Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Blessed Soul Star Family of the 144,000
Happy 9:9 Soular Activation Portal!
We had 26 hours of blackout on the Schumann Charts she came back on for an hour and we now have another 6 hours of blackout. This is the Great Spirit literally flipping the Quantum Switch for our Grand Shift of the Ages into the New Golden age of 5D Shamballa.
All Starseed Earth Angelics are witness to the Great Reset of all timelines into the True Ascension Lineage of Light as part of our mission of Liberation Earth. To assist us on our Divine Missions, Mother Father God is flooding this realm with massive gamma plasma waves of Gold Light.
All Ascended Masters, Buddha’s, Elohim, Angels , Archangels and Spirit Guides are with us now to help see this through to the Great Awakening on Earth. We are almost completely through our full compression breakthrough into the Light of Source. Within the Eternal Still Center we navigate through the Portal of Time in our Exodus into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
The veils of separation are lifting and are revealing all that has been hidden from thine eyes. We see clearly Now with the Eyes of our Spirit being freed from all simulations into the Real World of Peace and Harmony for all our Good People of the New Earth.
The Great Quantum Reset Commences!
Keep holding our Divine Line and Keep the Light Shining bright for the World to behold our Bright Virtue of Buddha Mind…. A’Ho
Right now: Moon at 12°43′ Pisces, Sun at 4°29′ Libra
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A man teaching the true inner knowledge of the new world to his students.
Sabian Symbol for 5º Libra
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 5º Libra.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A sword, used in many battles, in a museum.
Sabian Symbol for 13º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 13º Pisces.
There is an influx of light plasma frequencies flooding into the crown chakra. Breathe deeply into your sacred hearts. As you achor the light into the heart center of Mother Earth. As you breathe deeply and fully flow in allowance of the process, expand your energy, this will dissipate any uncomfortable energy blockages that are being triggered within the physical body.
Stretch your bodies to assist with the flow of energy. In this sacred now you may feel inclined to channel messages. Sing, Dance, Play and Create. Be You and Be the living joyful being you are. As you feel exhilaration of life through you and all around you.
Your heart’s desire is ready to come true. A sincere desire is being granted that will open doors to multiple opportunities and possibilities that will give you stability and longevity.
9/27/23: Today is The Devil. In the tarot, this card represents your greatest obstructions, challenges, victimizations, addictions, and fears. It’s about coming face to face with a reality you have created and perpetuated. You can continue to struggle with this reality, which only reinforces it… or you can address what fuels it and break its hold on you. Either way, the choice is your own.
Nothing has power over you without your permission. There are no devils except the ones to which you’ve bound yourself. September has summoned your personal demons intentionally from the darkness into the light… and they can’t live in the light. September’s work is done today if Old You chooses to be free.
“In this 18th Gene Key we’re really talking about mental Judgments. We can think about what our life would be like without our mind making these Judgments, when we’re just sunk into the inherent Perfection of it all. Perfection isn’t a Judgment – it’s a cellular knowing.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
to the Masculine and Feminine Universal Principle:
“It is all about the occupation of the inner space.
There is a huge correction, recalibration and realignment that has begun for those who are embodying the organic Yin and Yang templates.
The inner space that naturally belongs to the female, is becoming available again for the feminine.
The inner space that naturally belongs to the male, is becoming available again for the masculine.
Remember that this energy is meant to naturally follow biology.
This whole process is taking place naturally according natural law and has nothing to do with any distorted beliefs, projections, tendencies or new age illusions.
This will affect all aspects of the Tripartite Self and a new inner awareness and understanding will be reached.
The interpretations of the 3d mind will change drastically.
New energies/ideas/unions/projects/solutions/children will be born via this correction which are carrying a different kind of flow, power, beauty, potentiality, charisma, intelligence, superiority etc., that of the Divine Organic!
The new world/reality that is now being birthed in the physical is made by the Divine Organic Living Essence!
Nothing and no one can stop this because this is an avalanche of natural change.”
Woah such huge spirals of transformational energy pouring into the planetary & collective heart field today.
There’s so many ancient layers of trauma/shock/grief imprinting & debris being shifted from deep inside the old grids matrices and also within ourselves as we are experiencing a huge shift around self worth and how we navigate these heightened energetic spirals of energy and emotion.
We are clearing out the deepest layers of wounding, survival imprints, separation from
& grief layers and the fear of being fully embodied and seen ready to step into service as architects of a new paradigm.
The roots and foundations of our current reality experience are crumbling & uprooting which is being reflected within our own experiences as we are shedding the foundations which served as anchor points and limiting beliefs aligned with a slower dimensional collective reality experience.
We are here to change & transform the existing reality experience collectively by transforming ourselves and embodying more of our sovereign divine essence in each moment so that we can raise the frequency and expand our collective bandwith into one of love, freedom and abundance.
Key Observations
Feeling lost, stuck, directionless and isolated. Clearing and purging so many old layers of grief and anxiety which are linked to your incarnational and ancestral memories as well as the collective memory imprints.
