Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Celestial Chosen Ones of the Christed Conscious Evolution
We have transitioned beyond the event horizon, far beyond the point of no return and are entering the singularity of the space time continuum on our journey through the zero point as we break through to the other shore of Enlightenment and Eternal Life in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha.
Today as Mercury our planet of communication ends his retrograde phase and stations direct in Leo the Lion, the Messenger delivers the Holy Fire of the Gods as the Great Spirit gifts us with a parade of Planets as 6 come into alignment in our Night Skies.
On this magical Galactic Day our Pachamama received a powerful activation on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake in El Salvador, Central America at 21:57 UTC.
As we feel our Way through all timelines, dimensions and realms we merge all aspects of our multidimensional self into this One True Light Body of Infinite Light. Keep releasing and letting go all that no longer serves you and the collective and integrate the Higher Self as we step over the threshold of our New Heaven upon our New Earth…A’Ho!
24 hours ago, we experienced some solar activity that brought another physical upgrade, which can manifest in various ways. On top of that, we also have a 6-planet alignment today with Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn all focusing their energy on Gaia, right after your recent upgrade. So, if you’re feeling a little off today, overwhelmed, or irritable in some way, don’t be alarmed. Today is a MEGA energy day. AQ
6 planets align today and provide us with a unique opportunity to align ourselves with our souls spiritual evolution. This is a big one and for those on a conscious path of spiritual and soul alignment, those of us who wish to seek our highest purpose and live in Gods lane of evolution it really is a day to make space to honour yourself with time to bring in clarity.
This alignment isn’t just an astronomical phenomenon; it’s a profound moment of spiritual awakening and transformation. It can enhance your intuition, clarity, and dreams bringing you into full alignment.
The light and energies from these six arc Angel planets brings healing and power.
“Rest can imbue our life when we’re resolved not to give in to excess. Having this Gift also means that we can inspire others. When a stressed out person meets a deeply fulfilled person, a powerful exchange takes place. Be that fulfilled person, and the world will begin to change.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
We are now moving towards September, a month my Guides shared is the month that represents the soul evolution that is taking place in many at this time, as we continue aligning to our Divine Self.
September brings harmonic frequencies but also the intensity we have been experiencing since March of this year, and that will continue until October ends.
We are now entering into a recalibrating, expansive, and stabilizing phase, which I will expand into as we progress into the month.
In October the Libra eclipse will finally seed the peace required for us to end the year gracefully and harmoniously, as after all we have been through, we too deserve to spend some time within divine joy, love, and peace.
September 4th will be a very magical day as the main feminine energies are meeting and reemerging together from the depths of the cosmos, clearing once and for all the energies of the past but above all showing the way to the future!
A new establishment is here.
This is a 5D alignment via the Higher Feminine Principles for all!
“The world will listen! This is the re-emergence!”
We move onto the next level which is all about establishing our 5D functions and taking our destiny in our hands!
Reality has changed for us, the old is melting away slowly and steadily.
The Yin and the Yang now are meant to find a totally new connection via the upcoming September Equinox, the gate of total REBALANCING AND ANCHORING for all the bodies!
We are preparing for this!
Divine Mother is leading the way!
Celebrate yourself!
You are Victorious!
Nike is here!
You did it!
Blessings of Ascension!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there https://www.instagram.com/crystal_indigo144000
8/28/24: This is Virgo’s kind of day as we begin to extricate ourselves from August’s sticky business of outing our internal cobwebs. Whatever lingers now will soon be happily dismantled, sorted, indexed, and filed (along with any remnants that surface tomorrow). But you should sense a call to action today that feels a little like some long lost empowerment.
You were put into timeout in August for honest self-contemplation and scrutiny because September has plans for you and wants you strong and grounded. You’ve got a green light today to rise up and shake off a bit of this month’s fog. But don’t go too far. Tomorrow is our second turning point… and you need to be present for it. You’ll come out ahead if you are.
