3 X-Flares in One Day! LIGHT BEING ACTIVATIONS ~ Golden Creations of Love ~ Diamond Dragon Mothers ~ GATEWAY OF HIGHER ASCENSION
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Dragon Dreamers of our Freedom Earth Manifestation
Happy 222 Cosmic Activation Portal
This is it Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 we had a third X Class Solar Flare released from our Local Solaris, on the 222 Activation Portal, creating a Trinity Gateway of Rebirth and Resurrection of our Ascension Journey and Quantum Leap of Consciousness into Homo-Luminous: Albion Rainbow Light Bodies of the New Avalon.
This third X Class Solar Flare within the last 24 hours, maxing at X 6.37 at 22:30 UTC, was the strongest and most powerful Solar Flare of current Solar Cycle 25!
This is beyond intense Angels of the New Earth!
You got this….You were born for this.
As our inside ground crew earth volunteers of our Rainbow Tribe of One, we anchor in the Highest Love and Light for the Greatest Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Enlightenment and Freedom for all Sentient Beings of the Way.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in the Southern East Pacific Rise at 1:51 UTC.
“No Dragon Sleeps tonight”
All the Dragon sNation of the Five Elements of our Rainbow Tribe of New Earth are with us Now. The Green Dragons of the Wood Tree Nation, the Red Dragons of the Fire Heart Nation, the White Dragons of the Metal Lung Nation and the Blue and Black Dragons of the Water Divine Feminine Goddess Nation are all here Now to assist our Starseed Earth Angelic Ground Crew Team of the 144 in our Great Ascension Journey and Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our new hue-man species of Homo-Luminous, Albion Light Bodies of the New Avalon.
Allow the Harmony of the Music of the Spheres of Heavenly Chi to move through you, as the Holy Spirit activates you as a Conduit of the One True Source of Infinite Healing Potential and Creative Genius. The 12 Strand Crystalline DNA of our 12 Tribes of the New Jerusalem and our Code of the 144 are united and activated within the Cellular Structure of your Divine Avatar of Light.
Keep shining bright and rising in the Light of the Dawning of 5d Timeless Eternal Life…A’Ho!
Some say it’s nothing unusual, but something says it is!
The Pleiadians and a host of other credible sources all point to the grand solar flash occurring in March 2024!
Keep in mind that humanity’s ascension was originally supposed to happen in 2012, but when the ascension window opened, the ascension stargates of Earth were still not operable since the times of the fall of Atlantis. Furthermore, in 2012, human DNA was determined to resonate still too low for the ascension to 5D, so the guardian races put emergency ascension protocols in place that will now allow the ascension to occur. Even so, the host races say a boost of cosmic energy, aka low powered gamma light, is needed to make this all work! Intel says the grand solar flash is the cosmic boost that will upgrade all human DNA in the blink of an eye, allowing the shift to the 5th dimension.
Let’s keep our eyes on the sky and see what transpires!
Let us know what ascension symptoms you may be experiencing.
The current vibration allows for an unprecedented feeling and connection to the Divine Mother of Prime Creation.
The recent two X Flares of 1.7 Father, and 1.8 Mother, provides and supports the attainable unprecedented connection. SunSon spot 3590 carries the Prime Creator Designation of 17.
You are required to open Your arms and energetic fields to allow for more of the Mother to become One with You. As You begin to feel the Love, Wisdom, Grace, and other Divine Mother attributes, make them Your own to Your fullest abilities.
As You breathe in the cool pure air of the Divine Mother Essence, rejoice.
The Divine Mother’s Presence in this lower realm is dissolving the, “Dark Mother and Devouring Mother Archetypes”. These Prime evil /primeval energetic themes, forms, and inflictions no longer serve, and their chaotic destruction transmuted to Light through the Divine Mother Representatives and Conduits.
Lillith, Jezzebel, Kali, and the “Black Madonna” sects, are a few of the main ancient destruction/chaotic Archetypes and dark energetic themes that are being powered down, as a redemption period begins for unknowingly inflicted Feminine.
We are entering the unprecedented Heaven on Earth scenario and all obstacles are cleared here as We rapidly progress the physical vessel of Mother in this Planetary Ascension. The karmic wrath triggered by the Individual intensifies upon itself compoundly, until there is redemption or implosion.
