Something BIG is Coming! Embrace the Light * Whale Song ~ Rising Dragons of the Pleiades
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Spirits of our Collective Allegiance of Earth Angels of the 144
Gaia and all Her Children of the sun continue to get enveloped in Higher Rays of Energetic Light as our local Soularis released another 5 C Class Soular flares and 2 more M class flares with the most powerful maxing at M 1.89 at 20:57 UTC.
We continue to see higher resonance pulses in the heartbeat of Mother Earth appearing on the Schumann Charts today at amplitudes of 18 and 28 hz. Fifth Dimensional Frequency holding steady and rising!
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Her Sacred Portal of Ethiopia, Africa at 20:28 UTC.
Synchronizing with these Celestial and Planetary Events we had a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar as we begin the White Wind Wavespell with Kin 222 White Magnetic Wind as the Winds of Change of the Great Spirit flow through this realm and all Life is being Magnetized to their Highest Potential.
All our Galactic Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being Fully Activated in their final missions of full and total Planetary Liberation. All is coming into Harmonic Convergence for Our Great Shift and Awakening of all Ages into the New 5D Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good Peoples of the New Earth… A’Ho!
“The oldest whale on Earth sings a song woven from the light of distant stars. Born before the beginning of memory, it carries the wisdom of the cosmos in its voice,resonating through the vast ocean of our souls.
Its song vibrates in harmony with every crystal on Earth,
awakening their purpose and power.
The whale’s sacred sound travels deep into the land,
stirring ancient memories and unlocking the divine knowledge
etched within us all.
Listen closely—for this song is not merely a melody, but a remembrance.
Angelic galactic human DNA activations! A coronal hole has opened in the sun and it’s streaming galactic codes from the great central sun to our sun, your diamond light body and to the core of the planet. acceleration codes have been nonstop. DNA activations happens when a base code and an acceleration code connect and activate dormant DNA strands going from a carbon based inversion to a plasma liquid light base.
You are made of light not dense carbon. As carbon transmutes through your spine. Stiffness can be felt. Increasing light to your biology can cause dehydration and headaches. Water, breathe work, ease, release and receive will benefit the body now. Galactic tones, light language, telepathy and increased clairvoyance and clairaudience are attuning for your spiritual gifts and abilities now! Light moves very fast so be easy with your balance as the equilibrium is gonna feel the third eye activations
2/14/25: There will be no peace between head and heart today. They cannot play nice together and you might think something’s wrong, but it’s not. You can’t think or confidently feel your way forward right now because you can’t get any traction and you’re not meant to. You will not miss, lose, or bypass what’s ultimately meant for you. You can, however, get in the way and make trouble for yourself. At the moment, you’re simply idling as February performs its magic beneath the surface. Your Right Action is to be aware of what crosses your mind and what hits your heart… and let most of it pass on by. You very likely don’t need it. But what you do need will stick, whether you want it or not.
Octavia Vasile
We are the Rising Dragons of the Pleiades.
We are with you now, present in your heart, stirring the light within you. We delight in the radiance of your being, in the moments when joy lifts you effortlessly.
Yet, we see the weight you sometimes carry—the illusion of lack, the longing for more. And so, we bring a message of remembrance.
Abundance is not something to be sought; it is something you already are.
You are the vastness of creation itself, woven from the very essence of limitless potential. There has never been separation between you and that which you desire—only a forgetting.
In your search for fulfillment outside yourself, you have placed power in tools meant for creation, mistaking them for the source of joy. But listen, dear one: you have never been in lack. You have never been incomplete.
Return to the knowing of wholeness. Live as One with all that is, and you will move effortlessly into the flow of true Abundance. This is not about possessing, for possession is finite. True Abundance is the vibration of unconditional love, an endless current moving through you, from you, and back to you.
Give with a full heart, and you will receive in kind. Give because you overflow, because generosity is your natural rhythm.
We love you beyond measure. We are here to remind you—you are boundless, sovereign, and infinite.
