Positive Visions Full Moon Saturn Rising ~ Midsummer Eve * Galactic Timelines ~ Sing A New Song “Chiquitita” ~ PATH Of JOY
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Soular Diamond Dragons of our Pure Land Transformation
We had a massive Light Activation and Transmission released today from our local Soularis with a Major M Class Solar Flare maxing at M 9.36 at at 13:01 UTC. This is encoded with our Free Energy Codes of 369 of our Divine BroThor of the Light, Nikola Tesla.
This expansion emanated from former sunspot AR3664 newly named Sunspot 3723, one of the many Codes and vibrations of the Eagle and the Condor. We are being flooded with massive Waves of Gamma Plasma Adamantine Light and Sound Frequencies.
Along with the close to X Class Solar Flare today we had a total whiteout on the Schumann Charts as Mother Earth’s heartbeat reached a higher Spiritual Octave at an amplitude of 71 hz, the mirror of the 17 as we are being prepared for this coming most powerful 8:8:8 Lionsgate Portal on August 8th. As our Great Central Sun is flooding this realm with Higher Resonance Source Light the Crystalline Core of Pachamama is raising to the New Frequency of Heaven on Earth, 5D and beyond fully anchored in!
Be sure to stay grounded and hydrated. Add fresh lemon and electrolytes to your drinking water to help alkalize your blood and assist in activating your mitochondria. Get out to nature, meditate, rest if needed and stay mindful in this Now for the dark will try to pull you into past regrets and fears (false evidence appearing real) Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling and allow yourself to let them go. With our inner shadow work we make sacred space for the Positive and benevolence to take root and flourish upon the New Earth.
You know what to do Awakened Angels of the New Eden. You have trained over many lifetimes and through many timelines for this mission. your Right Action is programmed into your DNA and stored in your Soul. It is best to step aside and allow the Great Spirit to work through you.
Be in the Love and the Light of Infinite Source Creator… A’Ho!
Big clearing of the Galactic Timelines. @10k total + MANY memories/people/old situations Coming up for Review/Healing #axismundi
Galactic Timelines
The third eye opens widely and we begin to perceive our connection to the vast universe, to the All. Shh are you listening? Hear the Creator speak, for with the grand opening of perception the voice of the Creator calls your name within singing you a love song of your greatness.
Ascension LightWorker Collective
Spiritual Hygiene
– Cleanse your aura and repair tears in your field daily by visualizing white light around your body at a 3ft range and expanding it to 20ft as you command darkness to leave.
– Command negative beings and thought-forms to leave your personal space. You have more power than any demonic entity on Earth and they fear us when we know our true power.
– Repel spiritual attacks by visualizing “light shields”. Our thoughts create in astral before manifesting into physical reality. Just because we can’t see the astral plane doesn’t mean it’s not real.
– Call on God, your Guides, Iesus, Angels, or whatever source of light that aligns with your beliefs, but just know that the power is always within you.
6/23/24: You will detach and reattach many times this year in different areas and interests in your life. You will find yourself outgrowing the person you’ve been portraying (and sometimes wondering what that person was thinking all this time). You’ll find new aspects of yourself that have been waiting and wanting to come out and play. Today is a detaching phase. It could feel timely and natural… or it could take you by surprise. We’re all coming into greater self-empowerment in our own ways, but no one will be left behind. We will all change. But it would really be great if some of us would stop transferring our growing pains onto others.
We will all change
Positive Visions Full Moon Saturn Rising
Welcome to the Conscious Awareness of your
Eternal Self…living joy-fully in the field of potentiality as the commander of the creation!
Your life experience is ready for, and deserves,
a Happy Ending. YOU are capable of visioning that potentiality into your daily life…RIGHT NOW!
A truly exciting moment for humanity as the full moon amplifies Conscious Awareness. Inviting the depth of self-revelation that
How has your month been flowing?
What are YOU noticing?
The Full moon energy is amplifying every-thing as the magnetic pull of the imminent Saturn Retrograde is HERE…this week…as the REMEMBRANCE of the
JOY OF BEING! A deep dive into KNOWING!
