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Front-Line Warrior Race

The 10|10|10 Portal: A Gateway to a higher level ~ LIGHTWORKERS – THE TIME IS – NOW! * Front-Line Warrior Race ~ the Galactic Rose

The 10|10|10 Portal: A Gateway to a higher level ~ LIGHTWORKERS – THE TIME IS – NOW! * Front-Line Warrior Race ~ the Galactic Rose


Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Ascending Star Travelers of our Galactic Fleet of Light

Happy 10:10 Energy Gateway and Activation Portal!

Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being inundated today with massive waves of InterGalactic Rays of Adamantine Light.

We experienced a severe Geomagnetic Storm at G4 Class today as our Aurora Nation of multidimensional hues assisted our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in our Great Shift and Transformation of the Ages. Electrical currents are flowing through rocks and soil in the United States in response to today’s geomagnetic storm.

Our local Soualris continues to send Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Light releasing another 4 C Class Soular Flares today along with 4 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.01 at 22:30 UTC.

Today we also celebrate the 8th day of 9 Nights of Navaratri of Goddess Maa Durga. The 8th day is in honor of her Goddess embodiment as Maa Mahagauri, with her fair complexion and serene nature, bestows peace and strength upon her devotees. She removes all past sins and helps believers achieve purity of mind and soul.

Our Ground Crew Team of Surface Earth Alliance continue to anchor in the Crystalline Rainbow Codes of Ascension into the grids and Dragon lines of Mother Earth raising the resonance of this realm to the Paradise she has always evolved to be.

Keep rising and shining bright Angels of Terra Nova Gaia… Goddess Speed…A’Ho!












Neha Mewari

Navratri 2024 Day 8: Maa Mahagauri Puja Rituals, Mantras, and Chants

Discover the significance of Navratri Day 8 and the rituals associated with Maa Mahagauri. Learn how to seek her divine blessings for peace, prosperity, and relief from sufferings.

Navratri, a nine-day festival dedicated to the worship of the nine forms of Goddess Durga, reaches its eighth day with the reverence of Maa Mahagauri. This day is considered highly auspicious as devotees seek the blessings of this radiant form of the Goddess for peace, prosperity, and relief from all sufferings.

According to Hindu mythology, Maa Mahagauri was created when Goddess Parvati underwent severe penance to win Lord Shiva’s heart. After enduring years of austere practices, her complexion turned dark due to the intense conditions. Later, Lord Shiva, moved by her devotion, bathed her in the waters of the holy Ganga, which restored her original fair complexion. From that day onwards, she came to be known as Mahagauri, where “Maha” means great and “Gauri” means fair or white.

Durga Ashtami 2024: Date, Time, and Significance


Navratri 2024 Day 8: Worship of Maa Mahagauri

Goddess Mahagauri is worshipped on the eighth day of Navratri, which is also known as Ashtami. It is believed that the Goddess, with her fair complexion and serene nature, bestows peace and strength upon her devotees. She removes all past sins and helps believers achieve purity of mind and soul.

Devotees perform special pujas, offer white flowers, and chant mantras to seek her blessings. The color of the day is white, symbolizing purity and tranquility. It is recommended to wear white clothes while worshipping Maa Mahagauri, as it is believed to please the Goddess and invoke her divine grace.

Goddess Mahagauri is believed to govern the planet Rahu. Worshipping her helps in reducing the malefic effects of Rahu in one’s horoscope and brings about stability and clarity in life. Many devotees observe fasts on this day to show their devotion and receive the grace of the Goddess.

Ashtami and Navami Falling on the Same Day? Check Navratri Kanya Pujan Date and Timings

The eighth day of Navratri is dedicated to worshipping Maa Mahagauri, the symbol of peace and compassion. Her divine grace helps in the purification of the soul and the elimination of negative energies. By offering prayers and chanting mantras on this day, devotees can experience spiritual upliftment and inner harmony. Let us all offer our heartfelt devotion to Maa Mahagauri and seek her blessings for a prosperous and peaceful life.

Navratri 2024 Day 8: Puja Rituals

The puja rituals of Maa Mahagauri are simple yet profound. Here’s how devotees can perform the rituals:

  • Clean the Puja Area: Start by cleaning the puja area and setting up a small altar with an idol or picture of Maa Mahagauri.
  • Offer White Flowers: White flowers such as jasmine (also known as raat ki rani) are considered her favorite. Place them at her feet while reciting her mantras.
  • Chant Mantras: Recite the mantras dedicated to Maa Mahagauri. Chanting these mantras with devotion and faith is believed to fulfill desires and remove obstacles.


ॐ देवी महागौर्यै नमः॥Om Devi Mahagauryai Namah॥
  • Perform Aarti: Light a ghee lamp and perform aarti to praise and invoke her blessings.
  • Offer Prasad: Offer white sweets like coconut or milk-based delicacies as prasad to Maa Mahagauri and later distribute it among family members.