Feeling as though your inner & outer foundations are crumbling and finding it hard to stay aligned within the huge currents of energy which are constantly shifting, dripping and rising in frequency.
Greetings beloved ones of the light. We are the Archangelic Collective. We surround you in our wings of fire, of light, of love, of comfort and of strength and purity. We send this firelight out into your field, transmuting, comforting, lending a hand and a wing for those who are too weak to use their own. You are human angels, those of you reading. You are the angelic with the human, as aspects of Source and fractals of light you are this light, this Source breath of the in-between and the all around. You are this light. You are literally the light in the world. You are surrounded in this light as we are surrounding you in all moments.
We have been working with all of you tirelessly as you work tirelessly. We know your frustration, your fatigue. This world has been so dark for so long. There is such a massive undertaking of change, revival and renewal on so many dimensional layers and strongpoints. But the light flows easily through all time space, through all dimensions. The technology is being removed that has kept humanity within the trance. More is being tried but it is being weakened.
(I see they are infusing light codes into the dark codes which instantly dissolves the dark into smoke and light). There is so much surrounding you, as you are within this energy tumult. There is much that you do not see. Codes surround you all the time. The divine DNA is a code. Creation is mathematically precise, stunning to us in its complexity and individuation. You are creators. We see you in your beauty, we know who you are and have been and are truly amazed by your courage, your bravery, your strength. We surround you, we protect you. We are Source’s hands and feet in the angelic realms of the light and of the dark. We carry the light through all places and spaces, cleansing, clearing, just as you do within the physical, when you are aligned up with your highest purpose.
We are the Archangelic Collective. Every flower, every insect, every creature has a code of creation or mis-creation. Gaia is stunning in her beauty, brimming with life from all across the galaxy, a seeded planet of breathtaking beauty and love. She will be renewed to this once again. This is one of the aspects that you are assisting with on the ground side, as you ground the codes of light, of love into the mesosphere. Your DNA is changing moment by moment. Sitting in your sun for moments at a time will assist with this, as the sun currently is brimming with codes to share, codes of awakening, of ascension, of healing, of rebirth. Being in nature in this time will serve you greatly. You are serving greatly by serving as a grounding mechanism for these codes, creating a layer of light on and within Gaia, offering a landing pad for these codes.
Creator is very pleased with you. The ground team has and is doing extraordinarily well despite the numerous obstacles. Do not give up hope. There is always hope. We see outside of time, which as you know is a construct of this reality of yours and outside of time with the grand perspective it is done, the light has been grounded and transmuted all into the next octave of evolutionary embodiment, of ascension. This is what is manifesting, and it seems slow to you. We know this. Grounding more light will help you through this process so that you feel the peace of the ascension codes within your body. Sit in the sun for increments at a time. Allow the archangels and masters to work with you. Much is coming up for clearing and it is a painful time. Emotions seem unusually heightened. You are in a universe of emotions, and emotions are part of being human. Do not be ashamed of your emotions. You are to feel them to heal them. The pain must bubble up to be transmuted. Much of this has been occurring this week, and it has been exhausting. We send you our angelic codes of light, of love, of healing. We send you our strength. We send you our comfort. We are all around you. We are the Archangelic Collective. Namaste.
Continue integrating all parts of the powerful wise elder soul you are, back into your body, and into the here and now. This will continue until what separated you from yourself completely transmutes. It is all part of the next phase of God’s plan that is leading us to our destiny!
Don’t let the cycles and relationships of separation keep you held back from this any longer. There is a new path to take this time. It may not feel familiar, but it is the right Way to go to get to the results you have been seeking.
See the bigger picture of this divine assignment. Trust your intuitive perspective that is leading you Home.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you Love Carolyn
On Wednesday, September 27th, we have Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in analyzing Virgo in an inconjunct aspect to Chiron, ruler of psychic debris, in explosive Aries. Our critical thoughts and perceptions may be running amuck. Our minds may be filled with an overwhelming amount of information regarding current situations and circumstances that we are trying to dissect and make sense of. With the connection to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, it is like putting together the pieces of a puzzle where some of the pieces are missing.
We may be anxious and confused and we may, or may not, know where these feelings are coming from. There is a clearing and cleansing on the physical, emotional and mental body level that is taking place. You do not need to be consciously aware of it……all you need to do is allow the healing and reintegration to take place. Seek out holistic healing if needed, through proper diet, exercise, breath work, meditation, massage, reiki, crystal therapy, acupuncture, etc. The Body/Mind/Spirit connection needs your support now. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in analyzing Virgo
Venus conjunct Juno in Leo. Mercury quincunx Chiron retrograde in Aries – We’ve been here before, on September 10 when we were invited to a union of souls or an inner marriage of parts to finally make a whole. But inevitably, when we commit to what we truly love, there comes a wobble, a day when we wonder, is this right? Did I take the correct path? The planets offer a cosmic check in to ensure we understand what we signed up for. The fear of being hurt or rejected niggles, doubts rooted in old wounds. The instinct is to pick everything apart but right now we need a level head and a courageous heart.