An X 6.3 Solar Flare equals 18, a signatory of the Divine MOTHER, WHICH just occurred about 6 minutes after “UPDATE 2”.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
X1.7 Solar flare this morning. That’s two in less than 24 hours. Reconfiguration of your Angelic human diamond light body is happening now. I’ve tried to prepare and assist you with these energies and activations. Now allow acceptance to your heart. It’s such a high note and what makes reptilians vanish. They can’t handle the light! They glitch just as the Internet does. Woohoo victory of the light! Stay hydrated to avoid headaches, magnesium for soreness & heart, center for dizziness and balance, ground for trust to feel safe.
Entering this transition of LIGHT awareness, we merge through the Universe with our own LIGHT BEING.
Now as you read this DNA activation begins.
BE LIGHT, SHINING STAR, activating our own LIGHT.
LIVE like the born star, here on Earth is not the norm.
Conscious of HEAVEN and glorious worlds, we call them to activate thrice, the emerging home and the new earthly world.
Flooded by this STAR light, surrounded by the guidance of GLORIOUS and TRANSPARENT LIGHT before my eyes, this 5th DIMENSION DIVINE CITY OF LIGHT is overlapped around US.
I enter the chambers of LIGHT in the temples of LIGHT and open wide the doors of this CITY OF LIGHT, for all to ENTER.
The body through which I AM overlapped in levitation at the HIGHEST SACRED ALTAR, to which the CODES of LIGHT SPARKLES and RISE spread through the I’UNIVERSE.
SIGNAL the time is NOW.
Signal through all worlds and dimensions this Activation, reaching all these Beings of LIGHT in their essence, filling the activation circle, anchored in this NEW EARTH CITY OF GOLDEN LIGHT.
The GLORIOUS ELOHIM and the DIVINE COUNCIL of LIGHT are present with the twin SOULS of VENUS who gave all their LOVE to MAKE their home in this SACRED CITY.
Bless this ongoing activation through out the universe, BORN IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE, HERE NOW.
2/22/24: Today requires a commitment to your creativity. It’s still early in the year and therefore easy to fall back into last year’s slower and more introverted energy, but that’s not what you need right now. It’s time to flex. What you learned about yourself in 2023 is just the beginning of what’s stashed inside you.
The door is open now and the light is on. Keep exploring. Be adventurous. Find your muse, your music, and your magic. Make something new. Surprise yourself and others. Be bold. Stand out. Let the world know you’re not just a pretty face… you’re a statement, a situation, and a whole lot more just waiting to be discovered.
The Cosmic Lovers, Venus and Mars meet today (22 Feb/ frequency 22 of building foundations n new creations) in Sacred Union after being initiated by Pluto/ Lord of The Underworld – the current gatekeeper of Aquarius , while Chiron the wounded Healer takes his place on the North Node of Fate.
The symbol that came through for today as I asked for guidance was the Vesica Piscis -The Symbol of Sacred Union and The Cosmic Egg of New Beginnings.
February has been rather breezy and swift with rapidly shifting timelines , new potentials and connections emerging and downloads and insights. As Pluto entered Aquarius in January , our major individual Power Centers related to our Purpose and Service underwent a major cleansing and Karmic reset ( Throat/ Third eye etc) which could have manifested in the physical as well as issues in those chakra centers. These Power centers are now being restored to the frequency of the New Cycles coming in Now . This was in conjunction with the Upgrades of Gaia’s Power centers , especially Gateways of Stone/ caves/ sacred centers of union of Fire and Water , initiated with the rise of the Dragon Energy .
Dragon Energy is also associated with Protection of the Cosmic Egg of New Beginnings. And This Cosmic Egg is central to the Mars Venus Conjunction Today.
Initiated by Pluto, Both Mars/ Divine Masculine and Venus/ Divine Feminine now enter brand New Karmic Cycles and this Union is the combustible cauldron where fresh Desire, Sensuality, Sexuality and Pure life force / kundalini energy will unite with fresh Purpose, Passion, Will, Focus and Drive!!! This is the genesis of this Cosmic Egg of New Beginnings …the genesis of the now rapidly unfolding Age of Aquarius – of new inspiration, ideas, connections, relationships with self and others. In other words, coCreation from a very different and fresh frequency, one which we have not encountered so far.
Interestingly, running concurrently with the spirals of New Birth are the spirals of death simultaneously. The Plutonian energies are ever present and the faster we are allowing for the Release/ Letting Go/ Surrender of what is no longer in alignment …. the faster the new Spirals of rebirth are emerging….hence allowing us to shift timelines rapidly …only IF we make space by allowing what no longer serves to fall away…thus we are experiencing periods of fresh hope buffered by overwhelm and exhaustion.
This is CoCreation potential being made available to us like never before!!! But the mantra will be ..Expect the Unexpected!!!