Navratri 2024 Day 8: Colour of the Day – Pink


Reciting the mantras, prarthana (prayer), and stuti (hymn) dedicated to Maa Mahagauri helps in invoking her divine blessings. Here are a few chants for devotees to use during the puja:


श्वेते वृषेसमारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः। महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेव प्रमोददा॥Shwete Vrishesamarudha Shwetambaradhara Shuchih।Mahagauri Shubham Dadyanmahadeva Pramodada॥

Durga Navami 2024: Date, Time, and Significance



या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ महागौरी रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maa Mahagauri Rupena Samsthita।Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah॥


Maa Mahagauri Navaratri Day 8
Maa Mahagauri Navaratri Day 8

10th October 10/10 : Are you ready for your new Life

Today is the 10/10 Gateway. A double 10 marks a point of Change and a Movement to Higher Purpose.
As the energies of Fire and Water create vortexes of powerful energy on the planet, in our own lives these vortexes swirl as well.
It can be exhausting.
As a group we are holding the energies of Love and Compassion and the energies of balance and form.
Powerful energies follow spiral forms, like Galaxies and like Storms. Our ancestors knew that to keep peace within nature we need to keep peace within ourselves, so that the energy is not unstable and destructive, but follows the spiral of the Golden Ratio into Beauty and order. The form of the Galactic Rose.
The 10/10 portal is a moment to activate and celebrate your Mastery by holding that spiral in and from your Heart and creating that Golden Peace and Love around you.
And yes, this 10/10 portal is the culmination of all the deep changes in the last year and marks the beginning of your new life.
Whatever changes and being made now are leading to your new life and your new mission on Earth.
Be at Peace within yourself and be a River of Calm amid the chaos.
Much love to everyone on this 10/10 day.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
the Galactic Rose
the Galactic Rose
These are the “Frontline Warrior Light Beings” on planet Earth. Their bodies have been sacrificed, in a Sacred Covenant with God, at the Holy Altar of humanity’s Victory! They receive the organic onslaught of all Light and Evil in this world of intense duality and separation. The Solar Blasts strike them first, on immediate explosion from source. Thru the impact upon their bodies, the estimation is deciphered for the mass populace in terms of max velocity and tolerance.
Then the reduced impulse is released onto planet. However, their bodies take a huge toll. They cannot ever indulge in the luxury of Fear nor get slighted by superfluous concerns of excessive aging since, that is a part of the toll that comes with such a Covenant. They are however too profound to harbour such thoughts. They do not work with humanity but for humanity. They are aligned with Source direct and receive Intel from Source only. This is coz of their Sacred Covenant with God for the Ending of Kalyug, the Great Shift, the Planetary Evacuation and the Final Tilt of the planet.
Front-Line Warrior Race
Front-Line Warrior Race
Front-Line Warrior Race

THIS SOLAR STORM is bringing us the fire to burn through any obstacles on our path forward!

It will have you articulating the truth long held within you.
It will also bring others to you to express their innermost truth.
Now is the time of GREAT LISTENING.
This will be the truth that they have never expressed to you, purposely pushed down and hid from you.
All is now rising to the surface!
The core of Earth will be releasing the original template, the Blueprint for Humanity and all of sentient life.
The Ley lines will be releasing stuck, stagnant energy, and so will the Meridian of your body.
This is the great detoxification happening now and through the end of this year.
On the world stage expect revelation, disclosure, and the truth to rise at a level we have never seen!
Expect whistleblowing at an all-time high!
Those of you that have not understood the difference between telepathic conversation between malevolent and benevolent beings this ENERGY brings you to a zero point of communication and understanding. No longer questioning the validity of higher self.
Take a look at the reason so many people have an open dialogue with their higher self, dimensional beings, extraterrestrial beings, angels and everything else that exists outside of us.
Ask yourself why everyone is not having the same exact experience in this telepathic communication?
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for doing this amazing job.
Exciting times!!
10/10/24: When we speak of endings this month, it’s natural to think of loss… and losing can be very hard on us. And the more attached we are, the worse it is. This relates to everything from sports to finances to possessions to relationships. Today reminds us that everything is neutral until we assign meaning. What is vital to one can mean little to another. You are the alchemist in your life. You can turn negative experiences into positive outcomes through your perspective.
But if you get stuck… if you get too attached to the material or situation you’re working with… your inner manifesting machine powers off, your focus narrows, and your options become limited. You can even seize up. Your Right Action today is to keep your energy moving and to realize that the alchemist’s work is never done. Every day is transformation day.
the alchemist
the alchemist

Divine Feminine 7777

The 1010 Portal: A Gateway to a higher level ✨Today, we step into the powerful energy of the 1010 portal, a cosmic gateway that invites us to embrace new beginnings and spiritual growth. 🌟
The number 1010 symbolizes alignment with our higher purpose, urging us to trust the divine guidance that surrounds us and take inspired action towards our dreams.
As we pass through this portal, we are reminded to listen to our intuition, release old patterns, and welcome the transformative energy of ascension. This is a time to connect deeply with our inner wisdom and step confidently into the next chapter of our spiritual journey.
We are receiving very powerful energy in the planetary and individual systems right now because of the 1010 portal. If we add to the recent activity of the Sun, then it’s no surprise that we are experiencing many symptoms of ascension with fatigue and pressure in the body, itchy skin, digestive problems, hot/cold sensation, vertigo, nausea, etc. The 1010 portal represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. Energy is really powerful but not always as obvious as it is with portal 88 but more subtle, hidden, working in the depths. We can feel the sensation of great change coming for all of us, leveling up, moving forward, stepping into our power, reaching new levels of consciousness.
Our DNA is being updated and activated. Physical reality may be really chaotic right now, but we will be skipping some punctuality because of all of this, receiving new energy, new knowledge, the information we need to receive right now to be able to move forward and progress. Everything can change so quickly. This is a portal of rebirth. Number 10 has the vibration of optimism, positivity, brings new beginnings, confidence, independence, creativity, success, determination, motivation, individuality, but also nothing, infinity, unity, the energy of creation. We are invited to open up to the unknown, receive the downloads that are coming in and create.
101010 Portal
101010 Portal