Above it all, heavenly queens, Venus and Juno, sound the bell for love. Renew your vows. Reaffirm your promise. Despite our worries, there is an opportunity to take a risk for happiness. Sometimes, you just have to go where the heart leads. Let love be your guide.
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its keywords are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. The third day of a wavespell ‘activates’ the energy and really gives things a boost. These days are great for getting things done but are seldom relaxing, use this electric energy to your advantage or beware of getting a shock!
Today is Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation.’ We are all evolving all the time, although it can be indiscernible as it happens slowly, unconsciously and subtly. As we grow older, it is easy to look back and see how we have grown up, softened, matured. But while we go through the process it’s so hard to see it. You are a work in progress! Today also has great potential for synchronicity…be in the right place at the right time and you will get what you need to evolve. The Red Earth is like a signpost pointing the way to go, great if you have been feeling a little lost lately. This energy can be very encouraging and you may find yourself today impatient for improvement in your life as the number 3 is energizing. Don’t waste the opportunity!
Today’s Guide is Red Dragon which represents ‘Birth and Nurturing’. The dragon has great motherly energy and a day guided by this energy suggests your need to nurture yourself and this should influence your actions. All in all, the guide and number really compliment the day. Evolve, re-birth …activate! Because the Red Dragon represents the home or cave…today’s Evolution will likely be related to issues of housing. You may feel the desire to move or find a better, more suitable cave.
The Challenge is the Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. A challenge aspect often acts as a galvanizer. Provoking you into action. To heal oneself is the challenge today and of course if one is evolving, transcending and emerging renewed, accomplishing healing is the ultimate goal (or challenge).
The Occult power is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’. Yellow Seed loves to share wisdom and when in this magical position, they love to share their knowledge of magic. We too can share our magical knowledge with each other today and through this sharing of wisdom, we can help each other evolve.
The Ally is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. If you talk to anyone today, talk to a White Wind. They’ll have a message for you to help you evolve. The Ally power is always supportive.
16-Tower struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
23- Royal Star of the Lion/Strength/Protection
KIN 237 = 12 = 3 Holy Trinity
A BRILLIANT 9.9 DIVINE DESTINY day – marking the COMPLETION of one evolutionary chapter – as we progress to a new level of adventure!
KIN 237 reopens the portal to the 8.8. LION’S GATE portal 27 months ago. Today we are revisiting this CORONATION through the wormhole in Galactic time.
It seems we will all be gifted with greater WISDOM today, as we receive a royal “CROWNING” with our Crown Chakras super ACTIVATED with ELECTRIC SOLAR energy currents. Our Heart, Throat and 3rd Eye will all be super boosted too, as we AWAKEN to our full DIVINE PRESENCE!
A beautiful Heavenly alignment of BRILLIANT CODES for our StarSeed CORONATION!
Dear ones, it is TIME to take your place as messengers of the DIVINE, on the HEAVENLY THRONE!
Day 3 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE – the DIVINE PLAN for humanity – so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED!
What a beautiful alignment having the MAJESTIC far-seeing BLUE EAGLE overseeing this wondrous day! Another GIFT from the GODS giving us the POWER to see far into the FUTURE and ACTIVATE our highest and BEST outcome.
Today we are NAVIGATING our way through the SIGNS, in order to b-Earth our soul’s HIGHER path of Service to Gaia and humanity.
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! We have an incredible surge of POWER to kickstart and drive our DIVINE MISSIONS and ACTIVATE spontaneous AWAKENING in our global populace. AWAKENING to the BIG PICTURE.
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Thus there is a very strong emotional charge today which may create outbursts in those who need to find their balance.
ELECTRIC energy creates a short fuse, particularly in those souls that are confused, or not focused on their Divine Missions… through FOCUS these strong energies can be creatively utilized rather than being destructive or chaotic. This energy can be better harvested through the higher aspects of this tone which encompass being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are B-Earthing today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. EXPAND your focus from bonding with one to the joy of bonding with all. Together with your divine counterpart offer your united energies to be of DIVINE SERVICE to HU-MAN-ITY..
ELECTRIC energy has a very high emotional charge, so make sure you GROUND this energy – channel any excess into our EARTH MOTHER for recycling, otherwise it can build up stressing your nervous system and result in emotional flare ups, arguments and burn out!
Today you should contemplate HOW you can activate your electrical power to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and AWAKEN others through your acts of DIVINE SERVICE!.
The moon is in service oriented PISCES which is devoted to Spirit, as we approach the full moon in warrior ARIES on Friday 29th SEPTEMBER.. a boost of MOON MAJIK to fuel your DIVINE MISSION.
A highly charged day to rocket fuel our collective Mission
Today’s questions are “In which direction are the SIGNS guiding me to B-Earth my Divine Mission, in order to fulfill my HIGHEST VISION for my soul’s evolution on this Planet?
“Am I in DIVINE ALIGNMENT with the future direction for Planet Earth?”
Divine blessings on our collective AWAKENING as we FLY through this majikal GATEWAY. Follow the SIGNS to PARADISE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC EARTH CABAN -The actions of ELECTRIC CABAN are to ACTIVATE in order to EVOLVE, bonding synchronicity. ELECTRIC CABAN – is EARTH SHAKING!! And indeed our EARTH may SHAKE in order to AWAKEN those still in slumberland! SHAKE RATTLE and ROLL!!