An invitation to dance with our collectively evolving Awareness, Experience & Choice!
So much to share as we move into as week of “BALANCING ADJUSTMENT”.
We are off to an amazing start of a power-full week leading us into the Saturn influence that carries the rest of 2024!
Tomorrow we will remember how to Command Eternal Life Presence into ACTIVE Manifestation in this field of potentiality!
A stunning I AM Mastery EXPANSION!
May your Sunday be filled with KNOWING that the BEST PART of your life is READY for YOU to command & bring into form with ever greater Peace, Love and Joy!
With all my heart as the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation rises!
Dear friends, our sun continues increasing its activity during its solar cycle 25. Old massive sunspot region 3664 is back for a third visit of the earth-facing solar disk. This region just received a new number: sunspot 3723 and immediately announced its return with an impulsive and non-eruptive M9.3 solar flare.
Sun region 3723 is indeed the return of what was sunspot region 3664 back in May when it produced a large number of X-class solar flares as well as multiple earth-directed coronal mass ejections. This resulted in a extreme G5 geomagnetic storm, the strongest geomagnetic storm conditions since November 2003 with memorable aurora displays seen all over the world.
We will have to wait and see how this sun region behaves this week as it turns towards the Earth facing side of the Sun. The energies of the recent Solstice, Full Moon, and yesterday’s and today’s solar eruptions are working non-stop on our energy fields, stirring and releasing deeply seated, and forgotten, self-limiting memories and traumas. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, our nervous system is being saturated by these cosmic high frequency lightcodes, and it may result in some physical manifestations in those of you who are energy sensitive. Please listen to your body, rest, and stay well hydrated as we begin this new week.
Vivid dreams, ear and visual disturbances, mild headaches, a change in eating and sleeping patterns, and irritability/anxiety, are all possible symptoms indicating that your body is trying to calibrate and clear old issues. As the lightcodes bring in more Light into our systems, we are also letting go of unnecessary pains and stagnant patterns of behaviors that are simply acting as barriers to our development.
As we near the end of the month, our energy fields will be finding a new more stable point of balance, and a renewed sense of identity and focus will become more obvious. This newfound sense of empowered purpose will be important as we approach the 7:7 energy portal next month.
Meanwhile, take care of your self, have a wonderful week, and stay tuned for more energy updates. Much love
Diego E. Berman, PhD 2024Ⓒ
source: www.diegoberman.com
Shekina Rose
The Switch is being turned on to your Solar Christos Light body: The Holy Transmutation Process 333
Blue Ray Transmissions Ascension Symptoms:
Dear beautiful souls and Lightbeings, Blue Ray’s
StarSeeds, LightWorkers Empaths, Angels, and Angelics
You are at a pivotal convergence turning point in history. Solaris, the Sun, is accelerating the forward motion of the Ascension your Solar Christos Light body. Celestial records of humanity’s cosmic ascension evolution reside in your divine original blueprint and are synchronizing with solar activation. The sun’s Solar Logos is generating solar activity shifting the frequency of the planet’s magnetic field, and reactivating this ancient Cosmic Christos Solar template.
The light is vibrating your cells, reawakening the memory of your soul’s divine intelligence. A process begins as the switch is turned on once again. Once you reached a certain light quota and soul evolution, you will be in a position where the spiritual light of the sun can initiate a frequency shift for your Solar Christos light template and electrical, light-body circuitry.
You are operating at different frequencies related to your vibration, soul evolution, Rays of Creation, learning, and lessons. Your level and decree of awakening to your Solar Christos light template, the Ascension, will depend on your soul’s blueprint and contracts.
Many of you who are reading this are here in service to the Divine Original Blue Print, Solar Christos Light body, on a collective frequency mission, the Divine Angelic Human
During the Solar acceleration of Ascension, there are different phases and processes:
Purification and purging, pausing and allowing, heightened sensory awareness, joy, love and compassion, lethargy and non-motivation “the in between” Integration, Sudden higher perspective of situations and circumstances, forgiveness, New rhythm and flow
Ascension Symptoms Solar Acceleration: Solar Christos Light body:
The Holy Transmutation Process
It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension. And though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process.