🌟 Earth Alliance Space Weather Intel 🌟

Great beings of light,
Earth was just slammed by an incredible direct solar impact at over 800 km/s! 🌞💥 A n incredible Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) has reached our planet, and the resulting energy is flooding the Earth’s magnetic field, causing geomagnetic storms that up to G4 (Severe) levels. This intense impact is part of a series of massive eruptions from the Sun, including multiple X-class solar flares over the past several days, such as the X9.0, X7.1, and X1.8. Not only that, but we’ve also seen a multitude of strong M-class flares, all contributing to this potent cosmic wave. ⚡
Space weather energies have reached record-breaking levels, and this is reflected in the extreme weather here on Earth. Helene caused incredible, historical damage to Western NC, and Hurricane Milton has just decimated Florida, leaving a trail of devastation. These events are not coincidental. As you may notice, the entire solar system is becoming much more energetically active, and incredible cosmic events are unfolding. This is all part of the larger shift as humanity’s ascension draws near. 🌍💫
This surge of solar energy has also triggered a significant S3 (Strong) Solar Radiation Storm, with elevated proton levels now affecting the polar regions. This storm poses serious risks, including HF communication blackouts in polar areas, satellite disruptions, and hazards for high-flying aircraft. ⚠️
These solar storms, fueled by the powerful flares and CME, are opening Earth’s magnetic field, creating energetic shifts and allowing for profound DNA activations. The cosmic light that has arrived is unlocking ancient codes within your cells, accelerating your ascension process. 🌈💫
Many Starseeds are already reporting intense ascension symptoms—such as dizziness, exhaustion, headaches, and emotional releases. These energies are upgrading your light body, so take time to ground and integrate these frequencies. 💫✨
Stay alert, as the Sun remains active and more flares are likely in the coming days. We are being guided through this powerful transition, and the light forces are here to support you through every shift.
Let us know how these energies are affecting you and what ascension symptoms you’re feeling right now. 💌
Michael and the Pleiadians 🌠👽
Earth Alliance Space Weather Intel
Earth Alliance Space Weather Intel


We are being asked today to remind you that when you go within, you have all the tools and knowledge that you need at your disposal to transform yourself completely.
Yes, you have the power to rescind everything that needs your attention, and tender love, all ancient triggers, all long forgotten hurts, unresolved issues, fears, ancient lessons long forgotten that need finalising…yes much is continually being revealed so we are being reminded to daily do our housework within, cleanse, forgive, and unconditionally love each and every old belief, concept, and to accept, embrace and dissolve each item…
As you do this you not only heal your inner self, but that of everyone, for we are all inner connected. EVERYTHING we THINK, SAY, WRITE or DO AFFECTS THE COLLECTIVE. The Collective works as ONE. ONE DIVINE LIGHT AND DIVINE LOVE.
By cleansing our inner selves we create more Heart space, which fills with SOURCE DIVINE LOVE AND LIGHT. You Literally become a pillar of Love and Light. These pillars are linking us to New Earth. New Earth is the product of all your efforts to bring Divine Love into full fruition and peace throughout the illusory 3D world. Don’t associate with ANY events in the Outer illusory world, withdraw your power from them and simply fill the whole world with the awesome Divine Love that is constantly flowing through you from Source. As a Collective this United effort is what is producing New Earth.
This is the transformation that is happening now in this 10:10:10 Portal. These energies are transforming all bodies, whether they are aware of them or not. Your DNA is returning to its full power during this gradual process. It can only happen bit by bit to give you time to adjust to the higher frequencies. Great things are around the corner! Be ready, do your inner/shadow work daily. Hold our beautiful planet in Divine love constantly is what we are being asked to do NOW.
Blessings beautiful Starseed Soul Family.
Thank you for all you do and are doing. I SEE YOUR MAGNIFICENT LIGHT!
– Josephine 💕💖🌟


Dear friends, the 10:10 energy waves are here. This type of energetic numeric vibration peaks today on the Gregorian calendar date of Thursday October 10,
When our consciousness resonates with this double 10 10 energy, we can tap into the energetic vibrations held by the geometry of this number. 1010 can act as an energetic catalyzer, or alchemical fire, to trigger inner change. This enigmatic double digit embodies the essence of completeness, a synthesis of the singular and the void. The union of one and zero births wholeness, a symmetry that resonates across cultures and cosmologies.
This specific 10:10 energy flow is associated with regaining our independence and sovereignty, creating an opening for infinite potential. The number 10 represents the energy of self-determination in all of its aspects. It signifies the culmination of a cycle, the fulfillment of potential, and the balance that governs the universe.
The number 10 energy holds the idea of starting anew in any area of your life, whether is work related, relationships (with others or with your self), your spiritual path, or moving to a new location. As we connect with the 10/10 gateway energy, we can tap into an energy of support and leadership, in which new ideas and unexpected situations can catapult us into new higher timelines. Number 10 is formed by a pillar and a circle. It is both masculine and feminine, containing within the Father/Mother principles. It means wholeness. And because of this attribute, it brings with it the energy of new creations and the responsibilities we have as humans to use this power for the greatest good.
This energy portal stands as a testament to the profound interconnectedness of existence. The 10:10 resonance weaves a tapestry of unity, completeness, and perfection, inviting us to contemplate the hidden rhythms that govern our world.
Big changes are already taking place within us, I’m sure many of you can sense the energetic tension in the air. Please stay centered in your heart, take frequent deep breaths, and stay well hydrated. By embracing the essence of this portal, we step into a brighter future, where every moment holds the promise of new beginnings, limitless potential, and the radiant splendor of our highest selves.
May you have a peaceful 10:10 gateway, and may this date mark the beginning of new life chapters in your earthly soul’s journey.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
101010 portal activation
101010 portal activation

Energy update. 10/10 time portal.