GAIA is on the MOVE! GET READY to board the PEACE TRAIN!
Our planetary EVOLUTION is being SUPERACTIVATED today! We have a 9.9. DIVINE DESTINY portal – so SPIRIT is partnering with Mother GAIA to fuel our evolution!!
RED EARTH represents GAIA, the EARTH GODDESS, Mother nature and creative beginnings through our rebirth and evolution.
RED EARTH is the Earth keeper, the keeper of the garden, the indigenous ones, the shaman/healer who, through reverence for all life, heals and sanctifies the Earth. Earth keepers preserve the harmonic relationship with nature by connecting to the wisdom held within matter. In Latin, mater means “mother”.
As you bring LIGHT into yourself, you bring LIGHT into matter. You and the Earth both contain the holographic ELECTRIC SEED of the new consciousness emerging.
RED EARTH is assisting us today in activating the BIGGER PICTURE brought forth through the Eagle’s panoramic VISION.
Our UTOPIAN TIMELINE is fully ACTIVATING today as it CLICKS into the GOLDEN EVOLUTIONARY COG – cocreated by our united StarSEED family.. Each one of us bringing our unique DNA coding to the family of HU-MAN so we can all RISE together in unison with Pachamama.
Today we are reminded to tune in and LISTEN with all our senses, to spirit speaking through the SIGNS, synchronicities and LIGHT CODES streaming forth at ever increasing levels, pulsing through our dormant DNA to AWAKEN our GOD codes within. Be prepared for more IN-SIGHTS and epiphanies flowing through.
Watch out in particular for any SIGNS from BLUE EAGLE (or other winged messengers) wanting to get your ATTENTION! Feel this natural flow in your body in order to navigate your correct path. BLUE EAGLE is guiding our GPS – our planetary navigation system to GLIDE through this GATEWAY to the NEW TIME!
What a beautiful PARTNERSHIP with the EAGLE steering RED EARTH in the right DIRECTION!
What SIGNS are you noticing and acknowledging today, as the amazing synchronicities unfold on your path? Follow the SIGNS!
RED ELECTRIC EARTH is ACTIVATING the ancestral timelines, – the prophecies of the future as foretold by the wise ones.. The legacy of ancient wisdom gleaned through eons of experience walking this sacred land.. Call on your ancestors, guardians and spirit of the LAND, to reveal the guidance and wisdom needed, to navigate your future path as a WISE captain of your vessel aboard timeship EARTH.
Today’s code – also releases the INFINITE FLOW of COSMIC ABUNDANCE through DIVINE SOURCE and our EARTH MOTHER..
PACHAMAMA provides for her children in all ways with her bountiful provision of natural resources. Food, clothing, WATER, oxygen, sunlight, energy sources, minerals, plants, building materials, shelter – all that we require to live a comfortable and pleasurable life on EARTH is available to us. It always has been – albeit the GREED of MAN – that has created the myth of SCARE-CITY and lack through competition for her resources.
In the NEW TIME that we are now entering, we will have a bountiful supply to satisfy all our needs. Brilliant solutions are already here through existing technologies and the new wisdom streaming through now. Our lives are about to become much easier and satisfying through this PEACEFUL and harmonious existence, where we become ONE with our Earth Mother, and hold a reverence for all lifeforms. Hallelujah!
Take off your shoes. Touch the Earth. Find a place to dance with the sacred hoop of life. Contribute your greater VISION as an AWAKENED member of the global rainbow family!
The ELECTRIC tone with CABAN may stir up Earth energies today – creating TREMBLING EARTH – earthquakes, tremors or charges throughout GAIA’S GRID. A huge SURGE of POWER is available to draw upon! Hold your focus for where you wish to DIRECT these energies.
HIGHER SELF:RED ELECTRIC DRAGON IMIX represents New life, birth and creation. The actions of IMIX are to Nurture and emphasize birth. Today we are B-EARTH-ing a NEW VISION through this portal!
IMIX the DRAGON TRIBE are the first Solar Seal in the Tzolkin calendar and as such – they hold the responsibility of BIRTHing all of CREATION through the dark void – the sacred WOMB of our DIVINE MOTHER. We have an INFINITE supply of dark matter -the building block of creation – to shape and create through our collective intentions. All super ACTIVATED with the ELECTRIC tone, so that we can utilize this energy for our DIVINE purpose.
The ELECTRIC DRAGON is enabling humanity to instigate our NEW beginning – bringing forth a new Creative cycle birthed through KIN 1- MAGNETIC IMIX on 21 october 2023. .
Today’s GATEWAY is the FRONT DOOR we need to pass through consciously to commence SEEDING this HIGHER PLANETARY VISION through AWAKENED consciousness.
RED DRAGON is providing a nurturing presence, assisting us to b-Earth our new patterns, projects, creations and partnerships. RED DRAGON coupled with the ELECTRIC tone brings a very POWERFULLY attracting energy for cooperation, unions and teamwork in order to create something NEW!