A Rare and Highly Auspicious Alignment of 6 Planets on August 28th, 2024—Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus—is closing the intense energetics of August just before the onset of the Eclipse Season. This Magical CELESTIAL PORTAL is forming a unique celestial tapestry, weaving together the diverse energies of these planetary archetypes in unity and alignment, and creating a unique energetic signature.
Mercury brings swift downloads of cosmic information; Mars infuses this alignment with a surge of assertive energy; Jupiter brings the activations of profound spiritual and material abundance; Saturn facilitates the clearing of old energetic patterns; Neptune deepens our connection to the unseen and enhances our intuition; and Uranus activates sudden shifts and unexpected breakthroughs.
Expect galactic activations, spiritual upgrades, emotional healing, increased synchronicities, clarity and downloads of information, prophetic dreams, unexpected turns of events and breakthroughs, transformative experiences, and powerful new beginnings. This Planetary Alignment is a rare Gift from the Universe, a Divine Moment where the stars align to offer us a powerful energies, as we prepare to step into the next phase of our Soul Journey.
Embrace this Celestial Portal with an open Heart, and allow its transformative energies to guide you toward your Highest Timeline.
There is HUGE timeline dissolving occurring NOW for those ready to come into alignment with this intention. A completion releasing and letting go of who we were anchored in the idea of Past. We are tying up loose ends literally energetically.
The Akashic Records are being cleared and released. This is EPIC. Expect flashes of memories to rise. And when they do it will be showing how far we have come. That those memories are no longer attached. We are literally energetically being cleared.
This is a Collective Initiation.
If you wish to receive Guidance the Akashic Record Keepers are wishing to communicate with us.
The role that many of experienced them as being – will now change.
I am realising that EVERYTHING is evolving.
No longer an idea.
I am staying at the edge of land and ocean. Where the beaches are full of fossils. The Sand stars that were mountains. I see the Horizon a line which does not exist but yet I see it. Like Time.
Dear friends, the Mercury retrograde period that started on August 5 2024, and energetically influenced most of this month, is ending on Wednesday August 28, 2024, the exact same day the universe is gifting us with the rare six planetary alignment.
And even though this retrograde period has been a great opportunity for reflection, revision, and re-evaluation of our life’s journey, this shift into the direct period in the bold sign of Leo is truly welcomed. We can now expect things to return to “normal”, and the shadow period of two weeks that follows will help us adjust and get back to our new and more enlightened routine.
The energetic landscape now shifts in profound ways. Those of you who are energy sensitives may notice the following shifts:
– Clarity and Communication: The fog lifts, and the channels of expression open wide, allowing our thoughts and ideas to flow like a crystal clear river.
– Technological Ease: The digital realm awakens from its slumber, and the tools of connection and information hum with renewed vitality.
– Progress and Momentum: The pause is over, and the forward march resumes. Projects and plans burst forth with revitalized energy, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
– Mental Clarity: The mind clears, and focus sharpens, like a beam of light cutting through the mist.
– New Beginnings: The universe gives us a fresh canvas, inviting us to paint our dreams and desires with vibrant colors.
– Release of Stagnation: The stuck energy dissipates, like autumn leaves rustling to the ground, making way for the new and the bold.
– Renewed Confidence supported by Leo: Self-expression blooms, and our inner strength shines like a radiant sun.
– Synchronicities and Connections: The threads of fate weave together, revealing the intricate tapestry of our interconnected lives.
As we emerge from the Mercury retrograde cocoon, remember to breathe deeply, trust the universe, and let the new energy carry you forward on the wings of transformation. We are soon also shifting into the new September energies, and the first eclipse of this second season.
Astrologically Virgo energies will play a significant role during this planetary phase , requiring a thorough cleansing of past experiences and anything that is out of vibrational alignment, including individuals who were in life to teach necessary lessons.
There is a purpose for everyone we meet.
Some people will test us , some will use us , and some will bring out the very best in us, but everyone will teach us something more about the self .
Shining our Light in self’s inner darkness turns us into the person we were Always meant to Be. When we choose to ascend we start to awaken to the Truth of who we really are. We expand our awareness in our inner world first .