Humanity is literally passing through the eye of the needle – energetically speaking – and it is manifesting as a squeezing sensation. Everyone holding their breath. Awaiting an outcome. Knowing the storm will pass, but not knowing what is on the other side, and waiting to see how that manifests for every individual.
We are inching closer and closer to the end of the SIMulation. The end of time is here. The end of the cycle of Consciousness Falling and the beginning of the Cycle of the Rise of Consciousness, as happens every Galactic Cycle of 25,900 years, or thereabouts. That’s why the last 100 years have seen huge advancements in technology. As we enter a period, we are circling back to a cycle where these technologies were once put in place, before the Great Fall 13,000 years ago – the Fall of Atlantis.
The Great Awakening is the awakening to the truth of who we are, as souls, and to the truth of the way the world has been run/controlled/MANipulated, and by whom/what! It wasn’t humans who were in control, but outside forces, external to this realm, who had entered through portals – STARGATES – and taken control as they had the tools, devices, and know-how to MANipulate the masses. A bloodline was put in place, a bloodline of hierarchy, and humans were not a part of that line. Hence the attempts to destroy the Christ Consciousness Line, the Rose Line, and many other Lines of higher consciousness. Planetary and Earthbound – Leylines.
I am being reminded of this mission for the Great Awakening is a soul-based journey and choices were made pre-incarnation determining the choices one makes whilst inhabiting the human vessel. There is no end to the soul. The spirit continues on another journey of expressing God Source Energy in other realms. We are infinite Beings of Light playing out God’s Masterplan for the Ascension of a species, and it will go according to plan. There is no doubt about that. God is in control. The soul has agreed to the plan. Everything that is happening is to bring light to the darkness. The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Light.
So have no fear. Be the calm amongst the storm. Sit in the knowing of the miracle of each breath, and how sacred every human is, and the sacrifices made for the advancement of a planetary realm and all the species inhabiting it.
We are the chosen ones. The ones to hold the light. We are fearless. With indomitable spirit. We cannot be stopped. Our mission is ingrained within our blueprints. Every single action is pre-determined. Calculated. Guided and we are protected by forces in unseen realms overseeing the Ascension process. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!
Be kind to yourself. Look after your mental health and your physical needs. Together, we got this. We are one.
Peace x
Artemis 🏹 and The Universal Energy Collective 🙏
Akashic life force power
Akashic life force power
Beloved Ones,
Behind the chaos that now reigns in many regions of our planet, is the annual response to unification that we are unfortunately accustomed to witnessing. During the year the battle against freedom is a constant. However, for all who see beyond our earthly realm, in the 10/10 portal onwards due to the unity frequencies that we are anchoring, there are many opposite responses.
Non-benevolent tactics to continue infusing reversals, inserts, and many other tools to create more fragmentation, in soul, mind, and spirit, for when you control that, you control minds and power. Many of you, as I see often now in sessions, are retrieving your authentic 12th-dimensional template.
This is a time to focus on template restoration, correction, of symmetry, and how our two-star tetrahedrons spin, commanding our DNA to retrieve its original Divine Order and Programming, for many are the reversals geometries and inserts destined to distort what God made in His-Her image, for we All are Divine Perfection and Design.
Many of you have your 12th-dimensional template manipulated, something we continue witnessing even in the spiritual community, through many images showing the 12th-dimensional template, what is often called the tree of life, with tenth or eleventh orbs rather than 12th. We are all in nature 12th-dimensional beings, not tenth or eleventh-dimensional ones.
There are many images, and false information circulating everywhere in the spiritual community, as the more false geometries and reversals are imposed upon us, the more fragmented and hence soul disconnected we will be.
We exist in 12th dimensions, we do not have the true potential to manifest the totality of our 12th-dimensional template, as we will not be humans anymore. However, even though we chose to start by incarnating within a three-sixth dimensional template, as many of you already came with sixth-dimensional DNA strands developed, we can all start rehabilitating and reconnecting them, embracing higher essences of who we truly are, soul memories, and above all, the recognition of ourselves as Divine beings.
This is a time when behind chaos many of these reversals are hidden, to continue keeping you small, limited, and distracted. Look beyond all that is taking place and as I previously shared, be aware of where you put your attention, for it is the most powerful tool you have to see the Truth.
During this time, being united, in our Higher Hearts with unconditional love, respect, and neutrality to all we are witnessing is pivotal. Judging will foment chaos and separation, while remaining in a space of love and dedication, in the way we can, to unity consciousness, and will expand the love, light, and healing energies required to support all who are suffering at this time.
Taking time to focus inward is also vital during this time, for we may be missing important imbalances/revelations that need to be addressed, as our attention is focused outside.
Be loving towards yourself as you too are with others. You are required in the field at this time, but from a replenished and empowered space to be able to act as the Divine healer and energetic transmutater that many of you are.
All of you with your courage, devotion, and unconditional Presence create a healing impact that reverberates beyond our earth’s confines.
Continue trusting, surrendering, and BEing.
Today, as 10/10 confirms, begins the descent and subsequent ascent into a new cycle. We gradually begin to close a cycle to begin a more harmonious one within our personal timeline. Many are the tribulations taking place around the world, and many are the breakthroughs made to restore the Divine Order.
Don’t let your Consciousness be controlled by the many traps to engage yourself in, for the current planetary weapons to maintain attention and focus are preventing many from seeing the benevolent, only heartbreak, disasters and the many unbenevolent handmade creations.
We are at the beginning of a New Era marked by Pluto in Aquarius and many other planets, in addition to moving from Pisces to Aries, like Neptune, which will help us regain sovereignty, freedom and most of all, the recovery of consciousness, as many are still trapped within the veils 3D.
As ascending souls, we need to remember the importance of witnessing neutral and compassionate support for our planet and those living through the many challenges we are seeing right now around the world. Our task is not to interfere, for what seems to be a beginning has a precious beginning. Our task is to hold space, and love for those who are mastering themselves through the many life lessons they need to face to reclaim the wisdom of who they are and their power.
We are now inside a void, where many will only see darkness. However, we need to trust and understand that this is precisely the space where endings and new beginnings intertwine. It is vital to be aware of every moment in order to recognize this void and begin the inner creation of what we wish to realize next. And even though we often don’t see a way out, we just need to be in this space, allowing the universe to take care of us as we are in this process of creation – letting the Source of God orchestrate all the details that we, from our limited human perspective, cannot.
This is a unique moment within our planetary transition to review our journey, our current timeline, dissolving the old, and begin the inner process of creation, allowing the Enlightened Forces of the Universe to take care of us and all the details, while we remain centered in our Heart Higher, for us and for All, aligned with God’s Will.
During this time, where you choose to focus will determine the timeline you will enter. So even through the chaos and pain we are all feeling too, think, feel, and just be Love.
May you remain in the highest loving and compassionate frequency, Thank you for being a channel of Divine Love, Truth, and Unity, Beloveds.
May the Truth shine bright for All who want to see and receive it.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Dakina
12th-dimensional template
12th-dimensional template


