Significant Energetic Shift ~ The Integration of 5D. A Quickening WITHIN – The Implosion ~ The Pleiadians’ Connection To The Earth
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Rainbow Tribe of the Diamond Minds of Indestructible Light
Happy 9:9 Portal of Galactic Activation. The 99 Tengri (The Sky Beings) are with us for this Great Awakening. The Lyran Feline Nation of the New Lemuria are coming in and rising up for the Transformation of Gaia and all her Children of the Sun. All Starseed Ground crew of the 144 are becoming Christed in the Light as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into Homo-Luminous; Golden beings of Eternal Life.
Today we reach the culmination point and compression with expansion into the Absolute. This is the Ultimate Truth and Power that all existence reside within. The Godhead or we can say the Unborn Mind of Buddha. For those that understand, the Buddha is not a person place or thing, just as Christ is a title or a state of being we call Unconditional Love. The little mind of man wants to personify all concepts of spirituality and the Divine. With Wisdom we come to the Self Realization that I Am the Way the Truth and the Light. All those endless words and descriptions of the Great Mystery all point to the Ultimate Truth of Pure Awareness, which is Mu (Not A Thing)
Bring your Awareness to the beginingless beginning and experience what created the void or we can say, can ‘not a thing’ even be created?” Although ultimately irrelevant, these philosophies explain to our consciousness that many of our beliefs and concepts are based on illusions and temporary states of being and not the Eternal.
The internal mirrors the external and the external with the internal.
We are traveling in between worlds as we step through the eye of the needle of Zero point. We are navigating through the Stillness and Silence of the Void as the veils of forgetfulness and separation from our multidimensional self is lifting and dissolving. Now we consciously are crossing over to the other side while staying fully awake and aware. As we integrate the unconscious into our Conscious awareness we become whole living beings again from the time before our fall from Grace. As we continue to walk our Path with Heart we feel our connection to all things, in all realms, timelines and dimensions.
There is nothing to attain, nothing to hold on to. We are letting go and releasing all false programs, beliefs and systems that cause suffering to all Sentient Beings of the Way. And in this letting go we are free to go the Way of the Light Bridgers of the New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 2°22′ Scorpio, Sun at 5°00′ Libra
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 6º Libra |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 6º Libra.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 3º Scorpio |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 3º Scorpio.
Valerie A. Elster
Sophie Grégoire
Expect a significant energetic shift in the next few days. As you continue walking towards your blessings & walking your talk, doors open bigger & you receive more. Think back to March/April. Similar configurations may present themselves to you — but you are so changed. Your response is about to be different. Your energy is ready. Fate is at play and is about to deliver what you have awaited. Destiny is finding you. Be aware of synchronicities, intuitive messages & what the Universe is presenting you. More is definitely coming.

Roberto Nunez

Jennifer Hoffman
These last days of September are quite exciting and action packed, aren’t they. Big energy movements and downloads creates big results.
It’s rather intense so be aware if you’re especially sensitive to energy. Remember to breathe. And your pets and young children are highly affected by these energy movements, so they may be extra clingy, needy, whiny, or irritable or sleepy.
3D is dis-integrating because of the integration of 5D. It is happening now and has been for decades. We’re noticing it more now because there is such a huge gap between the dark and the light.
Where we were once integrated with the dark we are now integrated multi-dimensionally. That is why you no longer feel ‘at home’ in 3D (and some of you never did). If it feels like everything about 3D has changed – it has but not because 3D is different, because we’re different.
Seeing 3D from the polarity of dark and light is much different than seeing it from the duality of being multi-dimensional. This is where the 5D communities will become important as we progress through the rest of this year and into next year.
Hold the line and shine the light.