Our perceptions heighten so we gain a higher understanding by applying the clatity needed. Our intuition heightens us to extend exisiting self as we transcend beyond the illusions..
Old patterns and worn out beliefs no longer serve for further learning. The inner struggle to then let go of all once known . Once the fight / flight reactions are over we have surrendered to trusting in our transformational process leading us higher into the highest self version .
The key to any successful endevour in life is to raise our intuition as much as we possibly can . We then gain the ability to access information and guidance required from a higher and more intelligent and loving source .
New earth is influenced by cosmic energy and this energy is required for eliminating unwanted elements of life. The ascending are awakening to much more and continue to expect important realisations and receive unexpected good news during this planetary energy . the higher self has already decided and knows what is destined for the path , the Concious work around all of this is to trust , do not be afraid and surrender to the higher self / divine intelligence .
No matter what is happening , taking best care of the self is most important. When feeling balanced within all things this is gradually added to life. as the changes occur gradually and incrementally throughout .
During dreaming, spiritual cleansing occurs. As an Ascending collective, individuals will release and rid the self of lingering frustrations caused by past false beliefs and external opinions. This ongoing conscious process results in reshaping experiences that create an intimate space for you to express the authentic self.
In the 5th dimensional awareness, we don’t meditate like we once did . Self is always in a meditation mindset , in the waking hours in living moments , the self is consciously connected to both worlds . In this higher vibrational state , self is cognised with the full understanding that things are playing out in the 3-D outer world that have to by divine intention and it is not that self does not care .
The Ascending are sending light and healing energies into areas that are needed on this planet, knowing this is how we can truly help the frequency and raise the vibration by intentionally sending light into broken areas of this world that need it the most, in 5D beyond dimensions there is no judgement. There is only higher levels of understanding the level of each person and where they are in their own existing level of vibrational conscious awareness .
Ascending souls , this is now about taking the time to re-parent ,re partner with self to rebuild a healthy relationship between the inner masculine and feminine Attributes. Romancing your own life and falling in love with it. Once you have created a divine relationship with self , the heart opens and expands to welcome those who will complement the heaven-on-earth aspects the self is creating.
As the self ascends we attract friendships and relationships where two whole and healed beings meet and add value to each other’s lives. In this type of connection each ascending individual helps the other grow and protects each other’s space and peace. They honour the effort it took to create a sanctuary within the self and in each other’s lives.
Ascending Starseeds truly deserve to experience this kind of love and genuine friendship / connection the type that serves as your divine sanctuary in a transforming world.
The recent downloads received during Lions Gate activations in August are now coming online in our system. You may feel like you’re in an internal battle between the old and the new, testing self’s commitment to change and evolve Ascension symptoms like fatigue, nausea, heavy eyes and legs, mild tummy issues, and minor headaches may occur as the body and third eye detox while grounding in new timelines. Soaking in water can help alleviate these symptoms.
We are preparing to embrace the blessings and infinite opportunities that the Universe has in store , including increased psychic abilities, healing, alignment , balance, new opportunities, freedom, unexpected good news, surprises, breakthroughs, necessary karmic completions , miracles, and answered prayers.
Starseed souls believe in humanity and believe we will come together collectively We believe we will find peace here on earth and there are many now who feel the same . The ascending have awakened to a new era and will no longer tolerate what wasn’t working in the past as change on this planet is now a must . For the highest good of all.
Peace comes with acceptance of what is. To let go of all false agendas and totally and completely allow whatever is here to be here Present in the right now.
The Universe is sending all Ascending souls a strong message of focusing on self-acceptance and encourages the letting go of residual internal negativity. Approaching challenges with grace and honesty, knowing that self embodies the answers within . Trusting that there are always solutions available , waiting to be discovered , enhanced and embraced.
Ascending Souls WE ARE ALL ONE , Only Egos, Beliefs and Fears can ever Separate Us.
We are in an intense time when the cosmic energies plus the solar flares, plus the energies released from both earths, are rising into crescendo, plus other cosmic events which are simultaneously occurring.