*Purification and purging phase can bring repressed emotions, thought forms, believes, some that have been partially processed and are coming to the surface to be released.
*Releasing Pain in the Pain body
*The light Purification and purging can release stored physical pain in the body, and from past lives. There are some that are releasing the pain or trauma in the pain body that is also from the group consciousness.
*Receiving downloads and activation from the Divine, your higher self and your holy teams of light
*Ascension Spiritual flu
Flu-like symptoms or colds, dizziness or headaches
*Circadian Rhythm out of sync: finding yourself waking up in the middle of the night or waking up earlier than normal sleep. The electromagnetic fields are shifting and changing from a variety of sources.
*Body temperature fluctuation periods where you suddenly feel hot, cold, or flushed.
*Resurfaces of past health issues: You may experience some health ailments or issues from the past, but they usually pass; they are just a phase of health healing and upgrades that will eventually change again. They will bring insights and new awareness.
*Food sensitivities and changes This will continue to vary and fluctuate as you progress through the Solar Ascension acceleration process. At times, your body will require certain foods and nutrition to restore physiological balance and chemistry, while at other times it will completely shift. There are periods when your appetite increases and you feel hungry more frequently, even in the middle of the night, while at other times you may experience nausea, a desire not to eat.
*Tiredness and Exhaustion: There may be times when you experience periods and cycles of extreme tiredness, during which you may need a week or more to rest and sleep.
*This depletion and tiredness is so much light streaming through your system that it requires all of your energy to assemble this Solar Christos Light body, where you can do nothing else but allow yourself to rest and be.
*Internal body shaking: This is caused by waves of your cells’ vibration and light body velocity, which can feel like internal shivering at times.
Tones and ringing in the ears
*Strange energy sensations can feel like electricity is running through certain areas of your body.
*Increase sensory awareness and emotional sensitivity
*Feeling like you want to cry but do not know why
It can be overwhelming when your body and energy systems are transforming and shifting so much that your emotional body responds with tears. And other times, the sudden desire to cry is a release of energies that can be from past pains and traumas that you are not fully aware of, though they are being released.
New energy work flow: You may not be able to adhere to the old *work week paradigm. During these peak periods of energy, ascension and transformation. Your rhythm and energy may be indicating a new rhythm and flow of creativity and productivity; it may be one or two days of work then followed by a day of rest and downtime. This will differ for each individual.
*Shakti kundalini energy awakening
*Increased synchronicity and chance meetings, seeing the codes through the number sequences
*A need for quiet, alone, and restful down time and in your personal space, with being drawn to nature and peaceful settings.
*Memory issues, forgetfulness, walking into a room, then forgetting why you are there. This can be timeline shifting or time-clitching. This can also be the bombardment of other counter-energetics that distort the divine field as your higher awareness is making adjustments.
What can be of assistance is exercise and movement of the energy, is important even when you feel tired in many causes It will help to move stuck energy and help you to feel better. Exercises such as dance, yoga, stretching, walking, swimming or any other movement that feels right to you. being around water, drinking enough water, grounding and being in Nature.
These times call for you to keep following and trusting your empathetic spiritual intuition, as it is guided by God Source in divine synchronicity. You have a wonderful rhythm and flow that allows you to be where you need to be and do what is right for you in this world. Its divine timing and puts you in the frequency resonance of the Divine Field. 4444
The ABBA song “Chiquitita” is the inspiration for the energies I am seeing for us this week. It speaks of the pain and scars from heartache. However it’s a time to end the grieving and get our power back.
This week your power is coming back for you to be brave, be seen, and fearlessly put yourself out there to receive the opportunities that are coming in. The heart is mending so you feel safe and ready to “Try once more, like you did before, Sing a new song, Chiquitita.”
You may not even realize how shut down and shut off you’ve been until you see this truth this week. This may reveal itself as the block that’s been in the way of receiving your goals and growth. As you see this truth revealed, you will see how deserving and sovereign you are to have and achieve your dreams.