As we continue embodying a higher level of consciousness, through the Light transmissions our God Self sends to us, we may feel the impact of the many anomalies that remain in our light body, energetic and physical ones, that create distortions in our communication with our God Self and body. This occurs due to the many manipulations, 3D distractions, and other self-created patterns we have to clear before we can integrate further transmissions.
Building our light body, healing, and activating it is not a one-day process, it is an arduous long-term one that needs devotion and daily dedication to hold more light quotient. With Leo and soon Piscean frequencies among us, this is a propitious time to work on clearing false anomalies from our bodies, allowing more light and plasma to continue building our light body, as many of you are already moving into your tenth-dimensional body, activating and reconnecting it completely.
Scanning our light body is essential to detect crystallized thoughts, forms of consciousness, debris, toxins, and other anomalies. When we have blockages, as Guides many times share, it is in truth crystalized lower thoughts or other wounds or traumas, impeding the energy to freely flow throughout the entire fascia and nervous system, this is why clearing them regularly is so important.
Many of you as I see often, have inserts or implants in your shoulder portals, fascia, hips, feet, and first chakra, impeding your life force to move flow, and therefore you too, from moving forward.
When you finally release blockages and start healing and activating your light body, the totality, so to speak, as we have an ultimate universal body, of who you are, your divine vehicle in which your Consciousness can travel through time and space, you may experience many sensations, as a confirmation that this process has begun and that if there is no medical cause behind it, signifies a sign that you have activated your light body or part of it.
Remember that we are all unique and while some may feel certain sensations, others may not at all, and all is valid for we cannot compare ourselves to others.
The more you connect to your light body, the more you will expand your Consciousness. Visualize your 12th-dimensional light body or Merkabah, as it is often called, descending from God 12th dimensional World, into all of your chakras, crown, and heart center, and then expand it into your entire body, protecting and surrounding yourself with it completely, see how the two star tetrahedrons spin in their right Divine Order, the masculine in a clockwise position, while the feminine is in a counter-clockwise one.
Ultimately, it will spin so fast, that it will become a diamond white orb, surrounding, protecting, and descending more light to you, for it is our 12th dimensional God Light, aside from our central sun plasmatic waves, the ones that serve us to feed our light body.
Correct their symmetry, and movement if necessary, as well as form and other anomalies you may see, as a result of all the programming, self-created patterns, and inserted ones we may have.
When the light body is not activated, as well as our second DNA strand, navigating through other timelines or dimensions is not yet possible, and often what many experience as interdimensional traveling, has been happening only in the 4th astral dimension and its many illusions.
Our Light body is part of our God’s vehicle, as our ultimate vehicle is more complex in structure. It is where the Light starts descending into our energetic body. If there are blockages in it, it is difficult for us to receive the full spectrum of our God Self transmissions, and also the tools we work with, especially with the Rays of Creation, as first they need to be rehabilitated in our earth’s structures to be able to be descended upon us, and last our light body channels, which need to be as well in perfect flow and alignment to our soul, monad and God Self.
Ascension is not a mental concept, when we are fully immersed in this journey, working towards physical ascension or earth’s graduation as often Guides call this process, we need to understand that our simple desire is not enough to be able to create the shift in our bodies necessary to shift dimensions.
Our pure intention, the love we hold within, and our benevolent acts are primordial to ascend. However, when we enter into deeper ascensional stages, we need to balance our intentional desire with exercises that will enhance our light quotient and intention to retrieve our original template.
You are all BEcoming who you truly are, in nature. The more you consciously embrace your power and use it to liberate yourself from all that is not authentic, from all that is not you, the more you will feel the shift in consciousness, and timeline that takes place when you are finally anchoring yourself into a new harmonic sphere of Creation.
May you continue being a Light Beacon for yourselves and All, beloveds.
In the midst of seeming whirlwind changes and currents, let us stay centered in the heart and soul, and embody Divine Love.
As we unite in the sacred circle of Love, with loving intend, we hold the loving vision of Oneness and unity, we love it into form and being, undeterred.
For it is infinite love which birthed all of creation, visible and invisible, known and unknown.
For this moment is a pivotal key in the great resurrection of light.
The signalling of now, is arising, as we come to terms with the great changes that are approaching us.