Yes, it is all happening at once, and not on visible levels so much, as on invisible levels and as our soul never sleeps (even when we are supposedly asleep) our soul is constantly briefed by our higher guides and Ascended Masters as to what is happening on universal and cosmic scale.
It is time to be gentle with yourself. To let go of all expectations of how things should be, ought to be, need to be, and this includes yourself.
N0-thing is ever going to be the same, for it is not meant to be the same anymore. It all changing form, and what appears to be solid, is not solid anymore. All is shifting form.
Yet, as our vibrational frequencies rise and as we morph from density into the light-filled new forms, we need to be patient with the process. I am always being told that if the changes happen too quickly, our physical forms will disintegrate completely, and so the energy shifts are geared to help our bodies to cope. Yet, it also depends on our emotional, mental and spiritual states as well, for they all are one single entity.
It is so necessary to not only make sure that your clear your energy fields every single day, morning and night, and add extra light bubbles in and around you, to help you to cope and not take in energies into your own fields which are not yours. Be careful what you are watching, what you are listening to, and what you read – you are in sole charge of your own soul, life and well being and no one else!
There are many things now happening on earth which are not broadcast, and yet at a deep level we are tuning into it all. And that “tuning in” is what will become the norm now, and this from the heart center, which always KNOWS for it can tune in multi-dimensional and as our own light quotients increase, the more tuned in we become. Listen to the feedback that is given by what you are tuning in and trust it implicitly and go deeper within and stop listening outside of yourself. All you need to know is already there within you.
Yes, it is challenging at times, yet there are simultaneously so many miracles happening, all at once! With challenges always come simultaneous support, for life strives for BALANCE!
What a time to be alive and being able to experience and witness this unprecedented event unfold!
Remember that the open heart and love is the central unlocking key to the visible and invisible and All That Is, as is the your own soul.
You’re being guided to stay open to the unexpected. In this season of rebirth you are being put first with love and loyalty. You can relax knowing you are safe, and begin enjoying life and having fun.
Take a leap of faith into the zero point of this spiral. Avoid listening to those working against you who want to keep you small. Transformation is happening 012.
Remember that you are God’s Chosen and are here as the Second coming of Christ, leading The Way into this New Earth timeline.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
The Golden Spiral of Life
Ra James
Venus enters Libra today. This brings a nice shift. It will stay here until Sep 22nd. Relationships are about to take on a more harmonious, romantic tone. You will notice that relationships begin to flourish. You’ll find yourself wanting to spend more one on one time with your person. Today also brings us an opposition between Neptune Retrograde and Venus. This opposition starts today and lasts through the end of the week. Neptune energy is all about tapping into your dreams. Venus ruled over love and your finances. Expect major shifts in these areas. Right after moving into Libra, Venus will form a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, which cranks up the intensity within relationships.
Expect your feelings to be amplified. Today brings us a 6 Planet alignment. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn are all in alignment. That makes this a great time for manifesting your dreams and desires. This parade of planets is a great time to be putting your goals into action. Mercury has shifted direct. However, we are in the post shadow period until September. That means the frustrations, delays, obstacles and exhaustion will continue.
This time brings us more clarity though on the themes that came up while it was Retrograde and what you’re currently working on…
August 28, 2024: Mercury Stationary, turning Direct.
On August 4/5, Mercury turned retrograde on the 4th degree of Virgo. It will turn direct on August 28 on the 21st degree of Leo.
In traditional astrology, Mercury describes our conscious mind; our ability to think, talk, and process information. It is also our reality construct – what we believe reality to be. Mercury retrograde periods provide an opportunity to revisit assumptions we hold about our experience of reality.
In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mercury is allied with Thoth, the Sacred Scribe. Thoth is the creator of language, writing, and time and can be considered the creator of 3rd Dimensional reality.
