THE WAY OF SERVICE ON EARTH ~ ANOTHER WAVE * Huge Timeline Shift with Massive Downloads ~ The Angelic Human
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Blue Ray Healers and Guardians of New Earth
The Cosmic Egg is breaking open, the Womb of the Universe is rebirthing the Angelic Codes for our Inside Ground Crew Team of the 144 to transform and integrate the Higher Self into the current space suit for all upgrading of the DNA Codons of the 12 Strand Etheric Crystalline Codes of our Original Pristine and Divine Blueprints.
All false stories of the old 3d programmed reality are ending and the New Dream of our Golden Awareness is replacing the dark programs of pain and suffering with the Gnosis of Eternal Bliss Consciousness of the Awakened Mind of Buddha.
All negative thoughts, feelings and emotions continue to be purged, cleansed and released for the upcoming most powerful Eclipse/ Equinox/ Eclipse Passage and Corridor for all our Starseed Earth Angelics to come into their Personal Power as New Earth Shamans, Guides and Healers of our Rainbow Tribe of the New Eden.
The collective Awakening of the 144,000 first wavers is the Event that will be the catalyst for the full Quantum Leap in Consciousness of humanity to shift and jump into the Illuminated Avatars as a new hue-man species we call homo-Luminous.
The Meek are inheriting the Earth in this Now. We are taking back what is our Divine Birthright as Sovereign conscious Co-Creators and Guardians of Gaia Galactica. Nothing can stop us or our mission of full and total Planetary Liberation. All the false ones can do is slow down the process of Resurrection and Ascension, but their time is up and all our Good People of the New Earth Shall rise from the ashes of the old like Phoenixes of the Rising Sun, as our success is emblazoned upon every Living Heart as we Celebrate our Victory in the Light! A’Ho!
We made a huge timeline shift with massive downloads into our energy fields and a powerful push to clear all remaining inbalances, entity attachments, etc, including the push for physical purging and parasite cleanse.
I have been doing internal energy work for the whole of last night and more balancing during the day to finally land back on my feet just before I post this.
We are pushed to the edge of what is bearable, but hey, we volunteered to participate in the greatest Ascension experiment ever conducted on Earth : Ascension with and through the Human Body.
As your Earth’s plane is going through a lot of changes, any information transmitted to you by the Universe may seem a bit anticlimatic. That being said, it’s time to get ready for another wave in this tsunami of growth. Those who are just beginning to walk their paths may still be prone to projection and denial because they know nothing else.
Be patient, be kind, show compassion, remember you have been where they are now and most importantly send Unconditional Love! The journey may not always be easy, but love will always make it better.
As the September Equinox approaches, final tests and choice points begin today. Stay grounded and present, navigate your path with integrity, and shape your reality through daily choices that align with your divine purpose and heart’s truth. Sacred Partnerships are emerging in preparation for the next cycle of missions in the physical realm.
As Divine Ones with an Activated Kundalini/Light Body /Merkaba, You are able to leave this reality at any given time, however, You have Divinely Agreed to rapidly evolve the energetic environment for Humanity, to basically free the Entire Earth from the Purgatory State. The Purgatory Level being the upper most level accessible by evil and the remnants of darkness, in the next level up from Purgatory, evil and the remnants of darkness cannot exist, and Humanity is “Home Free”.
Although You are incrementally evolving the physical vessel into more Crystalign, You also have the ability in the blink of an eye to complete the process, if needed, as well as an early pick up by Your Galactic Designation that directly takes You off of Earth. This is said to remind You of Your Divine Ability, and if unbeknownst to You Prior in this Ascension.
The Divine Plan is to Ascend the Human Souls not quite Divinely ready yet to evolve their physical vessels into the higher Crystalign Process that is achieved through the Activation of the Light Body, to the energetic space and environment, free of stress, so that They can rapidly evolve. This is the Divine Plan and Planetary Mission.
The overall Divine Plan is overseen on the Etheric Level and nothing is by chance that occurs in this reality, for it is the Abstract Conscious Guidance that guarantees and ensures this Planetary Ascension, and this comes from the Omnipotent Creator in conjunction with the Ground Crew of Conscious Co-Creators, or also known as the “Ascended Masters” incarnate in physical forms.