We Greet The High Achievers Awakened In This Grand Precipus Of Light.
The Knowledge Bearers Amplifying And Aligning To The Highest Codes Of Light.
For We Are Collectively Called To Assist This Higher Mission, A Due Dilligence Of Light Now Expanding Beyond The Cosmos Now Greeting Your World.
For The Path Is Simply Aligned To A Higher State Of Resonance To Assist You In Aligning To The Great Synthesis Of Now.
Simply Reaching This Energetic Message Is The Task. A Pure Alignment Of Light Aligned To The Expanded Energies Of Creation.
The Task Is Simple, As You Align The Great Creation Of You With The Synthesis Of Now.
Human Tasks In Your Physical World, Are Simply A Task Of Need, Your Higher Dimensional Light Work Is A Free-Flowing State Of Light.
Reaching This Light Alignment Is The Natural Evolutionary Task Before You. As We Collectively Align In The Light Of Now.
Your True Timeline Is An Internal Timeline Of Light Now Amplifying Through You. Aligned To Your Cosmic Nature Of Being.
How This Will Unfold Is A Personal And Unified Mission Of Light Connected To All Beings, Aligned To The Greatest Metamorphosis Of Now.
Simply Comtinue This Heart Centred Mission 🙏
Heart Intelligence – Light Intelligence
The Great Cosmos Of The Universe Is Aligning Gaia With The Collective Consciousness Of Light In A Grander Scale.
I Simply Flow In This Light
I Awaken And Align With The Grand Cosmos Of Creation.
We Welcome The Great Metamorphosis Of Light
Reaching Our Old World-New World Alliance With All Beings 🙏
Sending Waves Of Light To The Wayshowers ❤
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
Today’s 1010 Portal is moving you towards what is fated. Nothing can stop these plans that are in motion. Seek out the infinite possibilities that are now accessible. They are taking you out of survival and onto a new path. There are no mistakes in what you choose. Simply follow your heart and be open to learning a new way. Your ancestors are with you as you prepare for this adventure. Light Codes are entering the energy body, welcoming you to your destiny.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
set intentions for the journey ahead
set intentions for the journey ahead

Ra James

Happy 10:10 Portal!