In traditional astrology, Leo is the sign of the individual. Virgo is the process of purification that individual must go through in order to better enter into relationship with others.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Leo is allied with Anubis in his experience of abandonment in childhood. We have all been in some way abandoned. The invitation of Leo/Anubis is to discover, acknowledge and transform those feelings of early wounding.
Virgo is allied with Nekhbet, the Crone Priestess. Nekhbet encourages us to do the work necessary to move through our feelings around abandonment in childhood and into an adult expression of our soul’s calling.
Mercury retrograding from Virgo to Leo has provided a fertile time for personal work. Mercury direct provides an opportunity to take our new understanding for a test drive out into the world. The time of experimentation will last from August 28 to September 12 when Mercury will return to the point at which it turned retrograde on August 5. By September 12, a new level of conscious awareness will hopefully be in place.
Mercury/Thoth turns direct on August 28 at 5:14 pm, EDT.
August 28, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
source: shamanicstarology.com
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
On Wednesday, August 28th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, will shift back to Direct Motion at 21 degrees of Leo the Lion at 5:14pm EDT. This retrograde has seemed to affect many as the Messenger Planet started out in his home sign of discerning Virgo, and then back tracked into “take charge” Leo. Incoming information, communications, and solutions may have been tricky during this retrograde time period, not to mention technology mishaps. Now that this logical planet that rules intelligence, perception, knowledge and our thought processes is turning back to move forward again, we can expect any challenges in these areas to start to smooth out and clear out!
We also have Venus, ruler of partnerships and finances, in the last degree of detail oriented Virgo opposing Neptune, ruler of fantasy and illusion, in the last degree of ethereal Pisces. On the Venus side we have discrimination energy, but on the Neptune side we have rose-colored glasses energy. It would be wise to have greater awareness of what is occurring in relationships and money matters today. Tomorrow Venus Aphrodite will enter her home sign of Libra, sign of the Scales, and perhaps she will feel more balanced then.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, will shift back to Direct Motion at 21 degrees of Leo the Lion
Mercury stations direct in Leo. Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces – After three weeks of delays, reviews, snarl-ups and stops, we finally find our way back to the road, back to the path of the heart, back to the light after the dark. The challenge is however that although this energetic tide is on the turn, we’re flooded with images, dreams, visions, collective yearnings and sorrows. With the imagination in overload, the heart longs for promised perfection. Maybe it seems like just when you thought you had what you wanted in your grasp, it slips away. It’s so easy to delude ourselves when we look from a place of lack. All the magic you could ever want is right there, curled inside your heart, sleeping peacefully until your love awakens it.
Release unworkable fantasies, unachievable ideals, unrequited love scenarios or connections that leave you feeling empty instead of full. Cry for what was lost then let yourself feel the deep gratitude for what once was. Peel away the dream to reveal the glorious reality. Bathe in the healing waters of forgiveness. Practise compassion. Reestablish healthy boundaries. Pour your energies into imaginative projects and creative endeavours. When you feel coherent and at peace, your soul song becomes apparent. Find your muse.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence.’ The last day of a wavespell is often the trickiest because you must process the 13-day journey that you are completing. If you began this wavespell of the Yellow Sun consciously with the intent of enlightenment, you should have experienced ‘Eureka!’ moments along the way. Before moving on to the next 13 day journey, it is important to ponder and digest what you have learnt in this one in order to make the most of it.
Today is a Yellow Human day which represents ‘Influence, Free Will and Wisdom’. There is a lot of poetry to be found in the patterns of the Tzolkin and the connection between the first and last days is always interesting. We began with Yellow Sun and the final destination brings us to the Yellow Cosmic Human. This suggests that the quest for enlightenment results in channeling wisdom, or in other words, opening ourselves up for divine knowledge. The ‘Free Will’ enters into the equation because it is up to us to do whatever we choose with the knowledge we are gifted. So, on this ‘Cosmic’ day consider what you’ve learnt and remember that you are a vessel to be filled and so try to remain open.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Questioning and Intelligence’. Warriors have iron willpower and to be guided by this energy today can lead us to a quest. That quest may be for knowledge as ‘Intelligence’ is a keyword associated with Warrior. Much can be learned today but it may be a battle, it may be a little enduring but if you are strong willed you will succeed in your mission.