It is made clear that once Your multidimensional ability is activated, it is Your key out of this reality instantly, if Divinely Required, so there is nothing to fear, all is Divinely Secured.
9/4/24: Park your expectations this month. You’ll have plenty to work with without them. This is a month of windfalls, opportunities, karmic paybacks, and balancing acts. You’re on a roller coaster that’s been built both for and by you, but it’s your experience of the ride that is your ultimate takeaway… plus the wisdom that is distilled when it’s over. In the end, it’s who you are, not what you have, that matters. Today can open doors for you socially and creatively. It’s great for networking and establishing and strengthening support systems. (The Dragon loves connections, galas, and name-dropping.) Make friends this month. They’ll make great resources and playmates.
TODAY more than ever, We are called to be who we really are and to let go of masks, fears, and ego, because the more we cling to that which holds us back in the attachment to the THIRD DIMENSION, the harder the path seems, because we are today. living inside a game where the rules have changed…
We are already in the LIGHT, so everything must BE LIGHTED.
Don’t allow your EMOTIONAL MIND and BODY to stay tied to emotional states of FEAR, GUILT, PAIN or PRIDE do everything in YOUR POWER to HEAL and INTEGRATE these aspects into LOVE and be able to humbly OPEN YOURSELF to CHANGE and TRANSFORMATION…
In these TIMES LIGHT is moving towards each of our aspects in order to ILLUMINATE them, so we can align ourselves with our DIVINITY THE ALMIGHTY PRESENCE I AM…
However, it is up to you to remain attached to these aspects of your ego and refuse to CHANGE, ENLIGHTENMENT transforms into a continuous struggle and the path becomes a slope…
The best attitude you can take RIGHT NOW is CONSCIOUS observation and TRUST that without resisting the LIGHT will guide you.
This is why the innocence of children is so fundamental TO BE like CHILDREN, Light, Confident and Unattachment is the EASIEST way to enter the KINGDOM of HEAVEN….
Dear brothers and sisters of the earth at this moment I speak to you with Rays of light of whom you are part of.
All in the Universe Shine Together as One, as the Climax of Frequency abounds and leads us to a New Earth.
a Cycle of completion is approaching, many of you who will receive this message Understand The Power of Service.
they will close their own understanding until they have a desperate need for the Service of others.
This will be the turning point of Awakening, when they understand the importance of living like Spirit.
Service to others brings Strength and Light, light dwells throughout the Service, whether it is providing water, stray animals, giving clothes to the needy, food, etc.
The whole Service carries a frequency of light in the Higher Realms.
There are light services with unlimited options, Whether it is Ceremonies to Bless Babies, Ambassadors of Peace and Unity, Taking Care of Animals While Others Travel.
These are just some of the Star Seed Services, at your Origin Star while serving others on earth.
Be the Truth that you are also serving yourself, because all life carries the Holy Essence of a creator.
This Powerful vibrational frequency is Love, it is the ACTIVATION of LIGHT IN YOUR SOUL.
Explode in Bliss When you serve with Love.
So the service brings you light , this light expands your being and you find fulfillment, while your soul only echo in love.
Stay strong as you remember your Light!
Soon you’ll change to shine in the eighth Superior of light.
Imagine The Power of a Higher Intention with Extended Meditation.
Extend your light brothers and sisters of the earth!
the 4th of September is a very important day of deep liberation in the quantum for the feminine and also a day in which great, lost and forgotten feminine elements will re-emerge from the depths of the cosmos!
These elements are connected to the Yin and Yang lost elements and memories of relating!
The world we are living in is not what we thought, it is one full of mysteries and unknown worlds with forgotten history.
We are moving through the layers of the forgotten stories and reclaiming our powers, rights and freedoms!
We are the pirates, the exiles of the fallen program.
The program does not want free souls or free thinkers so it spits them out and this is to our advantage!
The main feminine energies are meeting and re-emerging together from the depths of the cosmos, clearing once and for all the energies of the past but above all, showing the way to the future and a new establishment.
One that will include the feminine Principle as a co-creator.
She is on the Wheel pointing towards the future and whoever doesn’t like that….
well, they are going to have to deal with their denial or childish false sense of power and adjust to the new organic establishment via natural law and redirect themselves
because things have changed.
The 5D Twin Flames are in equal and synchronised co-existence and co-creation within Love and Wisdom!