Ally Raye
For some there is a quickening WITHIN now…
These precious hearts may find themselves dizzy, lightheaded, disoriented, foggy, exceptionally sleepy, feelings of vertigo, feelings of “not being able to think,” etc…
Some may have an unspeakable sensitivity to absolutely everything… light, sound, touch, etc. It FEELS like you are “not in the world” and simultaneously “hyper-sensitive” to external stimuli.
You, precious hearts, are moving through a holy corridor of corridors. And, yes, you have already moved through many… But this, you can FEEL the magnitude of- is quite different…
This comes with an “all-encompassing” SURRENDER. Every aspect of what you call “you” FEELS this pull… this sensation… it is magnetizing ALL of you… No aspect of you is being left out of this experience…
You may have moments of fear, as the mind seeks to understand or fix or balance what is happening- but it cannot. Simply breathe and soothe the mind… say to your mind, “All is well” and return your focus to easy breathing.
All that is underway is happening without your effort. You need do nothing. All there IS is to BE and to surrender yourself to the unfolding.
A very deep and holy sleep is coming to many in this timing.
Please know that this and all other powerful holy corridors remain open for all hearts to journey in their Divine Timing! No one will ever be “left behind.” That is just simply an impossibility when we remember that there IS only ever ONE in creation!
For now- and for those in this particular holy corridor- being magnetized in this timing…
I whisper this to you…
In your HEART, you hold the key.
Do not fear, the call to sleep.
Upon your waking, you will (truly) SEE.
Sleep in Heavenly dreams…
The Kingdom awaits, precious hearts!
Let there BE LIGHT.
Love Is. Love Is. Love Is.
God Is. God Is. God Is.

Saffron Satara
Your not the same person anymore
When the implosion happened on the 24th September a lot of timelines collapsed. It was like the world collapsing in on itself, to be born anew. Now we are being faced with the internal questions, which parts of that old world do we want to leave behind? How attached are you to the version of yourself that lets your personality / Ego run your movie.
There’s never been a time in all your incarnations that you have experienced what is happening and is going to happen on Earth. I am about to move into 4 days of ceremony with my Goddess Codes Weavers. Over the past few days I have been receiving huge insights on what is happening. I am stepping into a very important mission that was assigned to me and others a very long time ago. I am just coming into the awareness of it and how significant it is that I must now create the pathways for this Earthly mission to be anchored. Thousands of us across the globe over the last few days have received huge pieces of the puzzle it’s been like golden nuggets falling from the sky, suddenly your not walking the yellow brick road anymore. Your now building it for others to walk. Now you are opening pathways for others to fully step into what they have came here to do.
You aren’t the same person anymore, I am certainly not. It feels exactly how my team explained it to me last year. I always get things that can be explained easily. We don’t need the complex words, we need heart and soulful messages! I was told that it would be like going to sleep and you would wake up in a new world. That’s exactly how it feels to me, a tsunami has came and washed away the old. Earth planetary body is now recalibrating. Many of us who work with the timelines and timeline repair have been working non stop over the past few days to anchor in Utopia. Of course there’s still much work to be done. We create these pathways in the hope others will find their way. But I am absolutely certain that even the most unawakened have been shook up significantly over the past few days.
Now I’m in the process of anchoring and embodying a huge template that is very important architecture for Earth. This template will be my next container that I will release soon. Don’t dismiss your insights that you are receiving through dream state and your waking world. As I said golden nuggets are falling from the sky right now. Those creations that never quite anchored could be born again though you. Aspects of your soul and missions are now ready to be seen. You maybe weren’t ready before but you are now. Now we understand that there’s no one saving us, we aren’t dependent on Galactic ships to come and save us. We are the Ships and the commanders! Are you ready to to claim your independence? Liberate yourself completely? You are God, nothing is outside of you. Not even your team of guides and angels that guide you. You are the universe, the implosion happened because you were ready for it.
Now you are being presented with Knowledge, Keys and Doors. The New World is birthed from within you

Emmanuelle Pries
hello to all,
We are entering a critical phase, a phase for which we have been preparing for a long time. To our human this may seem new, disturbing. You may feel apprehension about what is happening or about to happen and feel like you are not ready.
Rest assured, you all have what it takes to navigate what’s to come. There is nothing to “learn” and “do.”
It’s all about remembering, remembering, remembering who you are and this path, the one that seems difficult, the one that asks you to go inside, the one that weighs you at times, that makes you lose your landmarks and identities… He is the one who oversees and breeds your evolution.
So be in awe of how far you have come no matter what your human has endured, feel gratitude for your body getting rid of all that is no longer aligned and rejoice in the photonic flows that help you update your DNA.
Close your eyes and abstract what is happening in your reality. Take time to let out what is within you and allow yourself to be overwhelmed by that light that you are. Connect to the same light (pure crystal light) that is currently surrounding GAIA.
Feel the love, calm, unity and strength that you are, that we are.
And remember who you are and why you got here, in this moment… Remember…
Have a nice week