I was guided to a sacred water gateway for the New Moon coinciding with the Chinese New Year of the Dragon, and had taken an offering as well- a Beloved Crystal.. But as I took out the offering the crystal told me loud and clear- it was not meant to be the offering!!! Confused , I carried on empty handed, or so I thought … .For the Sacred Waters DID claim their offering…My Silver Ring of Sovereignty which has been with me since 2012!!!
The theme this year as we know with the Nodes of Fate and Destiny in Aries and Libra is a delicate dance between independence/ sovereignty/ Aries and connections/ relationships/ Libra … .and underlining this theme is – Expect The Unexpected and make Space for the Universe to Surprise You. Allow Chiron , the Wounded Healer , at the North Node to guide you to your deeper truths, your True Self and to heal yourself and make choices that align with your true North, Your Destiny…Now is the Time. CoCreation Potential is High, but requires Courage on your part …. Your New Destiny Awaits!!!
Streaming through the Energies of NEW BIRTH. . . DIVINE RENEWAL. . . and DIVINE LOVE today and every day that WE willingly Allow our SELVES to take a Deep Conscious Breath In to Receive these Precious Gifts!
The CHANGES Unfolding on our World are Summoning the SOUL Skills of Allowing!
Allowing what is fraudulent and false to fall away. . . and Allowing what is True. . . Clear. . . Divine. . . Pristine. . . Precious. . . and Dear to DIVINE SOURCE CREATOR to Flow in and BEcome Humanity’s Experience in this Great Shift of the Ages!
Allowing Requires Faith. . . Fortitude. . . Trust. . . and Surrendering to Divine Will deep within you ~ allowing this in your inner world and your inner essence, which allows this to also further anchor into the whole planet.
For each of us is a Conduit of this Grace of DIVINE Allowing!
And this will BE a Deep SOUL Skill each of us will tap into. . . Seek and Know as WE traverse the coming SHIFTS Worldwide in 2024!
So let us take a Deep DIVINE Conscious Breath In together. . . Allowing this Perfect PRANA-FILLED Sacred Breath to Flow to All of the places inside us. . .
in every ENERGY Body. . . in every Single CELL. . . and in every ASPECT of us Seeking Multi-Dimensional Fortification. . . Freedom. . . Healing. . . Cleansing. . . Strengthening. . . and DIVINE SOUL Sight!
Allow this Conscious Breath to FLOW Anywhere and Everywhere that our HIGHER GOD SELF Needs in these times to BE and Breathe a Greater Grace. . . a Deeper Faith and Trust. . . and DIVINE UNION with SOURCE!
For in the Breath. . . our DIVINE SOUL SELF Knows what is LIGHT. . . what is GOD. . . and what is TRUE!
And when WE Breathe Consciously in this way. . . our SOUL Essence is offered the Hand and Heart of GOD to Guide our Vision. . . our Life Force. . . our Purpose. . . our Service. . . our Grounding. . . and your Greatness!
All of that FLOWS within us through this SACRED ART of Allowing!
And WE are Honoured to BE Messengers of this Precious Gift from SOURCE. . . that every Life form in every Realm in the Universe is given this TIMELESS Invitation to Connect. . . to Unify. . . and to Channel the LIGHT of SOURCE in All that WE Say. . . Feel. . . See. . . Think and Do!
The DIVINE Design is a Brilliant and Supreme Wonderland of SOURCE Perfection!
And Here WE Are. . . Breathing in Consciously the LIVING LIGHT of Its Perfection. . . NOW and Always. . . as much as WE can Consciously Choose it. . . Allow it. . . and Embody it to BE So!
Planetary work for 222 – Uluru Earth’s Portal as Cosmic Unifier
Beloved Ones,
During this month and especially today with the energies from the 222 passage, we have been immersed in the conscious recalibration and stabilization of our light bodies, planetary fabrics, and other structures that need assistance. Today, my Guides shared the importance of helping in the stabilization of the earth’s representatives’ feminine and masculine gates, helping in the neutralization of the distorted masculine through consicous neutralization, and hence, unification.
Today, all who are guided, join as One Family, to neutralize the wounded masculine through the earth’s Aurora-Andromedan portal of Uluru, Australia, for it acts as a cosmic neutralizer, as my Guides explained to distill, from this portal, all the masculine damage, helping repair the masculine by the neutralization of its distortions, and bringing unification with the female.