They are smart.
They are aware of the power of the True Union and what its enemies are.
They do not engage in separate or antagonistic thinking towards each other because of their different nature nor do they project their unresolved issues onto each other.
They are adult Souls, they have done the inner work, they have claimed their freedoms and they know themselves deeply, so they honour each other’s qualities as they understand that they are both different essences of the same universal energy of wholeness.
This is why they hold their Flames alive and sound and know how to use them!
There is no other way to be the owner of your Twin Flame and its properties, you have to be truly smart, meaning you have to have gone beyond the fallen and programmed personality and its pitfalls of trauma, victim and victimizer/sadist and masochist, and have to have moved into the Waters of the Free!
This is where the system is changing and the individual is reconnecting to the True Worlds!
Code 144000, Free souls of the World Unite and Take Over!
Blessings of Self Driven Love and Acceptance!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
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CODE 144000
Aurora Ray
The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now
I am so thrilled to share this information with all of you who have been willing to deal with the deep and dark issues that have been left to fester in the shadows for far too long. I am sharing this message with you all in this way because I believe that you are the leaders in this mass ascension process. You are showing us all how we can evolve into beings who live our lives loving each other and loving ourselves.
The light is shining down on you and loving every bit of who you are. You are a way-shower, and you are shining your light in the world, allowing that light to shine upon others and inspire them to do the same. You are bringing about a revolution of light, a grand change in human consciousness that will reverberate throughout the Universe for millennia to come.
Thank you, my friend. I want to tell you something important, something that will perhaps offer some perspective on what you are doing here, right now. What you are doing here is a very big deal!
What you are experiencing is important, and you are not alone in your experience. And it might be that if you could take a step back and look at the big picture of things if you could see all that is involved in this entire collective, then perhaps your efforts would be better framed because they all rely on each other. It is all interconnected, so much so that there is no separation.
We are witnessing what spiritual evolution looks like. We are living in a time when masses of people are waking up, questioning the assumptions that underlie their lives, and making changes to their beliefs, attitudes, and their behaviors. And these changes bring layers of light into the dark material world, creating great beauty and an abundance of positive outcomes.
So, to the rest of you, your family, your friends, and associates, who are not on the path of ascension, the message is simple: be patient with them. Be a pillar of strength for them. Be a witness for those who will not change until it is time. They know that they are in transition. This planet is vibrating now at such a high frequency that it will move anyone who is not willing or ready to move into the next realm of existence, and they are choosing to go with it or not at this point.
In these times of great change, it is easy to feel overwhelmed with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and despair. It seems as though nothing we do makes any difference. But that’s the beauty of being a human on planet Earth. We don’t have to change the whole world; we only have to change ourselves. And when we do that, it ripples out and has a huge impact on the collective consciousness of this planet. There are many triggers coming up for everyone individually as well as collectively, but no one needs to suffer from these things.
By learning how to meditate and connect with higher dimensional energies and beings, you can feel a sense of purpose and direction in your life. You are showing a new way to deal with these issues by creating peace within yourself.
At each given moment, meditation is a key factor in clearing your energy body of garbage, allowing greater synchronicity and helping you to achieve the high vibratory state that is optimal for you. Meditation helps to preserve the essence of your being in your physical life and helps to bring you joy.
I wish to thank every one of you. Every single one of you whose hearts are beating right now who have come into this lifetime to experience ascension. Congratulations to you all.
Thank you so much. I want to take a minute to thank you for all that you’ve done and your willingness to stand up and be the change agents of this world when everyone else was sitting down in fear. Thank you so much for that. Congrats on your courage!
You are the warriors. You are the honored yet nameless workers. You are the ones who have fought in the battle, who have shown their faces in and above the fray, yet somehow earned respect and praise for it. You don’t expect recognition; in fact, you do not even want it. You know, it is enough to just be regarded as a member of the brotherhood or sisterhood that strives to continue what has been started. We are merely one piece of a grand tapestry woven by so many others that we can never hope to fully understand their contributions.
You are meditators. You are healers. You are communicators. You are the voice of spirituality.
Thank you for being here for humanity. Thank you for being you. And thank you for allowing me to be part of your process of enlightenment and collective contribution.
AWAKEN to the Energetic call, Encoded in every Breath, Light Ray.