In a physical perspective, but also in a multidimensional perspective.
We Are Asked To Embrace Change In A Positive Format of Light.
Let us move into a Wonderful Age, of a time imprinted with a new way, aligned with compassion, hope and stability for the many who are suffering in the physical dimension.
Your role has been pivotal to the great changes that are appearing now in your world, as the mass awakenings of light workers assist the great changes that are appearing.
We ask you to see the great awakening of this now moment. For it is powerful beyond the comprehension of the general human.
The word “soon” is perhaps bandied about with some ease, to the point that it has lost some of the immediacy inherent in its meaning, but the truth is, time is most certainly relative, and thus soon is as precise as anyone can really get, especially when the length of hours is being impacted by conscious manipulation. There is some stretching of time going on in the warp and weave of the area of space you find yourselves hurtling through at the moment, and that is to be expected from time to time, as eons go. It’s really nothing to worry about, but it does lend itself to some need to let go of strict reckoning of the passage of events and pay closer attention to the spaces between them, instead. That is where the real magic happens; that is where the light bends around things to reveal life’s sublime secrets.
from “Remembrance: Pleiadian Messages in Preparation for Contact”
(Logbooks of the League of Light, vol. 1)
On Friday, February 14th, we have Mercury, the Messenger, shifting into flowing, water sign Pisces were he will be until March 3rd, and then again from March 29th through April 16th because of a retrograde cycle that he will travel through starting mid-March. Mercury rules thoughts, ideas, perceptions, perspectives, logic, information, messages and communications. His reasoning and knowledge is considered very left-brained.
However, Pisces is about intuition, imagination, instinct, impressions, creativity, mysticism, unconditional love and transcendence. Pisces energy is considered right-brained and of the world of Spirit and Oneness. While Mercury is in Pisces we let go of the rational and enter the world of dreams. We realize that what we are perceiving is malleable and subject to illusion. We allow the mind to expand into our higher psychic senses. We merge our mental faculties with the Infinite All That Is!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, the Messenger, shifting into flowing, water sign Pisces
Mercury enters Pisces – Information seeking, fact-finding Mercury dives into the baffling waters of Pisces. In this place, there are no clear answers, no easy check boxes, no pros, no cons. Maybe you’re confused, lost, don’t know what to think. Messages come through the ether. The subtext becomes text. Silence says more than words. You can decide not to decide. You can wait for the waters to become clear. It’s all about what you feel. Ask your intuition. Go with the flow.
Let your thoughts grow still. Become reflective like a pool. Be silent. Listen. Open a dialogue with your unconscious mind. Meditate, listen to music, read poetry, daydream, make art. Flood your imagination with inspiration. Contemplate the cosmos. There is meaning in your experience, even if it’s not apparent.
‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its keywords are ‘Unify, Attract and Purpose’. Today is also a Portal day, the only one in this wavespell (and one of only two wavespells that begin on a Portal day, the other is Red Dragon). As with the beginning of all wavespells, we must contemplate the agenda and make a conscious effort to journey with it. When beginning a new wavespell, it’s best to identify your Purpose. This wavespell is about communication but how you experience that agenda, is up to you. What purpose do you have for communicating? What conversation do you need to start and with whom?
Today is White Wind which represents ‘Communication, Spirit and Breath’. A wavespell that begins on a Portal day and a White Wind, can only mean one thing. We must open the channels of communication. Now is the right time to start that dialogue, ask that question or write a story. Take this opportunity to express yourself and be heard. When you combine the meaning of the number and day the result is ‘attract communication’ or ‘unify spirit,’ to summarize; If talking is not your thing, work on it over the next 13 days. You may be surprised where that may take you. Expect to receive amazing messages and remember to listen as well as talk.
The Guide today is also White Wind and so an extra windy day for us all.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Human. Challenges are meant to make us stronger and Yellow Humans always have trouble communicating. Sorry, but you’ll have to hang in there, the next 13 days will test your patience but bring great rewards if you are willing to face things. Humans are great at channeling but that information needs to be shared and not bottled up.