The leadership over your life is being offered for you to take back your life. We are in the final declutter of the baggage so you have get your vitality back and shine bright once again!
source: 144godcode.com
Ra James
Today is Midsummer Eve, and tomorrow is Midsummer Day!
This is a major Fairy Gateway!
The otherworlds are open. Expect the next few days to bring an extra magical energy. Midsummer Eve is a time where the veil between worlds is really thin. Midsummer is all about magic and fairies. In these thin spaces fairies and spirits can walk among us in our worlds, and we can enter into there’s. We are in the world of the fairies this week.
This week is going to bring us a lot of very spiritual energies. We are also still integrating and feeling the effects of the Solstice. You’re probably feeling the upgrades the Solstice brought in a physical level. This week will also be very busy energetically. We will continue to be in the energies of the Solstice for the next 3 weeks, and to feel the effects. You may want rest and integrate the energies today, before we begin the new week. Really take care of yourself and focus on self care and healing right now. These energies are a good thing.
They are helping us to raise our frequency, In fact the frequency of the entire Planet is going up as we are doing this work. We have also already kicked today off with an X Flare. We have explosive activity going on with our Sun right now. Expect the upgrades to continue over the next few days. Try to recharge and to continue to use these energies for your manifesting…
On Sunday, June 23rd, we close out the first Full Moon in Capricorn portal, with the Moon, ruler of our emotional energy, still in the sign of the Sea Goat, connecting with Saturn, ruler of restrictions, Chiron, the wounded healer, Uranus, the awakener, and Neptune, ruler of illusion. We are being asked to take responsibility for our own soul journey and the choices that we make. We are healing aspects of ourselves that revolve around our self-identity, courage and self-confidence.
We are seeking a solid plan to liberate ourselves from karmic situations and subconscious programming. We are being given an opportunity to transcend what is no longer in our best interest, and take off the blindfold to our inner wisdom and truth.
Mercury in Cancer square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius opposite Vesta in Leo – What can you say that will put the past to rest? Is there a family conversation to have, a letter to write or a quiet word to whisper in someone’s ear? Is there an old story you’ve been telling yourself that finally needs a closing chapter? Mercury’s square to the Nodes suggests a mental shift is required to let go of emotional baggage to propel us towards our karmic destiny. For some, there may be a decision to break away, an idea to go it alone, an incentive to strike out on the path to independence.
The Pluto-Vesta connection is subtle but still we would be wise to acknowledge where obsession is clouding judgement, or where the fear of disapproval is squashing creative instinct. Maybe it’s time to change focus, take control, or recommit to the path of joy. No one has the power to smother your fire. Resurrect your spark. Know that you are special. Stop fixating on what everyone else is doing and concentrate on your own journey. Take a risk and let your inner artist out.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 12°Cn02′, North Node 12°Ar02′ R, South Node 12°Li02′ R – 02:12
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Dedication, Universalize and Cooperation’. The 12th day is all about getting together with others or working in a team. The focus on being unique and an individual is very much the modern way we live but is it healthy? Our social skills seem to diminish which each generation but essentially, we are social creatures. The 12th day is about finding your tribe and celebrating the things we have in common.
Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality.’ White Worldbridger days are good for building bridges. Where do you want to go? Do you want to be a better, happier person? What steps do you need to take to cross that bridge? Think of yourself as a traveler on a journey…are you carrying too much baggage and is it hindering your progress? Let go of anything that weighs you down…this ‘death’ is the equalizing process. When you combine the meaning of number and day the result is ‘dedication to equality’ or ‘cooperation with death’. To summarize; Find your people and together help one another progress to a higher level, cross the bridge to a new world that’s waiting.
The Guide today is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. If you allow the truth to be your guiding force, you will have no issues with crossing the bridge. Be brutally honest with yourself about what needs to die. Is it Ego? Is it Fear? Anything that holds you back or prevents you from being a lighter being, has to go. A reality check is always good for you, even if you don’t like what you see.