As you know the masculine essence in our planet is located on the golden portal of the gate of Iran, whose masculine principle has been distorted for many of our human years. There are other important masculine representative locations related to the masculine principle, as there is for the female energy. However, it is through the transmutation of the wounded masculine through the unconditional love of the planetary Cosmic Mother energy that we can help neutralize the damage made to humanity.
The Blue Ray descendants from the Essenes, although its lineage goes further than that, are in charge of restoring the masculine essence of the planet, by unifying it. However, we all can assist in this planetary recalibration and polarity stabilization by staying centered in our hearts, sending love and healing in our unique way, and doing it more consciously, if this is our personal mission.
The Cosmic Mother principle that transmutes the wounded masculine which involves eons in our planet of female repression, control, and many other anomalies that are already part of our DNA, is transmuted throuhg the Australian interdimensional portal of Uluru, which according to my guides represents the neutralizing point in which polarities are unified and restored.
To create more planetary balance and restore the wounded masculine principle, is not necessary to focus on the female essence, for what we will be doing is creating more polarization.
Instead, Guides invite us to focus on consicous neutralization, through the correction of the planetary reversals that create more fragmentation in human consciousness, to liberate minds, and neutralize what has been planetarily wounded, whether masculine or feminine.
Working with the unity code or symbol, between many other neutralizer codes, especially in the areas where guided or required, neutralizes separation, as fighting for unity only increases it. The trinity symbol which is a representation of inner and planetary unity is essential to start neutralizing the opposition between both principles, in both the micro and the macro.
The Australian earth’s portal Uluru acts as this cosmic neutralizer, and when we give our masculine wounds to it, its Cosmic Divine Mother loving essence embraces it, and transmutes it into more love. We all can connect to it, for we all are time travelers, if we know how to project our consciousness and connect, remotely with these sacred sites and vortexes on Earth.
Today, and always, let us join as One Family of Love to practice unconditional love towards ourselves and others, for our task of restoration and balance starts with ourselves.
Let us bring more awareness, truth, and unconditional love into our lives and everyone we encounter, as this is how we expand divine love and compassion, for as Divine Beings we go with an open heart and mind, embracing All as an equal part of us, not allowing any energetic disturbance in our way to move us from our higher Heart, for we know now that only love is real, among the many illusions to impede us being who we are.
Please, share if you are guided so it reaches many who are willing to assist on this day and always on our beloved planet. Thank you for your kindness and dedication to All, as One Family.
Personal balance is key at this time, as anchoring stabilization starts within. Guides invite us to work on Lightbody corrections and reconnection to be able to achieve this inner balance as if our light body is not properly reconfigured, we cannot integrate the current planetary energies.
Correction of our vertical and horizontal female and masculine pillars, body portal reconfiguration, and DNA reconnection is vital for us to be able to realign ourselves with the earth’s grid consciousness and continue with our planetary mission. The energies of the 222 portal facilitate this reconnection, for they are meant to help those who are working on the conscious reconstruction of their light bodies.
Guides share the importance for us of focusing on our right shoulder portal, our celestial body, and hence the sixth-dimensional Indigo portal, very active at this time, experiencing many activations. A body portal that rules the masculine side of our body, and due to the solar emanations received at this time, it will help in its rehabilitation, and reconnection to the masculine planetary pillar of Creation.
As we come into the 222 portal, we will also have the Sun already in Pisces, Mercury moving into this Water sign the next day, and the True node conjunct Chiron, on February 19th. This will be significantly important for those who are guided to initiate themselves as healers or expand into their healing techniques.
This event is an invitation to those who came here with a mission of restoration to move inward, bringing their healing abilities to the surface, learning their unique ways to heal and help others, so they can too put themselves in service to All, in their own special way.
Many of you will be opening yourselves to your unique mission. There is always a time when as ascending souls we are meant to awaken to our true nature and purpose and start fulfilling what we came here to do. it is never about our personal desire and time, but about the Universal time, which is why we need to be patient and work with ourselves until our assistance is required. We always assist through our personal essence, intention, and willpower.
The path of an ascending soul may not always be easy but assistance is available to all of us, at all times. When we ask for help, especially regarding personal evolution and mission integration, there is always a response, for it is Law. This is the message that Guides share for All, during this portal, a reminder of the celestial assistance that surrounds us, always, and that if we know where to look, we cannot miss.
Our personal mission is to learn how to receive Divine Guidance by precisely working on ourselves to retrieve all the love, wisdom, and power that is our birthright to own, and that will allow authentic communication between our human and divine selves.
May you always remain in the Illumined abode of your Soul.