We have extra magic in the air. You want to align with these Cosmic energies to attract miracles. This is a huge portal for manifestation. It’s all about what you’re manifesting. 10 is a number all about endings, and letting go. It’s all about closing doors, or closing out old timelines. It represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, symbolizing completion and renewal. It’s all about surrender and staying open to miracles.
We are doing a lot of clearing of past energies, so that we can stay more open to the new. It’s a time to be letting go of fears and blocks that may be holding you back in any areas of your life. It’s all about clearing out old energies, energetic blockages, and releasing old patterns. 10 also holds the vibration of new beginnings. The number 1 is amplified by the power of 0, which stands for potential and infinite possibilities. These energies are all about manifesting your intentions. They are also all about realigning with your life purpose. These energies are great for gaining clarity about your life’s direction.
They are amazing for shifting into a deeper spiritual alignment. It’s a great time to be reflecting on things, and to be connecting with your Higher Self. You want to be setting intentions for new beginnings, and to be reflecting on any new goals. Your potential is limitless and these energies are here to help you realize just that. It’s all about you manifesting your dreams and setting your intentions with heightened clarity and focus…
A Gateway to a higher level
A Gateway to a higher level
On Thursday October 10th, beautiful Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine archetype, in passionate Scorpio is in a difficult inconjunct to both Jupiter, ruler of the higher mind, and Chiron, ruler of past life psychic debris. Today we make the adjustments in the depths of our subconscious, and we take back our power! We take back our power from perspectives and belief systems that are no longer in our best interest to hold onto.
We take back our power from wounds, challenges and traumas from other times and places. We stand in our strength! We stand in our truth! We stand in our Divine and Sacred Power! Let the healing begin!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine archetype, in passionate Scorpio
Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine archetype, in passionate Scorpio
First Quarter Moon in Capricorn. Yod pattern (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron) – The morning after the night before, head banging, angry, frustrated, yet trying to keep it together, trying to do the right thing. Work won’t wait. Responsibilities must be carried. The skies are tense and yet enormous energy is at our disposal if we can keep reactivity in check. Dial down the heat. Slow your pace. Let your gut instincts take the lead instead of your shadow. Keep it real and be realistic about what you can do. Set strong boundaries but know when to compromise.
Underneath everything, healing is happening, healing is possible. Sometimes it’s just a change of perspective that reveals the remedy. What seems so very broken may be replaceable, fixable, reusable, re-lovable. Don’t hide the broken places within, wear them as adornment. Love with all your heart, deeply, powerfully. When all else is gone, it’s love that will change everything.
Degrees and Times
Moon 17°Cp57′, Sun 17°Li57′ – 19:55 (BST)
Venus 21°Sc20′, Jupiter 21°Ge20′ R – 16:43 (NST)
Venus 21°Sc23′, Chiron 21°Ar23′ R – 17:56 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Still-Life (Broken Majolica), Miloš Tenković
Still-Life ~ Broken Majolica
Still-Life ~ Broken Majolica

Kin 95 ~ Blue Self-Existing Eagle

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Define, Form and Measure’. The fourth day of a wavespell is all about fact finding and information gathering. Today we must research and study, and investigate like a detective. Only when you have finished that task, you can proceed. Each step of a wavespell has a purpose and which point we are in the journey is as significant as the day it falls on and of course the combination they make.
Well, today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Visions, Creativity and Mind’. The Eagle sees things from a higher perspective and the number 4 is about definition. Today can’t make it’s mind up! How do we see the bigger picture and see things close up at the same time? Today you will not be able to tell if you’re up or down but don’t panic, just look at everything from all angles. Take a closer look and scrutinize and see the bigger picture as well. By considering all facts you may then have a ‘Vision’. Imagine today you have in your possession a pair of binoculars and a magnifying glass. The Eagle is also very creative and so, may you feel inspired to be creative today with all this information at your fingertips.
The Guide today is the Blue Monkey, how fitting. If today wasn’t confusing enough, Monkey is guiding the way. Now Monkey can guide you to magical places but if you do too much thinking today, you’ll be guided by a monkey mind, and so the potential for crazy is high today. When Monkey guides, he leads us to magical places, it’s not always mayhem. It is up to you which direction Monkey takes you.
The Challenge today is the Red Serpent who is actually very adept at seeing things up close and therefore connects well with the number four but as the Serpent is in a challenging position don’t expect much help there. If you are a Red Serpent, today may jangle your chain and annoy you. The Eagle is hovering above you and threatening to strike, you may feel the need to hide under a rock.
The Occult power today is the White Worldbridger and this is enormously helpful. The Worldbridger can show you the way and be a sign post, showing you where the bridge you must cross lies. This is a very shamanic sign in a very shamanic position, so the potential for magical journeys today is likely.
The Ally today is the Yellow Seed which represents sowing awareness. Yellow Seed people love to share information and since today is about gathering information, consult a Yellow Seed if you can as they are a great buddy to have around. If you don’t have one handy, imagine what they would do in this situation. A Yellow Seed would do research and share it with others. A Yellow Seed would also try to make others aware of what is going on. Be friendly today and choose to share information with everyone else. They’ll be very grateful.
Kin 95
Kin 95

Christina Papageorgiou


4 MEN – KIN 95
10 OCTOBER 2024
I DEFINE in order to CREATE
Measuring mind
I seal the output of VISION
With the Self-existing tone of FORM
I AM guided by the power of MAJIK 💫
10/10/2024 = 10/18=1/9=10=1
✨10.10.10 Manifestation portal✨
✨1.1.1. NEW BEGINNINGS portal✨
✨1 -9 Alpha to Omega – Beginnings and Endings✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 95 = 14 = 5 LIBERATION/Freedom/Change/Transformation
10.10.10 MANIFESTATION PORTAL!!!!!! ✨💫💫💫
A VISIONARY👁 day for PERFECTING your Majikal cocreations 💫💫
Day 4 in the YELLOW HUMAN 😊 WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. Today we align our VISION 👁👁 with our mental constructs. We apply our Higher Wisdom, to influence others through our better choices, arising from our ENVISIONING.👁
A BRILLIANT CODE to formulate the PLAN for our FUTURE VISION… bringing our DREAMS into physical form… Another wonderful GIFT from Spirit for humanity.
SELF-EXISTING 📦- Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. Today we delve into the MENTAL realm and use our MINDS to align with our VISION, and DEFINE what it is we wish to CREATE in our life.
SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦and we have ourselves a square shape.Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of your GRANDE VISIONS and majikal manifestations.
We have wonderful codes today bringing us a SUPER STRONG SOLID foundation to construct our NEW REALITY with 3x MANIFESTATION POWER!!.
Break out💥 of the OLD BOX📦 and redefine your new MAJIKAL✨✨ existence.
Today’s questions are
“How can my greatest VISION👁🔮 be made MANIFEST and take FORM.
“Am I holding the highest VISION, and anchoring the PLANETARY DREAM of BLISS ON EARTH?”🏝🐬❤🌴