The Challenge is the Yellow Warrior who enjoys from time to time going on the warpath. Today will annoy you, if you are a Warrior and you will find it hard to cross that bridge. Instead of exerting your willpower like the soldier that you are, seek some inner peace as too often you are at war with yourself.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Vision, Mind and Creativity’. I really enjoy the Eagle’s energy when it is in this Occult position. The Eagle shows us powerful visions and can open our minds so we can better understand the intangible nature of magic. Fly high today and you too will see the bigger picture, this magical boost will help enormously with the task of crossing that bridge today.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. If you are lucky enough to have a Skywalker as a friend, let them take you by the hand over that bridge. They have a tremendous amount of courage and can offer inspiration and support.
Another HU-MONGOUSLY POWERFUL day of Divinely ordained -endings – DEATH of the old self and making NEW connections.
Today we arrive at Day 12 in our VISIONARY journey through the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell . BLUE EAGLE is beckoning us to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE, so that we can CREATE IT!…Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED!
Today the EAGLE’s VISION is MULTI-DIMENSIONAL – creating portals and bridges throughout SPACE-TIME – able to weave together the karmic threads of events throughout her-story and beyond, in order to create a rainbow tapestry for our UNIFIED COLLECTIVE VISION of our UTOPIAN future world.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalize, POWER – dedicate, ESSENCE – cooperation. Today we have a UNIVERSAL connection of our collective MINDS.
Day 12 of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is about cooperation. The EAGLE combined with the CRYSTAL tone – gives us SUPERMAN’S power of Planetary X-RAY VISION – He can scan planets, realms and dimensions combined with CIMI – to really fine tune and UNITE mankind, broadcasting this PICTURE throughout the holographic Crystalline Grid..
Perhaps we will hear some GLOBAL “NEWS” today, debunking the FALSE MATRIX, which UNITES HU-MAN-ity on a Universal scale…
When we can SEE the BIG PICTURE and let go of those “trees” that were blocking us, and obstructing our vision, we BRIDGE the spiritual and material worlds with our new found Clair- VISION.
Through the space and FREEDOM, engendered by yesterday’s Spectral phase, new partnerships emerge, energy comes together, and crystal beings form. Stories must be shared, for what great ADVENTURES we have had, Planetary kin! And what grand STORIES they are!! The CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER is a MASTER storyteller!
The DIAMOND CRYSTALLINE Grid is ACTIVATED, ready and open for operations! Telepathy rules the order of the day and becomes the new wi-fi.! All NEW SYSTEMS are now ONLINE, fully loaded on to the collective QUANTUM MAINFRAME – and ready for the ROLL out!… Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!!
Today’s question is ” How can I SURRENDER to the DEATH of the old world, seizing the opportunity to build the Rainbow Bridge to this brave New World, with my Planetary Kin?
A very exciting and powerful day, for individual and collective transformation. Let’s all UNITE in constructing that Rainbow bridge together!
Divine blessings for MIRACULOUS REVELATIONS and new RAINBOW adventures.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER CIMI – SEALS the STORE of DEATH – The DEATH of the old world, Artificial time, and the old you, is imminent… SURRENDER to the FLOW and allow it all to CRUMBLE to dust at your feet. Then dust yourself off and take your next decisive steps moving FORWARD to new connections and new worlds.
27 moons ago – KIN 246 occured on MAY 4TH, 2022 – STAR WARS DAY.. we loop back to that time through the portals to UNITE through the POWER of “THE FORCE” – MAY THE FORCE by with us all today – We have some EXPANSIVE ADVENTURING throughout the GALAXY with CIMI and his mate BEN – the CRYSTAL SKYWALKER!! .
WORLDBRIDGER is calling for all karmic debts to be PAID and cleared today – calling all souls, nations and people to ACCOUNT for their deeds! The LORD of KARMA is finalizing the AKASHIC record of family and soul groups allied in their karmic connections! It is time for the CHAPTER to END and a NEW STORY to begin…. the END of an ERA and the END of abusive patriarchal POWER!