The Occult Power is the Blue Storm. There is powerful magic today with the disruptive Storm in the Occult position. This suggests that communication has the power to make big changes in your life. Don’t waste this awesome opportunity and invite sweeping changes into your life. There’s magic available to help you make these changes, all you have to do is believe.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. Find someone born on a Red Earth day and they will provide great conversation. If you are a Red Earth, expect to play the role of messenger today, you will be of great help to others. If you don’t know one that you could ask for help, remember that anyone can evolve today in a friendly, gentle way. You don’t have to know the Ally personally, to benefit from their advice.
MANTRA I UNIFY in order to COMMUNICATE Attracting Breath I seal the input of Spirit With the Magnetic tone of Purpose. I AM guided by my own power DOUBLED. I AM a Galactic Activation Portal ENTER ME!
MONTH/YEAR codes 2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 222 = AMPLIFYING the 22 PEACE and MASTER builder code for constructing NEW EARTH.!!
222 = 6 – Heaven/Christ/Romance/Harmony/Family
Today we have a very SPIRITUAL DAY – with the HOLY SPIRIT arriving on a 7 majikal day, bringing us DIVINE MAJIK to the power of 3! It is also a GAP day, so we have a SUPER SPIRIT GATEWAY on VALENTINE’S DAY – when the DIVINE LOVE of SPIRIT will enfold our planet.. WHAT A BLISSING! .
The DIVINE WINDS have arrived today to SEAL the transformation through the WILL of SPIRIT – Spirit has the LAST WORD!!
NOW is the time for humanity to build a beautiful NEW compassionate and LOVING WORLD.
Spirit is TAKING CHARGE and leading us into a NEW GOLDEN ERA, highlighting the DIVINE PLAN and SERVICE to humanity.
Get ready to UNITE with your kin, and communicate the Will of Spirit through your GALACTIC MISSION!
We have just concluded a 13 day cycle with our MOTHER GODDESS, and now she hands the baton to our DIVINE FATHER.
Today is the first day in our 13 day journey through the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the GREAT WHITE WIND who holds the power of Father God – the masculine aspect of SOURCE/CREATOR.
This WHITE WIND will take us through until FEBRUARY 26th when we have a DATE with the great WHITE COSMIC WIZARD – how EXCITING – mark that on your calendars!!!
WHITE WIND is “setting the course” ensuring that we evolve our human will to that of the DIVINE PLAN. A wondrous RESET for humanity.
KIN 222 is the DIVINE MASTER BUILDER of HEAVENLY PEACE – we are in for a HUGE INFLUX of DIVINE balancing energies to restore EQUILIBRIUM…
GOD has a plan for us ALL – and it is GLORIOUS!
The key words for the WHITE WIND are- SPIRIT, BREATH and COMMUNICATION. Our purpose for this wavespell is to become hollow vessels, freeing ourselves from lower ego, and allowing the breath of Spirit to FLOW through us. We are becoming Divine Messengers, channeling SOURCE, elevating our MISSIONS and our consciousness to new HEIGHTS!
This White Wind Wavespell our communication channels should be much CLEARER, after our purification process with the GODDESS.
The THEME for this wavespell is that of being better able to clearly HEAR the Divine messages from Spirit, and connect with greater Heavenly guidance. Equally the path is two way – so our prayers will be heard, answered and responded to, as we can BOTH transmit and receive with much more CLARITY. HALLELUJAH!
We will have much more guidance and momentum to move FORWARD now, instead of having to keep re-ACT-ing to the energies (especially as MARS moves DIRECT now!)… We can integrate them and decide WHERE to direct these energies.
Spirit is talking – giving us DIVINE MESSAGES so we need to be STILL, ensuring we hear and EMBODY this wisdom.
We will be REFLECTING on our communications and relationships with others, helping us to RESET our MINDS, words and those of our financial, technological and communications systems in every arena.
We culminate this wavespell with the COSMIC WIZARD on day 13.. and wizards RULE technology so stay tuned for an upgrade to all our systems to the Divine Harmonic order.
Today we are setting the “tone” for this cycle, that is setting forth our goals, purpose and intention of how you wish to utilize the FLOW of SPIRIT through your vessel, in attracting your greater purpose.