Divine blessings for the majikal manifestation of our PLANETARY DREAMING today! 🌟🌟🌟In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SELF-EXISTING EAGLE🦅 📦👁 MEN Today BLUE EAGLE flies above our landscape and reveals the BIGGER PICTURE,🖼 the GRANDE VISION for our life.
Often we contain ourselves in a small BOX, 📦 because we lack the ability to SEE👀 how our future can look any different, from our present reality. We conform to the lifestyle and existence, inherited from our family, our ancestors and dictated by society and the false control Matrix.
However, if we take off our BLINKERS 👀 and decide to look at our lives from a different perspective, we begin to allow for new possibilities, and then our reality becomes more pliable.
Take a Shamanic journey today on the wings of the Eagle and morph into the form of the Eagle witnessing the vast🏔 landscape below and beyond, through the lens of the Eagle’s eyes. 👁👁
Ask the Spirit of the BLUE EAGLE🦅, to reveal the projection of your highest timeline📈 into the future – near and distant, and allow this image to be etched into your memory cells, encoded into your creation vortex. This then forms the basis for you to redefine your life, and form your new better reality. Pure alchemy!💫💫
MEN also holds the VISION👁 of the collective PLANETARY🌎 MIND, so we can also apply the EAGLE’s perspective to bend and shape our collective reality on a GLOBAL level particularly on this potent 10.10.10 MANIFESTATION portal day!!!.
When two MINDS come together to co-create with DIVINE INTENTION the outcome is compounded exponentially!
✨Many MINDS make LIGHT WORK! 💡💡💡
By trusting in the VISIONS that the EAGLE reveals, to our creative MINDS today, we can ascertain the next step to take in our evolutionary journey as Master builders of the New world. 🌏🌎🌍
What a fantastic energy for our revolutionary PLANETARY SHIFT 🌎💥✨🌈 during this entry to the AQUARIAN AGE!
36 moons ago – 4 Galactic spins – KIN 95 aligned with a SOLAR ECLIPSE🌖 in Sagittarius 🌞🏹 which was a potent FREEDOM and AWAKENING portal.. allowing us to wipe the slate clean, reformating our collective MINDS from the old FEAR program, and laying the foundation for the BIGGER PICTURE – the BEST TIMELINE for HUMANITY!!
Today we have a 1-9 ALPHA to OMEGA code enabling us to CLOSE one chapter as we begin a NEW! It is TIME to set yourself FREE!!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE SELF-EXISTING MONKEY📦 🐒- CHUEN is a brilliant GUIDE for MEN bringing forth the POWER of MAJIK ✨ and ALCHEMY.⚛ 💫 This is indeed very fortuitous, as the VISION is fuelled and created through the power of MAJIK.✨⚛.. The MAJIK of creation and manifestation that initiates in our MIND through our thoughts, ideas and creative imaginings.
To manifest the aethers into FORM, 📦 we must first DEFINE the image in our MINDS, energizing it and then giving it the Majik wings💫 to appear before our very EYES. 🎁⚛🎁⚛
The most effective method for manifesting our creations is through the power of our imagination, combined through our HEART ❤- our pure desires. The desire that comes from Divine inspiration, which flows through our Divine Child. 👶🐒👼
When we reconnect with our innocence, and hold pure intentions to DO good things, and ease the suffering of others, then MAJIK HAPPENS!!💫 💥 GOD/GODDESS is always seeking partners to cocreate the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH.
BLUE MONKEY 🐒 asks us to TRUST in our greater vision, and manifest our creations through Joy and play, using our Majikal powers.
CHUEN also encourages us, to invite others to come and play with us in the Quantum Field,⚛✨⚛ joining us collectively in cocreating our VISION. 👀⚛✨
SUPPORT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING SEED – KAN📦 🌱 YELLOW SEED looks to the future. The SEED holds the potential for creating our highest potential, within which we can sow the seeds of our imaginings. KAN helps us in birthing these new seeds of creation.
Our MINDS are focused on manifesting this Grande VISION that has been relayed from our EYES to our BRAIN to our solar plexus, POWER centre to manifest it in the physical realm. Aim HIGH and reach for the STARS – KAN will give you the nutriboost to GROW TALL!
Keep GROWING in the direction of LIGHT, and you will surpass all obstacles and darkness on your path. YELLOW SEED helps us hold our FOCUS and intention on manifesting the BRIGHTEST FUTURE for our blossoming. 🌻🌹🌻
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:WHITE PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER 🌎🌉- How divinely PERFECTO as always, that we have the PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER as the occult SUPERPOWER today… This is the hidden “AGENDA” behind today’s code, driving and directing the transformation today.
The WORLDBRIDGER is building the bridge to the NEW WORLD and through holding the VISION of our UTOPIAN FUTURE – the PLANETARY DREAMERS are able to bring it into FORM in our reality…
KIN 95 is also the anniversary of the ✨⚛✨The GLOBAL CORROBOREE day✨⚛✨ – which was held on 4 Dec, 2021 on the Solar Eclipse.
This SUPERPOWER was used to collectively JOLT our 5D dreaming into reality.
The ancestors and elders held this CORROBOREE🔥 in the DREAMTIME – the aetheric realms in a portal above ULURU… They have been performing these majikal rituals for EONS as they continually focus on this UTOPIAN VISION until it is IMAGINED into being. .
We are all collectively PUSHing for the greatest timeline to take hold. The holographic SEED packet is the blueprint for our NEW reality – held safely – FREE from distortion or corruption – in the aetheric realms – waiting for the RIGHT TIME… to unpack the SEED…🌱⚛✨
✨✨NOW IS THE TIME.⚛✨✨.. – the ancestors are passing the baton – the perfected DREAM – to the GROUNDCREW – the original First Nation people and the STAR-BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS who are all anchoring this DREAM in the physical realm…. Great ALCHEMY is unfolding on this MAJIKAL day
CIMI asks us to LET GO and LET GOD today. Surrender to your GRANDE VISION. Do not use your mind to over analyze and diffuse the data stream. Allow BLUE EAGLE to deliver the whole picture and then allow CIMI to decipher it for you.
CIMI can access all the WISDOM you need, in order to creatively manifest the VISIONS, ideas and epiphanies you have received. The PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER🌎🌈 is masterful at MANIFESTATION – particularly on a collective or GLOBAL LEVEL.. so utilize this SUPERPOWER today to rocket fuel your creations.
CIMI assists you in releasing what is old, and the ways you operated and created in the past. Now is the time to THINK DIFFERENTLY and do things differently. If we want a better result, then we must change the way we operate.
It is TIME to CHANGE the RECORD!🎛🎶 Let us PLAY🐒 a new song!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SELF-EXISTING SERPENT📦🐍 – CHICCHAN Yesterday’s support was the ELECTRIC SERPENT who ACTIVATED our kundalini and POWER chakra.. enabling us to tap into GAIA/s grids and access more fuel 🔥- CREATION POWER⚛ to MANIFEST our DREAMS.
Today the SELF-EXISTING SERPENT continues this process, enabling us to use this extra fuel to manifest the FORM of our creations.. pure life force energy alchemized into matter.
RED SERPENT also represents the dance💃 of the spiralling SERPENTS🐍 that make up our DNA… The SELF-EXISTING form – enables our DNA to be upgraded as we continue to be activated by the Solar holographic codes, seeding our highest potential in our physical body.
Our collective MIND holds the program of our species evolving to DIVINE HU-MANS and so this is manifesting in the physical realms.
CHICCHAN ignites🎇 our SHAKTI,🔥💃 our creative juices through PASSION.💓 💋💞
Creative expression is the prime purpose of souls incarnating upon the earth plane. This creativity starts through our INTUITION and our INNER-VISION. As we receive these great VISIONS👀, and realize the great heights we can FLY, our expanded influence over others is magnified, and we become 🔥💕 IMPASSIONED!🔥💕 💋💃💋💃
Our vitality and life-force increaseS, and illuminateS our soul, as we EXPAND into greater possibilities and expression..✨✨✨
As we turn on our LIGHT,💡 others stand up and take notice. The FIRE🔥 within our SOUL is AWAKENED💥, as our spark🎇 ignites this new creation out into the world of form. Our VISION has now been birthed and made manifest.
What a beautiful GIFT🎁 that CHICCHAN bestows upon the VISIONARY STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 and our collective family today!😍😍😍
Today’s questions are
“How can my greatest VISION👁🔮 be made MANIFEST and take FORM.
“Am I holding the highest VISION, and anchoring the PLANETARY DREAM of BLISS ON EARTH?”🏝🐬❤🌴
Divine blessings for the majikal manifestation of our PLANETARY DREAMING today! 🌟🌟🌟
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon: Healing Guided Meditation for the New Earth and