Dear friends, today Thursday February 22 2024 and Saturday February 24 2024 bring a special kind of energy into our awareness. As the full moon energies approach, these two last energetic gateways in February are helping us to find a new and deeper point of inner balance.
On top of this, two new intense X class solar flares just took place in our Sun, triggering even more energetic processes within our systems. If you are energy sensitive expect a few more symptoms to manifest these days. As I mentioned in previous posts, the nervous system and the pineal gland are the main targets under these energetic waves, triggering possible migraines, dizziness, lack of focus and confusion, changes in body temperature, and many other visual and hearing issues. Please stay calm, well hydrated, and rest as needed. The energies are quite strong at the moment.
The two energy portals today and on Saturday resonate with the vibrations of numbers 2 and 4. The energy vibration of number 2 is usually associated with polarities and duality:
positive/negative, male/female, day/night, black/white, yin/yang. The number 2 symbolizes the principle of coming together and finding a new common ground. Number 2 emanates an energy of balance, peace and diplomacy, intuition, emotion and sensitivity. On the other hand, number 4 has a more practical aspect to it, since the attributes that resonate with this number are usually connected with organization, establishing order, and bringing ideas and plans into material form. A number 4 vibration maintains stability within a system so we can make our dreams a reality.
Today’s portal 2:22:24, and Saturday’s 2:24:24, brings with it an energy of inner balance so that we are not controlled by matter in the physical world, but are able to find a perfect balance between earth and heaven, reconnecting with the spiritual dimension that is always present within and around us.
The energy of these portals will be with us this whole weekend as they potentiate the energies of the Full moon in Virgo also on Saturday. As you attune your consciousness and awareness to this particular numerical energy, your energy fields begin to resonate with the attributes of these numbers. This energy will be assisting us to unify within us the polarities that are preventing us from seeing a unified perspective of life. As we continue our path to empowerment during this 2024 Dragon year, we will eventually need to find a new place of integration within us, a new higher vibrational state that will allow us to fully express who we truly are.
Today and this weekend try to find some alone time and focus on any projects or goals you may want to achieve this year. Where do you see yourself by the end of the year? What aspects of your inner self would need a deeper balance and integration in order to get there? As you think about these issues, allow the 2:22:24 and 2:24:24 energies to merge with your awareness. Let this resonance do the rest of the work. Trust and have faith in this process, you are laying down the energetic foundations for a more stable 2024 timeline. All in divine timing and according to your soul’s journey.
Although the energies of these portals tend to be subtle and calming, those of you who are energy sensitives may experience the inner shifts more intensely. If there are deep shadow aspects that need to be balanced, they will be brought up to surface and may manifest as random body aches and pains, anxiety, and fatigue. Please listen to your body and rest as much as needed.
We are ending this week with our energy fields being completely revolutionized by the two recent solar flares, the two energy portals, and the full moon in Virgo (more info on this moon energy tomorrow). Self care is extremely important as we end this month.
We are moving into the eclipse season soon in a few weeks, so it would be wise to use these days to relax, clear away any old outdated patterns, and simply open your heart and mind to the new horizons and divinely guided destinations that are awaiting for you.
We are in a deep process of recalibration and inner balance these last days of February, it’s important to stay emotionally flexible and only align ourselves with people and situations that support our highest wellbeing. Much love
Creation energy continues returning and expanding in our physical container. The 222 Portal energies are helping the mind return to a state of centre, peace, and balance to help your thoughts create your new and beautiful dream life.
Know that you a worthy of more than staying still in your comfort zone. The energies today and sparking us to cut loose and be passionate about having a life worth celebrating every day! To embrace the potential of your life with no excuses.
The abundant life you love is growing. Keep putting in the work and you will receive the long-term fruits of your labour.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Anchoring Cosmic Light within Physicality
Ra James
Happy 2:22 Portal. Expect some major DNA Activations. Last night kicked off a powerful X flare. This could be the first of many flares from Subspot AR3590. This sunspot has an unstable beta-gamma-delta magnetic field that harbors energy for multiple X-class explosions. Expect things to amp up. The energies are getting higher and things always get more active as we are heading towards the Spring Equinox. This gateway is all about harmony and balance. We also have a powerful Venus and Mars conjunction tonight. They will meet up for a kiss on the sky above us tonight. This is brings major healings and activations for any Twin Flames. 222 is a sign of the connection manifesting into the 3D.