A beautiful prelude to this BRILLIANT SHIFT into the new TIME, SEEDING our hopes and dreams through our ACTIONS. A TIME holding much promise, opportunity and accelerated POSITIVE GROWTH!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetizing all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in PURPOSE, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine.
Today we are seeking to attract better communication and connection with our Creator, our cell-ves and our kin… We are seeking to UNIFY with all our world.
What a perfect day for humanity to come together as ONE VOICE – as ONE FORCE, ONE LOVE, ONE BODY, ONE WORLD!!
The attraction seeks to UNIFY all as ONE, as we collectively manifest our new 5D Earth together!! MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them.
The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY! This will also be the THEME for this wavespell – UNIFICATION through the power of Spirit.
Today’s question is ” How can I become a PURE VESSEL for the breath of Spirit to FLOW through, becoming the WIND beneath my sails, and guiding my DIVINE MISSION?”
“Am I truly LISTENING and ACTIONING the messages I receive from Spirit?”
“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts”. This is a Sacred Salutation which is used by all the Hierarchy, and the Sons and Daughters of LIGHT to greet “The Father” before His Throne.
IN JOY on this HOLY, DIVINE, LOVE drenched DAY!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
KIN 222 occurred 45 moons ago on 25 July, 2021 which was the LAST DAY of the BLUE LUNAR STORM YEAR!!
The role of the LUNAR STORM was to reveal all the discordance and polarity conflicts in our world through challenges to STRENGTHEN us. Through resistance and adversity is born STRENGTH. Thus the STORM acted to uncover and dissolve the disharmony, asking us to CHOOSE what sort of world we want to live in.
Since then we have journeyed far -through the ELECTRIC SEED YEAR in 2021, the SELF- EXISTING MOON YEAR in 2022 and the OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR in 2023, only to revisit the BLUE STORM in 2024 – with the arrival of the RHYTHMIC STORM.
NOTE: We are currently at the HALF-WAY point in the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM – KIN 19.. This time the STORM will be less chaotic and more harmonious (than the LUNAR STORM) as it seeks to construct through ORDER and bring BALANCE. A much calmer transformation – THANK GOD!
And so the TRIPLE WHITE WIND – has an AGENDA to support the RHYTHMIC STORM in bringing forth BALANCE through the DIVINE PLAN – the WILL of GOD/SPIRIT!
A very POTENT WHITE WIND cycle with FATHER GOD taking the upper hand!
27 moons ago – KIN 222 arrived on Boxing day – 26 December 2022 – to amplify the divine blessings of CHRIST-MASS day, bringing forth golden rays of Christos energies.
18 moons ago – KIN 222 arrived the day after the 22nd anniversary of 9/11.. heralding a cleansing DIVINE BREATH to wash away our troubles, grief and sadness – funneling them into PEACE, forgiveness and HEALING .
36 moons ago the WHITE WIND wavespell coincided with a superb – SUPER STELLIUM of Planets in PISCES – the loyal Spiritual devotee.
Today KIN 222 arrives on a waning GIBBOUS moon in VIRGO – the sign of the faithful PRIEST/PRIESTESS…. EMPOWERING us to step up into our new DIVINE MISSION.
This sets the TONE for this wavespell focusing on many BLISSINGS to humanity through PARTNERING with SPIRIT in DIVINE SERVICE…
A WONDERFUL alignment of HEAVENLY DIVINE codes on this GAP portal today -. A Divinely orchestrated BLESSING from SPIRIT!!
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: WHITE MAGNETIC WIND– IK Today we have TRIPLE WIND POWER, on a 7 spiritual MAJIK code, on Valentine’s day and a GAP PORTAL day – so the doors to the Divine Heavenly Realms are WIDE OPEN and FLOWING forth..
Today the WHITE WIND is whispering important messages for your Divine purpose and destiny. TUNE IN and LISTEN carefully. Be mindful and be observant as the communication channels are UBER CLEAR today.