Our FOCUS lies on what nurtures and protects our Earth family and our PLANET – all new co-operatives MUST honour and respect our PACHAMAMA!
NOTE: In today’s code we have RED DRAGON in the Higher Guide position – which also represents the Planetary Feathered Serpent/Dragon – Quetzalcoatl The masculine aspect of our Planetary chi or life-force.. RED EARTH – relates to our EARTH – GAIA – and the ELECTRIC tone – relates to the FIRE element which is QUETZALCOATL’s fuel
ELECTRIC SERPENT DAY – was the starring energy code on Jan 13, 2020 when ULURU was JUMP-started by the Solar Umbilical Cord connecting through the Grand Planetary Conjunction – Saturn/Pluto/Sun/Mercury! We are revisiting this energy today with a BOOST to Gaia’s planetary POWER – and our personal POWER too! This ACTIVATION of our POWER centre – the Solar Plexus – is boosting our confidence and mobilizing the wayshowers to partake in their CORONATION as the new REGAL leaders of NEW EARTH.
We may also have another SIGN – appearing today – such as a VOLCANIC eruption, Weather phenomenon or other “disturbance” upon the Male Serpent grid lines – ULURU or any of the PYRAMIDS – PYR – FIRE – piezo electricity!! so EYES OPEN Our GRID is primed up and PUMPING today!!
SUPPORT: WHITE ELECTRIC WINDIK Communicates and emphasizes Spirit. Very fittingly we have an encore with the White Wind joining today’s party… How BRILLIANT that we have the Divine Will supporting humanity’s evolutionary passage today. Spirit is ACTIVATING the DIVINE PLAN for our planet.
THY WILL BE DONE! The DIVINE TIMELINE is fully ACTIVATED and operational today.
IK ‘s energy combines synergistically with that of CABAN and the BLUE EAGLE – as all three provide a TRINITY for Spirit messages . Spirit is talking throughout the day with VERY STRONG signs, messages and synchronicity, particularly through the natural world and the five elements.
Play the game and ask Spirit and BLUE EAGLE to SHOW you the answers to your questions.
What direction do you need to travel to fulfill your greater Divine purpose?
Allow SPIRIT to be the WIND beneath your WINGS and guide the way!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SPECTRAL SEED KAN is the SUPERPOWER behind KIN 237 AMPING up the POWER of this NEW BEGINNING. This provides a huge influx of AWAKENING energies for humankind to GROW UP and follow THE LIGHT!
The SPECTRAL SEED is LIBERATING the VISION of NOVA GAIA’s STAR-SEEDS today! All the planetary SEED’s are being released from darkness and bondage and are now able to SOW their unique ideas and talents into this new Harmonic Time Matrix.
BLUE EAGLE is soaring high and releasing these DREAM-SEEDS as a trail from his wings, falling down into the fertile EARTH to take root and GROW strong and robust.
KAN contains the SEED packet, that is encoded with all the tools needed to achieve our highest potential GROWTH. This is today’s hidden AGENDA to boost us through this GATEWAY and turbo charge our utmost, grandest, super fantastico DREAMING into the stratosphere so we can all FLY HIGH!
The SPECTRAL SEED seeks to LIBERATE you from the darkness and stagnation so that you can embody more LIGHT – growing tall and strong, as you attract more resources needed for your greater MISSION.
This SUPERPOWER seeks to AWAKEN more souls to the DIVINE PLAN for each of them, and our collective family. All bonding together in DIVINE SERVICE to humanity!
KAN combines beautifully with RED DRAGON who births our new creations from the SEEDS that we sow! YELLOW SEED is encouraging us all to reach for our HIGHEST POTENTIAL and BLOSSOM, as we all evolve together, into the very best version of our Galactic selves.
Perfect codes for a blossoming relationship, union or cooperative project. Beautiful nurturing environments for successful growth for your plans and desires to take root!.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE ELECTRIC HAND MANIK- WOOT WOOT! More celebrations are at HAND – (hee hee pun intended!) as MANIK brings forth the GIFT of ACCOMPLISHMENT so that we can GET THE JOB DONE! The JOB of HEALING our PLANET and transitioning from DARKNESS to LIGHT! Through bonding together – HAND in HAND – as we walk each other through this magnificent GATEWAY.
The blessing/Gift that MANIK brings forth, is wondrous healing energies and the opportunity to accomplish our plans, through determination and focus.
BLUE HAND can also be utilized to bring the healing salve, for any previous friction or disharmony within relationships which are highlighted through the ELECTRIC tone. Grasp the HAND of your beloved as you both walk barefoot together upon our precious Earth, PLEDGING to anchor these new BLISS codes on our NEW born Paradisiacal planet.
MANIK brings forth much HEALING wisdom today, so that we as a collective can learn and grow. We have experienced much suffering and years of GROWING PAINS, endeavouring to B-Earth our new world. Too many BRAXTON HICKS contractions thus far!!! Let’s B-EARTH this new bubba already!!!
It has indeed been a long labour of LOVE as we close this cycle and focus on the new Golden Era being birthed before our starry eyes.
