably symbolises the falling down of old, dead wood 🙂

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