CIMI’s life lesson is to SURRENDER and accept, the CYCLES of LIFE, that everything eventually comes to an END – just like the seasons! However the BIG PICTURE is that there is no END – as energy is merely transformed and recycled into another form, only to be BORN AGAIN! OVER and over, ad infinitum!
The Mastery of this lesson is that –
THERE IS NO DEATH – but just a constant evolutionary spiral of infinite Universal cycles, repeating ad infinitum!
Today CIMI is bringing an END to the old cycle. As we complete a chapter, we turn the page to commence a new chapter, or a NEW STORY altogether – your CHOICE.
KIN 246 helps us become LIBERATED from the EARTH plane and rise into the HEAVENLY BLISS realms especially with today’s 5.5. code!- KIN 2.4.6 duplicates this HEAVENLY STAIRWELL as JACOB’S LADDER seeks to offer an EXIT from the old world and escape route to a new DIVINE existence. Through all this the CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER can reflect on where he has been, and where he is headed.
All this reflection beckons us to ponder –
Even after your physical self DIES and your body is no more – your IMMORTALITY lives on through what you have CREATED during your lifetime – what future generations can benefit from. In that way we are truly IMMORTAL CREATORS leaving our MARK on the world. .
CIMI is the GATE-KEEPER, having the power to bring CLOSURE to the old cycle and build a bridge to the new. After the old bridge has CRUMBLED and collapsed, Worldbridger’s focus is to create a new one, forging links, networks and communication channels with others in the Common-Unity.
Worldbridger has the capacity to span multi-dimensions to forge these new connections, equalizing the existence of all who follow across the rainbow bridge. WHITE WORLDBRIDGER seeks union, harmony and cooperation. Many beings are needed to build a sturdy bridge to support all who choose to cross into the new realm, now and in the future.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR ETZNAB wields the SWORD of TRUTH and SHATTERS all ILLUSIONS – BIG SECRETS may be REVEALED today!! The FALSE MATRIX is CRUMBLING as the LIGHT of SPIRIT is flowing through the MIRROR WORLD – The luminosity is so VIBRANT and CLEAR – all will be SEEN – by those who have OPEN EYES (and MINDS) to SEE and KNOW the TRUTH!!
In 12 days time KIN 258- WHITE SPECTRAL MIRROR on 5th JULY 2024, will SMASH the MATRIX to SMITHEREENS and LIBERATE HUMANITY to FLY FREE as enspirited souls!
ETZNAB creates the endless PORTAL through which the BRIDGE travels, as MIRRORS are doorways to multi-dimensional realms. . When you LOOK into a MIRROR it is endless, and reflects back to you a REVERSE image of yourself. The MIRROR is reflecting whether you are in correct alignment. By commencing the bridge on this side, the mirror completes the span, meeting in the middle. Thus the Mirror will meet you halfway.
Metaphorically this means that when you partner with Spirit, then Spirit/God will meet you halfway. You look after your side and God will do the rest! Allow the MAJIK MIRROR to reveal the NEW DIMENSION of your REAL-ity!
Having the WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR as the Higher guide is extremely fortuitous as we are in day 12 of the BLUE EAGLE WAVESPELL – which brings great clarity to the Planetary Mind. We have the ability to SEE what could not be SEEN (or comprehended by the mind in the past). A HUGE day for the DEATH of the old MATRIX!
The images we see through the LENS of our EYE are made up of light REFLECTED from the objects we look at. Because the front part of the eye is curved, it bends the light, creating an upside down image on the retina. The brain eventually turns the image the right way up. So in reality we are constantly viewing INVERTED images projected from this false Mirror World which our brain must align and correct.
Lynne Sarten explains how this process will now evolve to enable HU-MANS to SEE the BIG PICTURE.
“WITNESSING the imagery is all that is required to DELETE the inverted ones. We KNOW they are inverted because they come into the eye upside down and the brain has to turn the images right side up. This slows down your processing speed and works as smoke and mirrors – literally mirrors – where you are not able to PROCESS the FULL PICTURE because the brain is having to spend unnecessary time flipping the image right side up. The world is upside down – literally.