The lessons we have all learned, can now be applied, as we build the foundation of this new better and compassionate world. A world where we have all the natural technologies to bring humanity back to WHOLENESS, as the perfect DIVINE BEINGS that we embody in our earthly vessels.
The KEY to healing is through bonding together, respecting and honouring our differences, our uniqueness, and CELEBRATING each other as a SPARK of the DIVINE – the ONE SOURCE.
We are all ONE FAMILY and through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and remembrance of our DIVINITY and connection to ALL THAT IS – we can finally ACCOMPLISH PEACE and HARMONY on our beautiful blue and green GEM of a planet!
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC EARTH CABAN -The actions of ELECTRIC CABAN are to ACTIVATE in order to EVOLVE, bonding synchronicity. ELECTRIC CABAN – is EARTH SHAKING!! And indeed our EARTH may SHAKE in order to AWAKEN those still in slumberland! SHAKE RATTLE and ROLL!!
GAIA is on the MOVE! GET READY to board the PEACE TRAIN!
Our planetary EVOLUTION is being SUPERACTIVATED today! We have a 9.9. DIVINE DESTINY portal – so SPIRIT is partnering with Mother GAIA to fuel our evolution!!
RED EARTH represents GAIA, the EARTH GODDESS, Mother nature and creative beginnings through our rebirth and evolution.
RED EARTH is the Earth keeper, the keeper of the garden, the indigenous ones, the shaman/healer who, through reverence for all life, heals and sanctifies the Earth. Earth keepers preserve the harmonic relationship with nature by connecting to the wisdom held within matter. In Latin, mater means “mother”.
As you bring LIGHT into yourself, you bring LIGHT into matter. You and the Earth both contain the holographic ELECTRIC SEED of the new consciousness emerging.
RED EARTH is assisting us today in activating the BIGGER PICTURE brought forth through the Eagle’s panoramic VISION.
Our UTOPIAN TIMELINE is fully ACTIVATING today as it CLICKS into the GOLDEN EVOLUTIONARY COG – cocreated by our united StarSEED family.. Each one of us bringing our unique DNA coding to the family of HU-MAN so we can all RISE together in unison with Pachamama.
Today we are reminded to tune in and LISTEN with all our senses, to spirit speaking through the SIGNS, synchronicities and LIGHT CODES streaming forth at ever increasing levels, pulsing through our dormant DNA to AWAKEN our GOD codes within. Be prepared for more IN-SIGHTS and epiphanies flowing through.
Watch out in particular for any SIGNS from BLUE EAGLE (or other winged messengers) wanting to get your ATTENTION! Feel this natural flow in your body in order to navigate your correct path. BLUE EAGLE is guiding our GPS – our planetary navigation system to GLIDE through this GATEWAY to the NEW TIME!
What a beautiful PARTNERSHIP with the EAGLE steering RED EARTH in the right DIRECTION!
What SIGNS are you noticing and acknowledging today, as the amazing synchronicities unfold on your path? Follow the SIGNS!
RED ELECTRIC EARTH is ACTIVATING the ancestral timelines, – the prophecies of the future as foretold by the wise ones.. The legacy of ancient wisdom gleaned through eons of experience walking this sacred land.. Call on your ancestors, guardians and spirit of the LAND, to reveal the guidance and wisdom needed, to navigate your future path as a WISE captain of your vessel aboard timeship EARTH.
Today’s code – also releases the INFINITE FLOW of COSMIC ABUNDANCE through DIVINE SOURCE and our EARTH MOTHER..
PACHAMAMA provides for her children in all ways with her bountiful provision of natural resources. Food, clothing, WATER, oxygen, sunlight, energy sources, minerals, plants, building materials, shelter – all that we require to live a comfortable and pleasurable life on EARTH is available to us. It always has been – albeit the GREED of MAN – that has created the myth of SCARE-CITY and lack through competition for her resources.
In the NEW TIME that we are now entering, we will have a bountiful supply to satisfy all our needs. Brilliant solutions are already here through existing technologies and the new wisdom streaming through now. Our lives are about to become much easier and satisfying through this PEACEFUL and harmonious existence, where we become ONE with our Earth Mother, and hold a reverence for all lifeforms. Hallelujah!
Take off your shoes. Touch the Earth. Find a place to dance with the sacred hoop of life. Contribute your greater VISION as an AWAKENED member of the global rainbow family!
The ELECTRIC tone with CABAN may stir up Earth energies today – creating TREMBLING EARTH – earthquakes, tremors or charges throughout GAIA’S GRID. A huge SURGE of POWER is available to draw upon! Hold your focus for where you wish to DIRECT these energies.
HIGHER SELF:RED ELECTRIC DRAGON IMIX represents New life, birth and creation. The actions of IMIX are to Nurture and emphasize birth. Today we are B-EARTH-ing a NEW VISION through this portal!
IMIX the DRAGON TRIBE are the first Solar Seal in the Tzolkin calendar and as such – they hold the responsibility of BIRTHing all of CREATION through the dark void – the sacred WOMB of our DIVINE MOTHER. We have an INFINITE supply of dark matter -the building block of creation – to shape and create through our collective intentions. All super ACTIVATED with the ELECTRIC tone, so that we can utilize this energy for our DIVINE purpose.
