4:4 Gateway – Rose Portal of Mary Magdalene

4:4 Gateway: April 4,2019

Today is a 4:4 Gateway , brings with it the higher frequency of 8 . This Gateway opens us to the Rose Portal of Mary Magdalene ( High Priestess of ISIS) and carries us to the Isis Gateway 8:8 ( Lions Gate).

We are being called to Surrender All. Surrender, all preconceived notions about how , what and where, so that the Rose Heart may lead the way in this Year of 12 ( 3/ Trinity) in the most magical, miraculous , creative of ways for us to serve Gaia in the Highest Good.

As we set forth on the Spirals of New Creations from the Rose Heart we call upon Mary Magdalene to guide us. May we all find our Source of Creation from Within , spirally outward to touch every sentient being of Gaia and Mother Gaia with Love and Conscious Creation of the highest frequency of Light in every Eternal Now.

Be Light ,InLight✨✨✨

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Art by Pamela Matthews

Many of us are still in a deep re-wiring phase that began a week ago. My guides said this was/ is massive!

Fear may be pushed up personally, so that we release and birth into more 5d. We also have the planetary movements of energy which have been very dynamic and can give a feeling of anxiety or unsettledness. Or just weird feelings that are hard to calm down. It can be confusing!

You did nothing wrong, i assure you! Deep breath! I suggest taking a break. Get out of the house, get to a quiet place. Observe, within and without. Then Surrender ♡ allow the awareness to flow. We are de-programming ourselves from old energy. The awarenesses will come ♡

We can program ourselves out of having ascension symptoms, and still ascend, yes! We can program ourselves out of any and all dark attacks on us! We can program ourselves to not be affected negatively by the energy waves! Some of us are ready to do this! Just say yes and allow the awareness to come to you, of what you need to shift inside to make this ur reality. It’s beliefs like, if i don’t feel the energy waves negatively, i wont know what’s happening planetarily (you will!). Or if im not dark attacked, it somehow messes up ascension (it wont!). Work thru these. I am so ready after years of having a very hard time with all sorts of Energies. We are moving out of the polar-based expression, of everything***, remember?! So its time to instill a pleasant reality for ourselves and as we do, the Ascension still Wins!

This is what has been coming to me recently. I am in re-programming mode. Also being receptive to seeing the beliefs in the way and gently loving them away.

Let me know in the comments if you’re feeling this, and i love when you share any insights (or feelings)! We are turning it ALL into 5d together!

L♡ve Y♡u All !!! 🌎🔥🌎🌺🌎💐

Christie Dimensional

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