Take a Leap, follow your Internal Light Calling.
As the Light Escalation continues, as global trauma is collectively released, know your energetic role will unfold before you, as your vibrational frequency aligns to the greater good of humanity.
As a Wayshower, you hold the vision of the future, the transformational Light Keys. Know you are an antenna of light, situated throughout your world.
Some choose to keep this awareness within their internal consciousness, while others are called forth to share and direct their energy to awaken others, creating a platform of change.
Many are truth seekers, impelled to spread the message of the current fracturing of your world.
Know your connection with all living beings is part of your transformation work. As we collectively work in a space of unity consciousness.
SEE Mother Gaia rapidly expanding into a global force of light.
Awakened you are, part of this upgrade, working together in unity and light.
Sending waves of cosmic love & guidance for your journey xo
The entire Chakra energy system is clearing out energy vampires. Rest may be needed as illusions and emotions are releasing so you can access your own truth. This expansion brings major blessings for your Light Body. You will soon be able to focus and learn about your new embodiment and abilities. This upgrade is putting you into a very powerful abundant position. It will override all energy siphoning, manipulation, and betrayal that you’ve experienced in the old earth.
On Wednesday, September 4th, active Mars, the Warrior, will shift into sensitive, water sign Cancer at 3:46pm EDT where he will be until November 13th, and then again from January 6th – April 17th, 2025 because of a retrograde motion that will begin this fall. Mars is about energy, action, and forward movement and he will be channeling his life force through emotions, intuition, home, family, nurturing, caretaking, empathy and vulnerability.
It is not a comfortable place for this masculine planet to be. He is more about confidence, courage, strength, virility, passion, sexuality, force and willpower. But, in this sign of the Crab he must feel the flow of the moods that this sign provides. Perhaps this will aid in the awakening of the Divine Masculine Archetype within us all! He will have one last pulse of directness today, as he inconjuncts powerful Pluto, planet of volcanic, potent force at 1:59pm EDT. Then, the waters of vulnerability will wash over him.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, the Warrior, will shift into sensitive, water sign Cancer
Mars enters Cancer. Venus conjunct the South Node in Libra. Neptune retrograde in Pisces trine Pallas in Scorpio – Falling into the past, old flames flickering, memories stirred. Here is the lost love, the one that got away, the one who left you shattered, the one that left you with a secret smile and cherished nights. Here too are the other loves, people, objects, places, all the things that once stirred your heart and reminded you of the beauty of life. Sometimes we have to go backwards to go forwards, to remember what it is to have the heart flung open. Sometimes we need to feel the old feelings, get a little sentimental, just to churn up some energy and get us passionate about living again.
Whilst Mars may struggle in Cancer, he does his best here to put us in touch with what is important to us when it comes to our personal life. Here is a little fire to warm ourselves upon, a spark to get excited about, a mission, a plan to make home feel more comfortable. But maybe too, there are rumbles as old moods ripple through. If you feel a furious hunger, look to where you may need emotional sustenance. The connection between Neptune and Pallas tells us that there are unconscious patterns at work and unlimited wisdom when we dare to go within. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is rest. Emotional strength requires self-nurture.
The number 7 is called ‘Resonant’ and its keywords are ‘Channel, Inspire and Attune’. The 7th day is all about using your intuition to guide you further on your mission. This wavespell of the Red Skywalker is all about adventures and getting out of your comfort zone. Well, today you can resonate more with this energy if you ‘tune in’. Be prepared to receive messages via dreams or happenstance. Don’t disregard their significance, they may be vital clues.
Today is Blue Storm and its keywords are ‘Catalyze, Energy and Self-Generation.’ Stormy days blow in the changes and can be quite disruptive. Sometimes that’s what it takes to move forward, so don’t resist it. Harness this intense energy and make big changes in your life. As it is a ‘Resonant’ day, using your intuition will help you understand what changes to make.
Today’s Guide is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion’. Monkey is a powerful guide and he can show you the magical path. However, if you are acting like a fool, you will trip on the banana peel. He likes to play! ‘Respect Magic’ is Monkey’s message and he guides you to magical changes in your life on this Stormy day. All you have to do is understand the difference between illusion and magic.