The ELECTRIC DRAGON is enabling humanity to instigate our NEW beginning – bringing forth a new Creative cycle birthed through KIN 1- MAGNETIC IMIX on 21 october 2023. .
Today’s GATEWAY is the FRONT DOOR we need to pass through consciously to commence SEEDING this HIGHER PLANETARY VISION through AWAKENED consciousness.
RED DRAGON is providing a nurturing presence, assisting us to b-Earth our new patterns, projects, creations and partnerships. RED DRAGON coupled with the ELECTRIC tone brings a very POWERFULLY attracting energy for cooperation, unions and teamwork in order to create something NEW!
Our FOCUS lies on what nurtures and protects our Earth family and our PLANET – all new co-operatives MUST honour and respect our PACHAMAMA!
NOTE: In today’s code we have RED DRAGON in the Higher Guide position – which also represents the Planetary Feathered Serpent/Dragon – Quetzalcoatl The masculine aspect of our Planetary chi or life-force.. RED EARTH – relates to our EARTH – GAIA – and the ELECTRIC tone – relates to the FIRE element which is QUETZALCOATL’s fuel
ELECTRIC SERPENT DAY – was the starring energy code on Jan 13, 2020 when ULURU was JUMP-started by the Solar Umbilical Cord connecting through the Grand Planetary Conjunction – Saturn/Pluto/Sun/Mercury! We are revisiting this energy today with a BOOST to Gaia’s planetary POWER – and our personal POWER too! This ACTIVATION of our POWER centre – the Solar Plexus – is boosting our confidence and mobilizing the wayshowers to partake in their CORONATION as the new REGAL leaders of NEW EARTH.
We may also have another SIGN – appearing today – such as a VOLCANIC eruption, Weather phenomenon or other “disturbance” upon the Male Serpent grid lines – ULURU or any of the PYRAMIDS – PYR – FIRE – piezo electricity!! so EYES OPEN Our GRID is primed up and PUMPING today!!
SUPPORT: WHITE ELECTRIC WINDIK Communicates and emphasizes Spirit. Very fittingly we have an encore with the White Wind joining today’s party… How BRILLIANT that we have the Divine Will supporting humanity’s evolutionary passage today. Spirit is ACTIVATING the DIVINE PLAN for our planet.
THY WILL BE DONE! The DIVINE TIMELINE is fully ACTIVATED and operational today.
IK ‘s energy combines synergistically with that of CABAN and the BLUE EAGLE – as all three provide a TRINITY for Spirit messages . Spirit is talking throughout the day with VERY STRONG signs, messages and synchronicity, particularly through the natural world and the five elements.
Play the game and ask Spirit and BLUE EAGLE to SHOW you the answers to your questions.
What direction do you need to travel to fulfill your greater Divine purpose?
Allow SPIRIT to be the WIND beneath your WINGS and guide the way!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SPECTRAL SEED KAN is the SUPERPOWER behind KIN 237 AMPING up the POWER of this NEW BEGINNING. This provides a huge influx of AWAKENING energies for humankind to GROW UP and follow THE LIGHT!
The SPECTRAL SEED is LIBERATING the VISION of NOVA GAIA’s STAR-SEEDS today! All the planetary SEED’s are being released from darkness and bondage and are now able to SOW their unique ideas and talents into this new Harmonic Time Matrix.
BLUE EAGLE is soaring high and releasing these DREAM-SEEDS as a trail from his wings, falling down into the fertile EARTH to take root and GROW strong and robust.
KAN contains the SEED packet, that is encoded with all the tools needed to achieve our highest potential GROWTH. This is today’s hidden AGENDA to boost us through this GATEWAY and turbo charge our utmost, grandest, super fantastico DREAMING into the stratosphere so we can all FLY HIGH!
The SPECTRAL SEED seeks to LIBERATE you from the darkness and stagnation so that you can embody more LIGHT – growing tall and strong, as you attract more resources needed for your greater MISSION.
This SUPERPOWER seeks to AWAKEN more souls to the DIVINE PLAN for each of them, and our collective family. All bonding together in DIVINE SERVICE to humanity!
KAN combines beautifully with RED DRAGON who births our new creations from the SEEDS that we sow! YELLOW SEED is encouraging us all to reach for our HIGHEST POTENTIAL and BLOSSOM, as we all evolve together, into the very best version of our Galactic selves.
Perfect codes for a blossoming relationship, union or cooperative project. Beautiful nurturing environments for successful growth for your plans and desires to take root!.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE ELECTRIC HAND MANIK- WOOT WOOT! More celebrations are at HAND – (hee hee pun intended!) as MANIK brings forth the GIFT of ACCOMPLISHMENT so that we can GET THE JOB DONE! The JOB of HEALING our PLANET and transitioning from DARKNESS to LIGHT! Through bonding together – HAND in HAND – as we walk each other through this magnificent GATEWAY.