For those in separation expect contact and for things to open up again. For those in Union these energies are all about fulfilling your shared purpose and destiny. We are already feeling Saturday’s Virgo Full Moon. This Full Moon is all about health and wellness and is looked over by Archangel Raphael. It’s important that you are prioritizing your physical and emotional well-being. This week’s energies are all about cleansing, purifying, and getting back into balance. Expect the energies to be amping up your desire for love. Mars and Venus together is a powerful force for bringing lovers together. There is a lot of love and magic in the air. You’re always connected to your Twin Flame through your heart chakra. Expect to feel these connections even stronger during this conjunction…
source: www.sparksofdivinelighthealing.com
Archangel Raphael
Divine energy works
Absolutely immense amount of Galactic Energies are streaming in, assisting us with shifting into the Higher State of Consciousness on the personal and planetary levels, to release anything from our energy bodies that is no longer serving us and our Highest Timeline. Accelerated integration of synchronicity – energetic encoding 22, 222, 224, 2222, 22222, and 222224 is assisting consciously building a bridge between our higher self and human self and merge them to hold the frequencies of Unconditional Love and Purity, bringing the huge Shift and merge of the timelines, dissolving old 3D anchors on the personal level and from the Planetary Grids, and projecting the energetic shifts that we have been feeling into the physical 3D.
Most importantly, these energies are working together with the exact Venus-Mars Conjunction, happening on the same day, in the Revolutionary Sign of Aquarius. The incoming Plasma Light is carrying DNA Codes and Upgrades, as well as deep clearing, purification, and upgrades of the Throat Chakra Energy Center – the Center of Divine Expression, to speak and bring through the Divine Truth and Wisdom.
Powerful Activations of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine Galactic Portals, Within and Without, and merging them into ONE, through the Kundalini Activations, are taking place in the Connections, as well as the Full Alignment with their Soul Path and the Divine Plan on all levels. Massive Expansion and Activations of Higher Heart and Solar Plexus are continuing to take place, and this part of the deep Solar Plexus Expansion work is about the Inspired, Aligned Action taken from the Heart Space.
The energies of this 222 Gateway are working together in the most Powerful Alignment with Fiery Venus-Mars Conjunction, Chiron Conjunction with the North Node of Destiny, and Full Moon in Virgo. ~
On Thursday, February 22nd, mental Mercury spends his last day in stubborn Aquarius. At 11:29pm Pacific Time/2:29am Eastern Time Friday, this Messenger planet will join the Sun in “go with the flow” Pisces, sign of the Fish, where he will stay until March 9th. With these last few hours of Mercury in Aquarius, we may be fighting in our own minds about making a change that will affect our future.
But, as this “trickster” shifts into Pisces we must surrender, trust and have faith that all is unfolding as it should. Mercury wants to be logical, but Pisces says to use your intuition. What feels right to you? What is Spirit showing you? What do you know to be the answer? This is the energy to immerse yourself in……again, surrender, trust and have faith……the Universe, your angels and guides are giving you signs and leading you in the right direction.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
mental Mercury spends his last day in stubborn Aquarius
Venus conjunct Mars in Aquarius – The cosmic lovers meet after a long game of kiss-chase. Here they are – two leaves tangled together, blowing on the wind; two rebels in the dead of night, making love instead of war; two cosmic forces, breathing life into our dreams and birthing futures. Here is the courage to act on the heart’s calling, the bravery it takes to lead our communities with love. This is manifesting, the law of attraction, a universe of possibilities living in the starry attic of the mind. From this meeting, new ideas burst into being, a child born from a golden egg, an original story coming to life. Friends become lovers. Lovers become friends. The power of creation is at our fingertips.
Use this aspect today to reinvigorate your vision for life going forwards. Consider, how can I act on my values, how can I take a more balanced approach to my goals, where do I need to passionately invest my energies to bring about radical change? With Venus and Mars the current rulers of the Nodes, it’s here that we meet our karma, face the past to unravel our future. Do what is in your heart.
Degrees and Times
Venus, Mars 06°Aq57′ – 07:14 (UT)
The Sabian symbol of this conjunction is ‘A Child Is Seen Being Born Out Of An Egg’.
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. The eighth day of the White Mirror wavespell, like any Galactic day, brings peace and harmony – a respite from the 13-day journey and its intensity. Whatever the wavespell or whatever day it is combined with, Galactic energy is always sweeeeeet. Of course, this fluffy energy does have a serious side too and that’s concerning ‘integrity’. This is because you simply cannot have harmony in your life if you are not behaving impeccably. On number 8 days check yourself and once you are sure you are one the right path, then you may proceed.