The Challenge of the day is White Wind which represents communication. If you are a White Wind today will test you but that’s not a bad thing….you know you must try harder to listen to your intuition, so make that your mission today. For the rest of us beware communications may not go smoothly.
The Occult power is the Red Moon which represents ‘going with the flow’ and since it is in the position of magic, today will have powerful lunar influences and if you surrender to it, this will make the ‘enduring’ day easier. I always tap into the Occult power of a day to help me out whenever it’s challenging. Chillin’ out today is everyone’s best bet and it helps the intuition flow beautifully.
The Ally is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin, who loves to put their hands to good use and accomplish things. Today, they are very handy to have around! If you know one, grab their hand and they will show you the way. If you are one, you are invaluable to others today so lend that helping hand.
The energy today is expansively AWAKENING our COSMIC INTELLIGENCE!!! Majikal and totally ILLUMINATING!!
We are claiming our DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY as COSMIC HU-MANS today!
Day 13 in the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL is the FINAL day in this incredible EVOLUTIONARY cycle of LIGHT!
We reach COMPLETION and thus are GRADUATING from EARTH SCHOOL with FULL HONOURS as the true Divine Masters that we are!
Day 13 is a day of TRANSCENDANCE where we leave behind our old cell-ves, shedding our heavy burdensome coats, and donning our beautiful luminous Rainbow Coats of infinite colours!
Radiating our full LUMINOSITY!
The COMPLETION of this YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL, will culminate with a BLAST of SOLAR energy, and right ON TIME – with divine synchronicity, EARTH is expecting the ARRIVAL of a HUGE CME headed in our DIRECTION… GET READY FOR TAKEOFF – RAPID HUMAN EVOLUTION!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence Today we conclude our 13 day cycle of seeking more divine LIGHT and WISDOM, in order to embody BUDDHIC CONSCIOUSNESS
We realize that we have transcended the thinking MIND, as we become PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, floating endlessly in the SEA of COSMIC PRESENCE.
You are born anew this day as the NEW COSMIC HU-MAN! The true SOVEREIGN leaders and rulers of Nova Gaia.
Step up and claim your throne!
Today’s question is “How can I reclaim my COSMIC INDEPENDANCE and DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY, becoming a BEACON OF LIGHT to guide and influence others using my COSMIC INTELLIGENCE?”
“Am I ready to claim my GOD given gifts?”
And so we bid adieu to our small YELLOW human, who is now replaced with COSMIC EB, our DIVINE GOLDEN SOUL-AR HU-MAN.
We are not the same humans that we were 13 days ago when we commenced this journey of EN-LIGHTON-MENT with AHAU – the MAGNIFICENT YELLOW SUN .
Our Golden chalice has expanded to hold greater LIGHT and we have learnt to RADIATE like the true LIGHT BEARERS that we are!
No more LIGHT “workers” we are now the LIGHT “HOLDERS” – the beacons, for others to follow, drawn to our LIGHT, in order to navigate safely through the chaos and turbulence into the SOURCE of ALL THAT IS!
You have found your way home precious hearts, now it is TIME, in this NEW TIME, to ILLUMINATE the path for those souls following in your footsteps, as the GREAT AWAKENING unfolds!
We FINALLY leave the past behind, expanding our ability to receive, as we hold and embody more RADIANT SOUL-AR LIGHT.
As we CELEBRATE our homecoming, as the DIVINE COSMIC HU-MANS that we have become, we are now ready to CELEBRATE our lives in ECSTATIC BLISS, as we truly experience what it means to bring HEAVEN to EARTH in our everyday lives.
Tomorrow we are blessed as we unfold our NEW GOLDEN WINGS and learn to FLY with BEN as our guide on the 12.12 portal with a SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON!! RED SKYWALKER, the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, will be continuing our EXPANSIVE BLISS filled adventure, as we commence a brand new Wavespell, and our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
……to be continued.