The Challenge of the day is the Red Moon, so people born on a Red Moon will not enjoy this disruptive energy. How can one relax when the wind is howling and a storm is brewing? Don’t panic, all you have to do is make some changes and harness that energy. You might surprise yourself and discover ‘a change is as good as a rest.’ For everyone else, expect not to get a chance to rest and take it easy today. There’s just too much going on. If you try to hide in bed on a day like this, the Storm will come to you.
The Occult Power is the White Wind. Expect a magical communication today, either a coincidence or an extremely helpful bit of information. Keep your ears open, spirit is trying to convey to you potentially vital messages. As it is a number 7 day and that represents channeling, you can expect communications coming from all directions today.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun, providing illumination to all who seek help and support. If you are a Yellow Sun, you’ll enjoy the stormy weather as usual and expect to be called upon by those blown away by the energy.
If you don’t have one handy, not to worry! The Sun will shine on you illuminating your path in a friendly way.
A very powerful majikal day is on its way, seeking to LIBERATE our PLANET!
Day 7 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of AWAKENING to our true selves through exploration and EXPANSION.
Today we are clearing out all the emotional debris to create more SPACE for the LIGHT to enter!
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully ignites the cleansing and transformational potentials today as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces. Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. So it is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment that is available to us all.
Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician – giving us DOUBLE the MAJIK today with the MAJIK MONKEY in the Higher Self/Guide position…
Today’s question is “What debris can I majikally transform, in order to attune to HIGHER FORCES and create SPACE for more LIGHT to enter !”
“How can I use my innate MAJIK to catalyze tremendous (beneficial) CHANGE in my life?”
Divine blessings for the CATHARTIC cleansing today! May the STORM bless our PLANET with Multi-dimensional RAINBOWS. .
Happy travels adventurers!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
What are you ATTUNED to today?
What type of LIFE are you generating, to LIBERATE and EXPRESS your true self?
CAUAC signals MAJOR transformation, change, and self generation. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The ARRIVAL of THOR and the THUNDERBEINGS who bring the final transformation.
To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the STORM, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help us in the disintegration process that moves us from separation to Ascension. This initiation by electrical FIRE breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of ALL THAT IS.
BLUE STORM provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything. You give up what you SEEM to be in order to become fully what you ARE. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever.
SOURCE: The Mayan Oracle – Ariel Spilsbury DIVINE GRATITUDE
Allow BLUE STORM’s energies to purify and cleanse you in your final stages of initiation, in preparation for your rebirth through the YELLOW SUN supporting energies today.
NOTE: If you are done with purging and are on the road to Self-Mastery, then today’s challenge is how well you can stay centred and balanced, calmly seeking refuge in the EYE of the STORM! As the energy is RESONANT on the EMOTIONAL plane, we may see many eruptions, chaos, conflict, DISCLOSURE, rebellion and uprising today.
The RESONANT tone finely attunes this STORM with the prime objective being CHANGE and LIBERATION through TRANSFORMATION. The RESONANT STORM will be the catalyst for the ACTIVISTS, LEADERS and wayshowers to channel these tremendous evolutionary energies to INSPIRE others by their actions.
NOTE: If the star glyph for CAUAC/BLUE STORM appears in your own personal Galactic signature, in ANY position, then today your catalytic powers will be EXPANDED exponentially! Get ready to BE THE CHANGE that you have been waiting for!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE RESONANT MONKEY CHUEN loves to PLAY, and brings forth great MAJIK and merriment. CHUEN in the HIGHER SELF position guiding this RESONANT STORM is very formidable.. We have a 4/17 CODE to fuel the creation of your LEGACY today, with a tone 7 and a MAJIK MONKEY This MONKEY is fully primed for QUANTUM MANIFESTATION…
This cheeky, mischievous Monkey has many TRICKS up his sleeve, the UNKNOWN can happen today particularly with a BLUE STORM catalytic CODE activated…
GREAT MIRACLES are possible with this energy today.. DIRECT IT with great CAUTION and LOVING INTENTION…
This unpredictable STORM may change direction or create unexpected EVENTS to unfold or transpire. CHUEN is the Magician and Time Traveller so we have the makings of the KANSAS tornado today – carrying us off to a Majikal destination.
We are off to SEE the WIZARD! The EMERALD CITY is nigh!