As we transcend the speed of light – we no longer need to take these images (made in the image of God) back to the void – it happens automatically. Not too far in the future – this blink or “gap” is where we will CREATE instead of ERASE!- We put in our OWN images instead of erasing the current pre-written imagery.
You will move from a witness to a SOURCE-rer – which means – connected to source (it is not black magic because it is SOURCE! Black magic is mimicry)”
SUPPORT: RED CRYSTAL SKYWALKER BEN is our Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman who accompanies his mate CIMI – as they venture forth together, walking hand in hand, across the RAINBOW BRIDGE leading the way into alternate dimensions and realities to EXPLORE the GALAXY..
BEN, the Galactic explorer of SPACE, will be your guide, keeping you safe and protected along your path, whilst you relish in exploring new worlds. SKYWALKER reminds us that there is a huge, EXPANSIVE, multi-Universe of potentialities “out there” all waiting to be explored, navigated and chartered. Free your mind from the ILLUSION of this Matrix, which has falsely contained you. The glass ceiling is being shattered and you can now FLY FREE!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE LUNAR EAGLE MEN Today we have DOUBLE- X-RAY VISION as the BLUE EAGLE is both the HIDDEN SUPERPOWER – hidden AGENDA of the day, and also it is day 12 of his own revealing WAVESPELL!! This indicates that all that was once HIDDEN can now be SEEN very CLEARLY by the masses!
The majestic BLUE EAGLE is a brilliant tool for Spirit to OPEN our EYES and our collective MINDS – so that we can SEE beyond the veils of illusion… Today is the day the curtain is drawn back and the FAKE “Wizard” operating the “projector” is EXPOSED for all to SEE!
BLUE EAGLE is bringing forth great WISDOM today, giving you the capacity to SEE, that there is so much more to EXPLORE beyond your garden fence! Climb up on the rooftops and revel in the vast panoramic vistas.
As we near completion of this VISIONARY – BLUE EAGLE Wavespell we are commencing to take our MAJIK FLIGHT!
Get ready for LIFT OFF Planetary Kin!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW CRYSTAL WARRIOR CIB is the courageous Rainbow Warrior who fearlessly QUEST-I-ONs the old paradigm – repeatedly until it crumbles. If it does not align with his future VISION then it must collapse! Whatever the MATRIX reflects back to him through the CRYSTAL MIRROR will be QUESTIONED and challenged!
CIB will fearlessly DEFEND his CRYSTAL CLEAR VISION of the New World, that he is helping to manifest.. Battles may arise today as the illusory world is revealed and crumbles to ashes… As the PANIC sets in due to confusion, by those who are holding on to the old ways, and refusing to SEE what has been revealed, the RAINBOW WARRIOR takes the LEAD and holds their hands guiding them to safety..
CIB gives you the courage today to follow your HEART and TRUST your VISION QUEST. Be brave and enjoy the journey. If a door opens, or a new path is revealed, be wise and follow it! Do not question, analyze and get caught up in your MIND the new opportunities that present for you.
Have NO FEAR, the brave YELLOW WARRIOR is here!!! Take the LEAP of FAITH and SURRENDER the cycle of the old paradigm, trusting in DIVINE WILL.
Today’s question is ” How can I SURRENDER to the DEATH of the old world, seizing the opportunity to build the Rainbow Bridge to this brave New World, with my Planetary Kin?
A very exciting and powerful day, for individual and collective transformation. Let’s all UNITE in constructing that Rainbow bridge together!
Divine blessings for MIRACULOUS REVELATIONS and new RAINBOW adventures.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Calling On and Connecting with our Star Nations 🔥
Connecting with our Star Nations
This Sacred Art was taught to our People from the Andromedan Council of Light. This is a Special Practice to call down our Star Nations, Star families, Galactics. Any Star Race that resonates with you will come from this Call if put into practice. Being consistent and not giving up is the key to success with any Divine Spiritual Art
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