Divine blessings for our regal COSMIC CORONATION of HU-MAN-KIND today.
COSMIC Salutations precious hearts!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN EB The traits of the YELLOW HUMAN are : free will, influence, making choices, wisdom, abundance, harvest, responsibility and being a receptive chalice. The main goal is to transcend the ego, or lower mind, and align to the higher Divine Mind, in order to become the WISDOM keepers of our time.
The HIGHEST ASPECT of the COSMIC HUMAN is to embody DIVINE MIND or COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS as our GOD SELF – HU-MAN… anchoring our mighty I AM PRESENCE within our Earthly vessel.
The YELLOW HUMAN represents the golden chalice/Holy grail. Before we can fill up our cup with wisdom/love/source energy, we must first seek to be purified and emptied of the dross, otherwise the whole contents will be polluted.
What contents do you need to purify and release, in order to empty your chalice in preparation for SOURCE to fill it up?
Finally we surrender our small human and his FREE WILL, to align and evolve to that of DIVINE WILL. Through this transition we recognize ourselves as SOUL-AR BEINGS, rather than human beings. As our LIGHT has expanded exponentially we can now use our WISDOM and COSMIC intelligence to INFLUENCE those who bask in our glory.
Our Golden chalices are full to the brim, and our Solar cup runneth over. It is time to share your Golden Nectar with the world.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR CIB is the Cosmic Warrior who QUEST-I-ONs the status quo. YELLOW WARRIOR questions everything – our human-ity, our ethics, our values and our culture, in order for us to claim our independent sovereignty.
As we examine our choices we question what it is, to make better choices that benefit our lives and those of others around us, and our world.
Do you make CONSCIOUS choices for your own good and the Highest good of all?
Do your choices harm yourself, or others in any way? Who do they benefit?
As you attain more wisdom, do you apply it to create a better world for others?
CIB the COSMIC WARRIOR assists us in FEARLESSLY aligning our Will with that of Spirit today, as the RAINBOW WARRIORS of NOVA GAIA step up and RISE to the call of DIVINE. Our choices are coloured by our knowing that we are here in the DIVINE SERVICE of manifesting the Will of Spirit – The DIVINE PLAN for EARTH and HUMANITY.
WE are the vehicles to manifest Spirit’s wishes. In this knowing is a deep relaxation to the pure presence of this great wisdom, nothing to do, but be done.
We take the oath of allegiance, to serve our Divine Creator and become the peaceful warrior, anchoring the Solar Rainbow Light codes on this Earth plane.
SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC HAND MANIK provides incredible support today through the healing portal of MANIK. The COSMIC HAND can access all knowledge required for HEALING, learning and soul growth from throughout the entire COSMOS!
Once we attain this wisdom, MANIK provides the energy needed to ACCOMPLISH our intentions. We can take positive ACTION based on our wiser choices, to create the Legacy we envision. Our wisdom and guidance will point us in the right direction. MANIK gives us the POWER to accomplish whatever choices we decide to implement..
We have the POWER to transcend mere human intelligence today, and become ONE with the Cosmos and accomplish en-LIGHON-ment through pure presence.
Why seek intelligence when you can attain GOD MIND?
Just BE and experience yourself as ALL THAT IS, WAS and will ever be in this NOW PRESENT MOMENT!
Aaaaah floating in a sea of PURE BLISS as OMNI-PRESENCE.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED MAGNETIC MOON MULUC allows you to connect with your higher senses and intuitive guidance from Spirit, so that your intelligence melds with your E-motions, flowing naturally into one united body.
This GODDESS is a MAGNETIC one, she is seeking to attract all the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE flowing throughout the Cosmos. Our presence becomes completely dissolved in the unity of Cosmic consciousness.
The GODDESS SUPERPOWER today unites with the BLESSING of the WHITE WIND, to create the Hieros Gamos – the Sacred Marriage – the union of the Divine Masculine and DIVINE Feminine aspects of our soul essence.. As they merge into UNITY consciousness, we can transcend the polarity and SOAR on the COSMIC Winds of ecstatic BLISS.