Today is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Survival and Instinct’. We’ve just emerged from the Red Serpent wavespell, the lesson should be fresh in our minds. Renewal is the key point today but with the harmonious number eight on our side, this Renewal won’t be too difficult or painful. Harmony facilitates Renewal. The ‘Serpent of Integrity’ however, insists that we are impeccable. We can renew ourselves through restoring our integrity. The Serpent is very instinctual and very sensitive. This energy can help us sense where in our lives we need to address the lack of harmony. There are 13 Serpents in the Tzolkin, and they all offer us a chance to shed the old to make way for the new. The difference between all of these Serpents is their number’s energy and lesson. This Serpent can help us find harmony through using our senses.
The Guide for today is the Red Moon which represents Going with the Flow. When the Red Moon leads, it insists that we completely surrender and anyone who thinks that are not influenced by the Moon, are just plain obstinate. Trust that the tide will turn in your favor and things will turn out alright. So, relax and chill out. This is a lovely guide for a harmonious day. The Serpent makes us sensitive and makes us use our instincts and the Moon says, take it easy, see how things unfold and don’t force anything.
The Challenge today is the Blue Eagle, the visionary of the Tzolkin. The Eagle spends a lot of time flying but now and then he must come down to earth. Too much time spent high in the sky eventually leads to imbalance. What this means is that whether you are an Eagle or not, today having your head in the clouds won’t help you. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and connect yourself with the earth.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions. When in this position, the Warrior ‘s quest is for magic. Take on a mission yourself today and expect to be surprised by magical discoveries. The Warrior asks a lot of questions but today, these questions are more profound such as ‘what is magic’ and ‘who I am?
The Ally is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. If you need any help today, consult a Wizard. Their charm and knowledge of spells can be quite useful.
We are now in DAY 5 (out of 20) of the CENTRAL CORE of the Tzolkin the MYSTIC COLUMN which is the COSMIC BIRTH CANAL, accessed through KIN 121, the guardian of the COSMIC vortex of CREATION.. It is the MIRRORLESS DIMENSION of TIME – or rather NO TIME. This 7th vertical column represents the Plasmatic Radial -the ORIGIN of SPIRIT – the ZERO POINT. What I refer to as THE TWILIGHT ZONE!
NOTE. This Galactic Spin we have a D.O.O.T. LEAP DAY – February 29th 2024 occurring within this MYSTIC column.. 1 day after we pass the exact ZERO POINT – HUNAB KU – the GALACTIC CENTRE… This is highly SIGNIFICANT as we have a DAY OUT OF TIME – within the space of NO-TIME… double ZERO!! Who knows where this DOUBLE PORTAL will lead us??????
Very TRIPPY times beloveds…
Day 8 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. Today we are focused on the MIND and integrating instinct.
WHITE MIRROR reflects the TRUTH through direct honesty which we are processing, through allowing this flow in the raw instinctual mind of RED SERPENT. CHICCHAN reveals where cleansing is needed to ensure your ENHANCED survival through your total emPOWERment of your DIVINE LIFE FORCE.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.
Are your intentions based on HARMONY through integrity of being?
We need to master the primal fears revealed by CHICCHAN and raise them higher with total integrity.
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
The themes of modeling integrity with the POWER to bring Harmony, is the prime objective of a DIVINE LEADER.
Kings and Queens holding the authority of the DIVINE, to lead their people, have a great responsibility to model authenticity, kindness, compassion, fairness and equality in the way they treat their “subjects” and rule their kingdom. Being “titled” begets a Divine purpose greater than their own personal desires..
This GALACTIC CHICCHAN beckons the WAYSHOWERS and NEW EARTH LEADERS to STEP UP and RULE with great dignity and purpose, as the role models for NEW EARTH.
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED GALACTIC SERPENT – CHICCHAN The themes of RED SERPENT are SURVIVAL, life-force, kundalini, passion, vitality and instinct. CHICCHAN increases the INTENSITY of the day, as primal FEARS are highlighted and often arise to be cleared and transformed through the power of the Serpent to shed its skin, and be born anew.
WHITE MIRROR is stripping us to the bone! Our CORE fears, beliefs and conditioning are all being stripped away and released, in order to discover our inner DIAMOND core – our true AUTHENTIC DIVINE SELF.
The GALACTIC tone is in the MENTAL plane, so we will be analyzing and clearing our THOUGHTS and beliefs mostly today. If you are BALANCED and in the LIGHT side of RED SERPENT , you can attune to the more positive aspects of the Serpent , giving you more vitality and life force to fuel your PASSION, whether that be of a romantic nature, or of a creative expression focus.