This MAGICIAN will also reveal any illusions, deceptions and TRICKS – what was UNSEEN can now be SEEN in the LIGHT of DAY Tune in to discover the TRUTH as the STORM clears the path of all debris!
CHUEN is the DIVINE CHILD who connects to our Creator through his intuition and innate knowing. Today we are attuned to GREAT MAJIK accessed through our DIVINE CHILD and connection to SOURCE to channel this through.
CHUEN invites us to LIGHTEN up and PLAY to channel these Divine energies. As THE STORM FREES us from old stagnant patterns we are inspired to TRUST the chaos as a catalyst for great change.
The MAJIK MONKEY as the TIME TRAVELLER can take us to anywhere we want to BE… Use your MAJIK CARPET to travel to new realities and realms as BEN the SKYWALKER expands our adventures!
Click together your RED SLIPPERS, Dorothy…
SUPPORT: YELLOW RESONANT SUN AHAU the RESONANT SUN is attuning us to the SOLAR ASCENSION CODES streaming forth in every increasing INTENSITY on the EARTH plane. As we channel these transformational energies through our cells, we feel LIGHTER and BRIGHTER, enabling greater soul EXPANSION.
The BRILLIANT SUN-LIGHT shines in the darkest corners revealing the deepest shadows. Pay attention to what the SPOTLIGHT illuminates today so that the flames of transmutation can purify and disinfect the dross.
The STORM brings forth ancestral patterns into the LIGHT to be cleansed and transformed. And the SUN follows the STORM activating all the beautiful RAINBOWS in our skies.. The RAINBOW is GOD/S PROMISE to his CHILDREN, that BLISS is being returned to our planet.
As we channel our SOVEREIGN LIGHT we can LIBERATE our true authentic selves. In anchoring these higher vibrational frequencies onto the planet, we can inspire our KIN to rejoice in the BRILLIANT transformation we are catalyzing, through our reclaimed DIVINE SOVEREIGN POWER
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE RESONANT WIND IK joins with THE STORM in bringing a gust of FRESH AIR! The WINDS of great CHANGE are blowing a GALE.
The WIND may arrive as a gentle breeze, or a HURRICANE – depending on the level of transformation needed.
WHITE WIND brings forth the refining energies of Spirit.. honing our vessels to allow us to be stronger and clearer channels. To fearlessly open our channel to anchor the frequencies through the voice of Spirit… Listening and anchoring the new messages that propel us forward on our missions.
The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed. Follow the guidance of Spirit to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies, fully catalyzing the transformative POWER of the RESONANT STORM.
What type of STORM will you attune to today?
Will it be a cataclysmic tornado crushing everything in its wake?
Or will it be a gentle buffeting wind, guiding your sails to wondrous new lands?
The power of this WIND is also the RESONANT tone, so we can very easily attune to Spirit and channel through INSPIRING Messages needed for our personal and Planetary transformation today.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RESONANT MOON MULUC provides another layer of potent PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life.
MULUC challenges us to let go of the shore, drifting to the middle of the Universal waters in the River of Life and flow…… Allowing and trusting Spirit to take us to our destined path both personally and COLLECTIVELY.. trusting that we are all in the DIVINE FLOW for our Planetary evolution.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT. Become the LIGHTHOUSE – the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT, the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Today’s question is “What debris can I majikally transform, in order to attune to HIGHER FORCES and create SPACE for more LIGHT to enter !”
“How can I use my innate MAJIK to catalyze tremendous (beneficial) CHANGE in my life?”
Divine blessings for the CATHARTIC cleansing today! May the STORM bless our PLANET with Multi-dimensional RAINBOWS. .
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Beloved Mighty I AM Christ Presence within and above, Great Cosmic Beings of Sacred Fire Love and Joy of Infinite abundance of every good and constructive thing in the Universe! I declare that I AM a Prosperous Illumined Being of an Abundant Universe. All that I Require of my God-given Supply and my ability to help others – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually – is available to me now.
I AM drawing forth to myself and all other students of the Radiant Rose Academy and the Academy itself, and the whole wide world in which I live, an Abundance of Happiness, Harmony, and Financial Freedom. I AM open to the flow of Abundance in all areas of my Life. My Grateful Heart Draws Abundance like a Magnet! My days are filled with Endless Expressions of Abundance! I AM so grateful and blessed for Thy loving Abundance!
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