MULUC is purifying your MIND and your vessel, so that these magnetic impulses can merge into this Cosmic force, directing our lives through the power of Spirit. As your creative urges gently FLOW through your COSMIC HANDS you have the power to ACCOMPLISH great things.
We are all weaving and creating the beautiful harmonic Matrix together in our own corner of the COSMOS.. transcending the old time and making a QUANTUM LEAP into NO-TIME – just pure endless NO-THING-ness.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC WIND EK relates to the breath or voice of SPIRIT and these messages today are omnipresent – EVERYWHERE – being BROADCAST throughout the COSMOS! .
Today’s challenge is that you are switched ON and tuned in to HIGHER GUIDANCE and not your lower egoic desires.
What channel are you attuned to?
From what level are you making your choices?
Are those choices based on love, compassion and service to others?
Or are they coming from a place of fear, survival or service to self?
Spend some time in nature today, communing with God/Goddess/Spirit to forge a stronger and purer connection to your SOURCE of wisdom. Focusing on the greater good and the whisperings of Spirit, will put you on the right path to expressing your pure creative soul’s essence..
Become the hollow bamboo and channel the inspiration of Spirit through your influential wisdom, music, dance, yoga, breath, singing, light language and whatever form of WIND that seeks to whistle through your being. Hold no FEAR and allow it to FLOW effortlessly…
RADIATE your INNER LIGHT and allow others to see in the Dark, guiding them back home to SOURCE.
In this transcendent phase we totally SURRENDER to Spirit through our precious hearts.
LOVE is the bridge to SPIRIT.
Reaching across worlds to allow Spirit’s calling to be done, surrendering fully to listening and channeling messages from Spirit, whose purpose is to UNITE ALL, in the ONE COSMIC HEART of CREATION…
May wisdom DAWN in us.
May wisdom RIPEN in us.
May wisdom be TRANSFORMED into RIGHT action.
May right action REAP the harvest.
May everything be known., as the LIGHT of mutual LOVE.
Ah Yum Hunab Ku! Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
(All hail the harmony of mind and nature!)
Today’s question is “How can I reclaim my COSMIC INDEPENDANCE and DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY, becoming a BEACON OF LIGHT to guide and influence others using my COSMIC INTELLIGENCE?”
“Am I ready to claim my GOD given gifts?”
And so we bid adieu to our small YELLOW human, who is now replaced with COSMIC EB, our DIVINE GOLDEN SOUL-AR HU-MAN.
We are not the same humans that we were 13 days ago when we commenced this journey of EN-LIGHTON-MENT with AHAU – the MAGNIFICENT YELLOW SUN .
Our Golden chalice has expanded to hold greater LIGHT and we have learnt to RADIATE like the true LIGHT BEARERS that we are!
No more LIGHT “workers” we are now the LIGHT “HOLDERS” – the beacons, for others to follow, drawn to our LIGHT, in order to navigate safely through the chaos and turbulence into the SOURCE of ALL THAT IS!
You have found your way home precious hearts, now it is TIME, in this NEW TIME, to ILLUMINATE the path for those souls following in your footsteps, as the GREAT AWAKENING unfolds!
We FINALLY leave the past behind, expanding our ability to receive, as we hold and embody more RADIANT SOUL-AR LIGHT.
As we CELEBRATE our homecoming, as the DIVINE COSMIC HU-MANS that we have become, we are now ready to CELEBRATE our lives in ECSTATIC BLISS, as we truly experience what it means to bring HEAVEN to EARTH in our everyday lives.
Tomorrow we are blessed as we unfold our NEW GOLDEN WINGS and learn to FLY with BEN as our guide on the 12.12 portal with a SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON!! RED SKYWALKER, the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, will be continuing our EXPANSIVE BLISS filled adventure, as we commence a brand new Wavespell, and our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
……to be continued.
Divine blessings for our regal COSMIC CORONATION of HU-MAN-KIND today.
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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