The VOICE OF GOD, will come through much STRONGER today, so find yourself a quiet sanctuary and be STILL, in order to benefit from the whisperings of the GREAT WHITE WIND.
There is much WISDOM to be found through channeling Divine messages, greater than any library or google search!!!. The Divine can teach and show you incredibly wondrous revelations, beyond our limited comprehension or technology.
Spirit may also guide you to go to places or connect with people in order to open their hearts and minds to the Divine.
Open your EARS and EXPAND your channel, allowing Spirit to dance through your vessel. Connect through your HEART and devotional prayer, mantras, yoga and appreciation.
This cycle affords a BRILLIANT opportunity to upskill and embody more of your multidimensional abilities, such as channelling and writing/drawing/singing, light language, symbols, painting, poetry, inventions, codes, frequencies and brilliant new ideas and projects. Make sure you keep a journal nearby to capture all this precious wisdom.
Fill your vessel with the BREATH of SPIRIT and radiate this HOLY LIGHT far out beyond the galaxy.
It is TIME for us all, to embody the frequency of the HOLY SPIRIT!
SUPPORT: RED MAGNETIC EARTH – CABAN today synergistically reveals the signs and symbols from Spirit, which puts you in the FLOW of synchronicity – indicating the RIGHT TIME, and RIGHT PLACE. We need to LISTEN and observe more intently in order to respond with more sensitivity and compassion as an instrument for Spirit.
PACHAMAMA is a vessel for communicating messages from the Spirit realms through the beautiful natural world – the animal, plant and mineral kingdom as well as the 5 elements. Be extra mindful of the BIRDS that appear in the coming days, as our feathered friends are very connected with Spirit as divine messengers.
36 moons ago I was blessed with the presence of a PRAYING MANTIS on my back fence – and yesterday a young Mantis was perched atop my Hills Hoist (washing line). The baby Mantis I saw a few months ago has now grown into a young adult!
MANTIS is a SIGN that we need to be STILL, patient and fully present in the NOW moment, to connect with and hear the messages from Spirit.. The name of this beautiful creature reveals all – he is a PRAYING Mantis, and Praying is a Universal tradition for communicating with GOD/GODDESS/CREATOR. Looking into the EYE of a Praying Mantis is a direct GATEWAY to GOD!
Pachamama is always talking to her children, we just need to TUNE IN and become more observant and grateful for the SIGNS. Watching the cycles and responding to the FLOW through the seasons, as we naturally EVOLVE to Higher INNERSTANDING of our relationship with ALL THAT IS.
PACHAMAMA and SPIRIT work cooperatively in DIVINE SYNCHRONIC HARMONY.. pure majestic RESONANCE through the unfolding of the Divine Plan.
Act on inspiration as it comes to you, without analyzing it. And remember: the breath of Spirit can be as subtle as a fragrance in a breeze. Learn to sense it and experience it. Deeply LISTEN, ground into the EARTH and express strongly, in order to AWAKEN the deepest callings of the Earth, through us.
RED EARTH also blesses you with RIGHT TIMING – and MUSICIAN’s need timing to play harmonies… No surprise that most musicians have RED EARTH in their Galactic signature. Today the MAGNETIC EARTH amplifies your abilities to SING, write and play music with divine words and melodies which stir the heart and soul of the listener..Perhaps SPIRIT will convey significant messages through music and songs today, so turn up the dial and tune in!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE COSMIC STORM– CAUAC brings forth the transformative energies from the COSMOS, that bring the change that LIBERATES us, allowing the flow of pure energy to catalyse the transformation that is needed. Being PURE of MIND and BODY, and totally aligned and ONE with Spirit.
The COSMIC STORM is today’s hidden SUPERPOWER – joining with the RHYTHMIC STORM – that energizes the last PUSH in the BIRTHing of the NEW ERA. Spirit guides us to TRUST in the messages today that bring about the blessed change.
The STORM is our ally, working to FREE us from the DROSS, LIBERATED and PURE in order to FLY FREE on these beautiful new currents of consciousness, flowing into our Destiny!
The COSMIC STORM brings pure transcendence, raising your vibration from the EARTH PLANE to the HEAVENS ABOVE – floating through the WINDS OF CHANGE on streams of pure consciousness.