PASSION = ART so use your enhanced PASSION and VITALITY to claim your LIFE FORCE and channel it into pursuits that benefit humanity.
The SHADOW of Red Serpent can arise today bringing up our instinctive connection to SURVIVAL, and whatever that means to you, be it physical, financial, emotional or wherever you perceive lack, FEAR or DANGER.
Dissolve this FEAR through transforming it into drive, through your creative expression. CHICCHAN is the symbol of the healing caduceus so utilize this panacea for your wounding today.
Step up as you become the courageous LEADER, ready to model what is necessary, to unlock the FLOW of joy and abundance, bringing forth more HARMONY to our world.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED GALACTIC MOON – MULUC is seeking to purify and cleanse your vessel of all limitations and FEAR based thinking. Using the power of the Goddess through her Universal Waters to PURIFY your MIND, integrating this purity and flow from pure unadulterated consciousness. The purer and clearer your MIND can become as an empty vessel, the more space exists for wisdom and inspiration to flow through.
This GALACTIC GODDESS represents the QUEEN and beckons you to model the qualities of compassion and empathy in your interactions with others. Being STRONG and yet gentle and sensitive to the needs of others, is a supreme POWER of the GODDESS..
The GALACTIC GODDESS as the higher power to the SERPENT activates your sensuality and the POWER to channel your LIFE FORCE into your CREATIVE expression… Unleash your SHAKTI and channel it into honourable and more COLOURFUL pursuits – add more Joie d’ vivre to your life and our world.
This GODDESS is a SNAKE CHARMER and with the GALACTIC WIZARD supporting her, she has great power to Hypnotize and ENCHANT others with her intellectual prowess and charisma. It is UBER important that these CHARMS be used with noble intent and not to disempower, manipulate or deceive others, through the Art of Seduction, to achieve your desires.
The GALACTIC GODDESS must align her powers with DIVINE INTENT and use her influence in ways to benefit HUMANITY.
SUPPORT: WHITE GALACTIC WIZARD– IX encourages you to SURRENDER to the flow of the Goddess, the kundalini/shakti energies. OPEN your HEART and your MIND, to feel SAFE, take down the barriers to LOVE and growth, reflecting pure TRUTH.
WHITE WIZARD allows you to become more receptive, to know, and understand what is TRUTH, leading you back to safe ground. Harness the power of WHITE MAJIK to attract your tribe and unite in your Divine Mission.
WHITE WIZARD allows you to transcend the Earthly ways and reach for the Heavens! You have access to great MAJIK today through the enchanting power of IX. You can draw upon this power to cast your DREAM spell through your REGAL presence, to ENCHANT and inspire others through your HONOUR, integrity and alignment with your Divine purpose.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RHYTHMIC WARRIOR -CIB the RAINBOW WARRIOR is back AGAIN today – all 3 days in A ROW to ensure the NEW TIME is anchored in this NEW timeline.
CIB enables us to use our intelligence to fearlessly QUEST-I-ON all that the Mirror reflects today. We can fearlessly choose to release the primal fears and purify our minds. We can now focus on our creativity as an outward expression of our kundalini force.
RHYTHMIC CIB allows us to organize our physical environment, by fearlessly pushing through any boundaries, hampering our Divine Mission and higher destiny path. Allow yourself to sync. and FLOW with the energies, releasing all resistance.
STEP up into greater DIVINE SERVICE as the Gallant Rainbow Warrior in Service to the DIVINE THRONE.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE GALACTIC EAGLE – MEN provides inspired VISIONS today that channel the solutions needed to evolve. BLUE EAGLE provides the clarity and objectivity to overcome the tyranny of enslavement to our limiting MIND and irrational fears.
The GALACTIC EAGLE will be the powerful blessing of KIN 125 – smashing all that is not in DIVINE ALIGNMENT with the new DIVINE governing principles, as full CLARITY is exposed.
We are able to integrate harmony with our long-term vision of what we must transform, in order to reach higher and higher levels of creative harmony. It is TIME to broaden our perspective and elevate our thoughts and MIND to GALACTIC level!
Today’s question is “What instinctual FEARS and patterns can I HARMONIZE, to PURIFY my MIND becoming a MODEL for greater TRUTH? “
Divine blessings for the attainment of PURE DIVINE HARMONY and SOVEREIGNTY today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading 🕉 for the week of
🕉 February 18th through 24th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from February 18th through Feb 24th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a very special Full Moon in Virgo Healing Ceremony and Meditation: Embracing Purification and Renewal.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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