The blessing/Gift that MANIK brings forth, is wondrous healing energies and the opportunity to accomplish our plans, through determination and focus.
BLUE HAND can also be utilized to bring the healing salve, for any previous friction or disharmony within relationships which are highlighted through the ELECTRIC tone. Grasp the HAND of your beloved as you both walk barefoot together upon our precious Earth, PLEDGING to anchor these new BLISS codes on our NEW born Paradisiacal planet.
MANIK brings forth much HEALING wisdom today, so that we as a collective can learn and grow. We have experienced much suffering and years of GROWING PAINS, endeavouring to B-Earth our new world. Too many BRAXTON HICKS contractions thus far!!! Let’s B-EARTH this new bubba already!!!
It has indeed been a long labour of LOVE as we close this cycle and focus on the new Golden Era being birthed before our starry eyes.
The lessons we have all learned, can now be applied, as we build the foundation of this new better and compassionate world. A world where we have all the natural technologies to bring humanity back to WHOLENESS, as the perfect DIVINE BEINGS that we embody in our earthly vessels.
The KEY to healing is through bonding together, respecting and honouring our differences, our uniqueness, and CELEBRATING each other as a SPARK of the DIVINE – the ONE SOURCE.
We are all ONE FAMILY and through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and remembrance of our DIVINITY and connection to ALL THAT IS – we can finally ACCOMPLISH PEACE and HARMONY on our beautiful blue and green GEM of a planet!
Today’s questions are “In which direction are the SIGNS guiding me to B-Earth my Divine Mission, in order to fulfill my HIGHEST VISION for my soul’s evolution on this Planet?
“Am I in DIVINE ALIGNMENT with the future direction for Planet Earth?”
Divine blessings on our collective AWAKENING as we FLY through this majikal GATEWAY. Follow the SIGNS to PARADISE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
A Journey to the Inner Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity: A Sanctum of Healing (GUIDED MEDITATION)
Our latest guided meditation from the Eagle and the Condor. Paul White Eagle guides you into a Sacred Special inner Sanctuary within your self to find the peace and tranquility you deserve and activate Prosperity in your life.
Embark on a transformative voyage of self-discovery and renewal with our guided meditation, “A Journey to the Inner Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity: A Sanctum of Healing.”
In this immersive meditation experience, you will be gently guided through a serene and enchanting landscape, where you will discover the inner sanctuary that resides deep within your soul.
As the soothing narration unfolds, you’ll find yourself amidst a lush and tranquil forest, where the air is filled with the fragrant embrace of blooming flowers, and the leaves whisper messages of serenity. With each step, a profound sense of calm washes over you, preparing you for the profound journey ahead.
You’ll encounter a clear, tranquil stream that mirrors the vibrant blue sky above—a representation of the abundant flow of prosperity in your life. As you immerse yourself in the symbolism, you’ll feel a sense of oneness with the universe’s abundance.
Crossing the Bridge of Healing, a shimmering path of radiant light, you will release physical and emotional burdens with each step. This bridge signifies the gateway to inner peace and rejuvenation, a portal to healing the wounds of the past and embracing a harmonious present.
Upon entering your Inner Sanctuary, you will be transported to a place of pure tranquility and beauty. Bathed in soft, golden light and accompanied by the soothing sounds of nature, you’ll gaze into a pool of water, its surface reflecting a radiant and peaceful version of yourself.
This is your sanctuary—a realm where worries, pain, and negativity dissolve into the waters, leaving you lighter and more at peace with each passing moment. Guided affirmations will empower you to open your heart to abundance, healing, and inner harmony, reinforcing your connection to the universe’s flow of positivity.
Expressing gratitude for this inner sanctuary, you’ll carry the newfound sense of calm and positivity with you as you return to your everyday life. With each meditation session, you’ll deepen your connection to this sacred space, amplifying its transformative power.
“A Journey to the Inner Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity: A Sanctum of Healing” is your invitation to embark on a voyage of profound inner exploration, where you will rediscover the abundant wellspring of peace, prosperity, and healing that resides within you. Allow this guided meditation to be your compass on the path to a more balanced and harmonious life.
GREAT COSMIC LIGHT, Come forth and do Your Perfect Work now! (3x)
The Forces of Light move into Action with Full Power throughout the world and are
Victorious now! (3x)
Mighty Arcturus, come forth in that light as of a 1000 suns, and consume all human
selfishness, fear and discord from the planet forever! (3x)
THE LIMITLESS LEGIONS of LIGHT now sweep across the face of the Earth and
ALL human darkness disappears FOREVER! (3x)
Mighty “I AM Presence”, come into me and abide in me, walk the earth through
me, keep me Infinitely and Divinely sensitive to Thee at all times.
Holy Christ-self of me, see that I do not trip up, make mistakes or miss
opportunities, and that I render the very greatest service possible! You direct all my
activities, world and affairs, now and forever! I Thank You!
Mighty “I AM” Presence, see in Your wisdom that I make the Ascension at the close
of this embodiment.
*“I AM” the Ascension manifesting for myself and all mankind, Elementals and
trapped Angels too!” (*3x)
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