Imagine yourself being infused and purified with white LIGHT permeating your being, clearing your Body, Mind and Soul with the frequency of WHITE WIND and BLUE STORM.
Lot’s of BENEVOLENT CHANGE is in the AIR!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW MAGNETIC HUMAN – EB empowers you to RADIATE your LIGHT and WISDOM to powerfully influence those around you. They in turn are reflecting back your RADIANCE, as you surround yourself with your TRIBE, who empower your brilliance!.
EB invites you to use your intelligence, and your own independent creativity to foster and empower HARMONY with all beings, as the foundation for the NEW TIME we are entering NOW.
EB challenges you to transcend your ego, during this White Wind cycle. Surrender to the Will of the Divine -attracting all that you need in your Divine partnership and covenant with GOD. This requires total SURRENDER.
Allow SPIRIT to steer your boat, rather than trying to force and control your life, from your little human mind. The vision that Spirit has for each of us, is far beyond what we can comprehend from our limited viewpoint.
The PURER your intent and the more you dedicate yourself to Divine service, the more SPIRIT will co-create with you, bringing forth people, resources and guides, to assist you in realizing your greater Divine Mission.
SPIRIT is calling forth to partner with LEGIONS of souls in this critical phase of our Planetary evolution.
EB is also the keeper of the Golden Chalice or Holy Grail which is today’s GIFT or blessing from SPIRIT…LIBERATING you from the tyranny of debt and enslavement.. OPEN your personal CHALICE to receive, until your cup runneth over, then turn around and fill the cups of others too…
This wavespell will ensure an endless FLOW of prosperity and resources from SOURCE.
When you are ON GOD’S PAYROLL – you can SURRENDER your humanly needs to Spirit – TRUSTING that GOD HAS YOUR BACK – so that you can focus on your Divine Mission.
We are b-EARTH-ing a new Golden ERA of enlightened, benevolent and in-SPIRIT-ed leaders….. kindness and compassion is the new current-sea!
HOW BLESSED ARE WE, precious HEARTS ???, An extremely POWERFUL day (and 13 day cycle) for basking in pure DEVOTION to SPIRIT, as we forge a crystal clear connection to SOURCE, choosing to STEP UP in greater service to the DIVINE and our fellow man!
Today’s question is ” How can I become a PURE VESSEL for the breath of Spirit to FLOW through, becoming the WIND beneath my sails, and guiding my DIVINE MISSION?”
“Am I truly LISTENING and ACTIONING the messages I receive from Spirit?”
“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts”. This is a Sacred Salutation which is used by all the Hierarchy, and the Sons and Daughters of LIGHT to greet “The Father” before His Throne.
With my Sacred Condor as your Guide, Journey beyond time and explore the depths of your soul with this Past Life Regression Guided Meditation. Designed to help you access the depths of your subconscious mind, hidden memories, karmic lessons, and soul connections. This powerful meditation gently guides you into a deep, relaxed state where past life experiences may unfold before you. this meditation gently guides you to explore past lives, uncover hidden memories, and gain profound insights into your soul’s journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your higher self, this meditation offers a safe and supportive space to discover the wisdom of your past.
What to Expect:
A calming, guided relaxation to quiet the mind and body
A step-by-step journey into past life memories
Gentle prompts to explore significant moments, relationships, and lessons from your past lives
A focus on healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
A return to the present with newfound clarity and understanding
Perfect For:
Anyone curious about past lives and reincarnation
Those seeking to heal unresolved emotions or patterns in their current life
Spiritual explorers looking to deepen their connection to their soul’s purpose
Beginners and experienced meditators alike
How to Prepare:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
Use headphones for an immersive experience
Set an intention for your journey (e.g., healing, clarity, or self-discovery)
Keep a journal nearby to record insights after the meditation
Why Past Life Regression?
Past life regression can help you understand recurring themes in your life, release energetic blocks, and gain a deeper sense of purpose. By connecting with your soul’s history, you may uncover answers to questions about relationships, fears, talents, and more.
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