Judith Kusel
It’s easier to see a wider view of life as we move through this paradigm shift. Knowing that you are an eternal soul having a human experience is making this reality more transient than ever. It is becoming easier to detach from old stories and reunite with God. This relationship grows stronger as you continue getting closer and closer – mind, body, heart, soul, and Spirit. Full reunion is near. Trust the inspiration that is taking you there. Feel the love from our Father calling you Home. Follow His direction, even if it means being alone. He is offering you this opportunity because you’ve worked to attain this! Have patience during this transition and allow events to align according the God’s plan. Don’t let fear or the ego hold you back from the new life of love that is being given to you.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –
Gene Key 18
September 27th – October 2nd 2022
Judgment – Integrity – Perfection
A cleaned-out mind is a rare thing. A mind with integrity has terrific power to serve the world. This is what we really mean by genius. Our IQ expands as we reclaim our higher purpose in life. This is another meaning of integrity, to have a deep core stability, to be anchored firmly in a sense of inner purpose, and to have that feeling radiate through our posture, our movement, and our presence.
The 64 Ways
“In this 18th Gene Key we’re really talking about mental Judgments. We can think about what our life would be like without our mind making these Judgments, when we’re just sunk into the inherent Perfection of it all. Perfection isn’t a Judgment – it’s a cellular knowing.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –
Aurora Ray
The Pleiadians’ Connection To The Earth
The Pleiadians are a group of star beings from the Pleiades, a star system located in the constellation Taurus. They participated in the original creation of Earth.
The Pleiadians are an extension of our soul group. They were with us when we were children and when we were born into this world; they were with all of us throughout our lives on Earth, assisting and guiding us as needed.
Our Pleiadian ancestors are among our most important teachers because they understand the nature of reality and how it works. They have been able to observe what is happening on Earth from a higher perspective than humans here at present can see from their perspective on Earth.
The Pleiadian system is a blueprint for life on Earth that has been used by many civilizations over time. This blueprint contains information that can be used by anyone with enough determination to find it or seek it out. It is a divinely inspired map that makes it possible for us all to make sense of our lives and find fulfillment in them.
Pleiadian ancestors have been called the Universe’s emissaries because they have a mission to bring forth a new consciousness on Earth. They are assisting humanity in reaching a higher level of consciousness and moving forward spiritually, emotionally, and physically. They are here now on Earth, helping us make changes in our lives that will benefit all people on Earth.
Their message is one of love and compassion for all living beings, humans and animals alike. Their teachings are intended to help us understand our place in the Universe and how we can use this knowledge to change our lives for the better.
They have the ability to help us raise our frequencies so we can be aligned with Source Energy from above, which will allow us to access our true potential as human beings through an expanded state of consciousness.
This process is called Ascension, or returning home to Source Energy from where we came, in order for all life forms to experience true love and peace on planet Earth together as one united family under one Creator God Source energy force field.
The Pleiadians are masters at making the invisible visible, and they use light and energy to do so. They have been instrumental in helping many people through their lifetimes who have had difficulty with various aspects of their lives. They want to help you as well, but you must be willing to receive their assistance and ask for it.
You cannot just ask for help and expect it to be given; you must be willing to open yourself up to receive the help that is available. You must take action in your life so that it becomes more positive and harmonious without holding back any part of yourself from receiving assistance from them.
The Pleiadians have been working with humans for many years, but they have never been seen by the general public. They have been very discreet about their existence, making sure that only those who are ready for them will see them. They do not interfere in the affairs of humanity. Instead, they watch over us from afar and help us make changes in our lives that will benefit all people on Earth.
The Pleiadians teach us that there are two paths that we can choose. One path leads to unconditional love, and the other path leads to fear. These two paths exist on a 3D timeline that is playing out at this very moment on our planet. During this time of change, we will all have an opportunity to choose our path in life and create it with unconditional love or fear.
The Pleiadians will be visiting and meeting in various places in the years to come. With all the technological gadgets, we can’t deny we have lost touch with nature. Now is the time to pay attention to our surroundings and heal the planet – for us and for them.
We are now at a time in our evolution where we must make changes in order to survive as a species on this planet. The shift in vibration and consciousness has begun, as we are now in the midst of Ascension.
Many feel confused and unprepared for this change, even though they know it is coming. The Pleiadians have helped awaken humanity through their connection to the Earth and they are asking you to connect more to nature.
They are here to assist humankind in our process of re-embodiment, healing, and attunement to the higher frequencies that we are receiving from our sun. This shift is going to happen whether or not you prepare for it, although I would prefer that you be prepared for it!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
Leah Whitehorse
Sun in Libra sesquiquadrate Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. Mercury retrograde in Virgo trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn – The solar connection to Saturn brings up an inner weariness. ‘I can’t do people today. I’m done with authorities. It’s all too hard.’ Flailing from side to side, we slip and slide towards Saturn, the weight of the world on our shoulders. ‘Why can’t people just be NICE to one another!’
Mercury is still close by to loving Venus, so certainly agrees that kindness is important. But the trine to Pluto tells us that sometimes fear gets in the way of our connections. Use these energies to examine what lies beneath the surface to get to the truth. Become aware of your inner dialogue. Resolve to use language that is potent and empowering. Change the words, change the thoughts. Change the thoughts, change the way we communicate with others. Change the way we communicate and in turn relationships change – or we feel strong enough to end or endure them. Fixing problems begins with deep enquiry.
Degrees and Times
Sun 04°Li08′, Saturn 19°Aq08′ R – 07:26 (BST)
Mercury 26°Vi08′ R, Pluto 26°Cp08′ R – 13:56 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – Repairing the Bridge by Robert Spencer