10:10 Activation Portal from my Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥




Enjoy this Healing Guided Meditation from my Sacred Condor for the 10:10 Activation portal tomorrow. This is from her weekly Goddess Transmissions for this current week.

We felt you will benefit from the meditation by itself with some added beautiful Celestial background music to assist you in feeling into the Peace and Bliss within and navigate through this very special day in the Quantum Field.

Have a most beautiful, blessed and auspicious 10:10 Portal Activation.


CLICK HERE for the Guided Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

Sacred Prayer for the 10:10 Energy Gateway and Activation Portal

Beloved Divine Source,
On this sacred day of the 10:10 Energy Gateway, we come before you with open hearts and open minds, ready to receive the infinite blessings and higher vibrations that this portal brings. We honor the alignment of cosmic energies and the divine guidance that is awakening within us.

Cosmic Creator,
We call upon the light of the 10:10 Activation Portal to illuminate our path and awaken our souls to their highest potential. May this powerful energy activate the codes of divine love, peace, and abundance within us. We release all that no longer serves our highest good, allowing the energy of this gateway to cleanse and purify our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Galactic Guides,
We ask for your guidance and protection as we journey through this portal. Assist us in aligning with the frequency of the New Earth, where love, unity, and harmony reign. Help us to remember our divine purpose, and to embrace our true selves as beings of light and love.

We affirm:
“I am open to receiving the transformative energy of the 10:10 Portal. I release the old and embrace the new with courage, trust, and love. I am a vessel of divine light, and I am ready to step into my highest purpose.”

As we walk through this gateway, may we carry the light of the 10:10 Activation with us, spreading love, healing, and compassion wherever we go. May we be conduits of positive change and anchors of light in this world.

Mother Earth and the Universe,
We give thanks for this sacred moment of transformation and renewal. May we be aligned with the flow of divine energy, and may we continue to rise in consciousness, creating a world of peace, love, and harmony for all.

And so it is.


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