13 Moon Peace Time

The Tzolkin Times
Kin 132 ~ Yellow Lunar Human
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Challenge, Polarize and Stabilize’. The 2nd day of a wavespell is about identifying what obstacles need removing in order to make progress. These days are never easy but we can’t avoid our problems indefinitely, sometimes we need a review of the situation. If there has been an issue that you’ve avoided facing then today is perfect for dealing with it.
Today is Yellow Human which represents ‘Free Will, Influence and Wisdom’. No doubt the human being has had a huge influence on all life on earth. The wisdom we’ve acquired has enabled us to become more than just a monkey. As humans, we have free will to do with what we choose. Today, use your wisdom to solve your problems. We are in the Monkey wavespell and it’s a challenge to be human today!
The Guide today is Yellow Seed which represents Sowing Awareness. The Yellow Seed is all about sharing knowledge and so this suggests today we are motivated to share the wisdom we have with one another. Help your friends and loved ones out today and problems will be easier to solve. This is a very helpful guide and the Yellow Seed is very informative. If you don’t have the answers, research the problem further.
The Challenge today is the White Wind, the communicator. Expect crossed lines and misinformation today and don’t believe everything you hear. If you have something to say, save it for another day. If you do try to express yourself today it may go down like a lead balloon.
The Occult power is the Red Moon, the lovely, relaxing chilled out energy. When in this magical position, the Moon shows us that magic can flow our way when we surrender and trust in the Universe. The Moon is so powerful, especially when in this Occult position, that there really is no point in trying to control anything. If you can truly surrender, magical things may wash up on the shore for you.
The Ally today is the Blue Hand which symbolizes healing. If you need help with this challenging day, a Blue Hand can be very handy to have around. If you are not lucky enough to have one on hand, do what they would do and put your hands to good use. Physically remove obstacles that are in your path and reach out and ask for any help you need in removing those obstacles.

Christina Papageorgiou


New – My 13 Day Magical Journey to My Sacred Condor
Sept/ Oct 2020 ~ from Cleveland Ohio to the Pacific NorthWest – 2 hours 45 minutes never released footage : CLICK HERE
Paul White Gold Eagle’s Vision Quest and Journey to the Sacred Condor’s Roost in the Pacific Northwest. Over 13 days journey from the end of September and the beginning of October of 2020. Many magical moments through multiple Sacred Portals from Cleveland Ohio, through the Crystal Mountains of Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Wild Horses in Death Valley California, powerful Vortexes of Sedona, the beauty of Mt Shasta through Portland Oregon over the mighty Columbia river past Mt Hood and into Washington State to beautiful Mt Saint Helens.
The Gold Dragon Masters of Kunlun made it possible to merge the timelines for the re-Union of The Eagle and the Condor in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos. Almost 3 hours of footage, most of which has never been released before, and only will be released on Patreon and Youtube memberships. Thank you to our team that supported us through this journey and over the last 2 years of our work and mission together. We appreciate you for your support and to our Tribe that continues to support us in our current work and mission of the Great Awakening and Ascension of Gaia and all Human Consciousness. Much Love and Blessings in the Light of Source…A’Ho!
the Eagle and the Condor
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